The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 17, 1908, Image 7

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The Chief
E. B. DoWOLF, Publisher
Some people's idea of bringing up
children is to .bring tlicm ti) with a
round (urn.
Pet names nro very pretty In private
conversation, but they Bound decided!
silly in court.
Now "polelesB wiiclcsH" has boon
nnnouncod. After a while perhaps it
will bo costless iifl well.
Scrvla nnd Montenegro are at it
ngaln. They nro the South American
twins of the eastern continent.
A Chicago Infant has n $1,000 crib.
Tho kidnapers will be tempted to talte
the frame and leave tho picture.
In asking fo7n divorce, a NaBhvlllo
woman paid there was a devil In her
husband. Why didn't nho starve It out
of him?
The man who Is moBt concerned
nbout loafing throughout the summer
1b gencrnlly the person who also loafs
tho rest of the year.
That Hrooklyn physician who as
Berts that people can get crazy drunk
on wnter must havo had good oppor
tunities of observing the stock market.
A discovery of large deposit of tin
oro Is repotted ns having been mado
recently In the Brooks mountains) in
Alaska. The details of the stiiko aro
not given.
A Wisconsin man, accused of mur
der, pleads that he was insnne for Just
three minutes. The stop watch may
jot figure ns an important exhibit in
homicide trials.
It is now said that tho duko of Ah
ruzzl has been Jilted by Miss Elklns
and is to Bpend the coming year In the
navy. At any rate the announcement
has the "400" all at sea.
Mine. Eminn Karnes, the dlsiln
guished opera singer, who has just
sailed for Europe, Is distinguished nlsn
by the fact that only four letters aro
required to spell her name.
Children whose parents bundle them
to bed at Bundown will heartily wel
come tho theory advanced by Thomas
A. EdlBon that sleep Is merely a mat
ter of habit and wholly unnecessary to
life or health.
Philadelphia women, In search of a
new fad, are going to take up balloon
ing ns a sport this summer. Paying
for the balloons Is likely to keep tho
Philadelphia men up In the air a good
deal of tho time.
Tiiore Is some frightful mistake in
tho civilization of tho great and rich
city of New York that hns to establish
food kitchens for starving school-children.
Such an incident Is n blot upon
our modern life.
A cultured Philadelphia who hns
been abroad breakB Into print to re
late that American diplomacy is a butt
abroad.- Sure! It has butted several
exponents of tho foreign brand of dip
lomacy clear off the bridge and keeps
right on butting.
A woman lawyer in New York has
announced In opening her ofllce
that she will servo women clients only.
The only trouble with this program Is
that by one of those contrary twists
in human nature the women clients
are apt to prefer tlte men.
Waterbury Ameileaiil "How would
you advise a young man to spend his
vacation who can't afford to o into
the country?" n reporter asked Mr.
Rockefeller. "I'll tell you what I used
to do under thoBe circumstances," ho
replied. "I didn't take any."
With an Income of only $6,000 a
month. Mine, Anna finds It necessary
to pay her debts on the installment
plan. Poor Prince Hello may, if things
keep on getting worse, bo compelled
to accept a position in a grocory for
the purpose of earning his pin money.
Prof. BrnndJ of tho University ol
Berlin has come out with a long sup
plcmentary statement furnishing nddl
tlonal proof that educated Americans
speak better English than do educated
Englishmen. Now will our British
cousins stop dropping their h's and
poking fun nt the "American accent?"
Anothor university professor is
quoted to tho effect that Timbuctoo
will bo the capital of tho world 4,000
yearB hence. Maybe so; but tho wlso
will wait perhaps 30 centuries, and
then Inquire whether tho cassowaries
aro eating missionaries "hat, boots
and hymnbook, too" before buying
corner lota for tho rise.
With n two-cent pustago for letters
passing between England nnd tho
United States it Is poBslblo that postal
cards will bo sent for ono cent. In
that case a fow more occun liners
mlirht be placed in operation, as at
that rate the traveling tourist will be
encouraged to delugo tho homelaud
with their little Bouvenlrs of travel.
