KWfi" -'WBNHB'L"lp1WlJTWWWvW'''0fc twtnih. x- fwVrM ijm i(tti $W! NEW Potter Block ' j YORK STORE A- Red Cloud, Nebraska - ft fcaeteW:-. August Clearance Sale yr- 1 U W T- if"6" Mr" Pl?Cea'ew a" cf N, Seasona'e Merchandise at money-saving prices. Special cut prices on Ginghams, Muslins, Ladies Waists, Skirts, Wrappers. Jackets ami fi.n'tc R;U ri!.L tij.... o, P .? .n Cut-Price Dress Goods Sale All the Dress Goods in this entire stock placed on sale atcut prices. The BIGGEST BARGAINS you ever saw anywhere. 50 and 60c dress goods on sale at 25c per yard. $1.15 and 1.25 Imported Dress Fabrics, sale price 59c. Special bargains in black and colored Panamos at 38c and up. Special bargains in black and colored Mohair Fabsics at 38c per yard and up. All the $150 black and colored Panamas and other plain suitings; sale price, 98c to $1.12. All the remnants and short lengths of Wool Dress Goods on sale at Half Price. All the Silks, Waistings, etc., on sale at cut prices. EXTRA SPECIAL 65 yards 36-inch $1.45 Black Taffeta Silk, sale price fi per yard. 60 yards 36-inch $1.75 Peau De Soi Black Silk, sale price $1.25. All Muslins Table Linens, Toweling. Sheeting, etc, on sale at cut prices. yc unbleached muslon at I9r hlpnrhprl muclin nt- Bargains in Outings at 5c, 6c, American Thread Co.'s Best Thread, 200-yard spools, sale price 4c per spool. i Queer Bird Friendship. I mn deeply Interested In watching; the strange companionship of one of the largest black and white woodpeck ers with red crown I have over seen and a sparrow. For two weeks they kave been about the yard constantly together and seem to bo the very best of friends. In front of the window where I am writing they spend a treat deal of their time In a dead boras-chestnut tree. Near the top of one of the trunks is a very large hole. While Mr. Woodpecker goej n to find nome delicacy Lady Sparrow" flies JJbojit the lop chlrpfeS RerrllyT' ily their actions when Mr. Woodpecker oomea out he must drop a "goodie" 4wn Lady Sparrow's throat. I hav never seen hia mate around or any nther sparrow when they are togother. Just these two, who are so different In every way and still seem to be such feood friends. Wherever he goes ahe follows, always flying about the tree traerp he la working. Exchange. J y nil incorrect uiagnoeia. "rll wan not a reculnr truvollnr man or the break he made at a little Mis souri hotel never would have occurred. The waitress limped up to him with the graceful gait of a crippled duck, and said: "Steak pork chops ham an egs an cole-meats." Not hearing anything In the tele scoped sentence that appealed to his city-bred appetite, and not realizing the limitations of the hotel, he looked up and asked: "Have yon got frogs' lees?" "Nah!" said tho waitress, indignant. ly. "Roomatlz!" Chicago News. 1 "On Himself." A house painter In a New Hamp shire village was proceeding down "the main street" one day when he was accosted by a fellow townsman. "Hello, Tom!" called the latter. "Why, I thought you were working on aM Spinner's house to-day." '1 was about to commence the Job," sala the palater, "when the old man picked a quarrel with me. He said eW4 put the paint on himself." "Do you think he'll do it?" "Well," said the painter, with a smile, "when I passed just now, that Is where he had put a great deal of It." I lleos LavHtlvo coutjh byrup recom mended by mothers for young nnd old is prompt relief for coughs, colds, croup, horbenebs, whooping cough. Gently laxative and pleasant to take Guaranteed. Should bo kept in every houbchold. Rold by Henry Cook. Operation for piles will not beneees wiry if you ubc Mun Zun pile remedy. init up" ready to use. Guarautecd. Try it. Bold by Henry Cook. 5c 8c 7c, 8c and oc. TVKlasteT SvoVe ri "daeYvev StvbenYvoTi New Oliver Automatic Tabulator, a. Twin Improvement to the Other Ruling Device. Just a simple, clean-cut mechanism for tubulating operated by a single Key Yet that single key unlocks scores of doors to added typewriter convenience. H does away with tho brain tension of tabulating. Tho movements of car riage arc controlled by unseen fingers. IlSS taAmlftlor works automatically Wlh Unvarying accuracy, Equipped wllh Its. tttSW AutonuMc Tstulatc-r, which can be operated in connection with tho Oliver Line RolfnK Device, the Oliver's