The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 26, 1908, Image 7

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'aMB oy.Tnnsgjiwiiiii"ii'ijaaaiBttaiij.'iniacaMwi3rrnuw
vnry.;ifit llil.,y, i ifinTntniTwfiiiirwajiMmiMjM
BUY. Bon
'eUFI6liMITlIH0M.;,li (J f: :;.:;-. J
' . I I ' 1 I ,(J
I, .' .1 ' ! '. , It... ' 1 I...I V("I(4.
1'Milor Northwestern Aiv i i-Iiiirim:
I Ikivj L,:en snudi iiitcivslccl in tin: ruiirlc; publish. 1 in
the Norihwi.-OiCP.i Aii -iIum'sI jiving :vkv. lo the NVl-rai;-lea
farnvrr who ha- :.,i5oo in the bank, d awing four prr.ccnt
interest an ! himself ruining land.
Why is it that so many follow the same oM plan? If
one looks back fifteen or twenty years lie will sue how the
country has developed, both in the value of the land r.nd the
condition of the country.
What was Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, the Dnkotns, in
fact, our uuire north and the west twenty years ago? Com
pare it v.nh the present time and see the advancement that
has been made. 'I ho:.e old opportunities have: passed away,
yet there are new opportimith's coming forward all the time.
Why should the man rent when he has money in the
bank? Why should he not be a borrower instead of a lender
and own his own land? The improvements on the farm
would then be his own. The rise in the value of the land
would be his, too. 1 le could farm for the future benefit of
his faun; alwajs making his k;nd more productive.
Geo. 11 erring.
Wo p to the I'atih mtllo country every
IFSrsi nd Thhtd Tuesdays
Go Willi ks and oce ?or ycMfssi?
Rah I! nun mvAHtmAT
hotter Stock. Uto
I. H. TIObMK-5. r.i-ilent.
A. 13. BELLftUS,
n Brnnnro $ Miwni
i hnilU'd L K iHEl
Mci rt Hands o? Mel)
.i ir Ci :r'. BotUfVi.
A .:
:.-.j. ro?3 v;.: -. ;i. p.t tl.o bauds
.. . ... u.fe ui.., . of'v':
. .. : .Tvj:. r. '.. i..c ba- .
mi:: aU'i ;a-.- '.;:; :.-
- , c'..;. : . i-pears Li;tr. .....
.ii: Jc::y K'".r,5 V. '-r. '!:. m .'! .' ii. . v. . !
...4 . . s- j j t I ti l
,:r.: f-'.'.-wti t
iC." v
. i th . r.rj- ,)'
v : -ii' tb r no'
f ' .. i -. !illo rtaiid.
i' . t lb' aio c. tin- .Tohtttion h.)Pio
r t!' I s Ll t. o niore negrcs
I -' iii ere .; boUom
. V.' r . LF. CY VHU CA"M. -lANS
i.ts.-. Vt...eU Will Be Excluded
f..v. Co.stirtrj Trade of tho Pacific.
iik i ban vo.iseU will be excluded
fru'ii t!.i .. -tins' traii'.1 r;- Ciain-'a.
For Kotnu yours tho coabtlnj; laws of
Canada have been Ki.spondPd ko far a
tho Pnclllc coast h concmnei., owaiu
to tho fact that there was not eno fjl
Canadian and Hrltlsh trattf to fill ro-
nn the rna t to lntk nttr Ibf irnV "a ' u" " ,,rc' "Buuibi n i ae se i - " "
Ni :r Hemphill. ToXaS, ami tho , cor ' itlaUon 5aV '' by Ih- M'X, " ' ,;ty M.umoa tho n-na.,-
bcVa nut mo fLr... for the Pi'ifl! 'wn ulul u,liM "- "f"' cr' ,,,, MVni ,n!l"K lWPor,hoa-, ' -!'' t-
ot t J"'ii lb- ho Atlai.Hr aim ' me cf t,!' fire lnPttort tny ."'"' t Ha.tod pood nrturcrtly. bat C -
vcCH. VHnnstdtoe,-: " f adiaVo --;'
Tr- , :W.r HMt DC, iri.,n,u,td fto uu Acrlr.n:t J--; ' - J J, -' ! Vt n'i:. V V' ,i'. ' , , ", S !
