The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 14, 1908, Image 3

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Democratic Lead
er Accepts Nom
Policies of the Republicans Come In
for Bitter Criticism In the Speech
of Acceptance Declares Country
Needs Change In Ruling Party
Publicity for Campaign Contribu
tions, Ho Says, Is Democratic Idea
Not a Foe to Wealth Honestly
Acquired If Elected, Promisee
Justice to All.
Lincoln. Nob. William Jennings
Uryan wns formally liottilcd of his
nomination liy the Democratic pnrty
for the presidency of tho United
Stutos. Henry D. Clayton of Alabama
wis the spokesman of the notification
committee. Mr. liryan's speech of ac
ceptance follows:
Mr. Clayton ami (ientlenion of I ho No
llflcutloii Committee: I can not accept
the nomlnutlon which you oillcliilly ten
tier, without lust acknowledging my
deep Indebtedness to the Democratic
linity for tho extraordinary honor which
It lias vonfcrreil upon inc. Having twice
.' before been n candidate for tho presiden
cy, In campaigns which ended In defeat,
a third nomlnutlon, tho result of the freo
nnd voluntary net of the voters of tho
party, ran only be explained by a sub
stantial mid undisputed growth In tho
principles nml policies for which I. with
a multitude of others, have contended.
As these principles unit policies have
Klven me whatever political strength I
possess, the uctlon of the convention not
only renews my faith In them, but
strengthens my attachment to them.
A Platform Is Binding.
I shall, In the near future prepare a
more formal reply to your notification,
nnd In that letter of nrceptnnce, will
ileal 1'Uii the platform In detail. It Is
William Jennings Bryan.
Hiinicicnt, nt this time, to assure you that
I am In hearty arcord with both tho let
ter and tho spirit of tho plutform. T In
dorse It in whole ami In part, nnd shall,
If elected, regard Its declarations ns bind
ing upon me. And, I mny add, n plat
form Is binding as to what It omits ns
well as to what It contains, According
to tho Democratic Iden, tho people think
for themselves and select officials to car
ry out their wishes. The voters nro tho
sovereigns; tho officials are tho servants,
employed for a fixed tlmo nnd at n stated
salary to do what tho sovereigns want
done, and to do It In tho way the sov
ereigns want it done. Platforms nre
entirely In harmony with this Democratic
Idea. A platform announces tho party's
position on questions which nro nt Issuo;
nnd nn official Is not nt liberty to use the
nuthoiity vested In him to urge personul
views which have not been submitted to
the voters for their upproval. If one-is
nominated upon a plutform which Is not
satisfactory to hhn, lie must, If candid,
cither decline tho nomination, or, In ac
cepting It, propose un amended platform
in lieu of tho one adopted by tho con
vention. No such situation, however,
confronts your candidate, for the plnt
form upon which I wns nominated not
only contains nothing from which I dis
sent, but It specifically outlines nil tho
remedial legislation which wo can hopo
to sccuro during tho next four years,
Republican Challenge Accepted.
Tho distinguished ntntesmnn who re
ceived tho Ilepubllcun nomination for
president said, In his notification speech!
"Tho strength of tho Hepubllcan cause
tn tho campaign at hand Is tho fact that
wo represent tho policies essentlul to tho
reform of known abuses to tho contin
uance of liberty and true prosperity, und
that wo aro determined, ns our plat
form unequivocally declares, to maintain
them and curry them on,"
in tho nnme of tho Democratic party,
1 accept tho challenge, nnd charge that
tho Hepubllcan party Is responsible for
all tho abuses which now exist In tho
federal government, and that it Is Impo
tent to accomplish the reforms which
aro Imperatively needed. Further, I can
not concur In the statement that tho Re
publican plutform uneiiulvocally declares
for tho roforms that aro necessary; on
tho contrary, I nlllrm that It openly und
notoriously disappoints the hopes and ex
pectations of reformers, whothcr those
reformers bo Republicans or Democrats,
So far did the Republican convention
fall short of Us duty that tho Hepubll
can candidate felt It necessary to add to
his platform In eoveral Important par
ticulars, thus rebuking the leaders of the
pnrty, upon whose co-nperntlon ho must
rely for tho enactment of remedlel legis
lation. As I jjhalt, In separnto speeches, discus
tho lending questions nt Issuo, I shntl at
this lime conflno myself to the paramount
question, and to the far-reaching pur
pose of our p.trty, ns that purpose Is set
forth In the plutform.
Shall the People Rule?
Our platform declares that the over
shadowing Issue which manifests Itself In
till tho questions now under discussion.
