t WSTU DUTU'DWt ING TO TAKING A TRIP ON L (A JMMj j a M JHJtSlkv. KUg Kj III FiLrvwL fifMsq 9ytf2SZL3tfiffiMflaaHa O-OW, whoo-ue c, oo oo o, Koo-e uhl-lz, but that wuh u buiii))!" It wuh our friend from thu Hand duutH of Indiana, Michigan, IIIIuoIh, Ohio. Minnesota. Wisconsin, or any other ntatn with plen ty of fnrmliiK districts, tryliiR out n thriller al Conoy iHland, Atlantic Cllty, one of Chleat;o'H bin four auiusuinent liarkn or for that matter at any city or town which HiipporlH these Hununor devlcoH for extracting coin or thu renlm from tluno ploltclnnH. No matter how Htolld he may be in llfu'a ordinary jiuraultH orhow omo tlonlCHH In an intcrurbau wreck, IiIh aplno curls, IiIh sym.iathetle nervo nyfltom tickles and he Ih compelled 'to give himself up to thrlllH. You can flmt him In every reuort where there (nr acenlc rnllwayn, roller-coasters, volrot-coaatera, flRureelKhtH, shoot-tlio-chutoH, dlp-the-dtpH, leap-thegapH, tlcklcra und HroreH of other modes for shooting the olectrli currontu up and down tho spinal cord of thu laiiKhlng, howling public. Ho Ih a source of nmiiHemuut for IiIb tutored city brother who UcUIch tho day ledger with a pon during daylight and 'cavorts nbout on unuiHemont tie .vices throughout th6 summer evenings. The city ploasuro-sooker lins much of 'tlilH sport und the thrills rail to rluc up In Ills anatomy the way they do in that of the man, woman and child who are taking their first: 'Mini at '.'tfie game. ! Statisticians claim that there are so many actual thrillers of. different cali ber and vnriety at work dally la the United States that If one Hhould travel on every ono of them, 'just onco, tho trip would tnko all Hummer. Thoro wore inoro this year than ever before. If nil of tho rldcH woro strung out they would reach clear across the eon t Incut', 'high browed hcIciiIIbIb claim. , Hut that only goes to show that Aiuorlcu Ih amusemeut-cruzy. The populace and tho elite, too, can't get enough thrill. Not long ago, an Illi nois man with an Idea proposed to in titall an uutomobllu In thu parks of the country and this device wns scheduled to run down an Incline, turn n double somersuult and alight upon its wher.ii again. America's thrillers are tcrrlfa; and gotting more so each year, hut the man from tho mlddlo west was pei haps a bit premature with his death-defying machine. Sometimes It didn't alight as per program. Tho process of starting a thrill thiough the pleasurscoker's frame consists of laying out n dovlco which combine both speed and tho unexpect ed. This Hubjecl Iiub been studied by every nmuscnient mnnnger In tho United States nnd they can't got tho jumps, drops and bumps long enough or fast enough to attract your shekels from your bank account to their coffors with the desired rapidity. "Say, by heck, I'm afeared to ride on thct shebang. It don't hcv a safe lopk. to mo." Well, hurtling through tho nlr raster thuu an aeroplane In working order cettalnly doesn't look wife, but at the Maine lime the visitor to the city who made that remark did not know where of he spoke. ISvory single dovlco, nu matter how small, how largo or how "hafe-looklng," Is required to undergo n rigid test by the building commls Hlouuru, before bolng allowed to accept tho public's dimes. There must b- n block syfitotn or lights, much tho sanm as that used by railway hj stems, also Htoppago dovlces on every Incline to prevent cars, chairs or other sontlng toJiIcIcb from sliding backwards down fuiMncllnu. Tho fruuiowork or tho device Is tost od for Its strength and made to sup Vrr far heavier weights than are ovor TtT Koo-e uhl-lz, but that was ,, XJMCj7 7 iBflRIRSI&HCHkvHI TT it wuh our riionti from w-w, Yml I mmmiMSm w&altiri? 