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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1908)
"warv - ',' n itilfcfri lull fit . 92 1 PROOF FOR TWO CENTS. If You Suffer with Yeur Kidneys nnd Back, Write to This Man. O. W. Wlnnoy, Medina, N. Y., In rites kidney sufferers to write to hlu. .. To all who encloso -i poatoys he will 10- f Ply, telling how M Doan's Kidney Fills cured him after ho had doctored nnd had been in two dif ferent hospitals for clKhtcen months, Buffering intonso pain in the back, lameness, twinges when stooping or lifting, languor, dizzy spells and rheu matism. "IJofore I used Doan's Kid ney Pills," says Mr. Wlnnoy, "I weighed 143. After taking 10 or 12 boxes I weighed 1C2 and was com pletely cured." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. FoBlur-Mllburn Co., Duffalo. N. Y. Ono way to buy experience is to epeculnto in futures. Lewis' Single Hinder slraicht 5c. You pay 10c for s not so Rood. Your deal or or Lewis' Factory, l'coria, 111. Contentment is natural wealth; luxury, artificial poverty. Socrates. FITS, Bl. Vitus' Diner nnn Neman I)leMt per nmnentlrcurtMl ly Dr. Kllno'a llrcat Nerve llttorer Hornl for FllKK WIO irlnl tmitln nm! ireiitlM. Dr. It. II. Kline, A 101 Atcti Htrrol. l'lillaitelplilit. 1'a. Many a man is out of work be cause there is no work In him. Important to Mothora. Examlno carefully overy bottlo of CASTOIUA n safe and suro remedy for Infants and children, and seo that it BcarB tho s& SjSf--t Slgnaturo oiCaZcJuU In TJso For Over ttO Years. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, CARNEGIE'S RIVAL. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM Principles of the Party as Enunciated by the Convention at Denver. FOR REFORM OF TARIFF Reduction of Import Duties on Many Articles Is Demanded, campaign. In order that tills practice (ihull tto stopped for nit time, wo de mum! the p.tssnpto of n statute punish Iiik with Imprisonment any ollleer ot i corporation who sholl either contribute on liehnlf of or consent to tho contri bution by. n corporation of nny money or tlilnft of vnltie to ho ttscil In further ing the election of n president or vice president of the I'lilted Htntes or of any member of the congress thereof We denounce Ihe action of the He publican party, bavin complete con trol of the federal ko eminent, for Its falluro to push tho bill Introduced In the Inst congress to compel Ihe publi cation of the names of contributor nnil the amounts contributed toward cam paign fund. 11 ml point to the evidence of their Insincerity when they sntmht nv an nmniutciy irroicMtui nun inii'on slliln umeiidinenl to defeat the passive of the hill As ii further evidence of their Intention to conduct their ram piiljtn In the cotuliiK contest with utst sums of money wrested from fnvor HeekltiK corporations, wo call nttentlon to tho fact Hint the recent Republican national enmontlnu at Chicago refused when the plunk wuh presented to It to declare iiKiiinst such practices We pledge the Democratic party to the enactment of a law preventing any corporation cnntrlluitltiK to a c.impulKii fund and nny Individual from eontrltt- nit. t.p .in fittwu.tif i.i.iii'.i n tiii sunn li.e maximum ntwl providing for the 'nihil eatlnn before election of nil such con tributions above u icasonublc mini mum. ItlKhtn of llir Stntes. llollevlntc. with Jefferson. In "the support of the stnto Rovernments in nil their rights ns the most competent administration for our domestic con cerns and the surest bulwark nx'tlnst nutl-Rcpiiltllcnii tendencies," and In "tho preservation of tho Reneral gov ernment In Its whole constitutional fttntf n M III., ulttwtt HMittinr .if nnr tiencii nt home nnd safety abroad," wo nre op- 1 11 INCOME TAX IS FAVORED Modification of Existing L,awe Relat ing to Injunctions Declared Neces sary For Economy In Administra tion Publicity of Campaign Con tributions and the Forbidding of Corporations to Contribute Is One of the Planks Stringent Laws Against Trusts Urged Railroad Regulation Popular Election of Senators Against Asiatic Immigration. 1 x-s" "He's a regular phllantUro what do you call it?" "Wot's lie did?" "Why, In dc last week he's glvo awny two dozen 'Deadwood Dick' an' a dozen 'Nickel' llbraties!" An Accident. A "perfect lady" was charged In the police court with having broken her umbrella over tho head ot another "perfect lady." "What have you to sny to the charge?" asked tho magistrate. "It was an accident, your honor." "Do you mean to say that after smashing an umbrella over tbia wom an's head you claim It was an acci dent?" "Sure, yes; but I meant not to break my umbrella." Realistic. Tho conversation turned on tho ef fect produced on tho emotions by pic torlnl art, when ouo gontlomau re marked: "I remember ono plcturo that brought tears to my eyes." "A pathetic Biibject, I presume?" "No, sir; it was a fruit painting. 