The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 14, 1908, Image 2

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,WvJ l avn V -C.
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The Chlefi
E. B. DbWOLF, Publisher
If everybody living Rot his rights
would anylhlng lo loft?
How couTiTbo manymntIon plctur
howB bo running If prosperity hntl nol
Amusing how tho "Hnvc-younny-work?"
fellows kcop away from tin
wheat belt.
Tho moneyTiinklng machine's prlncl
pal merit In to land a few undCBlrnblo
cltlzona in tho penitentiary.
Knglnnd would no doubt glndly
trade her pugnncloin auffragottcs.
for tho Mexican revolutionists and pay
a hnndsomo "boot."
Somo day somo playwright mny
wrlto u play In which thcro will bo n
collcgo boy who la not crnzy. Hut
what will bo tho uuo?
Bonts ongnged In mackerel fishing
off Mllford. Knglnnd, havo landed ns
ninny as 30,000 Hsh, and 100 llsli havo
been sold for a shilling.
Guanajuato holds tho World's record
as a silver producer, having yielded
11,000,000,000 Moxlcnn In tho InBt
thrco and a half centuries.
According to Mitchell's Nowspaper
TrosB Directory thcro nro now pub
lished In tho United Kingdom nlono no
fewer than 12,353 newspapers.
Wo don't hear much lately nbout
Idlo freight cars. Most of them nro
getting busy. Gcorgln, for Instance,
needs 7,000 cars to movo her peach
Why can't wo havo n society com
posed of gentlomen who havo posi
tively declined to permit themselves
to bo nominated for tho vice-presidency?
As long nsho Cambridge, Knglnnd
oarsmen have declined to row, the
Harvard boys will always havo tho sat
isfaction of thinking Hint they might
linvo beaten them.
An English doctor declares that ex
tremely warm weather Is good for hu
ninn beings. Wo havo always boon
willing to conccdo that It was good
for thoso in tho Ico business.
An old-tlmo spoiling bco wns held
nt tho Carnoglo hall, In Urynn, Tex.,
botweon tho Ladies' Aid nncluty of tho
Hnptlst church and tho Homo Mission
society of tho Methodist church.
A Minnesota woman having been di
vorced llvo times, Is forbidden to
marry. Slio tins probably mado up
her mind by UiIh time, without tho low
stepping In to break her of tho hnblt.
Prlnro Hello announces thnt his
brldo will hnvo an Incomo of $300,000
a year, which ho thinks will bo enough
for them to got nlong on. Ho must In
tend to let his creditors contlnuo to
It Is estimated thnt tho Bum of $12,
000,000 was spent for Fourth of July
nroworks and explosives this yenr.
Tho avcrago cost of deaths in cele
brating tho Fourth probably Is about
tho samo as In a regular battle.
DrltlBh Biiftragottes Boom to hnvo
mastered tho rulo of practical poli
tics that nnyono who wnntB anything
must not lot fnlso scruples or modesty
or courtesy stand in tho way of naklng
for it in n peremptory tono of volco.
Tho announcement thnt Just to pro
paro tho plans for Now York's pro
posed 02-story sky-scraper took tho
tlmo and labor or ICO men for bIx
months and will cost at lenat $250,000
will mako Chicago feci even worso
than sho did beforo.
Robert Sowell of Stldhnm, n Creek
Indian, is ono of tho most widely trav
eled men in Oklahoma, having beon In
Knglnnd nnd on tho continent of En
ropo, besides having clnlmod a real
donco In both South America and
And now tho provisions of tho pure
food law are to bo stringently applied
to patent medicines, nnd horenftor
catarrh cures will havo to euro catarrh,
and corn removers will bo required to
removo. To bo suro, it rcqulros a
violent stretch of tho imagination to
put catarrh foods under tho heading
"Blind Tom," noted a generation ngo
us a musical prodigy, died last month
in tho homo of tho daughter-in-law ol
Ids old master, for ho was born a slave
near, Columbus, Ga. When a boy he
nmuscd tho household by ImltntliiR
tho cries of birds nnd tho sound of the
wind and rain. Ho had a marvelous
memory, nnd could play any musical
composition which ho heard. It Is snld
that ho could play ono molody with his
right hnnd, another with his left nnd
whistle a third at tho samo time. Yol
with all his musical gifts, says Youth's
Companion, ho was intellectually n
child living in tho caro of guardians.
