HWsWtt i The Natlmol Corn Show A Blft Earners' Institute. Kxpcrlnicnt station citcrpilse will establish ii veritable school In ngrlcul-1 tiircutthc National Corn Imposition nt,- Omiihii during tli big show in December. It is tin purpose lo have an full nntl complete, nn educational oxhiblf us vim be made by tin htntivliWlculturul colleges iinil SS input stations. This Ih nlunned to be of such n character as will give tin. visitor to tin; exposition mi intelligent, nnil comprehensive iilen of the experi mental work being curried on ut these i ntntc institutions. There will be with eneh of these e i hlblts nn Instructor who will eo-oper- I ntc in any plan of lecture or demon-, titration best Milted to Instruct the j public on the soil mid climatic condi tions of his particulnr locality nnd the , crops and varieties of grains best suited to that section. The discuses of grains such us rust and smut in wheut and oats, the corn root louse . and corn root worm, and the numerous Insect pests that have proven lunemice to crop growing in various localities over the great grain producing dlt-i trlcts will be discussed from a practic al and selcntlllo point of view, with definite Information as to their origin, j their life history and remcdlcN that in-1 lluence toward their extermination. . There will be lectures and discussions on the composition and value of grains. Such topics as the composition and characteristics of heavy and light weight wheat, oats and barley, show ing that the heavy weight grains are j desirable because they contain a larger total amount of food. This with a more matured germ gives the heavy weight kernel the advantage for seed purposes. Starchy and glutenous properties in grains; uniformity In composition of wheat grown from a uniform lot of seed, showing superior individuality In both bead and kernel; these with scores of other Important experiments nnd tests that have been worked out bv the experiment stations will be in the lino of instruction that will be put forth by agricultural colleges at the exposition. I sing the praises of the wise Men of the world who advertise. INo higher tribute can be paid To any man engaged in trade, Than thih. that he knows how and when Tointerest lilu fellow-men In what he has to buy or soil; That man succeeds in spite of every thing. A fellow now and then you see Who says that every one knows me; And every dollar that 1 pay Foe nds is that much thrown away." Go search from here to Halifax, In every town you'll tlnd the tracks Of this conceited, self-styled sage , With all adjustments narrow-gauge. His is the glad, unlaundcred bund That gives the sugar needed sand, And from the "yard" ne'er falls to pinch The Yitlgar fraction of an inch. He la the very first to hump Up rates when prices takes u jump, And always last man in the play When prices go the other way. The man who will not advertise Opposes every enterprise Intended for the common weal, If he is taxed to help the deal; Opposes every scheme and plan For doing good to beast or man, Unless he clearly can detect A profit for himself direct. Give me the man of life and cheer Who says, 'Let people know I'm here And that I'm not a bit afraid To let them know I want their trade. I'm here to cater to the need Of all mankind If I succeed, It will be largely due 1 think To what I know of printers Ink. Give me n column -I'm no freak And I'll write changes every week Jn ample time to save distress Ilefore the day you go to press. I'd like to have your trade but, say, It's cash for service either." A man like that is up to tricks; He makes this life worth living. 1IIX The Midland Jubilee Singers, the Iloyal Hungarian Orchestra, Norton's liand and Orchestra, The Colonial Saxophone Quartet, DaDell-Fox Con cert Co., nnd the lied Cloud Band will furnish the music for tho Bed Cloud -Chautauqua Aug. .'ith to 14th. Webster Cointy llofcs Ttp inrhet. When it comes to producine; prime I porkers Webster County can complete hiiceessfiilly with any section, a fact at-, tested by the topping of the St. Joseph ' market one day last week by two loads of hogs shipped from this coiintv. one , by B.C. Christy and 'the other by lul. lcr iV. Itcnnett. CJIuy, ISobiiiMtii v i'o.,: report the sale of both lots at if. tis, highest price realized for IniL's' any that dily. They were of a quality highly creditable to the producers. UHKUMATISH CUKE!) IN A DAY Dr.Uctchoiih ltu'lef forlihcimmllim aiut Neurnl Kl (uilli'.nlly ctirvf In 1 tiCliih.v,. liRitluiiuuu tiio MbU-m h icniiirhnblo iiinl iiiysiorlou. it ratnitvcs xt oneu Uiu uatiMi aihI Uiui!Uihmi lm Jiuillnlulj' illniiipeurc. Ttiu iliht ilnto kumU; boat-tllK, ts cvntannd $1. bolil by II. I! Hmr dnieit, Htil rinnii. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClfiniM anil pciillfl the htt. rrmnottf a laxmUM fruvth, N"Tcr ril to Jlftoro Or.T lUIr to It Youthful Color. Cum K-!p dlftirt hlr IMU-e, me. nd I nrat DroffltH C A SCHULTZ Photographer Kumlly irraiips and naay pictures n special!. Dam si Hillock. CHAS ALLSOP Mason Cement work a specialty, lied Cloud, Neb. 00 TO Robinson & Son If you want a .Square Meal for S3 cts. Soda Fountain in connection with Ucstaurnnt. Soft drinks in season. Henry Diederich PKAI.KIt IN Boots, Shoes and Angle Lamps Repairing1 Neatly Done. Wolie & Wright Engine Repairing a Specially Horseshoeing, ltlaeksml thing anil Wngonmtiking JACOB ELLINQER Auctioneer KKl) CLOUD, NB11. Farmers' phone A 8. Hell phone S7. Plumb's Flour & Feed Store. You save money in buying your Hour In riOO'pound lots of him. W. 1. ASWER Veterinarian Red Cloud-:-Nehraska At Day's old stand City Laundry J. P. HANSON, Propr Phono l'J. Itod Cloud, Neb. O. A. Nelson Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist. OUlce, at my Barn. The Mot Beautiful Flag. In a village school In the Acadian region of Nova Scotlu the young lady teacher, who was from a portion of Canada more remote from the United States than the section she was In. wan on one occualon preparing for a little celebrutlou of empire day. Call ing one of the boye, she gave him a coin nnd aald to him: "Take tills, please, and go out nnd get us the prettiest (lag you can find." She had no Idea, of course, of hli procuring anything elao than a British Sag, and her astonishment wna great, therefore, when the boy enme back with a small edition of the stars nnd stripes. "What have you there?" the teacher asked sharply. "Did you suppose I sent you for anything else than the flag of your country?" "Why," auswered the loy, "you told me to get the prettiest ting I could nnd. and there was nothing else so pretty ns this!" The boy's judgment wns unpreju diced, at any rate, for he was n Cana dian. Oh, Walt Till He Returns. "Why, my dear," exclaimed the good friend on finding Mrs. Newed In floods of tears, "what Is the matter?" The young wife wiped her eyes and tried to compose herself and be In humanly calm. "Well." she began, with folded bunds, "you know John Is nway for n week." "Yes. dear," helped the lady friend. "Well, he writes to me regularly, and In his his last letter he tells me he gets my photo out and kisses it ev ery day." "But thnt Is nothing for you to cry about!" exclaimed the good friend. "Yes, it Is," cried Mrs. Newed, bursting Into tears afresh, "lie-becnusc 1 took my picture out of his ba-bug be bpforo,he started Ju-Just for n Jo-Joke and put one of mo-mo-inothor's In Its Why They Don't Desert, "instances of desertion from the army in Mexico are very raic and for tho best of reasous," said Senor Joso do Mliinldci'. of N'uova Leon. . "The reason lies In the almost sure I capture of the fugitive and the cettnlii- ty ",nt llu "'" S01 ,10C 0M0 ,,lu numer ous Hoggings on his tmro back. I heso Iitshlu&s are done In the presence of thu comrades of the deserter, nnd when the men sec how great U thu suiTeiiiig of the mlner.ible wretch who tried In vn In to quit hlx military obligations they nro forced to conclude that It Is better to stick to tlio army than to un. dcrgn such n torrl1''" n-v''- . ! wmmm i f A t..ti(rntln.i Mmnliitr MUeil Vnnuliitf Scrtio In western mum Some ol the choicest Innd forer.