The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 03, 1908, Image 9

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Run by Politicians.
"Wo buslniMs women," declared
tthe, "demnnd a volcu In tho manage
went of UiIb country's nffnlrs."
"I wish you luck," responded he.
"Hut that's tnoro than wo business
iiien bavo ever been nble to not."
Just Turned Around.
"Tho easiest way to miccee.l, my
toy, is to give the peoplo what they
"No sir, you aro mistaken. The
rnsleat way to succeed la to make the
peoplo think they want what you are
Giving them." Chicago Kccord-Horald
To Introduce n new book, "Aunt
Jane of Kentucky," by n new nuthor,
Eliza Calvert Hall, the publlshoia have
printed and bound separately tho first
chapter of the book called "Bally Ann's
experience" for gratuitous distribu
tion. "Sally Ann'n Experience," orig
inally published separately in tho Cos
mopolitan Magazine, was pronounced
a little masterpiece In rural character
delineation and homespun philosophy.
A copy or this popular story will bo
sent on request by Messrs. Little,
Urown & Co., Hoston, If you mention
this paper In writing.
Among the most ardent Taftllra nt
the Chicago convention was Mrs. Post
Wheeler, more familiarly known by
her pen name of Hallle Ermlnle Itives.
Mrs. Wheiler, whoso husband Is sec
ond secretary of the American em
bassy in Japan, Joined tho Tart parly
in Tokio last fall, and was wiili .Mrs.
Taft on tho voyage home.
Miss Elizabeth Miller, author of
'The Yoke," "Tho City of Delight,"
etc., was married recently. Her hus
band Is a prominent Indianapolis at
torney. It Is understood that Miss
Miller will continue her Hternry work.
That Edward Stratemeyer is one of
tho most widely read of nil living
American writers for boys is a fact
so well proven us not to need repeti
tion, and tho success of the Have
Porter series is already surpassing
Mr. Stratemeyer's previous triumphs.
Tho latest of this bcries, which Is
published by tho Lathrop, Leo &
Shepard Co., Ib "Dave Porter In tho
Par North," and It is a healthy, vigor
ous story, bound to please and bene
fit uny boy who reads It.
The Midwest Life is an old lino life
Insurance company a Nebraska com
pany with its home ofllce at Lincoln.
An ordinary life policy nt ago 'M costs
In this compauy the first yrnr 23.74
and thereafter $tS.G0. Tho premiums
nfter tho Hrst year may bo paid cjuar
tprly at the rate or $1.03 a quarter.
Write the home office for sample,
rollclos or for ngoncy contract.
Agents wanted. Write for particulars.
Lincoln Directory
No trip can surpass in pica,
sure and health a vacation
spent In the Rockies. Low
rates in effect every day to
September 30, 1903.
fcr tho round-trip from Lincoln to
Now and Soonlo Route, to
Yellowstone. Parli
Inquire of
E. 0. SLOSSON, C. A.,
Lincoln, Nobr.
drain, Prolelons, Stocks, and Cotton.
ruin Olllcc, 309 Fraternity Hills.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Boll Phouo 812 Auto Pliono 2i'i
J.urtfOHt llonsii in Htatit
Rambler and Mitchell Agency
Also few high era J o second hand machines
clieip. Write for list or catalogue,
E. E. MOCKETT AUTO GO., Lincoln, Nebr.
Marhino Wnrlr
and Hupplles .
Ili-palr work of
iiuwiiiiiw wBwsn un kinds. Hi-lt-
liiK. I'uiieys, Hnaruufr. rctn. Auto I'liono arcit.
Gasoline Engines
Our now 4 cyrlo motor h designed oa
peclnlly tor farm and shop.
linfi iH'cn tho lariat duller for yoarn. Bond ua
n order and Ihi convinced. lUlilN Ht., Lincoln.
Now la your opportunity to buy South
Dakota land at Lost price. I.nrtto lis, to
select irom. Wrlto us for particular.
WHITE & LEVI, 716 P St., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Taft's Ranch at Taft. TEXAS
Tula famous ranch, tho best in the coast
cnuutry. at roaionable prices, cany tonus,
Wrlto ub today for particulars.