sphere of usefulness is unlimited. In tho work of writingaud ruling Statistical reports Invoices, State ments, Inventories 0 1 c L I s 1 1 n g Checks, Deposit Slips, Cash Items, iitd ft-.tltt Lfll..u tf'.lnl Ilalances, Iay Uolls, Cost Records and scores of similar tabulated records, Oliver No. ft has no equal. It is the only machine that covers the whole broad Held of modern commercial work in a satisfactory way. The Oliver Automatic Tabulator is an integral part of every new machine furnished without a cent of addition al charge. It caps the climax of a long series of improvements given to the world in tlw magnificent now Oliver No. 5. Kach of these remarkable innova tions tho Oliver Tabulathr and tho Oliver Huling Device supplements the other. Together they form a combination of untold value in all branches of com mercial accounting. The Oliver Typewriter Is first of all a correspondence machine supreme in splendid service. It makes work a pleasure by providing automatic means of spacing, tabulating, ruling, Indica ting exact printing point, securing proper register, etc. The saving of time, of mental calcu lation, of manipulation, of extra atten tion nnd of eye strain Is an in-calculable benefit to the operator. And the gain In volume of work well done without extra operative effort means much to every employer. Write for the new Oliver Catalog-or better still ask the nearest Oliver Agent for a demonstration of .Model ?o, 5. The Oliver Typewriter Co. 1 16 S, 15th Street Omaha. Nebraska GEO. CORNER, Local Agent. Vociipl(uhcerl)i)iiiiRrai'ii of ilia r'utit rnllbcr In wel . iwylnr i-ltloim hb I.ochI Arciih for tho l lifer 'I yprvrrller In Uirllory mil already !ir,e",,iIf lnereHjci wrlio for tree copy botk "The Hit of tho Local akviu." We want a correspondent from everv neighborhood in the county. Call in nnd vo us or write u a llmi' about it. ' " Cut-price Sale an all Ladies' Hats and Millinery- Cut-price sale on all our $1.50 Ladies' Wrappers and Mother Hubbard House Dresses; on sale at 98c. Te t , 1 -TOMa MUST 8AIE. The gi cutest bargain values ever shown. Many of than on sale at less tlmn manufacturer's cost. 8.-..00 Silk lined Net Waists. ... . n COO Silk lined Net Waists.' "' .VOOSilk Waists ," 0.00 snk waists ;;;;;;:::::::::;:::;; 345 Special of 81.50, 81.75 and 82.00 White Waists, sale p ce 0 83.50 White Waists at P ' 3.00 White Waists at , 3.50 White Waists at ' , Cut-price Skirt Sale. A New York manufacturer's line of the newest style Skirts, in addition to our own stock, all placed on sale at cut prices. 85.00 black and colored Panama Skirts So,r 5.50 Panama and Fancy Skirts... , ., .inn in...., , r . "". 3.45 v.w i.ihuk unii runcy ranama Skirts 0.50 " " " .. . 7.50 " " . .t U.00 black Voile Skirts ' 10.75 ' " J5.00 " " " .... 1S.60 Ladies' Suits '.'.'.'..'. 15.00 " 18.00 22.00 ., .. NEBRASKA STATE FAIR, LINCOLN -Monday, Aug. si-Lincoln Day Tuesday, Sept. l-Govcmors Day Wednesday, Sept. s-Hryan Day Thursday, Sept. 3-Taft-Omaha Day Friday, Sept. 4 Parade Day Best Agricultural, Live Stock and Machinery Exhibits ever shown in Nebraska 30,ooo in Premiums Hfteen harness and Pain's stupendous spectacle ERUPTION OF MT. VESUVIUS and CARNIVAL'OFNAPLES 500 people. Immense display of fireworks each night Llberatti's New York Festival Military Hand and Grand Opera Concert Company of sixty persons, eighteen of whom are Grand Opera singers of national reputation. State bands from Hebron. Beatrice, Aurora, St. Paul. Western League Base Ball Wild West Show New $23,000 cattle barn, 174x254 to hold 036 head of cattle New 810,000 steel frame Auditorium, to scat 4500 people, to be dedicated by Hon. W. J. Uryan, on Wednesday, September 2d For premium list and entry blank, write .T. K. Mellor, Sec, Lincoln, Neb. Wood's liver medicine is for tho re lief of malaria, chills and fever and all ailments resulting from deranged con dition of the liver, kidneys and blad der. Wood's liver medicine is a tonic! 