-iln crowlnir Ktoik riilsltic nmt mixed hirmlng In the new ln trittn o( Snakntchrwan nnd Alberta linve f. cctitly been Oiiuiit'd fnrhtttl'jiiH'iit under tin Revised Homestead Regulations Tntry may now bo tnndo by proxy (on ccrtnln conditions), by tho father. mothor,aon,dnui:htcr, brother or ilnler ol an Intending homesteader. Thousands of homcttcndi of ICO acres ench nra thin now cnally ohtalnnblo In theae erciit craln crowing, slock-ralslni: and mixed fanning aeo tlonj. There you will find healthful climate, trood neighbors, churches for family worship, schools for your children, trood laws, splendid crops, and rnllroads convenient to market. Kntn ieolneclicaoU$10.W).. For pamphlet, "twist ItedtWcdt, "particulars ns to rnte. routes, best tlmo to so and where to locate, apply to W. V. IIKNNKTT 801 New York I.lfc Uldtr.. Omaha, Neb. Canadian Govornmcnt Acent CATARRH ml MRAttt Kte fjnap,l ; rv rnu W-fEVER m :.t$ m V&b & m YJ Elvs Cream Balm Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, booUich, heals and protects tho diseased nioinbmno resulting from Cutnrrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores tho Houses of Tiwto and Hinell. Easy to into. Contains no injurious drugs Applied into the- nostrils and absorbed. Largo Size, fiO cents at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Bulm for uso in atomizers, 75 cents. ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warren Si.. New York. Pinesalve ACTSrLJArHp0Au,,;T,CE - . . , RELIEVES ALL BkclSDOX2GCA ror.ua or suindibe ABC 60 YEAR9' EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks Desiqns COPVRiaHTS Ac. Anrone f ruling n krlrh and rtcicrlptlnn may oulcklr nicurtaln our opinion free whether an ItiToiitinn la probably p iieiiialiin. ronimunlca. tlonBirlctirooiifldaiitliil. HANDBOOK onl'atente aont free, UMeit agency f or .Bcuring patoun. Talent taken through Munti A Co. recatre jxrtal node, without charge, la tho Scientific American. A handiomely Itlnitratea weakly. Larseat clr dilation nt any .denude Journal. Term.. IS year i four month., (L, Bold by all tiawedealera. VIUNN & Co 36jB.r New York Branch Offloa. SS r BU Wuhlngton, D. C. e MAKE A GOOD INCOME V tHM ttVvei llttUM 4 sM U 10 tM ft flt.l MnnM;UTIia KILL DUUDIQ ai'HStf na m w tvlM. . mb KM k ,. mm a.k. Ul u4tkU cnl I i Ut V ditUI. ! W.tai. UHw4 Om !! u4 .Mf Vl.il k.U fit tM UM.ttl.-a. .ittohl Cah 1lhtb.t. nltolt,MMdlaftaH1tw f nl. wl.M U la It BBBH m Tati p..iMntiipwnAmHaMpiMm hu,hmi i nlMnu. n. U. r. Ilnul m!mi4 . ewrt fm wrt a t.t naaaia Djul t IVhUv MuMm U., Akrte, I. a WANTED fii 0T Fmrm or Bumlnmmm for sale. Not particular aboat lacaUoa. nun ip fwai ear trosa awai anlv who will atoacrlpdoB and itate I aall auael la bavar. Give price. caa be bad. Address. LBAJUrruaU. a IN ,M.T. A. T. Walker REAL ESTATE, LOANS, and INSURANCE. First Door North of Postolllce. w. K. GEER Shoes Shoes made to order. Repair work a specialty L. A. HASKINS FLOUR, PEED and GRAIN Kerosene, Gasoline- Etc. 'Phono 57 L H. FORT Insurance Agent, Abstracter and Notary Public. Dnmoiell Block. Phono S8. Dr. Nellie E Maurer Dentist Damoroll Block. Over Albright I'hono 'Jiil , Bros IIKItK IS KRMKl' l'OIt WOMSN. Jtollier Rmj', h iintu la "ov Vorb illeovreil nn nrouintlo. itli'.iHiit lierb euro for woiuon's Ills uilU.I AUsTUA I.IAN I.K.U'. ll U Hie only certain roenlilnr. i"iwt fmi ...) ikkm ' . ' , .1 i r , I. "u.'i't ii ijjjnjra KHI Low Rate Summer Tours To the Pclflc Const Daily low round trip tntos to Port land, Seat tie, Tiioonm, Si n FraneUeo, Lo Angclox nnd .-mi Dkgo, Slightly higher to include both California and Puget Sound One wholo business day saved by our now hchedule to the Pa ciflo coast. To Eastern Rcaorts Daily low excursion rates to Cnnndu, Michigan. Minnesota. Wisconsin. Mas sachusetts nnd Naw York tourist re sot is; also low excursion rates to tour ist JOorts in. Maine, New Hampshire, and Veitnonf. To Colorado and Rocky Mountain Daily low rules Wyoming, Ulack tone Park. lo Colorado. Utah, Hills nnd Yellow- 1000 Families Wanted For nawly irrlgatad lands in the Big Horn liasiu. Wyo No cyclones r Hoods. Wutar your land us naadad. Soil is rich. Timber and coal plenti ful. 1'ricutlU te $5 per acre. Per sonally conducted oxctiriiiouslirst and third Tuusdays ef each mouth. Write D. Cleat Dearer, general agent, Lnndstekers' Information Bureau, Omaha, for new folder. Its free. Write a brief description of your proposed trip, nnd let m advise you how to make it the best way nt the least cost. J. F. Edwaiids, Ticket Agent. L. W. Wnkeley, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Oyer-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to tlie kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have "their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and puify the blood that is their sork. Therefore, when jour kidneysiire weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ scenis to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feci badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swainp-Uoot, because as soon as your kiduevs are iell they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring you; kidneys. The mild and the cxtraortliuary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle nomeotSwamp-Root. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer S: Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y. . on every bottle, Wood's Liver Medicine (In liquid form, pleasant to take) For Chills, Few and Malaria Headache, Biliousness, Constipation and all other symptoms of deranged Liver quickly overcome. A tonic to the entire kystem, Liver. Kldnty. Bladder and Blood The $1.00 bottle contalna nearly 2K times the quantity of the 30c size. Prepared only by the PINEULE MEDICINE CO., CHICA60, ILL. L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer Resilience: First door south of Rod Cloud .Mill, 101 South Webster street. L'an bo found at homo ovory fore noon. Terms reasonable. Fred E. Maurer Notary Public. I'oiibions it Specialty. Ollien over Piistnlllce. .BaBaaMar4VT2F"?3Qbi aapaanfD. jah h. Eb Why Bgiy A Rfflomtmeni of Us "&-. BECAUSIi- Our designs oest arusts in uie country. BECAUSE Our material is first-class. BECAUSE All work is done with pneumatic tools, giving that distinguished look to every monument. BECAUSE Our prices are. right. Many other reasons wc could give but call and see for yourself or drop us a card. Overing Bros Artistic Monuments. 440-446 N. Webster. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA City Dray and T. W. 6TUDKBATCKR, PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 188. Offieii9. 1 SAY. HISTRP! I 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 a 9 5 9 9 9 9 Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Building Ma terial nnd Coal at our yards? Not only that our prices averaoe lower, or at least as low, us thoso of our competit ors, but because wo take ospeoial care of and protect nil can lie classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT Coal. 9 ? CnnL , 9 Saunders Bros. Lumber & Coal Dealers RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. We have in stock at all times u complete line of Building Material and Good Coal. Our prices are reasonable. We solicit your patron age. Bell Te). GO. Farmers Ind. 71. Yost Butler The Butchers Dealers In Fresh, Salt and Cured Meats rhones, Country KM Bell l iiRnlnat Fire, LlRhtninp, Cy- clonoa and Windstorms, see iVO. FS. &TAN&IZR, ul'i t fill I iltl I ''l ' ! (' , l.-li'-' 111 ii . i"'V , I'Mi, .vli V - I lllllll Ill3ll t l,l ...l I i !C 3 s s Kt-'r are made b the very s 1 s .Ho. ) Express Line. - -v - FREES CO. Lumber. . f- iAtmher. . f. f- Fly Time The fly season is now on. Do not allow your horses to be tor mented by the pests when a little money expended in a set of flynets will protect them. A large line to select from. Also a complete stock o harness and harness sundries. Repairing promptly done. JOE FOGEL North of Damerell Block. Dan't Buy Land wr ttan Money tn Real Estate without getting one of Tecl'a i periect Austracts or litle. The oldest and most reliable set of Abstract books in Webster Co. 810,000 bond filed nnd approved. Represents six of the best In surance companies doing busi ness in the state. MANS aUDE M CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. OtTlce In Overing Block. Phones: Bell 98, Farmers3B INFLAMMATORY KIIEUMATISM CL'UKD IN J DAYS. Morton I,. Hill, af I.etiumm Ind.. Kays; "My wifo liml-InnKiniatiorT ItiieiiniRiifia la every muscle ami Joint; Ijcr nufferlnn wn tarrtblo aud her bady ana fnco nrro inallcn altaam s. ' yoml rrcofnltloa: had been In bed lx weeks '"' i elcht I'lijklcUim, bit rectlTed btnaflt until eha tried Dr. I)iiclioa'bRiaf tor HhauiaailHm. It cT ImiaedUt rellet ana is ask I'ok ir.l.Ks's rO'iTi:mp -V.f I.- .. ..,..,,. , ,( 1 -; --v' ' ;;'';? c Key 1 si JKrt,xjl mi-m Mrtwa).. ..VM4Wto, . -.- . .. w.w..illw i .. ..--i-tr.vWfKiin ,ijuaat. -- "WHaW ; v w. .- jpvm . if.n'm.ni wi-m., l.m.MWft'..ftl1-M wwiwiifcwiini' Kiwmiiinr mr. v "i" i..jn"ni m.iaajJtjUi