The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 03, 1908, Image 6

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n Photographer
Centuries Old and
Clinton Sat
Under It.
and What Happens In the Small
After Sunset.
City Dray and Express Line.
"I vran at Kingston during tlio Clin- j
If you happen to upend nn uve-iiln
ton rebitrlnl ceremonies on Dacurntlon Jn nn KiikIIhIi business town ou caii-i u-
J)ay" said a New York man. "and I ' not fall let lie surprised at the. iilnioJt
stoid a while beneath tho branches complete solitude that surrounds you. Hidden Plunder of Long-Forgotten Sea
.. lnl III nnplinix mm nf Ihn iiiimL rfl-' mvb IllP I'MIIlon lima HCC.oro. I III" i
'." ""-" I" ' "" --- ..'" . - I.. .1...
Hint Villi 11111 V 11I1VH MCCII l "
1'ainily uinups and baby picture u
specialty. Uatnorell liloek.
markattlo old oak tiees to he found
auywhero In thin country.
"Junt how old tho tree Ih 110 one
fcnowa, hut there arc records tiliowlng
that 200, years ago It wan a landmark.
Tho tree HlnudH there to day more
than J00 feet high nnd Itn trunk Is
nine feet In diameter.' Nowhere about
It did I discover any sign of decay
ofYdecllnlng vigor.
i"But aside from Hh admirable physl
clj'.condltloii and aspect this old tree
hU historic Interest Tim tree Htands
ubf a Brent way from tho old srnata
hmtfee. where the state of New York
hftk Its birth, and It marks one edg
of plot on which the famous one-log-K
'lJutch governor tf the colony.
l!ejr Stuyvesattt, built a stockade as
njjfense fir the colonists against
maritudlng Indians. ( , ,
'f.'Aflor the i evolutionary war, when
(Yen. Washington went up from Now
lrzi to visit (ien George Clinton at
.Kingston, the two patriots sat be
nejith the spieadlng branches of this
oak and for hours iccoiinted the events
of the long si niggle a'nd doubtless ills
.cupfciI plans foi the luiurc welfare
of the country Who may know but
that witiw of the beiietlts which we en
joy to-d-iy under the Institutions of our
government are results of the discus
sions or those two gieat patriots be
neath this giaud old I tec 7 I hioiight
myself to think so. at any rate.
"A few tulles from this historic old
oak. an old tesldeut Informed me Is
another tree which besides being an
imntiini liitiilniiiik Is something of n
cmlnslty. It is a chestnut tree, with a
trunk '2 feet in circumference, Horn
which about six feet from the ground
a white elm of lame sl.e has grown.
The chestnut trunk completely en
closes that of the elm. ami the expla
nation of the curious association la
that at siime time a branch of tho
chestnut was broken off, leaving a
cavity In which In time mould and
vegetable matter collected and made
suluible depth of mill for tho seed of
tho elm, which lodged therein to
germinate and glow and become a
tree, n veritable part of Its unprotcst
Ing host, the mammoth chestnut
Banditti Revealed Through the
Encroachments of the At
lantlc Ocean on Coast.
town that you may
afternoon swarming with such num
bers of busy people, teeming with so
Jnteiisc ft life, Is now deserted. . T. Inhabitants of I'aradellm, a tiny
To Ita ptevlous animation has sue-1 fl(,jinK village on the Portuguese count
ceeded a Bttange calm. H Is as though H0e (Usance south of Lisbon, have
you walked In a city of tint dead , j)f)fn srow, rch of late on what
It Is because every evening after six ,.,, to nave ;,. the hidden plan
o'clook work Is over In tho Kugllim ,j,,,. on. ()HR.forgot ten plinto band
town; the complex machinery of Ihe H()m, f tm,m ,nV(. nathered In a
Immense labor organization stops. m,Pn aH $r.000 worth of treasure.
