The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 03, 1908, Image 7

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i Cl
Dealers in
Presh, Salt
and Cured
Phones, Country 1WI
ltotl fit
l; uise to rent.
I'reil Teiun'.e 1
Inquire of F.
here from IC'
Frances NV.Miit was down from
I n:i vale Sunday.
Mis. (Joo. Hutchison wont to Hast
ings Monday.
Mr. and Mr. Koh. Austin wore down
fr : . MeCook Monday.
M-. ami Mrs. H. I). Moritzand family
ret 'mod from Itlue Hill Monday.
Itfiid the oponingehapterof "KAtis"
ah nit "piano?" begun in tltl
Jvt .Mrs. inns, lamer ami
' V'ues lay for a pleasure
Mrs. Chns. Cather and children left
trip in Coloru-
V M ss.To.sie IgouS inusie pupils will
givo n iccltal :it the Congregational
elm-vh, Tuesday evening, .luly 7. Ad
notion Jj."e.
Th e mail carriers will have a legal
holiday tomorrow. No mail will go
out on the routes.
M-s Nate Illingsworth and child of
llelv'irtcw is visiting her parents. Mr.
and Mfv .Tames Iturdcn.
.1 .o Warren of Seattle. Wash., ar
rive i 'n the city Wednesday morning
to attend his father's funeral.
1' r the benefit of old soldier County
Oleic i.. will keep open his otliee on
th V u th of .luly from 7 to 10 a. in
I)-s Woirick A I'.lddlU-, Kv Mar.
o- an I Threat Specialists. (Masses
t. ! o" Herman National liantc,
IK- '!.
1 I i ttii; Harlow of Los Angeles
( a!'; tupped oil' here the first of the
wit for a U!t with hi- parents. Ho
is nt '.,'.- :y homo from Peoria. 111.,
v in In- altondi'd the head cam; of
Mm ''t Woodman of America.
I . ,i .on sunt ami don't forget to
Si".!"-.- nil!- property against loss by
Fire L.htiug A Cyclone in one of the
old line Insurance companies rep re
hen tod by I. II. Fort agent.' Damerell
block Sloan t-ycloue policy only costs
you S. for 3 years.
After years of experiment
ing, The N. K. Fairbank
Company has discovered
the proper ingredients for
a Perfect Laundry Soap.
This is
Ask us to show you the
Fl whole line ol rairbank soap
Gold Oust Falrv
Glycerlnc-Tar Purama
The name "FAIR HANK"
is a guarantee of soap qual
ity. i mmm
The Gfoeef
l y All tho Phones
f lirii(:iiiftii d lion August . tn 1
loim '.'i ltotl .olid tin1 Jtu of .Itt'y.
S. M. True was down from Inavnle
Orris Mntldus was down from Inn
vale Moudtiv.
Mrs Neil (irhiK's roturucit from 15'tte
Hill Tuesilsiy.
Miss Fay Hurd wn.i down from
Cowle Tuesday.
Frank Watson of Womer, Kas., spout (
Sunday In this city.
Attornoy Walters came down from
Ulue 1 1 ill" Wednesday.
Mrs, S. I. White was down from
Illne lllll last Saturday.
Mrs. Haymond. trimmer for Tur
nure's, left for Chicago Monday.
Mrs. Sherwood Albright went to
Stamford Saturday to visit relatives.
Red Cloud vs Franklin at the base
ball park, two games, the 4th of .luly.
Jack Edwards went to Chicago Mon
day to attend the funeral of his sister.
Frank Smith was dowu from Itlue
Hill Tuesday to see his son, "Ked"
Mrs. Nellie Caster spent Saturday
and Sunday hi Ited Cloud. She is
teaching nt Alma.
Frank Hartley for painting, paper
hanging, sign writing, kalsomlug ami
carriage painting.
Miss Rettu Searcy, who has been
visiting Mi.-s Anna Yaplo. returned to
Marysville. Mo., Monday.
Ward lliatt of Fort
YI ).,
arrived here Monday for a visit
M. ('. Slii-ruiaii and family.
Dr. (iardlnor and wife returned to
Orleans Monday after visiting her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. I,. H. Fort.
.lohn Masters. Itoy (larbor and Jesse
Norton wont to Hllwood today to play
ball with that team tomorrow.
A good Piano is worth as much after
you have used It tlfteeu or twenty
years as a cheap one costs new.
If you need glasses or have trouble
with yore eyes-, oars, nose or throat,
see Dr. Warrick the specialist July 7.