Mayor Busso of .Chicago, who haB
been a somewhat famous bacho
lor until recently, nppenrs to havo
been guilty of contracting what might
bo called a clandestine mnrrlngc. At
least he took to himself a wife
without notifying any of tho newspa
pers ellher of his Intentions or of
tho actual ceremonies which took
place a couplo of mouths ago with
out any of tho roportorB finding it out
until now. It is n somowhat un
conventional procedure, but it has
l(o charms aud its compensations.
n EHsu mm
What Is Going on Hero and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska.
Hcntrlco has let tho contract for Its
new high school,
Three hundred chickens wero Btolen
from a llohemlan farmer near Vir
ginia. Tho Chautauqua at (leneva worked
under great disadvantage because of
wet weather. '
A number of bridges In Seward
county were washed out by recent
heavy rains.
Miss Hazel Osgood, a Johnson coun
ty teacher, was painfully injured by
a glnnt fire cracker.
Uy tho collapse of a platform at
Edison on the Fourth a number of
peoplo were Kovcrcly hurt.
Tho Lang canning factory at neat
rice has opened for the season with
a force of fifty hands. Tho prospects
aro good for an enormous pack of
beans, corn, apples and pumpkins.
A petition has been filed In tho Lin
coln division of the federal court ask
ing to havo Nels Johnson of Chester,
Thayer county, dccla-ed a bankrupt.
Johnson Ik a merchant and tho peti
tion states that ho haB not been seen
In his place of business for ten days.
Tho ilroworka in tho Blore of H. E.
Wcldninn at Plattflmouth cnught lire
on tho Fourth, causing an explosion
that wrecked tho store and Injuring
severely II. 12. Weldmnn. A largo num
ber of people w'ero In tho store at tho
tlmo tho accident occurred, but they
all escaped with sllg'-t burns.
At Chadron, W. I). oCmbs was Bhot
twlco with a double-barrelled shotgun
by his mn while he was arguing with
him In an attempt to dissuade (ho boy
from lcnvlng home. The Injured man
was nt once taken to a doctor who
extracted tho shot which filled Combs
from tho chin to the wnlstband. Tho
son is fifteen years old.
An order has been Issued by Judge
T. C. Munger from tho United States
court transferring Thomns O'Hrien
from the Lancaster county jail to tho
Dodge county Jail nt Fremont. The
prisoner asked to be removed from
tho Lancaster county Jail on tne
ground that his health was being In
jured by confinement there.
Tho first new wheat of tho season
was marketed at Beatrice by Frank
Thoriiluirg, living two miles cast of
tuc city. The grnin is of excellent
qunlity and tested a trlllo over sixty
pound to tho bushel. It was sold for
80 cents n bushel. Mr. Thomburg be
lieves tho grnin will yield nearly thir-ty-flvo
buBhels to tho aero.
Emilo Snndosc, a prominent farmer
living on Pine creek, nbout seventeen
miles south of Kushvllle, was mur
dered by Ralph Neuman, a young man,
who has been In that section of tho
country for about ono year. Noumnn
camo hero from Kansas and taught
a term of school down In that neigh
borhood nnd hns been circulating
around doing nothing In particular
since his school closed. Tho trouble
arose over a homestead filing.
W. T. Snell was drowned at Ash
land in tho surging waters of Salt
creek while trying to save his chick
ens. The swollen waters of tho creek
had backed up Into his yard and wero
wnshlng the chickens. Ho started to
save them nnd while Jn tho chicken
house, tho swift current of the wnterB
struck the houso carrying It away. Mr.
Snell remained on the top of the
houso until It was carried down Into
tho Plntto river where it was over
turned. Tho eastbound Burlington train No.
4 had a narrow escapo from a serious
accident nt Blrdsell, near Alliance,
that was only avoided by tho engineer
being able to clearly see some ties and
other obstruction that had been placed
on tho track. The train was stopped
nnd nn investigation was made, show
ing that a number of spikes had been
pulled along ono rail and a number of
ties nnd pinch bars piled on tho track
with tho evident Intention of ditching
the train.
