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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1908)
W hi 111 1 i immmmmmrwm m mwi iwiHaiwiiwe''tw" M WBBWf W9 NEW YORK STORE mmmmsm msE&s&ss ma&mm cBSfssssssa T!b&&tfi ' ir IhhsI IM &&&.! as mm&e&mE&tim3S!Bm musm -i&misi&ra skskssssek saassra csasssjossa EesEXRgsser KESKSSHagasss2S5i zsffsESES liPiW fefiftelll I JpflfllMf m! In this clearing-salo we propose to sellout comijleteAy several of the different lines of goods in this sfcook, and have made prices according. Radical saving can be made in buying- these goods now. mMn-m Clearing Sale on all Use Hash Goods. c, 8c and ioc wash goods on sale at dC i zc wash goods at I S -.C r 5c wash goods at 3JC cc wash goods at I OC coc wash goods at fcOG Those arc the greatest bargains ever offered in this class of goods. Special July Clearing Sale on all the Hats. We have arranged all our hats in special lots and the) all go on sale regardless of cost, as they must all be sold. It will pay you to come and see what you can buy at- 25c 50c 75c $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 &c e Special Clearing Sale on all the Long Silk Gloves. $i. 25 silk gloves fOG silk gloves 3 1 .00 $(.75 silk gloves $l.20 5 00 silk gloves $! ,50 Special Clearing Sale of all the Remnants. SPECiM WRAPPER SAIE. 7S Ladies' Wrappers and Mother Hubbard house dresses on sale at special prices. $i.-,o wrappers and Mother I lubbards, SALI PRICK 93c. These garments have been selling at $12.00 to $15.00 per dozen at wholesale, and at this special price they are certainly a splendid bargain. Your cnoice of any of them at oSc. All sizes. wvwtMntaMiw: a-. Mm wiwun KUmMUjIIjMMiMIMUII Special Clearing on Imported China Dishes a.nd Fancy Pieces. In this special clearing sale we are going to sell out all the fancy chinaware we have left. Nearly every one in this vicinity knows about it, so we will not need to describe them. They will be placed on sale on one of our center counters at Exactly One-HoLlf the R.egul2Lr Price. Sjiecla! Clearing Sale on all the Czarina Petticoat on all the McGee 1'ettLoats on all the white muslin and cambric underskirts. It will pay you to come and see them at once. All on display on one of our center tables. Extra Special Clearing Sale Ladies Fine Waists Special lot of $1.75. ?2 00 and $2.50 sample waists placed on sale on one of our center counters. Your choice for this r.ale !9C Special Clearing Sale on all t'le Calicoes, IVrcales and (iinghams. S.',c percales at G 10c percales at 7 I 2C 12 Ac percales at $G ioc ginghams at IG 7 I -2c i2c ginghams at -SPECIAL, SALE of LADIES' HAND BAGS All the balance of our stock of ladies hand bags placed on sale at nearly one-half the regular prices. 50c bags at 25c, 75c bags at 45c, Si. 00 bags at 60c. ALL THE 13ELTS OX SALE AT SPECIAL PRICES. Special clearing sale in our Shoe Department. All the Ladies Shoes on sale at COST COST. All the Hujs Shoes on sale at COST. All the Ladies Oxfords and Slippers on sale at COST. All the Children's on sale at Kcad Low Hate Summer 9 The only Democratic Paper Published in WEBSTER COUNTY One Dollar Per Year To the IHclflc Coast Dailv low rniunl trip mtes to l'ort J land', Seattle, Tncotnii, FnmuiMM, Lo Almoin sun! .-mi Diego, Slightly 1 higher to include both California anil 1 Piitfut Sound One whole business (lny j saved by our new schedule to the Pa cific coast. City Dray and bxpress Line. 1 AV. BTUDKUAKEi:, mor. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. ;a.iru;t-a .j tow as he l.o ve- 5 CITY AGENTS FOR r. DAWS EXPRS&S CG. TKIiEPUONKS, Residence iSS. Off km 10. DECORATING THE WRONG MAN. I AftnTuaian of Namaa Leads to Im- jarrasaing Error. Ik Ja carious Instance of a French dls- Unction belUB conferred on the wrong man has Juat hoen revealed. A few dayB ago It was announced that ai Mr. Henri .lapy, county conn cillcr tor the district of llelfort. had bon nruolnted an ollicer of the he- Kn ot Honor for nieiitoilous serv ices. M. Japy now wiltcs to the new.?. lpciB to jirote.d I was duly proposed for the ills tVnctlcn," ho saya, 'hut have never h culvefl It, another pet son of the mine name, M. .lules Jnpy, has received th.j distinction intended for me. r'.nc the official Journal places to that ge-.tle-uvan'H credit the facts for which the Olstlnctlon was to have been confeued on rr.e. "On ninkliiK Inquiries 1 dlscovend that a careless cle.k had accidentally litacel the docunients lelatini; to my matter in a cavdhoard cover heaii'.i; ihe. ni'ino of M. .Ink's .lapy. who waa decorated on the fc'r.nsth of my lajiers." The authorities informed M. Japy Mat n vory emharraaslns mUtake had born r.MiJe. They rou'd mt very well take away tho dlr'lnctloii fioju M. Jules .lapy. upon vhoni it has heon cxint'cncd by inlM.ike, and. on tho other hand, thou- was no other dis tinction to make pood tho mlstako. ?X. Henri Japy must, theiefoie, wait for another opportunity, us tho num ber of decorations coriVried at each poilod Ib Ktrictly limited. controlled 8 per ceTtl. of the 'diamond 1 output of the world. I "Kvery ao often In the year," said thU jaweler, "the diamond ayndlcatw aendK notice to the jewelers who are on th combination's Hat that a sight mny be had of lots of certain kinds. A sight is the trade name for a view of the special lot of diamonds. "The cutters who are notified come to take a look nt the diamonds in the show rooms In London. If they want to buy they purchase them then nnd there for spot cash. There isn't a minute credit. "Fin thei more, If a linn sends an npent there five or six times without hib hiiyltiK anything at the sluht the syndicate cuts It off the list. That "happened once to a linn with which I was connected some years upo, and it Is tiyliiK still to pet hack on th-i list. "When ou icallze that the otlnv two per cent, of diamonds come tiom ltra.ll ou may imagine that the syn dicate is in a position to do thiuus in that way." BOAT CONSTRUCTED tip WICKS.?. Said to Be Warranted to Stand Rougnett Uaage. the 1 To Eawtern Roiorti Dai'y low excursion rates to Canada, I Michigan, Minnesota, WiHcansln, Mas Uachusettsand New Y""rk tourist re- sirtv, also low excursion ratwHtPtqur- isttejiorts in Maine, New H'aihpahire, and Vermont. To ColbTaJo and Rocky Mountalna While the steamer Statendam of the Holland-American line was com ing up from Quarantine several day a;o on her last trip to New Yoik. a Ki oii)i of passengers was commenting on the stoutly built lifeboats on the boat deck. One of the passengers said he felt sure that all hands would he ir.ied for If they had to take to the small boats, hut that he had an emer- Rency lifeboat of his own, which he snuully conducted uxoiii-ions first and would use If he was unable to get Into third Tuesdays of meli tuoii'h. Dally low rales to Colorado, Utah, Wyoming. Hlnck Hills and Yellow stone Park. 1000 Families Wanted Kor newly irrigated lands in the Big Horn Uisiii Wyo No ey- lones or Hoods. Water your laud as needed. Soil i. rich. Timber and