The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 14, 1908, Image 4

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    3-( e. TfffWU tfketMBjiMweti y j-
k.. .
s, n'iwr -
MttaMpttse swsawww -w -
Red Cloud - - Nebraska.
' fiiifilmxi-ij unit tiriii'ircliiisn.ilo R'lflniso'' Mrs, Reach' r ami Mr. Dennett I .lust. Rratnwell left n Saturday foi
j of lint Ami'il'Mii people, I promise, 1' have bought the house and lots of I a trip across the briny deep to "outd'
. t .
Ktilared In tlio l'oetofflro Rt lteil CUmd.Neb.,
m Decoud CUm Mtler.
City fftccra.
... .1. O. CnMwII
I., II Ktirl
.!,() llntler
Kit Ameok
Kil t'nlMiiher
..I. A. MrArtlmr
Air. Mrcmi
Sunt. Light mill Wnlei OM"ir lliirniiiiclM
MHrfhnl.ilitr - - A' J'l'r
Mnrclml, night John Kim
Mayor. -
(Merk .... ,
I'mtncllmen, lit vrnnl .....
Councllmon 2ntl wuril
County Officers.
Clerk IHMrlrl rniirt . . ..
Tu'HMirer ....
Attorn) .
Siipt. 1'iililln tiiMninlon .
Siirip.vnr .. . .
. (Ico. V. Iliilrliluiii
. ... I W IMmim
. W. horn.
W (!. Krulim
. I, II. lll.ll'klMlK
n. It. Heine
II C s. (ill
Nellie CMMer
Dr. , II. 1 1 .1 1
(Ico. Uviwiiik
.In. II (iv.'riiinn
'I'. .1. Clmtilln
Win AndeiK 11
(Iimi V lliimiin.'l
(it rlmi.ll Oliin-lf.H.'
Weather Rnnort.
The instrumental readings are from
government hliindard histrumont.s ex
posed In the iiiiinuer recommended by
the chief of the weather Inireau:
pntinsti'il with tho rcntiotixllilMlhs 0
'Ihls high oilko, in '.oiiv.'i.ratij wlutuvei
iiMllty 1 huvu in tliu otic pirposo 0.
malting this. In fact, n govcrtni.uut la
wlil'h Hid people mlu-a govern '.rje-t
which will do Jii.Uho to all, istiJ Ger
lo every oiih tins highest pu.-.sMe sM.u
ului Id great find pctsIV.e:it vL'uri. b.
nsiurliig to each Ilia enjoyment of LU
put Bhara of the proceeds 0'. IiIj to'.'..
110 matter In what part of tbu vineyard
ho labors, or to what occupation, pro
fession or calllug bo de7otc3 himself.
J riiii'iHfrf Zv 2
. : ig p. i
M Dl iim M I'leir
H Wt 60 .01 8W Clear
u ta no M Sr rlear
.i Hi t,7 JO bK I' Cloudy
11 in 07 i:i NW cloudy
VJ H3 fll .mi NW clear
in n mi .00 an Hear
Very respectfully,
July .10, tlH)8. Chah S. Lniunv,
Co-Operatlve Observer.
Bryan Accepts.
(couclnded from II rat page.)
Democratic Party Defender of Honest
We mny cspeet thoso who hnve rom
rulttod larceny hy law nud purchiiHed
Immunity with their political Itilluence.
to ntlempt to raise falHO I.ssuch, and to
employ "the. livery of Heaven" to con
ceal their evil purponcM. hut Ihey can
no longer deceive. The Democrat le
purty lit not tho enemy of any IcgltL
tnal indutry or of honest accumula
tions. It In, on tho contrary, a friend
or IndiiHtry and the stead rant protector
of that wealth which rcpreaentH a Herv
Jen lu society. The Democratic pnrty
does not seek to annihilate all corpora
tions; It simply asserts that as the gov
ernment creates corporations, It must
retain tho power to regulate and to
control them, and that It should not
permit any corporation to couvert Itself
Jnto it monopoly. Surely wo should
hnvo tho cooperation of nil legitimate
corporations In our effort to protect
business nnd Industry from the odium
which lawless combinations of capital
will, If unchecked, cast upon them.''
urn; i)y me Mpparniiou or ine good
from the bad cun the good bo made
ecu re.
Not Revolution, but Reformation.
