The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 07, 1908, Image 2

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The Chief
E. B. DeWOLF, Publisher
i - , , asasMt
At tho ngo of 101 n Kentucky man
took parls green. Hot Hint tho locnl
pnper called it a rush net.
But If wo should stop eating meal
what would wo do for leather and tho
other by-products of tho bovlno7
Tho shah of f'CTBla 1h muster of tho
Rltuatlon In Teheran, hut doosn't know
Just how long lio'll hold tho Job.
Englishwomen are getting Hplendld
practlco. Tlioy will know how to run
an election If they ever get tho ballot.
This year's cropaTwfll bo worth
$8,000,000,000, exclusive of tho ama
teur lettuce and rndlsh-growora' har
vest. Minister Vu Biiyn that ho Is going
to llvo 200 years, In which tlmo ho
probably hopes to find out nil ho
wnnts to know.
In tho case of tho Cossacks thcro Is
no cvldenco thnt tho froo and untrnm
moled llfo of tho steppes inculcntcu an
appreciation of other pcoplo'n liberty.
A Chicago woman Is charged with
stealing a set of teeth. This is ono
of thoso rare morsels for tho mom
hers of tho parngrnphers' union to
chew on.
Sovernl Columbus men aro nnxlous
to sell their ilngcra at $300 each. A
story onco enmo out of tho Klondlko
that a thirsty, but Hush, prospector
paid $1,000 for thrco lingers.
How sonio of tho smnll hoys who
llvo along tho wharves in senport
towns will envy tho accomplished gen
tlcmnn who as nn expert Is testing tho
tobacco to ba purchased for tho navy!
If Rctsy Itoss didn't mnko tho first
flag tho story 1b about as harmless a
pleco of fiction as over crept Into his
tory and wo poo no reason for tnklng
up any vnluablo tlmo proving that it
iBn't so.
A Virginia lady has Jii3t obtained n
divorco from n bogus "lord" who has
Bovcral other wives scattorcd through
out tho country. In our oplulon ho
has reason to suspect that alio did not
marry him for lovo alone.
Ono of tho lndy lecturers declares
that men who wear Btarched collars
nro fools. Hut would tho lady lectur
er approve If tho men wero to go
around with their BhlrtB cut low or
their urms showing through open-work
A Now York landlord has reduced
hlB rent becnuso of hard times. Tho
men think him a good landlord, but
the women aro withholding Judgment
until they find out what ho Intends to
do about paporlng tho front parlor nnd
tho back bedroom next fall.
Tho Muster Car Builders' associa
tion which has JtiBt closed a session
nt Atlantic City, adopted n. report
mado by n commltteo nfter careful In
vestigation and urging numorous Im
provements designed to securo bettor
ventilation of passenger cars. Tho de
mand for fresh air and more of it is
becoming Insistent.
A young mnn In Kentucky com
plained that a girl had Imprisoned him
against his will In her parents' homo
for four dnys and forced n ring on his
linger In attempts to get him to marry
her. Apparently, thnro aro getting to
bo strenuous times this particular leap
year, but masculine gallantry should
not forco Iono femininity to such ox
tiemes. Tho discontinuance of tho old Ful
ton street lino of horse-cars lu Now
York city was chronicled by a news
paper correspondent with an amusing
comment. "In some wnys," ho said,
"this lino was tho best in tho city.
For ono thing, It wbb entirely destitute
of tho strnphnnglng evil. In tho first
place, nobody would trust tho straps;
and in tho second place, most of tho
patronB wnlkod."
Members of a Chicago m'.nlstors'
meeting wero solemnly warned by ono
of their number against tho demoral
izing Influences of summer hotols nnd
tho dnngers Incident to vacations gen
erally. Then tho moetlng adjourned
until September with this program:
"Vacation Experiences nnd Fish
Stories," scheduled. When thoso llsh
stories hnvo been told thnt sermon on
tho bad effect of vacations may need
to bo ropcated.
Tho new Cunard lino Btcamshlps,
Lulsltnnln nnd Mnurctnula, built under
nn arrangemout with tho British gov
ernment by which tho company Is to
recelvo nn annual Biibsldy of $750,000
it tho ships maintain an avorago
speed of 24 knots nn hour In fair
wenther, havo proved their ubllljty to
keep up tho required speed. Tho Brit
ish government pnys tho subsidy to on
courage tho building of fast ships,
which may bo U8ed by tho navy In
enso of need.