Few men in the country nro more
interested In the outcome of the presi
dential election thnn Mln Foster, re
siding in Bluff precinct, Hnmllton
county. If Brynn Is elected Mr. Fos
ter will havo his hair cut for tho first
tlmo in twelve years. When Bryan
was nominated at Chicago In 1808 for
tho first tlmo Mr. Foster enthusiasti
cally expressed his confidence that
the great commoner would win. His
friends bantered him, but not being n
betting man, ho refused to offer- or
receive odds. Instead ho deelnred that
he would not cut his hair until Bryan
was elected president. Ho thinks that
after November next he can bo shorn
of his locks.
Tho Lincoln gas works wero shut
down two or threo days on nccount
of high water.
Mrs. Grlnstead, wife of P. W. Grin
stead, a former superintendent of tho
Fremont schools, wns bitten on tho
hnntl by a pet dog at her country
homo In Kentucky and was hurried to
Chicago for treatment at tho Pasteur
Institute. Mr. Grlnstoad was in
Cleveland at tho tlmo aud left hurried
ly for Chicago, reaching there In tlmo
to meet his wife. Chicago physicians
say that although tho dog had a
violent enso of rabies, thoy have be
gun treatment in time to effect a cure.
Items of Greater or Lesser Impor
tance Over the State.
Tho corner stono of the new Elko
building nt York was laid last week.
By prompt action tho fnrmerB In tho
vicinity of Mnlcolm thing that they
havo succeeded In exterminating tho
CannJIan thlstlo which recently
threatened to becomo such n pest
throughout tho nelghborhlld. The
seeds, it Is thought, wero brought in
in some eastern grass seed sowed in a
certnln pasture, and grow unnoticed
for a season.
Ninety per cent of the retailers in
Nebraska who wero asked by the Dry
Goodsman and General Merchant (St.
loula), which paper issued a "prosper
ity edition" about the business out
look, replied that they expected to do
as much or more business for fall
than they did Inst year, while only
from HO to 75 per cent of, the mer
chants In other stntes gave as good as
surances. Ditch matters nro engrossing tho at
tention of tho Dodgo county author
ities at present, a petition has been
filed by owners of property lying north
of Fremont for a ditch seven miles
long, varying from twelvo to thirty
feet In width nnd six feet deep. The
proposed waterwny will drain thou
sands of ncres which tho signers nl
lego is now unfit for cultlcvation be
cause of an excess of moihture.
At tho various scenes of tho wrecks
caused by tho lato storms, says a Ge
neva dispatch, the debris Is being
gathered, this being nn nrduoub tnsk.
At some of the places new barns havo
already taken tho jilnce of the old. At
tho Mcrrlain farm n now barn Is up
and a large new foundation for a resi
dence laid south of whore the old
homo stood. Much of the corn and
smnll grain on the lowlands Is com
pletely destroyed.
D. Clem Denver, supoilntendent of
tho homeseekers Information bureau
of the Burlington Is arranging for the
winter trip of the exhibit car which
will bo started east about September
1. The car will contain products from
Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming,
one-half the space being given to dry
farming and tho other hnlf to irriga
tion. Wisconsin will ho ndded to tho
territory covered by the car, which
last year visited Iowa, Illinois ;md
northern Missouri.
There is a lively fight on in Pleas
ant Grove school district, Otoe county,
over tho removal of tho school house.
At tho election twenty-eight voted to
move the same and seventeen against,
but tho law does not permit tho mov
ing of a school house unless it is three
fourths of a mile from tho center of
tho district and both sides will havo
surveyors out thcro to ascertain just
how near the center of the district it
is located and may call another elec
tion to decide the matter.
A feature of tho Fourth of July cel
ebration nt North Platte was tho pub
lic wedding at high noon of Joseph
Bcirbower nnd Mrs. Walling, which
was witnessed by several thousand.
Tho ceremony was 'performed by
Justlco Grimes of the district court on
ono of tho main streets of the city.
The groom was mnrried with his hat
on. The couple wero the recipients
of many and vnrlous gifts which had
been offered to tho couplo that would
get married on this occasion.
