The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 10, 1908, Image 4

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    'VifV '"t"
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?- ,-trjr .jrTiry:?Kgrigr?!M'
15he CHIEF
Rl Cloud - - Nebraska
StUwed lu tlie I'oitomce at Ucil
i Second C!at"t Miiitrr.
r.. p. iihWom-'
tllty tfflccrs
Cwuullmcn, Ii w"l-
Cfruitllmr-ii 2ml r'l
SmM 1'tttil ami w"lcl
Mumhrtl, iIht
MmsSaI. iitxlil
.1. O. (Vlilwell
I. V fori i
.I.O llullor
Kit Amuck
IM ruMl'li'T
..t. A. McAnliur
Alt. Mt'Cnll
Oirnr lliirniiiulis
A 1 smiiy
.loliu Kink
milling In tli.-. plunk f tin1 p'.titf.ii-m
tluit win l'-' ir." I'll' oil t" ti MiMin- any
real liiuiiMvctni-: t in tli.' law. If tin1
President, with all of Ms stri'imoslt.v.
lias not been iiMi- to onforiv tin- crliu
iniil law against 11 s'tigle trust, what
progress ran be male with .such an
nntl-trnst plunk as that inserted In
tlu' republican platform'.'
"There Is a plunk In the platform In
favor of such legislation anil super
vision -as will prevent the future over
! Issue of stoeks ami bonds by Interstate
I'.'irrlers.' I
..mi.!. :. .......I I... I It tw with for
1 111 Ifl 'l'll I. ... I'.v..l'.
the advocacy of 11 pooling arrange
ineiit which makes 11 large concession
Miss Alta Lnrgcn '.- sic'., again.
Everyone goes tlshing these dsiv.
Mrs. .1 til 1:1 Stratt.m Is reported bel
le r this week.
Mrs. Palmer of Ohio N vl-dting with
her daughter. Mrs. .t. .1. Ciiitcll.
Mrs. Cross from over tu Kansas is
visiting hero with her daughter. Mrs.
II. M. Parker anil son Armour Cross.
'I liifMlir a fa.'iilv re. nloii was
u' tin- Immc f I" W. ISoiiin '.
Tin- Decree of' of miMo 1! k
has ovotilvllvc ineinbo's in good
standing .lu'y 1. Thirty-oven belong
l,i 'he benelleial ileparttnetit. After!
i)ii', it'j nil bills, iueluding rent, per-'
eapit.i tux to giand lodge, ete. the.
lodge has on hanil the neat sum of
51 I7..VJ in the general fund. Tlie bene
lleial and emergency fund at present
amount to Sl'.'.Sii eaeh mouth. The
inemoi'lal service of the order will be
Enitilet llngan has purchased a piano ,u.a afu.r ))( iI(lh. .... i'Wulve
his daughter Ethel, who is now ,...-,...,.. iinv.. 1...,..,! and one
taking musle les.ons of Mis, Edna ,.t..i,,tated inco March 'JL Tlie lodge
'tt. ., in !v jjond drill team of eighteen
County Officers.
tv?k lilMtkti'imr.
J mint1 ...
AK'ir . . .
Mi'yV Piilillflii'triii'dou.
..(icii. V. lliilrlilMin
I A. i:Iiiii
i:. V. I'll"
.. .W.C. I'rnlim
I,. II ltliit'klt'iUi'
. .. i). I Mi'Ik'"
II r. semi
Nellli .'st-r
.. . Dr. . II Hull
, (il'O. Oft'llllX
J111. (1 livrriiinii
'.. I. ('Iinillii
Win. Ainli'ts n
(leu V lliiiniri'l
Weather Report.
Tie lustrunu'iital leadings are from
3.,r:inient standard instruiiients o.
junjd In the manner recommended by
Attt chief of the weather bureau:
to the railroads without e.aetinjr any 1
seuurlty to the public for the eonven- .
tlctn voted down an ainendnieiit pro
posed by Senator l.a Toilette's follow
ers authorlinf,' an enlargement of the
powers of the interstate eomineree
eouuniss'.Dii." IIn. I
Mr-, liertiiii .l 'l'i.eron or iiosiw etc :..v,....v... ,,....,.. ...... ....n.i.....,i.v,...,1c;.'
returned ho'iie Tt-esday after 11 visit ' 'Vfiy--!
with her parents. Or. and Mr-.. .1. W. fef Mntfk ik F:elf IM
Like Brva Noh.
l'Vili''lill'll'l is ;
T7 is ' im I
N7 r.H .Ik'l
Ul T.J .' !
