The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 31, 1908, Image 1

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Stnto Historical Society
A Newspaper That Hives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Vear For One Dollar.
, RED CLOUD, NEHHASKA, ,11'LY '61, 1J)()H.
1 -?
- l$riU
Mrs. Simpson Is quite sick.
A hiity friend is visiting with
Viters Weet Tuesday Eyeilni and Per
fect an Orftanlzatlan.
Kuye M.adley. . A lmmWl. of V()rs of ey
Clius. Kildy nntl family of Inavalc j met at the olllce of O. C. Teel on Tucs
spent Sunday with friends in Guide J day and organized a llryan elub. Tlic
Uoc,f' object of the club will lie to do nil
Mrs. K. HendrieUson and Mrs. Kloyd j in its power to secure the election of
Simpson are entertaining ayounghuly ' W. .1, ltryan forpresidentof the I'nltcd
There are four leading makes of watches
on the market and we sell them all. You
can make no mistake in buying one of us.
Our extra large line gives you practically
unlimited choice. No matter the size or
grade, we have them. Cases of all grades
enabling you to buy the watch you want.
A written guarantee with every one of
them. Price always held at the lowest
We invite inspection and comparison of
goods and prices.
Satisfaction or Your Money Back.
Jewelers and Opticians B. 8 nfc Watch Inspectors
Wall Paper, Paints a.nd
.1, v . --
Contractor for 'Papering, Painting and Interior Dec
orating. Fine paper hanging a specialty. Acme
brand paints. liell phone 296.
from lies Moines, Iowa.
Mrs. Mary Oney was down
Klverton Thursday of hist week
ing Mrs. VanWoert and daughtci
Miss Lucy Massinger and
ItcrthuOlinstode contemplate a
of school at Lincoln the coming
Mrs. Levi Snyder of the Maple drove
neighborhood has been very sick for
some time but was reported n little'
better Wedne.Mlav.
George Van Dyke of Halglerand Mrs.
Julius Hootman of Huntley, Nebraska,
visited the last of the week their old
time friends, Mr. and Mrs. Clins. Me
Murdy. Edwin Jones, son of Clarence Jones
had his leg badly cut by a bit of steel
from 11 plow share which was being
sharpened striking him on the shin.
He has suffered n great deal of pain.
He is some better. .
Mrs. G. M. Simpson and daughter
Mabel went to Wauneta Thursday
evening with Mrs. Shnpson'sdaughter,
Mrs. E. K. Murphy, who has been here
visiting a couple of weeks. Then they
go to Denver to visit the eldest daugh-1
lor, Mrs. .loiiu (.oilman.
The Memorial service of the Degree
of Honor wu given at the lodge room
to a good sized audience of members
and friends. Th service was very
beautiful and impressive. Miss tier-
trude Lambert presided at the organ.
The beautiful memorial hymns "Ke-
ineinberance" and "(Sod's Lillles" were
1 sung by the quartet, Misses Kiln it and
I Lou Watt, and Messrs. 15. W. Kobert-
, son and Fred Hodges. The memorial
i team consisted of Mrs. Idella Watt, 1.
C. of H; MlssMallssa Lambert, .'. of
II: Mrs. Klzora Hendrickion, L. of II;
' Mru. Susie Hagan. C. of C; Mrs. Fannie.
I Spiers. I. W. anil Miss Ella VanWoert,
I reader of uulogj'. All did their work
, well.
States. Much enthusiasm was hhown
and confidence expressed by those
present that the Democratic nominee '
would be victorious in the coining elce-'
tion in November. The following
were elected otllcers of the organiza
tion: President. Dr. ltobt. Dainerell. '
Vice president. Win. Cralilll.
Secretary, (Sen. W. Hutchison.
Treasurer, I. W. Kdson.
Captain, J. T. Ward.
Color bearer, A. T. Smith.
The executive committee is composed
of the ofllcers and J. 11. Halley and
Jlm Polnieky.
All voters, regardless of pollcties,
who are in sympathy with those prin
ciples advocated by Mr. llryau and
who desire his election, arc cordially
invited to join the elub, and lolnlnir
A word to the
wives is sufficient.