"in behalf of the Territorial Pio
neers of Nebraska I want to urge all
the olllcers and members of tho Coun.
ty Pioneer associations to make a
special effort to get as many of their
members and others to Join tho state
association of Nebraska Pioneers,"
snld President A. N. Yost of the Ne
braska Pioneers at Omaha. "I would
llko also, to boo a pioneer organiza
tion in every county in thiB state, and
there is no reason why there should
not be. All It costs to organlzo Is an
effort, nnd a very smnll effort at that."
The state board of purchaso and
supplies invested in 1,300 pounds of
tobacco for tho consumption of con
victs nt tho state penitentiary. Only
slxty-ono pounds was bought for the
inmntes of the Lincoln hospital for
the insano Bnttlo Ax chewing tobac
co amounting to 150 opunds and fifty
pounds of Duke's Mixture wero pur
chased for tho Norfolk asylum. Tho
Hastings asylum will receive 590
pounds. The members of the Grand
Island soldiers and sailors homo will
receive six gallons of whisky, four gal
lons of brandy nnd two gallons of port,
all of which cost $23.40.
The total fatalities from tho disas
trous wreck on the Northwestern line,
near Clinton, a small station west of
Valentino, hns now reached thirteen,
of which four wero train man and
nine wero tramps, who wero beating
their way, and officials say thero may
bo nioio bodies burled benenth tho
enormous piles of coal. Tho spot
whero tho culvert was washed away
has never been known to contain
more than a foot of wnter at a tlmo
and when tho double header plunged
Into tho holo it wns filled with nlno
feet of wnter.
State Treasurer Brian has bought
$C00,'00 worth of Callornla stato
bonds at par to net tho Btnto 4 per
cent Interest. Ho went to California
tho latter part of last week, In answer
to a notlco that tho bonJB were to bo
sold to tho highest bidder.
Tho resldetns of tho vlllngo of Smart
vllle, Johnson county, camo Into court
with a petition and prayed that tho
name of the place might bo changed
to St. Mary. Tho request was granted
and tho postolllco department ac
knowledged tho new nntne. Tho Bur
lington railroad compnny objected and
still calls tho village Smartvllle
Most Important Happenings of tho
Past Seven Days.
Interesting Items Gathered From all
Parts of the World Condensed
into Small Space for the Ben
efit of Our Readers.
Tho government bureau of forestry
Is to establish field headquarters In
tho west about October 1, next.
Dr. G. J. Countcrmnn, a physiclnn
of New Albnny, Kan., has been arrest-1
od charged with counterfeiting. A
complete counterfeiting outfit wns cap-;
hired by the olllcers In Bearchlng his
The will of he late cx-Presidcnt
Grovcr Cleveland hns been probated In
Now Jorsey. The value of the estate
Is not montloned. Each of the four
children Is given $10,000 and tho bal
anco goes to the widow who Is made
uxouunx. . ,, lapsed and many of the workmen en-
Passengers ami crew of n Ow-it gagt,(1 ,n Ule Btnlcturt, lost tneh. llves.
Northern train put to flight a one) Tho llltcP8tat0 Commerce commis
highwayman who attempted to hold fi!on lms ortIoreil a mluct!on i rates
them up near Naples, Idaho. 01 a fruIght or,Blnnl,ng , tlie east
Tho turbine steamer Lusitan.a ,,, M,880Ur, ,, Mississippi river
:.Uiik.-ii .- iiumuvH iiuiu inu c-tu, .,
between Queenstown nnd New Yoik '
on her last western trip, the time for
the passago being four days, 10 hours
and 30 minutes.
The rebels who are fighting against
President Davllla of Honduras hnve
captured tho town of Choluteea nnd
are threatening Santa Barbara.
Tho diplomatic relations between
Vonozuola that have existed for more
thnn CO yenrs have been completely
severed by tho withdrawal of tho
Venezuelan minister from Washington.
A complete understanding has been
reached between Mexico and the
United States in regard to tho viola
tions of the neutrality lnws along the
Mexican borders.
Another heir to the Rockefeller mil
lions hns appeared In the person of n
second son to John 1)., Jr.
President Roosevelt has contracted
with Charles Scrlbner's Sons to pub
lish his book of observations In Africa
It Is said tho president gets tho big
gest royalty over given a writer.
Tho government crop report for
July shows the condition of corn to
have been 82.8 per cent.