T- ;. .s:C5C j-.d E3i -: cfT-,.3 '.-i h" P.k.'U to a Canadian i'.:' nn ' :. '' n:."". ' -.. " l ' i, . . .... ,....,.
J ri
t. a
Stairs, Red C!oirJa
I .1. MYKUK, Vieo-1'roMtlotil.
IV-crott.ry i.iiil Treasmvr
.,'UI'liKIH At . ,U1 t.(.il- hU"
u vUc
H,io;i' a iar e ai 1 piofltahlo busln m
1 tw"c,i !!, at tK' and Nome, tnrryJn :
! tv.-n ."'idi pnrt ;h Vnii'.ouvi'r. Vlr-:.-ia
and Skugv. iy It h;i: ben de
rid"'. by ',,'. r,o(. rnu-.t'tit that thoro la
cnouRh British Cantuliun tonnage
If the v. .tt-r curiht'Ae J-. by C'ynn-;
dian or Lir.' r'"'i.-' :'"1 v 's"l. I
: Penalty Up:n
'"!. Ji Irt"
..' j uratr. '
. ;t, !
; 1! .-!.
it j ..t i . .
1"! 'M..l
i '
Ka v
i. :n
ad f!.,1 i v
'. ' il .'. !"!' . ,
:. ',.i
, 1 " !
, i -
i i.i- '.
I I,
' t.
. :i
if .
Mil '
a- j
M ' ' ' ''!'.'.' ' 'hi
. (1 ' 1 ' .!-
I.H" b' '1 ......
I . ' I.I I ',ll
' nl
t :
oh tt.
i.'.iig. :; -. Is -i;w,, Cuh.
ITlr.ti spoilt cborti(.lery.cj.l f
ptecM- ' : l the Hiind A
J j ri r. d : r.p , llvi" ' targe 3. f.vei
tt',r, , ;i , . . M'i I8r th" t
l nd f t "I to Mui Cob:. 1 ! r
for 118 out
...yu,., jj, ...-,. c..4 -....... i-'8l ..... . -.. , , . ., .,. ...... I. l,r.r rnlnlhnl ll.ct II , . .1
ilub Rtoumla hoforo eatorliifs the ;.:.';':.".r ,' .' n xt rr"at ocea v '..n - olilod that o uccount of tho rominu. rt . "'Y" - iAT ..
piopci. Vlsltim; shootovi w.;ro " .' . , , , a ,CP' ,'"' " l)lls ....lls ,..,1 ii10 uni.. niUiv c-i.-.I.tion V U , ' f 0 h ' ' :iV n "11,: ''! "
nlpad with the nlnost rnfi - Uuii8b b- v.-n.l I not say l- 11 "" ;i,dl"8 ",ul, 1U1, -ni " c U,II'1 dwus.-d inomlmiiioii'diM frmnc. mrrh
rvmd n i, , nr 1m. ," v:, ""' Ho also expr- .. . .!., of tho Upworth Lake park tl: .1 It w..s lmd drives ,nv,ty a C Mint: If,. ..Iqul.-kh-.
! IM inh ' " I'oav.ian t,.rt Mill M.ea,,', ,, ., . inip.'tv.tue thai tho mtln,, . ..ld lo Ijontorea 11,o Ronsr, of - 0 i.n.lmot
u. !f? t u r 1 . Vrh.a -' li,g0 shins than ever yet havo ben ! Hationetl. A date has not yet boon fiwytouuo. Coutain.-i no i..JuriouH diu
W. Maxwell of Hastings, Nob., and C. , t..,i nrn.i i. .m.i -!,, 1,. .. .. pot. but will bo booii announcil. Applicl into tho umtrIU ami absorbed
u. bpeneer 01 Ht. iouis had accounted ' "-.. ; " "" ;, Juirijo hlzo, 00 conti at Dru
nf i9n nt n,n' ni..t.', Paval prograuiH, that the vesaols f . ...,, , . . -of
120 of tho Illusive thQ Driadn0IIB't ty n nol t Btabbcd Six Tlmoi .In bmS jt Arm.