Golden Gate
' inrjBVA! ljji?
the elub does not mean thatyou pledge
yourself to support th Democratic
ticket in full, it only means that you
pledge your support to Mr. ltryan.
The next meeting of the elub will be
held at the court house Monday even
ing, August, .1, and you art Invited to
Sold only in aroma-tight
tins. Ncvcrjn,bulk.
J. A. 1-Ot.GER'tt CO;
a rrml
. . HTUUMii
We Claim
Coffees, Teas, Extracts and
are the very best that can be found
anywhere In the city and we are will
ing to test them with any brands that
you may have. Just n word to any
society or lodge doings: You are vcl
eome'to our Coflce and Napkin freo
of charge if you assure us that you
will give them a fair test. We are also
offering good oargalns in evaporated
fruits -
Prunes, Black Grapes,
Peaches, etc.
In Making Powders we have the differ
ent varieties
K.C., Dr. Price's, .Royal,
Cassett, Rabbit's Foot.
These nre sold at popular prices.
Give us a call.
Johnson fBoner
City Bakery and
Pineules for backache, little golden Sick head ache and bilousness re
globules, easy and pleasant to take. HeTed at once with Ring's Little Lire
Act directly on the kldneya purify the 1ill8 A complexkm aml dear
blood and Invigorate the entircaystem. w ,
1ltt for,. lum. back. kidneys eycs rL'hult from. ' use. Do not
-.uv aw ww---vi -, j --
and bladder. 30 days trial 81. Guar
anteed. Sold by Henry Cook.
gripe or sicken, Good for
family. Sold by Henry Cook.
all the
Taft CUb.
AH Taft supporters are hereby re
quested to meet at the court house,
August 4th, at one o'clock p. in., for
the purpose of organizing a Taft elub.
J. C. SAYiOit,
Chairman County Com.
Special Sale of Thin Goods
for Hot Weather
MIH 1 1
All Lawns and thin Summer Goods at
one-third off. Don't want to carry
any over for next year, so will sell these
at a price that will move them.
Bargains in Laces and Embroideries.
Some of these have insertions and
edges to match. All go at one-half
price marked. Did not mark these up
for this sale; all go at one-half the old
Wash Belts
Embroidered Wash Belts at 15c and 25c
Muslin Underwear
Skirts with three rows of Val. insertion
and edging at $1.00.
Three clasters of tucks and hemstitch
ing, embroideried' flounce, at $1.25.
Embroidered insertion 2 1-2 inches
wide with embroidered insertion to
match, $2.25.
Special in Corsets
All soc corsets and girdles at 40c.
Gauze Underwear
'Children's pants at 15c.
Children's vests at 6c to 25c.
Ladies' gauze vests at 10c to 50c.
Ladies' gauze pants at 15c to 50c.
JLm i
1M fJXs I
N .: .
4L j;,,.
Alfalfa as a Beef Producer.
Alfalfa scored another victory the
last week according to Omaha papers.
Joe I.ommcrs of Stanton, Xebr. ship
ped four car loads of fat cattle to the
Omaha market and received $3.10 per
hundred for them and they averaged
L.VTU pounds. Mr. hummers bought
them the middle of last November for
51.00 per hundred when they weighed
1,110 pounds each, lie placed them on
a balanced ration of corn and alfalfa
and put Wi pounds on each animal.
The price of 18.10 per hundred was
paid by Swift fc Company und was the
highest price paid for a ear load cf
cattle at a Missouri river market since
To show those Interested in agricul
ture und cattle feeding the results of
feeding alfalfa with corn and why the
balanced ration is the best for giving
cattle such a finish as will bring top
prices, the National Corn Exposition
to be held at Omaha Dec. I) to l'J has
prepared to build a regular alfalfa
palace. In this strange home of grass
which will be beautiful as well as
practical, may be seen everything from
the bust machinery for handling the
woaderful grass to the alfalfa meals
being manufactured for feeding dairy
cows. Illustrated lectures on alfalfa
growing will also be a feature of the
great agricultural fair.
WM. 1WTTKN, Hrop.
I mn prepared to servo u siiiiiro meal
at all times at '-'.") cents u meal. Ico
cream, summer ilrinks, confectionery,
oiuars and tobacco. Farmers, trade u
specialty. Hoard und room by day or
week. Give mo u call.
