The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 17, 1908, Image 1

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' vwr"r
qiMn Hiotorionl Society
i .rf
Vxl llJLLjil
A NMSpaiir That Hives lhe "Newi FlfD-Ht Weeks,li lev Far One Dallar.
KED rLOri), N131JUASKA, .It'LV 17. I OO.s. . NUMISJSR 2i)
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c.rrasrauna3KBirnis7n:rzsBCRT-r-aacaCTaTCini rnqtrrg?rn:iLi.uttirrftixBj3mjrattjyiMi.- imijvr-rm-n.
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'I'" i.r llownoi Kin u.
p (ict.t'.cmcti. Being n- 11 sli'il
S3cC:c!v Viins HrM T 0 liiMiir.s an
Cloud 1'iilic.s tito Third.
T! . lavtili-,cs 1 .-! t' Hist
:i Monsoon
Deaths .mil Funerals.
in builo.i'g committee 1 n tin .mm f .Mciooi: .Mono i, afternoon lv u
day of .Uuii' iw.H carefully examined vwulsiiil, IJi-.I t l.nul was in a
It!, school building for the purpose of bail frtppU'tl coinlilidti oth two ui'ti
considering its safety and lind the con- tn their accustomed pla -s. H..;.il
ditiotis as follow.: Smith unit Admits being on tin sick
I. The footings arc not built of suf- list and Schootiovci h.irdly :ilU' to
tteent width and depth to carry weight play. Doctor Nelson was Hciit in to
of wall' therein-allowing building to the. llring line ami the bombardment
iw'ijii1 Iiii, I.i I iy wit-r In' nn
'Mill" I. 1.11 J1J SllllltSH till! l)(l"ll', lll Jo
I! ' 11 i, 1 liotiiuli tor ili I nut the iu- Jj
Kioguti'ti commonly known as t lu fi
Mn click, on the afternoon of nW'AvVRv.WW.v.v.wvAAV.VE'.v
K'utu' Wednesday. .Inly !., buckle on tlii'ir n.irb u uini.nv
v.iii ,. I'.. .fVlb.
nutting clonics anil win a game on the
home gt minds. K Hot the uliovo
im.)ysin I'MMisabli' in tho faco of
stti'li -i Iiuppoiiiiirt' It K
was tltM-fi' wliilo it lastod. Two baso
There are four leading makes of watches
on the market and vc sell them all. You
can make no mistake in buyirg one of us.
Our extra large line gives you practically
unlimited choice. No matter the size or
grade, we have them. Cases of all grades
enabling you to buy the watch you want.
A written guarantee with
them. Price always held
We invite inspection and comparison of
goods and prices.
Satisfaction or Your Money Hack.
J. On ncu iitnt of hullulnjr M'ttltii on b.ills. iLsinU-anda twobaso lilt and
tin" walls in numerous places have e ntpleil with two errors by the Doctor
eraehed and settled or spread apart to and one by .Saline with two Udders
such mi oMent that they me unsafe.
.1. I find the footings have settled
outward, which fact lias caused the
outside four inches of bride worlt to
lit cab loose from its bonds and become
sepatated from its baching.
J. The building brick being of in-
c loiecs gave Me Oiiu seven scores
which wii a very commanding lead.
Saline finished the game and though
they hit Saline, he was able to keep
them from only scoring once on his
delivery. Credit should be given i up
tain Schoonover for arranging his line
mil his slnli artists so as to be able
( lark M Storej was born lit Komo
i N. , April 7 Mil. and died at tho
home of his son .lohn near Cowles,
Tuesdav mornliiL'. .lulv II. iinw. n.r...l
Masterly pitching, sharp lidding iir, years. ;t niontlis and T duvs, tho iiu
mi.l line siippott, mul tho toant hatting mediate cimse of his death being con
when hits meant, runs enabled tho gittlon of the heart.
Mavericks to shut out MeCook to 0. i3,:i .r. storey moved to Wiseott-
MeCook was spellbound by tlio Htn. and several years later, in 18.'.!, ho
snpeib pitching or Clegg mid only , went to California. In isito , was
o c they any ways near at tempt- married, his wife living In this city in
lug to .spoil tho ciphers, that was In k,h:i. Sis children,' four boys mid two
the lirth inning, Hoosen hit to leftllnld girls, were born to tliein. The glrlH
tor two base, Mooiisstntok out, Smith , aro both dead.