1 reached tholr fullest dcveUpnient. ' "crton, Neb., Juno 2J.-ln. tight
Chali's Troops Bombarii Parlii
menl Building,
...Mm- w. ...vm ... mi..i..,.i. vi r-fci
mnt ic Yield Up Corta! of Ii9
Glubl and flcrldenccc.
Aftor n bloody light at tbo j.u..a
ni.'iit InilluiiiK in 'IVIu.'run, t!.o cltv !"
qt'lft nil tho CfJB.icl;rf ore out.;:' :
in the -trivts and equ:; t Co-. - '
und oli.-n onrly in the mornliu; ; j
lu.uidril tho pnrllaiiicwt .-...' d:i.-..-.-. i. .1,
tint n mnnlK-rot j-ibima ;.... .,: ,
i:o !;nan orucrc-i ii"
lu.inl'd over to thorn t .;::.t:s.
in-.-.l to i-tipty with tiii ,;. 111. i i :u. I' but ?.. u month. Ili ititiil ho hnd lun
elds wore ftnd' at tlv tvro i.v f itc d t sj;. :' $1.! 11 month Oi taia
c.ul boldlm: tvvre MUed. O. ' . v rrrmiunt phrnltiff t the n.-xt itn-
IniiK'ilialcly laruci! from ti r ;,:!;. c: tl.n to Ond out whether trnb. 1 woio
tut the ):,itlnr.iect tullr'T 5 I e I- 1 on time. Ho m,i neat tit .his re-ignn-
bi.rdod, and the b.:ni.a. taj? r- .! Hon tvl. , but had not hard tiom the
nuiited shortly alter la o'ilk. 'h)-' tdiiclulH .t the lonipnny. It whh nmo
this -u ii prosiv..i bomb vr rdimvn Hint nil tb.? townn nonr Wa-
tl.".r.v:i tiom tho p.trMatuom lu.i'Iini lnlt have toleiuaplt ollleort. Tho
.id th ' i.-.o-tqUe adjoining dt.;L!'n:j Western I'nii'Ji vn relieved of to
c ;io of the --un and wnmJliu ..i trnnslblllty hot mine It wan rhown
;. M"jr. .'0011 Hi? Ftr?ef.? wcr c!uiivi' ! Hint tho oillee bad eoininer. lal b',
!; t no', before ir.atty por..ns v , graph rocoIptH or le-"i than $50 n oar.
l.itlod and woun.'t-l. Tho l-omlnrdj Tho e!:alrmnu of the tummls Ion In'H continiiod until 3 o'clec!.. wi or. ' tlm.Med that nn or i.r wouhl h;:u liu-
mi 1'1'Vilv lensod. I.J tho ninntln.o ' luotilutoly tor tho ononltsr! oi n trio,
il. ticop;; piKii -.1 th.- po'.UUr.! ( bi'-s
in Hint i 'hbor ood nn! usintcii.ti
: '.-i'.'rmt: ; tf inf.'ieiitial wtiibfr rl
!"irament, In which ...rk they w
r'-lod by tho populace. Tho nunibei
c. a-':a!t!?r. i unUnowp but It v!!l
b orv la;",o. Tho :arli.'v.(in b;i!ld
it.., : me p:MvU(t;iy in fiili'..'. ih. i;r
I:" .:::; C"iP.t)"d tu PniHaitie'ii r;..o
tb'" othor ..rts of tho cltv holm: oni
nn.'lvciv inlet. i.nrp" nniu':! r ol
I . nntl'iunr-n', huludin- prb-t!
r.n.s itutMhorsof larifnntwtt. ItVivpljoon'
j.l under niie..t
I:. C..f.'an2ticn of Oleaster on
Liner A.oadla at Philadrlph!.-.
In-.c tL.aiion by o!flclal: at Pl.lladol-'
Ih'.: !' nittart of the oxj lo; ion;
n.i .; -m th.' Hambara-Aiiicrlc&ii lire, Arcadia. In whUh three . .
-; . wev billed find n mmib"r in I
.hi.' 1 1,11 naiurauy. BironKi.v len.i uii
........ . . .......
ub tar.t:?' the tboory that the bur.:t'
iij; ' . :i b;;nib caurt"d tho dam. e.