coal plenti ful. 1'rc.HfH) to S.)d ner acre, rer iiaaadiiivivi(ikivVAiiiil''(UikviiviiiiivtifctuJ(i(akU(aiiJ(ii(fcUivi(U(Uiaavfcfciiiiv -3 9 9 9 9 9 19 9 9 - HI SAY, HISTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Building Ma terial and Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prloos average lower, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but beoacsk we take especial care of and protect all can be olassed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT A FREES CO. Coml. Lumber. ADMITTED TO VIEW DIAMONDS. Way ct the' De Beers-Premier Com bination with Its Customers. ' Some Jewelers were discussing tho eVamond situation and one of them ftaJd nbout a thing that was now to a. mnn-hant from out of town. Tho ooaveisation apjtcr com1 Cotton in Arizona. After an cMieii.ver.t that is said to sBtahllsh heniid any doubt the adap tability of the Salt lUver 'valley to the growing v.t I'jrntlan ooiti.n a movement Is now on foot to plant a laige ncicii.e thin M-iison. and It is (Irmly believed tha cotton In de .M to become die of Ailzoua's gu'dtest , soui'ces of wealth. ( Tho movement was siarted by 1-. Stilcltland of iilngtou. who stated! a few da.vs ago that as much as Hurt J acies will be planted to I2g)plian: cotton this season. Kxpcriuients made at Arlington show that two bales of cotton can be raised to the acre theie. Some of the J , cotton raised at Arlington was sent to I government experts and they declared It equal In texture ami quality to tno . Egyptian product. a Miiall boat of the steamer. "I have a big wicker water-tight trunk that 1 always cany In my stnterooin," Im said, "and 1 would throw out tho con tents In a minute and drift In tint' 1 trunk. If t'lU'Tgeney demanded." Some one laughed, and then one of the pat ly mid to the speakei : "Your Idea of .1 wicker lll'e'ioat has been put into prac- ! tlcal form by C. .1. de Vos. the Dutch I Inventor, of Kotten'am. He has iv- j renlly patenied a wicker lifeboat that ! has withstood unusually rough tests m a heavv Ken. Willi the exception of tli nhs and Beats the bont is made u tlrely of wator-ihiit wicker. It Is an rul.itely uusinkable, and can st.ind llvo times ai, much pounding as ile wooden or steil llf boats. It does n-t look iinltlng. but It lides the s .13 beautifully and has a greater capaiip- j for passenuers and provisions than ' the other heavier boats." Write D.t'iom Denver, gonural agent, 1 Land-eekets' lnfortniitl'Ui Huruuu, 1 Omaha, for new folder. lt- free. ! Write a brief description of I your proposed trip, and let u- I advi-e you now 10 uiiikk it inc lust way at. tho least eot. ! .J. F. UinvAitt)-. Ticket Agent. W. Wakeley, O. I. .-v., Omaha, n. tne personal parts of ordlnnry in '.. As he stands to deliver hU soft, pr sinslve. inellilliious oratory, with staff rf orb e In his hand, any one can se that be l-t 1 iinin of ;rcat lmportatfle. or If thlj'ls not apparent from his a' tit tide It may l gathered from the at lentlin p'lli to his utterances by gray haireil chiefs :1ml by nit!i and maid ens. If the talking man l a clever fellow aid understands bis h wines-., he is the ehlf rullut' power l:i bis tribe. r.ltlnniKl) the iiomlnal he olslilp Is alwir.y vested In a chief or patrl nr.ii.ll llgiuelicail. h 1 H B JNKOH.-UATION iaPJI l!l(liuiu Fssrssa r l&nsmoss for f tie. Not Jinn 't:'ar nbout locntlon. Wish to hear from miner only lm wi.i Foil dlri'ct to buvii". Givu price, description nml Rtntu wlicu iiotsci.slon ran 11(1 11 ill jillllihs. UDABBYJItlRE, Dm 9OT9 od.itr, N.T. MHEWSBWISSSa Kov Wyckoff Wan Hcvcalcd. The laic I'rotisor Walter A. W.vih- ill of Piinccto:i had a passion for l.fowi'dgf at llrst hand aial will b l..