The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 03, 1908, Image 8

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Gossip of People and Events Told
la Interesting Manner.
a i
Identity of "Mme.
NIJW YOKK. Tho Identity (if the
mysterious "Mini' Itulz," whoso
.iiitino wan frequently mentioned in
connection with the- suit of Mrs. Mien
I'Yoncli Vnndorbllt for divorce from Al
tfroil 0. Vnndorblll, linn just become
liulillc through Mm beginning of an
otlicr divorce, ault in wlilcli Minn. Itulz
1h tlio dofcndniiL Tlio iiliilnllff in tills
case, in Honor' Don Antonio Hnlz y
OllvaroH"i attache of (ho Cuban legation
l. Washington, and tho defendants
iMtno In given as Scnora Donn Agnes
O'l Irion do Itnlz. Tho complaint In tlio
null has not yol been served upon
Mine, Itulz, aa tlio plaintiff's coiiiihoI,
(loorgo You lit; llanclilo, has not yet
wicoocdod. In ascertaining lior present
Tlioio ia aiild lo ho a atrong llkoll
The Problem of Living in New York
ECONOMY la notliliiB hut poverty In
Now York, hy contrast with tlio ab
normal demands that living Involves.
HpoiidlnR HO conta for brcaUfaat, koIiib
without luncheon and paying one dol
lar for dinner la economy for a single
num. A breakfast that costs .'10 cents
and a dinner at 00 cents Is poverty.
'ho boarding houso life la poverty;
tho lodpliif; house life Is something
worse, and tho ordinary llfo lu a flat
ia voluntary servitude.
Sociologists clnlm that the lowest
Mssll)lo yearly cxponso for a work
Ingman with a wlfo and threo children,
ombodyliii; a normal standard of Ilv-
Iiik, ia (9C0. Tho statement waa mudo
reconlly by tlio Now York dopnrlmont
of charilloa that tho avoraRo lahoror'a
family in Now York Id existing on $700
A yoar. Tlio minimum into of runt
on Mio Mast side for tho barest do
oouclos la four dollars a month. Coal
costs from 10 to 15 cents a pall, a fab
ulous price when estimated hy tho ton.
Yot hotwoon IIiIh povorty and tho
"ocouoiny" of tho small aalarled cm
ployo who Is compelled to ndjust his
earnings to tiio demands of his occu
pation (hero is small difference. Wo
New Theater to Educate the Children
riifl mO
THIORIO Is to bo a new theater in
town, not built by Oscar Hammer
utoln or by any of tho malingers whoso
tinmen ho seldom get Into tho nowspa
iort, nor. to be a theater of the
uioial order, although It will he a "reg
ular thoator," ns all Its actors, patrons
and malingers will testify.
Tho now theater filed a coitlflcato
of incorporation at Albany. The names
of Romo of tho directors demonstrate
that it docs not lack either capital or
moral backing or tho special talent
and management which go to make a
thoator successful. It is to ho called
tho ICducatlonnl Theater for Children
and Young People.
Wlillo It in tho outgrowth of tho
Children's Educational theater, which
has boon In cxlstonco long enough to
demonstrate Its right to live, In con
nection wltli tho Educational alliance
tu lOast Mrondway, tho now theater
really. II bo a new advonturo In Now
Dressing Miss New
TIIK Now York girl Is nn expensive
proposition. Tlio other day a an
promo court judge Increased tho al
lowance of a 17-year-old bud from
$0,000 to $10,000 n year so that Bho
could drpas ''a3 becomes lior station."
Homo comment was made at tho time
that this was rather a largo sum for a
young girl to firvnd for ralmont, but,
according to a fnshlonablo Fifth nvo
mio modiste, $10,000 a yoar Is a moro
bdgQU'llQ for Miss Mnnhattau to upend
for frocks and frills.
In a dress parade of tho nations tho
Now York spoclmcn of Amorlean
Iteuuty, by right of hor costly and un
limited wardrobe, would lead tho pro
ceualou, for, according to this fashion-
-7 V?3MB!iw 111
Ruiz" Is Revealed
hood that n successful prosecution oi
tho dlvorco action may ho followod hy
a hiiR for nllenntlon, of affection
ngninst a man na yot tintintnncK Mr.
Hnuchlo Bald thht tho dlvorco action
la based upon Btatutory grounds. "An
unknown man" la spocliled In tlio com
plaint, hut It la said that when tho im
pure aro Hcrvctl upon Mine. Itulz tho
complaint will ho bo amended that tho
naino of tho corespondent will appear.