WHITE & LEVI, 716 P St., Lincoln, Nebraska,
X'lan U(4Uln lul D. Kuiu C Ir.pj
continent i. cowanc33
Mre'$ eulogy on
DEED which ncllhcr France nor England, Greece nor
Rome, ever witnessed was done In Independence Hall,
In the cltu of Philadelphia: a deed that cannot lc
matched In the hlstoru of the world. That old Hall
should forever be kept sacred as the scene of such a
deed. Let the rains of heaven distil dentin on Its roof, and the
storms of winter beat softly on its door. As each successive
aencration of those who have been benefited bu the Great Declara
tion made within Its walls shall make their pilgrimage to that
shrine, man thcu think It not unsccmlii to call Its 'walls salvation
and Its Dates praise. Edward Everett.
IT Ih possibles to hold Fourth of
.luly celebrations In tho Hlmtlow
of tho Btrncturo which saw tho
birth find signing of tho Declara
tion of Independence, the most potent
doctrine for freedom In the history of
tho world, nnd the nation has not. Ig
nored tho opportunity.
Thero aro many patriotic Ameri
cans who make It a duty on
July 4 to journey to Philadelphia, a
pllgrlmago to tho shrlno of liberty,
there to raise their voices In thanks
and rejoicing for the great deed that
was there accomplished.
Since that day, now distant 131
years, when Charles Thomson, rising
in his chair, rehd for the first tlmo the
final draft of 'that momentous docu
ment which Thomas Jefferson wrote,
but which underwent miniy changes
before meeting with tho final approval
of tho delegates to (ho continental
congress, not nn Independence day
has been permitted to pass without u
proper celebration in tho public squnro
back of lndcpendcnco hall.
Presidents of the United Stntcs, sen
ators, representatives, Justices of the
highest courts, nnd even foroign am
bassadors have poured forth their clo
quenco nt liberty's cradle. The
municipal authorities of tho city of
Philadelphia aro careful to see to it
that some distinguished mun is always
on hand as orator of tho day.
The pomp of military circumstnncc
haB sometimes been called upon to
lend prcstigo to the occasion, and tho
best musicians of the land have been
proud to play patriotic nlrs in tho
shadow of the ateoplo where hung tho
bell that so singularly fulfilled the pro
phetic mission nsslgned it 24 years
beforo to "proclaim liberty through
out iho land."
The location of tho hall lends Itself
to purposes of public celobratlon.
Thero Is nmplo room, both front and
back, for the building stands well
back from tho pavement, so that a
largo company can gather In front.
In tho rear, tho beautiful Indopen
donco square, there is still more
space, and thousands nsscmblc to lis
ten to tho orations, nnd hear tho
Declaration of Independence read.
This latter is really tho distinctive
fcaturo of Fourth of July celebrations
in Independence square. Tho day
would not seem properly observed
with this omitted.
It is a notable record of which
every American may bo proud that
not a Fourth of July kas passed slnco
wo have been a nation, without tho In
spired words being uttered nguln to
tho air that heard them first.
The first reading of tho declaration
was that by Charles Thomson, the
secretary of congress, when ho an
nounced tho completed paper to tho
men who had framed It. Thomson
did not, however, read tho declaration
from tho balcony of Independence hall
to tho peoplo crowded outsldo to hear
for tho first tlmo In what terms tho
colonlstB should tell King Georgo that
his control of the 13 colonics was nt
an end.
That prlvilego was reserved for
John Nixon, a prominent mnmbor of
tho commltteo of safety. In honor of
tho occasion, delegates to tho congress
filed out in tho July sunshine to listen
to tho sacred words.
Later, long years after, Edwin For
est, the most noted of American ac
tors, whoso lovo for patriotism and the
Institutions of his country wns dcopcr
even than hla regard for tho stage,
stood on tho same spot, nnd on a
.Fourth of July morning read tho words
of Jefferson, as no man has road them
beforo or slnco. A great crowd was
present, perhaps tho largest, over as
independence Rail
sembled, nnd the actor during nnd nft
er the leading was cheered again and
Finest esteemed the Drrlaintion of
Independence as the best ploco
of composition In existence, valuing It
even above his beloved Shakespeare.
Two years ufier the lliht Fourth of
July, there occuned a cMirntlon In
Independence square that had ti spe
cial significance. The advance of tho
Hrltlsh, and their oceui ntlon of Phil
adelphia timing the winter of 1777
1778, had forced congress to leave the
Quaker city and go to York.
After the evacuation congiess re
turned July 2 nnd a grand celebration
of the recurrence of the promulgation
of tho declaration was hold. In which
nearly the entire population of Phlln
delphla Joined. Clievalh-r Conrad Al
exandor Reran! or France, the first
minister ever accredited to the United
States from any power, was an Inter
ested spectator.
