The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 26, 1908, Image 5

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    hi i- m'
Dealers in
Fresh, Salt
and Cured
Phones, Country 10.'$
Hell .".
Chns HholHck spent Friday in Hast
ings. House to rent. Inquire of Kd Me
Chan. 15o".nett was down fromCowles
Long wristod Lisle 15 loves, .".Do, at F.
.Jim McCartney was down from
Franklin Sunday.
Miss Marie Uoss returned from
lleatrice last night.
Miss 'Marie lloss returned from
llentriee last night.
Paul Dickson of New York arrived
in the city Saturday.
We had another nice rain Monday
afternoon and evening.
Conic to Ued Cloud the 1th and see
Franklin get '.skinned."
P.obert Funk of Lincoln was a Sun
day Hod Cloud visitor.
Osar llunonghs took in the ball
game at Franklin Satin day.
Prof Adams of Oxford lias signed up
with the Ued Cloud ball boys as pitcher.
T. C. Hacker is in Lincoln this week
attending the postmaster's convention.
M's.s Clark of Holdrege. who has
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. DaNtcad,
returned home Wednesday after a ten
days visit.
Miss Cora Conway, who attended the
P. 13. O. convention here last week, re
mained in the city over Sunday and
del'irhted the people who attended the
Congregational church both mornir.g
and veiling with a beautiful contral
to solo. Miss Conway is supervisor of
inn-."..' in the York schools.
Are coming in now.
Just right for canning.
$2.75 to $5
per case
Jellie Glasses
35c per doz
Plenty of Fruit Jars
and Rubbers
The Grocer
All tho Phones
I (' ..ui in iii.t date August .. to IV
, ('01110 to Ued Cloud tin' Uh of .lulv
t ....... . .... . I
iioiiu I'dMi'i" aim uatigiuers spi-u;
, Sunday !n Hastings.
J Hod Cloinl v-. Franklin :it tin base
I bull park, two games, the Ith of .Inly.
Last Sunday evening Children's day
was observed at tin Christian church.
Frank Heal of Alliance was !n town
this week visiting his parents and
l. 1. (iroat ur.d Mrs. dilrov wore
united in marriage by llov. St!tHor
The Ued Cloud ball team U taking a
tour in the western part of this state
this week,
J. ICindseher lately of Guide Hock !
was in the city a few days the tirst of
the week.
.1. 1-3. .larboe and wife have returned
from Pes Moines, Iowa, and other
eastern points,
Mr. and Mrs. I. s.. Meyer.s of Leban
on. Kas.. are in the city this week
visiting friends.
Tlie stores have got ui a supply of
fire crackers and tire work's for the
benefit of the small boy.
We are having line .summer weather
now ami the farmers are busy cultiva
ting corn and cutting
Next Sunday it is said Ued t'loudites
will be able t witness an eclipse of
the sun beginning in the morning
For the benefit of old soldiers County
Clerk Uoss will keep open his oflice on
the Fourth of .lu!y from 7 to 1(1 a. in.
The llpiscopul church has been
beautified with a new coat of paint
and also the two school lunws south
of it.
Master Kllery Hooper, son of Prof.
Hooper of Smith Center, is spending
the summer with Mr. and Mrs. F. L.
Frank L'owdcn returned from Oxford
Wednesday morning, whore lie at
tended the ball games Monday and
Prs. Weiriek A Uiddile. liar,
Nose and Throat Specialists. Classes
fitted. Over Cierman National Dank.
Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Morrison and
child of Washington. Iowa, are visit
ing with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
.loe Warren.
Ued Cloud played ball with the Ox
ford Indians at Oxford Monday after
noon. Ued Cloud won the game by a
score of I to 0.
The drinking fountain lias been
ordered by the W. C. T. V. who hope
to have it in place shortly before the
Chautauqua opens.
Mrs. Cordelia Wagner returned to
her home at Hebron Tuesday after
visiting friends and attending the P.
II. O. convention.
While on her way home to Lincoln,
from Iteatricc. Mrs. M. W. Pickerson
formerly a resident of this city, sus
tained a paralytic stroke.
J. F. Winters and wife of Lincoln
came in Tuesday to attend the Pucker-
Dickson wedding and are visiting
other old friends in the city.
During the storm Monday evening
T. .1. Sherer's house was struck by
lightning, tearing oil' shingles nil 1
otherwise damaging the house.