H7 M .".!?
7 is .in
Mi ''' .mi
ill t;i .mi
S n
2 .
V'n'i. Tlenr
I H Clcnr
I s rli-iir
Nl. 1 lomly
NK Cli-nr
NV rli-iir
i 'li'ii r
Very respectfully,
3vty 0, 1WW. Cham S. I.i ni.ow,
Co-()lenitlv Observer.
s."r.NA'lo:: AsiiioN of Grand Island
1ms Announced his candidacy for the
-1wn.h1n.tlun on the tlemocratie ticket
U! ConKres.s. Mr. Ashton Is 11 clean
jwin;? man and 11 hustler and will jjlve
the yvople of his district honest repru
scutatlon If elected.
Tut", fact that the machinery trust
litis been able to control legislation
Mtoitgh to cause a prohlbitary tarltV
Vi be put upon nil articles munufact
strwl by them, and that the farmers of
rivlted States have to pay almost
rlfiiMn tln tii-iee for these saine articles the farmers of KnKland and 'k)vn these prejudices.-
W .rl.t lli'Ml I.
NeuspiaieniMi. cumins into Lincoln
ft inn i.tlier cities, are already ff-vatly
Impressed by the chanjtvd and lin
proved attitude of Mneoln people lo
wanl Mr. I'.ryan. Nhe correspondent
of the Kansas City Star, for example,
wires his paper a lout,' story headed
"Neighbors Mke Uryan .No. in
which he says:
There will be no necessity for Mr.
ISrvan Bolnj,' away from home to be
Informed of his nomination, as there
was hi IS'Jfl and limit. Time was
when the very name of I'.ryan was
reviled and jeered hi his home elty.
Visitors who came to cou'vr with
him were made to feel that the
'home folks" reifardcil him and all
he stootl for withe liitetnpt. liryatr-
friends everywhere resented the narrow-minded
provincialism ofthe Lin
coln citizenship, ills admirers mar
veled that ho was content to remain
here. Tlie iicitfhborlnjr city of
Omaha was more liroail-minded. and
the friends there of the democratic
lender held out every indiieeiiiL'nt for
llrvan to move. The appeal was in
vain. Itrvan may have eherislteil re
sentinent.but If so he (,'iive no out
ward Indication of it. Not even his
closest personal and political friends
can recall a time when lie spoke bit
terly of the treatment "riven him by
his neighbors.
Tlie correspondent, after narrating
n number of instance of the mean and
nurrow spirit with which his fellow
townsmen treated him. In years gone
by, goes on to say that "ltryan has
won the people of Lincoln. It Is per
bans his irreatost triumph. Day by
Mrs. 1!. II. Crow entertained the
Mlssc. I .urgent anil their cousins, the
Misses LouclU'. at tea last Saturday1
Mr-. I'i'itha M of Hostw ek
.loliu Van Diver i as in town 1 ii- 'a
lie Is the second son of Dr. Va'iDiVer J
who formerly lhed here. The yoittiv:
man is a traveling salesman. I
The Misses Lmicke. who h.iv, lieen
111.. irll.x.'k nf llli'll l'l'l.'ltlVl's. ). S.
Largent and family, have returned to
1 their liouiu tit Stewart. Iowa.
.1. I'. Fisher and family entertaned
the elder Mrs. Fisher and W . .". Smith
and wife of ltyroii c ver Sunday. Mrs
Smith was Miss Grace Fisher.
Win. Klrkpatrlclc and children will.
visit over the Ith with relatives at
Munkato. Kansas. Mrs. K'.rkpatrlck
is hi Idaho for tlu bene.!', of her health.
The new liaptist pivaelier. llc.
