f 5 UY, Don't Rent O lulilor ."Northwestern Agiiculturiit: I have been much interested in the articles published in tin Northwestern Agriculturist giving ail vice to the Nebras ka farmer who has $1500 in the bank, drawing four per cent interest and himself renting land. Why is it that so many follow the same old plan? If one looUs back fifteen or twenty years he will see how the country has developed, both in the value of the land and the condition of the country. What was Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, the Dakotas, in tact, our entire north and the west twenty years ago? Com pute it with the present time and see theadvancement that has been made. Those old opportunities have passed away, yet there are new opportunities coming forward all the time. Why should the man rent when he has money in the bank? Why should he not be a and own his own laud? The would then be his own. The rise in the value of the land would be his, tco. He could farm for the future benefit of his faun; always making his land more productive. Gee. Herring. Wo go to the Pnuhandlo country ovory First and Third Tuesdays Go with us and see for yourself Red Cloud Investment Co. Potter Block, Dp Stairs, Red Cloud. I. II. HOLMES. President. D. .1. MYERS, Vico-Prosidont. A. B. SELLERS, Seerotury and Treasurer FATAL AUTOACCIDENT Car Plunges Into River and Four Persons Drown. Srr.ke Fails to Work and Car Bounds from Open Pier Into North River, Turning Turtle and Holding Victims Fast in Their Seats. Now Yoik. June 10. Four neiiuus wtio drowned last night when an auto- mobile, eatrvhig a pleabiue patty of . becaino unmanageable, shot at Wild speed down West Fhty-slxth ! stioot .mil bounded ttom an upon piur into 1I10 Ninth 1 i or. The machine tinned over In it, plunge troin the plot, holding the lour victims hut in th-.ii beats. I The dead aie: Adeline Iividon, ' aged nino'oon .voai.s; Mi.s Hose Cole-1 man aged tvent -three )csus; John Cnltin.iu, aged eight joins; Virginia Knight, aged eight yeais. I John Hauei the chatt'leur, vva- car tied into the liver with tlio machine, hut inunased to lice hhusoll and hwnn to safety. John Nolan, olio of the pint), jumped fiom the runaway inai bine as it neared the cud ot tbo dm k Mauer was taken Into custody ' b) the police. Allir taking ills employer home, Uam 1 invited hl.i friends for a picas 111 0 ildo. With the party he tan the machine down Fifty-sixth street at fait bpeed, intending to go out on tlio , dock. In home manner tlio brake. lallcu to work and the machine began to -skid. Down the dock it Hew and Nolan leaped just in time. The four victims weie canled down Into tlio water and, though two young men who wore standing on the dock at the time made lepcated eltoits to rescue the diownlng pet wins by diving for them, tho weie unable to do so. The bod of Mis. Coleman wns leiovored this nioiiilng. After swimming to the pier, Uauer went to the telatives of the four di owned persons and notllled them of the accident. FLOOD IS A THING OF THE PAST Kaw and Missouri Rivers Are Falling at Kansas City. Kaunas City, June Hi. The Mis souri liver has begun to fall and thn end ot the great tluod is In .sight. The Kaw is also tailing and in its upper courses Is lapldly leaching a normal stage The eiest hi the Missouri was reached at '!0.:i feet. The liver has fallen half an Inch. The river la full ing at St Joseph and the slight riso lopoited at Ointiha will be lost long borrower instead of a lender improvements on the farm nr.iiie me water toadies note, umy sltowei.s are pie lit ted in tlio legion that lotiid affect the height or the 1 hois here and they will not be heavy enough to do nn damage. Utiilng the new thht)-s!x houtb, ae Lotding to the weather buieau both Hvoi, will tall slowly, the Kuwr, how evot, more lapldly tlian the Missouri. Moat ol the railioads aie using the Giand Aenue inllroad station, al though the water did not come up into the Union depot. The Alton, Utn ling ton and Mist-mill, Kansas and Texas aie slatting their tiains and unload hg their pa-sengois at Shelllold, on the 1 a.uern bouiulaiy of the ilty, In oIing a stieet cat iliio ot tour miles to 1 each the center of the city Crowds Greet Caleb Powers. Haiboursville, Ky , June 13. The news that Caleb Power.