The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 26, 1908, Image 4

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    Our New
Hair Vigor
Aycr's Hair Vigor was good,
the best that was made. But
Aycr's Hair Vip.or, new im
proved formula, is better. It
is the one great specific for fall
ing hair. Anew preparation in
every way. New bottle. New
contents. Ask your druggist to
show itto you, "the new kind."
Does not change the color of the hair.
Real Estate Transfers. broken some tune ago is getting along
For tho week ending Tuesday, Juno nieelv.
Jl, furnished by tin Kort Abstract Co. ,, Motter and wife ami Mrs. run-
to II. Fort, Manager.
Clias.l Plutt to Hctl Clotul Seliool
District, pt nv nc tl-1 -1 1 . wd..
Allen lloydon to Olc Krickson
n'.' iiw ."'J. IS, qetl
William J Tliomas to Die, Kriek
son, s'Jnw I. T.-'J I'.'.
Fred Pel.
It I itc Hill.
FormuU with oh bottU
m Show It to your
-W rfnntar
Aik him about It,
thtn doihiyi
As we now make our new Hair Vigor it
docs not have the slightest effect upon
the color of the hair. You may use it
freely and for any length of time with
out (W of changing the color. Stops
Tailing hair. Cures dandruff.
Httla by th J. C. Ayr Co., Lowll, Mm.
Klnitt A Stoddard to
lots I, '.', '!. P.Ik V I.
Daniel A orrignu to .lolm 'I'
Kutlcdgc. lots I i to IS. Mlk It,
Undclill add to Ceil Cloud qcd
Charles K Hicks to Charles V
Cowley, nw sw s-i-l I, wd
j It F Farley to .1 S .Moore, lots :..
I 0, Hlk is, lUatlen, wd
Willielm Stiiiderman to Henry
J Husking, s'.' se lrt-;i-i, wd
Phebo K KUiott to Fred Hirkncr,
lot.1, Itllc I, tiarber's add to
Hed Cloud, wd
Fred Hirkncr to K .! Pulsipher.
lot fi, Hlk I, iarbei add to
Ited Cloud, wd
nie Mcl'tinc were down from Ited Cloud
attending the funeia! of Mrs. A.
COO l.athrope Friday.
Mr-. Crane and daughter l'thel tie
1 parted for Ma niton, Colorado, Tuesday
evening to spend the summer.
Joseph is very sick at the
home of his father, Henry Hritton.
Mrs. Itiehardsoii mother of Mrs.
Christie and Mrs. Killough died at the
home of the latter at midnight Tues
day of a sudden attack of heart failure.
The funeral will be held at V p. :n.
Friday at F.ckley.
I (i. I.. Dunbar and wife of Ottawa.
Kansas, Mrs. Ililey and daughter Mr.s.
I Nowi r and little son of Atkinson. III.,
arrived Tuesday evening for a visit
with friends.
I .':.
::io ,
.Junco, a Hew Source o? Hardwood.
The jnneo is the missing link of the
tree family. Restricted to a single
Valley, that of the ItioOrumlc, in Mexi
co and Texas, this tree, with its small
urooked trunk bristling with thorns,
is little known to tin- outside world.
It is popularly supposed to bear no
leaves, Ibmcr. or fruit, but it really
bears all thivc.
The minute leaves are scale-like, the
Mowers verv small, and the fruit is a siek for more tlian three
'tiny berry. It is the only known re- is reported a little better,
prcscntativc of its family in all the1 Mrs. D. P.. Ostorblad is very sick
Mortgages filed, S.V700.
Mortgages released. StV.'OO.
Mrs. ISurr intends going soon to
Myran, Ohio, for a visit witli her
mother, Mrs. Iteagle.
Mr.s. Chas. Murphy is on the siek
Mr.s. John C. Delay has been very
weeks. She
world. It is not known that the junco
ever grew any where outside of the val
ley of the Uio (inutile, or that it ever
had relatives close enough to claim
kinship. Some trees, now nearly ex
tine., had wide range in pastages the
big trees of California, for example,
which giew all the way to the Arctic
ocean. Hut the junco so far as is
known, lias always lived in one place
and lias always been the same dwarfed,
crooked tree that it now is.