Is "Shall tho people rulo?" No matter
which way we turn; no mutter to what
subject wo address ourselves, the same
question confronts us: Shall tho people
control their own government, und use
that government for the protection of
their rights und for the promotion of
their welfare? or slmll the representa
tives of predatory wealth prey upon n
defenseless public, while tho offenders
secure Immunity from subservient olll
clnls whom they raise to power by un
scrupulous methods? This Is the Issue
raised by the "known abuses" to which
Mr. Tatt refers.
The President's Indictment Against
the Party.
In a message sent to congress last Jan
unry, President Roosevelt said: "Tho at
tacks by these great corporations on the
administration's actions havo been given
n wldu circulation throughout the coun
try, In tho newspapers and otherwise, by
those writers and speakers who, con
sciously or unconsciously, uet us the rep
resentatives of predatory wealth of tho
wealth accumulated on a giant scale by
nil forms of Iniquity, ranging from thu
oppression of wago earners to unfair
und unwholesome methods of crushing
out competition, and to defrauding the
public by ntock-Jobhlng and the manipu
lation of securities. I'ertnln wealthy men
of this stamp, whose conduct should be
abhorrent to every man of ordinarily de
cent conscience, und who commit the hide
ous wrong of tenclilng our young men
that phenomenal business success must
ordinarily bo bused on dishonesty, have,
during the last few months, made It ap
parent that they have banded together to
work for ir reaction. Their endeavor Is
to overthrow and discredit all who hon
estly administer the law, to prevent nny
additional legislation which would check
nud tcstruln them, nnd to secure. If pos
tilble, a freedom from nil restraint which
will permit every unscrupulous wrong
doer to do what ho wishes unchecked,
provided he has enough money." What
nn arraignment of the predatory In
terests! Is the president's Indictment true? And
If true, ugulust whum was the indict
ment directed? Not ugatnst the Demo
cratic pnrty.
Mr. Taft Indorses the Indictment.
Mr. Tnft says that theso evils have
crept In during the lust ten yelirs. I In
declares that, during this time, some
"prominent und Influential members of
the community, spurred by financial suc
cess und In their hurry for greater
wealth, became unmindful of tho com
mon rules of business honesty nnd -fidelity,
und of tho limitations Imposed by
law upon their actions"; and that "thu
revelations of tho breaches of trusts, tho
disclosures as to tebutes and discrimina
tions by rnllroadB, the accumulating evi
dence of the violations of the anti-trust
laws, by a number of corporations, nnd
the over-Issue of stocks nnd bonds of In
terstate railroads for the unlawful en
riching of directors und for the purposo
of concentrating the control of the rail
roads under one management," all these,
ho charges, "quickened tho conscience
of tho people and brought on a morn!
During nil this time, I beg to remind
you, Republican ofllclals presided In the
executive department, tilled tho cabinet,
dominated tho senate, controlled tho
houso of representatives nnd occupied
most of tho federal judgeships. Kour
years ago the Republican platform boast
fully declared that since. lSGO-wlth the
exception of two years tho Republican
party had been In control of part or of
ill I tho branches of the federal govern
ment; thnt for two "years only whs tho
Democratic party In a position to either
ennct or repeal a luw. Having drawn tho
salaries, having enjoyed tho honors;
having secured the prestige, let tho Re
publican party nccept tho responsibility!
Republican Party Responsible.
Why were these "known abuses" per
mitted to develop? Why have they not
been corrected? If existing Inws ure
sufficient, why have they not been en
forced? All of thu cccutlvo machinery
of the federal government Is In the hands
dT the Republican party. Aro new laws
necessary? Why have they not been
enacted? With 11 Republican president
to recommend, with u Hepubllcan senate
and house to carry out his recommenda
tions, why does tho Republican randl
dato plead for further tlmo In which to
do what should havo been done long
ago? Can Mr. Tuft promise to bo more
strenuous In tho prosecution of wrong
doers tlinn thu presont executive? Can
ho usk for a larger majority In tho sen
nto than his party now has? Docs ho
need mure Republicans In tho house of
representatives or n speaker with more
unlimited authority?
Why No Tariff Reform?