The factory and the office, their ,ri)M (I1 ()f t))(, (,()(Hl ()f Portugal
doors open wide, cast Info, the, afreet . g gllff,,,.llK riom the encroachments
thtrfr world of llbeiated workers; Hy ()f lIlft ,M.pan Many house "havo been
crowded tramways, by crowded l,av' r undermined In ttiu last few "years and
uif tits, the town disgorges itsw. r.tu it ,Rye)iai, , w Bi,ndoned. Somotlmsa
one -clerks, workmen, workglrls, oM )Jk h)(1()h (f (,ry )(n(, j, off lnto tM
flee boys, hanknrs and merchants At,n(,c 0(.pa on a stormy night and
with the sume haste to regain his . - , wak .. i ttiXi all land-
dwelling, leavea behind him the gloomy inarkK rhnnged
town .whete he labored, where. , he ThnVIs what JrappdneI"a"eouplo.,pf;
strovjvM In the lists. It la,n Immense W(i(1, BR ,,vja furous Ra,. n-ho
nnd enthusiastic, retreat. It ltho, wnvI wnBheil' far In ov the upland
dull i exodus of the Mtglisli toward , . . , v ,. VRHt ,,., r the
their "home." ; I
What. then. Is It. this homo of which
the Kugllsli constantl speak, -the'
thought of which touches' their heart,
whoso mcnioi? dims their eyes, that
enfolds all the iMpplnuss of their life?
It Is home, a place In which m ior
net the aggiavatlons of the woibl, In
which to ho with one's dear ones,
one's pels Hid one's lares and penates
gcuciall. '
lent work a specialty.
I5cd (loud. Neb.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowes
( ran
Residence iSS.
Offiei iq.
tio TO
Kobinson & Son
If you want a Siuinrv Meal for '!' ets.
Soda Fountain in connection with
Restaurant. Soft drinks in season.
Henry DiedericK
ItKAf.EI! IX ',
BootsShoes and Angle Lamps
Repairing Neatly Done.
1 V
Bov Gronlnn With a Problem.
A lirluht bnv who writes lettem and
"compositions" ror hl. mother ns a
"home Htudy." but has time enough
fpr baseball, had tills to say In one
of his recent pro lit- lions: "Archie
can't be llrst base because liar-'
old's mother won't let him pl.r- with
a driver's boy. Archie 1 1 a bully ,
player, even If his tnhcr dilv.-s n
team. I sent Harolds mother what I
-wns In my Chilsti. huok 'ibout poor ,
hoys. It mis that Virgil was Ihe son1
of a porter. Sir Richard Aikwrlght,
vns the son of a barber, Franklin was
a tallow ehaud'.-i. Oliver Croniwell'B
father kept a b...ery. Aesop was Just (
a slave. Dickens wa.i a retiorter and
Hen .lonson wa- a bricklayer. Hut
Harold's! mothei told him that was
long ago. and It den't go now, so 1
do not know what to do to get Archie
In H wo (hi'i't !-( a new club without
Harold. I wU'.i I had n big brother
to tell w what to do. for I think la
dles don't Uuow so much about such
Shaw's Life Principle.
Leslie M Shaw of Iowa, formerly
secretary or the tteasury, has n story
on tap to tit almost every situation
that presents Itself, lie was gov-'
ernor of Iowa when Piesldent Itoiuu
volt Invited him to become a niembet
of his cabinet. He went to Washing
ton In response to si Hiimuions riom
the White House. While Mr. Shaw's,
appointment had been rumored, it had
not been announced otllclally. and a
persistent rumor was In circulation to
the effect that he would not accept the
cabinet offer. Several correspondents
waited on Mr. Shaw at his hotel to
leant his Intentions icgatdlug Ihe mat
ter. 'When I was a boy." he said. "I
started off one day on a llshlng trip
Willi another boy. We had a long
Damp to the llshlug place, and as the'
weather was warm we got very thirsty.
and coining to a farmhouse my com
panion suggested that we slop and net '
a diluk of water. The lady or the
house not only gave us a drink out ol
a like tin dlppei. but Insisted upon
i our fil.lng some pie. Hill, my com
panion, took a huge piece, but Irom
dlllldeuce or something, I declined.
