The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 07, 1908, Image 5

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    n sNpseBMI
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he can get the best value
at moderate cost, with the
extra protection of a positive
money warranty, by choosing
Paul Storey
The Clothier
loin the llryan club.
Separator oil for sale at Cottlng's.
Oscar Uurroughs Sundayed in frank
Hoy Palmer was down from Inavale
Sim Thomas was down from Cowles
Miss Alice Powell went to Guide
Uock Monday.
Geo Volland was down from lllver
ton Wednesday.
Percy Adams and wife came in fiom
Oxford, Monday.
Don Hart well of Inavale was in Keel
Cloud Saturday.
Mrs. Arthur Iloby of Ileatrice is vis
jting in Red Cloud.
Ike She'pardson was down from Riv
erton, Wednesday
Dr. Rainrs and family are home from
an outing Colorado.
' Mjs.A'dellne Baylor was in . frank
lin the' last, of the week.
Dr. Thomas and family visited rela
tives in Cowles, Sunday.
Jack WalUr of Cowles attended the
ball game here. Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Salene came
down from Orleans, Monday.
Mr. Grimes of Blue Hill visited his
on Ned and wife, Wednesday.
Mrs. Anna Qlllard and baby of Nap
onee are yisltlng relatives here.
Mrs. Ralph Foe of McCook i& visiting
her mother, Mrs. E. McFarland.
Mr. and Mrs. Runchey returned from
Clayton, Kan., Tuesday morning.
Pitcher Clegg visited his parents at
Denton the first part of the week.
Leon Letter and family returned
from Denver the first of the week.
Ex-County Attorney Walters cam
down from Blue Hill, Wednesday.
Miss Addle Thomas of Cowles attend
tended the Chautauqua Wednesday.
Marvel Turnure entertained several
of her little friends Monday evening.
Dave Whittaker and family of Strat
ton are In the city visiting relatives.
Miss Maude Miller of Hebron is vis
iting with Miss Pearl Ilines this week.
Mrs. Dr. Thomas is enjoying a visit
from her father and sister of franklin.
Mr. and Mrs. Tlumer Weston of Lin
coin are visiting friends and relatives
Hervy Conover came down from Mc
'Cook, Wednesday to attend the ball
There will be the usual services at
the Episcopal church next Sunday
Miss lieatrix uongion is nere irom J
Tt.ifiitna vl.lttnr lini- fmiatn Mfuc Alfn i
Miss Grace Kinsell came home from
Guide Rock, Sunday, where she visited
It. W. Miller returned the latter part
of last week from a visit with rela
tives at Dresden, Kas.
Miss Anna Yaplo returned from Den
ver Wednesdoy, Her 6ister accompan
ied her home for a visit.
Mrs. Fuller of Orand Island came
down Wednesday to her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Potter.
MUs Bertha Potter and Miss Beulah
'Taylor entertained at the home of
.Miss Potter, Tuesday evening.
u v3 v
IMMuii .'i' home- luiltftry. Special I
pi'i'i on I to , tititulroil pound lnl of i
old wheat .lour at lied t'loud Mlilss
Mr Lttttra lUltertun ruturiteil
V lnesihty from visiting in Oxford
and tit'etul-tig tin ball
games at Mo
Alf McCall and family have returned
home from Excelsior Springs, Mo.,
where Mr. McCull went in search of
i 1.1.
IllilHII. I
n U'l--I..1- .- It!. Mll.i Vr,f I
.. ' . . c . ,, , ... i
Nose and 'Ihmat Specialists. Classes'
iitted. Over
licrman National Hank, i
A. A. Itcnkel, proprietor of the Star
barn, was overcome by the intense
heat of last Monday, but has almost
For Sale three thoroughbred Short
horn bulls. Can be seen on farm two
miles southwest of CJuide Uock. John
Why not get together and have a big
I industrial parade during ilte reunion?
, Such a thing is a freat advertisement
for a town.
Will llalley his decided the com crop
needed no further assistance from him
and has accepted a position with John
son it Hotter.
Mrs Dr. D.imerell cave tin auto
party Saturday evening In honor of
her niece, Miss Marthena LeMare, who
is visiting hem.
Owing to ill health I will sell one
10-horse Russell engine, one a','-.'! Case
separator with blower attached. In-
quire of J. L. Harlow. j
Are you trying for that $10 In gold i
given the lady having the largest vot
in the Piano Contest August 2I.'. Seel
our announcement on another page of
this issue.
Foil Rkst. I desire man with help
of his own to take stock farm on
shares. U.'i to 10 cows. Also well
stocked to hogs. Apply within one
week to I. W. Cdson.