-si reii'i'mbeied m tho college to- r who rtttdled Inbor c-ntidltl "i.; ' ,v i .' j himself ii laborer s.'.-itlrg . ' - 1 in Coiincellcut wlth.i.o i. .. ; ! ''i ;i M'.lt of oMU'.iiis. I w I . I' ivi':,ii nci.rly ei i t tun i '!er the fuxhl ': i . .. I g hil.i:i'l's I tit s ei.;i.iii,. i : y of vlio'.i'i .i.ltimalidy bee., t.'i' Wb.'A'ver there was a po Dtn't Buy Land ntr Ltan Mcney tn Real Estate without geETing one of Tcel's perfect Abstracts of Title. The oldest and most reliable set of Abstract books in Webster Co. SjlU.lli'O bjud tiled and approved, l'epreseiits six of the best In surance companies doing busi ness in the htate. LfiANS V.imi on CITY PROPERTIES .: 1 I i the i ,i mo 1- O. Red Gioud, Nobr. C-rr co in Ovcrlng Block. f . c ics: Belt Olf, r.irnors 3G I One of the rentet toinptutlons of Ion led to Ihe Do necrs-Pie- ,mv no ,h Ullt u C0lvicci, V0M Ulnatlou and the fant n.- i t,mt you mxM goi IU,rL, ' Samor.'s Talking Man. Micnonctte Drives Away Files. ' w' tnU:'",f ",a"' ; r ( t",f". ' , , , a character. All Hie atlnls of s ue Mignonette. It has been discovered. r ,ll0 V,K0 In ,,,,, ,, hll,ls u!lk.0 is abhorred oi flies and In a room nro carried upon Ills shoulders, in or where pots of this (tower aie set no ll!U.v ,, ,3 ,,, ,.llkr ...ivlsiM-. per tly will linger for a moment Bntlp COIlvlll0Lr alll, ,.L.Ml,,nor of tho Now Is the t me o sow tho seeds, ,,,,,, llIlIcfSi ,.,. tllu ,.lft f e,0. and for early blooming ho pots must' mlon e Jnnk , the lll08t of . 0 bo subjected to gentle heat. Instead enJ V8 lnimunIty fron, ,,. lluB4t of fly papers and horribly sticky I0 (amu)t l(0 8pokon ot , onIlliry brown in Isturcs left about a room In tcrllw lf lt 8houIu bo UPCesSary to glass dishes, what a b esse, resource , nk of hIs liyos or u molllll or ,,u as a deterrent to the irrlta lug fly Is " RpCclal honorable words must tho sweet, wholesome flower of ,. ..' ,' ...,.i , n i.i. mignonette, Ukme nd have never, hcon .' ill y of wmk he iipphed ItT It. . l'.'.:i er It v. eie dlg.'li'g dltiies. wiei-Mug oi.. i's or l''ietor work I'of i .-. hiie his lm-o;:..!lo usuall. woil.ed well, but as Minn as his fellow laborers saw- hl.i at table they at once began to suspect him. Ills manner of eating, his way of holding knife and fork, at once set them speculating. Once ho was seen drlnklug tea nt a fellow laborer's house in Chicago. He lifted the saucer from the table, held It In his baud and forgot himself so far as to drink with out noise. "I kuowed then," his host nflerward said, "that he was a swell masquerading." Harper's Weekly. iNfl.AMMATOItT IIHKl MATIsM CL'ltED IN S DAYS M-jilim 1. Illll. of I.i'liiiimu Intl.. hny; "Mj 'Tilt IihiI liirUninmtnrv ItliruiualUtn la evory neiu'lr ni,, I Julut, tier nitTerlnr itbb terrible tint litr bid j kiii face nere twiillen nlmoit Ijb jonJ rernxultioii: timl Win In bed kli weeki mid kml tltlu li)lcUnr, Iml received no benefit until the tried Dr. Detihou'i lltllef for Rbeuioatlim. lt gerr Imiardltt teller and ibe w (bin to walk about In ttiree daji. i am ure It eared ber lire." HoM by H, K. Qrtea, Drugr'(t,ltedCiouil. ASK l'OH AlAKS'rt FO0TKASK, A powder for iwollen. tired, het, eniartliur feet. S mptoeeat KltKK. Aluo Free Sample of tbo ft) .T-KASK HAMTAltY CURNd'AI), k now Invention. Adilreu, Allen s, uitntted, to Hoy. .V.. -r V '" -- ll.- .