Mr. Itulz wns married to Mary Ag-
nos O'llrlen in tlilB city August 17.
1!)().'!, according lo tho records. MIsb
O'Hilen gave her birthplace aa Mis
Kourl anil her age aa 2& yoava. i
Tlioy did not llvo happily, It Is said, '
and after u few years decided to llvo
apart. Since that time Mine. Itulz has
lived at several cxcIuhIvo Now York
hotolH and of Into has had an apart
mont In Lexington avenue. Her name
wnH brought Into tho Vnndorhllt case
through tho dlncloaures that shortly
heforo ho oioped with a young society
mntron, Harry Hrencliley, formerly a
Ulilnor for Alfred O. Vandorhllfa
horses, had purchased an $11,000 auto
mobile for iMino. Itulz.
llvo In New York by tho cost rather
than valuo of things. An apple pur
chased on Fifth nventio costs twice as
much as tho samo 'ipplo bought on
Fourteenth street. Tho dollar Howery
shirt costs twice as much on Broad
way. This la tho city whero they "pay
tho price."
Tho self-induleent man who spends
$300 a day has not saved his money
out of his wuges. Tho woman who
could not mnunKo her household for n
season on less than $75,000 is not tho
daiiKhter or tho wlfo of a wago earner.
Kconomlcal beginners really have no
actual relation to tho existing pioblcin
of living In Now York.
What docs It cost to llvo In Now
York? Moro than you can over hope
to earn In wages; and, so far as tho
chances of speculation aro concerned,
that Infers tho necessity of "pull." If
you haven't a "pull," social or political
or llnnnclnl, your speculative chances
nro slight. Obviously thin state of
restless endurance Is demoralizing. It
undermines character. Presently you
find yourself following tho procession
of people who nro living beyond their
means, because they seem to be enjoy
ing themselves at It.
Tho only wny to llvo within your in
como lu Now York is to become blind
to tho vory extravagances nnd allure
ments that make this the metropolis,
nnd to sncriilco tho pleasures of
temptation for tho comforts of an hon
orable old ago.
The directors nnmod In tho new In
stitution are: Samuel L. Clemens
(Mark Twain), Rev. P. S. Grant, Otto
II. Kahn. R. J. Collier. Miss A. M.
Herts and Chnrles B. Miner.
Tho theater Is to have Us home for
teaching, etc., for tho present In Mr.
Collier's residence at 1!0 Oramercy
park. For tho coming season tho
newer organization will continue to
supply entortnlnmonls of n dramatic
order for and nt the Educational al
liance, hut In duo time it expects to
have a suitable theater building of Its
In addition to tho directors named
theio hi to bo nn advisory board, of
which one member has been selected,
Rev. Dr. O. S. Hall, president of Clark
uulverslty of Worcester, Mass. ,
Hrlcfly stated, the object of tho the
ator Is education on both sides of tho
footlights, which Is to say It alms to
fanilllai izo tho younger generation
with some of tho best plays, both
classical and modem, by permitting
young people to take part In tho per
formances and tho stago management,
nnd In turn by so educntlng a genera
tion whlcii later on shall demand In
tho greater theaters a high order of
plays and take nway from tho mana
gers tho excuse somotlmes henrd now
adays that thoy ennnot afford to pro
duce plays for children.
York Is jExpensive
ablo dressmaker, her sartorial posi
tion Is achloved by a rocklesa disre
gard of money.
Twenty thousand dollars Ib only a
modorato outlay for a now spring out
fit. At least, so says this dressmakor,
who really ought to know, for she has
gowned many maids and matrons of
tho Binart sot. Nowhoro la money
moro lavishly spent for fashionable
finery than In this city, she snys, for
every Now York woman's fad uecms
to bo pretty clothes. Money may como
and money may go, hut frocks and
frills go on forever, nnd (hero soems
to ho no abatement lu the costly de
sires of tho "sex."
Whllo tho modlsto admitted that sho
had customoiB who spent twlco or
thrlco twenty thousand n year for
clothes, sho confessed that lss Now
York could bo nicely gowned ton $20,
000 a year. Now that tho warm
weathor Is hero tho New York girl Is
loosening her puro strings nnd ovory
fnshlonablo modls'o Is simply deluged
I with ordora for costly summer flawry.
m . 'Hk
i. 9FMMMmm
J ' ; mSM
I ' .off Pt l)hfca,
M .. thWkW ' lEm
m ikWw m
M a v 4'-' 'fliWrA m
m ' v ' -Jjk,
fax r s. XJar JHA WA
1'opjrrlRlit 1T WkMon Kwcctt.