Tali's Ranch at Taft. TEXAS
Tliln famous ranch, tho best In tho cou"t
country, at ronnouablo prices, easy tenns.
Write us today for artlcuUra.
WHITE & LEVI, 716 P 81., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Now la vmir
Mir opportunity to buy South
1 nt fost prices. Larno Hat to
wrlto us fur pnrtlcularu.
Dakota land at
folect from. rl
WHUE & LEVI, 716 P SI., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Gasoline Engines
..nHiAin r-tiBivr-n-k NEBRASKA NEWS
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to hte Read
ers Throughout Nebraska.
Tho Ootoo County Tlonchcra' Insti
tute hnd nn attendance of 1G0.
Senator Brown hns announced n
number of apenklng dales for AugiiBt.
When a saloon In Nebraska City
was attached for debt It was found tho
proprietor hnd removed most of tho
Sophie, tho elght-yenr-old daughter
of L. P. Hanson, west of Farwcli was
Bhot nnd instantly killed by a brother
of four years. The shooting wns purely
M. L. ItlchardBon, an old soldier nnd
resident of Hny Springs, was literally
cut to plocoH by falling In front of it
fielf-blndor while harvesting wheat. He
Is not expected to live.
C. O. linker, appointed ub Hpeclnl
appraiser for estates from which In
heritance tnx la collectable, has filed
his roporlB on several estates in tho
county court of (Sngo county.
Johnson Teten who tried to kill his
wife by shooting her somo days ugo
nnd slnco that tlmo hnH been In tho
county Jnll of Otoo county, Ihib been
balled out by his relatives, flvo of
thorn giving n $5,000 bond.
Tho lG-yoar-old son of Charles Lan
droff, a farmer living fifteen miles
southwest of Uroken How, lost his llfo
by being dragged to death by a boras.
As ho fell from the nulmnl his foot
caught In tho stirrup. Ho was dragged
half a mllu, being horribly mangled.
Tho York Independent Tclophono
company has purchased all the copper
toll Illicit between Sownrd and Grand
Island and Sownrd and David City and
is now constructing a toll lino from
Grand Island to Ravenna, connecting
with tho Uroken How company.
Mnry Bracking, tho 21-year-old
daughter of Henry Brooking, a wealthy
farmer, wiih driving a team to Lorton,
Otoo county, and tried to cross tho
tracka ahead of a local Missouri Pa
cific freight train. The vehlclo was
struck and alio waa thrown twenty
feet. Her neck waa broken, tho ve
hlclo destroyed nnd tho horses killed.
Frank Hooper, a young man who
claimed to hnvo been employed at tho
farm homo of J. H Loseo, near Hns
tlnga for Bovernl dnya, succeeded In
cnshlng a check for a llttlo over seven
teen dollaiB at Plcknn's store, but be
foro ho had made his escape ho was
taken Into custody.
Whlln Cnmpboll Tiros, circus waa
showing In Alliance three Hon cuba
were born, ono of which was a raro
curiosity, in the fact that It was al
most puro white. Thla makes this end
of their monagerle similar to tho show
Itsolf, inasmuch aa it la atrletly a Ne
braska pioductiou.
Au Old Settlors' association has
beon organized nt Ashton nnd will hold
a reunion September 22 and 23. Tho
following ofllcora were elected: Presi
dent, Theodore OJendyk; secretary,
ThomaB JaonroJ; vice president, S.
Golczlnskt and I. Sondburg; treasurer,
H. Smolsor.
Tho old settlers' association or
Cherry nnd Koya Pnha counties will
hold their sixteenth annual reunion at
Sparks on August 28 and 29. Tho pro
gram of races and sports, Including a
big bnscball game, la larger than
usunl, and thcro will be spenklng and
music also, a well ns a big bowery
danco in tho evening.
Sioux Falls (S. D.) diBpatch: While
traveling through tho country in n cov
ered wagon in tho hope that open-air
llfo would rcstoro his broken health,
George Johnson of Yutan, Saunders
county, Nob., died in IiIb wagon whllo
it waa at a point about a mile and a
quarter from tho town of Whlto Lnke,
Aurora county, In the central part of
tho state. Ho was a victim of con
Edward Lundsford was arrested at
St. Doroin nnd tnkon to Syracuse,
whero ho waa arraigned on tho chnrgo
of wife desertion. Ho waived exami
nation and was bound over to tho dis
trict court. Tho couplo wero 10 and
18 years of age, reapectlvoly, when
they wero married nbout two ycnr3
Kingston (N. Y.) dispatch: Tho mar
rlago In thla city Monday night of
Georgo Faulkner, C2 yenra old, and
Mrs. Sarah 13. Seymour, Gl yeara old,
both of Schuyler, Neb., was tho cul
mination of a roraanco begun In Ulster
county more than forty yenrs ago.
