The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 10, 1908, Image 1

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State Historical Soi-lcty
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A Naxiinjirr Ibat fihcs The finis FlftHn Vscks Each Tew F$r .tun llar.
irjajtirjKiniLn, mramjrjma'iiTrggnwTMaaawv
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There arc four leading makes of watches
on the market and we sell them all. You
can make no mistake in buying one of us.
Our extra Urge line gives you practically
unlimited choice. No matter the size or
grade, wc have them. Cases of all grades
enabling you to buy the watch you want.
A written guarantee with every one of
them. Price always hold at the lowest
notch. '
We invite inspection and comparison of
goods and prices
Satisfaction or Your .Money Back.
Jewelers and Opticians K. U SI. Watch Snr.ncciors
Wall Paper, Paints Sk.nd
K Contractor for Capering, Painting and Interior Dec-
orating. Fine paper hanging a specialty. Acme J
TotlicPconlcof Rc:l Cleutl.
Wiilmi tin next few d:iys tin- i.'.i.s
t rated Chautauitiu programs will ho
placed In your Ii:mt1. Wo suv all
agreed to mulco tills tin roat ovi-nt uf
tin1 your anil tn do mi ivmlrc. tin-
i uuitoil oiVtu'ts of all tho (looplo. Tho
sui'L'os nf tlio i'liiiiiluuiii.t In a laijro
itionstti'o dopoiios ipon tin ot'iit of
Il'.lll11llt V III' I'illl irivi' til tills L'l'l'llt
jOVi-nt. I'lio iniiiiaoiiioiit lias and will '
cMTt ovory onort to nciuo tuo i iiau
tauiii:i htmw u lar and wide lull wo
tii'Kontly toquusl tho nsslstiutoo audio-
' operation of tho pcoilo of Ketl Cloud.
We would surest that oory liii'liiess
and pt-ofo-l(iiial man In this elty
would send an illustrated pi'ojrraiu to
tei. of their friends or aeitualiitauees.
by so dolnir. TiOO or '.'ddii programs will
he placed where thev will he pioduct
ie of the host lestilts. A coiiipliauee
with this mjuost will ho greatly ap-
I prcciatctl hy the local management.
i K. 1). .Moimi..
Council Ilolndts.
The council met in regular adjourned
session iMonday. Conneilmeii Ainack.
Pulsiplief, MfjArthur. and Storey heiiijr
present, the following business was
Motion by Pulsipher and second by
.MoArthur that the city treasurer be
authorised and instructed to transfer
from the judgment fund to the general
fund the sum of S17.". Carried.
(Hi motion by Pulsipher the otlleial
bond of .1. (). JJutlor as city tioasuier
was approved.
( ouncil thou adjourned to meet Mon
day owning. .July 1 l, I'.m)-.
brand paints.
15ell phone 290.
Kstato of I.iura I.. Harbor. Docteo
of distribution entered.
I'Matu of Owen T. Williams, llis
oliat'gK of executor.
I l-'rce v.s Albright. Couliiiuod.'IOdays.
' Parlor Kuniituiv Co. vs Albright.
I Continued .'SO dayn.
Yung s Hayes. Default of defond
aut entered.
l'inonlos for "iiaekuelio. UttU golden lck head ache and hiloitsucss iv-
globules. ejisy &nil pleasant to take, lioved at once with i:.ugh Little I.iver . .,,"i,,ll,t.for tlu Wihioys .jo .la.v
. i- .1 ... i... i.i.i.,..,.w ....:.. tin. trial 31. tiiuir.intrsl. Act directly on
Act directly on the hi lucspunf. tin KUf) A nsy L.olllp,t.xi)U Illl(l olear , the lddnovs and brin;; relief in the
blood and invigorate the ciitireh.csUMii. dose for 'baokaeho. rheumatic pains,
lU-st fn- baokaclw. lame back, kidneys 'J result from their w. Do not d(llu.y .iniM,ia.lder double. Invigo.-:
and bladder. 30 layb trial SI. uar- Krino or sicken, f.'ood for all tho , vthe entire sy.steHi. Soldy Ilonry
imtoed. Sold by nry Cook. fauwly. Sold by Henry Cook. Cook.