Richard Reed Rogers, general ccuncel of Panama Canal Commission,
who accompanied Secretary of War Taft on his recent visit to the Isthmus.
Susie Johnson Declares Money Was
Paid Her to Disappear from
View Tells How Feast
Was Planned.
Now York. "Tho Oirl in tho PIo,"
who figured so prominently in the
amazing revelations of upper llfo lu
Now York's Itohcmln a few years ago
and who wns reported to have died of
consumption, Is allvo and literally
kicking. Susio Johnson such Is her
name did not got married, did not die
Kittens Tied In Knot Like Double
Siamese Twins Mother Pos
sessed of Peculiarities But
lo Good Rat Catcher.
Brooklyn. Tnbby, a fine malteso
cat, besides bolng a source of gieat
comfort to her mistress, Mrs. Orlnnell
of 5!)8 Lafayotto avenue, Is really an
oxtrnordlnnry and uncommon crea
ture. Sho can be counted on once
every six months to produce a sensa
tion. Ever slnco ono Sunday morning
sho has had all tho neighborhood CW.
Tho famo of her lnteat oxplolt has
spread to remote parts of tho borough.
Tabby gave birth to n most rcinnrk
ablo litter of klttons. Threo of them
had each seven toes on their forefeet
und live on their hind feet; but this is
or was not to bo wondored at, for
Tabby herself la possessed of these pe
Tho remaining four, wondorful to
relate, wero all tied in a knot. They
were veritably like tho Siamese twins,
twlco over. How thoy nursed and
how they lived a whole week, and
might hnvo been living yet had not
Mrs. Grlnncll humanely ended their
complicated existence, Is a modoru
Thero wero four separate and dis
tinct bodies, and from four pairs of
lusty lungs thoy gavo forth lusty
nieowB, and with tholr legs thoy
pushed and pawed each other In futile
attempts to get apart. And tho he
wlldored mother also tried to Bopar
ato them. Sho wns so much concerned
about hor atrango offspring that sho
paid no attention at all to tho threo
New Birds for
Denver Man Brings Them All the Way
from Sweden.
Donvor, Col. Two strango birds
havo arrived In Donvor, liavinc Jour
neyod all Uio way from Sweden. Now
thoy nro domiciled In tho city park.
If tho plans of their owner, W. F. Ken
drlck, Bucceed, they will bo tho pro
genitors of a now rnco of birds In tho
Colorado mountains,
Thoy nro tho capercallzlo, pro
nounced capor-kol-zl, and nro tho size
of a small turkey. In habltB thoy nro
much llko grouso nnd ptarmigan.
Thoy thrive best at tlmbor lino, and
subsist on plno, spruco and hemlock
boughs and mountain berrios.
Mr. Kondrlck, who Is tremendous
ly Interested In birds and animals, has
had an ambition for sorno tlmo to start
of consumption and was not burled
In Potter's field, aa was alleged when
tho notorious pie Incident was brought
up during tho first trlul of Harry Thaw
for the murder of Stanford White.
White was one of the diners at the
celebrated dinner given by "Jimmy"
Hreeso, at which the high illers of
Now York's rapid set were present.
He became much Interested In Susie
Johnson after sho made her sensation
al exit from the big pie In which she
was concealed at the now historic
A world-wide search was made for
her when the matter came up during
the Thaw trial, but she was not found.
jju v
Mm ASiw'- fern m k i
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'- nr
i : "avr.
'. - ' ?.rwn"
fe,.T n'fj jr.j.3t.a.
iH7U'jrvap.aa?x "xrvjwrtoMmwmzsm; - iflbvjH . A.-.vvnScrv xi ;jTt
I'roiu ttercRrili,np7rli(lit, lr I'mlcrwood t ITnilfrwooJ.I.'. Y.
Scene near tho Strait Settlements, Southeastern India.
that had been born with separate en
titles, and Mrs. Grlnnell, for fear of
having them die of malnutrition,
drowned them.
Once It was bruited about that
Tabby had given birth to a bunch of
kittens all tied together, not only the
neighbors called to see tho monstros
ity, but oven tho neighbors' cats. For
a whole week all of tho neighbors'
cats congrogated In Mrs. Grlnnell's
back yard and cellar to view Tabby's
funny little ones, and to discuss the
phenomenon In their fellno way.