Kcept as fuel, it has not been put
to any use. Thousands of cords might
be cut in the valley of the Uio (irande.
in Mexico and Iea.s. or late, how
ever, the growing scarcity of hard
wool has called attention to the tie-.spi-ed
junco tree as a possible substi
tute for some of the more popular
woods, and the result is a surprise to
those who thought the wood had no
commercial .i!ue. Clarence A. Miller,
consul at Mntainorus, Mexico, has
called the attention of this government
to the good qualities claimed for it.
The wood sink-, in water. In color
it ranges from brown to black. It re
ceives a high ami beautiful polish, lit
tinir it to take the n'.aco of such ex
pensive woods as ebi.nv and rosewood
for .small cabinet work. The trunks
are so short and crooked that only
small pieces of timber can be obtained
from them. Few trunks exceed seven
feet in length and eight inches in dia
meter. The wood is said to be admir
ably suited for the keys of musical in
struments, jewel 'boxes and other
bureau cabinets, ebes.s men. checkers,
paper knives, knobs and other small
turnery, inlaid work, anil indeed for
almost all pir poses for which costly
foreign woods, in small pieces, are now
Many of the trees, whose woods are
familiar in the lumber markets, belong
to large families. There are 'J .VI mem
bersthey are called species -of the
plno family, and they are scattered all
over the northern heiuispcre. The
Makes the Biscuit
and Cake lighter,
finer flavored, more
nutritious M wholesome
beech and the oak family has even
more members, and they, too, are
widely .scattered. The laurel has over
510 i. the palm l.on.i. while the apple,
counting the many varieties, is said to
have more than :s,D00. Hut the junco
is lighting its life battle alone on the
dry slopes of Texas and Mexico, with
out a relative in the world. Forest
Service I till let in.
Two Blft Fourth o? July Hall Games.
At lied Cloud. Franklin vs. Hed Cloud
forenoon at in. .u Al afternoon at
;i. Other interesting sports between
games. Kveryhody come and have a
good old-fashioned time
Always the
Th only blah ertd?
Uaklnu Powder aoll
t a tuoJorato prloo.
Messrs. C. Corwin. It. Stickley. C. F.
Kly and Dr. Fisk all remain quite sick.
All are suffering with rheumatism.
Karl Crary is home from Omaha
where he underwent an operation.
Wilbur and John Watt are spending
a few weeks with their sister, Mrs,
Dick Lambert at Diller.
Uev. X. A. Martin conducted quar
terly conference at the M. K. church
i uesiiay atteruoou ami preached a
.splendid sermon in the evening.
The Mis.u's Vera and Meriiim Pool
ami Kthel Crane spent Wednesday
evening with Miss (icrtrudc Lambert.
K. M. Parker attended the post
master's convention at Lincoln this
Miss (iraee Snyder who was hurt by
being thrown from a horse she was
riding is improving from her injuries.
Mrs. Hertha Dennett has been visit
ing Levi Snyder and family in the
Maple (5 rove neighborhood.
Koy Canady and wife have a bright
son. born last Friday.
Miss Mamie Tompkins has been veiy
sick with tonsiiitis out is now much
Miss Lora Lambert sprained her
ankle last Friday.
Charles Koland and wife arrived
front lhinis, Texas, Tuesday evening.
Charles is the oldest son of J. M.
Holand and wife and have not been in
(iuide ltock for fourteen years. His
wife was Miss Miranda Teach worth, a
sister of Mr.s. Charles Frisbie. Mr.
Koland is an engineer for the Texas
Central Railway.
Howard Wirt's little son has been
W. S. Lambert returned Sunday
evening from a visit witli relatives at
Diller. Kudieott and Fairbury.
Mrs. Plumb of Lincoln has been the
guest of her son Ira Plumb. Her
grand daughter (ieraldine will accom
pany her home for the summer.
Win. Sabin and daughter will lit up
the cottage north of the I. O. O. F.
hall which Mr. Sabin recently pur
chased of, Kob't Harrison. Mrs. (irott,
who is a widow, came from California
to reside with her father and care for
Mrs. New ineyer has rented the pro
perty near tho M. K. church.
I) wight Morhart was down from
Red Cloud visiting his grand parents
I). Jones and wife.
(I tilde Koclc lodge Degree of Honor
had another pleasant social event
Tuesday evening. The team did excel
len' work and initiated Mrs. Clias. Me
Murday, Mrs. P.crt Vanllorn, Mr.s.