Special Sale of Thin Goods
for Hot Weather
All Lawns and thin Summer Goods at
one-third off. Don't want to carry
any over for next year, so will sell these
at a price that will move them.
Bargains in Laces and Embroideries.
Some of these have insertions and
edges to match. All go at one-half
price marked. Did not mark these up
for this sale; all go at one-half the old
Wash Belts
Embroidered Wash Belts at 5c and 25c
Muslin Underwear
Skirts with three rows of fail, insertion
and edging at $1.00.
Three clasters of tucks and hemstitch
ing, embroideried flounce, at $1.25.
Embroidered insertion 2 1-2 inches
wide with embroidered insertion to
match, $2.25.
Special in Corsets
All 50c corsets and girdles at 40c.
Gauze Underwear
Children's pants at 15c.
Children's vests at 6.',c to 25c.
Ladies' gauze vests at 10c to oc .
Ladies' gauze pants at 15c to 50c.
sjU 's
I.Mi aUs ofixc
a.oW;j lty
" w9lr4 'a. "
Cm I aiifnjtt
a n xTEMHnrTQR'v
siL 1 . iy rrnv4j
Big Fireworks af the Ball
Grounns the (Fourth.
BIN Atlftnii.iuccat the. Aitcrnoon (i.tmc
VM Cloud 0-1 Franklin T.-2
rourl'i of .tu'v lias e ituii and gone
but the fans will not foiyct it. The
slaugllte of tho Weill 'mud Mavericks
hy the Praukl'.'! Midgct will i'K- b,
reineinl'i'rcd. 'l'lu nun ning game was
won on errors aid inability nf the
.Mavericks to hit short of rraukliii.
Tho ffinno sta-ted on with l'rankiin
xooriug ne in the (Vst inning. Saun
der.s dii'jj oil a fly in center Hold lot
ting iiennott get to third base ami the
noAt man. Smith, got n two ba-.e hit.
scoring Itenuott. They scored again
in tho Jifth on three singh-s by hhoit.
l!olin;f and Warner, scored two in
seventh on an error a saerillce and
two singles and one in the eighth on
two hits an error and : batter hit by
pitched ball, forcing in a run.
Weil Cloud went out one. two. three.
in the Hist, and the second Clegg
reached .consul but could get no fur
ther. Tin-third was one. two. three.
1'ourth Saunders reached second but
j died there. 1'ifth Walters singled but
got no further than thooontrul station.
(Sixth and -cventh was one. two, three.
And in the eighth Walters was mil via
I short to Jirst. mitlt bingled for the
I ....1.. 1.!. .. .1 r 1 ... ...
fui mil in mi- .uiir whs iiireeo inn ai
second. And in the ninth it'was one.
'two, three and the .Mavericks were
white washed. Schoonover received a
split hand anil Saunders had to finish
tho jfauio behind tho bat. Score.
nil 1:
I'Vatikliu 1 i) 0 n 1 n u' 1 (I : s '.'
Wed Cloud.... 0 o i) 0 0 0 0 i) u n 1 s
Watt-iics Short and liohners Adams.
Seliqpnoror and Saunders.
Two base lilts, Itohnor.
Stiucl: out by Short l, Adams 0.
Ilife on balls, Short 1.
Thnu of game, ono hour and forty
minutes. Umpire (Jravcs. Attend
atimjtw. Al'Tl.liKoi'H oami:.
hVankUii agnln defeated Wed cloud
by a '.re of to 1. The game was
unlike the morning game, was snappy
and luitfir-.ting from start to iinish.