. I..... ...... 1 ll.....l.ll.. . . I r. ... I. . i. ...I ...
!.iilli-ii uimniiua ilium tiuur nu Mini M More.V mill Ills fmililv CUIIO to
scooped up Klliott's grouniler thou this county in H7S. just thirty veura
H.iggeity pitched ball ami stiuck out ago, and he was probably one of tho
rtiiapoaiKi iiarpor, mm .mci ook was best known men in Webster county.
every one of
at the lowest
Jmkrs and Opticians
I. & M. Watch Inspectors
P let lor quality when building was up and bis slali artists mi as to be able
1 elected have with age and the action to present a formal line up for Tiles
5 ' of the elements been congealed so they day and Wednesday. Though tin'
S ' have lost their life and sticngtb. this game was lost, after Nelson's bad
? ' b.'ing especially so with the exposed , inning the game was well plavdl. lied
I lii'iek. I Cloud scored their solitary run in the
5! .'.. Tlicrc is every evidence that the llrst inning, llruill r 10k singled. Saline
I lloor joist are not pi operly anchored, bit safe advancing I'.raihlie to tbli.l.
S I this in part has allowed the building ' Schoonover bit and scored Itraddie.
? ' to spread. Masters singled but Saline was put to
Wall Paper, Paints end
S Contractor for Papering, Painting and Interior Dcc-
$ orating. Pine r.aper hanging a specia'ty. Acme
brand points. Hell phone 296.
,rti.i. .oiislil.Tlnir theaboe facts and sleep on third base. Walters was out
estimating the strength of walls in to tlrst on a double play on which fie
their present condition I consider tbe' captain was caught at the plate
building unsafe beyouil a doubt. 1 Though tbe Mme-leks hit the ball
Kespectfully submitted. , with an ever lasting vim. they could
C. W. Wa Architect. ' not bunch their hits when they meant
It would seem to us that this report, runs. Koblnsnn and Schoonover made
coming from Mr. Way, whose ability , some sensational plays and the pitch-
and standing as an mchitect isuiuiues- ing of Saline helped to make the game
tioned, should put an end '.to the talk liked by all present Score.
about repairing the old building in the U I! 11
southward. Let us all forget that McCool: 7 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 8110
the building is theie. and all unite in lied Cloud . . .1 u it o 0 0 0 0 ()--1 II J
the new one eompleteil thai Two oasc mis a. inner, iwiiniu
the children may have a wife and eon- plays, I'.ennett to It. l'uller to S.
vonient ip'.nce in which to
sdves with an education.
til them- ler. Moons to I). I tiller. Moorehcal to
K. I'ullerto I) I'liller. I'mpiretiravos
Time onchonrand twenty-iive min itcs.
Struclcout by Sallna .", Moorehca 1 I.
Itase on liallsoll kelson 1. Saline I.
ISatterlcs Nelson, Saline and Saun
ders: Mooiehead and llosper.
I'ituules f..r backache, little golden
globules, eay and pleasant to take.
Act directly on the kidneys purify the
blood and invigorate the entircsystem.
llest f r backache, lame back, kidneys
and bladder. Ill) days trial SI. tlttar
anteed. Sold by Henry Cook.
WM. PVriHN, Urop.
I ant prepared to servo 11 squaro meal
at all times at '-'.") cents 11 meal. Ice
erpatn. summer drinks, confectionery,
eyes result from their use. Do not dgars and tobacco. Farinors, trade 11
gripe or sicken, (Jood for all the specialty. Hoard mul room by day or
family. Sold by Henry Cook. week. Give me a call.
Sick head ache and bilousiicss re
lieved at once with King's Little Liver
Tills. A rosy complexion and clear
Special Sale of Thin Goods
for Hot Weather
All Lawns and thitvSummer Goods at
one-third off. Don't want to carry
any over for next year, so will sell these
at a price that will move them.
Hargains in Laces and Embroideries.
Some of these have insertions and
edges to match. All go at one-half
price marked. Did not mark these up
for this sale; all go at one-half the old
Wash Belts
Embroidered Wash Belts at 5c and 25c
Muslin Underwear
Skirts with three rows of Yal. insertion
and edging at $1.00.
Three clasters of tucks and hemstitch
ing, embroideried flounce, at $1.25.