The president's closo' friends have been
promising for several years that he would
nttack the Iniquities of the tariff. Wo
have had Intlmutlon thnt Mr. Taft wus
rcstlvo tinder tho demands of tho highly
protected Industries. And yet tho Influ
ence of the manufacturers, who havo for
-" years contributed to tho Republican
cumpnlgn fund, nnd who In return havo
framed tho tariff schedules, has been
sufficient to prevent turlff reform. Ab the
present campaign approached, both the
president and Mr. Tuft declnred In favor
of tariff revision, but set the date of
revision nfter tho election. Hut the pres
sure brought to bear by thu protected
Interests has been great enough to pre
vent nny attempt nt turlff reform before
the election; und tho reduction prom,
Ised after the election Is so hedged about
with qualifying phrases, that no ono can
estimate with accuracy the sum total of
tariff reform to bo expected In case of
Republican success, If the past can bo
taken ns u guide, tho Republican pnrty
will be va obligated by campaign con
tributions from the beneficiaries of pro
tection, ns to make that parly powerless
to bring to tho country nny material re
lief from the present tariff burdens.
Why No Antl-Trust Legislation?
A fjw years ago tho Republican lend
ers In thu house of representatives were
coerced by public opinion Into tho sup
port of an untl-trust law which had the
Indorsement of tho president, but tho
senato refused oven to consider tho meas
ure, and nlnco that tlmo no effort has
been nindo by tho dominant party tore
euro remedial legislation upon this iflb
Ject. Why No Railroad Legislation?
Por ten years tho interstate C'omniorco
Commission hns been nsklng for nn en
largement of Its powers, thnt It might
prevent rebates mid discriminations, but
a Republican soiinto and a nopubllcan
houso of representatives wero unmoved
by Its entreaties. In 1W0 tho Republican
nntlonal convention wus urged to Indorso
tho demnnd for railway legislation, but
Its platform was silent on tho subject.
J'Jvon In 1S0I, tho convention gave no
pledge to remedy theso abuses. When
tho president finally asked for legislation,
he drew his Inspiration from three Demo
cratic national platforms and ho received
more cordial support from the Democrats
than from the Republicans. The Republi
cans In the senate deliberately dofeated
several amendments offered by Senator
LnKoltctto mid supported by the Demo-crats-anienilments
embo.lvlng legislation
asked by the Interstate Coiiunerco Com
mission. One of these nmendments au
thorised tho ascertainment of tho val
ue of ralrnnd. Tlilt amendment was not
only defeated by the senate, but It was
overwhelmingly rejected by tho recent
Republican national convention nnd tho
Republican candidate has sought to ies
cuo his party from tho disastrous icsults
of this net by oxpiesslng himself. In a
qualllied way, In favor of ascertaining
the value of tho railroads.
Over-Issue of Stocks and Bonds.
Mr. Tuft complains of the over-issue
of stocks and biiuiN of railroads, "for
the unlawful em Idling of directors nnd
for tho purpose of concentrating tho
control of the railroads under ono man
ngetnent," nnd the complaint Is well
founded. Rut, with a picsldent to point
out tho evil, and a Republican congress
to correct It. wo find nothing done for
tho protection of tho public. Why? My
honorable opponent hns, by his confes
sion, relieved me of the necessity of fur
nishing proof; he admits the condition und
ho can not avoid tho logical conclusion
that must be drawn from the udnilsslon.
There Is no doubt whatever Hint a large
majority of the voters of tho Republi
can party recognize tho deplorable situ
ation which Mr. Taft describes; thoy rec
ognize that the masses hni had but lit
tle luilueuce upon legislation or upon
tho admliilstiutiiin of the government,
and they me beginning to understand the
cause. Kor a generation, the Republi
can party has drawn Its cmup.ilgu funds
from the beneficiaries of special legisla
tion. Privileges liuvo been pledged nnd
granted In return for money contribut
ed to debauch election. What can bo
expected when olllclal uuthorlty Is
turned over to the representatives of
those who first furnish the sinews of war
and then reimburse themselves out of
tho pockets of tho taxpayers?
Fasting In Wilderness Necessary.
So long ns the Republican party re
mains In power, it Is powerless to re
generate Itself. It can not nttuek wrong
doing In high places without disgracing
many of Its prominent members, mid It.