Hill looked at me with aui.i.enieni.
'' he said. 'alas help oilmen io
pie when It is passing." That was
pieli sound aihlce. and I have acted
on that principle ever since." Wash
ington Star.
and carried away vast masses
upper, mill, leaving tho shelving h'-acli
a cottjilo or hundred reel .wider Hun It
had over been' before A fisherman
walking along the edge of the strand
saw something glistening In the slope
nnd tooling It out or Ihe ground found
It was an ancient sllvei cup He dug
lotne mine nnd found quantities of
scitteied gold and silver coins
When the news i around the vil
lage the whole population turned out
to dig. Tho round tit 111 mow money,
all dining back to the end or the
seventeenth nnd beginning of the
eighteenth centuries. Thete were rings
and brooches, rruelllxes and Jeweled
chalices. Jeweled sword handles and
table plate. Nobody knows Just how
much the treasure amounted to. since
Ihe llsheifolk hid It as fast as they
secured it. and when the official liuiul
ties were made every one denied his
own share.
They are still digging, however, nnd
nn occasional llud Is mad". The sea
Wohe & Wright
Engine Repairing a Specially
Horseshoeing. Wack'smlthing '
nnd Wngoniiinking
Do yon know that it will pay YOU, as
well ah US, to buy your Building Ma
terhil and Goal at ouryards? Not only
that our prices average lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, hut nEOAUSB we tako especial oare
of and protect all can be classed as
ttt wvf iiimsjWijaif (fe'"'eiimvn"Hlltifittifi','P,,W
rariiiei-s' phone A v
.NT. II.
I '.ell phonr
Plumb's Flour &
Feed Store.
You save money in bujliifr yotn
in fiim pound lul"- (if him.
? Wall Paper, Paints nd
S Contractor for Papering, Painting and Interior Dec
orating. Fine paper hanging a
brand paints.
specialty. Acme
Bell phone acjb.
Kk.h Ci.orn-:- Nk.p.uask
At Du't old -itiuiii
seems to have Inoken up the cncln
ami dlslilbuted Us contents over many ,
acres of beach. Objects are picked
up as tar as low water mark, and soniu
are doubtless washed hack Irom time
to time finnt deep water. I
II Is believed that the treasure rep
resents plunder from Spanish ci.nt
towns. It Is said that long ago there
were nutueious bands of Portuguese
pirates which committed dopied-iilons
on a considerable scale both alloat
and ashore, and when Portugal was at
peace with Spain the w obliged m
be cr caieful and hide their plunder
Krom time to time other hoanls of
the Mime sort have been dihcowroil.
When this collection was hut led. no,
doubt, the spot was far enough Irom
the water's edge to be legaided ns
safe for all time.
Lumber S Coal
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is a lise.ic pri- lilmg in this
iv in . .M.invMtildcti
'- lic.ith'i are caused
- :s3i m
r-rl U foWfr
S. U U A I 11 Ki
CTc-'UnM hi tj
- rMtauw.
T ; . it hea't dis
i wiw, i'lu I'tuoiiia,
LS. lici.r.
"tart KtiHtiinfM tt Tourt:t irfiil.tiiii.i
rMalHkitt nJ (HUOlltt to ttstf btttltatila
K'nM i-ati tbow ?i h n nn mat
utrirc tnTIIK tttll DHILU.NU ULlhH ttitn .
it(it'i-n riultnrunnta;otBsr aj ThU Imii(bI U tf
tnhftft ti-ltWti tfrrtt Ituin4 fur th Irllllni if ttstwj Oil ft U
us m m .p (uit fcolst Ut fork i'ifti1-n Urlt ff rn"f
in ruiminhuiarBiirMri oiun
mrtnt Tfct I tlrtrriBil ortirrl 7
Q!siM iffc n lh 1'sDsma I'antl.