Embroidered insertion 2 1-2 inches
wide with embroidered insertion to
match, 2.25.
Special in Corsets
All 5oc corsets and girdles at 40c.
Gauze Underwear
Children's pants at 15c.
.Children's vests at 6.',c to 2-c.
Ladies' gau.:e vests at 10c to oc.
Ladies' gauze pants at 15c to 50c.
Ta& 3sj npsLJri
A-liL& A;.
"ff 1 '
lliiin stopped the see .nd (.ame in the
liist half of the seventh inning. ne
Took having the lead .". to '.. Iln-iis
anil a few rnttk decisions b iheiimpiic
lost another game for the Mavericks
to MeCook. Masters pitched for the
Maverliks and pitched a lino game
giving two walks, ." hits and striking
out nine men in six innings. MeCook
could do nothing iu the first inning.
In tho second they looked dangerous
but the pitching of Masters stood off a
scort. In the third, Elliott singled,
Hunter was given a base on balls' by
Mr. Ci raves, Dennett hit to Musters
who threw wild to third and Klllot
scored, Fuller hit to Saline, and Dob
ucr muffed the ball letting Hunter
score, during the play Wultcrs was
spiked and forced to leave the game.
Reynolds blew out, U. Fuller also and
Itossen out to first, two scores. Fourth
mid fifth innings, Masters pitching
striking out fh'o men and one II y out
they could not see first. In the sixth
they scored three runs, four hits mid
an error by Itraddie and an out. Ked
Cloud scored one lu the llrst. Itraddie
hit the ball for three bases mid Itohucr
was out from pitcher to first. Schoon
over hit to short who fumbled the ball
and Ilradilic scored. Masters hit into
a double play and then went out. In
the second, third and fourth sharp
fielding by MeCook kept Mavericks
from scoring. 1 11 the fifth Clegg sing
id and was caught on second owing
to a luck of team work, allowing I!ob
inson to reach first. Saline was out
to short ami Nelson singled, and Smith
was out to short. -No runs. In the
sixth Draddle singled, lfo'iner singled
Schoonover hit to f.hort and Draddiej
was forcid u at third. Masters sing
led, after p.i-scd balls had allow, d
Ito!.t.i'i and r'i hooimvor to rem h s. eond
and thiid. i-e.ning them both. Mas
teis nai 1 e.l seciiiid 0:1 a passen ball
but was caught out on thirl ly Mr.
(iravc. Clegg walked but Itubinson and then it rained like blae.
MeCook. ...11112 'l 0 .1 ', fi 1
Ite.l locd...l 11 0 n 11 '.'a 7 1
Datteries Masters and llohuer: Rey
nolds mid llosper.
Struck out by Masters '.1; Reynolds!.
Ilase vn balls, Masters '.',
Three base lilt, Hradbrook.
Double play llennett to D. Fuller to
II. Fuller. Umpire Craves.
never near scoring again. Onl two
hits wcmi made, oil" Clegg and he passed
only one man, shikiug nut thiitceu
men, captured 0110 put out, had tlueo
assists, only man ing his superb play
ing by error! tig Harper's grounder al
lowing him to teach Hi Bt. Hradbrook
ihnerves special mention for his bat
ting, capturing n three bugger mid a
double. Also Sulitin hit for two base
hit and a .single out of three times tip.
S.'hoonover's work in center was a
featuto capturing three hard diives.
Ilraddio iu tho llrst inning hit for two
bases but was caught at third, lu tho
second Walters singled and reached
second on an error of tho llrst base
man. Saline hit for two bases scoring
Will' pis. ClegK beat out a bunt, Smith
was hit by the ball and Nelson hit into
a double play going out at llrst an 1
I Saline caught at the pan, one run. In
tho third Schoonover singled uud was
sacrlllccd to seeoti 1 but was catiuht
ntthitd. lu (ho lirth tho real llie
works bewail IS. Smith the llrst man up
walled to Hi st on four balls, Nelson
singled and then 111" little llraddie
learned against one of l!uuuult's fur
I'ariiiud dope balls for three big linn
g y sacks seoriiiL' Siuitn and Nohon.
S-Jclioouover Hew out t j left He'd mid
Uoliuor struck out, twr. runs. The
sixth on a wsrli, a hit ii'il a s'l.-tillcc
got tueii lo Ihii'il at..! sec uid but could
not ccoie them, but wo had enough,
tho 1 ust of tho game wnt one, two,
tin eo and the crowd went home happy.
