ftknSpnRW'itfif - k-. OjMIAI J. BRYflfl, The Peoples Ghoiee for Presi dent. 5 w ft J? "V . 4 iA. r6? CHIEF Red Cloud - - Nebraska.. , PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. XoUrcd In ibe Foslofflra at Hod oloud.Neb , as Second Claim Matter, 15. . DkWOLF l'Uin.lsi:i:u lty tff leers. Mayor.. - Clerk Treasurer. ..... - . Comicllmen, lt watd - - .r. o. oidweli .... I. II Kort. ,I.O lliitler .Kil Amark IM I'lilsliitier Counrllmon 2ml ward .. J. A. McArihur Alf. Mrf'nll Hunt. Light nml Wntei 0car lliirrinmh Marshal, ilnjr - ... ..Al Slalnr Marshal, night - .. John liltme Cwnty Officers. Cler District Court.. . .. Juiljc'...... ... :lem Treiimircr - -.. Attorney...... a. .......... Sheriff Am'Mior Snpt, I'ubllo Instruction . Coroner .,....- . - Surveyor Commissioner! ..tieti. W. Hutchison I. W. HiImhi .. B. W. I(ok ,V. C. Kralim .. . I,. l. lllnckloilKe .. O. I), IIimIkb II (' Siott .. . .... Nellie Outer , Dr. . II. Hull Oeo. (irerliiK ..Jh. (I ovcrmiiii T. .1. (,'linplln Win. AnilorH n (loo. V. Iliiinmel OtThnnlt OlinikleUc Weather Repsrt. Tlio Instrumental readings are from government Htandard instruments ex posed In the manner recommended by the chief of the weather bureau: g Temp'rafre gfff 2 v S '"5 r lS o J i ir 2i sis: o o ? 8 B" - a" ; . r f pag g, M 55 55 !u3 Sk e lunar as KH M .01 SK Clear M M7 (V .70 SK P Cloudy t! 1)1 6.1 .U KK Clear 1 2H l 91 00 .01 HK Clear 9 H m ,n 8W Clear a , rt tt .oo i nlmidy Very respectfully, July no, lOOHi Cham S. Liuti.ow, Co-Oporatlve Observer. THE DEMOCRATIC PLAT FORM. Ceisenathe , Becnusr. tilt Canlry Has 6rw U t lt-Twe'PlatfernM Cm- Bares-Tnrlf? Pledges liaiks and Rallriads. auks and Railways. (concluded from last weeok.) right to pool. The Democratic plat- form demands that the. interstate com- "-erco commission be given power to fix nud change rates an its Initiative. The Republican platform Is silent on thispolnt. There is nothing here of what is commonly called "radicalism," tmb ,therc cau be no doubt that, while the Republican party' lias receded 'Irom. the Roosevelt, position on the tallroad question, the- Democracy has goo lorward. iwrtWftTfkM. Early in the Democratic ' platform cornea a statement which must "have abooked more than one complacent patriot aud made him wonder if he kad read aright. The present Repub Mcau administration has boasted of ibe purity of Its intentions bo long and :tc loudly that many have come to take be self-praise for performance. It is Kuaewhat of a jar to learn therefore, that in the lust six years nearly 100, uu$ new federal ofllces have been cre ated, costing; nunually close to 870,000, 000., This Is qboiit ten times as many an wcro ever added to the federal pat jonage in a similar time before Those who 'attended or kept track of the Chicago convention can testify that this increased patronage Is In the aands of a man who knows how to use it to further his political plans. In the light of this information, it Is not anrprising to be told congress, in the session just ended, appropriated more than one billion dollars, and that there is a deficit for the year of 800,000,000 The Republican platform did not mention those things, Antl-lnlanctloii Plank. And perhaps nowhere did the De mocracy disappoint its enemies more than in the anti-injunction plank. Tho Republican party merely recited tho present law. The fear was ex jarcssed that the Democratic party would make an attack on the courts. But the Democratic party, strongly aftlrming its faith in the general good conduct and righteousness of the courts, pointed out that there was a jreXorm ueeded In judicial procedure, and demanded that cases of Indirect contempt be tried before, a jury. This ball that the conservative men among the- labor leaders want, and it Is some thing which few judges can deny to c just. It Is a platform whleh will grow in strength the more it is scrutinized, and, wo feel certain, will be tho guld sag chart of the next federal adminis tration, Mneclal prices on old wheat Hour at aac Red Cloud Milling Co, SSspyggMjijgtea n-rrrTpfy Van ' k ' ii run' TTii "V 1 i'i'.j ' . - . . ,,, '.V.V- ' "i" ..' . - ' Tax "Reform" In Nebraska. Five years ago, when the rallrrad and corporation lobby down 'at Lin J coin combined to force the