There was quite a smile to be seen
on the face of l. M. Crabill, Monday,
when his wife and daughter Jessie re
turned from Denver where they hud
been visiting Earl Crabill and wife the
past two weeks.
Look pleasant and don't forget to
insure your property against loss by
fire, Lighting A Cyclone in one of the
old line insurance companies repre
sented by L. II. fort agent, Damerell
block. S1000 cyclone policy only costs
you S.'i for 3 years.
The water fountain purchased for
the city by the ladies of the W. C. T.
U. arrived the first part of the week
and the foundation has been put in
place, One of the parts came broken
which will have to be sent from the
foundry before the fountain can be put
in running shape.
The announcement of F. II, Clatte
for the nomination for county com
missioner on the Democratic aud Peo
ples Independent tickets will "bo found
In thls'l'ssue of the Chief. " Mr.' Clatte
is a clean young man who will always
work for the best interests of the,
county, and he should be nominated
and elected.
We take pleasure in announcing the
name of Chas. Besse as a candidate for
the-nomination for state senator on the
Democratic and Peoples Independent
tickets. Mr. Besse is a pioneer of
Wabster County, a man who knows
the needs of the people of the county,
and a man who will always' be found
on the right side of an issue regard
less of any man. Do the right thing
by giving him your vote on Septem
ber 1st.
The Red Cloud Bryan Club held an
enthusiastic meeting at the court
housa Monday evening. A good at
tendance was present and short talks
by Dr. Damerell, Judge Edsou, Attor
ney Blackledge and others were listen
ed to. A number of working commit
tees were appointed and other business
transacted. The club membership on
Monday evening was sixty-one. The
next meeting will be held Monday
evening at eight o'clock at the court
house. All men, regardless of polities,
are invited to V present.
Pinesalve carbollzed acts like a poul
tice. Quick relief for bites and sting
of insects, chapped skin, cuts, burns
aud sores, tail and sunburn. Sold by
Henry Cook.
Pineules for the kidneys. 30 day's
trial 81. Guaranteed. Act directly on
the kidneys and bring relief In the first
dose for backache, rheumatic pains,
kidney and bladder trouble. Invigor
ate the entire system. Sold by Henry
One application of ManZau pile
remedy, for all forms of piles relieves
pain, sooths, reduces Infiammatlon,
soreness and itching. Price (50c.
Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Sold
by Henry Cook.
JUtherOrny, a nurse In New York, dlscovertd
Tn aromatic, pleaaant herb cur ftrwomtu'a
Ilia called AUHTKAUAN LKAK. It lithe only
certain regulator, our female yraakniHiei
aud backacbt. kidney, bladder and urinary
troublta At all druecliu or by mall '.A conu,
HampU PRRU. Addreai, Th Mother Gray Co,,
L ltoy, N. Y
Hees Laxative cough byrup recom
mended by motherb for young and old
Is prompt rollef for coughs, colds,
croup, horseness, whooping cough.
Gently laxative) and pleasant to take.
Guaranteed. Should be kept in every
household. S'ld by Henry Cook.
Chautauqua Opens.
The l!ed t'ioiul Cliautnu ,'i.i opened
Wednesday with a rousing !pccch bj
(senator Polllver. IIli subject .us
'National Character' and the masterly
way in which he handled It won for
him n warm place in the hearts of till ,
,, , ... . , . '
nii iK'iiicr" vine oi ins siroiig-iiuiuin i
was that If the American home was
wliat it should be America would need
no curfew law to vend tin oliildrcn to
bed. and everyone who heard his ad-
dress must have felt benetltted.
. . , .... ,
Orchestra was the attraction, and we
feel safe in savlnir thnt never before
,, e ..... neot,le of ,,..., cl,.ml -., ,,.,,
opportunity of hearing so eminent a
musical organization. Their work is
beyond criticism or description by us,
thetefore we shall refrain from the
On Thursday afternoon Prof. How
man of the Iowa State Agricultural
College spoke on "Corn." Prof. How
man is probably the best posted man
in the country on this subject, and his
address was listened to by a large and
appreciative audience, hack of time
forbids our giving this lecture the
space we desire, but we shall have
more to say about It next week.
Thursday evening the Midland Jubi
lee Singers called forth a large audience-
Their work was certainly all
that has been claimed for them, and
the rounds of hearty applause which
greeted each number could leave no
I doubt in tlteir minds as to the appre
elation of their hearers.
The rest of the Chautauqua Is filled
up with good things, and you should
not full to attend every session,
Land! Land! Land!