Mo Loopholes Tltcre. j
Eugene Walter, the eMraordlnarlly '
aticcesiful joung playwright, said at'
a recent dinner In his honor in New
York: "The playwright, to succeed, must
mako his point Inevitably. Uvory point.
by fair means or foul, must
tured. Not a loophole, for
creep in. may lie left." i
Mr. Walter smiled.
"In fact." said he. "the playwright
must lie as sure of his point as was
-the young lady who took advantage
.or the ptesent bap year to propose.
" 'She didn't give me a chance." her
husband explained aft et ward to a
friend. 'She raid. "Will ou marry
me? Haw uu i.ny objection"" Thus,
whet Iter I mid es or no. she had mo
" 'Well, you illicit have kept stlent,'
said his Irieiiil.
' "That Is what I did.' the other re
plied, 'and she Hung herself on my
brenst, murmuring that silence gave,
consent.' "
A Study in Black. ,
Like a glimpse of Ihe southland wns .
a III tie scene on lower Seventh avenue
one morning Ibis week, says the New i
Yoik Cilob.'. On the pavement dliect-,
ly in final of the entrance to a poor
tenement sat a negro boy not mine ,
than llw yeais old Hare-headed and
bare-fo.ued. clad only In I wo ragged
winneuis, he Miualled like a tailor,,
his ebony face alight with apprecia-,
thin as lie munched a lilt or fruit. i
Clone beside him on the sidewalk I
was an old seap bov In the map box
was an ebony baby of IS months, clad
in a single gaiiuent and equally
happy In an end'avor to swallow a
i-htire of the fruit. The soap box was
a substitute for an unaitalualiie baby
carriage, and the llveyear-old a sub-
be cap-, ht r(. iiu unaitalualiie nursemaid,
failure to pn, ,v,.riy meaut nntbliig to tlte
I pair of negio ciilldien. ;
! "Tlieie's an iiimtii t unity for a line
canvas," said one obsenor. "1 wish
I weie an artist."
Serious Tliourjhts.
inultlnillllonalre was being
As he lay back In his chair
upward, his giave lace gave
that he was In deo
the Impression
"Mi." whispered one of the birber
shop lolteters. "I'll wager a d-l'.at
against a toothpick that he Ik think
Ing of i all road mergers."
"No." said 'another, "lie is thltiK
Ing about bear raids in Wall si t." '
"I let lie Is pondering over the re
bate system." echoed a third. 1
"I'll ask him."
Walking over to the chair he said
"Hi g pardon, sir. but to settle mn
argument, would you kindly tell in-(
what mighty question you are stud.v i
ing over?"
The niiitltir.llliotialte turned bis
lathered lace ntnund and mulled. 1 1
was jusl .studying two Hies doing
handsprings on the celling." he chuck-1
led. and the trio of guessers looked j
so sheepl..h they lulled to hear "Next"
when It was called to t hem. Chicago
We have in stuck u all times u
complete line ot Uuil-litig Material
mill (io il Our prices me
i-easonat.le. solicit votir patroj'
age Hell Tel. ''.i'. I'tnieis Ind. 1.
' im HUim
W. FccMb
i.viA' vr .'" in
ii.:'..H... vm m . yA
lailure .r
at'iiplcxyiirc often
tin resu'lt Dt kid
ney ilise-ii-e. If
hnliH ttfiithle is
uliowi dtoiiii- atice
1iiL-knliic -unison-
.'si. ed blood will at
tack the vital organs- causttig cntauli f
the lil.uldir, or the. 1 nlitevs tin ui- 't-s
break down and wisti- away cell l. 1 1 .1.
Ill.elik-r troubks alr-n-t alw.i - n -it't
front a ik-rangeiiieiit nf the kii'.u' .iinl
a cure is olitani" I fi'ie-V i -t b a jiropt-r
treatment of ie l.ittiit. -. Ii;t n teel
iug liadlv Mill can n..ike tin ea-t kv.-
taking I ir.' Ki'iimrV Swnmp-Root, tlu
great kidney, liver anil bl.ulili r v tie 1 .