Chns. Walters, 1-3. I'. Overman, A. II.
Carpenter and Chas. Crabill went to
Franklin last Saturday afternoon in
an automobile to attend the ball game.
Caviie M. McKeeby, widow of Oil
bert B. McKeeby, has been granted a
widows' pension at the rate of SI'.' per
month. Fred Maurer was her at
Chns. Robinson, -Toe Fogel. Oeorge
ltuslice, Fred Manderville and a number
of others went to Holdrege Wednesday
evening to watch Red Cloud play bull
with lierti'and.
Come out to the ball games, next
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and
see three fast games by two of the
fastest clubs in Nebraska, Red Cloud
vs Cambridge.
Red Cloud played another game of
ball with the Oxford team at Oxford
and won the game by a score of '. to t.
It goes without saying, that we have
the best ball team in the state.
Look pleasant and don't forget to
insure your property against loss by
Fire, Lighting & Cyclone in one of the
old line insurance companies repre
sented by L. H. Fort agent, Pamerell
block. SUM) cyclone policy only costs
you Sr for 3 years.
Red Cloud played ball with the
Cambridge fast team at that place
Wednesday afternoon and had the
usual success, defeating Cambridge
by a score of 7 to S. Our boys are
playing fast ball this week and they
have got their batting shoes on. Me
Cook run a special train to Cambridge
to wituess. the game.
ilesii Null was ov r from Uellaire,
Kas.. estorda.
Miss Ruby White came down from
Franklin this morning.
Miss Mary Panierell came in from
Lincoln the tirst of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. llerbitrger and sou re
turned from their western trip the
tirst part of the week.
loe Harbor jr. came in from Kellogg,
Idaho, this morning for a visit with
friends and relatives.
Postponed The W. C T. F. gold
medal contest is p tstponed a week at
the request of the contestants.
Marthena LeMaire came in from
I'urlington. Iowa, to visit with friends
and relatives. She is a niece of Mrs.
Pr. Pamerell and II. I'. Overnian.
Tuesday evening Miss Ethel Me
Coukey entertained about twenty-five
of her friends, tho occasion being her
sixteenth birthday.
Rev. Smith and wife left Wednesday
for Norton. Kas. Mr. Smith goes out
there to harvest his wheat crop.
For Sale soft and hard coal heaters,
oil heater, otllce lamps, ineubati r and
chickens. Mrs. .1. P. Hale.
Fc r Nile time thou ughhrcd Shoit
horn bulls. Can be seen on farm two
miles southwest of (Inide Rock. John
OlIMsll or.
We hail to WIRE for more AI'TO-
PIANos.. but they will soon be hole
and a I'.Ki L()T of M IMC ROLLS as
well. People want the REST and
Joe Warren mowed his lawn Wednes
day afternoon and as a consequence lie
was taken sick with chills Wednesday
night. He is lying very low at his
home in the east part of this eity.
The Red Cloud ball team went to
Franklin Saturday and played ball
with the team at that pki'-e. It re
quired twelve innings to decide the
victory. Score J to :i in favor of Frank
lin. Owing to two errors Red t loud
lost the game. Clegg. the Ued Cloud
pitcher, struck out 1". men. while the
Franklin pitcher only struc' out 11
Dear Friends: Reing all alone I can
not call upon you at your homes, but
if you will call upon ME I will save
you money on PIANOS and my protits
will be divided with Ol . I nelievo
it will suit you better than for me to
hire assistants and charge you enough
to pay them a commission. Please call
and talk it over. Very truly your,
(i. Y. Al'.oAUitioiii.
Resides the great Liberati's Military
Rand and Orand Opera Concert Com
pany consisting of liO persons. IS of
whom are singers of national reputa
tion, the state fair at Lincoln. August
31 to September t. will have the ser
vices of bands from Hebron. lleatrice.
Aurora and St. Paul. This should as
sure patrons of the Fair plenty of
Night entertainments will be an in
novation at the State Fair the week of
August :Ust. The management have
contracted for Pain's Eruption of
Mount Vesuvius" and 'Carnival of
Venice." an immense spectacle which
takes MX) people and thousands of dol
lars' worth of fireworks to produce,
each performance taking two hours to
Monday evening the local chapter of
P. E. O. gave a delightful shower to
Miss Jessie Pucker at tho home of
Miss Mabel Howard. The prospective
bride was liberally showered with a
miscellaneous collection of beautiful
gifts, and from the feminine shrieks of
laughter issuing from the house, and
the largo bulky packages .smuggled in
to it, the neighbors arc of the general
opinion that something mysterious
ami exceedingly funny was happening,
but the young ladies are discreetly
silent on the subject, only admitting
that they had refreshments and a
jolly good time.