After all tho trotiblo and publicity
attending tho search, discovery and
tinnsportatlon horo of tho body of
Paul Jones it Is hardly crcdltablo to
tho name of tho nation to havo his
body lying neglected without honor
nblo sepulturo becauso thcro Is lack
of money for constructing tho perman
ent crypt. This country Is rich enough
to complete tho task of honoring tho
man whoso services meant so much In
tho war for our Independence. To rele
gate his body to tho satno obscurity
and neglect from which it was rescued
would ho national disgrace.
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to hte Read
era Throughout Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shlvcly nnd Ed
ward Fusscl, victims of tho tornado In
Fillmore county In June, nro all nblo
to bo out, ulthough Mrs. Shlvely is
lame, nnd her husbund'H faco Is Btlll
bnndnged. As toon ns they uro nblo,
they will go east to havo his nose
treated. Mr. Shlvely'n watch, which
was In his pocket, was badly dented
nnd tho fob was gone.
While ThoB. Bower, jr., living near
AliiBWorth, was hauling hay tho wind
blew a bam door shut and caught
Bower'B head. Two pieces' of IiIb Bkull
weio taken out above tho loft eyo ut
the hospltat. He may not live.
Rev. Emnnucl Hartlg, who has been
pastor of the St. Benedict Catholic
church of Nebraska City since 1801,
Iuih been sent to Atehlsonn, where ho
will enter tho St. Benedictine home.
He has become quite feeble nnd had
to be roplnccd by another priest.
F. M. Hall of Lincoln tins accepted
tho Invitation to be chairman of a com
mittee to select nn artist to make tho
Abraham Lincoln monument to be
erected on tho Etatchoiiso grounds by
popular subscription. Mr. Hall was
selected because of the great experi
ence ho hns hnd In mntters of this
kind nnd becnuso of his knowledgo of
artists and their work.
C. C. Jones of Beatrice has re
covered hlu two greyhounds which
wero stolen from the kennel. The dogs
wero found with a farmer near Pick
roll nnd nrrests nre liable to follow.
James Brott, an old resident of
Bcntrlce, wns arrested by Sheriff
Trude on the charge of bootlegging.
A Masonic lodge hns been estab
lished at Franklin.
Stnte Superintendent McBrlen says
ho knows of no school houses In Ne
braska that havo been abandoned be
cnuso of want of teachers.
Western Douglas county farmerB
havo at Inst arrived nt the conclusion
thnt tho only way to Buceessfully com
bnt nnd correct the existing bad con
ditions Is by an elllclent drainage sys
nvn, and to this end they aru prepar
ing to organize themselves Into drain
ngo' districts.
Tho York Count" Telephone com
pany, ono of tho lnrgest Independent
companion in the west, has purchased
tho copper trunk Independent toll
lies between Columbus, Seward and
Grand Island, and Is going to build
to Ravenna, Neb., and other points.
Thcro is1 great activity at nil tho
Rtone quarries and sandpits along tho
Plntto river between Ashlnnd nnd
Plnttsmouth. Full forces of men nro
nt work nt nil of tho Louisville nnd
South Bend quarries and many car
loads of crushed stone nro being ship
ped dnlly. Tho Burlington sund dredg.
ob havo been nt work constantly since
tho high wntcr receded nlong tho
Nenrly 1,500 people nttended the
third duy'B session of tho Wayne Chau
tauqua, held at the Assembly grounds.
Gov. Hanley of Indlnnn was tho princi
pal speaker.
The peach crop In Puwnoo county
surpasses nil expectations and tho
quality Is excellent.
While rnklng hay George Funk, a
well known young farmer living north
west of York, wns thrown from tho
rnkt" nnd one of the steel rake teeth
entered the left leg, tearing tho ten
dons nnd canning a fracture of tho
The Hastings Chautauqua was a suc
cess financially and otherwise.
. York will boon havo an $SO,000 post
oftlce building that will be bttictly up
to date and one of the latest and most
beautiful modern structures of its
kind In tho west.
Deputy Gnme Warden Hunger ran
up against nn oxperlenco nut In Loup
county which netted tho state two
lines, where only one had been con
templated. It wub a enso where the
complaining witness after sticking tho
defendant, hocumo tho defendant in
tho snmu case, nnd also got stuck.
