The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 24, 1908, Image 4

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    T5he CHIEF
!ii Cloud - - Nebraska.
sort to Mich ineuMUes for thr sake i f
the few cents per iioninl which tiny
cm nrke on wlint wilt tlipy sell In tin
sugar. Thr triist him lj i.i'imK iittcn
tton from tlip pure food I'oiniiiXMoi ,
JtaScrcJ in tlio l'oitofflcc tt Itcd Cloml.Nob,
a Second Claw Matter.
tfc.JS.T3it WOLF
City fflccrs.
cc ... ....
V.Triwref .. ..... .. .. .
tiJsiKUiu, lit ward
VSmutfepeti 2nd wrd...........
WayiMaM and Watei
MUntktLl.dajr -
Mhtsftval, ulhl .. ........
.... I. fori
.. . .!.( Ilnll.rl
Kd Amack
tf.l llllal.H.P
,J. A. MoArihur h rlsciue story
Air. mcckii
Oicar IliirroiiRlin
Al SUlif
- Jalia Kim
Ctwity Officers.
'On UUtrlct Court .......(lo
"iBfia lar . .
:(. PuMIc Intlrtinluii .
"MkVA'AWW .. ... ... . ...I
wrrror . ... - ..
W. Ilutclilian
t. W. Kdauti
. K.W. IIokh
.W U. Krahtn
I. HUckledK
O. I). HedKe
...... .. II (J. Scalt
Nellla t'.M.r
Dr. r. It. Hall
(lea. Orarlnx
.. Jna.O Ov.rmmi
T. J. Clmplln
Wai. Andem n
Oimi, A. Iliiininrl
"Weather Repirt.
The Instrumental readings aro from
rCovcrtiinuiit bUiiilanl instruments ex
l,jscii iti Um iniuiiiL'r recommended liy
'tAWs oitliit of the weather bureau:
.T,p"iafr. Z? HI S
"' S ? If 08 e3
1 di3m 13 Si
T;f?Ti"'Vi To to nv ueiir
' Pf i nu .i N r 1 loud
. . T(t Hi l.iil B Ciomly
'. 4 .11) hV L'ltar
-U 04 ill .) MC I ( l.ur
ii Hi US I ,M MB P Cloudy
.J1 M .S3 Mt I lllfur
Clean Man for "resident.
II i' iv are 11 fow facts about WIIU11111
.1. Hryan. lie Is forty eight yeuts old.
weight u'.IO pounds and is slightly over
six feet tall, lie never tasted intox
icants in his life, never took a L.iew of
tobacco, never smoked but two cltfnr.s,
and never had pipe In his mouth. He
never uttered an oath and nevei told
Ho fur as the writer
known no man ever told two rlsiiuu
stories in Mr. Uryan's presence, al
though he has heard several tell one.
The result was toD chilling foru second
one. Mr. Hryan never was ti poor man
In the sense that he was In nctual need
tt iiwihAH 1fi ttilmt! (fl ti mtintl ftitttti '
i iiiwiii 1 lav llllivi ivvu nioii niuii
of money from his father's estate, and
his law practice was remunerative
from the start. He Is worth not to e.x
ceed 8100,000. He ill Inks neither tea
nor coffee, but coiuumes large quanti
ties of water, and lie has an appetite
that Is k delight to see in process of
being satisfied. It takes a lot of fuel
to keep tint tremendous engine going.
Superior Uxpress.
Very respectfully,
l2hi)y?U JDOH. Ciias S. Li'iiLow,
Co-Operative Observer.
iIustouc more week left in which to
via;aonee your Intentions if you Intend
Trthu,' Xor olllce this fall, ltettergot
For a Third Time.
The unusual distinction of a third
nomination for the presidency, only
Henry Clay having been similarly
honored, wus conferred July loth
at Denver upon William Jennings
Hryan of Lincoln, Neb. It Is a compli
ment to the state, to the city and to
Mr. Hryan which will be uppreciuted
by all three. It Is a recognition of the
tremendously strong hold Mr. Hryan
has upon the rank and (lie of the demo
cratic party, and is hut continuation of
what has before been recorded as the
eonvlctton of The Xews in the cake of
President Roosevelt, that the man who
himself leads a clean life, who Is gifted
with the ability to give powerful
advocacy to high 'deals and who. with
out fear or without lliuching, uses his
iulluence In behalf of thosp things
which make for the betterment of
mankind, may always count upon the
allectlon anil the support of those to
whom he most directly appeals.
The delegation to the republican
convention at Chicago clioso Tuft be
cause the rank and file of the party
liuci Instructed them that they wanted
nominated that man whom Roosevelt
had said was all of men the one best
fitted to take up his unfinished task.
