BtAlc UUlorlcirt Society X!&&&&&iStGtGlSiKiG!iXPtStB&' !SniiXiiCXiifS!(it,7tofl(ii(ii(illlfh K I Subscription THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Eight Pages I All I Home Print I SI a Year in Advance KW!JilVJff&f3.W&l2f!XUt!mv : v5v.wAVj.w'.v.'JRVissae(a? -a VOLUME XXXVI. KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, .K'NE 'J, IJIOS. NUMHEli 2(5 1 V County Commlsloncrs' Proceedings. Hoanl of county commissioners met ii: regular session. Members present. .1. (i. Overman, W. 15. Anderson, ('. Olmstede. T. .1. Chaplin ami (J. W. llumtUcl. In tlio matter of petition for bridge across river between Uod Cloud and (initio Rock. Tuesday .Inne Hi, 1 '.. at I o'clock wai .set apart for hearing (l:i motion same v;is carried. It was moved and seconded that T. ,J. Chaplin and (i. Olmstede be ap pointed a committee to eonfer witb a l'l(o committee from Nuckolls county, to divide road work between Webster and Nuckolls counties. Carried. In tne matter of the petition of .John II. Kolunetscltcr for license being be fore the board. The applicant repre sented by Attorney .1. C. Savior. A remonstrance by W. I). Moore was filed thereto, the reinonstrator repre sented by Attorney Bernard McNeny. There was also the petition of W. I). Moore V Co. for liquor license before the board. The said applicant re presented by It. McNeny, attorney. A ictnonstraiice by H. N. Marshall was filed thereto the reinonstrator appear ing for himself and by Attorney .1. C. Saylor. Said parties being before the board and said petitions being both for license at the same place, it wa upon motion made and carried, ordered by the board that said petitions and remonstrances be heard together and they are sot for hearing on Friday, .June H', at 1. o'clock p. m. Now comes U. I). Morit local mana ger of the Red Cloud Chautauqua for t'ie season lulls and petitions the tounty board of commissioners fr the light to let and dispose of all camping concessions of the court house block from August . to 1.1 inclusive. No other concession to be granted ecept as above speeilied. a fee of SI to be de posited with K. I). Morit. by holders of each tent. Said deposit to be re turned if ground is left in a clean and unimpaired condition. On motion per mission wifc granted. June Hi. llios. I-urSuantr-trW-hri orJfc of board of county commissioners setting aside .June 10. 'Os, at one o'clock for hearing of petitioner for bridge across Repub lican river between lied Horn! and (Snide Uock. F. I . Overman appeared for the petitioners, presenting claims for recognition and asking the board to take favorable action on same. After convincing arguments by repre sentative men who are interested it was moved anil seconded that the board investigate location and condi tion surrounding building of .bridge and report at next regular meeting. Carried. T the Honorable Hoard of County Commissioners of Webster County. Your petititioners Henry II. Crowell, Joseph l'olnieky and Frank Crabill, defendants, shows to your honorable body that there has been served on them the following notice. You are hereby notified to remove all fences and other obstruction from the public highway on the section line between section No. -1 and .i, township 2, range II, Webster county, Nebraska, and leave said road open for and unob structed and in ease of your failure to comply with this notice within (it) days from the time of its service on you I will proceed to remove said obstruct ions and take such other legal pro ceedings as may be necessary. Kd Fry, road overseer, Dis., No. H. Your petitioners show that there is not, nor has there ever been a public highway on the section line as de scribed in the above notice, but that the same is the private property of our petitioners. That no action has ever been had to open such a public road nor have your petitioners or their gran tors ever received any damages or com pensation for their land or any part lying on cr near said section line, nor lias said section line ever been traveled by the public so as to give the public any right to travel said section line, nor has Webster county through its ollicers ever exercised any control over same as a public road, therefore your petitioner pray that said notice may be withdrawn and your petitioner be not required to remove their fences or open their land to public travel until proper proceedings have been had to open a public road and your petition ers have received just compensation for th'-ir land. Henry Crowo'.l. Frank Crabi'.l. Joseph l'olnieky. Ity l. I'. Overman their attorney. It was moved and seconded that above petitioners be granted a hearing. Carried. Adjourned to meet Friday June lit. at one o'clock p. in. Friday, June lit. (Is. Hoard met pursuant t" adjournment Members present Overman. Anderson. Olmstede and Chaplin. Parties intoicstod in saloon cases in lJoseinont. oak Creek precinct. Webster county. Nebr.. appealed as perappoint ment. Petition of John II. Kohmet scher for license was withdrawn by him also remonstrance of II. N. .Mar shall against application of W. I). Moon' ,V Co., was withdrawn, hearing was commenced on application of W. I). Moore v Co.. for privilege of sell ing liquors in Koscinont and the re monstrance of F. II. Klatte, II. A. Stephens et al. It. McNeny attorney appearing for the petitioners for license aud said Klatte and