therefore, uses opiates Instead of the
surgeon's knife. Its innlefaetors construe
each Republican victory ns an Indorse
ment of their conduct and threaten tho
parly with defeat If (hey nro Interfered
with. Not until that party passet through
n period of fasting in the wilderness,
will the Republican leaders lcnin to
study public questions from the stand
point of the masses. Just ns with In
dividuals, "tho cares of this world and
tho deceltfulness of riches choke tho
truth," so In polities, when pnrty lead
ers servo far away from home ami are
not In constant enntnet with the voters,
continued party success blinds their eyes
to the needs of the people and makes
them deaf to the cry of distress,
Publicity as to Campaign Contribu
tions. An effort hns been made to secure legis
lation requiring publicity ns to campaign
contributions und expenditures; but the
Republican leaders, oven In the face of
nn Indlgnnut public, refused to consent
to n law which would compel honesty In
elections. When tho matter wns brought
up In tho recent Republican national
convention, the plank wns repudiated by
a vote of KSO to 91. Here, too, Mr, Taft
hns been driven to apologize for his con
vention mid to declare himself III favor
of n publicity law; mid yet, if you will
read what ho says upon this subject, you
will find that his promise falls far short
of the requirements of the situation. Ilo
"If I am elected president, I shall urge
upon congress, with every hope of suc
cess, that a law be passed requiring tho
tiling. In a red era I ofllce, of n statement
of tho contributions received by com
mittees nnd candidates In elections for
members of congress, and In such other
elections ns lira constitutionally within
tho control of congress."
I shall not embarrass him by asking
him upon whut he bases his hope of suc
cess; It Is certainly not on any eneour
ngement he has received from Republican
leaders. It Is sufficient to say that If
his hopes were realized If, In spite of tho
ndverso uctlon of his convention, ho
should succeed In securing the enactment
of the very law which he favors, It would
give but purtlul relief. Ho hns lead the
Democratic, platform; not only his lan
guage, but his evident alarm Indicates
that ho has rend It carefully. He oven
hud before him tho notion of the Demo
cratic national committee In Interpreting
nnd applying that platform; nud yet. he
falls to say thut he favors tho publication
or tho contributions before the election.
Of course, It satisfies a natural curios
Ity to Und out how un election Juis been
purchased, even when tho knowledge
comes too Into to be of service, but why
should tho pooplo bo kept In darkness
until tho election Is past? Why should
tho locking of the door bo delayed until
the horso Is gnno?
An Election a Public Affair.
An election Is a public affair. The peo
ple, exercising the right to select their
olllclnls and to decide upon the policies
to bo pursued, proceed to their several
polling places on election day and reg
ister their will. What excuse can be giv
en for secrecy us to the Influences nt
work? If n man, pecuniarily Interested
In "concentrating tho control of tho rail
roads In ono inanageincnt," subscribes a
lurgo sum to nld in carrying the elec
tion, why should his part In the cam
paign be concealed until he Iibh put the
officials under obligation to him? If a
trust mngnnto contributes $100,000 to elect
political Trlends to ofllce, with n view to
preventing hostile legislation, why should
thut fact be concealed until his friends
aro securely seated In their olllclal posi
tions? Tills Is not n new question; It Is n ques
tion which has been agitated a question
which Ilia Republican leuders fully under
stand n question which tho Republican
candidate has studied, mid yet he re
fuses to declare himself In favor of tho
legislation absolutely necessary, name
ly, legislation requiring publication before
the election.
How can the people hope to rule. If they
nro not able tn learn until uftcr the elec
tion what, tho predatory Interests nro do
ing? The Democratic pnrty meetB the
Issuo honestly nud courageously. It says:
"Wo pledge tho Democratic party to
tho enactment of a luw prohibiting any
corporation from contributing tn a cum
pnlgn fund, und any Individual from con
tributing mi hmount above a reasonable
maximum, nnd providing for the publi
cation, liefotu election, or all hiicIi con
tributions above n reasonable minimum."
The Democratic national committee Im
mediately proceeded to Interpret nnd up
ply this plank, announcing that no con
tributions would' bo received cor
porations, thnt no Individual would bo al
lowed to contribute more than $10,000, nud
thut nil contributions nbove $100" wnuld
bo made public before the election those
received before October 15 to bo made
public on or before that day, those re
celved nflerwnrd to bo mndo public on
tho day when received, nnd no such con
tributions to bo accepted within threo
days of tho election, Tho expenditures
nro to bo published after tho election,
Hero is u plan which Is complete nnd
Popular Election of Senators.
Next to the corrupt uso of money, tho
present method of olcctlrif United mates
senators Is most responsible for thu ob
struction or reforms. For 100 years after
tlio udoptlon of the constitution, the de
mand for tho popular election or senators,
while llndlng Increased expression, did
not become u dominant sentiment. A
constitutional nnuuidpient had from time
to time been suggested nnd the matter
had been more or less discussed In n few
of tho states, but the movement had not
reached u point where It manifested It
self through congressional nctlou. In the
Klfty-M'coml congress, however, a reso
lution was repoitcd from a house com
mittee proposing the necessary constitu
tional mueudliient, and this resolution
passed I he house of rcpresetitathes by
it vote which wa praciicnllv unanimous.