The game was fust and was not marred
by any unfair decisions mk eveiyono
was happy. Now lor Superior. Score.
MeCook 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 '' 1
Hod Cloud. ...U10020000 .'I S 2
Three baso hit Hradbrook, two base
hit Saline, Hoosou, and Hradbrook.
Sjcriflco hits Hohuer and Smith.
Struck out by Clegg 1.1, Hennott 3.
Oase on balls Clegg 1, Bennett 2. Hit
by pitched ball Smith. Batteries,
Bennett and Harper, Clegg and Boh
tier. Time oue hour ami fifteen min
utes. Umpire Perry of Franklin.
Huirali for the girl rooters.
Now fop Superior. Watch our boys.
lie is survived by his four sons, II. 0.
of I're.scott, Arl.j Fd of St. Joe, Mo.j
.lohn of Cowles. mid Paul of this city.
The funeral services were held from
the lesidcnec of John Storey near
Cowles Wednesday, and the rcinaiuu
buried iu the lied Cloud cemetery.
The Chief joins with a host of
friends In extending sympathy to tho
bereaved sons and their families.
License was granted to lieo. 11.
Sell of Ulverton, Nebr. and Beatrice
N. Main of Franklin, Nebr.
License was granted to Clias. A.
Wilson and F.tliel K'cnady of this city.
U.tate of Hra. A. Case. Hearing
and order on claims. No claims tiled.
Hstate of .lohn Itoone. Decree on
liual account.
Mstate of Harriett Nelson. I'ctiti n
for administration. Order of hearing
.Inly ','Uth.
II. (i. Sawyer vs C li a i, K 1:. For
trial '.I uly rinl.
Free Mandervillc vs Al T. Smith.
I'.r trial .lulv Ist.
Order to Sluw Cause.
fl' ' the Cuiuity Court:
AlnCimiilr Ciiurl lilu nt tin UiiuiiIt Court
v"0!' i'io" 'or',,,(1,!0"",T'"lrllT.,,ny!,llli
In ilie. mil ler of the ei'ute of Harriett Nclauu,
tin rrmliiiKKiiil 111 iikIIh pftltlonof Krmik 3.
N'liiiirayliiKtiulairuliiUlrlloii of hI1 ex
ttn tic crnntea to I.orlna (llll.crt, AilmlnU
tutrix. Onlcreit. tint We.lnely. the OTIh Uy of July
A I)., IWS. at one 'clock p m Ix tnUutd for
ucrlnK uid trillion, when all erani Intercut
eil la mhi matter ran appear al a County Court
to b heli! In ami fur 11IJ County and ahamr
cii why prayer of aalil itliloner abouM not
tie irauted ; ami thatnotliaof the peadency t
aid patlilou aad lb bearlni thereof t glren tn
all paiiani Intareilad in laid mattar. bj pub
llililiif acopyofthla order In the Ited Clouil
Chief, a weekly nnwapapr printed In aalil
caiinty, for three connecuilra weaka prior tu
aaldday of bearliif.
1. W. Eoaoir.
e'-l . , Cauuly Judge,
iitfuo.Ju y 101 wk.
At last Mr. Bounett got his bump
Koiuir L'oinif irone Hurrah for Bnul Bees Laxative cough syrup recom-
goiug, f,omg, kone. nurran ror liruu- mended by mothers for young and old
"l0 1 is prompt relief for coughs, colds,
Every littlo bit helps, uud that goes rro"n. Imrsciiess, whooping cough,
as we me still two games ahead of Mc Si'aSJSShortlirke';
L,0"k- household. sl ''.V Henry Cook.
Tn I HI) Uamk.
Great gubi of joy. Huukots of joy
Let joy be unrestrained and uncon
fined. Let it spread out and inundate
Why Buy
A Monument of Us
9 - 9
IHiCAUSL Our designs are made by the very
best artists in the country.
HICAUSE- Our material is first-class.
HKCAUSK All work is done with pneumatic
tools, giving that distinguished look
to every monument.
BECAUSE Our prices are right. Many other
reasons we could give but call and
see for yourself or drop us a card.
OveringBros. & Co,
Artistic Monuments.
440448 N. Webster. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA
i' H