Slfi.OO an acre buys laud that will
produce he very largost yield of all
kinds of farm products, and will in
crease in value In the next ten years as
fast us the land did in Oklahoma, that
is now selling for from S'u.flO to S7.V00
per acre.
The crops are elegant lu the Pan
handle where this laud is located, n d
laud sold on ten years time Is in tiie
reach of the man of moderate means,
and some of our good citizens are
talcing advantage of it.
Excursion dates: first and third
Tuesdays in each month,
The Red Cloud Investment Co.
In the Potter Block.
McCeok l-t Red Cloud 0-5.
Dumb base running ami poor field
ing lost the game Wednesday for Red
Cloud. Cleifg pitched a superb game
but the support was not behind him
when he needod it, errors and poor
throwing to bases being one of the
features of the game. The score was
1 to 0 in favor of McCook.
The game on Thursday was a little
different. With the exception of one
excusable error 'the Mavericks hod a
clean' slate, and easily defeated McCock
by the score of 5 to 1.
For the
Very Best
Gall on
The Groeer
All thm Phono
Greatest cleaner on earth for cut
glass, silver or gold. Ask for trial
package. Full sl.e package S.'i cents,
Nkwiiousk HltOH.
Dr.Detobom Iiellef farltheumatltm and Neural
gia radically cure In 1 to 3 day. IU action upon
the ayitem U remarkable and myatcrlou. It
remoye at once the gaiiRe and thftUUfinno Im
mediately dlappnr. The nri rtoae irreatly
beu-titi, 75 r uta "'t It, aciiu by U. K. Uuica,
drug-gut, Kod Cloud.
Nittce T Tax Sate.
T tlH ItllI lU'IH I'f I.
i Yon will talf itnc untie ih't on tin nth ilnv
' nf hAMinliiip lint It.M.v tltAil IM fill
nt imi.lie tux kau irom me routm tri'Rurer nf
Vtitrr cttthiy Noii'ink !'-.Onu I J. lnork
I. In Kitltjr hiki .iniu-oii Hililltieu til tli City
oi iirn iiiini .Ainirinn iui siiiii nil hiti" ns
viM In tlw unmoor Mla-turtie-mul Urn Hie'
left! tlllr to Hi miM lot-Hiti the imme tif rill.
iinrtitr tlMl mill Ht ufu ol.l for tuxes n
i 'ilM III tliP : is-o tn t'l ' lncllllM' All
i ierson iniirisiil tl i tikmliie nolle" Hint ti .
I NoTpinlipr fitli 1I1M I Miall hii) for n. 'l'teii-.-urern
l't1 for-.ill propert)
IIfniiv Uirtinti it.
I llv Kri'il Mmtrcr Ills iittorner
, Intl'iiu Juljrst-tluk.
ntice to Creditors.
Weutter Count)-.
Is Tint Cocntt (Mum.
In tint motUT of Hie estate of biin I. tlitxtcr,
Notice I hereby il en to nil xrnotiM Intvlna
rlHlnm hiuI ilvniHiuli HKiln-t Hii-mi t. Iliixter,
Mle of Wt stor I'oittily, ili-t't'NHMl. tint, tin time
fWfd for tllltin rUlms Knt !il.l puiaio I olx
month. Irom the lltli ily of Miiiut. nH
MIkiicIi t'emoiiMiri' r(iHlrt'il to prt'etit their
clnlniK. with the vnurhotH, to lliti ( oillit) lllilito
n( Mild coimlt. nt lil olllce therein, on or hot ire
the Hth dy of Ketiruitr). ItML ntnl nil clnhim o
llleil will tiu lirnnl tie fore the Mid IihIko " t tin
K.ihitiijrnr KvbriiTt. liki) t id n'cli.en n. m.;
ml lliHt the iiilmliiUlmtor lc nlloiteil otiu jt'xr
from ttin'JOtlt iliiy of Jntw IliOS, In which to !
tho ilelitii rtlluweil iiKHlnst Mlil estnle Mil 1 nettle
the same.
I w Kturw,
County J tulito.
Inly mf k
1st I'llll.
Nitlcc to Creditors.
STATU OP NBIIKAbKA l , ,1C Caituty Court.
rtlPTEIl 11) STT f vuiiih) v.uiuk.