It corrects inability to hold unite mil
scalding pain in pa-siu-4 it, ami oir-coiui-s
that uiiiilcas.ini utcessitj i lit mi
coiujiclk-d t go ortiii ihi'iugh' tl-.e 'lav.
and to get up many tnnn lui ui the
nigh'. The mild mid the c:t;..'ii'!
elfec of Swamp-ltool w souii uali.i-d.
It stands the highest tur it-, -.otiiiiiiiil
cure-; of the iimM. distr i.;iiu: e..i .
Swatiii-lliot i-. pk-asiiut to t..keatnl is
wild tiv all (iruggt'ts :u nity-ci-ni i.iei
oue-ilollar si.c butilL. im titay li: e a )
sample bottle of thi.i wntiileriul 'new dts
cusery and a book that Ull all nlwuit it,
both sent tree bv mail. Address, I ir. KiU
nu-r & Co., Itiiighatiitoii, N. V. When
writing mention nailing this gemmus
offer in this jiaper. Don't make any
mj-,t.ike, but renietnl-.rtliu name, Swamp
Knot, Dr. Kilmer's SwaniD-r.not, ami the
address, lHngliaiutoii, N. ., on every
Trade Marks
AnrnnPfPnilliiR n pkolrli nml i1prrli'llni mar
miirUly iijri'-l-iin nur niunlnli frco wheltipr :i
ItirtMitli.n it rrohnlilr .'. CiittimiiiilCii.
tliuiiHiricilyi HANDDOOK nn l-.itcnu
eiinttii'O. nlili'it iiueiiey lorcriiiriiiif imIimiU.
I'.itoiils u.uuii tliniiiL-h Muim & i . rccclro
larfliil nutlet, nihr-ut. cliHritc. la "io
ScsWaflc JlittcrlcaJh
A tin-vt.nniol7 I'liwlrntnU wrptttr. I.nririi nr-
iiiiion ' i.ny M-n-n'iiln ' 'i riinl. 'IVrnK f la
.nr: tour . i-mUis, 1 1. aoiJbyml iiownli-Hlor.
MM & '"' New York
llriucli onice. Sj 1- t.. Wniililiulun. II. C.
n vi
I $ " ' 1
Kin limine sliimliic 'MIxi-iI I'arinlm; Sri-m- m
All the Lady's Fault.
Some one ha.d up for a subject, It
neems, has suggested discussion of tho '
question. "Ate lltei.iry persons 111-
mannered?" In this connection a stoty
Is told of a ml;u.r author who went vis
iting In a Uostott home. During the j
evening he asked the hostess if she ,
would ask the guests to retire Into
the little room adjoining the large ,
room In which they were gathered, as
tin wanted the lilt go 1(10111 111 Which to
Immigrants' Purses.
The Immigrants who stream Into
NewYuk all have dltTeient ways or
carrying their money.
The IrUh immigrant curries a canvas
bag In which notes and coins are
crilUllljoil uigeiner.
The fioriiinn wears a money
gay and (ostly. of entbioldeied
The l-'teneh and Italians carry
tubes with screw lops wheiein
keep their cash lu 'JUl'rane gold pieces.
The Swede Is sure io have an Im
mense pocket hook of cowhide Unit
has been handed down fiom father to
son for generations.
The Slavs cany their money In their
high boots, along with u fork and
An Eye to Business.
An oxpeit golfer bad the mlsroriuno
to play a nm Ocularly vigorous stioko
at the moment that a seedy wayfarer
Antidote for Ingersoll.
Colonel lngeisoll was to speak In n
Western town As an antidote the
good people aunouined for the follow
ing night: "An answer to Ingersoll!"
Circuhns were even scatteied about
the hall the night before, and otto was
banded to lngeisoll by mistake as he
made his way toward the platform.
lie was fairly Into his subject, when
a mule attached to one of the vehicles
about the entrance opened up an oppo
sltloii, alter tho manner of mules. In
gersoll unused, listened Intently till
the music ceased for an Instant, then,
shaking a menacing linger In the dl
icctlon whence the sound had come,
he cried;
"Hold on there! You stop! Can't
You play fair? This Is my evening!