1 wa3 sitting close under it when it dropped on my head." Work is tho grand euro of all tho maladies and miseries that over beset mankind honest work which you in tend getting done. Caiiyle. DIFFERENT NOW Athlete Finds Better Training Food. It was formerly tho belief that to hecomo strong, athletes must eat plenty of meat. This is all out of dato now, nnd many trainers fed athletes on tho well-known food, Grnpo-NutB, mndo of wheat and barley, and cut tho meat down to a small portion onco a day. "Throo years ago," writes a Mich, man, "having becomo interested in athletics, I found I would havo to stop eating pastry and somo other kinds of food, "I got somo Grape-Nuts, and was soon eating tho food nt overy meal, for I found that when I went on tho track, I felt moro lively and active "Lator, I began also to drink Postum iu placo of coffeo, nnd tho way I gained musclo nnd Btrongth on this diet was certainly great. On tho day of a field meet in Juno I weighed 124 lbs. On tho opening of tho football season in Sept., I weighed 110. I at tribute my flno condition nnd good work to the discontinuation of Im proper food and coffee, and tho using of Grape-Nuts and Postum, my princi pal diet during training season being Grape-Nuts. "Before I used Grnpo-Nuts I never folt right in tho morning always kind of 'out of sorts' with my stomach. Hut now whon I rise I feel good, nnd aftor a breakfast largely of Grape-Nuts with cream, and a cup of Postum, I fool liko a now man." "Thoro's a Reason." Nnmo given by Postum Co., Dattlo Creok, Mich. Road "Tho Road to Wollvlllo," in pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full f human Interest. Denver, Col. The platform of the Democratic party, as adopted by n unanimous voto of the convention, Is as follows: Preamble. Wo, the repiesentntlves of the Democ racy of the United States In national con vention assembled, reafllrm our bpllef In, and pledge our loyalty to, the principles of the party. We relolcu at the Increasing bIkiik of an awakening throughout the country. The varldus Investigations hnve traced graft and political corruption to the represen tatives of predatory wealth, and laid tmro the unscrupulous methods by which they have ileuuuchetl elections and preyed upon n defenseless public through the subservient oltlclnls whom they huvo raised to place and power. The conscience of tho nation Is now aroused to free tho government from tho grip of thosB who have made it a busi ness asset of the favor-seeking corpora tions; it must becomo again a people's ftovcinment. anil bo administered in all ts departments according to tho Jeffer snntun maxim of "equal rights to all and special privileges to none." omerholdrrn. Coincident with tho enormous Increase In expedltures Is a like addition to the number of otlieeliolilers. During tho Inst year 23.7S4 were added, costing $l.15t,000 and In the last six years of tho Repult llcnn administration tho totnl number of new olllees cieated, uslde from many commissions, has been 09,31!), entailing o m nitlltl.tin I nviiAtiilllllt'ii i.f nnfirli' 170 . 000,000, as ngalnst only 10,279 new olllees created under tho Cleveland nnd McKIn ley administrations, which Involved an expenditure of only Jti.000.000. Wo de nounce this great nnd gi owing Increase In tho number of oftleeholders as not only unnecessary and wasteful, but also ns clenily Indicating n deliberate purpose on the part of the admliihitratlon to keep me liepunuruii jkii ly in jiiMti-r in iiuiiui expenso by Hum Increasing tho numbT-r of Its retainers and dependents. Such procedure we declare to bo no less dan geious and lonupl I ban tho open pur chauo of votes ut the polls, Ileouoniy in AilinliiUtrntlnii, Tho Republican In the session Just ended has made appropriations amounting to $I,00?.OiO,0i,1 exceeding tin total expenditures of tho past llscal year by 'JO.ikjO.ooO, and leaving a dellclt of moru than 60,Od0,CO0 Tor tho fiscal year. Wo donounce tho nccdlens waste of tho peo ple's money which hns resulted in tills appalling Increase as a Hhamoful viola tion of all prudent conditions of govern ment ns no less than a crime ngalnst the millions of worklngmen und women fiom whoso earnings tho great proportion of tlieso collossnl sums must be extorted through excessive tariff exactions nnd other Indirect methods. It Is not surpris ing that, in the face of tills shocking record, the Republican platform contains no rofercncu to economical administra tion or promlso theteof In the future. Wo demand tnul a siop im pui io tins irigiu ful oxtravagonco and Insist upon tho strictest economy In every department compatible with frugal and etllclent ad ministration. Arliltriirr