Mrs. Grlnnell became very much
annoyed at tho notoriety given her
the Mountains.
tho breeding of these birds in Colorado
because of their rarity nnd beauty. Ho
has already bred nnd liberated thou
sands of pheasants, but the caper
cailzie wore hard to get. For months
ho has had a commission In Sweden
for two perfect birds. As tho result
of this order, the two arrived re
cently. The capercallzlo Is almost as largo
as and similar in habits to tho Amor
lean wild turkoy, with tho advantago
that It can ciuluro much moro Bevoro
hardships nnd cold weather, nnd will
llvo on food such ns Is obtainable from
tho trcotops, If necessary, whon tho
ground Is deeply covorod with snow.
Mr. Kondrlck will koop tho birds at
tho park uutll thoy breed, his plan be
ing to tnko tho young to tho most suit
able places lu tho mountains and lib
erate them.
A reporter tho other dny met tho
young woman, who Is hale and ex
tremely hearty.
"Why did yon not contradict those
reports of your marriage, desertion
nnd pathetic death?" asked the re
porter. "Money," replied tho plo girl placid
ly ns sho slipped off her dancing slip-"
per nnd shook out nn ordinary hit of,
snnd. "Money," sho repeated thought
fully. "Tho samo money that makes
men take long chances down on Wall
Btrect, tho samo money that makes
them sacrifice fame and friends, tho
Bamo money Hint makes Mr. Rocke
feller happy nnd Mr. Cameglo build
libraries kept Susie, Johnson, 'the girl,
In tho pie,' out of sight. I wns doing
pretty well, thank you, by Just keeping
Btlll. Hut now tho' tlmo for keeping
stilt i past. I just want to say that
a lot of stuff published about me was
not true.
"No reporter has over talked to me.
I w8 spirited away when that dinner
broke up nnd no one, not even my own
parents, saw mo for a long, long time.
Perhaps other glrla represented them
selves as Susie Johnson nnd did tlu
talking. I never did. They said 1
was married and that my husband,
brooding over my role In that famouB
dinner, went nearly Insane and de
serted mo. I never married. They
said I had consumption. 1 have never
been ill n day. And you'll admit I'm
very much allvo. !
"Now that my lips are unsealed. I
am willing enough to tnlk. My mem
ory for dates Is not very clear, but I
think that dinner was given In May,
1895. 1 had haen posing for various
artists, head and figure, nnd was Just
15 yeaiB of age. Henry C. Poor gave
the dinner lu honor of a business
friend, whoso name 1 do not remem
ber, In the studio of James L. Hreeso
on Sixteenth street.
"I .think Robert Rcld planned tho
dinner nnd Mr. Poor footed the bills,
because It was Mr. Reld who engaged
me and told mo what a great event It
was to bo. One hundred and fifty
quarts of chnmpagne, he said, had
been ordered, and the dinner was to
cost $100 per pinto without the wine.
"Ho rehenrsed mo very carefully for
the part I was to play. You see, I had
posed for him very often and ho knew
just what to expect of me. He bought
a great shallow pan or tub, just big
enough to hold me, nnd had a cover
of crust baked for It. Then the crust
was vory carefully lifted off, I was
put Inside and the cover laid over me.
My shoulders were draped with black
gauze und a blackbird such as you put
on a hat was fastened in my hair,
which hung down around my shoul
ders. In my hand I carried a box
filled with tiny birds. As soon as the
crust was cut I took the lid off this
box and out flew the birds. Then I
popped up into view."
promises by the Tabby family, and she
straightway summoned her nophow,
who hnppens to be nn underlnkor, and
bade him dispatch the quartet of kit
tens. And now Mrs. Grlnnell Is seri
ously considering ending the existence
of Tabby herself, for over since Bho
nrrlved nt maturity tho cat has been
doing some funny "stunt" like this.
Indeed, sho Is seemingly beyond re
form. This, however, Mrs. Grlnnell
will say In her favor, she Is a cham
pion rat catcher. The extra claws
with which sho Is equipped seem to
stand her In good stead whenever sho
goes a-rattlng.
Woman Selects Successor In Spirit of
Mount Holly, N. J. .Mrs. Carmlno
Pallante, wlfo of a well-to-do resident
of Mount Holly, died six months ngo
after a piolongod Illness. Angela lzzl
and Christina Izzl, her daughter, of
Philadelphia, nursed tho woman.
