f"i ii . t i i K Chautauqua Cui-Price Sale . , B1 4 V IV . M. 1 Special Cut-Price Sale on all the New Seasonable Merchandise at money-saving prices. Special cut prices on Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Ladies Waists, Skirts, Wrappers, Jackets and Suits, Ribbons, Gloves, Underwear, Shoes, Hosiery, etc. Vw flrfJB"Wl'lliw,p' I ; ' V- s 1 I w ! k i m K, . n i Cut-Price Dress Goods Sale All the Dress Goods in this entire stock placed on sale atcut prices. The BIGGEST BARGAINS you ever saw anywhere. 50 and 60c dress poods on sale at 25c per yard. $1.15 and 1.25 Imported Dress Fabrics, sale price 59c. Special bargains in black and colored Panamos at 38c and op. Special bargains in black and colored Mohair Fabsics at 38c per yard and up. All the $150 black and colored Panamas and other plain suitings; sale price, gSc to $1.12. All the remnants and short lengths of Wool Dress Goods on sale at Half Price. All the Silks, Waistings, etc., on sale at cut prices. EXTRA SPECIAL 65 yards 36-inch $1.45 Black Taffeta Silk, sale price $1 per yard. 60 yards 36-inch $1.75 Peau De Soi Black Silk, sale price $1.25. All Muslins Table Linens, Toweling, Sheeting, etc, on sale at cut prices. 7c unbleached muslon at .... 5c i2$c bleached muslin at 8c Bargains in Outings at 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c and gc. American Thread Co.'s Best Thread, 200-yard spools, sale price 4c per spool. Cut-price Sale an all Ladles' Hats and Millinery. Cut-price sale on all our $1.50 Ladies' Wrappers and Mother Hubbard House Dresses; on sale at 98c. GUT-PRICE WAIST SALE. The greatest bargain values ever shown. Many of thorn on sale nt less than manufacturer's eost. 8.1.00 Silk lined Net Waists S3.K3 fl.OOSllk lined Net Wuists.. 3.45 5.00 Silk Waists s.95 0.00 Silk Waists 3.45 .Special of St.50, 51.75 ami S2.00 White Waists, sale price 50 82.50 White Waists at l.5 3.00 White Waists at 1.50 3.5ft White Waists at 1.75 Cut-price Skirt Sale. A New York manufacturer's line of the newest style Skirts, in addition to our own stock, all placed on sale at cut prices. 85.00 black and colored Panama Skirts. S&75 5.50 Panama and Fancy Skirts '3.45 0.00 Mack and Fancy Panama Skirts 4.25 0.50 " " " " " 4 41 7 .10 " " " " " r or 0.00 black Voile Skirts , 0.74 10.75 " " " ; 7.75 15.00 " " " 10.75 12.56 Ladles' Suits 7.50 15.00 " " 10.50 18.00 " " 12.50 22.00 " " 14.50 ii i CUT-PRICE" SHOE SALE $2000 worth of the best Ladies', Misses', Children's and Boys' Shoes on sale at special cut prices. This is, without question, THE BIGGEST BARGAIN EVENT in this line ever held in this city. Ladies' $2.00 Vici Kid Shoes, sale price $1.45 2.25 l-c- 2.S0 1.9 3.00 " " 2.25 3.00 Pat. leather shoes at 2.25 , 3.50 ;. ' 2.65 ' 3.50 Vici Kid Shoes, sale price 2.65 1.75 Pontiac Shoes, " " i. 2.00 " ' ,.S5 2.25 i.7o 2.50 I.QS This is the best line of Boys' Shoes for wear ever sold in this city. Every Pair Warranted. The largest and best line of Baby Soft-sole Shoes ever . shown here. All on sale at 43c per pair. llaby English Barefoot Sandles r5e Chllds v oo " 8 .85 Dongola Kid shoes at 68c 1.00 VichKld .shoes at 78c 1.25 ". " " ooc Misses 1.35 Dongola lace shoes at 81.15 "" 1.50 Vici lace shoes at 1.20 ' 1.85 " "" " 1.45, Boys II II 2.00 Our entire new stock of ladies, misses and children's. black or tan Oxfords and Slippers all on sale at wholesale cost. We Sell Sunflower Shoes Best Made. NEW Potter Block YORK STORE Red Cloud, Nebraska FINE WORDS BRING PLAUDITS. Simplicity af Style Oanarally Un artciattd by Raadara. The girl graduate, Unshed and smll las, aeated beraelf beside her father In Uw automoblla and patted the pale blae bow of ribbon on her esuay. "Did you like my eseay, father?" "Tour commencement eaaay upon 'Lire's Hither Calls,' he said, 'seemed to me to be too too. But listen. Here Is an autograph letter of John Kuskln's that I bought this morning for $17. Maybe, If ypu had read this letter before writing your essay It would have been better." Then the father read the letter aloud, while the young girl listened with a Bcnrnful and sour air. "'I was obliged to write too young, when 1 knew only half truths, and was eager to pet them forth by what 1 thought fine words. People used to all me a good writer then;, now they ay 1 can't write at all, because, for Instance, if I think anybody's house Is on fire 1 only nay, 'Sir your house Is on fire,' whero formerly 1 used to say, 'Sir, the abode In which you probably passed the delightful days of youth Is In a state of Inflammation,' and every body used to like the effect of the two p's In 'probably passed,' and the two d's In 'delightful days.' " C A SCHULTZ Photographer Family (reaps and baby piotmres a