The delegates at Denver nominated
Hryan because the rank and tile of
that party said that Hryan best repre
sented their ideas and their nnltidcR.
v ( a ........
nix iicinocrmiie party win maice r both eases the party leaders, those
mMc U -contributions received for l who preM1ino to act and think for the
v.vjkwpa5gT -purposes, and they will be otner8) wanted other men, but they
-."ste labile 03 they are received. tlld not daro disobey the mandate they
laKywrn-alM refuse ludp from any . received. , who has-honest-
VEttrH oo donation of over Slo.-QOO I ,y ttnd earnestly and unselfishly striven
aibe accepted from any one person. to crentc lnjtter 1K,1Ucal conditions in
lff.-Voier,loe8 sot this convince you thi8 collntry nnu to bring government
vKptriy1 bmwro 111 uie.r lie- nearer to the people must congratulate
wtetid for the people, as against workings of the two great parties of
Xatfetvpttblicim campaign by the trusts I j,e country.
i the mafcses? I A repUblk'an elector and a repub-
llean newspaper in the city of Lincoln
Maws men are talking politics when can, without laying themselves open
titfyst together nowdays than we to any successful Inipeaehmentof their
mr? wtioed before for several years. party fidelity, pause to acknowledge
.,t T.nd fault with the group of the splendid tribute paid to Nebraska
,,,cisrs ceuse they are discussing men j manhood by the democratic party In a
Kwk wseu-mres of public Interest. It Is . third time coming to this state for the
Ir would seem to us that the bridge
rasruss the Republican river at Amboy,
tfuLlis being tiilkod of. Is one of the
vJleis.s'c.pense.s that the county ran-
trot aioivl to Incur at this time. With '
t&alius unpaid ior; several months, the I
irxuata C'Jtidltlon of the public roads '
si2I brer the county, and the great need I
tTf.Dw court house, the money that
"jjld be required to build the bridge
ii3Ctd be ,pcut where It would benotlt
tn-iadreds of taxpayers, while the
Jciafcc will benefit only a very few.
wmttea against the trusts? Does himself, no matter what his political
aUuscoMiuco you that theirs is to nflniatIons may be. upon this triumph
r,caipa1Bnof the people, by the of popuhu. K0VCrnnusnt ,n tlle tnner
6.ltaipljt)y ckkI sign 'that the people
-ic.ts'fcJlsre uul that Is what lis wanted
'''tlim couutiy. Not every knot of
unsafe who meet and talk poHtics" eon
rtfivuitcs 4 'Hoafers'' bunch" not by
fc.9 ampsmi. The time to fear for the
tCsira if 'this couutry Is when the
vjcions ro 'dead an the shell. Talk
tttctBtfis, teen, reason together. I lives
tts;ai aad we'll risk the future bully
W.ntry in your hands. Minneapolis
man to lead their party In a campaign.
Lincoln News (Rep).
Tin-is U fact that the managers of the
e-ejjibljcitt campaign have said that
tW. would make public the sources
teaaxrhlcb Triads came for the sup
)cc&aX tbccampalgn. They have also
solid tbt they would not acquaint the
''WJjjc-i cftliet.ource from which biich
"tr.isiri'butjons come until afterelection.
kmtf aod, Mr. Voter, will this infor
ma?on -doyou after election? Hetween
iwMd November .Ird Is the tlmethat
tlta poaple of this country should
Un: oT the interests that are trying
t3iSocV . president of the 1'uited
5Vaaox Jt will do u.s no good to know
:t4arr Section of the corrupt Influences
iwk$,or the hundreds of thousands of
ku5r pent by the trusts to further
fcktyir islllsh Interests.
Real Estatt TraMfers.
For the week ending Wednesday,
July 22 furnished by the Fort Abstract
Co. L. II. Fort, Manager,
l'hilllppa Watson to Henry C Cut
ter, uu dlv t part se4 net, :t.V
S-ll, wd
I Henry Williams to Henry C Cut
ter, un div '4 pt se ne a.'.-2-H,
Daisy 1) Williams to Henry C
Cutter, un dlv pt se ne 35-S-ll
Thomas Williams to Henry C
Cutter, un div '4 pt se4 ne4,3.V
-II. d
United States to Albert li Gran
ger, set, 3-3-11, patent
Orley Nelson to Adeline Person,
pt sw 3(5.2-11, qed
John Iv Ault. to A I) Deuno, lots
10, 11, 12, ltllc 15, S&M11UI to
Red Cloud
Uhas J Piatt to K L Morluirt, pt
ne 2-1-11, wd....
1 a 1
Mortgages tiled WOO.
Mortgages released, 83000.
Vxi: of our subscribers brought to
UWit ullee Tuesday morning three
ajjcjvhrs f .sugar which had been
'wm;f ht in uied Cloud. . Of the three
' frWKmsj.!--., two had suit mixed In the
xjtr4n J.ucb quantity us to lie very,
wvi,c-We in the taste of the article.
v TC4ure we do not think forone mln
sfttrslittt the merchant who sold the1
swtgTiriuid uuy suspicion that he was 1
tJ&B,j &alty sugar, am) neither docs 1
5uaujer. Whore woIo lay the blame
IMate of Lewis C. Olmsted. Hear
ing and appointment of A. K. Wolcott
as adiuiuistrator,
Mandcvllle vs. Smith. Continued to
August 30th.
Sawyer vs. C. It. X- (,i. R. R. Continued.