Faulkner waa a native of Kingston
and Mia. Seymour was a untlvo ol
Saugertlos, twelvo miles from hero.
They bocamo engaged In their youth,
but a lovora' quarrel separated them
nnd each ono married eomo ono else,
lloth lost their partners by dentil and
wero of courso privileged to marry
Hut fow pcoplo renllzo tho enor
mous amount of Improvements that
aro being effected nt tho stato fair
grounds nt tho capital city this year In
view of tho annual stato fair to bo
hold during tho last week of this
month: An imnienso now cnttlo barn
ia being built, located just west of tho
administration building, and erected
at a cost of $30,000.
Dr. O. T. Irons, chief Inspector of
tho Hurcau of Animal Industry at No
braska City, leaves Monday for Lou
don, England, to vUlt his old homo
nnd with his niothor. Dr. Knno will
bo in charge during his absence.
Items of Greater or Lesser Impor
tance Over the State.
Charley l.andreth of Oconto, 1G yearn
old, waa thrown from a hortc and In
atnntly killed.
Tho annual Gngo County Teachcra
Institutes will bo held In Dentrlco
August 24 to 28.
A bank has been organized nt
Crookston, a small town west of Val
entine. It la capitalized at $10,000.
Tho sixteenth annual reunion of tho
Old- Settlers' association of Cherry and
Keyn Paha counties will be held nt
Sparka, Neb.
Tho village board of trustees cf
Hralnerd recently levied nil occupa
tion tax on nearly every line of
nesa In the town.
Tho people of Cook, Johnson counly,
will call a special election to vote
bondw In the sum of $10,000 for a new
brick school house.
Wayno'a second annual chnnlauqun
asHcmbly Is closod. Tho session last
ed eight days and was a complete sue
cess. All expenses wero met by re
ceipts. The Ccdnr county fair will be held
September 10, 17 nnd 18. The summer
rnceB wore held July .I nnd 4, nnd the
fall fair will be devoted mostly to ex
hibits. Tho executive committee of the
Cuming Counly Old Settlers' associa
tion bus fixed upon Thursday, August
27, ns tho (Into for tho annual picnic
nnd reunion.
A stock company to promote a
creamery enterprise has been organ
ized nt Crab Orchard and a sufllclent
amount of stock sold to wnrrant the
establishment of n plant.
George Iluehll.a well to do farmer
living n couplo of miles west of Powell,
In Jefferson county, committed suicide
by ahootlng himself. There was ap
parently no cause for tho act.
Stato Superintendent J. McBrlon
and hla family have been visiting
Johnson county relatives. Tho super
intendent says tho Btory that has gone
out of the shortage of teachers In Ne
braska la not correct.
Threshing baa commenced In tho vi
cinity of Sutherland. Much wheat
will run nbout forty bushels, and oats
will go aa high as sixty bushels to
the acre. Corn la considered by tho
fnrmers to bo "made."
Tho real estate belonging to Andrew
Hlgglna of Nemaha county, who was
killed b-ome time ago In a runaway,
baa been divided among the thrco
sons and ono duughtor. There wero
nbout 000 acrea of laud.
At tho recent special school elec
tion In Sutherland, bonds to tho
amount of $2,500 wero voted. This
Bum Is to go toward Installing a heat
ing plant in tho school building nnd
building a two-room addition.
Tho telegraph Instruments have
been taken out of tho station at Lush
ton without notice. Tlrt? patrons of
the Hurlingtou route say they will not
submit to what they call an outrage.
Tho railroad business of the place Is
$30,000 a year.
Mrs. Oliver Starkey, who was shot
by her husband near Palmer, Is be
lieved to bo on the road to recovery.
Although her side wna riddled with
blrdshot, she hns shown remarkable re
cuperative powers. It is feared though
that alio will loso ono of her nrma.
Whllo Charles Dcndiuger and Georgo
Porter wero working on tho top of a
scaffold around a hny ntneker in Cedar
county, the machlnu fell with them.
