The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 24, 1908, Image 5

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en a
he can get the best value
at moderate cost, with the
extra protection of a positive
money warranty, by choosing
Paul Storey
The Clothier
Chautauqua August
to !.. Plan to
Special price1- on old wheat Hour at
the Ked Cloud Milling Co.
Po not fall to read about our biir
ino contest in this issue.
(iuy Uradbrook was, at Lone Island
Monday and Tuesday playing ball.
Miss I'eail Mines has returned from
IAlma, where she attended the summer
fcession of the normal school.
Join our excursion party Aue;ust4th,
tiiku a trip to Texas and see the crops
hat arc raised there. Seeing is bellev-
ng. Tins land is soul on hi years'
hue with small cash payment down.
iJeil Cloud InvestmentCo., I'otter block,
ed Cloud, Nebr.
Look pleasant and don't forget to
nsure your property against loss uy
I'lre, Lighting & Cyclone In one of the
old lint5 insurance companies repro?
,ented by L. II. Fort agent, Damerell
block. 81000 cyclone policy only costs
y!)H S" for 3 years.
Famous orators and men of letters
have spoken before the Texas-Colorado
Chautauqua during the two years
of its existence at Hottlder Henry
Watterson, DeWittTalmage, Wendling
Jahu Do, Witt Miller, Uryan, Gov.
Thomas, Father Malone, and many
-others have poured eloquence over the,
lieadb and intp the hearts of thousands
of listeners, but last evening Walter
M. Chandler, a young but eloquent at
i' torney, electrified the auditorium with
.a speech which ranks him among them
as a brilliant orator. Denver Post.
For the
Very Best
Call on
The Groeep
All thm Phones
0 WflSSmmw Wwll
LI.. . H ml
iirtA.,1. z j
C'haut.iucjua dates August ,. to 1"
HoiiM to rout. ln ultv of 1M
Mi-" Alfa liOnjrtim was In Sttpirlor
Mis, llu.el Stiller
MiivjIii Satunlnv.
returned from
Miss t'oplen returned fiom
Hastings Tuesday.
l'alph Foe was down from McCook
thu llrst of tlie week.
Special prices on old wheat Hour at
the Red Cloud Milling Co.
Mrs. Will Taber and Mrs. Dr. Nel
son were In Superior Friday.
Mrs. Susie Kaley entertained tlin ball
boys at a chicken dinner Sunday.
Mrs. Florence of Chicago is visiting
It jr parents It. F. Mlzer and wife.
Charles Schcllak returned from Lin
coln and Hastings the lust of the week.
Miss Yaple arrived Saturday from
Marysvllle, Mo., to visit her mother at
tlie Royal Hotel.
Mrs. Daugherty and children of
Auburn are visiting here- with her
brother, llev. Father Fitgerald.
I Misses Adeline Uaylor and Kurllla
I1 Caldwell went to Hastings Thursday
to visit with relatives and friends.
I I'attoule homo industry. Special
prices on .'I to T hundred pound lots of
old wheat Hour at Red Cloud Mills.
Rest cleanser for silver, cut glass or
gold. Trial package for, tiie asking.
Full size package "."i cents. Ni:vnot'si:
Sallsa Cox, widow of.Cliristopher C.
Cox, has been granted a pension of $13
per month. Fred Maurer was her at
torney. Dave Whltakerof Stratton was visit
ing here Wednesday. He says that
his daughter is the best that ever hap
pened. Drs. Weiriek & RIddile, Eye. Ear,
Nose and Throat Specialists. I i lasses
litted. Over Herman Rank,
Mrs. Clias. (ioforth and daughter of
Wichita, Kas., are in the city visiting
the formers sister, Mrs. .lohn (irittlth,
and famiiy.
(ireatest cleaner on earth for cut
glass, silver or gold. Ask for trial
package. Full size package 25 cents.
Xkiioisi: Hm.
John A tilt, has sold his residence
property at the corner of Uth and Web-
tor streets to A. 1). Denno, the pur
chase price being 51000.