In the Klftv-tlilid congress u similar res
olution was reported to. and adopted by
the house of reptesenlatlves Roth the
Klfty-sceonil and Kirty-lhlrd congresses
were Democratic. The Republicans gained
control of the bouse as n lesiilf of the
election of Kit nnd in the Klffy-fonrtli
.ongress the proposition died In commit
tee. As time went on. however, (he sen
timent glow among (he people, until It
forced a Republican i ougrcss In follow
(ho example set bv the Democrats, und
then another and another Republican
congress noted fuorubtv. Hi. to after
date has lndcn d this reform, until near
ly two-thirds of the states have recorded
themselves in lis fivor. The United
Htutes seiuite. ho,fr. Impudently mid
mtogautly iiliHiiucts the passage of (he
resolution, notwithstanding the fact (hat
the voters of the Pulled Mutes, by an
overwhelming majoilty. demand II. And
thl'i refusal Is the more Hlgnlllcmil when
It Is remembered thut a number of sen
ators owe their eleillons lo gieat corpor
ate Interests. Three Democratic nation
al platforms-the platforms or IImxi. UHl
und 1D0S specifically tall for a change In
the constitution which will put the elec
tion of senatois In the hands of the vo
ters, and (he piopiisitlou bus been In
dorsed by a munlw r of the smaller par
ties, but tin Republican national con
vention has been willing to champion
(ho cuuse of the people on tills subject.
The subject was Ignored by the Republi
can national convention In VMi; It wus Ig
nored In 1MI mid I he proposition was
explicitly repudiated in P.nw, fur (he re
cent Republican national convention, by
a vote of .V',ii (o III, rejected the plunk
Indoriilug the popular election of sen
utois and this was done In the conven
tion which nominated Mr. Tuft, few dele
gates from his own state voting for the
Personal Inclination Not Sufficient.
In his notification speech, the Repub
lican candidal.', speaking of (he elec
tion of senatius by (he people. stiys:
"Personally, I am Inclined lo favor It.
but It Is hnidly a party question. " What
Is necessary to make this u party ques
tion? When the Democratic convention
Indorses u proposition by u unanimous
vote, mid the Republican convention re
ject.! tile proposition by a vole of seven
to one, does It not become mi IS3lle be
tween the parlies? Mr. Taft can not re
move the question fiom the arena of pol
itics by expressing a personal Inclination
townrd the Democratic position. Por
suvernl years he has been connected with
the udmllilstrutlou. What bus he ever
said or done to bring this question Ixforo
the public? What enthusiasm has he
shown In the reformation of the sen
ate? What luilueuce could he exert In
behalf of n reform which his parly has
openly nud notoiloiisly condemned In Its
convention, and In which lie Is attached
only by u belated expression of personal
The Gateway to Other Reforms.
"Shnll the people rule?" Kvery remedial
measure of u national character must inn
the gauntlet of the senate. The presi
dent inn) personally Incline toward a
reform; the house niuy consent to It;
hut ns long ns tho senate obstructs the
reform, the people must wall. The pres
ident may heed u popular demand; thu
house may yield lo public opinion; but as
long us the senate Is defiant, the rulo of
tho people Is defeated. The Democratic
plat form very pioperly describes the pop
ular election or senators us "I lie gate
way to other national refoiins." Shall wo
open the gate, or shall we allow the ex
ploding Interests to bar the wuv by the
control of this branch of thu federal leg
islature Through n Democratic victory
mid through u Democratic victory only,
can tho people secure the popular elec
tion of senators. Tho smaller parties ure
unable to secure this reform: the Repub
lican party, under Its present leadership,
Is resolutely opposed to II. the Democrat
ic party stands for It nnd has boldly de
manded It. If I inn elected to the presi
dency, those who me elected upon tho
ticket with me will be. like myself,
pledged to this reform, mid 1 shall con
vene congress In extraordinary session
Immediately after Inauguration, nud ask,
among other things, for the fulfillment
of this platform pledge.
House' Rules Despotic.
The third liislruuionlHllty employed to
defeat the will of tho people Is found In
the rules of the house of representatives,
Our platform points out Hint "the houso
of representatives wns designed by the
fathers of the constitution, to be thu pop
ular branch or our government, respon
sive to the public will," und adds;
"The house of representatives, us con
trolled In recent yeurs by the Republican
party, has censed to be n dcllberntlvo
mid legislative body, responsive to tho
will or a majority of the members, but
hns come under tho ubsnlule domination
of the speaker, who lias entire control or
Its deliberations, and powers of legis
lation, "Wo liuvo observed with amazement
the popular brunch or our federal gov
ernment helpless to obtain either the
consideration or enactment of measures
desired bv n majority of Us members."