Notice of Tax Sale.
Tnllic lcKiIticIrs of SIMM (Hrter, iltcenntd,
Yomvlll take 1no notice that on the Mh !r
of NnTfiiitier, U0J. Henry Plodrlcli pnrctmci!
hi public ux mile from lliu rountv Irvimurvr or
HVIiMiT county, Nelriik, loin ill nml yi. idork
I. In KhIcj hiiiI iHc'.Mm'i Rililltlati to ttie City
of Knl (.'Intnl. Nolirnxkii. tlmt fnld loin were nx
M!Meil In ilie imnifof MllimOiirlirr urn! Hint lliu
li'Knl tltlo to tlir mid lot. U In lliu name or SUhh
(Inrlicr, lint mII Ium wcro fold for (hxch n
H.'x'cil In llio jviirM IWki to ItKfi Ini'liiohr All
(.tmiiih imcrcMcn iviu inkiKiiiu notice Hint on
Noieiiitierfltli, 11HH, I xlmll iiiply for u TrcnR.
itrcrn ilvtil for hhIiI irorty,
Hkmit Dikorii'ii.
Ily 1'iHl Mnitrcr, lilmitlorncy,
tht I0li. July 213 wk.
1'incMilve eiirbolted acts like a poul
tice. Quick relief for bites and sting
of insects, chapped skin, cuts, burns
and sores, tan and sunburn. Sold by
Henry Cook.
A woman putH dignity upon her hus
band being broke by calling it being
Operation for piles will not beneces-
kiiry if you use Man an pile remedy.
Tut up ready to use. (luarauteeil.
Try It. Sold by Henry Cook.
The average man would rather win
a dollar on a bet than a thousand
working for it.
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Wednesday,
July 29 furnished by the Fort Abstract
Co. L. II. Fort, Manager.
Frank W Yetter to Lee Colnin
"bta, all lot 12, pt lot 11, Hlk 3,
Vance's add to Guide Hock, wd
J L Fuller et al to C W Fuller,
lot 3, 111k 13, Cowles, qcd
ChafiW Fuller to Fuller A. Ben
nett, lots 1, 2, 3, Ulk 13, Cowles
wd .
William It Anderson to Ole A,
Knutson, lots 8, 0, Ulk 4, Spen
ce'a add to liladen, wd 2.10
Raymond T Ely to Austin A Davis
part 4 Ulk .1, Talbot's add to
Guide Hock, wd 400
Ida A Kaiser et al to D4J Holund
8W4, 4-1-0, wd .".000
Mortgagefc filed, S4100.
Mortgages released, 8017.1.
Jeiiulu .M.
Judge Kdsou
.Tuly 2iith.
glo I'! Itlrch.
th. Tony .M. Reynolds and
McMillan. Married by
Mjix K. Mocde and Mag
Married by Judge Kdsou.
lilobe Co. vs Rose. Continued.
Matters h City, Continued by stip
ulation. PitoiiATi: ,
l'Mntu of Harriet Xelsou deceased,
rivina (lllbort Appointed adiiiinlbtni
trl.s. Estate of Aiidreas' Miller, l'utltion
for adininlslrator, Set for. hearing
August 22nd.
1'or c-'wn'nt" ChnntaiKiiii programs
W.itufii. H. M in Ri.l l-.ud, Xob,
Pineules for the kidneys. 30 day's
trial 81. Guaranteed. Act directly on
the kidneys and bring relief in the first
dose for backache, Theumatlc pains,
kidney and bladder trouble. Invigor
ate the entire system. Sold by Henry
One application of ManZan pile
remedy, for all forms of plies relieves
pain, sooths, reduces inflammation,
soreness and itching. Price r0c.
Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Sold
by Henry Cook.
Wood's liver medicine is for thu re
lief of malaria, chills and fever and all
ailments resulting from deranged con
dition of the liver, kidneys and blad
der. Wood's liver medicine is a tonic
to the liver and bowels, relieves sick
headache, constipation, stomach, kid
ney and liver disorders and acts us a
gentle laxative. It is the ideal remedy
for fatigue and weakness. It's tonic
effects on the entire system felt with
the first dose. The SI size contains
nearly 'iV, times the quantity of the
!0c size. In liquid form. Pleasant to
take, Sold by Henry Cook.