l'ovtrr of Speaker. signed by the fathers of tho constitution to be the popular branch of our govern ment, responsivo in mo puunu win. reit.i linitmi rf n.nrnuiMit n 1 1 I'm fin pnn. trolled In recent years by tho Republican f party, has ceased to bo a deliberative and legislative body, responsivo to tho will of n majority of Its members, but lias como under tha absolute domination of the speaker, who bus entlro control of Its deliberations und poweis of legislation. We have observed with amazement tho popular branch of our federal govern ment helpless to obtnln either tho consid eration or enactment of measures deblred by a majority of Its members. Legislative government becomes a fall uro when one member In tho person of tho speaker Is moro poweiful thun tho entlro body. Wo demund that the house of repre sentatives slinll again becomo n dnllb eratlvo body, controlled by a majority of the pcople'ii repiesentatlvcs and not by tho speaker, and we pledge ourselves to udopt such rules and regulations to gov ern tho Iioimo of representatives as will enable a majority of Its members to di rect Its deliberations and control legls-lution. MIkiijic or 1'ntroniiKP. Wo condemn, as a violation of tho Bpliit of our Institutions, tho action of the present chief executive In using the patronago of his high olllco to securo the nomination of ono of his cabinet olllcers, A forced succession In the presidency Is scarcely less repugnant to public sentl- .i.nn Ili IICa tnmitn In Hint nlllne. Ill;ill in w...... ... ........... . No good Intention on tho part of tho uxjU eciitlve and no virtue In the ono selected 1 can Justlfv tho cstnbllsumcni oi a dynasty. Tho right of tho people to free ly select their olllclals Is Inalienable and cannot bo delegated. I'lihllclljr of CaiiMinlgii Contribution. We demand federal legislation forever terminating tuo purines amp which nan existed between the corporations of the country und the Republican parly under the expressed or Implied ngreement that In' roturn for the contribution of great ums of money whurewlth to purchase elections thoy should be allowed to con tinue substantially unmolested in their ef forts to encroach upon tho rlBlits of tho Any reasonable doubt ns to tho exist ence of this relation hns been forevnr ills nelled by the sworn testimony of wit nesses examined In the Insurance Inves tlgatlon In Now York, nnd tho open ad mission unchallenged by the Republican national commlttco of a single Individual, that ho himself at tho personal request of the Republican candidate for tho.prea ldency raised over n quarter of a mil- .. l.1U n Ha ..Mint 1(1 I, MtniTlft RtntA during the closing houru of the last it. ., l, I, I-'...... n,.1lj ..f.r..u, , . v .- . . 111M..1I tn llin I'mitrilllziltlnil lmtlliCd llii.uii uiiirir.iullriiia tuilV f r.HllltMl 1 1 V mndo. that the powers of tho govern ment nhoiild be extended by Judicial construction. There Is no twilight zone between the nation and the stnto In which exploiting Interests can take refugo rutin both, und It Is ns neces sary that tho federal government shnll exercise tho powers delegated to It as It Is thut the stale governments shall use the authority reserved to them, but we Insist that federal remedies for De regulation of Interstato commerce and for the prevention of private monop oly Hhnll be added to, not substituted for, state remedies. Tnrln. We welcome the belated promise of tnrln reform now uffected by the Re publican party In" tardy recognition of tho righteousness of tho Democratic position on this iiiiestlou; but these people cannot safely Intrust tho exe cution of this Important work to a party which Is mi deeply obligated to 1110 nigniy pruiecieu iiuereuin un i m Republican party We cnll attention to the slgnlilcant fact that tho promised relief wns postponed until nfter the coining election an election to succeed In which tlio Rcpubllcuii party must huvo Mint same support from the bcncllclarlcs of the high protective nlrt .. u 1. I.f.u rl.a.).ir.i li.if .ttnfurn n- reived from them; and to the further fact that during years of uninterrupt ed power no action whatever hns been taken by the Republican congress to correct the admittedly existing turlff Iniquities. Wo favor Immediate revision of th turlff by the reduction of Import duties Articles entering Into competition with trust-controlled products should be placed upon tho free list, and muterlal reductions should bo mndo in the tariff upon Mie necessaries of life, especially upon articles competing with such American manufactures as are sold abroad more cheaply Minn at home: und grudunte reductions should be made In such other schedules us may be neces sary to restore the tariff to a revenue basis. Kxlstlng duties have given to the manufacturers or