This urrnlgninent Is fully Justified. The
reform Republicans In (ho house of rep
resentatives, when in the mlnoilty In
their own party, nro ns helpless to ob
tain u hearing or to secure a vote upon
ii mensurn ns ure the Democrats. In the
i event session of the present congress,
there was u considerable element In the
Republican party favorable to remedial
legislation; hut u few lenders, In con
trol or the organization, despotically sup
pressed theso members, and thus rorced
u rent majority In the houso to submit
to n well organized minority. Tho Re
publican national convention, Instead or
rebuking this attack upon popular gov
ernment, eulogized congress and nomin
ated us tho Republican candidate ror
vice-president one of the men who
shared In the responsibility for the
coercion or tho house. Our party de
mands that "tho house or representatives
shall again becomo n deliberative body,
controlled by u ninjorlty or the people's
representatives, mid not by the speaker,"
and Is pl;cd to adopt "such mles mid
regulations to govern the house of rep
rcseutatlves ns will enuhle u majority
of Us members tn direct lis deliberations
und control legislation."
"Shall tho people rule?" They can not
do so unless they can control the house,
of icpresentatlves, mid through their
ripior.entatlves In (lie house give
expro.sMon (o their purposes und
their desires. Tho Republican party Is
committed to the methods now In voguo
In the houso or representatives: tho Dem
ocratic pnrty Is pledged to such a re
vision or tho rules ns will bring the pop
ular brunch or the federal government
Into harmony with (ho ideas of those
who framed our constitution und found
ed our government.
Other Issues Will Be Discussed Later.
"Shall tho people rule?" I repeat, Is de
clared by our plutform to bo tho over
shadowing question, mid us the campaign
progresses, I shall take occasion lo dis
cuss this question us it manifests Itself
In other Issues; for whether wo consider
the turlff question, the trust question, tho
railroad question, the banking question,
the labor question. Hie question of Im
perialism, tho development of our water
ways, or any other of Hie numerous prob
lems which press for solution, we shall
find thut the leal question Involved In
each Is, whether tho government shall
remain u meie business asset of favor
seeking corporations or be un Instru
ment In the hands of the people for tho
advancement of the common weal.
Democrats Have Earned Confidence.
If the voters are satisfied with tho
record of tho Republican party and with
Its management of public affairs wo enn
not reasonably usk for a change In nit
ministration; if, however, the voters fuel
that the people, as n whole, have too lit
tle Influence In shaping tho policies of
tho government: If I hoy feel thai great
combinations of cnpllul have encroached
upon Hie lights of the musses, nnd em
ployed the liistiumentalltles of govern
ment tn secure un unfair share of the to
tal wealth produced, then wo havo n
light lo expect n verdict against the Re
publican party and In fin or of the Demo
cratic pntty; for our party has risked defeat-
aye. suffered defeat lu Its effoit to
mouse (he conscience of the public mid
to bring about that very awakening to
whli h Mr. Tnft bus referred.
Only those me worthy (o be Intrusted
with leadership lu a great cause who me
willing to die lor It, und the Democratic
party has proven Its worthlnes.i by Its
lofusal (o purchase victory by delivering
tho people Into the hands of those who
have despoiled them. In this contest be
tween Democracy on the ono sldo mid
plutocracy on the other, the Democratic
party has taken Its position on the sldo
of equal lights, und Invites the opposi
tion of (hose who use politics (o sccuro
special privileges mid governmental fa
voritism, (hinging the progiess of the
nation, not by tho happiness or wealth
or refinement of n few, but "by tho pros
perity und advancement of the average
tunn," the Democratic party charges the
Republican party with being the promo
ter of present abuses, the opponent of
neeeitsnry renitilles mid the only bulwark
of private monopoly. The Democratic
party ulllrms that lu this campaign It
Is the only paity, having u prospect or
success, which slnuds for Justice In gov
ernment mid for equity lu the division
of the fruits of industry
Democratic Party Defends Honest
Wo may expect those who have com
mitted larceny by taw and purchased Im
munity with their political Inllueuee, to
attempt to raise false Issues, mid to em
ploy "the livery of heaven" to conceal
their evil purposes, but they can no long
er deceive. Tho Democratic party Is not
thu enemy of nny legitimate Industry or
of honest uccumulattoiis. It is, on tho
contrary, u friend of Industry nnd the
steadfast protector ot that wealth which
lepreseutH u service lo society. Tho
Democratic party does not seek to an
nihilate nil cotporatloiis. It simply asserts
that as tho government creates corpora
tions, it must retain tho power to regu
late mid to control them, und that It
should not penult nny corporation tn
convert Itself Into n monopoly. Surely
wo should havo the co-operation of nil
legitimate corporations In our effort to
protect business mid Industry from the
odium which lawless combinations or
capital will, If unchecked, enst upon
them. Only by the separation of tho good
from the bad can the good he mndo se
cure. Not Revolution But Reformation.