Notice to Credlte rs.
WeliHiT County.
In lliu matter or the cxtnto of Hiikui I,, llnxter,
Notlcu In liereliv kItcii to nil ncmonk havlmr
cIbIiih nml (!iiihim1h hkIii1 Hawaii I,. Hazier,
late of tt router county, ileeeiued. tlit the tttno
llxpil for tlllriK cUlirm rkiiIiikI Mlil vilAte It tlr
inonllia from the x day of AtiKimt, 1WS.
All Mieh iiemoiiH nru reiiulrcd to prejeut their
clHlniN. with the rouclivrn. to Iho County .Imlgo
of khIiI countr. at hln otllco therein, on or befure
the Hlli jlny of Kcbrunry, IBCO; am) all clalurn au
lllcd will bo heard before the al judge on tliH
IMInlay of Kcbrunry. 1B0, at 10 o'clock a. in.;
ml Ihal the administrator Im allowed one year
from theWth day of June, 1V0H. lu which to pay
the debia allowed agaliut mid cttate and lettle
the name.
I. W. Kinow.
l,,iLl . . County Judge,
tit Pub. July 8J-4wk.
Natlcc fa Credltare. J
HTATE OP NK11IU8KA I . ,h Pniln,. .
In the rnatUr of tha eittte of llarrttl Nalaon,
decaid. Notice la hereby givau to all persona
haviag clilmi and daman against Harriet
Neliou, late of WabnUr couuty. deceaaed. that
th tlmt flied for tlllagclalma agaliiii tald e
tate ilz manth from th 211 day of Auguit,
All auch oeraon are required to preient their
claims, with the voucher, to the County Judg
of aald couuty, at hi offlc therein, on or before
IheZUtdtyof February. 100V; and all claim
ao filed will be heard before the laid judge on
theiunddayof February. WOO, at one o'clock
p. m, : and that the admfnlitrator la allowed on
year from the 29tb day of July (n. In which to
iwt uiu uui auoweu againai eaia eiuie ana
eitle the name.
tat I'b July 31 4 wk.
I. W. Ediok
C'oimty Judge.
llees Laxative cough syrup ree m'
mended by mothers for young and nld
Is prompt relief for coughs, c. I h,
croup, horseness, whooping con- In
Gently laxative and pleasant to U.Um
Guaranteed. Should be kept in et.ry
household, .sold by Henry Cook.
Eastings College
Hastings, Nebraska
Hustings is the fourth city of Nebraska, having n population of over
13,000, und Is supplied with Imiidsomo public buildings, elegant residences,
metropolitan stores, and beautiful churches. It is also un important railroad
couter, being located on tho C. IJ. &. Q , St. J. & (5. 1. C, and N. V and M. P.
rallwilys. There nro also throo branclt, linos of the liiirlington route, so that
acces'j Is easy from any quarter.
It consists of twelve cultured inuii and women rcpresouting eight dllTer
ont universities und co leges. I'oht-gmdiiitto work at Harvaid, Chii ago, Yalo,
l'riiictoii, Ueiliii and Heidelburg gives their teaching and scholarship unusual
breadth and tlinroiighuosk.
Tin: Collkok, oll'erlng twouources for degrees, with many olectives,
Tin; Acapcmt, od'oring IiIkIi school training under collego professors,
Tin: Nokjiai. School, Issuing tenclierV cortilicates under state author
Tin: ('osskiiwtohv or Mi'sic, with coursosiu voice, piano, pipo or'Vi,
vioiiii, iuki jiuisiuiu iiieorj':
Thoro are four buildings; Uiughind Hull, it men's dormitory and u-foctory;
McConnlck Hull, the principal roultatloii building; Alp.xandor Hall, a woiuoij'h
dormitory; Ciirnoiu building, the library and sciontlllo laboratories. Knell
Itios for collegu oionoo work aro unsurpassed and all buildings havo steam
heat and olectrlo light.
Next your begins Sept. 8, 1003. Hniulsomo oataloguo and illustrated souV
enir l'rco upon application to
A, E. TURNER, IX. D. President.
1k? v.JtU- -j,
, g