,i jw r p Cara we ze ar It's fine care that makes fine hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, sys tematically, conscientiously, and you will get results. We know it stops falling hair, cures dandruff, and is a most elegant dressing. Entirely new. New bottle. New contents. Does not change the color of the hair. A T ormuU with etoh bottle ijer's Show It to your doctor Ask blm about It, ttitn do h Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our .new improved formula, is the latest, most scientific, and in every way the very best hair preparation ever placed upon the .market. For falling hair and dandruff it its the one great medicine. MJob7thoJ C Ayor Co., Lowell MMI. ' GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. Mary Itnrncs of Imperial is the w I W M r "nest of her brother, W. S. Lambert, , vces n penaltv of 81n to Sl0() for ench --mil family. offense. I. It. Hampton was a guest of Harry I Section 7. part sixth, defines food as Vaughan Sunday. j adulterated, "if it consist in whole or Miss Ainiy I'ottit, who has been in part of a filthy, decomposed or put spending a week here with her parents rid animal or vegetable substance un Win. I'ettit and wife, has returned to' fit for food." and that means bad eggs, her position at Maui ton, Colo. She It is unlawful for the farmer to soil has charge of a jewelery and curio .store. Dr. I. A. Pace and family have moved i into their own property in the east part of town. It is known as the iCatou property and has for years been occupied by M. Lovitt and wife. The M. H. school observed their ''Children's day exercises Sunday morn ing ami the Il.iptists gave their pro gram in the evening. Itoth had splen- did programs, large crowds and gocd collections. Mrs. Harry McCumber and little daughter of Omaha arc guests of their mint, Mrs. rif L. Watt and family. Mrs. A. I.uthrope is very low with -acute; ltright's disease. Mr. Davis and family of North JlrAiich arc now located in the Occi--tluutal building. (juke a number of families ai3 boa .t- dug of feasting on new potatoes and ftu-asiasLwecK. Oltas. Columbia and son are visiting jrulutives here. Ve believe their pre-.-cut home is in California. A. It. (lay is here visiting his brother Clarence and several other relatives. Ulis home is in Indianola, Iowa, mid die is accompanied by his wife and Tfchrce daughters. They expect to spend hcSr summer vacation in the inuuii- tains. Percy Lathi-ope arrived home Mon- rvlay evening to be at the bedside of his suother. Mrs. Uarues who has been visiting in (itiide Uock went to Kndicott iv... L.i.,.. . i .. r... .I.,,.. ;ti, ,T ITli.lLOMll U". rHll .. I. ....J.t ...LI. other relatives. The Itaptist ladies meetat the church next Thursday afternoon, June .'.". They will hold their regular market the la.st Saturday in the month. June -i7th. Dr. DcanSmithof Ann Arbor. Micli.,'c"llP:my of New Jersey, will build a is spending this week with (initio Itock -fnlfu nical mill in that city. friends and relatives. Dr. Smith is a wllk'h "iU o' S0111" twenty cars of ousln of It. W. MeCallum, Frank nuv miiterinl eaoh week to start, is fMmmm Oi P( There is never a question ss to the alisoteie purity anfl health fulness of food raised with ' iHj 7LZ scream " yU OilllliS3 K MiWfyiKIl rUn J A pure, cream of tartar powder LJ LM Its fame is world wide . fan yB No alum; no phosphate of lime III I - - JirnM H i M M HH ft9 1 H S H H H H : lAM-vWAVKM Herbert and Harvey Dalloy of Ouide Koelc and Judson Hailey of Red Cloud, His father was known to all the early settlers of Webster county not only as a prominent physician but also as a man who tool; an active interest in the country and its advancement. I The Signal olllce is being lilted up in fine shape with new paper. We congratulate the editor upon his pleas ant surrounding. Uev. Hillyer of K.xetor will assume ' charge of the Itaptist church here be I gining his pastorate i.oM Sunday, lie I will live in the Thomas property when It is repaired. Uussell Vaughan began work Mon day at the Signal cilice, lie and Ernest Hayes arrived home last week from a year at the liraiid Iiland col lege. C. U. Vaughan and Fred Watt are at Lakewood, New Mexico this week. II. W. l.aylcs and family are r.ow located at Grover, Colo., having moved from llrush. Bulletin from the State Food, Dairy and Draft Commission. The Nebraska pure food law makes i. unia.vflli t sell bad eirfrs and m bad eggs to the merchant. It is unlawful for the merchant to 'si;11 lhom to his patrons or to dcalcrs. It is a violation of the nation al law to ship then oi e state to anoth er. The law was passed in the interest of honest dealing, and it is not honest to sell bad eggs for good money. 