Stephens for lib juctors who asked for a continuance until a lull board could be had and to secure an attorney. W. 1). Moore was sworn and test! lied. No other testimony given. On motion of Commissioner Chaplin the remonstrance against the issuance of said license was overruled. Moved by Commissioner Chaplin and seconded by Olmstede that license be granted said W. 1). Moore ,v Co., as prayed for and the bond approved up on payment of S.VJO license money. On viva voce vote Chairman Overman de clared the motion carried. Thereupon Commission!. r Anderson objected and demanded a yea and nay vote. Al lowed by Chairman and Clerk directed to call the roll, holding that the Chair man had no vote except in case of a tie. Pending argument thereof the reinonstrators by II. A. Stephens gave verbal notice that an a peal from the granting of license Would be taken. I'pon roll call the vote was as fol lows: Anderson, uo: Chaplin thereup on appealed from the ruling of the chair allowing a yea and nay vote. I 'pon roll call on the question, shall the ruling of the chair be sustained, the vote is as follows: Anderson, yes; Chaplin, no: Olmstede. no. Chairman not sustained. Moved by Chaplin and seconded by Olmstede that the board adjourn until five o'clock this evening. On roll call, Anderson, no: Chaplin, yes: Olmstede, yes. Chairman declared motion car ried ami adjournment taken. June lit, ." o'clock p. in. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Members present Overman, Anderson. Chaplin and Olmstede. Chairman appointed a committee composed of Chaplin, Hummel and Overman to view road two miles north of Ina vale. In the matter of the ease of Alfred C. White and Richard J. Skeen vs. Lipeneott, roail overseer, and Webster County. The board is advised that said ease has been by the plaint! IV car ried to the Supreme court. K. l Overman who represented the eiunty in the trial in the district court is hereby authorized to continue in said ease and represent the county in the Supreme court. Moved and seconded that board ad journ to meet August :i, 1003. Carried. B. W. lloss, V. M. Fulton, County Clerk. Deputy. i ceo r- To Our Patrons. This issue of the Chief is the last under the present management. Mr. I'J. H. DeWolf has acquired control of the paper and will direct its future destinies. The present owners give up the management with regret yet other Interests practically force them so to do. We bespeak for Mr. He Wolf your continued patronage and good will. Ciiiiii' Prill. isiiiMi Co. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at postollloo at Heel Cloud, Nob., for the week ending June :, 1!K)8: tSeo Cook Hrnest Carpenter Lizzie Carson W M Craig Dr. Hetta Callicott Fletcher Waugh Those will bo sent to tho dead letter ollleo July oth 100S, if uncalled for before. When calling for above please say "advertised." T. C. Hacker, Postmaster. ALL BASE At Red Cloud, Neb., June 29 and 30 and July 1, '08 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Cambridge vs. Red Cloud July 4th Two big Gmes Franklin vs. Red Cloud Forenoon at 10:30. Afternoon at 3. BARGAINS at F. Newhouse's Sale of India Linons. My stock of India Linons is too large and in order to reduce it will sell them AT ONE-THIRD OFF. This is a good chan:e to get good India Linon cheap Also have a nice line of stripes and plaids in whites. A nice line of Lawns and Dimities from ioc to iSc yard. Notion Specials for Saturday Only. Good brass pins, full count, 360 in paper, regularly ioc, for Sat. only 5c. Wire hair pins, 4 papers for 5c. Pearl buttons all sizes, 4c dozen. Misses or ladies gauze vests, 3 for 25c. Safety pins, ioc kind, for 5c Handbags, 75c and $1 grade, 50c. Muslin Underwear Laces and Embroideries In Muslin Underwear have a nice line of Corset Covers at 30c, 45c, 50 and 70c. Muslin Drawers at 25c, 45c and 60c. Gowns at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Skirts at 90c and up to $2.50. Gauze Underwear Ladies' Gauze Underwear in all sizes in union suits and separate garments. If you are in need of any gauze un derwear inspect our line before buying ! as you will be more than satisned. Umbrellas and Parasols A good serviceable umbrella for chil dren at 50c. Black Cravnette covered umbrella, 26-in. flounce at $1.00, will not turn rusty. Better grades than the above at $1.25, 1.50, up to 2.75. Col ored silk parasols with fancy borders at $2.50. I 1 1. 1 1 Gloves. Silk and Lisle Gloves in black and tans, 2-button clasps, nothing better for wear and retain their shape and color at 50c. 12-button length in black, white and grey, silk and lisle at $1.50. i6-button length in black, white and navy blue in silk at $1.75. Chamois skin gloves in 16-button length at $2.50 Embroidery 2 1-2 inches wide at 5c per yard. Embroidery 4 inches wide at ioc yd. Corset Cover Embroidery at 25c yd. And a large line of Swisses and All Overs. Laces in endless widths and prices. Look our line over before buying. Belts. All shades, in leather, at 50c. In black silk have all shapes and styles from 25c to 50c in sizes from 22 inches to 45. Prints A new and well selected line of Prints and Pcicales: Prints at 7c per yard. Percales at 10 and i2c per yard. Ginghams at S.',c, ioc and I2c yd. Madras at iSc per yard. vVwVvV' ' This month's Butterfck Patterns 10 and 15c--none higher. At F. NEWHOUSE'S Z7; - rw- O r (X Vo 1 -y