Tie explosion occurred in hold No. 4
i.i which tho ofllc r nnd aneuts of tl.'.
ms-oI dcelato there were n,.,!";cii
I:, mlcrlj; nor explosive. An e;
'.-! on of the fctcol bulUbead s-opaia' :!
in- .:o. -I hold from the ccnl thowj
t:at It li fuverod with email ln: n-
tnros, as though volleys of bulUr.s'
ii'i'. !' . :i.iiit:en t : ttn.r
a L .il v. a! .:'!, !." ; ; .
: " ::iv r (.'.: .- t! m -
' . '" ' ti :' OSpla!!'!'! th1- Ift'f !:. tl
i ,, (,. .. who r t cb ". r.. t. :
i xp..- :;ri u- M-o ri'HIci v .-!: .-.
! .' i-) n:i l.y "M
j ' I
' i and broken u .''.: a !. "
- h c-:i wa ..' i - It:-.
i . a e .. ' i nn 1 . . -vi.. ; '. .
b" '.. ; i.i -n,
: . ',:' i. rev t' i t: co
' . : . ' - i : iv:'-- i' ..".. t'
1 V ;' Ii".; mi .'Am'.:. '
: :'ac In v 'it':" r""'-
. . i ! ;. .'
, . I ('-': ,
t . , i ci I " . .
iv .t .-A, "'- i'
- . ' I
It-Mr !
t I-
. .
! '.II !- .i.uii, I'-
tor vb ' i '. .!,: .
-.-". r'liv ii : ; iit ( r t.;iur .
or i fi'tl' . rin Cle.-' 1-" 1 ! ;
: ' ir -' i,. .. :i! r r.
M.. t!.
r 1 i"
,1 ,.' ;. t. r. ...
It Of. ''"ii . pa:
" . J " ,?
.",, I.'.. I- .!'t Will Mi Thsre.
So' .lamoa iUrnUiuc, Beniorof tb : '
f ' m ,; the BrltUU fi" t. ..u
l ... ,.i.' i co Uo t, UCCiUij.. I
1 , lit.' . ; A funiiHv In n !;.' r
...v, b. i. . ...mjI us ep.. :. M
. .. . . .
l,,, .'. '"! 111..' .11 '11' If .'. .1 !
; agent cannot quit hio j
,sof!t m h4ia.v Hon tv ,.
Mot Hard fi or.i f: -
1 1 t" I '1 -l ' I
',,, .;,,, ,,;j
' (O. ..I! .. I!
..ipi.H.,i ma-!- hv tl. ,.o.lo r.." w i
' i;' ' ' ',,n' '' ' '"' : !-.,
I Lr.M,bt ,. vvl. ..-.! ,. UMti. ...
iali.ilK i-.i. . :.!! . t t c, :.,'
nlni tb- i ,.n. , Ui l, t'io hm
nwi bri-t,; h:. :..; ir.-.ny i,,;u.j ,:,..-.
htn.i to n?.. ti , ro:- .' V. stn- n,
.,.-. tu. I ..i:.r oin-rator ..;. t- u.i
tioil. ;. titled that hr form i.y re-
r-'lvt'.l f.:, a month, bi.t tlu-t .. . - fie
Iflonuji'i oflke wtiH ik.-.'d h 1 '.eh.-l,
F,tnph olliio
ncporla to Gomm7sslcn Indlcata n Re
vlval of nusincss.
Lincoln. Juno 2.I.-TI!? ropoit of
I utttfttw.tif u li.t i.ntltii.n.t ..... V . . t. .
, r,,,i " . '" 1.... ,t 11 ir-
"u"1 '" ci.iniiiiioii. tnvrTinp
1 I11'1 frn' '"! 1. l!h)7. to April l.
U0S ows u decided iucn a.,e j-II
n,,,nR ,lK' "'io lor tlie month or March,
108- ovcr ,llP nvcra-w monthly Khlpi
' ' ' ihohuib. iihi'oiihcm.