To tlie lady having the largest num
ber of votes In our piano contest when
the first count is made on August 22,
we are going to give 810 in gold.
Miss Grace Frisble returned from
University Place Thursday morning,
where she has been attending school,
rami will spend the summer at home.
Rev. F. W. Levitt, the new principal
of the Franklin Academy was a visitor
In the city over Wednesday night with
Her. A. A. Cressman and C. L. Cottlng.
Dr. Warrick the specialist will meet
eye, ear, nose and throat patients and
those needing glasses properly fitted
at Dr. DamerelVs oftlec Tuesday July
28th. Hours one to six only.
Mrs. Grace King and children of
Chicago are visiting at the home" of
her brother, Frank Studcbaker. They
are on their way to Colorado Spriugs,
where they, will join Mr. King and
make their home.
Don't forget tho Texas excursion
date for the Red Cloud Investment Co.
is August 4, where all kinds of chances
for good investment will be on tap in
the Panhandle, the newest land of
promise and big crops. We are ex
pecting you to go with us.
Representatives of the A. O. I'. W
and Eagle lodges crossed bats In a
game of ball here last Tuesday. The
game was exciting all the way and re.
plete with O well what's the use
everybody was there to see for them
selves. The score was 25 to 8 In favor
of the. A. 0. L W.
Yesterday morning the work of dig
ging the ditches for the water works
system began In earnest and a large
force of workmen had by night opened
up a yawning hole along the north
bide of Harlan street and the pipes
will soon be lowered. Otto Senter we
believe threw the first spade full of
dirt. It Is expected that 300 feet per
day will be completed until the job is
finished. Franklin Sentinel.
Season tickets for thu Red Cloud
Chautauqua may bu secured from any
of thu following list of merchants and
business men: C. L. Cotting, Dr.
Thomasf State Rank, Peoples Rank,
Turnure Rros., Hugh Miner, W. A.
May mini, John Polnlcky, E. J. Over
Ing. .John (irlffeth, Crablll .V Son
Alfred Hadoll, L. P, Albright, W. C.
Frahin, (!. J. Warren, Dan Garber, Ed
McAllstor, Al Albright, Frank Smith,
Oscar Rnrroughs, E. W. Ross, G. W.
Hutchison, E. U. Overman, Geo. Over
ing, Saunders Rros., Morhart Rros.,
Paul Storey, Dr. Damerell, Henry
Newhouse, Mrs. J. A. Rurden, L. E.
Tait, L. II. Fort, (). C. Tee!. J. O. Cald
well, Drs. Mitchell it Creighton, Red
Cloud Imp. Co., Piatt & Frees, Robin
son & Son, Johnson & Doner, liorcn
fc Meyers, Ren McFarland, Popo Rros.,
Cowden A Kaley, Rutler & Yost, Fair
Store, Royal Hotel, W. Fulton.
S 'parator oil for sale at lottlig'-. '
.lohn Rurgess Is In luavalo this wit k.
Evertou Foe was down from McCtok
Sunday. '
Oscar Rnrroughs spent Sunday in
Henry Yaple and sister Anna went
to Dottrel Friday.
E. L Overman and familv wore In
S.tperior Saturday.
Jos. Fogel and wife attended the ball
game at Superior Friday. .
Red Cloud rs Superior at tlie bull
park Saturday afternoon.
State Morhart went to Denver Satur
day for a two weeks outing.
Mrs. Clias. Mllllgatt was down from
McCook the first of the week.
Some good city lots to trade for
stock. II. W. Gt''oitit. 30-3 pd.
Prof. Morltz and family returned
front their outing in Colorado Wednes
day. W. K. Goer ami family spent the last
of the week in Superior visiting rela
tives. Mrs. G. W. Lindsoy has been spend
ing a week with relatives at Grand
Goo. Orcrlng returned from Rose
mom Wednesday, where he been
on a business trip.
Mrs. Clias. Robinson and Mrs. Room
Saunders attended the ball game at
Superior Saturday.
A. II. Carpenter, C. C. Cowden, Art
McArthttr, Roy Robinson and Silver
Longtou took in the ball game at
Superior Saturday.