1SH ""T1 tho sand dunes or Indiana, V"- -5J$Mvs J tBMwmMlilfiMHIIlBWMxf ' 5&jT A Jfcwil gIfc Michigan, Illinois, Ohio. .. J(ty BKKMm'MMk ST Minnesota. Wisconsin, or O'MO cTS y K!KKsmEKISSB0W' 2! any other stnto with plen- Vj YP' EcW?vWWVSrmf p jp ty of farmliiK districts, ' JyMH t" i - jMJCjMgftAaMJflfciiffiiEr jtWtiiu!sy r iHr -'4aB V9CN trying out a thriller al .,,,,. ,. , , , . ... ., ft flBlflNBHDffwlKSL'V lS'BJqJ i3Ml flThll rlJ toi,.r,.i Atinnii.. m,tr IUUl ''It hiirdon. On the curves BB(areMfcMKMiMBBag"llkTftgCy2w2PMB W''.'! uonoy Island, Atlantic I ,. ... .. ., ... ., , ., ak aiaaHVjBkSVBHUKfPBLSCmlvJ WftvilBlE'i ?sM"vBll - Vy run,, ,. ,,r f- !,, i,Il- )f ,,,,nK. tlirllloi-H (hero s the usual M fiiBB WKffi ! UESf J ' WmwXAMl8&M after made Its burden. On the curves f riding thrillers there s tho usual horizontal track above tho wheels or I ho vehicle to pi event It from leaving Iho scheduled pathway. Persons pos sessing weak hearts :uo rorbldden the thrills and rew accept the chance to test that oi gnu when In bad condition. There are alno sirups, chains, guards, etc., to hold the pation In the car und If he or she mils out it Ih little short "f n miracle and only once or twice a benson uro accidents reported, ho earofully do thu nmusemont managers gunrd the lives of those who provide a method or bread-winning. Perhaps thu scenic railway Ih known more gonernlly to thoso who would lino their interlois with momentary thrills. This ildo consists or a series or curs strung together. Thoro are brakes between each car and the levers are manned by strong-nrmed boyH from the railway yards. To them there are no thrills. It's monotonous as driving tho cows home from pasture Tor them. Kvcn catching a pair spoon ing while- the trulu Ja running through the blackness or a mimic Canadian forest, can't make them reel weary. It happons on every trip. TjKMavgrngn'Hcenlo 'railway runs'up ii ir... ,...,. I..V.II ' .!.' . ,r- if-uvhiuu indium ui miner is uauieu up hy it chain 'arid you a'te ready ror tho first dip. Tho brakemen roleaso thulr levers and down the enrs go raster than tho Now York-Chjcago 18 hour limited. lt thu uninitiated puts his head between his knees he Is npt to kick himself In the rnce on the Journey up tho hill which rpjlows overy dip. Therororo If you haven't yet been bounced around In this man ner, hnng to tho Iron guurd, stick your hat under your arm, grit your teeth anil mnku up your mind not to care IT your hair does got mussed. Arter the tialu has completed the llrst scries or dips there la usually a Journey through a durk recess, tragi cally known as tho "cavern," this being Installed to glvo tho spooners a chance to gloat over their nervo. Tho rest In n repetition, generally. Nct In lino us a death doling con trlvipico Is thu coustor. Thero nro rower carB and not ho many seats In each vehicle. Then, too, tho coaster needs no hauling up a second Incline, for there Is only one, tho dllTerenco be ing noticeable in the length or the de scents. In homu pnrkH in both enot and west theio has been a tendency or latu to turn the coaler Into a seml-loop-the-loop, that Is to Bay, the cars drop off tho top or tho runway onto a So scent at an anglo or about 70 degrees, dropping about 80 feet, and then start up tho ascent at an anglo which Ih not quite so abrupt. Some coasters lmvo only ono or these terrirylng dips, while others have about '20 It seems to tho first-nighter. Well, ono Isn't so bad. but nbout tho third jump you begin to calculate that the seat must have slipped out tho bottom of the car you'ro so high In tho air most of tho time. Passing on to another part or tho resort you strike tho llguroelght. Every hamlet lias Its figure-eights theso days. That contrivance Is rash loned llko nn "8" and much resembles tho coaator, except that tho cars rollnw tho lines or tho