-, and Jim How aid had been pauloned by Gov i nor Willson spnad lapldly thiougli the lountry and huge uowds colloit (d at the station!, ot Pennington Clap. Heddlesboro, Pinollle and other points thiough which the tiain pasaed. Powers leached out of the window of th Pullman 1:11 and shook hands with thousands ot friends He wat. hut 1 it d to a laniage heie .vhoie hh mothei and sister weio wniting to ie ceie him and Hie inoce.sslon stalled foi the com I home, headed by a band Kemper Arrested at Chicago. Chicago, June It! Aithui II Kem per, under indictment in tlio southern district of Calitoinla 011 chaiges of defrauding the government in land deals, was at tested heie and put tin dor bonds of $2,500 to insure his ap peal am o at the July teim of the fed eial mint in Ijs Angelo-, Kemper was on a vacation tilp when attested He was indicted two weeks ago Arguments in Land 'Fraud Case. Washington, Juno n;. Aiguiuents to the jury weie begun when the tiial ot Messis II) do, Diumiid, Mention and Schneider, chaigod with consphacy to deliaud the government of tlmhoi lands in the wo-t, was lesiimeil The opening statement was made by As sistant Attorney Genoiul Pngh for the government The aiguiuents will con sume about four days. Moroccan Troops Rebel. Washington. June 10. The Amer ican initiator at Tangier lias leported to the department ot state that the garrison at Alcnar, a town fifty miles lrom Tangier, after having killed tho loinniander, have declaied for the pie tender Tho minister states that the governor Is said to have been sent to Fez after a piisoner Two Killed by Live Wire. iAwrence, Kan., Juno 10 J. E Hall of Uiwience and Dun Matthews it Aii.aiw- Cit), Kan., the fatter a unhiMiiV student, wore hilled liy a live .'i!i who at tlio itnlvMsltv Until w.uo at Willi; nil tlio now engt r.oiMiiu; ljiiililliiu Hall was supotln ti'tifloiit of construction on the build Ing Major George Exonerated, lie Moine1. Juno 17 Maj ir . '. '"lo George li:n boon exonerated oi tlio charge 111,1 lo against li i 111 U Major (lalbialth, accusing lilni 01 htogulai itlos in lis b)-inonthl) topoits lo was frooil by tlio coin t which tiled him last wool; The ciniit's votdlet was sent to the Dopuitinont ol Mis souri, at Omaha and word was ie coived that the accused had lieen ftooii It win alleged that Major, fionrize 1 linmed the uovointnont lor a good deal of mileage he neei used, hut the defense showed that the olll cor was merely obo)ing unlets in mak ing out his reports Suspect Arrested at Sturgb. Sturgls. S 1)., June 17 -The au thorities hero have in Jail a negro giving ills name as Geore Young who Is thought to be the Kansas Cit mail pouch thief A description and pic ture of the guilty party aie expected to an He 1 1 om Denver by mall. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chicago. June M Additional ruin in the winter when section caused strength today In the local wheat mat hot, the July di livery tio.dng l1vlti' hljjher Coin a up l'v Oati wore also l',c htghet. Provisions weie 2'ji: lower to T'jlOc higher. Clo-dnj prices Wheat July. SSTfQ S'.lc . Sept.. S7'' & S7 Corn- July, 07' jfMJ7':o; Sept , Im'jC. Oats - ,lul. Use, Sept. :u"i",i . Pork--.luly. $11 2.); Sept . $11.13. l.ard -July. $S73, Sept, $S !i:. Ki'is-Jiily. $7S2'..; Sept.. $S 05. Chicago Cash PrictM No !l hard wheat, XOffUJo; No :! white nun. 71! 