Tho one-year-old baby of Mr. and
Mrs. Piatt of Tecumseh fell from a
second story window but was not
severely hurt.
Rev. Sturdcvant of tho Baptist
church at Tecumseh desires to go to
another Held and neks that his resig
nation bo nccopted.
Passenger trnln No. 15, west-bound,
picked up, between Dawson and Snlem,
a strangor lying alongsldo tho trackB
with his legs cut ofT. Tho mnn was of
nilddlo ngo and evidently a trnmp, who,
It Is thought, fell from n passing
freight on which ho wns stealing a
ildo and was Injured by tho wheels of
tho trnln.
Tho contrnct for tho now Odd Fel
lows' hnll nt Hnrrlson hns been let
und tho work will begin ut once.
A flro broko out nt Winsldo, but tho
firemen got control before much dam
ago was dono.
Jack Hanley, tho Cornlnnd hotol
night clerk at Lexington, who escaped
with tho funds from tho safo of tho
hotel, wub captured In Coznd.
Complaints have been filed under
tho stnto pure food law against nix
Lincoln druggists for the alleged Bale
of headacho powders, containing ncc
tanllldo nnd not branded as tho law
Itemo of Greater or Lesser l-npoi
tance Over the State.
Old settlers or Ncmnha county will
hold their picnic August Gth.
Tho son of L. Young fell from a
ihorse, receiving Injuries from which
ho died.
Farmers who havo commenced
threshing around Herman report nn
uneven yield.
Treshltig outfits In operation find
tho yield of whent very satisfactory
and tho grain of good quality.
Peter Goldberg had tho third linger
of his left hand torn off while attempt
ing to tie a horHo to u' post in Ken
nurd. Tho state Insurnnoo department hns
refused a license to enter the state
to tho Fraternity Reserve associa
tion of Oshkosh, Wis.
Two lawyers In a Beatrice court
came to blows In a dlBputc, one of
them receiving a knockout blow. His
nssnllant wax lined $10.
While shocking cats on the farm of
Georgo Hobertson In Washington
county, Frank Kopur was bitten on
tho hnnd by a lurge ruttlesnnkc.
A. H. Jensen of Fremont took mor
phine with Kutcldal Intent. His recov
ery Is doubtful. Faintly troubles seem
to havo been the cniiBC cf tho net.
While In bnthlng nt Capital Beach,
a pleasure resort near Lincoln, Henry
HauBchlldt, jr., nnd .loo Orlofsky,
each 12 years of age, wero drowned.
Both bodies were recovered.
A traction engine belonging to
John Seakln exploded en the farm
of M. C. Cassln nenr Columbus. Mr.
Seakln was badly scalded, but Is
thought to bo not dnngerously so.
Tho bankruptcy proceedings Involv
ing tho property of M. A. Chnndlcr,
who went out of business In Central
City a year ago have been flnnlly ad
judicated nt 41 cents on tho dollar.
Napoleon Wnlbrldgo of Tecumseh
ban been taken before the locnl board
of Insanity nnd ndjudgod n lit subject
for tho dipsomniilnc treatment. He
was taken to tho Lincoln asylum.
Tho T. B. Hord Grain compnny will
put. In an elevator In Columbus thnt
will store 200,000 bushels of grain
nnd get ready to hnndlo the Inrge
crops of grnln thnt Platte canity has
G. R. Mavis of Columbus has In
vented and patented a concrete tie,
which bus been npproved by street
railway companies of Llnctln and
Omaha. He lints orders for largo
Tho beautiful lOinde trees which
usually grnco Sidney at this houboh
nro largely becoming denuded of their
foliage. Tho devastator is the little
green worm which thriven upon maplo
trees and their cousins-.
Tho county commissioners hnve put
sovernl large forceB of men to work
In tho various parts of the county to
replnce -nnd repair tho bridges In
jured or taken out by the heavy
storms of the past mouth.
Tho -present harvest In Saunders
county shows that winter wheat Is
running much belter that wns at first
expected. In Sarpy county there is n
genernl avernge of 110 bushels to the
acre, all of which tests high.
Shorlff Class Moncke of Washington
county went to tho Minnesota to bring
back John Eamcs, a young man whose
home 1b In Chicago, wanted In Nebras
ka for obtaining $50 from the Blair
National bank under alleged false pre
tenses. Llgtnlng Btruck at O. L. Spire's farm
about eight miles northwest of Aalns
worth nnd killed two cows und cnlves,
ono horse and crippled another, and
tho rain nnd hnll destroyed eighty
acres of corn.