tlgure, tho dips nio smaller and you naturally don't get so russod up. It's tamer In fact, and Tor thnt reason graduation rrom the uguro-elght entitles you to prestlgo, which Bhould enrry you rearlussly over tho Jumps which thu coaster takes and allow you to blandly hand tho "socond- lHi'iBraBiwnrjraiBi wi. WTf " --i.iri MB WKiiJSIrJMWBKfflWW it" :ssiMBBiWll the dcgmc ride-lady" SO cents Tor another trip ror yourseir and rrlend. Then there's the tickler. That's a new rldo Just put on In the west this scuson. You get Into a round car and tho device Is dragged up nn Incline ror the downward thrill. Stnrtlng down it OntOIH II lubvilnth nt rnlla. Mm Pr rn. volvlng in ono direction and tho de scent carrying It In another. This gives u remnrkablo oppnrlunlt to learn how It tools to bo jerked In two dlroctlons nt the same time. Tho Potsdam railway Is a practical dovlco. "made In Germany." which runs on nn overhanging rail and which magnates among tho Teutons threaten to make a conventional mode or travot thero within u rew years. The thrill in this conHlHts 'or hoping It won't rail oft this trip. Amuscmont-loving Americans also have tho aerostat. Curs aro suspended at tho ends or long cables, you are locked In nnd tho device Is started. It Is like a Maypole, except that tho cables don't become Interwinod around the pole. Ah tho speed Increases the cars rise higher at the ends or tho cables and. Inclined, speed through ether rnr out over tho heads or the multitude. Anyone who Is susceptible to sea-sickness might possibly become Immune by this treatment Tor the blues or ovorydny lire. Tho giant swing, whllo It Is not much like the aerostat, gives the same reeling to Home. Then there Is tho airship, which inn Jestlcally winds about tho outside or a tall tower and then winds down again Murry-go-iouuds are numuious ami despite the ract that this Is the father or all thillls. it still has Its patrons among the children. Among the tlmo-honorcd creations Is the Bhoot-thochutes, which consists or u slldo down a toboggan and a row bounces ufter tho bont strikes tho water or tho lake at the bottom or tho chute, ir you'ro wlso you'll not sit In tho rront sent. There's whore the big bump comes and the occupants or tho bow or tho boat reel the leaps over tho water most, Having traveled on rides enough to Htlmuluto nn appetlto ror something In a different lino wo steor our down state rrlend Into the Btntlonary de vices Tor thu same purpose. These nro of uvory variety. You Htep Into one at random. Tho lloor stnrtb to move with a circular motion towaid tho top COW BROKE UP BARN DANCE or course, realism Is all well onough in Its way, but It can easily be carried to an excess. Here, Tor Instance, Is tho caso of thnt barn dauco in tho enst, whore an actual barn wan tho Bcono of revelry. And In tho midst of tho fun a blood ed cow broko away from her stall and took nu active Interest in the proceed ings, ripping tho shirt wnlsl from a coltugu jouth and hooking n roomy holo in tho big llddle. Aftor which she pranced up the middle with her railway or the room, ir It imfves backwards rrom you. Intuition tells you to step forward. Don't step too speedily or you'll And yourself walking on the celling, head down. Finally nn open ing Is reached. You step out onto n floor which bounced up and down as you meander along. ' A moment later you walk upon what seoms to bo tho top of an airship, loosely Inflated. By that time, ir you'ro one or the rnlr sex, you need protection. Tho recess es aro all pitch dark. Then, perhaps you are swayed by a wavo-Ilke motlun or ther entire room, which very naturally elicits very prop er scream ftom the women rolks. "Freed from ocean-liner Imitation, you uro Immediately Introduced to a 200-mlloa-an-hour cyclone, coming