revenue bill through the legislature, the World- ' "cpaW warned the farmers what would happen. It asserted then that the purpose of the law was to compel the collection of such a large measure of taxation from the farms that the rail roads and big corporation would be enabled to escape the light for a juster taxation of their own property. It ,. .. ' ' .' . . preuiciou mai, once ine law got into full swing, farmers would be found paying a larger proportion than ever of the taxes, and the railroads a small er proportion. Exactly what this newspaper then predicted has come to pass. The railroads, which in 10(K1 were assessed at 27 millions, In round num bers, are this year assehsert at M millions. Their assessment has not' (uite doubled. All other property, which was ah- Hcssed in IU0.1 at 101 millions, is this year assessed at .12.1 millions and the , state board has announced Its purpose to ralho the llgure still higher when It sits as a board of equalisation. Other property, therefore, has been more j than doubled. I In a single year, from 1U07 to I'.MW, J there Is practically no Increase In ' railroad assessments. Hut farm land I Is jumped from 110 millions-to lt2 1 millions; It will probably go to 200 millions by the time the state boaid gets through with it. And this same farm land bears practically the entire burden of the vast Increase in the to tal assessed valuation of the state an increase of almost ID per cent on Nebraska farms! I.lttle wonder If the state's ilniuccs are nourishing! Little wonder if the railroads arc satislied! A few years ago Nebraska was ablaze with Indlgr.ati n because of "railroad tux-dodging." and all parties promised to remedy it. Today under "reform" republican administration, tho railroads pay a smaller proportion of the total tax than they did then, when the light was begun for justice! World-Herald. Far Representative. William V. Iteukel of Inavale an nounces himself a candidate for re nomlnation for representative from the Hth district of Nebraska, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the primaries to be held September 1. 1008. Ftr CmmlImr. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for nomination for the ofllce of commissioner from the lst'llistrict of Webster county, subject tp the will of the Democratic and Peoples Independ ent voters as expressed by them at the comlnjr primary election -to be held Septfcfclben i;l908. FlIRDRIUCK H. CLATTK. BrStattSiMtir. I hereby announce: myself a candidate for the nomination for 8tate Senator from the 30th district of Nebraska, sub ject to the will of the Democratic and Peoples Independent voters as express ed by them at the primaries to be held September 1, 1008. Slaughter of Wild Swans. Gunners on tho lower Niagara river almost annihilated a flock ol wild swans that visited that section lato Sunday afternoon. Most of the swans woro brought down with fowling pieces as the) hovered over tho lowor river, but not a few of them were taken allvo. The birds that settled Into tho wntor scorned to get caught In the Ico uti'l eddlos and could not rise and the hunt era went after them In boatB. Tho capture of Bwano at that poln is not an unusual occurrence, thougt such a big catch as that of Sunda has never before boon recorded hero Niagara Falls Correspondence Huf falo News. Steel In Place of Leather. Stool bands or belts, as a substitute for ordinary leather or ropo drives, havo been Introduced by u factory ot Charlottenburg, Germany. Such bolts may bo reduced to about one-sixth ot tho slzo required for leather bolts, thoy do not strotch, pulleyH may bo narrower, nml In somo cases shafts may bo smaller. Either ordinary pul loys or pulleys with a special cover ing to Increase friction may bo used. A belt four Inches wide nnd one-fifth of an Inch thick transmitted 200 to 250 horaopower at a belt speed ol C.100 feet per minute, and tests have shown that steel bolts mny run 12, 000 feet per minute. Neglected. Mrs. Stiles I do wish you'd try to keep yourself neater. Mr. Stiles Hut, my dear, you're not bo caroful MrB. Stiles I'm not? I'm certainly more curoful of my clothes than you. Mr. Stiles Exactly. Whoroaa, you I should bo more caroful of mo. .