paper a shelter be hind which they have organized com binations to raise tho price of pulp and of p.ipcr. thus Imposing u tax upon the spread of knowledge. Wo demand tho Immedlnte repenl of the tariff on pulp ptlnt paper, lumber, timber und logs and that theso articles be placed upon tho free list. Trusts. A private monopoly Is IndofenHlblo and Intolerable. We. thcreforo.Tavnr tho vigorous enforcement of the crim inal luw against guilty trust magnates und ortlcIulH. nnd demand the enactment of such additional legislation as may be necessary lit make it Impossible for a private monopoly to exist in tho Pul led States. Among the additional rem- , ...A Liiiiiilfii Tt'irijl 11 Inw preventing 11 ilpullcntion of directors among competing corporations, second, a license system which will, without abridging the right of each state to create corporations, 01 Its tight to reg .ulate as it will foreign corporations doing business within Its limits, make It ncecssady for 11 manufacutrlng or trading corporation engaged iu Inter stato commerce to take out a fedi nil license before It skull be permitted to control ns much ns 5 per cent, of the ......!. in It ilnnlu llin lle.illHe til protect tlio public from watered stock und to prohibit tlio control by such cor poration of moro than !0 per cent of tho totnl amount of any product con sumed In' the Pnlted States; and third, a law compelling such licensed corpo ration to sell to all purchasers In all parts of tho country on tho same terms, after making due allownncn for cost of transportation. Itiillrouil ItrKiilatloiiN. Wo nsscrt the right of congress to exercise complete control over Inter stato commerce and tho right of each state to exerciso hko coniroi over com merce within Its bordeis. We demand such enlargement of the powers of tho Interstato commerce com mission as may bo necessary to compel railroads to perform their duties n common carriers and prevent discrim ination nnd extortion. Wc favor the elllclent mipervlslon nnd rate regulation of railroads engaged In Interstate commerce, and to tills end we lecommend tho valuation of railroads by tho Interstulo commerce commission, such valuation to take Into consideration the physical value of the property, tho original- cost, cost of pro duction and all elements of vnluo Mint will render the valuutlon mudo fulr und Wo favor such legislation ns will pro hibit tho railroads from cugut-lng In business which brings them Into comiie tltlon with their slilppets, also leg slatlon' ...i.irti, .clll tiumir. Riirh rediictlrin 111 transportation rates as conditions will peinilt. caro being taken to avoid reduc tions that would compel a reduction of wages, prevent ndequate service or do Injustice to legitimate Investments, We heartily npprovc inn iuwb iiruiumiuin tho pass and tho rebate, and we favor any further necessary legislation to re strain, conlrol and prevent such nbuses. Wo favor such legislation as will In cronso the power of tho Interstato com merce commission, giving to It tho Inltlft tlvo with reference to rates and tinns portatlon charges put Into effect by the railroad companies, und permitting the Interstate commerce commission on Its own Inltlatlvo to declare n rule Illegal and ns being mom than should bo churged for such service That the pres ent law relating thereto Is Inadequate by reason of tho fact that Mm Interstate commerce commission Is without power to llx or Investigate a rate until iom plaint hns been mndo to It by Mm shipper. W further declare that. all agreements of trullle or other associations of rntl- ....., mrniila nfYf.ntltll I III PI fltutfl TlLtl'M. service or classllli nllon shall be unlaw ful unless Hied with and approved by tlio Interstate commerce commission. Wo favor the enactment of a law giv ing to the Interstate commerce commis sion Mie power to Inspect pioposed rail road tariff tales or schedules before they shall inko effect, und, If they bo found to bo unreasonable, to luttlau an adjust ment thereof. Ilnnklng. Tho panic of 1W7, coming without any legitimate excuse, whim tho Republican party hail for n deendo been In complete control of tho federal government, fur nishes additional proof that It Is either unwilling or Incompetent to protect tho the basis of bank currency nnd Inviting market manipulation, nnd hnt failed to give to the 15,000,000 depositors of tho country protection In their savings. Wo believe that In so fnr as tho needs of commerce require an etneigency cur rency, such currency should be Isftied. controlled by tho fediral government nnd loaned on ndequate security to na tional and state banks. We pledge our selves to legislation under which the na tional banks shall be tcqlllied to estab lish u guurnts fund for the prompt pay ment of the depositor- of imv