. ... i-.,;:1.wmv'xiw vtynir"? 7 vfvugttfmiKrn'jt.'' f0. , 1 iwa juiiumuinmjM!.iutuuiji.iijiimuuuiii. C ASCHULTZ . Photographer r.imlly irmni ( Hii.lt'iil v j'u'irt.-. I" ' "' !.' n-il Uli.i-li. v CHAS ALLSOP Mason t'tiii'iit win'!: a pi'uVtv. Jo! ciniiil. ,.... U30wiwrrawgiaffiwwwgicwwriw There may be piana as good 'as the " AP A E i rn (LI il kTxfiliti (t( To Sobir.sc n & Son !' ' oi ucjiI a v: ...,. ,) .., fl . . t .. V.i a ! tin:. ,iii In ,,,(.! t or w t. Iti st.iur.itii. Suf! ili',n:. i v.'as k 0 hmm inrrFrXve. Fiftieth St.NewYorl4M WSSf mi m mm i w w& PRFII Ei 9Up EL iiL kL nvnLi: 1 li.ivc secured the agency of this famous piano for this territory, and have just rccei m1 a new shipment of the styles shown on tins p ,ro DIRKCT FROM TIIK FACTORY Oh" KOIlLliR & CAMPBKLL IX NMW YORK CITY. Tlif Wy dealers say th.it a "litth- one-hors stop- iter that , m't buy direct from the manufacturer." IF I CANNOT PROYF. TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION THAT I DO U" AT 1 I KM H WD, I WILL MAKE YOU A PR1-.SFNT OF THE FINEST PIANO IN STOCK. I stat:.' nuiy to prove my utciucntst ami .;. . - ' ' ..'.- rented. "tt"Bm "QdlMflNt tftHiSIHVHn! 1 Beware of "SPECIAL SALE" pianos and prices. Pianos left over at one sale are usually shipped on to another, and a factorv representative will often devote MONTHS of his time in one little town. HOW MANY SUCH REPRESENTATIVES DO YOU THINK A FACTORY WOULD HAVE TO EMPLOY TO COVER THE ENTIRE COUNTRY? "Special Sales" are not in good favor with the legitiment trade in St,i,t,,:i-f Pi.vios. You can buy Hcttcr (iooUs, at ;. Prins, from a dealer who ". . .v7 .: i.tr :, ,i .' i. '?. and you can buy on just as easy payment. The "Special Sale" fellow does not rely upon his PIANO OIWL1TY, b.it rather upon his TALKING (HWLITY. POTTER BLOCK, J0O YOU GI5T UP WITH A IVAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who i cads the news papers is sure "to know of the wonderful CUK'S lliaili' ,"i- Jir, I Kilmer's Swamp I Hoot, thr; teat kitl IL ney, tr and bkuU I - dcr remcuy. ' It is the urcnt med ical triumph of the liiiicli'ciitli eentiir : ilicnit.r.il ftf li.r vinr4 -U IF" I r-SaB f scientific research fl'1 UL by Dr. Kilmer, the ' i-"'" eminent Kumey ami bladder specialist, and is wonderfully fmccessful in promptly curing lame back, uric ncid, catarrh of the bladder and llriRlit's Disease, which is the worst fonn of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will Iks found just the remedy you need. It has Ixren tested in so miTny ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that n ttpccinl arrangement has been made by -which ull readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample lmttlc sent free bv mail, alson look tell ing more alxmt Swamp-Root, and how to findoutifyouhavekidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinghaniton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one- dollar SIZC liottles are Home of Bwamp-noot. Bold by all. good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Uoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, und the address, Uinghamtou, IN'. Y., on Kvery bottle. UIIEUMATISSI CUUKI) IN A DAY Dr.l)ctchoii Ucllef for lUicnmallun ntul Neural