Tbe Democratic party seeks uot revo
lution but reformation, and I need
hardly remind tho student of history
tbut cures are tnlldost wben applied at
once; that-remedies Increase lu severity
as their application la poetpoued. Blood
polhonlng may be atopped by the lose
of a anger today; It may cost au arm
tomorrow or a life tbe next day. So
poison In the body politic can not be
lemoved too soon, for the evils pro
duced by It Increase with the lapse of
time. That there are abuses which
need lo be remedied, even the Itepub
Menu candidate admits; that his party
Is unablb to remedy them, has liven
fully demonstrated dm lug the hist leu
years. I luive such (.onllilcin c lu the
Intelligence 11s well tut the patriotism
or the people, that I 1 an not douht their
readiness to uiiept the n-asnnalilo to
forms which our p.tity proposes, rather
than permit the continued growth ir
existing nlniHoK lo hurrv tho country on
to n'liiodlcs iiioh- 1 ad lea I nud more
Our Party' Ideal,
The platform or our party closes with
a brk'f statement or the paily's Ideal.
It fsivois "kiicIi an nilmliilstintliiii or
tho goveiiimiMit as win insure, as far
n h biiuiati wlsiloui on, thsii cicli 1 Itl
xen 'hall draw Irnm Mxldy a icward
rniiimciiMirnte utlli Ins coiitrilnilloii to
(lie welt 11 H or hiici "
t!')Mriiiiii'iiis me good In ptoportinn
ns they iiskuii' in i-iich iiii'UiImt of Bu
llet v. no fur as nvi'iiiiiii'iils can, a ie-
Political Annoucements,
For Representative.
William !'. Itenhel of Inavale nil
niiunees himself a candidate for ie
nnmliititlon for representative from
the I Ith district of .S'ebrnsua, subject
to the will of the Republican voters at
the primaries to be held September I.
For Commissioner.
I hereby atiiiouuce myself as it can
didate for nomination for the ollicc of
commissioner from the 1st district of
Webster county, subject to the will of
the Democratic and Peoples Independ
ent voter as expressed by llicin at the
coining primary election to be held
September 1. 11MH.
rilKIIKKICK II. Cl.M'll..
For State Senator.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the nomination for State Senator
from the iitlth district of Nebraska, sub
ject to the will of the Democratic and
Peoples Independent voters as express
ed by them at the primaries to be held
September I, IPOS.
ClIAItl.KH llcsst:.
For Representative.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for nomination as Representative
from the I Ith district of Nebnuka sub
ject to the will of tho Democratic and
Peoples Independent voters as express
ed by them at the primaries to beheld
September 1, l!H)S.
V. II. Cerlaeh.
Real Estate Transfers.
For tho week ending Wednesday,
Aug. It!, furnished by Fort Abstract
Co., It. II. Fort, Manager.
Ludwig It Osterblad to Hannah
Iteachler, lots r and (1. blk 1.1,
Vance's add to Uulde llock, wd S 1000
Fred Maguer to Lena Doss, lot
'i, bile II, Husehow'ts add to
Hlue Mill, wd
liuide llock Cemetery Ass'n to
William II Hiker, lot L', blk 4:.,
Guide Rock cemetery wd
Mary A Chevalier to Frank A
Waulle, lots .1 and J, blk .1,
Illaden, wd
Paul Storey to W. (). Hamilton,
lots 0, 7 and 8, blk DO, Smith A.
Moores add to Red Cloud, wd.
Clarence U Lewis to Charles I.
Lewis, lots, i, 2 and :i, blk (I,
Red Cloud, ipjd
Charles L Lewis to Clarence it
Lewis, pt3o-!Ml,qcd
Ida Smith to Frank Smith, lot .1,
blu 3, Hiihchow's add to Itlue
Mill, wd
Menry Areuds to William James,
lots .1 and 4, blk D, Nelson's
sub dir to Hlue Mill, wd
.1 W Hlyth et to William F
McFarland, set, 23 1-0, swd ....
S .1100
Mortgage tiled f 2130. 11.
Mortgages released $1480.00.
Hev. Samuel Hunt of Waurika, Ok
lahoma, .surprised his sister-in-law,
Mrs. Malssu Hunt, and his nieces,
Me.sdaiue.s W. S. Lambert unil Frud
Watt, Saturday morning by dropping
lu for a brief visit.
Miss Laura Mason is visiting home
folks at present.
As the pastor, Hev. Pool, was grant
ed a two-weeks vacation, there was no
preaching at the M. F. church Sunday.
Kiumet Hagan went to Kansas City
Sunday night.
I. N. Smith and wife entertained
tholr son Lewis and family Sunday.
A number of the W. C. T. l ladles
went to Red Cloud Saturday. They
were delighted with the line address
l.ouis o.sterulad w ho expects to move
to the country soon. Tliey will rent
the property.