Mrs. Frank Hines and Miss Nita
Argabright returned from Alma Mon
day, where thev vis'.ted Miss Pearl
J. A. Hart. Mat Doyle. Fred llm-hee.
Cha. Mclvoighan nnrt Jas. Doyle nt
tended the horse raco at (iuide Hock
Charley Ludlow who works at Me
Cook was married this week. Ho and
Ins wife are visiting liis parents in
tills city.
The next excursion will be to the
Panhandle July 7th. Join us. Hod
Cloud Investment Co., Potter ISlock,
Ked Cloud, Nebr.
If the rank growth of weeds were
out down on some of the vacant lots,
the general appearance of the city
would bo greatly improved.
Mrs. Home:" i;.iugb:oan, who has
boon vls'.ting at the home of J. . Cald
well, returned to her home at Musko
gee, Ukla.. Tuesday morning.
Dr. Warrick the specialist will meet
eye, ear. no-e and throat patients and
those needing glasses properly fitted
at Dr. Dnmcroir.s otliee Tuesday July
iionnie Willi-inis who delivers for
Miner's store had a runway Saturday
afternoon in the east part of town.
The team upset the wagon andtlirowed
him out.
Mrs. Applogate and her son-in-law,
L. ('. King, returned to their home tit
(Mbbon Monday, after a visit here with
the former's daughter, Mrs. Marlon
Mercer, and family.
Mrs. Jas. P.urdon has moved her stock
of millinery to the Datnerell block,
and is n,it)g a part of the room oc
cupied by husband's grocery. The
ladies are Invited to call on her at the
new place.
Frank Witt, who has been employed
at the Chief olllee for the past seven
months, left for Holbrook Sunday
morning, where he will visit friends for
a weelc, going then to Omaha toattend
the barber college.
. J. Overing jr.. left Saturday oven,
ing for a visit at I.eighton, Iowa,
where he will visit his wife's folks.
Ills wife and children have been visit
ing there for some time and will ac
company him homo.
livery one of the in.diii) or more parts
in a Chlckcrlng Ilros.' piano is care
fully selected. If an imperfect pait
should be overlooked by the skilled
maker, your im.imitiui nri:Nii i:
protects you for ai.i. timi:.
The entries in the live stock depart
ments for the coining State Fair, Aug.
Ill to Sept. I. now give promise of an
excess over those cf prior ,oars. Ap
plications in the swine department far
exceed (ho capacity of the 7M puns on
the grounds. The home barns are
about filled nnrt entries of cattle are
pouring in dally.
Take a vaeacatlou and join our ex
cursion to the Panhandle of Texas
July 7th. Drinking thu pure soft
water and breathing tho fresh air will
do you good. A new tract of land
will be opened up mid you can got a
cheap farm on easy payments with
little cash down. ' and sce.-Hrd
Cloud Iiiv.x'iucut to., Potter Uloek,
lied Cloud, Nebr. ,
V.( I'niliiu wot t to Itlue ltll Ui
C. I,. Crnhlll loft for Mel'ook Thur.s
day evening.
llerh I'luiul) Is evneeteil homo from
Lincoln tonight.
Attornoy Hardener was down from
, Masting riatnril;.
Natdy Marsh of Itlue Hill Is visiting
i In tlie eltv tills week.
Paul S. Dtetrletc arrived in the city
' yesterday from Lincoln.
Mrs. tinnier arrived home Mondny
from tv visit in the
Head the opening chapter of "I'.u-re"
about "I'U.vos" begun in this issue.
(5uy Day moved out on S. lleckwlth's
farm northeast of town Tuesday and
will farm it.
For Sale soft and harrt coal heaters,
oil heater, otliee lamps, inculmtor and
chickens. Mrs. J. P. Kale.
Ancll Crablll returned Sunday from
Lincoln where he attended a banquet
given at the university.
Hev. Hates socnt weelc before last
visiting his family in Lincoln and
Went from there to St. Paul and other
For Sale three thoroughbred Short
horn bulls. Can bo wen on farm two
tulles southwest of lluldc Hock. John
On account of the absence of the
pastor there will be no preaching ser
vices nt the Congregational church
next Sunday.
.Miss ('arrio (loble oxtertaineil a
party of friends Tuo'day everting hi
honor of her cousin. Mis Hunt, from
Missouri, who is visiting here.
Jese Hale and Miss Josie Hunt of
Montgomery City. Mo., are hero visit
ing their sister-in-law and cousin. Mrs.
