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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1908)
fe , ... jr-- -iT 4 Yost d? y r tie t" Deiuets in Fresh, Salt and Cured Meats Phones, Country luT Hell .' J lOGALETTES ' ituui.ui'iua Auru-t a! lord. to I'lar. to INu tiarber returned from Mc"ouk Sunday. A. .1. Wuskom and wife strotho proud parents of it baby girl. special nriecs on old wheat Hour nt the Iteil Cloud .MiHiiifr Co. Joe WarriMi returned to Portland, Oregon, the last of this week. The. Harlow llros. bltf wagon shows are billed to bo in the city today. Miss Uertruilc Mllligan of McCook is visithiK friends in this city this week. Mrs. I.etson will soon lny si cement side walls around her residence property-Frank Ilailley for painting, paper hanging, sljjn writing, kuhomine; and carriage paining. 1!. II. Wallace of Topeka, ICas., ar rived in the city Tuesday for a vi-U with the Phures boys. Alfred lladell and wife, O. C. Teel and (leorge Hutchison returned from Denver Monday morning. llessie Ducker returned to"Oinaha Saturday after a several weeks' visit with her mother and her sister. I.eon Lester and wife and daughter of Itridgeport, Connecticut, are visit ing at the home of A. T. Walker. Miss Krma Vance returned to her home in Hastings Monday after a two week'.s visit with friends and relatives. Join our excursion party AugnsHth, take a trip to Texas and see the crops that are raibed there. Seeing is believ ing, This land is sold on 10 years' time with small cash payment down. Hed Cloud InvcstmentCo., Potter block, Red Cloud, N'ebr. Look pleasant and don't forget to insure your property against loss by Fire, Lighting fc Cyclone in one of the old line insurance companies repre sented by L. II. Fort agent, Damerell block. 81000 cyclone policy only costs you 8.' for 3 years. For the Very Best In GROCERIES Call on The GroeeP AH thm Phones 3 Si 0 lST !hl 3 & (& CI muiui.un dates August r. to 1.. Ili-n ti rout. Infjniro of I'd Me Cure. V.. r. (.ilmoro l.l."in, went to MtCntilr. Mrs, Kelson uta.'iicd from I.cnora. Kn . Mntly. !..'! H-o MeCrnry wtw flown from Inn vale V. "If-dnv. He by (iobel -rc Saturday. returned from II. .,'.11, Mr mil Mrs. Ahlen Kly wen- down from MiUmlt WediieMlnv. Npee'al pi lees on old wheat Iloitr ill the lted Cloud Milling Co. ( has. limber of Ahnena. Kansas, was isltor in this eitv Sunday. The lted Cloud ball team plays ball at Superior today and tomorrow. Kay llohner of Franklin caught for Ked i loud Tuesday and Wednesday. AH in Snapp will return here Aug. 1st and resume the leadeishlp of the baud. Tony t lark is enjoying a vi.sit from his aunt. Mrs. H.ckiel of Denver, this week. (.'ha. (odsey came in Tuesday from Alma, and is working at the Itoyal barber shop. Ho. ii.g for gas has commenced at iiu'.de K'iflf. and the promoters are sure of success. Mis. A. II. Howard and daughter Mublcuic visiting Arthur Howard at Clevlaud. Ohio. Mr-. Perkins, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. nud Mrs. (iard. has returned t Iter home in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Cook left Thursday morning fr Muskogee, klu, where HI will resume tin drug business. Pntronie home industry. Special prices on .1 to ." hundred pound lot.s nf od wheat Hour at lied Cloud Mills. Mis. H. A. Howard and daughter Mabel have gone to Cleveland. Uiio. for a visit with her son Aithur Howard. Mrs. Morrison reiurued to Washing ton, Iowa. Monday at'tera three weeks visit with her mother. Mrs. ,. W. War ren. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Auld are re joicing oer a Hue baby boy that ar rived at their home Wednesday. .Inly 1.1th. l'est cleanser for silver, cut glass or gold. Trial package for the asking. Full size package 2.1 cents. Xi:w not m: linos. I)rs. Weiriek & Kiddlle, Kye. Far, ose and Throat Specialists. Glasses fitted. Over ("erinan National Hank, Hastings. The ladies of the Congregational church will hold their monthly market at Fulton's grocery store Saturday July 'J.lth. Orvid Anderson, who works at the round house was pretty badly scalded on both legs yesterday, and will be laid up for some time. K. T. Christy of Genoa, a brother-in- law of Mrs. Georiie Newhouse. was burned to death in a lire th it destroyed the Genoa mill, Tuesday afternoon. Minnie Cutler was brought before ine insanity noarii and adjudged in sane. She was taken to the Hastings asylum Wednesday by Sheriff Hedge. Married at the Methodist parsonage, Saturday evening July 11th, Mr. George 11. Sicl of Itiverton and Miss Hen trice N. llain of Franklin. Kev. Stilller of ileiating. Lucy M. Stonebreakcr, widow of Alson G. Stonebreakcr has been granted a widows pension under the reVent act of April 10th, HMM. Fred Maurer was her attorney. Some miscreant has been engaged the past few weeks iu a wholesale poisoning of dogs in .the city, aud if the guilty parties can be apprehended un interesting time is in store for them, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Whitaker of Stratum, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born to them last Wednes day, and grandpa Whitaker of this city looks rather pleased over the event. C. W. Grout returned Tuesday from Peoria, 111., where he was In atten dance as a delegate at the head camp of the M. W. A. II j und his wife also visited in Wisconsin where Mrs. Grout will remain for obout a mouth. Char ley reports having had an excellent time, both at the encampment aud on his later visit. Premium lists of the National Corn Exposition will be out within a short time showing just what the exhibitors are going to get for their ell'ort. The list embraces S0,()00 worth of pre miums olTered for all kinds of grain and grass cvhiblts to individuals, col leges, lodges, church societies, corn clubs and neighborhood clubs. The implement dealers, manufactuics of farm machinery, gasoline engines, automobiles aud pianos, breeders of line stock, bankers and business men of twenty states have made the list possible by their Interest in the big show. "". ist of the premiums oll'crcd are modern farm equipment or articles like pianos, steel ranges and furniture for the farm homes, lodge or club ui ' ' . .1 i ;;pi.iit . i'mnhn, L'ln lirmlsh-iw Moiiilav. Mil t to Ollea- ; MWnii Wnlkcr went to Campbell TiiPMlny. Hernnr.l Me.Wny wonl to Lincoln, Wednesday. Miss Ada simlu cam in from L'H. C it a, Tnc'dny. I llalph lluti'.t r wa down from Inn v.ik. Moin'uiy. tVxnlr r,.,v.i.,n Mi..i r-. ii..i. railo. Wediu-silav. j Percy Adams has been on the sick list all this week. Mrs. May Wilson I doW'll froltl was Cathertou. Monday. Miss Addie Thomas of Cowles was in town Saturday. Attorney Saylor and wife returnud from Kearney Tuesday. Miss (Settings of Superior, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Paul Pope. Mable Winfrv went to Omaha to visit her sister. Wednesday. Miss Lose McGuire returned from Orleans. Wednesday morning. Miss Ma Pcttit of Guide I Sock was a visitor in the city this morning. Miss Li-uora Klmberly was home fiom Hastings the lirsj of the week. Don and Mildred Fulton returned from Iloldredge the last of tlm week. Mrs. I'eatris Hurley of Denver, ! visiting her grandfather, I) IS. Span ogle. Mr. Dunn leturned Monday from Salt I.. k.. where he has been on months vacation. Fred McKeebv left Saturday night for Pueblo. Colorado, after visiting his mother, Mrs. Fred McKc-by. Mrs. U M, trabill and daughter