KU radically enrto In 1 1o:HIr. ltnartldaiipon tbe fytlcm retnHrknlilo ami mKtcrluini, It removes at onco ilia canto ami HioiIKchko lm ratHllatuh 1li.Rpi'arK. Thi Urn iloso Krcatlj lA'm-tltH. 75 criUSHiid tl. sola b) II. K.Olilci. dmsKlbt, Hcd Cloud. Annual Estimate of Expenses ami Report of Revenues Received. The followhiK l Did annual cMlmuto of ex liiK(of i In- tirohalilo atnonni of money nceo Krv lor all tmrpofOh to lie rali-il In iliu clly of lltd Cloud, NebrakB,iliirliiK the I'litiiliiK Ut-cul year: , , Kor olllcf rn' mliitli's "or Ptri'tin anil ulleyi I'orllitCHilon for kiiiiiillcK unit prlullia: Yor niHiiitennm e f water w orRa ForlnU'ro'toii watrrtiomU V,,r liMiTrKt 1)11 I'lCPlrlC llslll tKlIlllh . $IUK)C0 1.IMO UU NUI III WOOD 1 1 no im Mlllll I'ori'oiiilinti'iit imd liii'lilcnml oxpciiK'i. !w n l"or jiidKiiiunt r mill t(!!,,'ki PorMroet IIkIiiIiik.. , , .., luro l'uruinlnteiiiiiec uf clwiiU Unlit works Mm) Total ...$il.sOoiX) TUo rnllowtllK l ii Ktaten fin of the f lltllii rev cimcki'f tuld fll) ot Itdl t'lund fur tho pnl IU- cal )art Oollcetccl on Kiuicral f iiinl Ocrunallnn tux collected Colluded on water iiiml ISlectrlo IIrIh laml coltiM'.ijij. U'ater vj (mil i'i llui ut .... Jtlcetrlo IlKlit le collet tcil., . JudBrneiu (mid cullcetcd . (I.OMJOu . 4.101 0) .. I.IKiHi .. i,io mi ... sju m Total .. W),WiW Approved JuutMM.., 'Atteiil; l: U. Fort, City Clerk. 1 HWf mu BUT NOT AT THE PRICE Their Enormous Sales Prove It Over 80,000 Now in Use The "KOHLER & CAMPBELL" is in THE STANDARD GRADE OF RELIABLE PIANOS; is sold at a price within' the reach of all, and is GUAR ANTEED to last as lon and give as ood satisfaction as any piano made, RE GARDLESS OF COST. ". Each piano is POSITIVELY GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTUR ERS AGAINST ALL DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL PRACTICALLY FOR ALL TIME. If you have not E.SED Upstages KEEPING THEM BOTH IN LINE, Juct One of the Tribulations of Mod:rn Statesman. the "Si'iiiUnr." said the prlvato st-rro-Invy. "Iicrc'ii n h'tlor ftom (In ilitor i.f the Skotlunk Ihiek'. who wantB to know how you stand on tin- (jmilon nl icpoallui; th tariff on wood pulp ' "Tell him," sidd Si-nator IHilnum-r. "that" "Hut lu'ic's ono ftom a paper man-1 iifuclurci who wiljos to ask you If you an1 koIiik to allow the sonscU-ss clamor of irresponsible newspaper men to Inlluenre you against the great , principle of pioteetlon to home Indus-j tiles, and cause you to vote for the re-. peal or the most righteous and neces sary tariff on wood pulp." "H'm!" mused the eminent states- man. "William, send the editor's let ter to the paper manufactuier and tin paper manufacturer's letter to the editor, and explain to each In strict confidence that u public man who Is j trying to servo his country has to ( stand this sort of rot from Ignorant or prejudiced constituents who seek to i i!lsiincli him f Kim the faithful ner fnrnililin. llf lllh KWOII1 lllltV b'UOSll!" I , Found Room for the Stamp. ; The other day a lady who lives In a ' town near this clt sent her little nm to the post olllce to mall a letter, and when he leturned thtee or four hours later she cpiitloned him concerning the