Monday about noon a hobo went in
to Hadell's store and helped himself to
several skirts and as he walked out
Marshal slaby "pinched" him and
started for jail with him. Near the
Roll Telephone booth Mr. hobo landed
Al a left hand upper cut in the face
and Al lunded him several punches on
the head. Then Ooorge Pope fastened
on to the hobo. J. A. MeArthur came
to the scone with his "patrol wagon"
and hauled him up to the hotel do
Hedge. Wednesday he had his trial
before Judge Kecd and was given a
fine and twenty-live days hard labor
which amounts to S10U.
A Car Load of the Best Pianos at
and more on tho way. Competitors
will say bad tilings about them, but
ask your HONKST FIUI3NI)S who
KNOW. Piano certificates taken at
face value. Come in and talk It over.
Up stairs Potter building.
Ready for
Got a thin Suit reaily -a Straw Hat soft cool
shirt thin Underwear cool Hosiery, etc?
You'll need every last one of these things to be
comfortable. We're at your service with the beet.
Serge, Cheviot and Homespun Suits, $5, $8 to $15.
Negligee Shirts, $50 to $2.50.
Thin Underwear, 25c to $1.50.
Cool Hosiery, 5c to 50c.
Straw Hats, 10c to $6.00.
We've every good thing in cool Clothes and Tog
gery for 00 degrees in the shade.
Gouiden-Kaiey Glothing Go.
Pirst Door North of Postoficc.
Bargains in
I A B G Goods
City Bakery-Restaurant
YM. PATTHN, Prop. Red Cloud. Nt-l-raska.
Having purchased the Herburger Bakery and Restaurant
I solicit your patronage. We serve square meals at all
times at 25 cents a meal. Farmers' trade a specialty.
Hoard and room by clay or week.
'I VII..
M ittors vs City. For hearing Jul
A. W. Cox et al vsChas. Haller. For
trial July 27th.
A. W. Cox et al vs Jesse C. 15roo's.
For trial July 27th.
i'i;oic n:
Fstato of Owen T. Williams. Decree
of distribution and assignment. 13. Myers vs Isaac Myers, guard
ian. Petition for settlement. Orfer
of hearing. Juno ,.Jth.
Eva 13. Myers vs Isaac Myer.s, admin
istrator. Petition for settlement.
Order of hearing June '.'!.
Jl'ST IN A new line of kodaks and
supplies fresh paper, films and plates
at New house Pros. l
Bankrupt Notice.
la the district Court of tltc lulled Stated for the
District uf Nebraska
In lliu mutter of Andrew .T llrtje bankrupt
To creditors1 You nrc herein notified that
the uboe nuiiu'il uroti was duly hUJuJkp)
hniikriiiit That (he ttl nit'ctlnK of cieilitom
will bu lieM before thu mitertlKHi'(l referee at
the oillee of llernanl McNeny In lied cloinl.
Neb, on Hie Oth day of .nil), luofl, at 1 o'clock
p. in. for Mini: and rrovlia: their claims, for
chontlUK a triMtee of his estate, fur cxiunlnltiK
the bankrupt on oath and fur the traimirtlon of
an) other business that may lawfully come be
fo e said mectliiK.
Dated .lime -'.'.. ll S
.1 A Gaiuiiskii, Itefercc.
$100 Reward, $100.
The lvndors of this miner will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby de
stroying the foundation of the disease,
and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and as
sisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faitli in its
curative powers that they oiler One
Hundred Dollars for any case that It
falls to cure. Send or list of testi
monials. Address
F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 7:o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
I pation.
the 4th?
Nothing better in the mm Lot .
"Wyandotte Cleaner mid Cleanser."
RettoV thau lye or soup. Cleans every
tiling. Ft'Litis Mviikkt, Dntneiell Blk
Swift's ,
and Bacon
Red Cloud.
The Aatopiano
Ts known the WoUI.D OVI-3U. It has
a reputatii n and is a si'i- ins'ri'inent
to bin.
The criterion by which the merits of
other players are judged.
1 1 W i"i " "- x - w "i H lfHbuH3