K. 11. (loble. They are on their way
to Denver.
Mr. Illmer II. Hoams of Shenandoah,
Iowa, and Mis Mary L. ance o:
Cowles were issued a license to wed by
Judge tliNon last Tuesday. The wed
ding occurred at the home of the bride
Tuesday evening.
Carpenters are completing a new
lumber shed at the Piatt lumber yard.
The dimensions are .'WxU'J feet. .".( feet
high, and this will make enough room
to put all of their Immense stock of
lumber under cover.
Hev. C. A. WiL-on has resigned hi.s
pastorate with the P.aptist chinch at
this place and will preach his last ser
mon next Sunduy. Ho has accepted a
charge at Pittsburg, Pa., and expects
to leave for there the Salter part of
next week.
My grocery in the D.unorell block Is
now open, and we "ire ready to attend
your wants. Our stock Is all i'vohuud
new. and the line will be kept com
p'eto at tilltl'iics. Prompt and careful
attention given to ail orders. Give us
a call. .!.s. l'.ri;ii:.
Secretary Mo'.'or savs that in re
horses wore :i i.ticl f.r the Mate Fair
Stake Haccsto liogiu August 3W. than
ever was entered at any jvw'ums itiec
meet at Lincoln. This.. oar. the races
will consist ot fifteen harnes., and
eight running race, with .total purses
amounting to mure than f?t3.0'. The
closing of the class races is on August
New tract of land in the Panhandle
will be o tie red for utile on our next
excursion July 7lh. This is tho e renin
of that territory. Conic and, go with
us and see for yourself. You ran buy
a farm on easy payments. l!y going
on the tlrst trip you can get a belter
location and a quicker laise in the
value. lied I'loud Investment Co..
Potter block, lied Cloud. Nebr.
The ladles of the W. C. T. !'. will
hold their "Ooid Modal" contest In the
Congregational church on the evening,
of July utli. lluch of the ontcstanta
litis been the winner of a silver modal,
and their readings are sine t !. wiy
fine. A progr .nil oon.-istltig of recita
tions, dialogues, vocal solos .and piano
solos, 1 esides the selections of the
inali" qui.rtet will bo s.nv to please.
anil you can not a:Yonl to miss it. Ad
mission will bo !" tin 1 ,"i tents, and
proceeds will be applied on Fountain
Red Cloud,
F'siS-AT M
Aj Wi
"lit nmr woods.
Two big ball gat. is tomorrow.
I liautnuqiui August . to I.". Plan to
A. Marcos was
up from Superior
Mr. Whoalon wont
to Itloomiugtoti
Fred Speuoc was down from ltladon
Dwlght Jones was up from tiulde
lloclc Sunday.
Nate Doiidua was up from Guide
Hock Thursday.
Mrs. Andy Hart left for McCook and
Oxford Thursdny.
Carrol Walters was In Itlue Hill
Tuesday evening.
W. M. Kills and son were down from
Hastings Saturday.
Mrs. Winters returned to her home
In Lincoln Saturday.
Mrs. John Polnlcky and son Paul
went to McCook Thursday.
Mrs. II. II. Morgan spent Sunday nt
Superior with her husband.
Geo. linker' end wife were west
bound passengers Thursday.
The eclipse Sunday was noticeable !
to all who looked at it here.
Attornoy lUackledgo and fatuity
leave this evening for Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse llrooks were
down from Catherton Saturday.
'litis. Hesse returned Thursday from
a visit with relatives in Missouri.
A I Mni tit is the happy papa of a
baby girl wh'ch was born Sunday.
J. C. Sayloraud wife wentto ICcarney .
Thursday for a visit with relatives.
Will Kirkpatriek and I. H. Colvlnj
were up from Guide Hock Thursday. I
Hev. J. M. Hates will hold services!
in Grace church the net two Sundays. 1
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Mercer. Saturday. June 27.
Clarence Stine of Superior was in
town the tlrst of the week visiting
i ran if uuwucii.
Remember the G. A. It. reunion will i
be held in this city (luring the first
part of September.
Geo. Smith lias rcsigmd his position
at Saunders' lumber yard and leaves
for Omaha Friday.
Red Cloud played ball with Hertraud
at Hertraud last Friday and beat them
by a score of Hi to '..
John Dickersoii of Salfna. Kns., is
here visiting at the home of his father-in-law,
Samuel Kizcr.
Miss Furgoson came up Monday
from Guide Hock to visit her sister,
Mrs. Wllber Hamilton.