errand. ' ".lohnny," said she. "did you mall my letter as 1 told .ou'.'" "Yes." answered .lohnny, "hut thp man weighed It and said I would have to put on another stamp." "I didn't know that It was heavy. enough for an extra stamp." iespond-1 ed the mother. "You didn't put it onj so that It would cover the address, did Mm?" i "Oh, no," was the prompt reply o ( .lohnny. "I saw that there wasn't much loom, so I Just put It on lop ol the first one." l'hlladelphla Tele graph. Absent-Minded Statesman. Representative William II. Hyan ol Buffalo was getting leady to go home for tho Christinas holidays. He packed his 1 1 unk carefully, but thought It looked as If It needed roping. So he sent downstalis lor tho potter of his hotel and gae Instructions. Thr potter came up and crossed and crlas ciossid the Hunk with lope until It was llxi'd to gu to Asia, to say nothing i of Buffalo. II) an felt In hU puckot for a mint, tor to give to tho portor. Then he sat down suddenly and exclaimed: "Well. I'll be darned!" "What the matter hogs?" ask'od the portor. ".Matter enough," yollod Ityan. "I've loft ull my money nud my lallroad ticket In a pair of trousers I packed In that trunk." your purcbasec why not call eHL g$ Mm mis? M if i s HER DAY OF SPRINGTIME GON. Woman Forced to Recofjnisc Ruthless Hand of Time. the "I have dlBPOvorod that I am middle jred." slie haid, ii.un her l'.uri froi" v trip down town locently. Siie who each year, upon the ii-curreure of In r hlithday, declnros her nvo to b" lis t'xpcptlng the assertion to I ncce' ed by her U'latlvea and Irlnuis; -!! who was supposed to linvo i!lscore(! j tho secret of perpetual youth, sank wilted into the Morris chair. "1 liavo ildden today on three lines of cars," she explained. "I staited down town by the trolley line, trans firrlng to the elevated, and came home by tho subway. 1 stood up all the way down town and all the way home," sho walled. "And that proves " "That 1 am no longer young, neith er have 1 yet become old. I am simply and unattractively middle aged. "When a very oung woman enters a crowded car a scoie of men Jump to their feet; when a young woman enteis a dozen rise; when one 'still oung' conies In at least one or two "'"'" " "ffPrt'll ! the woman with white hair, bowed shoulders and fal teilng feet has no trouble In secur-l lug a seat. Hut, alas! for the middle aged! She appeals neither to the j spit It of gallantly nor of chivalry, to admliatlon nor leverence. "l have stood In a car today for the first time In mv lernlhetlon. I accept the Hat. I am middle aged. Itilng me a cup of tea." GET KNOWLEDGE OF BUSINESS. One Corporation Publishes a Book for New Employes. Text A large eoi potation has lately shown Its appreciation of the valuo of gllng new employes a thorough general knowledge of the business by publishing a book describing in an In tel estlng lashlou till the details of the ! company's work, says System. It Is a volume of over 1100 pages, 11 lust nited with fac simile cuts of va rious leports and other forms used. A cop Is furnished every employe, and ho Is expected to master not merely tho lottlons peitalnlng to his own work, but the etitho book. (JuUzeYs tire held at frequent Into. .als thiotighout the organtatlon and illsmlfsal Is the penalty for ignorant1" of any subject tinted In the voluui". "It costs about .