Tho tender ministrations of tho
mother, Angela, bo cndcaied tho wom
an to Mrs. I'ullunto that, when Bho
know death waa near, Bho choso Mrs.
Izzl ns her successor in the affections
of her husband.
With hor dying words sho declared
that sho was happy in tho thought that
her husband would havo a good wlfo
after she died.
The public was In Ignorance of tho
oplBodo until rocontly,' when tho news
was mado public by Pallante, when ha
married Mrs. Izzl.
7i .& rn.UK xvar.ruwv 1 1 i n i i ' ' i i .Kjj'tjL .., jjl. .'jdwsi? i r
jtst'Ji? jTf--(rraxfci9tfc ftwjwwjY i?rtf??rwiJTn t t
Kid Goo whiz, but er feller foolB
lonesome In do spring If ho uln't got
or ceil!
Starch, llk'o everything elseis bo--ing
constantly improved, tho patent
Starches put on tho market 25 years
ago ure very different nnd inferior to
those of the present dny. In tho lat
est discovery Defiance Starch all In
jurious chemicals aro omitted, whllo
tho addition of another Ingredient, in
vented by us, gives to the Starch a
strength and Binoothness never ap
preached by other brands.
Wouldn't Wash It.
"What is that young man doing out
"Trying to'nttrnct my attention with
the handkerchief flirtation, I guess."
"You do not seem to bo respond
ing." "No, I am not his laundress." Nash
vlllo American.
Let us labor to make tho heart
grow larger as we become older, as
Uo spreading oak gives more shelter.
LcwiV Sinple Hinder the famous
t might Tm' I'ipnr, a ntwny hwt quality.
Your dealer or Iajwis' Factory, Peoria, III.
No ono is so blind to his own faults
ns a man who has tlio habit of detect
ing the faults of others. Faber.
Mrm AVIniloir'fl Soothing Sjrrnti.
-'or children ti-ctUlctt, miftrnii the gurus, rmlurcii lo
flainindllon, allnyn lo,curcs wind rxillu. 21c a buttle.
Birthdays, holidays and weddings
aro what keep tho average man poor.
General Demand
of the Wcll-Informwl of tho World has
always boon for a simple, pleasant and
efficient liquid laxativo remedy of known
value; a laxative which physicians could
sanction for family use because its com
ponent parts aro known to them to bo
wholesome and truly beneficial in effect,
acceptable to the system and gentle, yet
prompt, in action.
In supplying that demand with its ex
cellent combination of Syrup of Fig? and
Elixir of Senna, tho California Fig Syrup
Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relics
sn the merits of the laxative for its remark
ible 8ucccs.i.
That is ono of many reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given
the preference by tho Well-Informed.
To get its beneficial effects always buy
the genuine manufactured by tho Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for salo
by all leading druggists. Price fifty ccnta
per bottle.
. -- w.-- ,-.'irf
What a Sotttor Can Soouro In
100 Acrrt Grain-Growing Land FREE.
20 to 40 BuiheU Wheat to the Acre.
40 to 90 Buihelt Oata to the Acre.
35 to SO DutheU llarley to the Acre.
Timber for Fencing and Building! FREE.
Good l- with Low Taxation.
Splendid Railroad Facilities and Low R&te.
School and Churche Convenient.
Satitfactory Markets for all Production.
Good Climate and Perfect Health.
Chance for Profitable Investment.
ttaskuti-liewnn nnd AllMTtti may now Jju no
quired In tlu'HC tnoat bealtlifnl and prosproua
uectlous under tho
Revised Homestead Regulations
by which entry may bo made by proxy (on cer
tain runilltlonH), by tho father, mother, huh,
ilauKliter, btutuer or Muter of intending liouio
steader. KntryfeolncarhcnBelHllO.OO. For pamphlet,
beat time to bo and where to locate, apply to
(01 New Yotlf Life Bolldlnf. Omaha. Ntbnitta.
Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body
nntiscptically clean and free from un
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors,
which water, soap and tooth preparations
alone cannot do. A
germicidal, disin
fecting and deodor
izing toilet requisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug nnd toilet
storcH, 50 cents, or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trial Sample
jj&jjii Tpn'i',.?,,lB;.,aB
i j. i m .1 imi
yHl It M
mjW I li Vmk
ncwcvAvc br JOHN w. Monnio.
PENSIONS Washington. V, O.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 27, 1908.