The Democratic party seeks not revolu
tion but reformation, and I need hardly
remind the student ot history tin cures
ure mildest when applied nt once; that
remedies Increase In severity nn their
application Is postponed. Itlood poison
ing may bo stopped by the loss of a fin
ger to-day; It may cost un arm to-morrow
or u life dm next day. So poison lu
tho body politic enn not bo removed too
soon, for tho evils produced by It Increase
wltli tho lapse of time. That there uro
abuses which need to he remedied, even
the Republican candidate admits; that
tin party Is unable lo remedy them, has
been fully demonstrated during the Inst
ten years. I havo such confldenco In tho
Intelligence us well us the patriotism of
tho people, that 1 can not doubt their
readiness to accept tho reasonable re
forms which our party proposes, rather
than permit tho continued growth of ex
isting abuses to hurry the country on to
remedies more radical mid more drastic.
Our Party's Ideal.
The platform of our pnrty closes with n
brief statement of the party's Ideal. It
favors "such nn administration of tho
government us will Insure, us fur ns hu
man wisdom cmi, that each citizen shall
draw from society ti reward commensu
rate with his contribution to tho welfaro
of society."
Governments ure good In proportion ns
thev iisnurn to each member of society,
so far as governments enn, n return com.
uicnsurate with Individual merit.
The Divine Law of Rewards.
There Is u Dlvlno law of rewards. When
the Creator gave us tho earth, with Its
fruitful soil, thu sunshine with its
warmth, und tho rains with their mois
ture, ho proclaimed, ns clearly an If his
votco had thundered from tho clouds; "Go
work, mid according tn your Industry
and your Intelligence, so shall be your
rewiird." Only where might has over
thrown, cunning undermined or govern
ment suspended this law, bus a different
law provalled. To conform tho govern
ment to this law ought to bo the ambi
tion of the statesman; nnd no party can
have n higher mission than to make It n
reality wherever governments can legltl.
mntely operate.
Justice to All.
Recognizing thnt I nni Indebted for my
nomlnutlon to tho rank und (ilo of our
paity, and thut my election must come, If
It comes at nil, from tho unpurchased nud
unpurchusublu suffrages of the American
people, I promise, If Intrusted with thu
responsibilities of this high ofllce, to con
secrate whatever uhllity 1 have to tho
one purpose of making this, lu fact, n
government In which tho people rule
a government which will do Justice to
nil, nnd offer to every ono the highest
possible stimulus to great nnd persistent
effort, by assuring to each the enjoyment
of his Just share of tho proceeds of his
toll, no mutter In what part or tho vine
yard ho labors, or to what occupation,
profession or culling ho devotes himself,
Progressive Winnipeg.
Statistics show thut Winnipeg Is
now thu fourth largest manufacturing
city of Cunuilti, und thoso who havo
studied the honovolent economic con
ditions which must control her future
kco a repetition of tho history of St.
Louis or Chlcnuo before tho cnpllul
city of Manitoba.
In 1902 tho city of Winnipeg had ti
population of 48,111; nt tho opening
of tho present year tho ofllclul figures
were 118,000. In that sumo year flvo
years ago the total assessable prop
erty of the city umoiiutuil to $28,015,.
810 nnd In 1007 had jumped (o ?10G,
1S8.000. In tho same space of tlmo
tho bank eloarliigu Increased from
$188,370,000 lu 1002 to 00,007,000 In
1007. Cement Ago.
Praise-God Barebones.
PralaoOod Harchones was u fanat
ical tanner ot Loudon. Ho bocumo n
momber of parliament In 1CC3 nnd
headed it procession of tho people In
protesting ugnlnst tho restoration of
Charles II, to tho throne. Ilo was n
Baptist minister nftor 1G30 und was
quite popular ns a preacher.
Art Collector and Irritated Wltr
Had the 8ame Feelings.