Porter fell underneath tho timbers
Ho wna badly crushed and It Is thought
ho will not recover. Tho other man
wnB bady bruised.
At St. Paul Information was filed
against Oliver Starkey, charging him
with assault with intent to kill hta di
vorced wife recently in Gago Valley,
Howard county. The complaint was
filed by Miss E. Scott, a slater of tho
Injured womnn. Starkey waived oxa
mluntlou and was bound over to tho
next November term of tho district
Two men, Joy Wright and Georgo
Fogla, membcra of tho national guard,
encamped near ABhlund, wero drowned
in tho Platte river. Roth were mem
bora of Compnny C, N. N. G., of Ne
braska City. Tho drowned nro Georgo
Fogla, aged 21, a farmer living near
Nobrnska City, and Joy Wright, a
clerk In a grain ofllco In that city. Both
wero bom at that place. Neither could
Ben Uhland, a young farmer near
Humboldt, roporta a curloalty In tho
shape of an eyeless duck, hatched out
a few weeks since. Tho fowl runs
nbout with tho remainder of tho brood
nnd seems nblo to secure food, oven
without eyes. Tho freak shows abso
lutely no signs of eyes, lashes or cavi
ties, but ia otherwlso a perfectly
formed fowl.
A coyoto scalp swlndlo has been
brought out In Buffalo county by
Sheriff SammotiB. John Bacon, janitor
nt court house, Lloyd Dects, Abo Swln
yor and nine nccmpllcea havo been ar
rested nnd glvon preliminary hearings
and all oxcopt ono have pleaded guilty.
Bacon secured Bcalps from the county
clerk's ofllco and hid them in tho
boiler room nnd Beets and Swlnyor
would get same and resell them at
John H. Dwyer, of McCook, a whlto
man, married, with wlfo and two chil
dren, was bound over to tho noxt term
of district court in nnd for Rod Wil
low county, charged with nn ntjmcpt
at committing rape on two young Rus
slon glrla of this city each need ten
Following is tho mortgngo report
for Gnso county for tho month of July:
Number of farm mortgages filed, 10 j
amount, $30,887; number of farm mort
gages released, G; amount, $10,000;
number of olty mortguges filed, 2G;
amount, $27,GGQ; number of city matt
gages released, 1G; amount, $8,230,
Most Important Happenings of the
Past Seven Days.
Interesting Items Gathered From alt
Parts of the World Condensed
Into Small 8paee for the Ben
efit of Our Readers.
Tho Snnta Fe Railroad company, by
Ita counsel, pleaded guilty to rebating
In tho federal court nt Chicago and
was nssesacd a fine of $7,000 by Judgo
Iletlicn. Tho case grow out of n bonus
pnld tho Garden City Sugar and Land
compnny of Garden City, Kan.
Cnpt. Baldwin mndo a successful
flight of nearly flvo miles with hla
mllltnry balloon at Fort Meyer, near
Washington. Army ofllcera present
wero cnthuslaatlc over tho results of
tho trial.
Tho Oklahoma Central railroad has
been ordered into tho hniuls of re
ceivers by Federnl Judgo Campbell at
A report hns gained circulation that
tho Chicago Oreat Weatcrn railroad
has been sold to n syndicate of En
glish capitalists.
Tho Natlonnl Autl-Aslntic Immigra
tion league lias been organized in
Washington, 1). C.
Astatic cholera is epidemic In the
eastern and southeastern districts of
European Russia.
New York- Is preparing to welcome
tho Olympic athletes upon their nr
rival on August 2!). Every member
of tho American team will ho given a
gold medal.
Tho International Apple Shippers'
association has decided to ask con
gress to ennct a law providing for tho
uniform grading of apples.
William II. Taft addressed tho Vlr
glnln Bar association at Its recent nn
mini meeting nt Hot Springs.
Tho Canndlan Pacific Railroad com
pany Is displacing Bomo of the strik
ing shopmen with Japanese.
Iowa baa been ofllclally declared to
bo in n stato of mourning for tho Into
Senator William B. Allison by Gov.
Tho St. Louis grand jury Is to in
vestlgnto tho conduct of tho recent
primary election in thnt city.
Tho W'estem Passenger association
hns refused to grant a apodal rato
for tho Bryan notification at Lincoln.
Telephone service hns superseded
the telegraph on the Rock Island road
between stations in Kansas.