Miss Dessle Ford came in from Hayes
Center Friday and went Hustings
Saturday for a visit.
Frank Real returned from Denver
Wednesday where ho had been visit
ing hlb brother George.
Our telephone number is 72, and we
invite you to send in uny Items you
may know of.
Tlie Nebraska-Kansas intorsta'e iu
union will bu held in this city Septem
ber seventh to twelfth,
We want a correspondent from every
neighborhood in tlie county. Call in
and see us or write us a line about It.
David Harvey and wife left Wednes
day for their home in Wray, Colo.
They have been visiting Clias. Palmer
ami family.
For Sale throe thoroughbred Short
horn bulls. Can be seen on farm two
miles southwest of Guide Rock. Joii.v
Miss Muttle Hunderup has given up
Iter class In music here and has goue
to Cody, Wyo., where she will make
her future home.
Miss Eliza Cotting departed Thurs
day for Wisconsin and Illinois, where
site will spend two or three months
visiting relatires.
Red Cloud won two games of ball
from Superior last Friday and Satur
day on the latter's grounds. The
bcores were 8 to 4 and 2 to 1.
Atnack & Chancy have leased the
vacant room in the Damerell block,
and will move their stock of furniture
their about the first' of August.
Leon; Lester, who Is ..visftliffg here
wlth'hls uncle, A. T. Walker,' is talk,
ing of 'putting in a machine shop here.
Mr. Lester is an expert machinist, and
such a place as he proposes would be &
great thing for our city.
The performances at the Tepee
theatre have shown a decided Improve
ment in the last few weeks. Mr.
Taber is always looking for something
new and up-to-date, and does not con
sider expense In trying to please his
If you were to road of some of the
large yields of wheat this year in tho
Panhandle country In Texas, where
two millions of acres of that lund have
been sold in the last two years. You
wot 11 come right up to Tho Red Cloud
Investment Co.'s oillcc and make ar
rangements to go down and see that
country on August 4th.
There is not a Chautauqua In the
state that furnishes a finer array of
musical talent than our own Chautau
qua offers this year. The Royal Hun
garian Orchestra of Hilda Pesth, Nor
ton's Chautauqua orchestra and band,
The Midland Jubilee singers, The
Colonial Saxaphoucs, The LaDoll-Fox
Concert Co., will furnish a dally treat
to all lovers of good music. You can't
afford to miss all those good things
which the Chautauqua furnishes for
the price of a season ticket.
"Kclloy" Salone, tho popular second
baseman of thu Red Cloud ball team,
aim .miss iiuuiu null of Orleans were
united in marriage by Rev. M. T. Stlf
Her at tho M. E. parsonage Monday
morning. Iheoffalrwas a complete
surprise to Kelly's friends here, but
all join In extending congratulations
and wish for him and his bride nruiy
long and happy years.
Dr.Detclioinllollefforltlieiimatlim and Neural
Kl radlcully ciirmlii 1 to 3 days. Im action upon
tbe aystem In remarkable and mj-nterloiu. H
removea at once tbe cause and thudleao Im
mediately dliappeari. Tbe llrst doso Rrcatlj
benvfita , 75 centa and II. Sold by U. E. UHica.
drugglit, lied Cloud.
ttcunuc Vr.m National Forests
In uildlti u to the lieuellts secured
by lire protection ami by regulations
which control the use of tliuberland
and range so as to insure permanent
supplies for local wants, tlie states
having National Forests now receive,
under the new agricultural appropria
tion bill, 25 per cent of the gross pro
ceeds derived from the sale of National
Forest resources. This amount, ac
cording to law, goes to offset any los
ses to the states through withdrawal i
tt itPiltlt fll.tnci txtltl 4 i ,-n tit nltil II. I
devoted to public roads and schools.