During the ccntennlnl In Phlladel
plila thero was naturally a notable
demonstration, nnd no ltss u person
than Don Pedro, emperor of Brazil
sat among those who cheered tho son
tlments that had sounded tho downfall
of monarchy In this country, nnd were
finally to take his throne from Mho
ruler of Hrazll.
In later years, another representa
tlvo of n foreign couritry wns tho cen
tral figure at Independence square,
Wu Ting Fang,' Chinese minister,
spoko thero with fine eloquence, nnd
made ono of"tho host apeeches cred
ited to him In his many felicitous utter
nnces In this country.
The anomaly that ho was tho envoy
of ono of tho most nbsoluto of mon
archies did not prevent tho colestln!
from painting In most graphic phraso
what thq venerable building sti l for.
During his first administration,
Grover Cloreland, president of tho
United States, come to Philadelphia
ono Fourth of July nnd, standing on a
platform raised on tho square, ap
pealed to tho young manhood of Amer
ica that the great lessons of 1770 bo
not ignored.
Samuel J. Randal!, Judge Kelloy,
Gen. Grant, Lewis Cassldy have also
figured prominently In Fourth of July
celebrations there.
During tho administration of Mayor
Warwick, himself an orator of genuine
gifts, every year waB made tho oc
casion of notablo demonstrations to
which were Invited men of national
Undor tho direction of the governor
of Pennsylvania a work of Incalculable
Interest hns been flnlshod at Valley
Forgo park by tho state.
Valloy Forgo has a close relation
ship with Independence day, and tho
old camp slto has proved a Mecca on
July 4 to thousands of Americans who
como from all over tho union to pay
a tributo to tho fathers of tho United
States who suffered nnd died on this
historic spot. Practically tho ontlro
slto has beon reserved. A chapel
has boon orected on tho spot whoro
Washington wns discovered at prayer.
At tho moment Valloy Forgo park
comprises about 175 acres. It Is
properly policed and cared for by
workmen, whoso duty It is to kcop tho
roads and tho ontlro park in perfect
Public Interest has kept paco with
tho work. On Memorial day 1.G00 per
sons registered nt the headquartora,
nnd this Is probably not ono-fourth of
thoso who woro In tho park.
Anywhere from 8,000 to 10,000 Amor
Icons will fittingly colebrato f-ily 4,
1008, by going over the ground, on
which tholr heroic forefathers under
went tho sufferings that made Indo
pcudenco possible
Oetter Not Wash It Unlets It It De
cidedly Dirty.
IUack Inco should not ho washed
unless It Is decidedly dirty, but
should be well shaken to remove as
much dust as Is possible and then
dipped In a solution of deep blue gum
wnter. When the lace has become
dirty and brownish In color, the boRt
plan Is to wash It In soap suds nftd
then rinse nnd ntlffen It In deep blue
wnter, to which tho gum water bin?
been added. The deep blue water will
help to restore the lace to lis oilglnal
Tho lace should be all rolled In nn
old cloth for a short time and then
pinned out with tho cloth between It
nnd the sheet, as It ImpartB a blue
Rttiln, which It would be necessary to
remove from the sheet.
When the lace Is quite dry remove
the plus and plnie a piece of tissue
paper oer It. lion It with the paper
botween It nnd the Iron. If the Iron
Is placed dlicctly on the lace It will
leave a glos.j on it which Is not pretty
nnd which stamps It as "washed lace."
A good method for washing lace Is
to dip It in a solution made of equal
parts of milk- nnd wnter. After
squeezing out the lace should ho rolled
In n cloth for n few minutes nnd then
straightened nnd placed between folds"
of tissue paper and Ironed until dry
Tho nbovo solution makes tho lace
Btlff, therefore If it requires but a
Blight stiffening Increase the amount
of wator and decrease the amount ol
Poached Eggs with Mushroom Sauce
Mnke a Good Dish.
Poached eggs with mushroom snuco
makes a delicious dish for bieakfast
or lunch.
Chop finely n half pound of mush
rooms. Add them with the Juice ol
half a lemon, salt and cayenne peppei
to an once of melted butter and stir
over n slow fire for five mlnutos.
Sonk the crumb from n French roll
In milk and add It to the mushmom.
mixture: then stir In n quarter of a
cup of milk and boll, stirring nil tho
time for ten minutes.
Uub the mixture through a fine
sieve; return It to the pan and make
very hot.
Scald n half pint or moro of milk,
nccordlng to tho number of eggs. Fin
vor with a piece of onion, which Is re
moved Inter. Poach tho desired num
ber of eggs In the milk.