-... , - t; - - - - - - - - '.TM. I PERIOD OF REST PROCLAIMED. r - Absenco of Light Regulates the Hours of Slumber. If It wcro always daytime, wo should never sloop. So says a uclontlst, tic cording to Answers. There Is no par ticular reason why we, or any other animals, should rest, on an average, eight or nine hours a day. Tho period of rest has boon deter mined by tho fact that eight hours Is tho average time when there Is a lack of Htilllclont light to enable us to movo about In comfort. This most fundamental distinction between night and day is wholly rela tive to tho sense of Bight. It only affocts those typoa of life which have developed eyes. Plants, being dependent for their growth upon the action of rays of sun light which fall upon their loaves, havo a wldo distinction between day and night functions. They oat and digest In tho light, and grow during tho hours of dark ness. Tho lowest forms of animal life llio sightless denizens of ocean depths do not rest at regular Intervals. They prowl around !ncM:nntly, seek ing prey hy the sense of touch alone. When they rest. It Is at Irregular pe riods. In other words, they havo no distinct periodicity of their own. Rut as soon as eyest uro developed, ind In proportion to this development, animals begin to divide their time Into two main portlons-a waking and a sleeping time. While thore Is light they perform all motive funcd'ms, When darknes.4 comes they retire to neat or lair to rest. ARE MASTERS OF EVASIVENESS. Bedouin's Answer Typical of the Peo ple of the East. In tho far oast, when men converse together, nn evasion Is equal to nn tnswor. Riding down to Egypt over tho old caravan route from Jerusalem to Cairo, Norman Duncan and a party pitched their touts outside a Iledouln village nnd by so doing offended ignlnst tho laws of hospitality which tho people so religiously maintain. Mr. Duncan, writing In Harper's Mag izlne. sayH that ho was obliged to turn sldo their reproaches and avoid the ibomlnablo quarters which wore still oelng offered. Turning to his guide, no Bald: "Tho man must bo diverged. Ask him if tho world is round or Hat." The reply wao a pure philoso pher's Jewel of tho oast. "If the world la flat," came the response, after beavy pondering, "I am content: If It Is round, It Is by Gad's wlsaom." And the raon softiy applauded, In their ploasure forgetting thoir Injury, for Setting everything except the Joyous native craft of words. . The Inquisitive Man. i Wet pulnt as a te8t of human, curios ity has a rival In the chewing gum ilot. The apparatus at tho , One. Hun J red and "fenth street subway-'station was out ot order," tho other i mornl jig. (Wirst pfctMafto"drcoYer"the'fact M a Jmall boy with a yearning for sua. H confidently dropped a pnnr ' tfce slot, but the toothsome wafer M coyly back. Repeated thumpinia tnd shakings failed to Induce it to ap pear, and the boy, looking disconsolate-, was flaally persuaded by ala Botker to go downtown without it. A loien or more persons had witnessed lis futile attempt to ooai out a piece f gum, but they were In no wise de terred from following his example. Evidently each thought his prede cessor had not manipulated tho ma :hlno proporly, and that ho could do Dettor, for before the next express train came along five men who appar ently hnd nevor known what chewing ium tasted llko had sacrificed pen lies on the altar of their curiosity. N'ow York Times. An Ancient "Twopenny Tube." A great tunnel which has lately boen found at Gezor, In tho land of tho Philistines, In Paloatlne, was de scribed at the annual mooting of the Palestine Exploration Fund Prof. Macaltster, whose son lias been mak ing tho excavations, said that the tun nol, which was made about 2000 n. C, Is as high as the "Twopenny Tube" and half as wide. It doscends by 80 nteps, the lowest of which Is 1110 Teet btlow ground. In It la a well. Tho tunnel is tho greatest engineering work that has boen found In Palestine, and has astonished every one who lias soon It. St. James' Gazette. On Midsummer Eve. In European countries, midsummer eve, Juno 2:1, la celebrated, and the blazing Hres from tho hilltops are sup posed to typify rejoicing at the good luck of the past year, and the burned aut fagotB aro kept to ward off ovll for the coming yoar. Tho maldon gathers mistletoe with hor loft hand, and with It assures for horself her heart's desire, but in this country the culmination of the season Is not con sidered worth a thought. Two of a Kind. "Yes," said MaJ. Uragg, "I'vo boen In many engagements In my time, but I never lost my head!" "How odd!" oxclalmod tho summer girl. "Now, I've been In many on gagemocts, too, and never lost my hoart." . . Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be cotisidcretl that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder ot these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify this blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneysare weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy,' Ur. Kilmer's Swauip-Uoot, because as soon r.s your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial wil' convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It siauus me nigncs'. torus womicnui cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold I .... !... ... :... i... ,f .i4. mi ii. iiiurii:, uy an druggists in fifty-cent I ud one-dollar i.c Dottles. ou may have a sample bottle itomofawamn.nflot. by mail free, also u pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer &.Cu Ring hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistakt but rcmemter the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swanfp-Koot, and the ad iress, Uiugliaiuton, N. Y.. on every bottle. Pincsalve ACTS like a poultice ra.kni:.J BELIEVES ALL VrStrDOjllZed roauaorsitiMDiBiass 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anrnno untitling a xkclrli nnd description may nulcktr iucorl.ilii our oimilnii free whether on Infoiitlnn In prohnbljr pilentnhln. Communica tions ntrlctlri-ontltloiitliil. HANDBOOK onl'nteuu lent (roe. OMost nitnnrx fur nocurmtr patent a. I'ntiiuts taUo'i tlirouuh Muun A Co. receive tptclal notice, without chareo, lutho Scientific American, A rinn1nmp!r WnMriitnrt wneklr. T.nriest cir culation if nur M-lonfl0n Journal. Tcrnm, S3 reari fnurmontUs.il. Bold ujrull notteitenlum. MUNN &Co.36,DfMd. New York llruuch Offlce, 625 IT BU Washloslon, D. U. f MAKE A GOOD INCOME JMmUUuliic tit twnslt IfjrenUftMr! imuaNtiiNiiiNUUNMNl ft nUUa M. ItM VMS kW MB Ml wwiiTuiiia nsu, tHUUlKU UUW.1.UV tat to mm Ml lUtMMfM MHalUTMt.aaiyUMr ; TV wTmm u la ti Utu;u4ikf4, ft cn rliwiaj fr h ditttlw t WsWf. OilftM Om -atU b4 4mp Mail Mm fa r tMntl. ttrlto t OftUlM I wwmw. m v, n, mrwftaisftt mi4 . wiiismnwiaaaFnwi tr is m an tf wm t u IUrlfiiKallwissC..Akru,l. WANTED L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer Residence: Flrt door south of Rod Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster stroot. Can be found at home every fore noon. Terms nmsouiiblo. Fred E. Maurer ATTORNEY.-AT-.LAW Notary Public. Pensions a Specialty, Office over Postodlcu. L. A. HASKINS FLOUR, FEKD and GRAIN Kerosane, Gaooline Etc. 'I'houe r7 L H. FORT Insuranoe Agent, Abstracter and Notary Public. Damorell Block. Phone 83. Df Nellie E Maurer Dentist Dameroll Block. Over Albright Bros. Phone 2G1 . I Chautauqua dates August 5 to 15. jjmjra ' , r - w m tsfrtliilsf rtslliiaMML m.9mmm fcdswi..T. I -W WSW NOTICE! ! Wo want tlin public to know th it wo still lmv' b ir-grlu- In real otuto. We huvo traveled irvor noven teoti diifrireut uouiitio-i in tho wostorn prit of this stato anil are now piopared to show tho host lind you can gut auy where for the samo money. We bog of you, who are thinking of buying a home or investing in real oblate, to go with some reliable ngent, who is a good judge of land, uud thnt will work for your interest. Just, to show :ou thit we havo a good country and aro doing bushiest ou tho spuuru, we wish to tell you that wo havo sold over !M',00D acres In Clriso county In tho'tust two yenr-, ami you never huar of any of our customers trying to sell out and go to Tequs or any other place. But they will stand up for Nebraska and alao for the mitu that sold thoin Nebraska land. Tho corn now, in Chaso county, is bettor than It Is here. It is now in tisel and wo look for u No. I corn crop otic tbero this your. Now wo do not ask you to tuko only our word for this, but If you want laud ask somebody about tho wost that has boeu there and knows tho country well and also Is u good judge of