Ilillyer ami family, who occupy t'.ie
property south of George Crow's resi
dence, were given a "pound social"
Tues lay evening. All spent a pleas-
ant evening.
Last week Mr. Andrews was tlow::
from Lincoln putting up monuments
in the cemetery at the graves of Mi.-s
Addle, G. V. Hoover and the babe
of Charles F.dtly. Whiio here Mr.
Andrews was the guest of Ills relatUvs,
Win. Sawyer and . 15. Kly. lie is a
salesman for the Ivhiibell l.ros. Marble
Works of Lincoln.
At the annual school meeting last
Monthly two trustees were elected. N.
M. Doudiiu and Chus. Hodges. Tlie
hold-over members of the board are
C. !'. Scherbaeher. .1. II. Crnry. I. W.
Crury and .1. W. l.obhison. The voters
ordered tire escapes placed In the
school building and decided that here-
should have a
tueuibi'i'n and
a memorial team of live
llllIl.o ill-
011H C.!tt I ir liter.
('A finer flavored, more
nutritious -Jviioiesomc
r tgicrg3PLrsiJiajJUJUuf
mum powder
Made from pure
Grape Cream of Tartar
No alum No lime phosphate
Noihii.g manufacture., shows
so re.Tt 11 n improvement as
Clothing. liach unson shows
this more forcibly.
This Spring's line is better than
Glad to
show you.
The Clothier.
'W'A. Ss AAv
clnvaml woulc by week, ltryan wore
Uewpeaus of after the secretary
. Li lu i.-i 4 m ii..titi iittL ttfitil. I . i......
.oilu.r Enroneiiii eoutitr c.s Is a strong , I"-ui"; "l"' ,l "' ".'"" "'" i"""".'
-HfHinwiit that there t.ltoul.1 be tariir ffstetl, his simple democracy, lus gen
n4iioii. Of course, the republicans nine interest hi the Intellectiuil, moral
. .. 1....1 . t... i. f..tiT i.i.t. ' and rcliirlous life of tho city, lit' tells
Uiux have not snld whether it would ' how Mrs. Ilryim showed that remark
U-up or down. This is a matter in '-hie diplomacy which hits stamped
TWlieh the fanners are vitally Inter-, tr as a rcmarhable woman." hull
r...l nn.i n. wliinh thev should five ! -'''l? resentment, entering into
- " .... , ...
1 every wont lor me niivniiemeiii. 01
' our cointiuinity, "at all times gra-
Dli) time has come when a number .". tlemocriitlc, at no
atf!Hw.s for the safety 'and comfort of time patronizing." And now:
'ifcfworldi.g people must bo enacted. "Mr. hrynu Is recognized as Lincolns
3,-k ,.filn. n,l W..11 ltn.iiv.i fuel 1 foremost citizen. One hears nothing
The only Democratic Paper
One Dollar Per Year
ranch thought and study.
jFtar&.behhid nearly all of the European
tUMWtrleH hi providing for the welfare
M hi'.r. laltoring classes. We should
fc only be abreast but ahead of
ttaape in ftuch legislation. England,
!w.e, Germany, Switzerland and
wawk Italy have gotten past the wicked
tmrftrlnr that the working man is mere
IjrxuVJUiinodlty, t machine or wagon,
ttefeUMt bo made to carry its load as
'tMttf as possible and then thrown away
J&u worn out. The laboring-man Is
jjiia human as any-one else, and de
iumvus laws that will protect himself
aail family. You cannot deal with
vtuiaiid wttn lus wnu ami tamiiy as
tot America is more than a score of , hut complimentary reference!, to him.
Lincoln is just .is tieuionsiraiive in us
newly found pride as was Canton of
McKinlcy, as Oyster ltuy of Uoosevelt,
and its foremost citizens takes tlie
honors which Ills neighbors delight to
thrust upon him with the same good
nature as he did their miserable at
tempts to show him disrespect."