You are advitlsed for to-morrow
' night!" Illustrated Sunday Magazine.
Ely's Cream Balm
Suro to Civo Satisfaction.
It cleanse , Mint lies, heals and protects tho
di-easi-il liieinbralio resulting from Catarrh
and drives awav a Cold in tin- Head qun-Ul v.
ileitoics the Senses of Ticto and Smell,
l'ji-y io use. Contains no injurious drugs
Applied in'.o tho lH'strils nnd absorbed
Large Size. TiO cents at Druggists or tiy
liiuil. Liquid Cream llnliii for e in
nttmibprs, 75 cents.
ELY BflOTHERS, S6 Warren St.. New York.
HIIKI'MATISM (till ! IN a "W
I)r lli'lcliiiiis lli'lluf rorllliPiimiiiisiu imii.-u-iuni
!!.; nnllirtl iiirihln I ii.:i.Ih li'HCtlonupoii
tut- fihU-m is rciniirkiii'ii- i"i iaMi'rli)Ui. 11
rcmint- nt nni-u tie-1 uu-i' ii'l iIu'iIih-hco lm-mi-illHlelv
illMi..i-nr. 'I'lu- Hri-l ilnse Kn-ntlj
tieui-tlts. ?:t iiiii-""'! tt. nnl tiyll. h. (Imrs.
ilrtiKKlkt. Iti-il cioinJ.
Ci-y Laundry
J. P. HANSON, Propr
Phono l- lied Cloud, Neb.
Fred E. Maurer
Notary Public. Pensions u Specialty.
Olliee over Postolilce.
ATT Walker
KIrst. Door North of Postollice.
,Shoo.s made to order. ,
Itopnir work a specialty
lEsiEii mmk
" 'mo ( t'i 1 'il t liind for -r-ulti grovln.r
i. 1, r.'i g atsl iiunlhI f.irniiiK 'i ic iluw j
ti t. - ,s,i,t; itcht ..n .ui.l .ilii'rta iV"'- r
.. .11 l).. n dpi .u-il lui-.M-ttli incut unli r f
Kevised S'omestead Regulations
1. ntts ni.-iyr.. yli.-tnadu by pruxy (on pcr'.ii-i
p..iulliiunH).liy (liofnth-r."i--ilier.on,iUui:litcr.
Iir t!-cr or nlstcr nf an nv n.'lni; linmustunitcr
Tli'iusanJ 1 nf lnmesti-.i - ol Jil atrt-s uac!i nro
til e. now i-islly oht.iliul-'i! In tla-'u Ul n-i:ri-wliiK.
stdtk-raMni: an 1 mixed tannins sec-ti.-ns.
'1 hi-ro you will tltil I tvilthful climate. booJ
rcu'ilior.i, chnri hca fr family vorshlp,scnJoH
t 1 mir i-M'i Iron, K'"l laws. splur.aU crops,
unil r.uir'iii is cnncni--nt tu uinrkut.
Knf rv n-i- in oai-li ao Is 51(1 (Hi. For pamphlet,
"Last li-stVt-st p.irtk-u nrs ns to ratu-J, route
bi-. tinu to en .cut when; t- apply to
b U New York 1..(j lllili: . n-nlia. Neb.
Canadian liowrnmsnt Airent
meditate. While It Is lecorded that ' hkulked acioss the edge of the course.
the Huston woman
t'ouest and ciowded
cranted Ills te
ller KiieMs Into 11
cuill mi'inii ll HOI liUnlv inai II
hostess In any other j.ait of llu coun
try would have taken the reiiuest seri
ously, so Oils i-Milhl.lon of bad man
.ncrs must be set down to the oxaggur-
uteil Idea or hospltullt and not the
jjlterary propensities of the man.