71' jc, No :i white oats. ."0(fi52c. SI'JGHES SIGNS RACING BILLS Agnew-Hart Antl-3etting Measures Are Now Law. Albany, N. Y., June' 12. After a gieat -st niggle, the Agnew-Huit antl lacotrack gainblhig bill.-, are now laws of the state of New York. Go vet nor Hughes, b his .signature alllxe.l to each of tho bills, ci owned a legislative victor), the brilliancy of which, equalled only by Us unexpectedness, ib conceded even by those who tought Ill m in the matter to the last ditch and bevond. The oMraoulinary session of Receiver Wakely Makes His Report, the legislature or 190S adjoin nod with-' Omaha, Jun- 10 Aithur C Wake out dav. The decisive votes which ' li roi-iver lor the National Mutual passed the bills were cast by Senator, VUf Insiiiunce lompaii). illed a lopott Otto G. Foelker of Drool;l.vn, who ol bib lecelvershlp In di.stiiit cottit uawled Itoin a blckbe I and made a It lontalns both spociflc and . .ithia sity-niile iallioa.1 jouiney to do It. H ronlains chaiges of dishonesty so weak and dlsticsed in niliid uu.I bodv that he seemed on the voige of utter iidhinse. and In a now senator.1 William C. Wallace of Ningara Falls, who was elected at a special olect'on In the campaign, pi Deeding which the govt i nor hiin-eh tinned the di.stilct speaking in behalf of his election. Time was no suipiise In tho vote of Senator Wallaie, who lioin tho outbt had been definitely pledged to the sup pott o the governot's lecotninonda Hon in tlil.s matter. ISvery other -en- it t ll- tll.lllfl tll.r Vflf.lt. IIP Vfllf.jt !li- ll 11 .li.i ...I..... iiw! tan. .,', i,nin..i,' iiin' vain uui ii iiiv if t ikj i v t v. .iv viiv legular m -siou In Apill. and they. passed by the ptecl.se constitutional mnjoilty of 20 to 25, not one vote too many oi too few. FARMER SLAIN BY HIS WIFE Woman Fires Fatal Shot from Second Story Window of Their Home. Jasper, Mo., Juno 10. Chaileb Hay, a fanner living near Jasper, was shot an 1 killed by his wile, Fanny Hay, shortly after noon. The lata! bltot was lit oil from the second story win dow of the Hay home, a shotgun heav ily loaded with buckshot being used. Hay was carrying a shotgun himself at the time of the snooting. Hay had lelt the field and was go ing into the house yard, cairylng u double bnrtoled bhotgun. Upon see ing his wile at a downstnir window, he Is alleged to have buld: "Now, I linvo got you." Mis. Hay nibbed to a second stoi.v window and 11 rod the tatal shot. A dlvoice stilt lias been pending In the ilrcuit court for months. MIMIC WAR IN NEW YORK. Regulars and Guardsmen Ready to Re pel Naval Attack. j Now York", June 1C Six thousand regulars and National Giiaidsmeii 1110 on duty in tho torts of Now Yoik har bor preparing for a naval attack liom' either the sea or the sound uppiouvhes to New Yoik. The foits are closed to' visitors and the men are being drilled hi handling the gnus and in tactics for coast defense work, which aro kept as secret as possible. Tho mme impoitant wotk is being none In Forts Hamilton and Wads worth and the Nariows, tor it is be lieved that the lleet of initio hi)uis' tugs, representing 11 hostile naval t'U . wi.i iMM av i to loteo tl, it way up to the i ll y ft om the sea THAWS WILL NOT BE DIVIDED Statement Given Out tht Evelyn Will Retain Her Place a3 Wife. New Yoik. Juno Hi lCvel.vn '1 haw and hoi liusban I have become leeoii i Ho I and will not be sopatutod, ae loidlng to n staiiMii-'iit made li) Han lei Oitelll), i:vel)iM (outisol 1 1 added tliat ' di ipile tho attitude of Mts William Thaw ami other inetit bets of the Thaw la.nlly, who have bo. n opposed to Mis Kvel.vn Thaw, ahe will ictuin Itet po-dtioii us the wile ol Hatty Thaw " Mi O'Reilly said Kveljii Tltavv will leniuln in Now Yoik so :is to bo in loinuiunli at Ion with her husband Gentry