1 urn me llros. vs.
.vUfc ho sugar -trust, who, after Il,ul Usmlsseil.
wU&'Omttected by a prohibitive tariff . Saunders llros.
Jtwli-fcbuts out all compe'.itlou, will re-' and dismissed.
To Be Given Away In Prizes
We want to add 500 to 1,000 new subscribers to our list, and
in order to do this in as short a time as possible we want to enlist
your services and give you a chance to share in the profits with us.
In our POPULAR LADY CONTEST we are going to give three
prizes valued at $550.00, besides a number of smaller prizes which
will be announced from time to time.
,M5SL!!5lr?,''j-'--J,r-1- -rW-iJttttS-iFWmM
' PIlBHIHnBaBBBffillfr
ft. -paaBs9iniBHI I; HI i
. ' SS' J
A dickering Brothers No. 10, $500.00
Upright Piano, furnished by The Chief
and given to the lady receiving the largest
number of voles in this contest.
There is no better piano made than the
Chickering Brothers.
The instrument to be given away is on ex
hibition at Argabrighl's Studios and may
be examined by any one calling there.
The piano is a new one, just received from
the factory especially for this contest.
The second prize will be a Ladies' Gold Watch valued at $30.
The case is 14 k. gold filled, hunting style, guaranteed for 25 years. Has raised,
colored gold ornamentation.
The works are of the best; seventeen ruby jewels in gold settings, compensating bal
ance, automatically adjusting itself to the changes in temperature, and has gold train
wheels. Both the case aid movement are fully guaranteed as to durability and time
keeping qualities.
The Watch is on display at Newhouse Brothers.
The third prize will be a five-piece Silver Tea Service.
This service is of a very handsome design, quadruple plate of the very best mater
ial, and is valued at $22.50. The set will be on exhibition in the store window of the
Mitchell jewelry Co.
1 Announcement This Piano and
Popular L.ady voting contest will be
conducted on strictly honest busiuegj
principles, with perfect justice and
fairness to all concerned.
2 Prizes The first prize shall be a
Chickering Dros. upright piano valued
at $."00. The second prize will be -a
Ladies flue gold watch valued at $110. i
The third prize will be u handsome
silver tea sorvico valued at S'J'iXK). Do-1
antes menu, uuior spounu prizes will
be offered from time to time.
3 Candidates Any lady, married
or t-lngle, in this and adjoining coun
ties is eligible to a place in the con
test. The most popular lady is the
one who shall receive the most votes,
and to her shall be glvon this high
grade piauo. Other candidates will
receive prizes in order, according to
their standing of votes.
4 Tie in Votes In case of a tie, the
value of the prizes will bo equally
divided or u liko prize granted to those
Ti Clussos of Votes These are is
sued in coupons as following:
New subscriptions, 800 votes for 81.00
Renowals, TOO votes for ..... . Sl.00
Back subscriptions, 300 votes for $1.00
C General Instructions-Names of
contestants will be printed in order
according to standing and the amount
of their votes published regular after
tho first count is made.
Votes will not be allowed on sub
scriptions at less tbuu regular price of
tho paper.
Votes once deposited in the ballot
box cannot be trausfered to another.
Agents' commissions ure to be sus
pended during contest,
No contestant will bo allowed to
compete for mora than one of the
additional special piizes,
Tho publisher will not tell whom
anyono votes for, except in case of al
leged error or irregularity.
Each contestant is requested to scud
us a cabinet size photograph for pub
licatiou us soon as convenient.
Make up your mind who you want to
vote for bofore comitiK to the otllce as
the editor will positively uot decide,
tlie mutter tor you. i
Contestants should keep u record of j
their votes turuod in each week, and '
see that our figures verify it.
All coupons must have the amount
of subscription paid, number of votes,
cast, name of contestant voted for and
name of person voting written legibly
An awnnlinc nnnimlftnn nf tlirun r...
liable business meu will be appointed
to nmko the final count and dlstribu-'
tiou of prizes. i
Coutest to run not loss than ninety
days; date of closing to bo announced ;
about thirty days iu advance.
The coutest shall close at 4 o'clock
p. in. on the ditto to bo announced
luter. Two weeks prior to the date of
closing, tho Judges are to take tho
ballot box, carefully locked and sealed,
to the bunk announced, where it will
be kept on a table iu the front window
during business hours, and in thei
vault at night until the close of tho
contest, when the Awarding Commit
tee will take charge and make final
Subscrintlon blunt- nnri vntinir
coupons will be furnished upon appli
cation at this oflico. i
All votes must be accompanied l.y
subscription money.
for the Lady
having the larg-
' est number of
votes August
22, when first
count is made.
Contest Opens Saturday, July 25, 1908
Make all orders payable to Emory B. DeWolf, Publisher.
This Coupon U Voted for
Amount No of Vote..
Nominating Blank
I hereby nominate
as a candidate in your POPULAR VOT
fctei A.
, t-iObJ. a viijwv 1 ;Z.h. 4.ioi i&LMM&$ieii'i..S k ' .djsi' '.-. .:.