The railroads estimate that tho to
tal wheat yield in western Canada
this year will bo 125,000,000 bushels.
Two men were killed nnd two others
Injured by tho derailment of a Frisco
freight train ner Richland, Mo.
A movement has been started in
Chicago to provide a suitable memori
al for Grover Cleveland In recogni
tion of his services to the nation and
to Chicago.
Cincinnati has been chosen ns tho
headquarters of tho national Ropubli
:an committee during the campaign.
So great has boon the messages of i
condolence received by Mrs. Orover .
Cleveland since the death of her bus-
band, that she has been compelled
to publish her acknowledgements
through the medium of the press.
Tho Democratic natlonnl convention
held only a short session on tho open
ing day. After tho call for the con
vention wns read by Secretary Wood
Bon the temporary organization was ,
announced with Theodora A. Bell of i
California as chairman. Mr. Bell was
escorted to the platform and delivered
tho koynoto speech. At the conclusion
of Mr. Bell's address a resolution eulo- j
glstlc of ex-President Cleveland wns
ndopted and the convention adjourned
for the day.
The Interstate commerce commis
sion has ordered a reduction In freight
ratris on coal from every mine in the els weighed anchor.
Oklahoma-Arkansas district. The Socialist Labor party in con-
Firo nt Coney Island destroyed two ( vention at New York nomlnnted Mar
largo hotels and for a time threatened tin R. Preston of Nevada for presl
Lima park, Dreamland nnd Steeple- dent and Donald Munroe of Virginia
chnso park. Tho loss was $250,000.
On account of an outbreak of scarlet
fever on board, tho battleship Ne
braska was unablo to leave San Fran
cIbco with tho fleet. She will rojoln
the other vessels at Honolulu.
President Roosevelt Inspected Com
mander Peary's Arctic Bay steamer,
"The Roosevelt," at Oyster Bay and
wished the officers and crew a suc
cessful voyage.
A movement bus been started at
Atlanta, Ga., for the erection of a
monument to tho lato Joel Chandler
Harris. It is proposed to call for sub
scriptions from nil parts of tho coun
try. Tho Snake Indians In Oklahomn nro
reported to be heavily armed and nro
threatening to drive out nil whites un
less their allotment certificates aro
immediately given them. The situa
tion Is critical.
The jewelry storo of Adolph S. Levi
in St. IuIb wiib recently robbed of
$15,000 in diamonds nnd old gold and
$900 in cash.
W. C. Guild, in Jail at Joplln, Mo
charged with counterfeiting, pleaded
guilty nnd was remanded to Jail to
await trial ln the federal court.
Four hundred buildings, Including
tho court houso nnd Jail, wero recent
ly destroyed by fire ln Port Au Prince,
Clint M. Hcaton, n restaurant keep
er of Iola, Kan., was shot and almost
lustantly killed in his restaurant by
his divorced wife.
Seven persons wero drowned as tho
result of tho worst Hood ln tho history
of Lincoln, Neb. All railroad traffic
wnB suspended and hundreds of fam
ilies were driven froir their homos.
Tho refrlglrator ship Glacier has
arrived at Honolulu in ndvanco of
tho battleship fleet.
Two children nre dead and the
mother of one of them is expected to
dlo of shock as the result of attempt
ing to start a fire with keroseno on
the farm of N. J. Stephens, nenr Ne
vada, Mo.
Five men wero killed nnd three
others injured in a headon collision
near Medicine Hat, Saskatchewan.
The Democratic national convention
concluded its labors, by the nomina
tion of John W. Kern of Indiana for
vice president. No ballot was neces
sary, all tho other candldn(es with
drawing, nnd flip nnmlnntlnri wns tnnrin
i,V ncfilninnMnn. nniM lin MiPcru nf
dolefmtos nml m.nptntnrH. Mr. Kom
lives in IndlnnnpollB and hns been
prominent In Indiana politics for many
Tll0 retiring Democratic national
committee held Its final meeting In
nenver Iin,, mmnI110UBiy adopted a
resolution of thnnks to Its olllcers.