Insolvent national bank under itn equitable sys tem which shall be available to nil state liankliiK Institutions wishing to use it We f.ixor a poMitl nntugs bunk, if the guaranteed bank cannot be Mecured, nnd Hint It be eoiiNtlliiteil so an to keen the deposited tnnnev Iu Ihe couimuilltlc where It Is establNlied Hut we condemli tho pulley uf the Republican luiils In ptopoidng pcHtal savings banks under a plnti of conduct by which thev will ng giegate the depnnlls of rural ooinmunlllc and 1 eili posit the sanie while under gov ernnnnt ihnrgo In the banliS of Wall street, thus depleting the 1 In Hinting me dium of the prodtii log teglnun and un justly fuMUlng the spcctilutlvc markets. Income Tnt. We favor nn Income lax n part of our revenue iiyslein, mid we urge the sub mlsilnii uf a coiMlltiiltiiiiiil nmeiiiliueut speclllcallv ailthnilzlng i-iiiikicsh In lew und collect a tax upon Imllvldirtl and corporate Incomes, to the end Mint I. n.,1.1. 1.1. W !..., II. I.l..tll,..ll..ll.ll.. ul.,1... nriiiiii nil.. I'.-iii nn 1 11 ii.. 1 11 nil. h mini- of the buideiH of the fedcial gn em inent. I.nbor nnd Injunction. The cntiiti of Justice 1110 the I ml win!; of our liberties, and we yield to none In our puipoHii tn maintain (heir dlgnlO Our puity has given to the bench a long lino of illsllnKulshed JihIkcs, who have added to the texpect nnd cnulldcmc In which this department mut iiu Jealously malnlalueil. Wo rcHcut the attempt of by vessels of slandnrd Interests of tho general public. It has so linked tho country to Wall street thut tho syndicate sins of the speculators uro visited upon the whole people. While refusing to rescue the weulth producers from spollutlon nt tho hnnda of tho stock gamblers nnd speculators In farm prod ucts, It has deposited treasury funds, without Interest and without competition. In favored banks. It hns used an emer gency for which it la largely responslblo to force through congress u bill changing the Republican paity to talse false Is sues respei ting the Judiciary, it Is mi unjust lellcetlou upon a grent body of our cltlens to assume Mint they lack respect for the coiuts. It Is the function of the courts to Inlet pret the laws which the people create, and If the laws appear to work economic, social or po litical Inlustlce It Is our duly to change them. The only basis upon which the Integrity of our courts can stand Is that of unswerxlng Justice nnd protection of life, personnl llberlv nnd pintierly. If Judicial piiii-i-psi-ii may bo abused we should guurd against abuse. Kxpetlenee has pioven the necessity of n modllli atton of the present law relating to injunctions, and we reiterate the pledge of our national plat fot ins of IMh! and IWI iu favor of the measure which passed the l lilted Htutes senate in, but which a Republican oonnress lias ever since tofiiMcd to enact, 1 elating to contempt in federal courts and provid ing for trial bv Jury In cases of Indirect contempt Question of Judicial practice have nilseii especlallv Iu connection with disputes We deem that liar ties to all Judicial proceedings should be treated with iltfd I111p.1t tlullty and that I, lii.i.itli.itu uli.niltl ,i.i( I... l-inilml In till. case In which Injuucilnns would not Issue If no Industrial dispute wero Involved. The expanding 01 Kiinlxatlon of industry mukes It essential thut there should be no abridgment of the rlfilit of wage-ourneis and producers to organize for the pro tection of wages nnd tho Improvement of labor conditions to the end that such labor organizations and their imunhcrH should not be regarded as Illegal com binations in restraint of trade. Wo favor the eight-hour day on nil government work We pledge the Democratic pnrty to the enactment of 11 Inw by congress, ns far ns Mie federal Jurisdiction extends, f.iie. ii rrntwif.t, 1 uniiiliti'iiru' 1 1 1 1 1 I I t V II (' t IUI 4 hVHI ll VIIIIIW,I I ! - covering Injury to boJy or loss of life of employes. Wn .1i.,li-',i tin. 11..iwi't-1 Hn tinrtv til tho enactment of n law crentlng a de partment of labor, repiesented sepa rately In tho president's cabinet, which department Miall Include Mm subject of mines nnd mining. Mrrchnitt Marine. We believe In the upbuilding of the American and merchant marine with out new or additional burdens upon the people nud without bounties from the public treasury. Tlir Niivy. The constitutional provision Mint 11 navy shall be provided nnd maintained menus nn adequate navy, nnd wo be lieve that the Interests of this country would be best served by having 11 nnvy sufllclent to defend Mie coasts of this country and protci t American citizens wherever their rights may be In Jeopardy. l'rotrcllon of American ('It Urns. We pledge ourselves to Insist upon the Just nnd lawful protection of our citizens ut homo and nbroud and tn use all proper methods to secure for them, whether native born or naturalized, and without distinction of race or creed, tho equal protection of law and the enjoyment of nil rights and priv ileges open tn them under our treaty: and If. under existing treaties, tlio right of travel and sojourn Is denied to American citizens or recognition Is withheld fiom American passtmits by any eountrleH on the ground of rneo or creed, we ravor prompt negotiations with the governments of such countries to secure the removal of those unjust discriminations. Wo demand that all over the world n .llltt. 