,'oio nijiio in ftuiren noin in tin
r.mouiit cf fie!;;ht fnrwnnlod oml In
the fiHsht i.-( od. The ti -.ariM com-
1 tiill'd 1'. '.l1i ni t(i liiilnni.ij ilfniK In
Ul0 B,a!... The only imticonblc railing
oT lc;r the month oonumte.l with Hie
avorago ia 111 tl.a rovonuo dTl'.ed
froi: the f ale of ticKt !:-. The nvora ,
inoa.hly itlos amounted to M2,1-'J
and for March tho tiebot buIoh umuunl -
. .......
twi to s 7 1..11.
cci to $r.G7,a:u.
3tntbiirj Af.'ray nl Omnb?.
Omaha, .uiao 22. An nil 1 it'on
between two neffroos. tinnied Jimtle v
Solomon s'.inl Hoy .lacivon, ended In
tho dan.i-t.toun lUabbliitt of Sol m-tn.
Tno nir'1 cpiaueled nbo it how Ion;; a
ulreet av n.uiuf'c wni Rood, ne t..i-
lncllit;: ll life wac ten minutes alter
'" ':' li..'ehid if) the mari'.lji. wb.i
I'.'cbrar" Vv'citiinen ,'in l-ri-es. '
Oiniu. , .June u.-'ih'j i.c'.i'aka
l"?'d i .' i t. ... n..i lo tho v -.. ' con-
' '.i.lcn m f-" Mod in .'i M' n rt -
. c(h.d u i it ,-, ,-!con.., c-a t. .r I j-
turn. Tl 1 ni-1, t aiJ r ui.' b : 1 r d!p
"', of Geoij-. ; lire.. 'i, c-rlo! t ..' (: .
. i ih at thv :'im ', .a' : : : t
I n.l. ' ol r i). TliO I'M.,' .. ; . . .
teat a.Uo i , .. 'I, b:l' ,'. : ; i ,. '
. on: pre. (. . .'.i f"r .-in,!...,.,. .
1 . On,,.' l 1' i. ' ..TV i-.
.ri'- t- i. ' . ti
ynr , t. ' ; v
: -: ;:l 1. ... :, - : .
t;si f rig; ; . '. ... .. ,. .
w ; '-o .
, t
t: -,'' , :ll 1 - t ,
v . ,')m '. e'l ti: -vo
.. s f. : ar.'i of'lc: . H
!" 1,
.'III ,
;.l cf TvTi'tol.
C:'y,..Ju. ..I
.!n' ' - t l
ir' n
1 "'.',', I. ar .1
v.l' I '' . .0
t -i vr
and :b't !! it
po;,Ujn , ,, , t . .,,.- r
- -
liobvn ret!ncj r ,. t -
Llr.M!v .1:0 4 20.-4 1 :. an . 1
S'-1 ' lll ,t"lH!n 1; 1 i 1
postpon ' 'l': .,. p.rd c ' ,.vm:i ,mj .
Ik. M..I . .' 1 ' . I!..;,. .. n . ,. . .1 .
i" 4l'U...i'.ii J.u.iin.n li-.-.-v ...i.i
Oiii- nf tli v. i 'ii!'!:. tiiitj ni jvc bi'ilmis.
Voting WoutU v as badly brulsoj about
tho hire
Ihiity Year ,-.t Muru La; at
Onifllin. June ." Vhlity jea' tu
tin- )rni! ntinry : . ' v ' labor wait litis
i.i'.u'i'.:.!'' tti'tit !.' ii,i -c.t by .IiuIk'i
8iirB on ; .Mar : ,'li, Hid m.gro roil-
1t'" '.'' ". . J", ' "!: "f ":
ftlVEft mciMf.ST IN f7 VJ
court or
RlVEft mCi!tf.8T IN f7 YCAR5
MlSiOUr! r.vrtCbCi QtTa Cr IC2 Pcet
' .it Omaha,
( Omnbn, Jum 21.-AH unofllclnl
infus.imnmt or the I'Lsourl ttvor
ahmvod n tno of 10.2 foot, tliu
hlnbi'ht llin ntnnhi ha. 1,.mi lor twnn-
ty-Murti yenrs. 'J lie micaut besan
nitmlnu i -m I.pUp rv'nUomn. but milnl;
nrtion In ihunnilnB up the lnho pro-
viitirl r-11 v serious r. alls. There wan
umdi anxiety anion ', ::ot) I'nnipor.s
hIoiik the hhore i,, tho taho who
1V(. prci-arntlona lo 'inaltii
n,(,t. dopaiinro in t'i vent of tho
rivr itinn much more. Anolber loot
iSl. would n,ull in an Inundation of
all the lov.lan.;.-. north or tho city.