Tlie World-Herald with hearty good
will, congratulates Lincoln that it has
put Itself right in the eyes of the world.
lly honoring ltryan it honors its own
irood manners and good sense. It no
longer Impresses visitors as provincial,
bigoted, narrow-minded and small-
spirited, but as a city Mint deserves the
' 1 1 -...., t 1. ..t.... m.. i... ....v ' '
imcwonhl with a carpet or chair, or a' K""" " "' ""' ."" " ilaughters of J. M
aijole or a hoe. Tho human element ' '
inters into it. It will take but a few
ww. to put laws upon tlie statute
lUivits that will do away with the now
(it&Uuir cvlLs. Hut who can j on trust Fnf(.rnrUInfl ... .,. .,., .,.-
4t hwng about this desired result?. flies for the Market. I
WllTftft, who for the past twenty
jyttrshas been fighting the laboring.. At a time wln'n all s.nts of iinlmnH '
swn. sec that such laws are made'.1 and plains are hied to a Lugo seal .
jJKi,.w!uiswer. .lust as he Issued In- It In not wholly nstonUhhiK endeavor!
aau'tioiis against the laboring man shoiilil have been made to inlse imp.
r,.i,tv v.Mii.. .....1 .., wnnl.i b... ir beautiful and valuable bulterllleri by
.-,- ... 0 ,
'V ited president, bring all his in
ilwiico to bear to defeat any legisla
tjniu that would be of benefit to the
Mwrbing classes. Can we look to W. .1.
"aryun for support In passing these
rjKiu'h needed laws'.' Ye.-,, vu answer.
Jhi.t as he labnivit and fought In eon
i:ess twenty ycir.-. ago to have laws
JrtUt'il Mm t would benefit tlie labor-injr-imtu.
so will he go on lighting to
rSt'-ond that the great m:ise.sof luboi
MSi.iiny bu benefited. Again we say.
ji ai only to tlie democratic party that
tfce.lnborlng.mni) can look for relief.
I nitillchtl means. In fact, the lltst hut-
lei fly farni was emali'lulied some iars
1 luo by an English 'iitomntogUt, Wll-
, Ham Watkliih, at EiiHtbouiue, a small
channel hnihtir, who has devoted to
the hului.try extuustvo grounds cove;--j Mrs. Win. Miner,
Iiik an aiea ol about an acre In ;
tout, protected against ocean winds
mill planted with llowevs, shrub. and
lives. In lids farm innii thousands
of Insects of varied species mov
about In a state of pet feet liberty, lit
Mrs. Delia Watt is quite sick.
Joseph Uritton is still very sick.
Esther Pool was sick a few days.
The Itaptlst Sewing society met at
the church Thursday.
The W. C. T. l, met with Mrs.
Frank Hailey Wednesday afternoon.
John Dunbar was taken very sick
Sunday night. He was better at last
W. A. Sceley and wife entertained
Clias. Roland and wife ut supper
Win. Ely and family of llertrand
have been visiting relatives here and
ut North llranch.
Rev. P. T. Martin is doing some
splendid work with his camera. lie
has n number of calls for pictures of
In spite of all the clearing and clean
ing up In (luide Hock there are still a
few back yards and alleys that need
Mrs. Mae Catheart of Johnson is here
and Mrs. Ida Kelzcr of Dunbar is ex
pected the last of tlie wccK. liotli are
W. S. Lambert contemplates going
to Texas during this month to visit his
son Archie and look at the country.
He will go with .1. S. Largent.
Mrs. liny will serve the
"eoiVce" for the M. L. Aid society
Thursday afternoon July HI. Every
niie cordially invited to attend.
O L. Diiuh.ii' and wife. Mr. Ullev.
Mis. Nower and miii. who have been
the guests of John Dunbar and tithe:
relatives here, departed Monday morn
ing for home.
The olllelal board of theM. E. church
will meet at the home of the treasurer
Monday evening
Sootchman .in Almost Perfect Ex
ample of Phyalcal Manhood.
Lodbetter, the most perfect speci
men of manhood ever seen In our mod
ern world, had an aversion to athletics
almost akin to horror, says the New
York Press. He was a wholesale deal
er In plumbing suppllea on a large
scale In Glasgow, six feet ten Inches
In height and built like an Olympian
god. He never trained for anything.
He refused to witness athletic exhibi
tions. But he seemed lo absorb
strength from the earth or the atmos
phere, and could easily handle any
four men In Scotland. He could throw
Hackenschmldt over his shoulder with
one hand.