11 II li.ll-l9n.1 lift vlUlilirt ISMIIf.ll llV . UI..J 1. ........ .. ,.......,' tlio government of the Pnlted States to nn American citizen slmll be proof of the fuct that lie Is nn American citi zen nnd shall entitle him to tlio treat ment due him na such. CUM Service. The laws pertaining to the olvll serv ice should bo honestly ami rigidly en forced, tn the end thut merit and abili ty shall bo the standard of appointment and promotion rather than servlccu rondel ed to a political party. l'cnMonn. We favor n generous pension policy, both ns n mutter of Justice to the sur viving veterans nnd their dependents nnd because It tends tn relievo tho country of the necessity of maintaining a Inrgo standing army. llcnllli IliireHii. Wo ndvoeute tlio organization of all existing national public health agencies into a national bureau of public health, wttli such power over sanitary condi tions connected with factories, mines, tenements, child labor nnd oilier such subjects as aro properly within the Jur isdiction of the federal government und do not Interfere) with Mie power of Mi" stutes controlling public health ngetieles. grlciilnirnl mid Mechanical Kdiicnlloii. The Democratic party favors tho ex tension of agricultural mechanical und Industrial cducntlon We. therefore, favor the establishment of district agricultural experiment stations, the secondary agricultural nnd mechunlcul ii.illnu'eK In tho Vfivernl HtatCM I'opuliir I.lccMnri of Scnalorrt. We fnvor the election of Pnlted States Heliatnrs by direct vote of the people, and regnrd this inform us the gateway to other national teforms. (IIcIiiIioiiiii. Wo welcome Oklahoma to tho sister hood of states und heartily coiigrntu lft t tt hor on Mm nitsplclous beginning of n great earner Arizona nnd .New .Mexico. The national Domocratlc parly has for tho last Ifi years labored for tho admission of Arizona and New Mexico us separate stntes of tho federal union, and. recognizing that each possesses eveiy quantitation to successful! maintain separate state governments, wo favor Mie Immediate admission of these territories as separate Htutes. (Crazing I.miiiIn, The establishment of rules und regu lnttons. If any such aro necessary, in relation to free grazing upon the public lands outside of forest or othr resor vntlous, until the same shall eventual ly bo disposed of should he left to tho people of tho stntes respectively in which ouch lands may be situated. Water Wion. Water fiirnlslici the cheapest means of transportation und th national government, having tho control of navigable waters, should Improve them to their fullest capacity We earnestly favor tho Immediate adoption of n lib eral and comprehensive plan for Im proving overy water course in tlio union, which Is Justified by the needs of commerce and, to secure that ond, wo favor, when practicable, the con nection of the great lakes with tho navigable rivers ana witu 1110 gun, navigated draught. ... . .. Wo favor Mie co-ordination of tho va rious services of Ihe government con nected Willi waterway lu ono service, for the put pose of uhllng In the comple tion of such a system of Inlnnd water wuxs, and we favor tho creating of ft fund ninple for continuous work, which shall be condiii ted under Mm direction of 11 commission of experts to bo ulithorlicd by law. . . , We favor federal aid to state mil loenl niilhorltles III tho eonstt uetlon and main tcuunco of post toads. Telegraph nnd Telephone. We pledge tin' Democratic party to tho enactment of 11 law to rcKUlate Mie rates und seivlcis of telegraph nnd telephone companies engaged In the tiniisinlsslon of inessiigcH between the stales under tlio Jutlsillcllntt of the Interstate coininctco commission Xnlnrnl ItrslMirces. We repeat the dcmaiiu for Internal de velopment nnd for the conservation of our nnturnl tesources contnlued lu pre vious platforms, the enforcement of which .Mr. Roosevelt bus vainly sought fiom n reluctant pntly. and lit thai end we Insist upon the piescrvntloti. protec tion and replacement of needed forests, the preservation of Mm public domain for homeseeUi rs. the protection of (ho national tesoiitces lu timber, coal, Iron and oil