Jessie, leave today for Denver, for a two weeks visit with her son Karl. For Sale thuee thoroughbred Short horn bulls. Can be seen on farm two miles southwest of uidc Hock. John oiimsii in:. Greatest cleaner oil earth for cut glass, silver or gold. Ask for trial package. Full sie package v. cents. - Xl'WIIOt Sl. l!llO. Lecture: "Church Ordinances" by Prof. Haruly of Mcl'licison. K'as., at the ISrethreii church. Sunday evening. July H, at eight o'clock. (Juartet music. Mrs. Mary Harris Armour of Georgia is expected to occupy the platform for one of her popular addresses at our Chautauqua. She is said to be the most inspiring woman on the platform and is engaged for many Chautauqua dates in our state and elsewhere. If you are interested in the prohibiton of the liquor tratllc in Nebraska be sure to hear her deliver her thrilling lec ture, "Why Georgia Went Dry,"' She is endorsed ly leading ministers, bishops and speakers all over the south and east, in some instances the press g'lTlng her as much space as they would a president or world known diplomat. KenadvWIIscn. On Wednesday evening occurred the marriage of Miss Ethel Kenady to Kev. Chas. A. Wilson, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Kenady, Kev. Stilller otllciating. The bride is one of the well and favorably known young ladies of our city, numbering as her friends all who know her. The groom has lived here but a few mouths, coming from Pennsylvania in the winter to take the pastorate of the ltaptlst church, and during that time he has, by his pleasing personal ity and genial manner, made for him self many friends. The bride and groom departed Thurs day morning for Pittsburgh, Pa., where Mr. Wilson will assume the pas torate of a church, and there they will make their future home. The Chief joins the large circle of friends iu extending congratulations, and wishing the happy couple much of happiness und prosperity in their new home. Real Estate Transfers. For the week ending Tuesday, July 1.1, furnished by the Fort Abstract Co. L. H. Fort, Manager. Franz C Hu c'iow to Charles Pus- chow, pt se n-i-10, wd 1 Karl lhisehow to Louis C Piesi ger, sw 1-4-10, wd 1 Charles Husehow to Fran. C Husehow. ptse 4-1-10, wd 1 Louis C Pieslger to Charles Hus ehow, sw I 1-4-10, wd 1 Charles L Kottwlt. to William Kort, se 8-1-10, wd Kmcllne Warren to Sulia S War ren, lots 7 to 13, lllk ll, Smith V Moores add to lied Cloud wd 1 1 too I .()() Sl.V.MM Mortgages filed, S3.I.M). "Mortgages released, llui. Letter List. Llsl of letters remaining uncalled for at postofllco at Hod Cloud, Neb., for tho week ending July is 1008. ( laud Dlegel, Mavble Turpen. o. H. Thomas. L. J, I'hry, J. V. Wilson Tlieso will bo sent to tho dead lotter olllco July 31st 1003, if uncalled for i,0r-,,.o, Wlion calling for nbovo please i. 4 "h ' T. C. iUcKhti, Por.tmnter. ELLIOTT A. KOYL. NtaflJil M07 OIL ll Is Willi plea-ire that wo present lJiliott A. lto.l. He lias the rare faenl- ly of eonib'nin,.' - !ioIarhip and oia- tory. Some Kv'uies are fil'od with wln.'nily thought, some with wit and tnimoi', mmie with sentlimnt. autl some nredrotnntie: but in lhoo ieetures yon have a wealth of thought worthy of ' sehnlnr. mnde lumin.nis with wit and humor, beautiful by word p.ivtil- lugs, eleeli'llled ly dramatic '"Mi ee and, best of all. the whole is sanctified b- good common seite. If yoif w-ai.t . ifn,i,l. wltiv. cut t'tatntmr. i-liii moil t and scholarly lecture: one that will be an incentive to realizing the fullest possibilities of man; nleetutethat will! make your community better, then se cure Klllott A. ISovL and vou can rest 1 - i assurred that neither committee nor people will be disappointed. Mr. , IS yl has been