This Hercules hated to appear In
public because he was extremely sen
sltlre about his size. His shoulders
were a yard wide, and his overcoat
reached nearly to the ground. As he
walked along the street he could hear
such remarks as. "I wonder how many
yards of cloth It takes to make that
man a coat?" In public vehicles, when
riding wllh a man of average size,
Ledbctter would pilo the cushions on
son. If wus a a dinner party at n-.-.
Btopford Brook's and the poet was
reading to the company his "Ballad
of the Elect" In "In his deep, Impres
sive voice In n way which reminded
us of his own description, In the
Morte d'Arthur,' of how the poet, Ever
aril Hall (which may have been him
self): "'Itend. mouthing out his hollow o's
and a's,
Deep-chested music.
"When the reading was finished, and
when the applause and gratitude of
the small audience had subsided, the
laureate growled out:, 'Yes, and to
think that these wretched fellows ol
tho nineteenth century gave me only
.500 ($1,300) for It.'"
Morton L. lllll. or I.ebtiiinii. Inrt.. My; "Mr
wlfo hn'1 Ititlinnmritorr lilienmntlmii In orery
mii'clo and joint; tier MilTerlm- wi tcrrl.114
ud her body rind fitro wrre nwollen almost bo
yond recognition: lmil bven In bed Mx woelu
nd lind eight ph)lcliii. but received no
beneOt until nhe tried Dr. Ddi'linn'i Ittllef for
ItheumatlBm. It unvo immedUtP rellot and
the whs ble to wulk about In three dajri. 1 aa
lure Ii uaved her life." Sold by II. K. Grtoe,
Priitrr'ut. Red Cloud.
Wanted A Clock.
An Ohio country couple took the
train Into Cleveland not very long
ago to do a bit of shopping. They
especially .desired a clock.
"Now," said the obliging salesman,
who came to answer their wants,
"here Is something most attractive In
tho way of clocks. Whon tho hour be
gins, a bird conies out from the top
and sings 'cuckoo'.' Kor example, I
turn this hand to four o'clock, and
I Don't Ruv Land nor I oan
Money on Real Estate
without getting one of Tecl's
perfect Abstracts of Title. The
oldest and most reliable set of
Abstract boc-ks in Webster Co.
310,000 bond filed and approved.
Represents six of the best In
surance companies doing busi
ness in tlie state.
tnn nt nnpli nthcr 111 elevate Ills COII1-:
,.., ... .... w...- ,
panlon to his own level. He was a ( tlie blni comes out aim sings cuckoo;
head fuller than any carriage in (llas-j four times.
1 I.. ....... ' "W..1I U'lill ,l,..ui.'l llior Iw.nt 1ii,
gOW, .'llltl people IISi'U 10 k.''-1' m -ii-, ,. vii, ..v.., .......... .....1 ..v.. i ... (
tier as he passed by. 1 iletiee!" exclainied the husband, nil-
. ! I mliluply. "Mlrn. let's take one." ,
"'- I ".x,,, hit ee!" objected Mini, decided-
WON GLORY IN GREAT MUTINY. y ."rhe:n clocks Is all right for folks
1 thai'.s got lots d' tlnio on their hands.1
but it d lake me half the day taking
rnro o' that bird!" Illustrated Sun
day Magazine. 1
"Boyle of Arrah" One of Last
vivors of Gallant Band.
Red Cloud, Nehr.
1 OfTJco In Cvcrlng Block.
Phones: Boll SO, Farmcrs3G '
July Ll. All members of tlie board
are earnestly reiiiested to be present.
I July Ith the families of Win. Ely.
Lew Ely and John Ely and three
children and .Miss Laura Elv all went
'The trust pfank niiibt prove a dliap-.yvjilHUiv-nt
to every republican who
Itttocoiuc to understand the iniquity of
theitr,in.ts. fcThere. is no demand for a
ciftjd enforcement of the law, there is
no.suggu,stlou that the crlmnul iilause
aihich has tipt yet brought the trust
ir'fllefactor within the walls of a pen-
.uyjuiuy nijguui ue cttiieii into use.