Tho Farmers' Independent Lumber
company, tho only Independent lumber
compnny In York county, notwith
standing tho great tight put up on
them by tho other lumber yards, have
declared a 10 per cent dividend.
Myrtlo Wnlkup, who committed
suicide In Colorado Springs, hud lived
with her parents In Saunders county
on tho farm, where Bho was born. Sho
had been In Colorado suffering from
a nervous dlsoaso for several cars.
Tho quarterly report of the births
and deaths In Cuming county fcr the
qtinrter ending Juno 110, nt? compiled
by tho State Board of Health, con
tains the gratifying Information that
tho births exceeded the deaths by six-ty-slx.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bright, who have
been teaching school in the Philippine
Islands for the last three years nnd
who used to be principals of tho
school In Winsldo, returned from
their trip nnd their many frlcndB wero
glad to seo them back.
T. II. Tollo or Otoe county filed a
complaint with tho board of commis
sioners on Insanity, charging his
dnughtor, Miss Suo Q. Tollo, with bo
lug Insane. The board had a hearing
rf tho matter and declnred the young
lady 1b all right mentally.
Tho Commercial club or Hartlngton
Is arranging to celebrate tho twenty
firth anniversary or the town or Hnrt
Ington on Soptembor 18. Soptember 18,
18811, town lots wero sold, and tho
erection or buildings was commenced
on tho open prairie In Cedar county.
Bill Hazard, who was In Jail nt
Bancroft tor horso stealing, made his
escape. Two of his pnls npponred at
tho Jail, and with guns held up tho
guard and rorcod him to open tho cell
door nnd lot tho prisoner out. A re
ward or $100 Is offered for IiIb recap
ture. Judge W. 11 "Westover or HubIivIUo
rorwnrdod tho necessary papers to
tho secretory or state to entitle hlra
to go on the primary ballot as candi
date rcr congreBB from tho Sixth con
gressional district ns tho candidate of
tho democratic nnd peoplo'B independ
ent parties.
Most Important Happenings of tho
Past Seven Days.
Interesting Items Gathered From all
Parts of the World Condensed
nto 8mall Space for the Ben
efit of Our Readers.
Attorney General Bonnparto has de
cided that national banks in Okla
homa cannot tnko advantage of tho
Btato law under which deposits In
stnto bnuks nro guaranteed.
Tho second debate between Senator
Long and Joseph L. Brlstow In tho
campaign for United States sonntor
from Kansas occurred In Topeka tho
other day before an audience of 2,500
Floods In tho vicinity of Florence,
Col., caused by a -cloudburst, caused
a property loss estimated nt $100,000.
Henry Larson, a Arctium on tho
Btenmshlp Hordn which just arrived
in Now York rrom La Guna, Mexico,
was taken to tho Swlncburu Island
hospital with a well-developed case of
yellow fever.
Ono man was killed and 25 others
injured, sonio fatally, In n riot be
tween Italians and Shiva at Gates, Pa.
As the rcBiilt of bush llres, Fornle,
British Columbln, Is completely wiped
off tho map. Five thousand persons
nro reported homeless nnd without
food. Tho coullngrntlon Is said to bo
tho greatest which over visited Can
nda and ranks only with tho San Fran
cisco disaster. Many people havo per
ished In tho ftnmos.
A 15-yearold boy has been nrrcBted
nt Curtcrvllle, Mo., nnd has confessed
to starting muny llreB In Bouthwest
Missouri. At the tlmo or his capture
ho wns trying to set flro to a woman's
clothing. The boy hnd served a torm
in tho Missouri reform school and
wan out on parole. Ho Is considered
For 20 dnys during the month of
July tho jnll at Macon, Mo., was with
out n tenant. Tho saloon licenses of
tho county expired on July 1.
One man wus killed and ono fatally
injured lu a wreck on the Rock Islnnd
railway at Blake, Mo.
Farmers or Douglas county, Kan.,
nro doing their plowing nt night to
avoid tho hent.
Mayor Wells of St. Louis has re-
rused to sign tho public utilities bill
pnssed by the city council. Ho gives
as a reason thnt it wns not passed
Suits wero filed in Missouri, Kan
sas and Texas simultaneously lu an
effort to dissolve tho alleged lumbor
trust recently formed In St. Louis.