Acting Gov. Bellamy of Oklahoma
lin8 or(leret, the C0IIipnny ot lho Na.
tlonn, guanl statl0Ilc(1 nt chandler to
lno HCono of u,0 thrcnt0lleil troubIo
with the Snnke Indians nt Hcnryetta.
Tho new bridge under construction
()Ver tno rlver Ulllnc at Cologne coI.
,)0nts The case was brought by Kan
8nB clty wllolo Bale Im.rchanis, a,i
wns argued last spring.
For the third time WllUnm Jennings
Bryan hns been nomlnnted by tho
Democratic party as their candldnto
for president of the United States.
The nomination was made at the end
of nn all-night session devoted to ora
tory and tho reading of the platform.
Only one ballot was necossary and It
resulted In Mr. Bryan getting 892 V6
votes; Johnson, 40, nnd Gray, 59.
The 78 votes of Now York were cast
for tho Nebraska candidate.
Abraham Rucf has been released
from tho San Francisco Jail,' having
furnished bund in the sum of $1,5G0,
000, tho largest amount ever given
in a criminal case In California.
During the recent hot spell In New
York 53 persons died nnd over 300
were prostrated by the excessive heat.
At tho second day's session of the
Democratic national convention n record-breaking
demonstration took place
when Senator Gore of Oklahoma men
tioned the name of William J. Bryan
In a speech from tho rostrum. The
tribute to the Nebraska leader lasted
one hour and 20 minutes, or 39 min
utes in excess of the Roosevelt dem
onstration nt Chicago. At the night
session the only business transacted
was the adoption of tho report of tho
credentials committee which unseated
the Guffey delegates from Pennsyl
vania. The vote, which was the first test
of strength between the Bryan and
antl-Brynn delegates, was C15 to 387.
The Snake tribe of Creek Indians
aro becoming more threatening and
under tho leadership of Crazy Snake
aro openly defying both the federal
..., atate authorities In Oklahoma
Karmera nro frightened and 500 of
them havo sought refUge In Henry-
Gen. It. C. Home, who was commit
ted to the St. Joseph nsylum after n
Kansas City jury had acquitted him of
causing the death of H. J. Groves on
the ground of insanity last April, ha8
been illscbarireil as cured bv the board
of nmImgerSt n0 has returneuto his
,lomo ln Marshall, Mo.
Gov. Mngoon hns issued a decree
raising the duty on all cattle Imported
Into Cuba.
Tne Atlantic battleship fleet of 1C
bIg war vessels has sailed from San
Francisco on its return voyago to
Hampton Roads. Tho first stop will
be made at Honolulu. Thero was no
special demonstration when tho ves-
for vice president.
The government established by the
revolutionists in Paraguay has been
officially recognized by Brazil.
Soventy-two persons wero killed
and 2,730 injured as n result of tho
celobration of the Fourth of July ln
tho United States this year. This
breaks all records for death since 1899.
Within n fow minutes after ho had
hoard of his nomination for president,
Mr. Brynn issued a statement an
nouncing that if elected he would not
again be a candidate for tho office.
Ropresentntlvo James S. Sherman,
Ropubllcnn candidate for vlco presi
dent, is to resign tho chairmanship of
tho Republican congressional commit
tee in tho near future.
Thomas E. Watson of Thompson,
Ga., has been formally notified of his
nomination for president by tho Peo
ple's party. Tho notification took
placo at Atlanta, Ga.
Mabel Cutler, daughter of the gov
ernor of Utah, who eloped a month
ago and married tho driver of a gro
cory delivery wagon, Is now Bulng for
Milton Beeler, tho world's champion
steer roper, was killed at Ponotoc,
Ok., by his horso falling on him while
roping n steer.
William H. Taft has planned to de
vote a week to writing his speech of
acceptance. It will bo submitted to
several party leaders when completed.
Frank II, Hlttchcock, formerly first
assistant postmaster general nnd ono
of tho managers for W. H. Taft in the
campaign for tho nomination for tho
presidency, has boon unanimously
chosen chnlrmnn of tho Republican na
tional committee. G. R. Sheldon ol
Now York was olected treasurer.
One of the Most' Formidable of Fight.