from the lloor, colling, walls und In fact from all aides. The lloor begins to move sideways .with a quick-Jerky motion. You try to nteady yourself on a rail. Just ' perceptible in the blackness. Ouch! It's charged with electricity. Ahead are several staircases and you feel rather relioved to think you're out of it at last. Reaching them sare ly you start up when, without wnmlng, the whole contrlvunce begins to movo backward and forward, compelling you to grab tho rail for surety. In daikness again, you try to mako your way through a typical Inbyrlnth or rooms. Feeling along tho wall with one foot ahead of you to ascertain tho nearness or bottomless pits, etc., for our mind's eye -sees lots thnt don't exist, you bump your hobo against a few barrieis and eventually push against a wall, which gives way and you Mud yourself alone In a turnstile, inclosed on nil sides. When your ter ror has reached a burning point some one elso behind pushes tho wall ns you diil and you aro liberated, only to again tind yourseir in the midst or weird ghostlike cries and see skele tons dartlnx hither and thither (on pulleys). A little scream Just nt this moment might bo appropriate. .lust to get your mind off the terrors or tho place, tho next few turns are tamo, when suddenly your feet slide out from under you and you find yourself shoot lug down a chute in a sitting position. Daylight ahead and once agnln, before you have time to think it over, you'vo lauded among the crowds outside, thanks to tho manly strongth of tho spfoler, whode nrms received you where the chute ended. head down, and six girls and three boys ciawled onto thu feed box nnd fell olt in a shrieking heap, nnd tho athlete or tho paity, with wild yolls, broko the lecord on a quick climb to tho hayloft, and four girls hid under the straw cutter, und thero wns tho merry mischlor to pny. Tho cow quickly had her gambol out, and then backed into hor Btnll with a satisfied moo and Immediately resumed her cud. Uut tho barn dnnco was ofrectuallj brokou up Clovoland Plain Dealer. DAVID AND GOLIATH Sunday School Lesson lor Aag. 9, 1908 Specially Prepared for This Paper I.KSSO.V Ti:.T. - 1 Samilul 17:3S-. Mrmory Vfrm-n. 4S, W. GOI.DKN TKXT.-"ln the Lord put I my tniHt."-imilin 11:1. TIAIK. It Ih uncertain how long after nlfl nnolntliiR wuh David's victory over Oolluth. Prof. Heeoher Imagines It to tie about four yours. I'sshcr gives 1J. V. Ml for the dute. l'r.ACK. The PhlllmliiKH llt-mi in ! pluln bordering the Meilltuirnneuu. muitli went of Palestine. The uniile were Katheled at KplieH-dniniiilin, "llio boun daries of blood," toward tlip head of tho valley Kiah, miming up f,0in tho I'hll istliio country toward Jcrutuilein. Tho ncenc of Mm buttle, was 14 inlleH soutli went of Jerusalem, and ten miles went of Ualileheiti, Comment and Suggestive Thought. A guiding Providence I plainly dls corned In this story, the meaning or each part being unseen till tho result showed tho reason ror uvory step. Tho significance or Providence Is often written tin with Invisible ink, nnd can not be read till tho consummation is reached. Tho three oldest or DavId'H brothois wero In the army or Saul, only about ten miles rrom home, and Jesse, feeling anxious Tor ncwB about them, sent David to the camp with some fresh provisions, for the soldiers there, ns often in later wars, furnished their own suppllup. It was tho fortieth day or (lOllatli'H challenge when David reached tho camp, and heard his haughty words. He soon took In the state of affairs. His inquiries and comments brought upon him tho r buko or his oldest brother. Hut he kept on till his words camo to the ears or Saul. Saul was convinced by two argu ments. (1) The coinage, skill and power shown by David in laying a lion und a bear In