Tho suit was to havo been filed in
Oklahoma at tho same time but was
prevented by Gov. Hnskeli. Tho states
will exchange tho evldonco gathered
when tho trial of tho enso comes on.
J. B. Cubu of Abilene, Kan., Its
president, has issued tho call for tho
annual session of tho Trans-Mississippi
Commercial congress to meet at
San Francisco on October 7 to 10.
Gen. Drain, president of tho Ameri
can Rlllo association, wns robbed in
London of two medals recently won
at tho match at Blsley.
Tho conference at Lenox, Mass., be
tween Attorney General Bonnparto
and leading government prosecutors
resulted in tho unanimous decision
to push tho cases against tho Standard
Oil company and to Book to get a re
vision of tho decision or tho circuit
court of appeals nt Chlcngo In which
tho lino of $29,000,000 ngaliiBt tho oil
compnny wns reversed.
An unknown man fired nt nn Ohio
river Htenmor on which Judge Wllllnm
II. Tnft wns a passenger ut Cincinnati.
Several of tho shot struck a woman
Thomas Tootle, aged 80, millionaire,
plonc-er merchant nnd banker of St.
Joseph, Mo is dead.
Thd Chinese steamer Ylng King
foundered lu n typhoon near Canton,
Chlnn, and 300 Chlncso wero drowned.
Only 12 of thoso on tho vessol nt tho
tlmo wero rescued.
Two Italian smugglers wero arrest
ed In New York charged with hnving
brought lu $5,000 worth of tho flnost
grades of silk wenrlng appnrol and
drapery concenled In innttresscs.
Tho Peoples party executive com
mltteo has decided to issue a chal
lenge to William J. Bryan for a Joint
debate with their candidate, Thomas
E. Watson, upon tho Issues of tho
campaign. .
Stockholders for all tho railroads In
Arknnsns have applied to Judge Van
doventer at St. Paul for an Injunction
restraining tho Arkansas officials from
Inforclng the railroad rato laws of
that stato. Tho hearing Is sot for
August 28.
Joy Wright and Georgo Fogls, mom
bera or tho Nebraska City company
or tho National Guard or Nebraska,
wero drowned while bathing In tho
Platto river at Ashland.
Henri Farman, tho French Inventor,
is to exhibit his aeroplane privately to
President Roosevelt in tho near future.
Mrs. Ralph Harris, wtfo of a Kan
bub City livestock dealor, und her
three-yenr-old son wero drowned In
Walloon lake, Mich.
A negro accused of attacking a
white girl wns burned nt tho stako by
n mob of 0,000 persona at Grdonvlllo,
In u riot between BtrlkebreakorB and
street car employes at Elgin, 111., ono
man wns fatally injured und Bovornl
others badly hurt.
A party of Sioux Indians got on a
tear while giving an exhibition at
Kllgore, Neb., and BinnBlied overy win
dow in tho hotel.
While playing vlth a shotgun at
Rcnssollacr, N. Y., opposito Albany,
Frank Burdock, a 15-yeur-old boy, shot
nnd killed his 19-yenr-old sister.
Kansas holders of stock and an
nuity certificates In the Great West
ern Agency company held n mooting
lu Topokn and adopted a plan to try,
nnd get control of tho stock nnd nsi
Bets of tho company now In tho hnuda
of receivers.
Tho valuation of all property In
Kansns for assessment purposes Is
$2,451,7G6,715 nccordlng to the figures
of the state tax commission.
The Juno flooda this year cut Hhort
the potato crop in thu Knw valley
fully CO per cent.
Chairman Mack of tho Democratic
national committee hns announced IiIb
various campaign committees. David
R. Francis of Missouri is chairman or
tho advisory committee nnd J. G.
Johnson or Knnsns Is secretary.
Twenty-three men wero entombed
by a cave-In In a initio nt Coal Creek,
B. C. Twenty of them wore Inter
taken out alive after hard work by
the roscuors.
President Roosevelt hold a confer
onco nt Sagamoro Hill with Gen.
Wright and Secretary Bishop of tho
canal commission on conditions In tho
canal zone mid on the relations of
zone to the Panama republic.
Holland Is preparing to send a bat
tleship to Venczuula to reinforce the
warship already In thoso waters.