Tho Missouri Pacific railroad has
doubled the force in its shops at Se
dalla. Tho DuBoIs and autl-DuBoIs Dem
ocrats of Idaho havo split and or
ganized separato conventions.
Tho opoch-mnklng flight of Count
Zeppelin's dirigible balloon came to a
sudden end In Stuttgart, Gormnny,
when the airship took fire, exploded
and disappeared after breaking all
records for controlled flights.
Eight hundred employes in tho Ca
nadian Pacific shopa at Winnipeg,
Man., havo gono out on a strike.
Tho sultnn of Turkoy was stabbed
recently by a minor court ofllclal. Tho
coat of mall always worn by tho sul
tan deflected tho blade. "Tho would-bo
assassin was arrested.
Said Pashn, tho grand vizier, and
tho nowly formed Turkish cabinet
havo resigned.
Tho Suffragctto movement under
the leadership of an English woman
invaded Oyster Bay recently to hold
a meeting. They met with no en
couragement and returned to Now
A receiver has been appointed at
Tucson for tho Arizona Consolidated
William H. Taft ia to preside nt tho
opening of tho Republican campaign
at Youngstown, O., on September G.
Gov. Hughes of Now York is to bo tho
principal orator.
A series of explosions in tho Auto
Gas company's plant nt Albany, N. Y
completely wrecked tho plant, killed
two employee and fatally .injured tho
manager, John B. Harrison of Mil
waukee Oil hns been struck on tho Charles
Davis farm on tho edgo of Phelps and
Maries counties In southwest Missouri
nt a dopth of 1,000 feet. Tho Btrlko
bus caused much excitement in tho
neighborhood and land In tho vicinity
is being rapidly leased.
Leading members of tho Syrian col
ony in Now York hnvo started a
movement to present Turkoy with a
modern battleship. Tho money to
build tho vessel is to bo raised among
tho 200,000 Syrians In America.
Hot winds aro injuring tho corn
crop in Nobrnska.
In tho month of July 6G9 babies
less than ono yenr old died in Chicago.
Dunning and Anselmo, in Cuator
county, Nebraska, wero visited re
cently by tornndocB which caused con
Bldernblo damage to property.
Tho international motor boat raco
at Huntington, L. I., resulted In a vic
tory for tho American boat tho Dlxlo
II, Tho Etmllsh boat waa second.
A proceeding to regulnto and fix tho
price of coal to consumers In Okla
homa is to bo brought ugnlust nil coal
producing companies In that stato by
Attorney General West.
A forest flro of alarming propor
tions Is raging In tho Cocur d'Alono
nntlonnl forest In Idaho,
Tho twenty-sixth annual national
convention of tho Knights of Colum
bus was hold in St. Louis during tho
first week of August.
A break In a water main at Spring
field, Mo., caused all tho factories in
tho city to closo down for au entire
day rocontU'.
Tho Western Passenger association
hns refused Chairman Mack's requcut
for reduced rates to tho Bryan notifi
cation. A thoutrical merger which includes
almost every theater In the United
States la reported In New York. Prop
erty representing $500,000,000 will bo
Late figures on tho Kansas primary
glvo Joseph L. Bristow a majority of
15 In tho legislature over Senator
Long. In tho house Bristow has 70
votea to Long's GG. Tho Bcnato is
equally divided.
For fear her daughter was going to
elope, Mrs. Annlo Hlncmann of St.
Loula committed aulclde.
Tho Atlantic battleahlp fleet ex
perienced tho rougheat wenthcr of tho
entire trip thus far off tho coast of
New Zealand recently.
Tho Hiipremo lodge of tho Knights
of Pythias closed Its twenty-fifth con
vention nt Boston with tho election
of ofllcera. Henry P. Brown of Clo-,
burno, Texas, waa chosen cuprcmo,
chancellor. !
Tho contract for building tho Pugct
Sound drydock has been given to C.
J. Erlckson of Seattle, Wash., by tho
navy department nt hla bid of $1,
G25.000. Lato returns mako It certain thnt
Joseph L. Bilatow has defeated Ches
ter I. Long for tho United States sen
atoruhlp from Knnsaa. Morton Al
baugh, campaign manager for Senator
Long concedes tho nomination of Bris
tow. Later returns also confirm tho
first nnnounccnient that W. R. Stubbs
had defeated Cyrus I. eland for gov
ernor of tho stnto.