In tho tim'ternf this rMnle of lliirrlvt Nilnon.
il?cnnil Nolle Is lierri.x Rhen to nil pernum
ImvitiK clnluis Mid iitmiimls mrnlnst llnrrlet
Nt'lnii. Iiileof w clister comity, ilceemeil. Unit
tli tluir llxeil tin Oil ik ( IhIiiih iitsnliiKt Milil c
tnte Is nix months from th JUtiUj of AukiM,
All such ticrcmt nn rciitilrcil to tirecctit their
Claim, nun me oiirnef mine i;juuiy jiiuku
nf until county. Ht hl ollk't therein, on or before
the Slut tiny of Fehnwry. W?i hml nil clnlmi
ho tlleil will lie liennl lieforn the mill Jink" on
the iMntl iliiy of rebrimry. Ht one o'clock
ti in.: mill that th iiilmlnlitrHtor Ii Hlloweil one
yer from the Stlih iIhv of .Inl IWH. In which to
mv the ilubt iillowcil
HRIllllft KAlll I'tftAte III 111
ii'ltie too Mime.
tut I'll July 31-4 wk
I. V Kihon
County JikIko
City Bakery and
WM. PATTEN, llrop.
I nm proparnd to serve ti square meal
1 ut nil times at 25 cents ti meal. Ico
cream, summer drinks, confectionery,
cigars tiud tobacco. Farmers, trad o a
specialty. Board and room by day or
week. Glvo me ti call.
during the Red Cloud Chau
tauqua at Red Cloud.
Red Cloud
vs. McCook
AUGUST 5 and 6
Red: Cloud
' , vs. Franklin
AUGUST 7, 8 and 10
Red Cloud
vs. Superior
AUGUST ii and 12
AUGUST 13 and 14
To Be Supplied
and Bacon
aw "4iZf BBTtujtMPeeW wKm J
Fresh raMt
Meats mlVB
Wm. fW
Koon mM
Red Cloud, $Ml
Nebraska. fe
F(((((((JPHC1t4iur4 and Immtu'w Ui btlr.
fpfpfpfpfpW'Hl'rofiiotc a laxurhnt gruvth.
ePeJWvlA.'iB !''' to it Youthful Color
JET'?Ait5 ! Cum . p .! nvi Lilr Jilltii.
Itook book Look
Look at the line Dress Shirts in our
south window for 50c
These are big bargains. We have
plenty more inside. Come in and
ask to sec them.
While you are inside ask to see our
line of of light-weight Two-piece
Suits, Straw Hats, Thin Underwear,
Light-weight Sox, and Oxford Shoes
We can (it you out in just the right
Gootden-Kaley Clothing Go.
First Dior Nirth Postottice.
Bargains in
A B G Goods
should inspect our
before investing in a machine.
All we ask for the DeLaval is a trial, and we
would like to have you take one out and give it a
fair test along side of any other separator made. It
will cost you nothing to make the test. You will
keep the best, and we are sure that one will be the '
,. A 430 HMii owelty seNMttr tar 97&60.
Will yti live It a trial
Red Cloud Hardware
end Implement Co.
WM. WOLFE Secretary.
Hastings College
Hastings, Nebraska
Hastings is tho fourth city of Nebraska, having n population f over
12,000, and is supplUd with handsome- public buildings, olegaqt residences,
metropolitan stores, and boautiful churches. It is also an important railroad
center, being located on the U. B. & Q , St. J. & 0. 1. ()., and N. W., and M. l.
railways. There are also three branch lines of the Hurliugton rotito, so that
uccuss is easy from auy quurter.
It cotiNlsts of twelve cultured mon and women rapresenting eight ditfer
out unlverHities 11 ml co leges. Post-graduate work at Harvard, Chicago, Vale,
Princtoii, Berlin hikI Holdolborg gives their touching and scholarship unusual
breadth aud thoroughness.
1 Tiik (Jollkok, offering two cources for degrees, with tunny eUotives.
'2 Tin: AcvncMT, offoring high school training tttiilor collega professors.
.' .( tug Nohual SSciiooL, tssulug teacher 1 certlilcutes under state author
ity. 1 Tub Cossekvatorv op Music, with courses ii voice), piuno, pipe organ,
violin, and tnusleul theory,
Thero aro four buildings; Rlnglatid Hull, a men's dormitory and rafectory;
McCormiok Hall, the principal recitation building; Alexaudor Hull, a woman's
dormitory; Carnegie building, tho library and scloutiilo laboratories. Facil
ities for college pcionce work are unsurpassed and all buildings huve steam
heat and elootrlo light.
Next yoar bogins Sept. 8, 1003, Huudsomo catalogue and illustratod souv
enlr freo upon application to .
A. E. TURNER, IL. ft. President. :
, .- , - - i - ii i i i i i in nm 1 . . . .ii ii i .
Subscribe for The Chief one dollar oneyear..V
Nothing bettor on tho ninrkot.
"Wyuudotto Cleutier and Clonnsor."
Hotter than lyo or soup. Cleans evory
thing. Fulton Maukkt, Dumoroll Dlk
' r