ugnlust monopiillslh' control, the ih-vi loptneiit of our water ways for navigation nnd everv oilier useful put nose. Including the itrlgutloii of. mid lai.ds. Mm lechimatlon of swamp lands, the clurlllcutlou of stieiims. the develop ment of water power nnd the tneservu Moil of eleetilc power generated bv this natural force fiom the conliol of mo nopoly, and to such end we titge the ex ercise of nil powers, national, stale und municipal, both separately und In co-op-elation. , , We InslHt niton n policy of ndntlnlstrn tlou of our forest teserves which shnll telleve It of the nbuses which huvo nrlsen thereunder, nnd which shnll. ns fnr ns pritctlcuble. confoim to tint police regit lotions of Mie several slates whele they me located, which shall enable homo sleuileis its of light to occupy und lie qillie title (11 all portions thereof which urn espcelully adapted to ngrlcultijiu, nnd whhh shnll fiirnltOi 11 iiystem of tim ber sales awiliniuo ns wen to me pnvum citizen us to the limber manufacturer mid consumer. Ilv.nll. We favor the application of princi ples or the laud laws of the Pulled Htutes to our newlv ucqiilied tenltory, Hawaii, to Mie end Mint the public lands of that tenltorv may be held und utilized for tho benellt of bono tide liiuneHlendciH. riiiiiiiiiiin-N. We condemn tho experiment In Im perlullsm as an Inexcusable blunder which hns Involved ns In mi enormous expense, brought us weakness Instead of strength, nnd laid our nation open to tho charge of abaiidonlug a fundamental doc tilne of self-government. We favor an Immediate ilxalnrntloii of the iintlon's pur pose to tceognlzo the Independence of tlio 1'hlllpptue iNlunds ns soon its u stnblo government can bo eslubllshed, such In dependence to be guuritnteed by us ns wo guaranteed the Independence of Cuba, un til the neutralization of the Islands can bo secured by treaty with other poweis. In rucomilzliiir the Indent' ndenco of tho Philippines our government should tain such hind us may be necessary coming simious huh iuiviii lumen, Alnskn nnd I'orlo lllcn. We demand for Mm people of Alaska and Poito Rico the full enjoyment of tho lights nnd pilvlleges of u tcirltorhil form of government, niul the oltlclnls appoint ed to administer the government of nil lA.ill,ifl,iu mill tin. Itlwtrlct of (To- luinbln should be thoroughly qiiullllctl by previous boon fldo residence. rntinnin Cnunl. We believe the l'aiiuniii emir.! piovo of gient vnhie to our country favor Its speedy completion, Pn 11-American Relations. .1-1... 1 ...citl. .inrli- ri.ffilFlllviis .111- I 'i-llli.v 1 ..... ...... 3 ......r-." ---- 1... ......., ...I mie of ilcvclottltltt llll"M IIIIK - ... .... . .....!-, I ,11 closei ties of pun-Aniei Icitli fllelidsblp .....I .ii.ninii.iK.i t.ntii'emi llin United Stutes niul her sister nutlons of Ijitllt Amor- Syruptffis i c V JivirQrnnnn Cloansos tuo vSystom Ef foct- uallv. UisnoLs Ijoius nnaiiGUUr s :' ii 1 t . 1. annus atio lo.sjotvsitnauon; lly.actsrnilyi Acts naTurallv. acts irtilv as V r I invnTnn Dost jjirMunAVwiion nna tnila-rtm-younj) and Ola. Io jjot ts Ijcnc.ficialEjfccts Alwavs buy ihe Genuine nliicli lias ine jull name qfinc torn- CALIFORNIA JJo Syrup Co. by wltiim it L manufactured. printed on the Jront of rvory puchiirte. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. ono 6Ut only. rotfu'lU" pricn 50j'uolllo. HIS WAY OF PROPOSING. ism g-mpt ro-for HoThey toll mo youro gret at BiicbbIiik connntlnmiB. Slio Well, rntlior Rood. Ho Hero's ono for you: If I woro to ftsk you to murry mo, what would you ay? TWO CURES OF ECZEMA will nud tho IKtllh'1"" lllH4 ItltM " tM tiw nM through the Mississippi river, and the navigable rivers with euch other by urtlllclul canals, with a view to perfect ing t syitern of Inland waterways, to be leu und fuvois Ihe taking of such steps, consistent with Democratic policies, for better aciliulntance. gteater mutual con lldencii mid Imgei oschunge of trade, nn will bring lusting benellt not only to tho I'nlleil Mimes out 10 mis group m jiue-i-li 1111 republics hitvlng constitutions, forms of government, mnbltlons und Intel csts ukln to our own .AhIiiIIc Immigration. Wo fnvor full protection, by both na llounl und stnte governments within their respective spheres, of nil foreigners I chiding In too I'nlleil Htutes under treutv. but we me opposed to tile nilinls slnn 'of Asiatic Immigrants who cannot be munlguniulcd with our population, or whose piesenee among us would rulso n nice Issue mid Involve ns In illplomutlo controversies with oriental poweis. l-'orclgii 1'iileiitM. Wo believe that where nil Anieilcnu et l?en holding u patent In a foreign coun try Is compelled to munufnetuto under hit patent within 11 ceitaln time, slmllur lestilctlons should be npnlled In this country to the citizen of subjects of Hitch II country. . . Coticluxliin. The Democrullc purty stnnds for Do moeruev; th Republican lias di awn to llHi-lf nil that is aristocratic and pltlto- The neniocrntlc patty Is tho champion of civil ilulils and opportunltleH to nil. the Republican party Is the party of privilege nun iinum- jhuhim,.j. ...