with us two seasons,' We have neer had a complaint on I him, and his "l'tra Flue" reports, i both to us and In Lyceumitc. outnum ber all his others. We icecivcd hut J one report on him last season below loo. I The American woman iias reached a pmut where she is taking the keen st interest in the polities of her country longer left fot the Kn-jlish woman to claim that she, among the women of the world, is without a peer as an ardent follower of things political. The Aniei cm woman is now coining forward as a warm political enthusiast. "Such Is the deduction drawn b. oh servers who have been watching the ntteiiileiieo of Woman at the Denver convention and who watched the attendance of lhcfcmlniiic contingent at tin' it cent Republican convention at Chicago. Old attendants at American c inventions declare that never before hu' e the convention halls been thronged with as many women as hii" beeti the ease this year. I!aliv itt Womr.r. Kansas. Sunday school iu the morning. Ual 1,'iit '.'oi'loch iu the afternoon in siiiiuh y Julv .'tli. Some outsule help will be pit-sent to help with the ccr cises All are cordially iuntid to at tend. Wood's Liver Medicine (In liquid form, pleasant to take) For Chills, Fever and Malaria Headache, Biliousness, Constipation and all other symptoms of deranged Liver quickly overcome. A tonic to the entile system, Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Blood The $1.00 bottle contains nearly 2J limes the quantity of the 50c size. Prepared only by the PINEULE MEDICINE CO., CHICA60, ILL. Fly Time The fly season is now on. Do not allow your horses to be tor mented by the pests when a little money expended in a set of llynets will protect them. A lare line to select from. Also a complete stock of harness and harness sundries. Repairing promptly done. JOE FOGEL North of Damerell Itloek 4k --. -r., &W1IIS 'Rremium Hams andiBacon Fresh Meats Koon Bros Red Cloud, mtt sli Wis inl JLv rm.- "i i w im BW5llllillk Wllll tymiM P Q8& llli-'-J.tji Mm I book liOOK rffl2iBKSHXWJWv73KsaEI "Look at the fine Dress Shirts in our south window for SO These are bitf bargains. Wc have plenty more inside. Come in and ask to see them. While yon are inside ask to see our line of of light-weight Two-piece Suits, Straw Mats, Thin Underwear, Light-weight Sox, and Oxford Shoes We can fit you out in just the right style. Gouiden-Kcriey ALWAYS RF LIABLE Jrsf Door .Vnrfi nf Postofflcc. Vysy"VfsA' NsYVVvvfs. v JV iijezu.uar.urOTjty.xxj; 1 FULTON MARKET f FOR Bargains in A B G Goods i fcrrratrsaL.-. :: K.utwafsavmTj: FflKJIERS should inspect our DELAY A L CREAM before investing in a machine. All we ask for the DeLaval is a trial, and we would like to have you take one out and give it a fair test along side of any other separator made. It will cost you nothing to make the test. You will keep the best, and we are sure that one will be the DeLaval. A 430 pound capacity separator for $75.00. WW you give It a trial? Red Cloud Hardware aund Implement Co. WM. WOLFE. Secretary. Warning Notice We are arranging to move into otJtier, quarters, which will necessi tate reducing our stock about $2000 on account of getting less space. To do this at this season of the year means a beg sacrifice. No RE- s SERVE. Everything goes at some ; price to make a quick reduotion, as we aim to make the change by Au gust first. book I ? Glothing Go. ? WVWVvVvvVvN - vyssS Groceries MiiiiK better on the mat hot. "Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser." Hotter than lye or ktmp. ( leans every thing. Ft i.ton M viiKi t, Damerell Blk 'vvAvAvAvAWW' K i f i jj it m rw 3 .l .. i 1 1 .. VI i hit! r.l 4 M i ri ii k i i M VII IS H 1 m I i: J :J ALBRIGHT BRJPS. Y W2i