Tho members of the Irish-American
team who are visiting Ireland re
ceived n henrty welcome nt Dublin. A
reception wns hold at their hotel at
which Joseph Devlin, a member of
parliament, delivered an address of
The executive council of Iowa haB
Issued n certificate of nomination to
Congressman J. A. T. Hull, which
tunkes him tho regular nominee of tho
Republican party.
Tho California limited train on tho
Snntn Fe was recently wrecked at
vnkarusa, 12 miles west of Topeka,
Kan. Tho engineer was killed and
the fireman nnd a woman passenger
dangerously injured.
State-wldj prohibition wns defeated
In tho Texas primary by n majority
or upwards or 50,000 votes.
Gov. Haskell of Oklahoma was de
feated In his attempt to prevent At
torney General West from bringing
suit to restrain tho Prnlrlo Oil &
Gas Co. from laying pipe lines In
public highways In the state.
The Japanese privy council has
passed tho trademark and copyright
treaty between America and Japan.
Tho Independence party national
convention nt Chlcngo nominnted
Thomas L. Hlsgcu ot Massachusetts
ror president and John Temple Grnves
of Georgia ror vice president. An at
tempt to bring the name or William J.
Bryan beroro tho convention by a Kan
sns delegate nearly caused a riot, and
quiet was only restored nrter tho ot
render hnd been escorted rrom the hnll.
Cardinal Gibbons or Baltimore was
received In nudlcnco by the popo on
his arrival In Rome.
Ezra Butler McCagg, a prominent
citizen of Chicago since 1847, Is dead
aged 82 years.
On the advice or his physician Lord
Roberts hns cnncelod his Cnnndlnn
tour and will sail ror home Immedi
Willlnm J. Bryan nnd Gov. Sheldon
hnvo been elected honorary members
or Lincoln Typographical union.
Dr. Shelby L. Knox, a phyBlclan of
Springfield, Mo., is dead rrom pto
limine poisoning.
Representative James S. Sherman
will bo formally notified of his nomi
nation ns vice president at his home
In Uticn, N. Y., on August IS. Son
ntor Burrows will mnko tho address
on behalf of tho committee.
John Mitchell, former president of
tho United Mlno Workers is to do
voto his entiro tlmo in the futuro to
the trado agreement department of
the National Civic Federation.
Gov. John S. Little of Arkansas has
been placed In a sanitarium nt St.
Joseph, Mo. Ho Ib suffering from
acuto melancholia.
Wado II. Ellis, attorney geneial of
Ohio, has been offered tho position of
first assistant attorney genernl of tho
United Stntes. Ho hns asked for tlmo
to consider tho nppolntmont.
Geno S. Watorbury of Emporia bn
been electod as tho Independence
party's national committeeman for
Kansas to succeed J. I. Shoppurd.
James II. Budd, ex-govornor of Cali
fornia and widely known In Demo
cratic circles, is dead at Stockton.
Mrs. Estella M. II. Morrill, formerly
widely known as n nowspaper writor,
undor tho namo of Joan Kihcald, Is
dead at her homo In North Cambridge,
G. Wlnthrop Sands, a stepson of W.
K. Vanderbllt, was killed lu a motor
car accident nt tho country seat of
Mr. Vanderbllt, near Paris.
Mrs. H. W. Burkott, mother of Sen
ator Burkott or Nebraska, is dead at
Glenwood, la., nfter a long Illness.
Charles 11. Moyer has again been
olected president of tho Western Fed
eration or Miners.
John W. Gates Is to spend $1,000,
000 In constructing at Port Arthur,
Tex., tho finest golf links lu the
A cow maddened by tho heat gored
a three-year-old child named Lnbouff
to death at St. Joseph, Mo., tho other
Maj. II. I, McCrca, an ex-paymaster
in tho navy, died on a train whllo en
routo from Washington to Pittsburg,
Mr. Taft has returned to Hot
Springs, Va from Cincinnati whero
ho will remain until tho opening of
tho campaign in September,
Fully a Hundred Lives Known to be
Lost Territory of One Hundred
Square Miles All Aflame
and Fighters Helpless.