Place the hot sauce on tho bottom of
flat pudding dish, urrnnge tho eggs on
top of It and garnish with fried
squares of bread.
Economy Eggs.
The foundation for this dish is cold
boiled potatoes. Select largo potatoes
and cut thick slices lengthwise, so you
have tho largest oval possible. Have
leady somo boiling hot lard or clarified
fat Drop Into thlH tho potato ovals
and cook until golden brown. Drain
thoroughly Ai range oni hot platter
with a rasher or two iJfStbncon cut
thin and" cooked very crisp on each
Bllcoof 'potato. Tnen poach an egg
for each person and lay this on n sllcn
of potato with tho ruBhor of bacon In
between. A sprig of pnrsley on ono
side, andyott have a very tasty serv
ice. He fiura your poached eggB aro
drained very diy, as tho rasher of
bacon and potato should bo very crisp.
Chocolate Eclairs.
WcIbIi four eggs In Uie shells, tnko
their weight of sugnr, half their weight
of Hour nnd three-fourths teaspoon
baking powder. Sift flour and bnklng
powder well together, beat Btignr and
egg yolks thoroughly, bent whites stiff.
Alternately beat theso and tho Hour
Into tho nugnr and eggs, finvor with
vanllln. Make little canoes out of stiff
white paper and Btlck together nlong
the Bides. Grenso and drop a spoonful
of the mixture Into ench, bako in n
rathor hot ovon. Frost with this frost
ing: Throe squares melted chocolate,
heat egg whites Btlff, add eight
tablespoons confectioners' sugnr, then
tho chocolate. Flavor if desired.
Patty Cases.
Mnke out a light puff paste, roll it
about quartor of an inch thick and
cut from It with a sharp biscuit cut
ter dlppor In flour, rounds of pnBtry. If
you wish bIx patties, cut 18 rounds.
Out of 12 of theso cut center rounds,
thus leaving nn opening largo enough
to contnln tho compound with which
you intend filling your patties. Lay
two of tho rings on top of each of
tho rounds, pressing them togother
lightly and bako In a rathor quick ov
on. Thoy Bhould puff up to nearly or
Aulto twlco their first thickness. If
tho oven Is too hot cover them for tho
first threo or four minutes.
Creamed Clams.
Hard or soft-shelled clams may bo
used. Steam until thoy open, and If
soft, cut off tho back part with scis
sors. Chop into small pieces and
mensuro them.
To each cupful of clams add an
equal quantity of whlto sauco mado
with one-half cup of cream, one-half
cup of clam Julco, a tableenoonful of
butter and ono of flour. Stir until
smooth, and at the last moment add
lams and heat through. Servo on
hln slices of buttered toast, garnished
with parsley,
Baby's Table.
Ilavo In Infant's room a small tablo
lear the bed In which ts a drawer- and
i little shelf across tho center of ta-
ilo Juht below tho drawor. On this
nblo itoop articles for baby's uso, On'
ip leaps Ub llttlo basket, a basin and
sponge, and tho napkins al! folded
r uho. In drawor keep bibs and twq
nail llunnol blankets. On shelf below
,:ecn pads and largo napkins.
No. :nr
If a pint of wood nleohol will kill
six men, how long will It take n
blanket Indian to put an ay a pint of
shellac varnish'?
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory If the right
Starch wore used. In order to get tho
desired stiffness, It is usually neces
sary to use no much stnrch that the
beauty and flnenesa of the fabric Ib
hidden behind a paste or varying ,
thickness, which not only destroys tho
nppenrnnoe, but also nffects the wenr- ;
lug quality of the goods. This troll- i
bio can be entirely overcome by iihIiik i
Defiance Stnrch, n:t It can be applied
much moio thinly becausoof ltn great
er stiength than other makes.
Value of Brief Rests.
If ovem oiked hoiuemakeis whoso
nerves are "woin to frazzle edgo"
would acquire the habit of sitting or
lying absolutely still, relaxed and mo- i
tlonless for the or ten nilnutiM twice
a day, they would soon see linpiove
tnont. The mind must be relaxed, wor
ries dropped, thoughln wandering to
plensant things. Yon will probably
try this several times befoie you gel
It right, but nfter a little practice
yon will find that It yields largo hi
turns, far surpassing tho tmnlflcu of
the time It takes to practice It.
Not Incurable.
"That man Is a poet."
"Too bad."
"Yes." '
"How did you discover It?"
"I didn't; ho told me."
"Then perhaps ho may get over It"
-Nashville Anieilcan.