defonao of his sheep. (2) His trust In God us his dollvcrer rrom tho paw of the Hon and the paw or tho bear. What Cod has onablod one to do Is the proof of what he can do In tho future, as woll as a preparation for do ing It. David's Weapons. Vs. ns-40. Saul was far from seeing tho advantage or Davld'H uso or tho weapons In tho uso or which ho had gained great skill. Hence ho began by putting on David his own armor, tho best tho kingdom afrorded. Hut this was worse than useless, and David put it off. V. 40. "He took his staff." His shep herd staff and means of offense and de fense, in days when no firearms ox lBtcd. A shepherd's staff rrom Pales tine, In my study, Is u heavy, oak club. "Five smooth stones." "Smooth" in order to move straight to the mark; "five," so that If ono railed, others would be on hand. Such pebbles as David would chooso would weigh be tween six nnd fifteen ounces. "In a shepherd's bng ... a scrip." "Ah tho shepherd Is ever moving In search of pasture and water, ho Is very often far rrom his headquarters, and thoro foro he carries slung over Ills shouldor a skin-bag, primarily to contain his bread, olive berries, raw onions, and dried fruit, figs, or raisins." Mrs. Howie, In Sunday School Times. Tho forelegs tied together form tho handlu of the .crip. "Hla sling was In his hand." A sling skilfully used was by far the bent weapon with which to de feat a huge, mailed warrior. It conld bo used from a safe distance, but was very (powerful. Davjd had doubtloss become accurate with his Bllng as, a means of defense, as the Bonjamltes In tho tlmo of tho .ludgOB "everyone coujd sling stones- at n hair-breadth anil" riot.' mlaa" (Judg. 20:16). V. 41. "And the Philistine camo on." In his shilling armor, with "his dread ful clanking tramp under tho hundred weight or metal." Cornier suggests that they walked down tho stream on either bank, conversing as they went. , V. 43. "Cursed David by his gods." Theae gods were such ns Dagon, Baal and Astnrte. Tho combat thus bo camo a question not merely between David and Coltnth, but between God and Idols; between true rollglon aud raise, as David fully expressed in his answer to the giant (v. 4G) "that all the earth may know that thero Is a God In Israel." V. 47. "Tho battlo Is tho Lord's," who will defend his own cause, and not only had moved David to learn h's weapon, but guided the stone to Its mark. V. 48. "David hastened, nnd ran," giving Impetus to his sling, and a nearer mark for accuracy. So Paris In the Iliad: "With his f"U strength lie bent bin angr) bow, nd wlitKrd the feathered vengeance at tho foe." V. 49. "David . . . took thenco a stone, and slung It." "On wings of fnlth and prayer tho smooth stone took Hb rntal flight." "And 'smote tho Phillbttno In his forehend." Tho atonn either entered u point unprotected bj tho helmet, or It may oven havo peno trated aud passed through tho helmet Itself. Prof. W. H. Green. Practical Point. The combat between David and Goliath hits muny points which Illus trate aud symbollzo tho conflict be tween good and ovll in tho world; a conflict into wnlch every ono, old or young, should ontor, Thero Is a personal conflict with ovll as when Christ fought the battlo or temptation In tho wilderness. Tho church cannot succeed with worldly weapons. David's preparation for his" groat vic tory came through dally falthfnlnoss. David showed tho daring and hero ism of faith. When Cooks Leave. "Can you assist mo?" pleaded tho beggar. "I really don't know whero my next meal is coming from." "Neither do I, replied Cltley. ' Cooks haven't the slightest regard for appetites, havo they?" An Example. "If you want a thing well done yoir simply must do It yourseir," declared Mr. Wyss. "Yes," ngreud Mrs. Wyss. with n touch of sarcasm, "I