Down, but Not Out. 1
:Flrat .Mate A man fell overboard
Must now.
uapwm ry uiun i je bhu u
FiiV Mate What vas the uj-o? Ho
was all In!
he ball struck the ttespasser and
tenileied 111 in In lolly Insonsrblo. When
lie lecovered. a live-dollar bill was
pressed Into his hand by tho regretful
"Thaukj. sir," said tho Injured man,
after a kindling glance at the money
"An when will you he pluin' a.Jialn,
VlrV" Llpplucott's.
Hie Lnct Joke,
"You say ou would like more ox
otelse?" unhl the ih ath watch to the.
condemned man. ' What soit of exer
cise wcuhl on like?"
"t rhould l"e to td.lp tho '-r( ," re
plied tin pilsner whh a n i.
Always Good.
"All. yonder goes a wicked beauty,"
said the Kool, the while he pointed out
a very handsome woman In the street.
"Prlend Fool, theie Is no such thing
us a wicked beauty." was the Sage's
Hut. Mas. or Sage, that beauty I
am showing you, she's very wicked!"
cried the Fool. "Why. she hns ruined
men ualoto'. Wicked well, I should
bii.v she was!"
The Sago smiled simply ns ho mad
"You may be rlnlit in that iho wom
an's wicked. Hut "
i lie paused an Instant to dilvo homo
ids point.
( "J lor beauty. Fnr.l, is jr.-ml. o.od
Irs sood!" 1 it-' -rH'r' V M;.
Annwil Esilmateo? Expenses ami Report
of Revenues Received,
'I'lu-follonlui! Is tin- iiiiiiinil i-il'imu' iI c
l.i-iiM'of In- eruimlilf h in f ne'iiey upci-i-
nT foi nil iniM"'-!"-to I.etnlMil In tin- I'lly "'
Ui'il rli ml, iliiiliiKllii' viMiliik ti'ciil
l-'OI 1'ltll'Pls' sHllllll'K
or sei'pis unit n 1 1 e
Kur UllKiillmi
Kor iliilli'siin. Jirllitlllt'.
I'nr iiminli'iiioiceol ntr won
k'. .r i.tlu.lkkl till wnlpr I 111 III N
, I'm llltl-tl'Hl nil Pl'trlC lltlWl lnillll
Korosene, (.lasoline Ktc. M'liono 07
I'll! I III lllllil'lll IUHl III! I'll ll'UI I'NI'UIIM s
I ur JiiiUini'iii inii'l
ror-iii'i'l Uuliil"a . , , . .
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IUK' id
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.Mi i Pi)
mi on
.' in
WK. ill
l.-AH) HI
M'.l 141
against Fire, Llehtnliiff, Cy
clones nnd WindHtorms, see
BKont for the Fanners Union Insur
anee Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho host m
suriineo compuiy lutho s'-He
Totllt , SIISMMO
" l llii' follow in.; imi i-uiiuii win in nn-in" io
eiuii' ol Mild ill) ol lli'l lend for H'u l,,,sl '"
I ml icnrt ... i, ,,.,. n,
o colli'i ti"l on general fund '' "
llrl-lilirtll'iti lil.S lOlllTtl-'l
coin (toil o'i wiitcr runu ..
i;ieptip 'lain fiunl i-olK'PU'il
Wmiit If. v ii inl I'olic'tfd -
Ctectili- U-iii IcJ ci.lpctdl
.IinliiH'i': f nnd conci ml
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n'.r.l Oi
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. i ur in
... i.ion ")
s-9 ill
ri ."i tW
O, A. Nelson
Veterinary Surgeon &
Dentist. 0ni,p at yu"-
Insuranco Agent, Abstracter
and Notary Public.
Damerell Block. I'hone S.
Dr Nellie E Maurer
Damerell UlocK. Over Albright Urc.
I'liono 301.
door south of
South Webster
Uesi U-iiec First
Keil Cloud .Mill, 101
L'.in he four. I at home every fore 1
Tortus leasoti'il le.
n-caKJ" ja
Jfti'JSSSr 9i
.1 i i' o
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'b j i j P i ry
c " r.
h l,r
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