As a result of bush Urea tho town of
Fernle, B. C, Is wiped off the map as
a child cleans a slate. Michel, four
teen miles distant, Is in Haines, nnd
tho fntc or Hosner, Olsen nnd Spar
wood, Intervening towns, is in doubt,
they being cut off from all communica
tion. Over 100 lives aro known to
have been lost, seventy-four of them
in Fernle. A territory of 100 rqunro
miles in extent Is u seething mass of
flnmcB. Through It aro scittwd hun
dreds of lumbermen and prospectors.
bo thnt thu actual loss of life will not
be known for days. The properties of
the Cnnndlnn Pacific and Great North
ern railways aro destroyed, the
bridges and rolling stock being In such
condition thnt Is Ib Impossible to enter
or lonve the burned nrcn.
The inhabitants of tho towns havo
fled to open districts In the vicinity
in the hope of safety. The railway
compnnles havo placed all available
trains nt their disposal, and unless
there is a change or wind tho whole of
the Crow's Nest Pass country will be
left to the Haines. The oonllngrution
Is the worst which has over been wit
nessed in Canada and ranks only with
the San Francisco disaster. For the
past month forest fires havo been rag
ing in tho mountuliis of the Elk river
valley country, but tlioy have not been
considered serious. Saturday morninK
a heavy wind sprang up from the cresi
of the mountains to the west of
Fernle. They ran down tho west side
and early lu the afternoon tho flame.-,
npponred over the mountain side, and
before a tiro guard could be organized
had entered the town. Within nn hour
the town wnB doomed and tho Inhabi
tants sought safety In flight, leaving
their all behind them. The only build
ings remaining nro six smnll shncks on
tho bnnks of the Elk river, tho ollices
ot the Crow's Nest Coal company and
the Fikcs Woodwnre company. The
offices of tho Canadian Pacific railway
and tho Great Northern are gone, to
gether with nil of the rolling stock in
tlie ynrds, the sleeping car Osceola be
ing tho only enr left. Ono hundred
enrs of coke, tho property of tho Great.
Northern nio gone and the stock piles
of conl and coke holding about half a
million toiiB nro in flames. ,it Is feared
that the flro may get. In tho mines
thomselvcB, several of which are open
In tho neighborhood. This will mean
incalculable damage. The whole ot
tho vnlley is underlaid with coal. Tho
fire Is following tho crest of the moun
tain chnln nbovo Spnrwood, eating
down into'tho valleys on either side.
It Is traveling at a tremendous rate.
Thcro are thousands of mines and
prospectors' claims In tho track of tht
lire, all or which are in peril.
Fire-fighting apparatus is of no
avail for tho u!r Is filled with frag
ments of burning wood, und sheets
of finme seem to lenp ahead ot the con
flagration as though the air Itself was
In flume. The heat Is intense, and
many of tho flro lighters havo gono
down ahead of it.
Government Expenditures Run Far
Over Receipts.
Tho monthly statoment of tho gov
ernment recelptB nnd expenditures
shows thnt ror July, 1908, the total
receipts wero $52,170,000 and tho ex
penditures $77,0:18,000, leaving a de
ficit ror tho month of $2l,8i;8,000, as
against a deficit for July, 1907, or $10.
001,5:14. This month's deficit would
have been over $30,000,000 bnt ror tho
payments In discharge of tho Central
Pacific railroad's Indebtedness to the
government, which during July
amounted to nbout $5,500,000. During
July, 1908, tho receipts from customs
aggregated over $8,000,000 loss than
for July, 1907, und Internal revenue
about $100,000,000 less.
Tho monthly statement of tho cir
culation ot national bank notes allows
that at tho closo of business July 31
tho total circulation amounted to $092,
088,991, which Is an Increase for tho
year of $88,093,105, and a decrease for
the month of $6,244,920.
Small Hope for Pcttibone.
An operation porfornied Saturday at
Denver on Georgo A. Pottlbone, for
merly a member of tho executive
board of tho western federation of
miners, showed that ho is Buffering
from cancor, and thu physlcluns in at
tendance agreed that his life could not
bo saved.
Four Negroes Lynched,
Four negroes, Virgil, Tom nnd Rob
Jones and Joo Rlloy, wero taken from
Jnll nt Russellvlllo, Ky onrly Satur-
dny nnd hanged to a tree on tho edge
of town. No sohtB wore tired by tho
mob which was composed of about
lifty men and tho people or tho town
knew nothing ot tho affair until day
light revealed th? four bodies dangling
from a treo just outside Russellvlllo
on tho Nnshvlllo plko, Tho victims
wero members of a lodge, and nt a
meeting recently tlioy npproved of tho
murder of James Cunningham, a whlto
I farmer, by his negro tenant.
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