remember how nlco you looked the time you cut your own hair." A Foreign View. Mrs. Cttnson: "Count, do you coiw sldor American girls good enough to marry foreign noblemen?" Count Goldo: ".Madame, zc beggar cannot oo ze chooser." Something Stronger. Pat: "Sir? Yo nlvver heard o' th big wind in Ireland? Degobbs, mon. y'r wan In tin thousand! Thot wind blow ivverytlng lengthways, sldowiiyH hlc Idgcwayi), shortways; nuro hlc It wuh th' strongest thing as Ivvor blow agalnBt a mon!" The Listener: "There is something fctronger, Pat!" Pat: "Toll mo what, now! Phat is stronger?" Tho Listener: t "Your breath" Making It Pleanant for Him. Mabel Papn, what did you say to Harold that upset him ho? Ho warf absent-minded and nervous all tho oveninn ufter ho hnd been in to nsk your consent. Mabels Papa On. nothing much. Aftor giving my consent. I moroly ad ded that I hoped he wouldn't back out, sninu ns nil tho other fellows had' done, when ho found out what a temper you had. Real Base Ball. (W. .1. Lampton In New York World.) Oh, tnko mo nwny from the base ball' game ; Whero sclcuco Is at the tint And tho players play In a technical way Till a rube can t tell where they're at. Where scores aro highest when noth ing at all And nobody tnkes a base; Whero nobody makes Any sort of mistakes And ovorything'a Just in placo. Whero spectators keep on the watch ror playii So closo that it gives them a pain; And whatever's done In hit, catch or rim They Bcreum at to take off tho strain. Oh, carry me buck to the old-rashloncd, game That doesn't know science at all, Whero the sides go In With a whoop to win, And they don't do a thing but piny ball. Where twenty or thirty or rorty runs Aro likely ns not to bo made; And tho bagH, are hot From many a swat In games that are played as Is played. Whero the catcher don't look like nn armored knight And tho pitcher Is not ho intense, The.battor can't-hit Em a little bit. nut bangs 'em clean over the fence. Where something is doing thnt suro stirs up the soul About every minute or so. With tho homo runB mado And double ploys played . And the whole darn thing on tho go. Whero grandstand and bleachers aro all or a kind, And are there becauso they aro there To seo a good game That's good Just tho same Though science bo up in the air. Oh, take me away rrom tho base bait game Whero scientists havo tho call, And glvo mo the play That lasts hair a day Hurrah! That is ball; that Is ball. Lincoln Directory And Pressors ol Ladles'. Gentlemen's and Children's Clothing. Write for Prico List. J. C. WOOD & CO. 1322 N ST., LINCOLN, NEB. HERBERT E.GOOCH CO. BROKERS AND OI3ALURS Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton (loin Ofllce. 304-305 Fraternity tildir, Lincoln, Nehratk. Bell Thoue 612 Auto Phono &B9 T'liriroHt Houbb In Htate TALKS ON TEETH ALVEOLAR METHOD If yon havo two or more tooth tn cither Jaw. wo can replace tho mltwlntr teoth with tho bountiful A'veolnr method, n will puy you t enme any dlstaneo for this tKautlfitl work. W tighten loose toeth anil euro aoro iwms. wo do nil branches of OentUtr y. Work done Immediately for out-of-town patron. Loontod l,..r.k fnii vnnrm PnCinU llRMTIi2TC Klin. Hlroet, Lincoln, NebrAnku. Tift's Ranch at Taft, TEXAS This fiunotw ranch, tho lest In the coast country, at reasonable prices, oasy term. Write ns today for particular. WHITE & LEVI, 716 P St., Lincoln, Nebraska. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND Now Is ymir opportunity to buy Boutu Dakota land at tost prices. j(BrB ug to wlect from. Wrlto no for particulars. WHITE & LEVI, 7IG P St., Lincoln, Nebraska. Gasoline Engines pur new 4 cycle motor Is doalgnod c roclnlly for farm and shop. CUSIIMAN MOTOrt CO., LINCOLN, NEQR. jftafttfaag PfeVM MifM'tt L-y., IjJtt hb-; fJpjXlJmriXhP1Aiw