John Mitt, and family left for De
Wilt. Nebr.. Monday where they will
make their future home.
Mrs. Lillian Doling and children ar
rived Thurr.i'iiy from Oklahoma City,
Okla.. for ti visit ,ith relative-.
IVitioul.'o home industry. Special
prices on . to Ji bun ircrt pound lots i f
old wheat Hour at Heil I loud Mills.
Mr-.. Harkley ea m up from Red
i loud last evening to visit her sou o
M. Harkley and wife. Oiieann Chron
icle. Mrs. Walter Roby tuul children ui
Nelson wore visiting her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Will Hohrer thu rtrst of tie
Several men came down fim Hlite
Hill this wool: in automobiles to attend
the Red Cloud and Cambridge lull
Chas. McCord and family wete up
from Lebanon, Kas.. the first of the
week visiting with Will Walters
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Guvnor of near I na vale wtis buried in
tin Rod Cloud cemetery Thursday
When Lorn goes ti-fUhlng
She docs not take a honk.
For she can hind a sticker
With just u glancing loot:.
The last game nt ball that Red Cloud
played with Hertraud tit that place
Saturday. Red Cloud won the game.
Score 2 to 0. Red Cloud won six games
'last week.
Work on Walter Sherwood's new
residence is being pushed us rapidly as
possible, and when completed wilt be
one of the fliicst and convenient
In the city.
The Mavericks certainly can stick
some. Fourteen hits oil' Ousley in II' c
innings is not so bad. And Haggertv
takes three of them.
Loosing two games out of the last
nine is not bad, but to loose them on
the results of errors and playing men
where they don't belong ought to be
met with some doctoring.
Join our omu'sIoii July 7th to the
Panhandle of Texas and you will ce
the largest acreage of line agricultural
laud lu America. You etui buy a funn
on o'isy pajttients. Don t delay an the
price Is sure to raise. Go now. -lied
i loud Investment Co.. Potter block,
Roil Clu.iil. Nebr.
Two BIA Fcurllt oT July Sail Games.
At Red Cloud. Ftanklin vs. Red Cloud
forenoon at iOtlo. Ako afternoon nt
n, other interesting sport botwren
gauu'fc. Kveryhorty coinu and have a
good ohl-tjiahluuort tiuiu.
Heady for the 4th?
Got a thin Suit ready a Straw Hat--soft cool
shirt- thin Underwear--cool Hosiery, etc?
You'll need every last one of these things to be
comfortable. We're at your service with the best.
Serge, Cheviot and Homespun Suits, $5, 18 to $15.
Negligee Shirts, $50 to $2.50.
Thin Underwear, 25c to $1.50.
Cool Hosiery, 50 to 50c.
Straw Hats, 10c to $6.00.
We've every good thing
gery lor yo degrees tn the shade.
Gouiden-Haley Clothing Go.
p First Door North of Postofflcc.
Bargains in Groceries
A 6 G Goods
Complies with the
pure food laws
of every state
Uf II TU Calumet In tunilo
nEHLIIl kiblo to Bi-lcct.
' lircad, lllftciiitu or I'astry; tticrcfuic, it Is rocoin
1 mended by lending pliyalcluns nnd clicmlsU.
iCnniinilV In mine Calumet you tiro nbvnvi assured of
XUUnUni I a Kood hnklnir:
materia! or
cans; It
Nothing manufactured shows
so great an improvement as
Clothing. Iiach season shows
tiiis more forcibly.
This Siiriiifr's line is
in cool Clothes and Tog- S '
Nothing hotter on the murkot.
'Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser."
Hotter tliim lyo or soap. Cleans ovory
tiling. Fulton Market, Dameroll Ulk
of tlie flncit mntcrlnln toi-
and makes lli.'lit. uiisllv tllircxti-d
therefore, tliuru Is no wnsto of
tlnio. Calumet Is nut up In nlr-tlcht
will keep longer than any oilier
rovriu - r on mo mm lias more
lllicnnv liremired mat
1110 ni'iiiriiuzaiion 01
Incrcdlcnt Is nlisoluto'v nerfect.
.. -." .r ..
tjalts or Alum In tho (oud. It 11
cliemlcuily correct.
clvcn for nny uh-lnncn In-
jurlous to licultu I nu.,1 in
better than ever.
Glad to show you. m
) i
K i
- U
f L
,, I
4j!t iv4r"
fim niw-t pmm
,r .t