Spires and Miss Kuhy Fisher. Re
freshments were served. The repre
sentative and alternates to the grand
Alade from pure
Grape Cream of Tartar
No alum No lime phosphate
1908 fijl
-If Ml
M 11
mm stzzWffilw 1
Kuhn -Made Clothe; ,
Nothing manufactured shows
so great an improvement as
Clothing. Each season shows
this more forcibly.
This Spring's line is better than ever.
Glad to show you.
The Clothier.
Hastings Chautauqua.
Hastings is going to have its third
chautauqua assembly this year from
I July '.':. to August ',. inclusive. The
program has been lengthened so that
it will be of twelve day' duration.
The mauairemcnt claim that this
year's program is not only longer than
those of former years, but is also
stronirer. better balamvd, and it is
believed better adapted to the parti
cular needs of its patrons.
The musical features, which have
always held a conspicuous place on the
program of the Hastings chautuiiqmi,
have been given even more attention
than usual. Perhaps no feature of
this phase will be better received than
limes' orchestral band and orchestra.
This nantl has ueen secured at an im
mense outlay, and there is one rea-on.
and one only, why this expense was
incurred: it is this I lines' band is the
best in this country. When one has
heard this band, he has heard the best
that this continent affords in the band
The program i- also strong in oratory
and dramatic impersonation.
I'lilcs all signs fail. Hastings will
have a big cliautaufjua this year in
every way.
and eutglass was noted.
Mr. and Mrs. Dickson left on the
evening train for Colorado Springs
where they will remain a week or two
and then go to their homo in Fast
Orange. N. J.
Mrs. Dickson has always lived in
Red Cloud: she graduated from the
Notice to Creditors.
ir Milton M.
NMII!AKA ... .i... .-. .
l...l.ri:miniv i '" "" ' ' vu"''
Iii the mutter of the ctn'.i1
i.are. ilfci'iiM'il
Notice Is hereby given to nil lersons IiuvIik
cIhIius hiiiI ili'iniiiicN nnlti-t Milton M I. tire,
lute of WbliMer fiimi, iii'i'etisi.l, tliil tin time
fixed for Ml i IiiIiiis ititAln-t -xbl e-t-Oc' Is t
mouth from thu 2'lth tiny of .inn ifty.
All Mtch M.THHIH nrc riUlri'ii t rHcnt their
rlitliii. nltli lilt; vouchor to tho t'oii'ity .Inline
nf iiil nntintv ut liFt ntllt'i. fhornln fin fir Imffir,
high sehool here and has- since then the ioth lnv of HenMiibur. l'.'OS. unit nil clnhm
.,)... 1...I tli.. i-i,W...,.,t,.' ,,f V.,t"i.lfi o llleil w 1.1 he huunl before Uio sttd JiiiIko on
attetidetl the I imeiMtj of .Neln.isU.i, tile y.u, ,,IV of ),.f.,.m.r. ins. .a tea o'cloclt
ami has taught in our public school: ' '' tlitt the nilu.ii Mrn'or I iltouetlone
n l Vf.r fr.mi tLi. Ml ituv tit M.n t'HW fu -jrliffMi
the past war, however, she has been io jmv ttiedtli sii1IovpI nnitit -nM fute hiuI
teahing in Minden. She is po,sesscd "f srtmu ' U K"",N' c ,,,,,lty '$$?
of a sweet soprano voice, but her
swcetnes of disposition is what litis
won her so many friends, jiml she has
Morton I.. Hill, of I.t'hitiiiti ItuJ.. snys; "My
ito hint IiitlHinmntorr Kliecmntlxni la every
mukcle himI Joint, tier MitrcrhiK wnn terrllde
atnl IierlifKh imd face were swollen nlmoitbo
yoiti! nroiililon; hml bren In bed blx weiki
hiiiI Iniil elK) t h.lriHii. but rerelvctt no
bcuetlt until tho t:led Hi. Deti lion's Ittllef for
RheumntlNni. It pnvc lmtnullt.'.e relict Bud
i :a
by II. B Qrlcc,
Drinir,t. Itcil Clotul
lodge which meets in October at Lin
coln are Miss Kiln VanWoert, Mr.s. N.
M. Dotidna ami Mrs. J. W. Robinson.
Several (luide Hock boys of former
days seem to have taken the same
notion - to return and hee old friends.