Clegg pitclu-d a beautiful game and was
supported perfect untM near the last
of the game, when the usual batch of
errors that al ways suc'ced in butting
in on every game the Mavericks piny.
made their appeaniuoo. and agaisi tho
Indian signs was bung on to the Cup
tain's .Mavericks. The first three inn
ings were fast ami -siuppy going out
one, two, tlirw. Clegg walking two
Fsankliii men in tiie .tiiird, but hold
ing them tlwre to die. IVaiiklin
scored In tho eight on two hits asid
two errors after Cloggy had struck out
two men. ICnt the durk colored horse
by the name of orror lijid arrived asid
the boys were doomed, Wed Cloud
scored their only inn in tho fourth inn
ing. Ilraddio walked, Attains was rail
rouded to first, CJegg Juglod. Salisie
bunted forcing Adams out at the
plate, and still the s were full
and two out with tuo strikes and
three balls on .Smith, Schoonover run
ning for Clegg stole home for the only
score for Wed Cloud for the day. Smith
walked and Saunders flew oistto first.
One seoso. Isi the fifth it was one,
two, three, and In sixth with a man on
second and first and one out thev
could not hit the ball for a run. The
bcvonth and eight were one. two, throe,
tuul in the ninth sifter two out Sunn-
dor's singled but Woblnson could not
briiitf him around and the game wsis
over. Score.
Kranklin....i) 0 o 0 0 0 o -' n-u -t 1
lied Cloud... 0 0 0 1 0 0 (I 0 0 1 .'. I
Uatteries', Itensiuttand Itohner; Clegg
and Saunders.
Attendance, 1 100. I'mnlro flraves.
Only six hits in two games. Must
be something ivrong.
Lots of errors and so few hits gave
Fsankllu a couple of games.
Wed Cloud made twelve errors in
two games on the fourth. How can
they win games'.'
Team work must be added to the
won: of the Mavericks or they can
ucu'i- start a winning streak.
Si'lioouover did not play in the
second game but his daring steal homo
was ono of the features of the game.
W. J. Bryan, the next president of the United
States, was nominated by the democratic na
tional convention at Denver at 3:20 o'clock
this morning. The vole was: Bryan 89 2;,
Johnson 56; Gray 40. Adjournment was;
taken until I p. m. today.
Red Clotul Wins Tho and Drops One.
Tuesday Wed Cloud played ball at
MeCook ami it took sixteen innings to
decide tho winner. Score. Wed Cloud ',',
MeCook 1. This is tho best game that
has over been played on the MeCook
diamond. Wednesday afternoon Me
Cook defeated Wed Cloud by a score of
." to-. Thursday Wed Cloud, won the
game by a score of 7 to .1. Wed Cloud
plays at Cambridge today and tomorrow.
Heal Estate Iransrcr.s.
For tho wools ending Tuesday, duly
S furnished by the l'ort Abstract Co.
L. II. Fort, Manager.
W 1. r.ennclt to William M Wog
iiian, pt -1 -1 J , wd .MM)
Carroll Walters to l.ethsil'iahui,
ptout lot :i, Wohrer's add to
Wlue 1
i: II Keeney to I M ward II Foe,
lots l-.. Ill, 1 1, Itlk T, Cowles wd I .Ml
Charles 13 I'ddy to Claveiico S
dosses, lot V. Vi'inco'h fnil add
to Cuide Illicit, lots t. ., 0, I'.llc
IS, Vance's add toUuldo Wock.
wd i:,oo
Li na Wilters to Csirro.l I! Wal
ters, part out lot I, Wohrer's
add to Wine Hill. jod t
Joseph C I hsilllu to A .1 Waskoiu
lots '.'0. .ui, :JT, l'sitllior's sub
div to Wed Cloud, wd ls(K)
J L Whcatoii to Sanford V Dung
las. lots'.i. 10, IHlclM., Wed Cloud
wd 'ono
.T C Hart man to Charles Spence,
lot M, Idle 10, liladeii, wd 1000
XtuitiV H llartsnan to Charles
Spenoe, lot", Wlk H), Wladen,
wd j .-,()()
Annie W Warren et al to CharlcH
C Warren, lots 1 to 10, and 13
to24, Ulk U. lied Cloud, ijcd.. 1
Mary A Ileaton to Samuel 11
Ileaton jr., n'i ne 2'J, i- uw,
:i:j-j-12, wd l
WoWrt Carrison to Nellie 13
(Irout, pt lots 7, 8. II, 10, 11, l'.',
Wlk 'J, TallKit's add to (Juido
WVk'k, wd l.'.OO
Whereas it has- pleased tho XuproTifO
ruler of the universe to discharge, frow.