paoialty. Damerell Black. CHAS ALLSOP Mason Cement work a specialty. Red Cloud, Neb. GO TO Robinson & Son If you want a Square Meal for 25 cts, Soda Fountain in connection with Restaurant. Soft drinks in sea&on. Henry Diederich DEALER IN Boots, Shoes and Angle Lamps Repairing Neatly Done. i I He Changed It. It was a red-hot day In July that the colonel was riding horseback along a highway and found a man dead beside the road. He hurried on to the nearest house and found that the owner was one of the county coroners. The man rallied four or five neighbors and proceeded to view the foody, and they were not five minutes la returning a verdict of sunstroke. "But there was no medical examina tion of the body," protested the kmel. "No, but you see work is driving 'with us and we can't spare the time to tool around," answered the coroner. "But I don't think he died of sun stroke." "No? Then we'll change the verdict to frote to death and let It go at thatV Wohe & Wright Engine Repairing a Speoialiy Horseshoeing, Hlacksmlthlnp; and Wugonnmklng JACOB BLLINOER Auctioneer RED CLOUD, NEK. Farmers' phone A 8. Hell phone 27. Plumb's Flour & Feed Store. You save money in buying your flour in 500-pound lots of him. Water as an Anesthetic. It Ih said that a surgeon of Horlln has accidentally discovered that wntcr may be used as an ancsthetl Ho was experimenting with cocoalne to kco how small a quantity of It might ho used locally for minor operations, when ho made the discovery about wa ter. A small' quantity Is Injected under the skin, and tho effuct Is to render the llesh at that point InsonBlblo to pain. Tho water causes n slight swell ing resembling that- caused by tho sting of a gnat, and the space marked by tho swelling remains insensible for H. E. ASHER Veterinarian Red Cloud-:- Nebraska At Day's old stand Why Buy A Monument of Us 9 9 BECAUSE Our designs are made by the very best artists in the country. BECAUSE Our material is first-class. BECAUSE All work is done with pneumatic tools, giving that distinguished-look to every monument. BECAUSE Our prices are right. Many other reasons we could give but call and see for yourself r drop us a card. Saunders Bros. lumber Coal Dealers ' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA'. We have in stock at all times a complete line of Building Material and Good Coal. Our prices ar reasonable. W solicit your patron aga. Ball Tel. CO. Farmers Ind. 71. Overing Bros. & Co., Artistic Monuments. 440-446 N. Webster. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA City Dray and Express Line. F. W. STUDKBAKER, fBOF. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as th Lowest CITY AOENT6 FOR ADAAS EXPRE6S CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 188. OffieiiQ. t j City Laundry J. P. HANSON, Propr. Thona 42. Rod Cloud, Nb. O. A Nelson Veterinary Surgeon & )ytfwf Yost Butler The Butchers Daalara in SAY, niSTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Building Ma terial and Coal at our yards? Not only that our prices average lower, or at least as low, as those ot our competit ors, but because we take especial care of and protect all can be classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT c FREES CO. Coal. Lttnbfi' Fresh, Salt .- Cured Meats Fbonis, Couutry 103 Bell 54 HARNESS Our stock of harness is complete and up-to-date in every department. If you are in need of any thing in the harness line,, from a tie strap to the best hand-made work or buggy harness, call on us. .We can satisfy you. JOE FOGEL North of Damerell Block. I I lt'PP,,TkTlT'4"'"'"t" r m INSURANCE against Fira, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, sta sNO. a. STANCE!?, nutMit tor lit Kui'inura Union Insnr ancu Co., Lincoln, Neb., the btst in Bnrutica company iuthe s'ste. Dtn't Buy Laid ntr Loan ) Mtney tn Real Estate without getting one of Teel's perfect Abstracts of Title. The oldest and most reliable feet of Abstract books in Webster Co. 310,000 bond filed and approved. Represents six of the best In surance companies doing busi ness in the state. MANS IAN M CITY PttKCTIEfr O. C. TEEL, Rett Ctouml, Nebr. OtHcm In Owrlng mimck. mrLAu matoiit rheumatism cured nt 3 DAYS. Morten L. mil. f Lebnn. Ind.. un; "JJtt wit h4 Inflaamttorr Rheumttlua inererr muscl and Jtlat; tier lufferlng wai terrtbl and her kody aa fee wrr iwellen almestke. yen recfn!tla: had been In bed alx weik and bad elgkt pkitlclani, but receded n benefit until ihe tried Dr. Detcken'e IUllof for nheuaatUra. It gare Immediate rellet an ihe wa able te walk abeut in three davi j Ma euro li eared her life." leld by . . Grjce DruKr'it,Red Cleud. ' ! mv 'r.T -arrjHT. 1. 1-l.l.ui .!nN Allen h.O linMed!" . i'Syl t i. ' jl ' I