Miss Severns. who lias been
the guest of old schoolmates hete. de
parted Wednesday for her home at
Heaver Crossing,
W. F. Crowcll and wife nnd dsugh
liiigland, his native land, to visit
relatives. Mr. Drain well expects to be
gone three months.
S. 11. Shirley had the misfortune to
lose three large stacks of alfalfa last
Saturday night by fire. It Is not
known how they took lire, whethei
they were struck by lightning or it
tcr are back from Leavenworth. Khs i was caused by spotaneoits combustion.
delivered by Mrs. Armour of (Jeorgla
turn coiuiiirnsuiulo with Individual She is a very pleasing speaker
The Divine I, aw of Rewards.
1 Imro I a Dhlno law or reward1.
When tho Creator gavo us the earth,
villi Its fiiilllul soil, the suiisliliio with
Its w;iiiiiih, and llio rains with thuir
uiolsloic Ilu prm l.iluiL'il, n.s clearly iih
Mrs. W. S. Lambert entertained at
dinner Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Watt. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Parker and
Mrs. Mnliss Hunt.
I. II. Colvln and Chas. Smith or
North llraneh arrived home Monday
ir Ills vob'o UiuiutariMl from tho from a trip to the west part of the
clouds, 'i woili, nud uccordliig to stale.
your liulU'iry timl inur Jutolllgem-e, to! . . ... ,,, ,, , ,
shall t.o our rewind" (inly whoro1 August J.,. Miss Crawford and her
might has wtlnown, cunning undor-, olUhS ln tuid Instrumental music
mined or government suspended this will give a recital at the opera house.
law, hits a dltfcri-nt law picvullcd.
conform thn gos eminent
u..H... IV ..a IUUU...U...U.. v. u,ooiui- ft vlhU wUh heJ. Mrgi c
nmii, nnu uu imiij' ;un uutu u ""-. i,,rilnviiil,
wlKKlon than to muku tc a reality wber ,l,r""vulc
where they spent several weeks with
Mrs. Crowell's pitrents, Mt;, and Mrs.
John Knltv.
Mrs. Charles Hodges and little
daughters leave Friday for a visit with
relatives in Missouri. Mr. Hodges will
go down in a week or two.
Miss Mary ileitz has been assisting
Mrs. Hodges with her work recently.
The llaptist sewing society will
meet at the church Thursday after
noon, August '.'I). There is work.
Sunday afternoon Loren Shuck,
youngest son of (ieorge Shuck, was
thrown from a horse. He had gone to
uie pasiure lor me siocit, anil was
found in an unconscious condition
with both bones of one leg broken.
Drs. Moranville anil Pace attended
him, and although his stitiorlngs have
been he is standing it bravely
for a lad of only thirteen years.
The Christian aid society will meet
In K'onzack'.s grove Friday aitoriioon,
August II. Ice ('renin, cake, sherbet
and lemonade will be sold. Everyone
cordially inrlted to attend.
We carelessly omitted the mention
of the tine boy that arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cobbs.
Three lovely little sisters extended to
him a cordial welcome.
The Misses Watt Intend giving a
musical recital the fore part of Sep
tember. Mrs. Mary A. Key. who for two
years resided at (iulilc Hock, was mar
ried at the home of an old" friend in
Kansas City, Kansas, to Mr. George W.
Mortlu at 8 o'clock Thursday evening,
August 0, 1U0S. After the ceremony,
which was performed by Rev. II. D
Hognii of the Monti. M. K. church, a
tine supper was served to the sixty
two gtiests present. Among those
present were: Mrs. Kmmet Hagan, a
sister of the bride, and little daughter
of Guide Hock, Isaac Campbell and
wife and Kli Hngau, all former resi
dents Of this vicinity, now of Kansas
City, and Calvin Key nnd wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Mortiu left Kansas
City Monday for their home at Coin,
Daniel M. Dickerson died Mondaj
afternoon, August lo, 1U08, at about
.1 o'clock, at tha home of his sou, F. A.
Dickerson, with whom he had made
his home for the last twenty years.
He came to Nobraska in 1873. He was
born in New Jersey and had reached
the ago of 80 years, (J months and 7
days. For the past thirteen months
he beeu very feeble. Deceased was n
member of the M. E. church, Jiaving
united with the church nt, tbetagevof,
22. The funeral was held from the M.
E. church August 11, at 3 p. m., con
ducted by Rev. J. M. Stecley, who
preached a very able sermon from John
19:30, "It i3 finished." The deceased
leaves but two children: F. A. Dicker
son of Guide Rock and Mrs. Abbic
Hold win of Fairport, Kanaas.
Weather fine. Plenty of rain.