'SDuj platform says tha. the law can ins
ukengtheiied by ntueiulinent. which
will, enlarge the supervision of the
jjiyBrii government, hut these amend.
BHtjta.uri) not mentioned and therv is
side a high laftice-work fence, which 10 i.uynoiiis to visit .s. (. Lly and wife,
separates them fioni the outside win Id They returned Sunday evening and re
till they aie puiehased by collector.- port 11 most enjoyable time.
at hlsh prlcev, ( Edllaganis sniveling from an tie
Similar plants, In which moie elah.i- ,,.,., , , , ... . . ,
rate methods of butterlly breeding aie h'"t received July I He had been
muploved. have of recent years been putting awuy hay and in descending
liistall'ed. the best known being those the ladder in some manner slipped iind
founded by Dr. Hughes, at Choiuente, fell dislocating an ankle and breaking
and by M. Andre, nt .Macon. I ecu- a bone. All are sorry for hint
nlcal World.
The llttlo daughter of a homeopath
Ic physician iccolved n ring with a
pearl In It on the Christmas tree. Two
days later she poked her head tearful
ly In at the door of her father's of
fice "Papa," sho sobbed, "papa, I've- losl
tho llttlo pill out of my ring." Har-unr's
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krlsble of
Lester entertained a number of rela
tives, and neighbors July ith nt a pic
nic in the bentiful grove near the mill.
Fifty persons were present. The alVair
was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Holaud of Ennls, Texas, Mrs. Uolaud
Is a sister of Mrs. 1'rlsble. Those go
ing from Guide Rock were Mr. and
Mrs, J, M. ltoltind, Clias, Kolaud and
family and Howard Wirt and family.
Tho death, in his eighty-slst'i year, I
of "Boyle of Allah" lemoves 0110 of
the few hiuvlvoin, If there are nny
loft, of one of the conspicuously gal
hi'it exploits of the givit mutiny In
India. Hlrhard Vicars Boyle, to give
him his proper name, and n proper
fighting nanio It is. was nl the out
h:eak of the mutiny an engineer In
charge of lite construction ol the
East India r.illwav at Annli, which N
in noillietu llotiKiil. At the flrsr
rumor of the outbreak the wouiei. and
children wore sent to Dinapoio. and
tho Engllshnioii and Eurasians, mi.
plonientoil by 50 tailliful Sikh. thui
thumuelvoK up In Boyle's bungalow,
llerwald Wake, magistrate of the dis
trict, took charge and loll u record m
I ho siege written on tho while washed
walls; "lu rase wo should he SL'iaged."
Tho ifbels had cannon, and the at
tack wns fierce, but tlie little garrison
hold out from July 28 fill Augiut '-',
when Vincent Eyif defeat -d Hie na
tives and relieved the siege. Boylo
who was tho strategist and engineer
of the defense, planning forllflcatloini
with great skill, was made a compan
ion of the order of tho Star of India,
and also received a grant of land In
the neighborhood, And ever sluce he
lias liocn "Boyle of Arrah."
A word to the
wives is sufficient.
Golden Gate
Tennyson's Complaint.
In Wnltcr Crano's autobiography he
Blviu nu iuvCrT'bs nlcturo of Tonny-
Js e)"- -
Sold only in aroma-tight
tins. Never in bulk.
j. a. roi.GER a co;
ftAct, fraaclnco
We Claim
Coffees, Teas, Extracts and
are the very best that can be found
a yivhere hi the elty and we are will
ing to test them witli any brands that
yo.i may have. Just a word to any
vii-wty ue lodge doing.; You are wel
10 , . to our Cotlee and Napkins free
of charge if you insure us that you
will give them a fair test. Wo are also
offering (,)(! bargains in evaporated
Prunes, Black Grapes,
Peaches, etc.
In Baking Powders we have the differ
ent varieties
K. ., Dr. Price's, Royal,
Cassett, Rabbit's Foot.
These are sold at popular prices.
Give us a call,
Johnson $ Bonep
U .
, ."!. -.- . V-
-s-1$t!R?!'235 v 1. .Mfrf. -mg, ...yggg