--heiuociatlu put ty llHtens to tho voice of the whole people nnd guuges inogress by Mm prospetlty nnd ndvnticement of tho nverngc man. the Republican pnrty Is silbseivient to the ompitiiitlvi'ly few who aro the benellcluiles of governmental fa vniltlsm. We Invite tho co-operation of nil. regardless of previous political alllll ntlon or past differences, who des 10 to piefrerve 11 government of the people, by the people, and for thu people, niul who ' ......1 ...I.itiilulriillnll uf till 1TOV- erniuent 11s will Insure, ns fur ns liumun wisdom inn, Mint each citizen shall ilruw from society n reward commensurnto Willi his contribution to tho welfare of sot lei y. Tablet in Honor of Patriot. A tnlilet io tho momory of John Hon Jnmln, a Mulno Holdlor In tlio rovolti linn, wns dedicated recently In tho YViiBpinKton Memorial clmpol, Valley ForKO, on tlio liSOth nnnlverary of tlio ovaciuillon of Vnlley ForKO by tlio American urmy. Tlio chapel nnd Us surrounding bulldliiKH uro 11 momorlal to OeoiKO Washington Tlio tablet Is tho clft of Mr. William Honry Pour son, of Doston. Tlio tablot rendB: "With tliankHglvIng unto Aimmnty Ootl and In lovltig memory of John Ilonjaniln, of Massachusetts, born February 5. 17C8, died December 2, 1811, artlllerlHt In the continental army, giving; to his beloved country u borvice of boven years and sharing tho prlvntlons of Valloy Forge, this tablot iu tribute to bis honor, IiIb val or and bis faithful Ufa is erected by his granddaughter, Nancy Delia Hon Jnmln Pearson When Life's Brightness Leaves. Tho setting, of a great bopo Is liko tho sotting, or the sun. The brlgbt iiess of our life Is gone. Shndown of ovenltiK fall around us, and the world seems but a dim reflection Itself n broader shadow. Wo look forward Into the coming lonely nlRht. Tlio soul withdraws Into Itsolf. Then stars arise and the nlKbt Is holy. Golf-Made Loafers. So long as you pay cnddlos n sum auftlclent to enable thorn, bowovor poorly, to-llvo, and Btipply tliomsolves with the lnvarinbloiuljunct of tho loaf er, a vlllnlnoiiB clgarotto, you will breed loafers, and you will ovontunlly make It necessary to alter tho whole conditions of employment. Countr Ltfo. Baby Had 8evere Attack Grandfather Suffered Torments with It Owe Recovery to Cutlcura. "In 18S4 my grandson, a lmbo, had on attack of eczema, nnd after trylnp tho doctors to tho oxtont of heavy bills and an lncrcnso of tho dlscaso and suf fering, I recommended Cutlcura and In a fow weeks tho child was well. Ho Is today a strong man and absolutely frco from tho disease A fow years nco I contracted oczoma, and becamo an Intonso sufferer. A wholo winter passed without onco having on shoes, nearly from tlio knees to tho toes be ing covered with virulent sores. 1 tried many doctors to no purposo. Theu I procured tho Cutlcura Itomedlca and found Immediate Improvement and final cure. M.W.Lnllue, 8lfi Sovonth St., Louisville, Ky Apr. 23 and May 1 1, '07." Some men dccllno to look upon tho wlno when It Is red becauso thoy pro for another color. Try Murine Eye Remedy For Kc.l, Weak, Weary, Wntciy Eycn. Murine Doesn't tMimrt-bootlirs hyo 1 nin. All DriiRSifets Sell .Murine nt COcls. Ihe 48 Pago Hook in each Pkg. is worth Dollars in every home. Ask your Drupeist. Mutine Kye Remedy Co.. Chicago. It's all right for a man to bo a dreamer of dreams providing he wakes up occasionally and gets ousy. Lewis' Single Hinder Cisar lias n rich tnste. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, l'eoriu, 111. Tho romanco of a splnstor Is apt to bo ono sided. Mrs. Wlnnlow's Hootlilng Hyrop. Vor children teething, aofu-ni tlio tturai, reduce Id DanuJtlon, ellaji piln, cures wlncl collu. 25c bottlu. Tho prettiest flowers nro not ncces snrlly tho mo3t fragrant. Isti Allen's I'oot-Knue Cu res tired, nchlnir.iiweitllnKleet.ajc. Trial package frvu. A.H.OIuiHua,UiHo)r,N. V. Music Isn't necessarily fragmentary bocause It comes In plecos. SICK HEADACHE cm ---- ft 'x c r MHittll. 1 '--rrr":,-'', lilnIn YT ! Smm jlBctlouiniiT(KiIIirty H I vFR KathiB. A perfect roin- I 1 A ct,y for WkI'i' Nuu- 113 PILLv sen, Urowsiucss, Und q M TnutoluthoMouth,Cont- (IB led ToiiKtie, Pain tn tlio lii lm.i. 'fOltriD LIVEK. They regulate tlto Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. CARTERS ilTTLE TlVER PIUS. Gonuino Must Bear Fac-Simllo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. 1! X all 1; 'i 4 1 1 s I i! w r Hi 0 ii m U i m ?v m Ai m t B&uStiMaiimiMi