At Ashovlllo, N. C, Judgo Pardee
has granted nn appeal and super
scdoaB in the rato cnao recently de
cided by Judge Speer, which allows
the Increa8ed rates to go Into effect.
Roy C. Wooda, candidate for tho Re
publican nomination for public ad
ministrator of St. Loula county, shot
Alexander Steubo nt Wellaton, a sub
urb of St. Loula, nnd shortly nflor
warda was himself shot nnd fatally
wounded by a party unknown. Tho
Bhootlnga wero tho result of tho ro
cent bitter political campaign.
Missouri primary results as Indi
cated In the first reports wero that
W. S. Cowherd had been nominated
for governor over hla thrco competi
tors. Tho three large cities of the
state gave heavy majorities for Cow
herd. David Ball waa hla nearcat
A young man from Leavenworth,
Kan., waa recently rejected nt tho
navy recruiting station In Kansas
City becauso bo could neither read
nor wrlto.
Late eatlmatcs place the number of
dead lu tho 121k river country nbout
Ferule, B. C, ut 150. Tho proporty
loss In Fcrnlo nlono Is $5,000,000. Six
thousand persona lost everything they
hnd nnd nro now destitute.
Mrs. Jano Trumbull, wlfo of an En
glishman who camo to tills country
Bovernl yeara ngo to tench golf, is
dead in Now York from tho blto of n
pet cat.
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Stewart, the
no'ted temporanco advocate, known all
over tho country ns "Mother Stowart,"
is dead at her homo in Hlckaville, O.
A voluntary petition In bankruptcy
has been Hied in tho federal court
nt Pittsburg, Pa., by attorneys repre
senting Harry K. Thaw. Tho assets
aro given as $128,012.38, and tho li
abilities at $453,140.13. Roger O'Mara,
tho Pittsburg dctoctivc, was appoint
ed receiver with bond at $200,000,
Cardinal Gibbons, head of tho Ro
man Catholic church in America, has
been taken dangerously ill In Rome
with Intestinal trouble, and has been
obliged to tako to hla bed.
Alford W. Cooley, assistant attor
ney general, has resigned on account
of ill health.
Assistant Secretnry of Stato Bacon
has left Washington for Porto Rico
ou government business.
Frederick W. Thompson, well
known ns a railroad builder In tho
middle west, is dead at Muskegon,
Gen. Fred Funston was tendered a
reception and luncheon by tho com
mercial bodies of San Frnnclaco pre
vious to his departuro for Fort Leav
enworth, Kan.
Rev. Luther Freeman of Chatta
nooga, Tenn., hns accepted the pas
torato of the Independence Avenue M.
E. church at Kansas City.
Senator W. B. Allison of Iown died
unexpectedly at hla homo in Dubuque.
Heart failuro waa tho I mined I a to
causo of death. Senator Allison was
79 years of ago and hud been in con
gress for nearly half a century. Ho
wns born at Perry, O., in 1829. Ho
was a delegate to tho national con
vention of 18G0 which nominated
Abraham Lincoln for prcsldont.
Judgo Georgo A. Vandoveor, candl
dato for tho Republican nomination
for judgo of tho Ninth judicial dis
trict of Kansas in tho recent pri
maries, wns killed by a Rock Island
train at Hutchinson. The train
struck an automobllo lu which ho wns
W. J. Craig, onco owner of tho In
dlannpolla Sentinel, Is dead in De
catur, Indiana, aged Gl years.
Dr. Frederick K. von Lucnnus, chief
of Emperor Wll'lam'B bo called clvU
cabinet, Is doad in Berlin. "
S. T. McKnlght, n millionaire lum
berman of Minneapolis, Minn., is dead
of heart dlseaso.
Georgo A. Pettlbono, of tho Western
Federation of Miners and ono of tho
defendants in tho trials for tho mur
der of cx-Gov. Stcuncnborg of Idaho,
Is dead In a Denver hospital as tho
result of a surgical operation fol
Discharged Because Doctors Could
Not Cure.
Levi P. Brockwny, S. Second Ave,
Anoka, Minn., says: "After lying for
flvo months in a
jSy. hospital I was dls-
p, :. charged ns incur-
CT. A ftlil mill rrlirnn nttf
ySs-jraSU S,X montuH ,0 1,Ve
ji iwy ucari was uueci-
ed, i nau amoiner
ing spells nud sonic-
'6tt. times fell uncon
scious. I got so I
couldn't use my
arms, my eyesight
was impaired nnd
tho kidney secretions wcio badly dis
ordered. I was completely worn out
and dlr.courngcd when I began using
Doan's Kidney Pills, but they went,
right to tho cause of the troublo and
did their work well. I hnvo been
feeling well ever slnco."