Asked to Res'gn. Joff'rson City. Mo, Juno 10 -Attorney General Hadlov notllled Assist ant Attorno) Geneial M T Gentry of Columbia, Mo. to leslgn lrom olllco, !ilng it ho tailed to do so ptomptty ptoccedings vvotild be Instituted at onto b I ladle) to lotnovo Gentiy rtotn olllio No lortnal i luirgei wero pieleirod It is undeistood that Altoi uey General Dudley's action is the re sult of Inti-rnal dissensions in the de-partne'tit W. A. DeBord Elected Grand Master. Omaha, June 12 Thoie weie elect ed the otlb era of the Masonic grand lodge of Nebraska Giand nutter, W A Delloiil of Omaha, deputy grand tnastet, M Dowling ot Omaha; giand senloi waul ui, Ilatt) A Clioniy of Ctelghion, gtatiil Jitnioi wiudoii, llatiy Gibbons or Keainey; giand treasurei, lobn li. Dliismoie ot Sut ton, giand societary, Pianch H. White of Omaha Lingenfelter and Hodgins Named. Washington, Juno 10 - The ptesi dent lias appointed C II l.lngonfeltor to be United States ultoinc) and rfhaihock L. Hodgins to be United States marshal lor the district of Ida bo In place of Not man W. Rttick and Ruel Rounds, r'-moved. Heavy Hall at Denver. Denvi r, Jun 10 A snveie elec trical tain ami nail stoim ptevallod hero at noon Hailstones coveted the bidowalka to a depth of .sevetal Inches and the streets were Hooded In somo qeitlum. Urick Re-Elected President. Clinton. In., Juno State Fedotation of 12. The Iowa Labor ie elected Moines president the 1909 conven- I A L Uric k of Dos and decided to hold ' Hon In Dubuque. . mm iiuompoiency on in.' pan oi urn ots (not p-tsonall) mentioned) " t'i vltli the eompaii), an I ion c-llti- lism oi tlie ntiite aiidibii loi lettlii' the allaiis of the companv get into :,u li a tangle. Long Distance 'Pbcne Company. Omaha, lune 1' With a capital stock c.t lii,iHiii. no.) the hong Dis tance Independent Telephone i fun puny has incoi pointed to build an 1 hold th- toll lino., of tlio Independent Telephone loinpuii). Tlio imoipoi "tors, and olilceis aie I". C Williatiu c.f Failin, la., pi.-sid-nt; C C l.uudy ol Cooper. I.I., vice piesidmt, I) W Ftttdv of Joffoibon, la., becictaiy and treasurer. Report Kay Wan Pushed Against Saw. Hoatilce. Neb . June K! William Knv. th- young 111:111 who wa-. neaily rut In two on a chculnr saw, i.s still alive Wliile the attending phviiclans have little hope of his iccoveiy. Kay says that ho Is going to got vv-ll It is repot 1 "d h-te that Kay alleges some bodv pushed him against the saw and the coroner has b- -u asked to In v atigat- in case he dies Run Car Into Line of Students. Mm oln, June 12 A street car plunged Into the stnte unlvomity coin-iiienem-iit procc-islon and two stu dents nanovviy escaped death. T. F. Mueller, n giadut- of the school of science, was caught on the fender and painlully biuhed. F N. Menefoo had n narrow escape Conductor Humphrey nnd Motorinan Tout weie niiosted O'Connor Guilty of Manslaughter. South Omaha, Neb., June 12. Tho jury in the case against John O'Con nor, 1 barged with shooting Fiank Cariaher on the night of Inly 1, re turned a veidlct of guilty of man slaughter Cariahei was dunking; with some Irlends hi a )tird under O Con nor'a window, nnd, it Is charged, O'Connor shot him from the window 1 owne Addresses Graduates. 1 Mncolii, June 12 Chail A Tovviio of New York delivered the commence ment day oration before the graduat- I lug clnss or the state university His theme was "Covet unient by Parties," and was a plea fot non-paitlsanshlp. , Among those who heard Mi. Tow no's ' addles-, weie W. J. nryan and Henry Wattcrson. Think3 Keeping Five Men I o'jctlvcr Better for All Concerned. Lincoln, June 15.