the cares and turmoils of this life ow
esteemed comrade, Joseph W. Warieo,
therefore be it
Wosolvod that In the death of this
ciunrado our order has hutl'ercd an Ir
ropairablo loss which we deeply snourr.
and be it further
Wosohed. that by his death our
country has lost one of Its brave -,"
fenders and who in Its time of nccl
oiVered his life that all might be frevv.
In civil life honest, uprlghtkeliarltablr
always ready to assist a descrvinv
comrade, lie il further
Wosolvod that tho ohartcr of CarlliOil
l'ost be draped in mourning for thirlr
Wesolved that our Tost tender U1
most heartfelt sympathy to the be
reaved family in this their hour "
deepest sorrow.
It Is ordered that these resolution
be published in the city papers, aim
spread upon the records of the l'rit
and that si copy bo presented tptft-i
family of the deceased,
F. N. Wk ii unwo.v
S. II. Ki.r.u J Commlttifj
Fin n Ni.-asioi'-i: J
Order to Show iiusc.
At it Countj Ciinrt lirld lit the ('(unity tYlirt
morn in uuil lor sulci county Tliumlny, .luljMh.
A 1).. IWN.
In t lie inr.itor of the uMntu uf Harriett NcIboiv,
On rend I ne uuil fllliiK llo petition uf Frmit S.
NnUou imlnK tliHtnilinlnlHtrnllon uf mill ti
lulu be KranU'it tu l.uTtim Olltiert. ns Adraliilfc
lrtrlx. Onlcrcil.ihatWeilneiilnyt tlio'.'wli Ony of Jiiljr
A 1).. 1VUS. hi ono o'clock p. m in a-hlneil or
licatliiK kiiIiI iiolltloii, wlica all KTHOtiHlnlereiH
cil la aald matter may appear at a I ounty Vmiti
tube belli In anil for mm Id 'County and how
caiuo wliy prayer of anld positioner nhoulil not
bit Kranlrd; and tbat notice of llio pcnilency or
Mild petition and llio lunrliiK thereof bo Riven va
all pciiiOiiH lutorentvd III aald mnttcr, by putr
IMiliiKacopy of tliln order In tho fled Cluu
C'lilof. h weekly iicwupatier prlnscd In al
county, for three consecutive -week prior !
ald day of hearing.
I"i.i.) County J ndvc
Utl'iii). July 10-JJwk.
1111.-. I
.Mortgages tilc4l, Js?0S.'iT.
Mortgages released. S70.M).
Wees Laxative cough isyrup recosw
mended by mothers for .young and M.
Is prompt relief for coughs, coWi.,
croup, horseness, whooping corals.
(Jently laxativu asid jileasant to taV.t
(Jiiarantecd. Shouhl be kept in cvxy
household, sold by Henry Cook.
Why Buy
A Monument of Us
9 1
BIiCAUSIi Our designs arc: made by the very
best artists in the country.
BECAUSE Our material is first-class.
BECAUSE All work is done with pneumatic
tools, giving that distinguished look
to every monument.
I'inosalvu earbolied acts like a poul
tice, tjtiluk relief for bites and sting
of insects, chapped skin, cuts, burns
ami sores, tan and sunburn. Sold by
Henry Cook:
Operation for piles will not boncccs
wiry If you use Man Zan pilu remedy,
l'ut up ready to , us.e. Ouuratiteed.
Try It. Sold by Henry Cool;.
-Our prices are right. Many other
reasons we could give but call and
see for yourself or drop us a card.
9 A VUll .
Artistic Monuments.
440-446 N. Webster. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA
JS1 i !S
i ii ivj" u eaHi
y. Am
' fikf MM