10 tne aver and bowels, relieves sick headache, constipation, stomach, kid ney and liver disorders and acts as a gentle laxative. It Is the ideal remedy for fatigue and weakness. It's tonic effects on the entire system felt with the first dose. Tho 81 size contains nearly 2)5 times tho quantity of 'the 50c size. In liquid form. Pleasant to take, Sold by Henry Cook. t Sick head ache and bllousness re lieved at once with Ring's Little Live Pills. A rosy complexion and clear eyes result from their use. Do not gripo or sicken, Good for all the family. Sold by Henry Cook. Pineules for backache, little golden globules, easy nnd pleasant to take. Act directly on the kidneys purify tho blood and Invigorate tho ontiresyhtcin. Rest for.backache, lamu back, kidneys and blndder.t.30 days trial SI. Guar anteed. Sold by Henry Cook. Greatest cleaner on earth for out ( glass, silver; or gold. Ask for trial pnoknt'o. Fn" .!,', piwkngo v.-i cats. Nkwiioum: IIiiom, " """"" "", vuuciwear, onoes, Hosiery, 4.25 4.45 5.25 0.74 ,1'Ii! ' ,,,u U'-M is.o 14.50 $I2(000 in Speed eight running races Athletic Meet W. K. GEER Shoes Shoes made to order. Repair work a specialty INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM CURBD IH SDAYa Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon. Ind.. aari; M ZlfihE1 Inaammatory Rnetimatlim In every nnacle and jalat; her auffering waa terrible d her body and face were awollen almest fee yen recognition; had been In bed atx weeks and had eight phyalclana. but received ne benefit until ahe tried Dr. Detckon'a Rtllef for RheuauUam. It gave IraMedtat rellet and ahe was able te walk abent In three daya. l as sure It saved her life." Bold by . a. Qrlos, Drugr'at, Red Cloud. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. Dr.Detchone RelierrorRheumatUm and Neural gia radically curta In l to S daya. Ita action upon tne ayatem la remarkable and roaterloua 11 remqvoa at pneo the cauue and thodlseaie m. mediately dltappeara. The flrat done greatly beneflta.75 centaandll. Sold byU. B.Qbici druggut, Red Cloud. ' ,UWCI" ASK FOR ALLEN'S FOOT KA9K, A powder for awollen. tired, lial, smarting feet. Simple tent KltEE. Also free Sample of the FO JT-KASK 8AN1TAIIY CUHN-I)' anew Invention. Address, Allen s. Olmsted, Lo Roy. One application of MnnZan pile remedy, for all forms of piles relieves pain, sooths, reduces inflnmmatinn, son-lips'. Mini itching. Price .-.tiu. Giumintet'tl to give. Nillifitetloii. Sold by Henry Conk. CUT-PRICE SHOE SALE SkSSP t ! Ihc ? Udi?- Misses'- C1,iltlre"'s a"J Boy.' Ladies' $2.oo Vici Kid Shoes, sale price ,.4S 3.5O " " 3.50 Vici Kid Shoes, sale price WW ;' Boys . 1.75. Pontiac Shoes, " ' :, 2.00 " l "" ' " " " 35 2.25 2.50 11 rilic !r Via U. l: r r n.u- lCOI5ys foes tor wear ever sold in this city. Every Pair Warranted. The largest and best line of Baby Soft-sole Shoes ever shown here. All on sale at 43c per pair. llaby English Uarefont Snnrllns Childs " " " 8 .85 Dongola Kid shoes at". '.'.'.'.'. ' :: :SVA' Kv?fch2 "r::::::::1-"1" Misses 1.35 Dongoln lace shoes' at' " 1.50 Vici lace hhocsnt.... " .".J:;;: ' I.8.1 " " " " 2.00 Our entire new stock of ladies, misses and children's black or tan Oxfords and Slippers all on sale at wholesale cost. We Sell Sunflower Shoes Best Made. COMING KENNEDY BROS. Big On Ring Show and Menagerie RED Thursday, Kennedy Bros, have a first-closs one ring circus. Some of the best performers in the land are with them, including Acrobats, Gymnasts, Contortionists, Wire Walkers, Trapeze Performers, Perch Pole Workers and a platoon of Funny Old Clowns. The Pony and Monkey Glrciis for the little Folks See CLARK, the Frog Man FUN FOR EVERYBODY Also HWATCZ in his comedy acrobatic turn entitled "Who Poured the Syrup in Grandfather's Whiskers" Kennedy Bros, have a first-class BRASS BAND which will render. popular and up-to-date music DON'T FAIL TO SEE BABY MABLE the Smallest Trained Baby Elephant In Existence Also JIM the largest Siberian camel ever brought to this country. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY Rain mr Shin Free Attraction on Show ADMISSION J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paints end Movildings Contractor for Papering, Painting and Interior Dec orating. Fine paper hanging a specialty. Acme -j5 ornnti paints. iTT'WWWII; Dress GonW, CV Uress Cj0ods' Ca" icoes, etc. 2.50 " " .. I,7 3.00 " V l'g5 3.00 Pat. leather shoes at I' 11 " ZP i-55 11 1.70 1.95 . -.1 .... .. ........ .OUc 1 03c 78c 00c 91.15 1.20- 1.45 15! CLOUD August 20 is30 ana :30 m. m Grounds at I o'clock p..m.. 25 and 35 cents 'Vll-vAvSAAvyvvv Bell phone 296. j i i " U K 'Xx 'im''m'" -.