1 1 is reported that in some cases spoiled I eggs have been taken from the ineu- 1 bator and marketed at the grocery store when the producer thought the buyer was too busy to examine them. It Is the duty of this department to j prosecute offenders whoever they may be no matter whether producer or i dealer. The law i. trying to protect. not only the consumer who is entitled to get honest food for his money, but the honest pr ulucer and honest dealer who is entitled to have his dishonest i competitors prosecuted and exposed 1 through publicity Nebraska hens are nroduoinir HO. (Ml - 00() dozen eggs annually. These Nt- , braska eggs are worth three to five Cl.ts per dozen less than the highest market price in New York, Philadel 1 phla, ltaltimore on account of the low I grade they take in these markets by reason of the dishonest and careless. mixing of bad eggs with the good. Kive cents a dozen on '.id.uoo.OOO dozen eggs amounts to $l,.r.U).0()0. My reason of this careless and dis- honest mixing of bad eggs with good, we lower the value of our annual out- l)Ul Sl.SOO.ouu. 1)o-'h -t VW Tln' lttW U tjylti to force us asacom. '"'ty to bri.iL' our product up to the highest standard for our own good. J. W. Johnson, Deputy commissioner. Omaha's Alfalfa Mill. Announcement of the Omaha papers this week that the Oradell Dairy Farms m evidence to the growers of tho alfalfa that new uses are being found for the or jp; that the meal Is a most practical food and its manufacture undoubtedly means a greater demand and better prices for alfalfa. Tho location of the alfalfa meal null in Omaha was secured by the Omaha Commercial club which is doing much to make it possible to manufacture in the west as well as produce. With the opening of this mill September 1st, 1 Omaha will have two such plant., the tu r being the M. C. Peters Mill Co. They will use about forty carload, of ; alfalfa every week and as they develop i he industry will doubtless use mole han one hundred cars a week throe solid train loads. liesides jyivli.jf the grower.-, a nearer market for high grade alfalfa, the fac tories locited at Omaha will make it possible for those who desire to feed the meal, which is especially a food for dairy cows, will be enabled to se cure it more promptly and cheaper than ever before as the freight rates from Omaha arc much less than from the east. In locating the last factory in Omaha it was the understanding that nothing but the best Nebraska and Colorado alfalfa would be used. City Council Meets. June i:s, I'M). At a regular adjourned meeting the citv council met in the otlice of Coun cilman Amack. Mayor Caldwell, pre siding. Cnuncilmen presur. Amack, Pulsipher and McArthur. Communication of IS. McNeny in re gard to attorney feesof Matters w. City was read. Laid over for future refer ence and attorney's opinion. Ueport of city trea-urer wa read. Motion made by Amack second by Pul sipher that the report of the city treas urer be placed on file. Ayes. Amack. Pulsipher and McArthur. Carried. Motion made by Pulsipher second by Amack that the following estimate be made for the coming year and that the same be published as required by law. Ayes Amack. Pulsipher 'ind McArthur: Otllce:' salaries Street.) and allejs MtliHtloti Supplies ami printing Maintenance of water worki Interest on water bonds Interest e.ectrle light bond. Contingent and Incidental ex peine".., .liiilKtiitnt fund Street llihtini; Maintenance of electric llht wcr .. .'i .0 v.vo Il'OO 0 r.io 'Jui Not Crowini. Our ball team went up against the real stuff last Friday and Saturday in two games with the llertrand nine ami as a roMilt our boys lost both games. However, their defeats has put ginger into them and while somewhat dismayed tire by no means discouraged. The first game resulted in the follow ing score: l a :, i : o t s t lieu Cloud I o n o n n o o r-i llertrand n 0 u n 0 0 0 o :' "J IJed Cloud stole :.' bases, struck c ut ." men. gave one man base on balls. ller trand struck out ten men. made one '.' base hit, had three passed balls, hit one man with pitched ball. Itattcries C'legg and Schoonover, J. Masters and and S. Masters. Saturday's game proved a stunner for our boys, the llertrand bunch scoring over us s to 0. Whew ! That is the most severe defeat our boys have ex perienced this season. My, who would have thunk it ! That a little country nine should come down here and throw the hooks into our diamond dusters like that. However, the directions say, take it." This is the score by innings: l y a i :. (i t s ... 