- Warden Reeiner has a plan for the i onstrui tlon of oullu ut the -tat penit'titlnty which he be lieve i will ! nettor than the piesenL tells, in whb b two pilsonets are kept. Tli- win dm would have colls In which tlv pt Honors could he lion ed com foitabl) In tbo opinion or th- war don It will not bo long her ire addi tional i dls will have to bo must! not ed and ho will leponnneiul that I irger colls Ie Installed His aigutnent in that it will not only bo to tlio best in teiost of the pi I -oners but It will savo liion-y fot the Mat- BRYAN TAKES A HARD RIDE Delivers Lecture at Malcom to Keep Promise Made Friend Now Dead. Lincoln. June 10. In order to re deem a piotnlse made lo u friend who recently died, William J. Hryan dtovo to Malcolm. Ho made a long detour tn get uctoss a swollen stream. The toads were choked with mud and a fuiiiMis rainstorm begun soon after they loll Fairviow. Mrs. IJryau no loinpanied him. He arrived at Mai lolm at 7 o'clock, after being Tour bonis on the road. "Tho Prluco of Peace" was his subject. Postal Clerk Goes Insane. Hastings, Neb., June 1.5 Georgo Allen, railway mall cleik ol Concordia, was taken lrom u Missotttl Pacilli: northbound passengei ttain bore n laving maniac l was taken in diaige and bioughl to Dr Straight! olllco, wheie ho lought lour men and de.slro.ved IIMuies till overpowered unit given a inoiplilne Injoctloii Tho doctor says it is piobably a cerebral lu'iiioiihage and his recovery Is doubt ful Allen's wile died u few weeks ago and tills together with heavy men- Is the cause Low Rate Summer Tours To tho Pacific Coast Daily low loiuul trip rates to Port land, Seattle, Taconiu, Skii l-'rauuisco, Los Angeles tin 1 Sun Diego, Slightly higiier to include botli California and Puget Sound One wholo busiuoss il'iy snved iiy our new schedule to tho Pa cific coast. To Chicago and Eastern Resorts Hcpiiblican eonvention tickets on sale June 12 to hi Daily low oe ifaioti rates to Canada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minn sotu, Massielmsotls and New jYoik tourist resorts; also low evetir 1 sion rates to touiist resotts in Maine, New I Iti in i shite, Vermont. An American Tour For Ni braskiv Teachers All'll. r i-il.l- t'M'llliilOII Uli lllli 1(11 1 olii. I I. 111 .' mu t7 V III -.ei! ihr. v or four i'h1 - ut N I' V I'liincntlon in 1 lovu'iiud; tin 1 '! Unit 11 In. Mil.1 in I'h IN. Tin inln -t. t.mv iiiuM 1 rt -iniiiiT tin. .null 'I liiiii-i.iiil lhl mi.!- tin. I i.m 1 ll.1 l!i.li M'.iili'i! Iliiiton, llnlli) . (I mm Mu llu .M.iii ti) Ni-u "1 trl. lllCIICii rinlinlili IiIh W .i-lilnti'ii unit l'li!-l. r. A"l: t) i iikoiiI tot mi iiIiiit i'v n: il f ill lut iruritfuii in uilti Hi ' iin.'i rs i-iit.i. To Colorado and Rocky Mount a I n a H111I low riiti- to Co'uri.l.i I lull. WjouiIiik, llliitk Hi lsini'1 illouiDin- I'.irlc livuisocriitli; IOI VC'lllloIllI IU'llMTi'l Jul Hon'.eseeU'iria' R.a, tea ' Klrst uni! llilr.l 'I ii.'miis to the Wi I Including Iho famous 1 J I il; 1 !r 1 Il-ii-ln inl iMnu-.tonn nlli!) wlicre Ihib" trai t of ti li irru'iitul I mils lire liui.i oiicieil f i M'ttlciii.'i t lit ilie uM'mi moMt Hinl li) -nlviiic ii'iiiiiinli Willi It item D'livo, lliirlmloii I iiiiil-ut1!1 rs liifiiriiiiitl'ili lliiivnn. Oiniiliii cxi'Cllist btiMm-i . .o iluj;-. in new )'ioitu lii " Wnto 11 brief I'o-eiij'tion of ycur ptoposed trip, and let in udviso you how lo make it tho best way 11L the least cost. J. P. Edw.uids, Ticket Agent. L. W. Wukeley, G. P. a., Oimihu. Nob. CATARRH Elvs Cream Balm Suro to Civo Satisfaction. , GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cieancq, soothe, heals nnd protects tho disoased nienibrano resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly. Ilustorcs tho Senses of Tuslo and Smell. Kasy to use. Contains no injurious drug-i Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Largo Si.e, fiO conts at Druggists or by mnil. Liquid Cream Bidm for use 1a utomirer1!, 75 conts. v ELY BROTHERS, SG Warren St.. New York. MM