Wnrrcn Inspects Port Omaha.
Omaha, .luue 21.-Willi a vlow lo
"eeiirlni; Kuovvlc ;o or reipilred Im-
provomenis. Konator Wanvn or Wy-
0111I111;. a ntoml.or of the military
nffnirn eouiiuiti." of tl:'.' ncinto. wni
oHoorted m liat Omaha. The vlalt
inrluded an la-o'crtian or all huildliii;H
and the woib ihnl hi bolus dono at
""' fort- s",,a,n1, Wunon nnlil (ho
Kovri llllMTii spi'i i 10 iiuiiii' i;.iun-
. ,V, nil,llnn-, nll(, ia,p,nv mints at
., , ... ,, ..,.,,. , ,..,,.,. filf lt!ll(,
I .. . . ..... ... .
nie ueu iop' i: (,1 u. iaimon ami
(, flier j-lr.nn! .-. rvlee wu l tho pnt.t.
tsaftsr-2W3SKrr:r5r. -zmvi'tt-iBsm
R kru )l)l1v sn-MMai
! H.VV Lfa(Krj eUSilSDtiflCT
' rr
r nttM . '
ou 1
Tu llto IicUic: Const
Daily low trip intes to Port
luiicl, Seattle, Tiioimiiii, S 11 I'Vnnoisoo,
1 1,!.,!,,.,. f,, inolii-lo Imtii fiiir.Viib Tnnft
Ijos .'.ncio- iiii'l Mm li"i;o. Slightly
I'nij.-t iouinl ():m wlto'o Iiih-iio-s il iy
saved l.y our lie.; ehcdulo to llio 1'ii-
eilio c oast.
To Chicago tul
ICuotcrn Ecsorto
Ix'opnlilieaii eouv.'ntiuii Mckots on auio
.liiiio 1.' to iJ O.iliy low oxciirsioii
rnl t Pi:: oia. MiohiK'ui, V.'isoonsio,
Vini ..(, ' i-iiolititbti.i iiti'l Now
Votk loiiut. t oris; ul-n Iiw PXv'ttr
slon I.-. 'i lo loin iH? us ris tit Maltie,
No.' Il .i, l.iie, V .-ioa!.
An .. norlcan 'fotjo
For Ti I.Ti.:..'it i'enchorn
A't I .. ' f.l -rtil- ' s "i 'i
(linn, -i ;; i,i .''.,,. ,i
tlr llftvx lit M !'. . . it.v
lllC'!''t Ollluil.,. N).'( i .'.,',
I. i I ! IU ' I " ' I.
v ,. - ,...i ., . ,;
Wll 'I-. ! .'.
I'll I d.l, hi i V'
tl..' -y. nl I
" ilttf til li i
1 1( OX" I III
''(1 t'.r. o or
! vi'jiuiii:
si. Low-
.Id Ihl-
, lltOM' o
'. A-k
.1 ttoll
'lo !
; 7-
u ivic:;
! , I 1. ' .,i
' , ' Niin I- I,,,
. .ii in 1
! cjip': . .'
' M 0 11 litf
!- I I . -
. Ii ' ' ,;-
i . ' . Ill-
1. . '. ia
' J Of
"I .11' 1 ,...-1 1 . , , .
id. 1 ., f M biav 1 ,t tho
,. ' ... . ll i ..
.1. P. JJ.'iW.f!!"!, I' iOllt.
. v. '-:..,(;. . . c .-tiii, 'fob.
I -
i '
un - j .v 3 Ki
H1V.FFVFD ' 4 n 1 iUj ma
-5.. ..( ,. jy
tv ..yj
J .41
' .. t
: r. )'
euro to C.vo Gat: fcicwlon.
iL'tllsts or bv
mall. Liquid Cream Balm for uso ia
atomizers, 75 conts. .-
ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warren St., New York.'