Intnl. Remember we nro not trying to soil land a tliomuuil inilu-. from home, but aro .soiling in old Nebraska whero we know tho laud is good. Ask auyono about tho wost that has over been out with tit or Mr. Wnlkf r, who Is (a loading real estate man hero and a friend to tlia west) well posted ou tho western i ttrs of the state, aud is a good judge of land. Now remember, wo pay all the hotol and livery bills of our prospective buyepy, aud anyone jtlmt lluds that wo have misroprosntod tho land in any way their transportation will cost thorn nothing. Call in aud soe us ami let us tell you of some of tho bar gains we have. Yours for a CARPENTER & SON REAL ESTATE DEALERS Lw Rate Summer Tours To the Pmclflc Coast Daily low-. round "trip ratea t'6 Port land, .Seattle, TacooiuStin Francisco, Lon Angoles and can ' Diego, Slightly higher.to Include both California, and Pugat Sound 'One whola business day uard bv our new schedule to the Pa cific coast. To Eskatorn Rooorto Daily low excursion ratea to Canada, If iohigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Mas tachasetta and New York tourist re sorts; also low excursion rat m to teur lat resorts in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. T Colorado' and Rocky Mountain Dally low rates to Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Black Wills and Teltow stoue Park. Iflt Families Wanted Far newly irrigated lands in tho Big Horn Basin, Wyo No cyi lones er floods. Water your land as ueeded. Soil U rich. Timber and conl plenti ful. Price 910 to 8," per acre. Per sonally conducted excursions first and third Tuesdays ef each mouth. Write D.CIen Dtaver, general agent, Laudssokers' Information Bureau, OmaliH, for new foldar. Its free. Write a brief description of your proposed trip, uud let u- advise you how to make it tbe best way at the least cost. J. F. Edwards, Ticket Agent. L. W. Wakeley, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Wood's Liver Medicine (In liquid form, pleasant to take) For Chills, Fever and Malaria Headache, Biliousness, Constipation and all other symptoms of deranged Liver quickly overcome. A tonic to the entire system, Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Blood The $1.00 bottle contains nearly ii times the quantity of the 50c size. Prepared only by the PINEULE MEDICINE CO,, CHICAGO, ILL. We want a correspondent from every neighborhood in the county. Call in and see us or write us a line about it, J .T,Vs 'L.V't.'- -,-a .- --ift&KXXiiX USB squaro business, RED CLOUD, NEBR. WWV Ww irj3 H a 1 1 1 1 J Lf H?T7mI lUiiitrutlun Shoninc Mlxetl Farming Sceno In WESTERN CANADA Some erf thb eh'olf est xa& foa gnh growing-, stock raUInjr and mixed iarmlaz In tlio now dis trict o(. Saskatchewan -and'Alberta have re cently been Opened for Settlement under tbe Revise. Honestcai Refilitieis Entry may nbw be mads by proxy (on certain conditions), by the father, mothtr, ton, daughter, brother or stater of an Intending nometeudr. Thousands ot homesteads of 160 acres each are thill now easily obtainable In these great grala growimg, stock-raising and muted (arm lag sec tion!. There you will find healthful climate, good aetghbors, churches (or family worship, schools for your children, good laws, apleadid crop, and railroads convenient to market. Entry fee In ea:h case Is flO.OQ. For pamphlet, "Last Best Weit,"partlcularsastorates, routes, best time to go and where to locate, apply to W.V.BKNNETT 801 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Canadian Government Ages CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Sure to Give Satisfaction. GIVES RELIIF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased mombrane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly. Eeatores the Senses of Tasto and SnioU. Easy t o use. Contains no injurious drugs Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, CO conta at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for uao in atomizers, 75 centa. , . ELY BROTHERS, E6 Warrsn St.. New York. A. T. Walker REAL ESTATE, LOANS, and INSURANOE. First Door North of Postotllce. W. K. GEER Shoes Shoes made to order. Repair work a specialty Some good city lote to trade for stock. II. W. Qulukuiid. 30-3 pd. I .fm mmmmmmSmmmmm "' r -fl s"P2 "HJft-