A Chicago nrt dealer was talking
about the wrath of William T. Evans'
tho New York collector upon whom
no many bogus paintings havo been!
Un posed. !
"llo's awfully nngry," mild tho nrt'
denier, repressing u smile. "Some of
.ls costliest pictures, you know, lmvo
.turned out fakes. Ills Mood hulls
jwlion ho thinks of tho w.iy ho hug
been duped.
"Ilo told mo tho other day Unit ho
could hardly understand tho rngo that
possessed him ngalnst every petty lit
ilo liislgnllennt denier thnt hud cheat
ed him. He said It was like tho rago
of n waiter thnt ho had noted ono
afternoon nt luncheon.
"At luncheon, Mr. Evans said, ho
called his waiter's attention to a (lend
fly In some dish or other.
"Tho waiter, ns ho took tho tllnh
nwny, muttered with n nuilevolcnt
look nt tho limp Insect:
" 'I'd glvo n twodollnr hill If I knew
for certain that this wns tho fly that's
been buzzing about my noso nil tho
morning.' "
For MonthcBurnlng Humor on Anklet
Opiates Alone Brought Sleep
Eczema Yielded to Cutlcura.
"I had eczema for over two years.
I hud two physlelnns, but they only
gave me relief for a short tlmo nnd I
cannot enumerato tho ointments nnd
lotions I used lo no purpose. My nnk
les were one iiiubs of sores. Tho Itch
Jug nud burning wero so lntenso that
I could not sleep. I could not walk for
nearly four months. Ono tiny my huu
bnnd said I had bettor try tho Cutlcura
Jtemcdlcs. After using them thrco
times 1 had tho best night's rest In
months unless I look nn oplato. I
used one set of Cutlcura Soap, Oint
ment, nnd l'Jlls, und my ankles honied
In :t short time. It Is now a year slnco
il used Cutlcura, nnd thcro hns been no
jroturn of the eczema. MrB. David
illrown, Locke, Ark., Mny 18 and July
13, 1907."
"1 hnve already promised ton cousins;
to ninny them. I can sco I shall nover
get through all my divorces."
Monotony of Home Life.
So many wives eutnplnln of tho mo
notony of marriage. Thoy envy worn-'
en who write, paint or net, bccatiBo
they Imagine nil theso callings spell
Infinite variety. Hut any life can bo
(oino monotonous If people allow It to!
bo so. Wives who grumble nt tho,
dreary sameness of hbnio routlno for
get thnt their husbands linvo to faco
tho same tiresome monotony nt tho
ofllce. Tho only way to get out of tho
"rut" for wife or bachelor maid alike
is to cultivate interests and hobbles.
Marriage Is monotonous only for thoso
who mnko it so.
The extraordinary popularity of fin
white goods this summer makes tho
cholco of Starch a matter of great im
portance. Dellnnco Starch, being frco;
from all injurious chemicals, la tho,
only ono which Is snfo to uso on flnof
fnbrics. Its great strength as a stiffen-!
cr makes half tho usual quantity of
Starch necessary, with tho result of
perfect finish, equal to thnt when thq
goods wero now.
Few Horses Used In China.
Tho only placeB In China whora
horses nro used to nny groat extend
nro Shnnghnl, Eslng-Tau and TIcnj
Tsln. Australian "wulors," so called,
because thoy originate in Now South
Walos, nro tho most popular. ThcBcj
horscB arc Imported Into Shanghai in
batches of from 20 to CO, nro woll ta
ken enro of on tho voyago, nnd, or
riving in excellent condition, aro put;
Into use within a couplo of weeks attf
er arrival.
Important to Mothers.
Exnmino carefully ovory bottlo of
CASTOItlA a safo and sura remedy for
Infants and children, and sco that It
Tlnna flirt
Signature otC&i&CM$46'
In Uso For Over JH Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought
"Mr. and Mrs. SpIaBher scorn to get
on very badly."
'Yen," answered Miss Cayenne. "It's
ono of thoso liopoles3 casus whora a
man thinks he knows all about horso
races and a woman thinks sho knows
all about bridge"
Happy Man.
Mrs. Ilenpcclc Hor husband simply
won't listen to hor!
Henpeck How on earth does tho
lucky fellow manago It Stray Stories.
Lewis' Sinple Hinder tho famous
ttraiftlit 5o cigar, always best quality.
Your dealer or Lewis' l'uctory, Peoria, III.
It ia ono thins to seo your road;
auother to cut It George Ellot.
i I
V 1
X'l 1
-v. w,