In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE.
A powder. It cures painful, smart
ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
tho ago. Makes now bIiooh easy. A
certain cure for Bwentlng feet. Sold
by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no sub
stitute. Trlnl package. FUKI3. Ad
drcsB A. S. Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N. Y.
The Best Way.
"Did you ever try to kiss a girl
ngalnst hor will?"
"Never! Only ngalnst her lips."
Stray Stories.
Try Murine Eye Remedy
For Red, Wcnk. Wcnry, Watriy Eye.
Murine l)ocnn't Smiirt SooMich Ee Pnin.
All DhukMh Sell Murine at Mcts. Tl-c 48
Pngc Hook in ench Pkf?. is worth Dollars
in I'verv home. Ak your Drugnist.
Mmino Eye Remedy Co., Clncngo.
Pennsylvania's First Governor.
Tho flst governor of Ponnsylvanln
.under' tho constitution of 1790 was
TThomaB Mifflin.
KITS. Pt. Vlltin' l)inci unil Nerrnun Dlirntpn prr-nmnomlyi-nrfdhT
Dr.Kllnu'nOmil Nnrn HmWirrr.
HtihI fur KIIKH RIO trial buttln nnd ln-UhO. Ilr.
It. II. Kllno. II., Ml Ati-h Struct, riiUnli'lphln, l'u.
No, Cordelia, tho biggcHt words do
not always huvo tho most weight.
Lewis' Single Hinder ntrniglit 5p Many
RnuiltcTH pn-lcr them to 10c Your
dealer-'or Lewis' Factory,. Pqoi id. 111. v
A man who claims kin with a pes
simist displays poor Judgment.
, --r ,
Let Me Send You a Package of
Defiance Starch
with your next order of
I - S 111 TV Jhkm
Hftl y Kl J - I "-"r
fW - -4L-33B NoclirnpnrMnlums aro given
;jj s7 with DKK1ANCK 8TAK0H,
tV tlIv yV l but you out ONK-iimiD uoiin
BBB vJ2 1 run Youn jiokuy Umn of any
viy IV' otliiir brund.
fBE "X. Y J0o for a Jfl-ois. jiackogo, and I
Wrai . will refund your mouoy if it I
Imm. S.alT I Btlckb to tho Iron.
flA ywS' I Truly yonro, I
I I ff IIonkbt Jqrnt,
I IV T'0 ' VroccrjRMui
Plltepces I
s W lalYP
No other nicilii'iiio lias boon po
suumsflf ul in ruliovinK tho HtuToring
of women or roeoivou so many gen
uine testimonials an hn.s Jjydliv K.
In ovoty community you will llnil
women who lmvu Iwcn restored lo
health hy Lydin K Pinkhum'n Vck
ctablo Compound. .Almost overy
ono you meet hii.s cither been bono
Mod by it, or hns ftieniln who have.
In tho l'inuhnni Laboratory nt
8eo tho Hies containing over ono mil
lion ono hundred thousand Ictlom
from women Kcukiiur health, and
hero aro tho loltura m which thoy
oiwnly fltato over their own signa
tures that thoy woro cured byLydia
E. I'inkham's Vowtnblo Compound.
Lydia IS. I'inkham's Vogclablo
Compound has saved many women
from surgical oix'nitions.
Lydia li ViuUhum's Vcgotnblo
Compound is made from roots and
herbs, without, diugs, and is wholo
somo and harmless.
The reason why Lydia E. Pinlt
hatn's Vegetable Compound is so
successful is because it, contains in
gredients which act directly upon
'tho fominino organism, restoring it
to a healthy normal condition.
Women who uro nuhoring from
thoso distressing ills ieouliar to their
sex should not loso sigjit, of theso
facts or doubt the ability of Lydia
K l'inkham'o Vegetable Compound
to restore their health.
Positively cured by
llieae Llttlo Pills.
Tlioy utBorellcvjB niif
Irt'iiM from Iornpepnln, lu
illKwUlwautl Too Hearty
KnlliiH. A pc feet rr m--ily
for DlitliicxH, Nnu
wu, Pruwilni'HH, Itail
Tnnln Int be'Moii til, Coat--il
Tnii((ir, Fain In llin
They regulate tho Ho
wolu. I'll rely Vcuvtublo.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similc Signaturo
groceries and I will guarantee
that you will be better satisfied
with it than with any starch you
have ever used.
I claim that it has no-superior
for hot or cold starching, nnd
it wis:
to the
1 ;
f 1
V '