Ing Craft of the Navy Amer
ican Rifle Team Wine
Blcley Match.
Into the waters of the. Delawaro
liver on whose shores so many ships
of tho "new nnvy" have been built,
there wns launched Saturday the
great steel hull of what will be tho
formidable battleship South Carolina.
The South Carolina, a sister ship to
the Michigan, launched a few weeks
ago at Camden, Is about 50 per cent
completed nnd will be turned over
to the government befoie the end of
next year. The contract for her con
struction was signed two years ago
this month nnd her keel was laid
December 18, 1900.
Tho launch of the South Carolina
wns entirely successful, and was wit
nessed by a number of Invited guents,
Including an otllclal party from the
Palmetto state and a number ot dis
tinguished naval- olucurs from Wash
ington, New York and other points.
The navy department also was well
represent? 1 . Governor Ansel of South
Caiollua was one of the rnnsptcloua
ilgurfs on the christening stand. Tho
ceremony of naming the big battle
ship was performed by tho governor's
daughter, Miss Fredericka Ansel.
It was a few minutes past noon
when the last shores weie knocked
from the ways and the colossnl ves
sel began her biief Journey. Swinging
clothed with tho stnrs and stripe
Miss Ansel crashed It against the steel
bow and uttered the christening
words. As the mammoth hull glided
gracefully down tho greased cradle,
the enthusiasm of the crowd found
vent. To the shouts and cheers of the
people was added the din of count
less boat whistles and it was not
until the South Carolina was swung
gracefully to In mid stream that tho
pandemonium subsided.
The South Carolina and her sister
ship, Michigan, are regarded by naval
experts as marvels In the art of ma
rine architecture. They come closer
to the Dreadnought class of warships
in the English navy than any other
big fighting vessels In the American
American Rifle Team Wins the Blsley
The great International rllle team
match, the most important event of
the Olympic rifle contests, has
been won by America, and the Amer
ican marksmen thus becomo tho cham
pions of the world. The American ag
gregate score was 2,553, that of the
British team, 2,490. while the Canadi
an team scored 2,439. Starting with a
lead at the end of the first range, the
Americans never were displaced, and
with the exception of the corneal nt
the COO yard range, they scored high
er totals for ea"ch of tho six distances
than tho finest teams that Canada and
all Europe could put In tho field.
In the Individual aggiegate, also,
the Americans always were prominent.
When the last bullet had sped to its
target Lord Cheylesmore rushed for
ward to General Drain nnd warmly
congratulated the captain of the Am
erican team. The crown prince of
Sweden came up while the general
was still proudly pointing out the
members of his team who had made
particularly biilliant records and it
was (hen that he congratulated the
The revolver team competition wns
also won by America.
Gage County People Do Not Like
Assessor's Returns.
There is considerable protesting
against the assessment of farm and
city property in Gage county, Neb., this
year owing to the largo Increase re
turned by the nssessor on city lots.
The average valuo of farm land In
this county in 1904 was $43.22 per
acre, and this year It was Increased
to $52.96 per acre. Tho objectors as
sert that there Is hardly a piece of
farm land In the county which would
not sell nt from $75 per ncre up, The
aggregate value of farm land in 1904
was $4,633,822, and for 1908 it is $5,
5GG.92G. The nctual value of city and
vlllngo real estate for 1901 was $5,
254,925, and for 190S It is $0,150,735.
Tho increase in farm lands over 1904
Is twenty per cent; on city property
It Is $901,810, Tho assessed valuo of
farm and city property for 1904 wns
$1,050,985, and for 1908 it Is $1,231,
347 Time to Chlorform Oder.
Dr. William Osier, who, whilo pro
fessor of medicine at Johns Hopkins
university, hnd fame thrust upon him
by IiIb declaration that sixty years
wns tho limit of man's usefulness, en
tered upon his sixtieth year hlinsolf,
Sunday. It Is ovident, however, that
the eminent physician nnd Insti actor
has no Immediate Intention of resort
ing to tho chloroform bottle, for ho
has consented to run In opposition to
Churchill and Georgo Wyndham, ex
chief secretary for Ireland, for tho lord
rectorship of the University of Ediu
burg next November.