6 i on o ii nuns ....n o II II I) o o o o-o llertrand lted C loud.. ()!),. llmmin) ') itertrand stole '' bases, made one double play, struck out live men, made ouo two-base hit, and hit two men with pitched ball. Hed Cloud stole ', bases, struck out 7 men. and received 3 ba-.es on balls. Itoth games were full of errors. I'atterics Salene and Schoonover, Masters and M sisters. Do You Object to All Wars, Mr. Anftcll? Oh, no. if the men who get up un necessary wars would only light all tho battles themselves with no suffering to innocent human beings or dumb beasts, we would not raise the slight est objection. We should feel as the old lady did who. when her husband got into a light with a bear, said she didn't care which whipped. We should feel more than that; for we regard these men as the enemies of inankitid, the wolves of our (at present) half civilized civilization. Doubtless there may be (as the world now Is) such a thing as a necessary war, but nine out of every ten wars are simply the work of men who more deserve to be conlinod in prisons than most of tho convicts confined there. Cieo. T. Angell, in Our Dumb Animals. Spring 1908 Suits Nothing manufactured shows so great an improvement as Clothing. Each season shows this more forcibly. This Spring's line is PSUL STOREY The Clothier. What We Want. We want millions of good men and women in all nations engaged con stantly and vigorously every day in IN MAMNO WAl! AC.AIr WAT.. We want whenever wars threaten that all Christian women of the world Mian wear uiuuruiiig iur auuic iauij;i.- ui i...n !...- i..i e mourningi until the danger is passed. We want to go into till schools and teach all the children there that un necessary wars are "hell on earth," and that those who bring them upon the nations are even greater criminals than pirates who commit murder on the ocean or highwaymen who commit murder on the land. We want no armies except those needed for protection. We want to substitute everywhere for the devil', music the music which will help hasten the dawning of peace on earth and good will not only to men but to all (lod's lower creatures. We want to teach that the men who savi: i.ii'i: are the heroes not t'.'use who destroy it. We want all the great picture gal leries of lCurope to be stripped of tho-e paintings which stir up international hatreds by commemorating the vic tories of one nation over another. We want the "Arc de Triomphe" at Paris to become (with suitable adorn ments) the Arch of Peace. Let a million Christian women of America, united in a great Anti-War League, go actively at work to stop war, and not a politician in America would dare to publicly oppose them.- (!eo. T. Angell, in Our Dumb Animal-. We noticed in the want ads the other day. a woman wanting to marry a good, kind, handsome man with a farm, a loving disposition and a driv ing horse. No use, lady, we're mar ried and besides we had no farm, and it is a well known fact that none of this sort is wandering around lousy now. All snapped up long ago. A word to the wives is sufficient. Folg'er's Golden Gate J-A.F0LGER& jidiB!S Sold only in aroma-tight tins. Never in bulk. J. A. fOLGER Xk CO Sn Frncloo Coffee &- -r I better than ever. Glad to show you. . 'W'W-,v'wa Notice to Creditors. MATf. N'KIIUAKA I ... .t . , .,.... i.t,..rerf!oiiiiiv f ' - "- uu" In the matter of the estate of Milton M. Luro. deceased. Notice l hereby ulvjit to all tenons Invlne claim-Kiid ilemmuls xgniiitt .Milton M. Luce, late of Webster county, deceased, thil the lime Used for llli'ig elalmi niralnst snld estate l.i blx months from the iith day of June, liw A II viinb rinrennu urn pi utttr-fwl I uriuuMt tlmlp ... """I.rv.'""" "": "'"y." ' !'""" - ennms. wun me .oucnrrs to iw i'on .ij juago of ald county, nt Ills olllce therein on or beloru the Villi day of December. IMS; and all cIkImm so tiled will be heard befori the said Judge on ttie'i'th day of Djci-mbcr. 19.13. at ten o'clock a. m : and tint the udmluUtrator Is al owed one yeir from theilM day of Mbj-. 1101. in which to tay the dtb x allowed asaluxt i-aid estate and settle the same. I. W Kdion, County Judce. iKAL 1 i'PJfi INFLAMMATORY ItUEC.MATISM CL'RED IN 3 DAYS Morton L. Illll. of I.cbnnnn Itul.. nays; "My wlfo had lurlriuimatorv liheumailsm In every musclo and Joint; her buffcrlm; was terrible nud her body and face were i-wollen almost be yond recogs.ltlon: had bren In bed Mx wooki and had elKbt ihjklc!nh. but received no beneflt until she tried Or Dutthon. lUllef for Rheumatism. H cave Immediate relict and she was able to walk about In three tieyt i am sure It saved her life." Sold by II. K. Grlce. Drugr'st. Red Cloud. Don't Buy Land nor Loan j Money on Real Estate without getting one of Tool's perfect Abstracts of'litie. Tho oldest and most reliable set of Abstract book's in Webster Co. 510,010 b mil lllod and approved. Represents six of the best In surance companies doing busi ness in tho state. LOANS MADE on CITY PKQPERTIES O. C. T&EL, Red Cloud, Nebr. Office In Ovcrfng Block. Rhoncs: Bell 98, Farmers 36 We Claim OI P. Coffees, Teas, Extracts and Spices aiv the wry best that can be found any i here in the city and we are will ing to test them with any brands that you may have. .lust a word to any siciety or lodge doings; You are wel come to our ("once and Napkins free of charge if you assure us that you will give tliein a fair test. We are also offering good bargains in evaporated fruits Prunes, Black Grapes, Peaches, etc, In linking Powders we have t'u- differ ent varieties K. CM Dr. Price's, 2?oyal, Gassett, Rabbit's Foot. These are sold at popular prices. liivo us a call. Johnson sBonet '