$2,000 to publish thla book," tays the president of tho com pany, "but wo consider It money well invested and wo nro planning to Issue a new and up-to-date edition ovary .onr. "When n man enters our employ ho Is told to read this manual and do nothing else until ho has thorough ly mastered It. Tills Uvea him a general knowledge of tho buslnosH, and If thero arc any points-ho does not understand they nro cleared up before ho begins work." and TAB.& 8TT VER REW GLOMB, (rJvHHJliyjii c V"' 'w'J; xvJl ill la ial 'cf u v. Bjnikr Dealers KEO CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Wo huvo in stock at all times a comploto line of Building Material nud Good Coal. Our prices aio reasonable. Wo solicit your imtron Bge. Bell Tel. CO. Farmers Ind. 71. L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer Keel fence: First door south of Red Cloud .Mill, 101 South Webiter street. Can bo found at home every foro noon. Terms reasonable. PARKER'S HAIft BALSAM Clfarin ami tKnt.ntl Ui hIr. l'lomulri luiuiiinl nnith. Nrvrr Pailii to Itcttoro a7 ltulr to Its Yautbt'ul Color. Curc imlp dli'iM - lulr tilUug. Kv. toil 1 1 0t Dru ! One application of Manan pile remedy, for all forms of piles relieves pain, sooths, reduces inllaintnatlon, soreness and itching. Price I0e. (itiatanteed to Rive hutisfaetiun. hohl by Henry Cook. Wood's liver medicine is for the re lief of malaria, chills and four and all ailments resulting from deranged con dition of tho liver, kidney and blad der. Wood's liver medicine Is a tonic to the liver and bowels., relieves sick hciulnciic. constipation, stomach, kid ney and liver disorders and ncU as a gentle liiNiitlvc. 1 1 is tho ideal remedy tot fatigue and wcaknesh. It's tonic effects on tho entiro system felt with tho Hist dose. The sjl bl.o contains nearly !."j times tho unantltv of tlte .100 hli-.c. In liquid form. Pleasant to tnk. "'" -'" ' n i lll'HIIIHimH I ysvi? -Z5Z ME&SS9ASKA llU?,t?aaSsR fl&fllSftEb r&go (ittmtew Rrmc of (lie choicest Inniif fr craln BrowlD.T, fti ti 1 V-flfbfrirv twl tuKnil fti ciiilnn Im ! nniu tile- trltM o! Saskatchewan und Alberta have rc cintljr been Opciuil forHi'ttli inriit under tt.e Revised Homestead Regulations I'ntry may now be mndo by proxy (on rcrtuln ronilitlonii), by the father. mother, son, daughter, i brother or sister of an Intending homesteader. Thousands of homesteads ol 100 acres cuch are thus now easily obtainable In these crcnt craln irronlni:, stock-ruUInt; and mixed farmlnc lec tions. There you will find healthful climate, cood nclshbors, churches (or family worship, schools (or your children, cond laws, splendid crops, and railroads convenient to market. Kntry fee In co'-h case Is $10.00. For pamphlet, "Last lies t West," particulars ns to rates, routes, best tlmo to go and where to locate, apply to WW IlENNnTT KOt New York Life Hide.. Omaha, Neb. Canadian Government Acent CATARRH &YS ftfi&! Ram mmwm rtv ; i r ouv 7iJN 1SS1 YIA lY-fEVER m 'fcg 5eSj gWYP bLY'S IsREAM ESALM, ' Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. ClSES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, Boothen, heals and protects tho dieii8cd liienibranoresiiltinfrom Catarrh and drives away a Cold iu the Head qnickl v. Ik'Htores tho Hctii-ei of Tinto and .Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drills Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. LnrKo Kizo, fiO cents at Dru'Kiits or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for usi in atomizers, 75 cents. ELY pnOTHERS, GG Warren St.. Now York. PinesaXve ACTSn "" AP0AU"ICE j RELIEVED ALL V0200lSeCl rOItMSOi'SUlHUISEAaE 111:111: Is iti;r.icr FOIt WOMBN. 1 Mother llray. uiirco In Now York dlM-overed nn iiroumtli?. i.uhiiiii licrt cure fur wonicii UN mlleilAl'sl'Jt.M.lAN I.KAK. It ! llieoiily I certain rt'Kiilator. C'lircn fuinalo ucakiif-feB j mill iJHcknclic, klilney. LlaiMor ami tirliiiiry troublcK At nil riniKIHs ar byuinll WrentJ. .,nl T-'M-" H.i ' ' t " r ' - I -h ?w v -' i? "5 3 v i i V3 F-?nvTra vi 1 1 "S i S.' - v - . ' i. J ir v- Jk L'Wl: d:.frra; 1 1 !ui c i I j 1 Oiiiinilliri Mioviln MIxril l .nt; Set-uc In Henry Diecierich i-:m: in Boots, Shoes and Angle Lam;s Repairing1 Neatly Done Woke & Wriarht Engine Repairing a Specially llorsoshn, ',ll;r. I'.lai K- I.V' unci Wiipiiiiunii JACOB ELLINGER Auctioneer Ki:n n.ori). xki:. Karnu rs' phone A s. He.! ;. .me j: Plumb's Flour & Feed Store. Vou Mive money in bnyinc; your .'. ii .".oo-ponnd lots of hi in. H. E. ASHER Veterinarian Rkd Cloud-:-Ni:ukaska At D.u'jotd staii'l City Laundry J. P. HANSON, Propr. riioi-e !2. lio,! Clc-. I, . Fred E. Maurer AT'i-OII.KV-. T-LAV,-Notary I'ublic. IVnsioiis a t-,.o i.ilty. OlVu'C OViT I'dstddl'-O. A, T. Walker IIHAL i:STTI. M).'Sa!i ' lXSLMJAXC!:. Ki'-t )i,, ii- North of r si ii -. W. K. GEER Shoes Shoes made to order. I'epait- work a j.oail'y L. A. HASKIN3 FLOUU, FKEDtmdGHAJN Korosene, Gn.-olino Etc. Thoce "iT O. A. Nelson Veterinary Surgeon Sc Dentist. Omce, m my Baru. L H. FORT Insurance Agent, Abstracter and Notary Public. Dttuieroll Block. Phoue 85-. Dr Nellie E Maurer Dentist Damerell Block. Over Albt flit Bros. Phono '.'Ol . m INSURANCE nRainst Fire, LiRhtnlne, Cy clones and Windstorms, iee NO. B, STANSER, agent for tho Fanners Union Insur ance. Co., Lincoln, Nob., the b; in. surance company intho sNto A MAKE A GOOD INCOME luil I. hii.ltw.f.r Iimti.lt, IfjouLnM.,1 ftll.UHnfrB4ouldlU loiurt ft ircA.,1 t t.it... . no turn ou bw ,,. n. ,,.L. not. mo.., aTC HILL DKIUINI INI) tl'tlNCf'a 11 .n .u f.1 n... v,',1:'., ;); '-, i f . 'a,u"?,i "" 'Lf,'.'.!,' "" "" ;' ''P wt Mm fi roct imiun, V,,H. f.. t.i.i,. tIHtBB A 1& tti.1 full .u(..i.u ..1 . m .... StirDrillingMachineCo.lAliran,U.0Py 60 YEARS" EXPERIENCE' TnADE Marks Designs CopvrttcHTs &.c. Anyone nffnll'is a Blcclrh nmt rtoscrlntlnn may anlclily nsiennln our opinion freo wdctticr hu ltiTOP'lini is it bntjly 1 ifiimiilx ruiiiiuumcn. ItnniMrctlyi iiUdoutl.il HMIDDOOK on I'atcuu unt Jreo. Olilct (lL'ency lurcmurinirnatciiu. I'atrnts lakoit ttiruuuli .Muiin ,t tut rcculvo tfttxilvMM, vrltliuutclinres, lutlio cseutme nmerieaiL A innrtomclr lllnctriitpil weekly. I.nrceit elr riilatluii of nliy rrlcolltln limtnut. 'I'lTim, tJ a i.-itii uf IUUU1113, f i. cuiuuruii TictTBiieiuer. P. P( aCIBrrmHvay.NotV Vnrlr ijJJJTra VJ r --i a