Farmers say the corn crop Is as
sured. Peddlers are in evidence just now.
A number of people from this vicini
ty attended chautauqua nt Red Cloud
Miss Hornburger of Hlue Hill is
staying at John Davidson's a few
A married daughter of Mr. S'.tadley,
who was visiting the home folks, re
turned to her home in Lincoln last
I. II. Richardson and wife are in
Norton county at present for the pur
pose of building a homo on their west
ern land.
Two Gesturing boys were selling
apples through the country last Sat
urday, and distributing Sears C Roe
buck catalogues along on the side.
.Mrs. Ida Ross of Kansas City ar
rived Sunday for a few days visit with
her friend, Mrs R. Douthit.
The Chief editor and lady. Miss
Myrtle Hates, visited over Sunday
with relatives lu Stillwater.
Jake. Monica Is in Garden City, Kits.
at present on business.
It. H. Thompson and wife and A.
II. Spracher and wife contemplate a
trip to Texas in tho near future. They
expect to make the trip lu Reese's
It .Is reported that Henry Shutto
has recently purchased Mr. Lumpher's
farm, consideration 812,000. The
Martin Mecnts' new cement house
has the roof on now. and it is quite an
imposing structure.
Mrs. Olc Nelson, who has been very
poorly for some time, is in St. Joseph
at present to receive medical treat
ment. She Is afflicted with rheuma
tism. Mrs. E. L. Doughmau and daughter
Elsie of Dresden, Kits., are visiting the
former's (laughter, Mrs. Lee Spracher.
and friends here.
Eckley Sunday school vo'ted hist
Sunday to have a picnic sometime in
tlie. last week in Ausiist, date to be
announced later. Good speakers and
plenty of music will be secured, also a
program by the home school. Come
every one and have a good time. He
sure and bring your dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kiucnid were
Red Cloud Monday.
Misses Herth.'t and Gertrude McCall
will start for Oklahoma Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiuciad spent
Friday and Saturday at Red Cloud.
There was quite a rain fell Monday
John Mitchell's have their new hotm
almost completed.
Florence Mitchell, Ray Munsinger,
Laura Kiucnid. Hen Linsey, Hcssie
Klncaid, Clyda Mitchell, Ora Mitchell
and Milbr.l Hunstnger were out auto
mobile riding Sunday evening.
Hessie Jensen and Hemic Shanan
attended Mt. Pleasant Sunday school
last Sunday.
Cliatauqua a 81ft Siccess.
The second annual assembly of the
Red Cloud Chautauqua has been one of
the best ever held in this part of the
stnte. The lecture and entertainment
talent has been above the average, and
the large crowds that have been in at
tendance each day gives ample evidence
of the popularity of these assemblvs.
We believe, and sincerely hope that
the Chautauqua has come to Red Cloud
to stay. In no other way can the
city and community hear the views of
the great mini s of the country at to
nominal a price, and we suggest win n
the time comes ngain that each one do
their part to locate the clututauqua
here again next year.
Leave for England.
James Hailey, James Hramwcll nnd
Fred Churches of Lawrence, and' Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. .Tones," and Owen
Jones of Pauline, nnd another gentle
man from that neighborhood who goes
to Germany, will leave tomorrow
(Saturday) morning for New York,
where they will embark for Liverpool
on the Mauritania about Wednesday
of next week. The Jones' go to Wales,
their old home, where they last visited
eight yours ago. Tth Lawrence party
will stop near Liverpool where rela
tives reside.
May they all enjoy n pleasant and
safe journey. Lawrence Locomotive.
Takes NssesslM 0? ClithlM Stock.
R. C. Chevalier took possession of
the large stock of clothing he recently
purchased from McCune & Storey and
is now conducting the business in the
old stand. Mr. Chevalier will greatly
enlarge the stock. Hlatlen Enterprise
Land! Land! Land!
$1,1.00 an acre buys land that will
produce 'he very largest yield of all
kinds of farm products, and will in
crease in value lu the next ten years as
fast as the laud did in Oklahoma, that
Is now selling for from 8.10.00 to 87.1 00
per acre.
The crops are elegant in the Pan
handle where this land is located, and
laud sold on ten years time Is in the
reach of the man of moderate means,
and some of our good citizens are
taking advantage of it.
Excursion dates: First and third
I'tiesdays in each mouth,
The Red Cloud Investment Co.