Sold by nil dealers. HO cents a box
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
City Youngster Too Well Aware of the!
Wiles of Grafters.
The baseball evangelist, tho elo
quent Hilly Sunday, said during tho
revival services nt Sharon, Pa.:
"Keep good company. Nothing docs
(ho young moro harm than bad so
ciety. Only yesterday n farmer told
mo about a youngster of six or seven,
a llttlo country wceker, who hud as
suspicious nnd mistrustful a heart as
somo old miser or crook.
"Thla boy was sent by n charity so
ciety to spend a week at the farmer's.
Tho farmer set out to meet him, but
was late. Ho ran into him half-way
to the farm, trudging along the whlto
road, a big burlap bag of luggage on
his llttlo bony shoulder.
"The farmer held out his hands for
the burlap hag. .
" 'I'll enrry It, son,' ho said. 'It's too
heavy for you.'
"'Go on! said the little boy fierce
ly. 'Clear out now. or I'll call a cop.' " '
Dishonest Politician Gets Little Satis
faction from Promise.
Congressman I.ongworth, nt a din
ner during tho Republican convention
In Chicago, tnlkcd about honest poli
tics. "Honest politics nlono pays In the
?nd," said he. "Your dishonest poli
tician comes out like Lurgan of Cin
cinnati. Lurgnn was canvassing for
votes. Ho dropped In at a grocer's.
"'Good morning,' he said. 'I may
count on your support, I hope?'
" 'Why, no, Mr. Lurgnn,' said tho
grocer. 'I've promised my support to
your rival.'
"Luignn laughed easily.
'"Ah, but, In politics,' said
'promising and performing arc
different matters.'
"'In thnt case,' said the grocer,
heartily, 'I shall be most happy to
slve you my promise, Mr. Lurean.' "
Her Reason.
Not long ngo there waa tried In an
Ohio court a suit for damages where
in tho principal witness, a womnn liv
ing near Dayton, wns induced to come
to court only after several subpoenas
had been served upon her.
When tho dilatory witness wa3 final
ly brought before hla honor, he said
In hla sovercst tone:
"What reason can you assign,
madnm, for disobeying the summons
of the court?"
"I ain't got none, Jedge," answered
tho woman, meekly, "only we've got
small-pox down to our place, an' I
thought mebbe you'd bo kinder pro
Judlced agin it." Illustrated.
Gained 20 lbs. on Grape-Nuts.
There's a wonderful difference be
tween a food which merely tastes good
nnd ono which builds up strength and
good healthy flesh.
It makes no diffcrenco how much wo
ent unless wo can dlgcat It. It ia
not really food to tho system until
it ib nosorueu. A iorKstnie woman
"I hnd been a sufferer for ten years,
with stomach nnd liver trouble, nnd
had got so bad that tho least bit of
food such aa I then knew, would glvo
mo untold misery for hours after
"I lost flesh until I was almost a
shadow of my original solf nnd mv
friends wero quite alarmed about me.
"First I dropped coffee and used
Postum, then began to uso Grape-Nuts
although I hnd little faith it would do
mo any good.
"But I continued to uso the food nnd,
hnvo gained twenty pounds in weight
and feel like another person lu every
way. I feel as if llfo had truly begun'
nnow for mo.
"I can cat anything I like now in
moderation, suffer no ill offccla, bo on
my feet from morning until night.
Whereas a year ago thoy had to send
mo away from homo for rest whllo
others cleaned houso for me, this
spring Thavo been able to do it mysolt
all nlono,
"My breakfast is simply Grnpe-Nuts
with cream and a cup of Postum, with
sometimes an egg nnd a ploco of toast,
but generally only Grape-Nuts and
Postum. And I can work until noon
nnd not fcol as tired ns ono hour's
work would hnvo mado aio a year ngo."
"There's a Reason." '
Namo given by Postum Co., BattloJ
Creek, Mich. Read, "Tho Road to WolK
vlllo," in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A new i
one appears from tlm. to tlms. They
are genuine, true, and full of human j
.i . i-..