Several years ago complaints were
made that tho withdrawal of timber
lands for forest purposes reduced tho
taxable areas of the states in which
withdrawals wore made. The Forest
Service, quick to see t lit justice of
these complaints, recommended at first
that 10 per cent, and later that 25 per
cent, of tho gross proceeds from the
National Forests should be paid to the
states. As a result, the states are as
sured of school and road funds, doubt
less more certainly than they other
wise could have been, since the per
manence of tho Forest resources Is
now secured by conservative manage
ment. Had tlie forests never been es
tablished, their lesDiirces would un
doubtedly have been exhausted by
hasty and Improvident methods of ex
ploitation, leaving the laud wasted
and unproductive.
An Addad Feature in the Forthcoming
Interstate Live Stock Show.
An added feature in the forthcoming
third annual Interstate Live Stock and
Horse show, to bo hotd In St. Joseph,
Missouri, tho week of Sept. 21-20, is tho
car lot fat hog exhibit. This Is a new
feature that should prove interesting
to thu feeder more than to the breeder.
Ample premiums have been provided
that should draw out an interesting
exhibit of tlie one domestic at.imal
that stands at the head of the puces
cession as a mortgage lifter on the
American farm.
In this exhibit not less than fifty
hogs aro to constitute a car load and
there are two classes, one for the aver
age of of over '.'50 pounds and one of
less than '.'5o pounds. Premiums of
fered are So, $25 and S15 In oacli class
and a sweepstakes of S'.'5 for the best
car load is also prorided.
The car lots will be exhibited in
special pons in the hog department in
the stock yards ami the hogs will have
to bo sold here as the goTornmentdoos
not allow hogs to be removed from a
stock yards back to the country.
Ceiters In Lincoln
The great national battle between
Taft and Uryan centers at Lincoln.
Tho state tight between Sheldon and
Ilerge-Dahlman-Shallenberger centers
at Lincoln. Tho anti-saloon tight for
county option centers at Lincoln. The
light for guarantee of bank deposits
centers in Lincoln. The fight for
direct primary centers at Lincoln. The
fight for lower freight rates centers In
Lincoln. The fight for anything that
promises good to the masses of. the
state centers In Lincoln. Read' your
state paper, Nebraska State Journal,
at the cut price of one dollar until
after election, without Sunday. In
cluding Sunday, 31.50. If you are In
terested In the state university, state
agricultural college, state fair, state
Institutions of any kind, you should be
a reader of The Journal. It's a state
newspaper. It's a longtime until after
election but one dollar pays for it nil.
We stop the paper when your time Is
up. It's not forced on anyone. Send
your dollar direct to The State Journal
Lincoln, Neb.
Farm or Bumlnmmm
(or eale.
Not particular about location.
bear uom awmm only who
will fell direct to buyar. Gl price,
description and atata wbea poiteailoa
can be baa. Addreai;
LI1UTSWU. Rem MM BaeUeter. H.T.
and Bacon
Red Cloud,
Look at the fine Dress Shirts in our
south window for 50c
These are big bargains. We have
plenty more inside. Come in and
ask to see them.
While you are inside ask to sec our
line of of light-weight Two-piece
Suits, Straw Hats, Thin Underwear,
Light-weight Sox, and Oxford Shoes
We can lit you out in just the right
Gouiden-Haley Clothing Go.
first Door North of Postotticc.
Bargains in Groceries
A B G Goods
should inspect our
before investing in a machine.
All we ask for the DeLaval is a trial, and we
would like to have you take one out and give it a
fair test along side of any other separator made. It a
will cost you nothing to make the test. You will
keep the best, and we are sure that one will be the
A 430 pound capacity separator for $75.00.
Will you live It a trial?
Red Cloud Hardware
aond Implement Co.
WM. WOLFE. Secretary.
WaMfti flotiee
We are arranging1 to more into
otner quarters, which will necessi
tate reducing our stock about $2000
on account of getting less space.
To do this at this season of the year
means a beg sacrifice. No EB
SERVE. Everything goes at some
price to make a quick reduotion, as
we aim to make the change by Au
gust first.
Iiook Look
Nothing butter on thu inurkot.
"Wyandotte Cleaner uml Clounsor."
Hotter than lyo or soap. Cleans every
thing. KriroN Maiikkt, Damurull Hlk
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