In the Potter Hlouk
''W'WW Vw-''VV'W''A'Uf'VV"wVr
We wHiitthi public to km tint we still hnvo bir- tdO
grins In real odnto. We bnve travelod over seven
teen illirerotit counties lu tho westarn prut of this
state and are now prepared to show the bot Uiui
you can get any whoro for the samo money. Wo
bog of you, who ato thinking of buying a homo or
Investing in real 03tnte, to go with some reliabto
ngou, who is 11 good judge of land, uud that will
work for your Interest.
Just to show you that wo hive a good country and
are doing business on tho spuaro, wo wish to tell
you that we hnvo sold over .1(1,000 acres in Chasu
county in tho last two year, uud you never hear of
any of our customers trying to sell out and uo to
Teqns or any other place. Rut tltov will qf.u.,1 -.
f-r Nebraska and also for tho intin that sold tho-n """"
Nebraska luuej.
The corn now, iu Chase county, Is better than it is
here. It is now In tissel irid wo look for a No. I
corn crop out there this year. Now wo do not ask
you to take only our wonl for this, but if you want
land ask somebody about the west that has ben
there and knows the country well and also is a good
judgooriiind. Remember we ure not trying to sell
land n thousand tulles from home, but are selling in
old Nebraska where we know the land Is good.
Ask anyone about the west that has over been out
with us or Mr. Walker, who is (a leading real estato
man hero nnd a friend to tlu west) well posted on
the western ars of the state, and is a good judge of
Now remembor, we pay all the hotel nud livery bills
of our prospective buyepy, and nuyono that finds
that we have misrepresnted the land in any way
their transportation will cost them uothlng Call
in nnd soo us aud let us tell you of somo of the bar
gains we have.
Vours for a square business,
WHY you should BUY
icvullcd. To Mrs. Lawrence of Omaha, formerly place is known as tbe Cass Wells farm.
,rV''l,! I Mih? :M,im!e. "I"' aiTlml Sut,m,liv tm I Mr. Ole Neulscn's family are enjoy
ever governments can legitimately, op-
Justice to All.
The local W. C. T. V, will give a
home talent play August 29, Program
necosoUIng (hat I am Indebted for, The Misses Elsie and Vtrgle Kirk-
m, Domination to tl rook ind lie or trck aro TisU, ,n u t fc
ur party, and that my electloa xnust' ,-., .. " lUifc
tome. Jf J sww Jtf likjSMPtBt u-' 0I tUe Stale
' . Inir 11 with n miiritil ilnnirli tir lit.
Mrs. John Crawford from near
Cowlet was selling apples at the doors
last week at 81.00 per bushel.
Hazel Finney, who got her foot hurt
some time ago In a hay rake, is now
able to get about without crutches.
Tepee Theatre
fjeFo and the
Burning of Rome
in seven scenes.
Arrival of the Christian slaves.
In the palace of Nero.
Dcano or Christ.
The borne of Peter.
The Dungeons.
Tho Hunting of Rome.
Tho Coliseum.
Potter Block
H you havejrrs it is your intention
0 sometime provide them with a pia no.
It has come to be recognized as the KING
ot all musical instruments, and a nirl's
musical education is worth more to her
through life than any other one accom
plishment. It is in fact, a NECESSITY
But you already know this, and you'
are only waiting till the conditions are
just right for you to buy her an instru-
what the prospects for a crop will be, and
you premise the" torts' and yourself (and
the piano man) that if the crops are good
you will buy this season.
This season has been an IDEAL one.
The rams have fallen at the right time.
1 he sun has shone just long enough to
allow you to cut and stack your Alfalfa
and small grams; then when you thought
it might get too DRY the Jains began
Have you noticed that Providence has
been very kind, even to cause the rains
which we wanted, to fall in the night after
the Chautauqua excersises were over for
the day.
Have Yon Anything to Com
plain About?
. My stock of HIGH-GRADE pianos
is now complete. TOO complete for mv
pocketbook, unless I can turn them quick,
and I have waited for "conditions to be
Jnpht so long that 1 NEED MON
h . If you expect to buy a piano any
vnAeVlt Wi,H ?uy you IO et n the market
INUVV. 1 will make you orices on Hip
basis of SPOT CASII sale's? but if you
have not yet realized CASH out of your
crops and stock, I will take your oaner
for a short time WITHOUT interest. I
can use your paper and you can use the
pianos; and "we'll all be happy then "
NOW DON'T WAIT. Call on me,
then you c.-.n see the pianos and make
the best BARGAINS. You will be sur-
mu VMtlat ym! can bl,y STAND
lc i)U as cheap as ordinary
Stencils are priced elsewhere. You
should take no chancer, in buying a piano.
It should be looked upon as a life-time
If you cannot come in, call up phone
1 10 and I will come to see you.
The Quality Store
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Subscribe for The Chief one dollar one year.