Among tliein arc Krank Shuinaii of
i I'niversity Place, Dr. Dean Smith of
i Michigan and Harvey Horn and lice
Chrisman of Long liench. California.
Little Harry Young whose leg was
Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock
Miss Jessie May Ducker of this eity
was married to Mr. William Paul
Dickson of Kast Orange, N. J. The
large, beautiful home of the bride's
mother. Mrs. Kiiiina J. Ducker, was
decorated for the occasion witli fes
toons of grape vine and chains of mar
guerites: the yellow and white conspi
cuous in the decorations and the pro
minence of the tlower mentioned pro
nounced the wedding distinctly P.K.O
Mr. (i. S. Albright satlg "O Promise
Me," after which Mr.s. Albright played
the wedding march ami the bridal
party descended the stairs. Misses
Klsie Cathcr, Dessie Taylor and Mar
guerite Hichardson and Messrs. James
Ferguson, (Hen Walker anil Ksty Sinel
scr bore a daisy chain forming an aisle
to the south bay window, through
which the bride came, upon the arm of
her cousin, Mr. Hurt Ducker, and at
tended by her sister, Mii-s Dessie, as
bridesmaid, and little Jessie Crabill,
her naiuesalte, as tlower girl. There
they met the groom who was attended
by Mr. Flavins l! rice, and standing
tinder a canonv of irrane leaves and
daisies, Uev. Sti tiler pronounced the
ceremony which united Mr. Dickson
and Miss Ducker for life.
The bride wore a line white mull
gown, lnce trimmed, and a tulle veil,
with cream brides roses in her hair.
The bridesmaid's white dress was worn
over yellow. ,
Uefrebhmcnts were served on the
lawn and porch, with the exception of
the punch which was served in the
front parlor.
The guests consisted of the members
of the local chapter of the P. K. O.
Sisterhood, of which Mrs. Dickson is a
charter member, the relatives of the
contracting parties and a few close
friends. The gifts were many and
beautiful among which much silver I
always been very popular among her
pupils. She will be greatly missed
from Hctl Cloud.
Paul, as he is best known, was
brought up in this place and graduated
from the schools in the same class with
his bride, lie is a young niaii of good hUc WHH ,,,,e t0 walk "''oiitln three tlay..
. . .. i , .1 ' . , i Hfc li (.avetl her life" Sold by II. E
II. tuns ilJlU Illl lilt' Jlil-lt. i- iiu-. Hill
been employed in tlie Kast by a Him
which is manufacturing it new electric
light, and he recently installeti stunt
in Loudon for bis linn.
The best wishes for a happy life fol
low these young people to their home
in the Kast.
Come to the Chief otllcc for ,our
wedding stationery. The secret
charms which wc impart to work of
tins kind on its passage through our
hands prevents family jars. Those
who contemplate shu tiling oil' the coils
of single blessedness .should remember
this, anil insure a long anil happy life,
plenty of children ami a serene anil
tranquil passage to the other shore at
the end of life's journey, by getting
your wedding stationery at this olllee.
Camera Pleasures Last.
There's more enjoyment in a camera
than in anything eise you can get for
the same price, anil its a pleasure that
lasts as long as you live. We handle
the Kodak the one that makes pic
ture taking easy. N'ewhous Itros.
Don't Buy Land nor Loan
Money on Real Estate
without getting one f.f 'lVel's
perfect Abstracts ofTitle. The
ohlest and most reliable set of
Abstract books in Webster Co.
SKl.iKO bond Hied ami approved.
Hepn sents six of the best In
surance coinpanii s doing busi
ness in the state.
r r
m m m mmm Cmm Smam
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Office In Ovcrlng Block.
Phones: Boll 98, Farmcrs36
A word to the
wives is sufficient.
Golden Gate
m W I
Sold only in aroma-tight
tins. Never in bulk.
Ian !!
We Claim
Coffees, Teas, Extracts and
are the very best that can be found
any c here in the eity anil we are will
ing to test them with any brands that
you may have. Just a word to any
s iciety or lodge doing: You are wel
come to our Coilee and Napkins free
of charge if you assure us that you
will give them a fair test. We are also
offering good bargains in evaporated
fruits -
Prunes, Black Grapes,
Peaches, etc.
In Halting Powders we have the differ
ent varieties
K, C, Dr. Price's, Royal,
Cassett, Rabbit's Foot.
These are sold at popular prices.
(.Jive us a call.
Johnson I Boner