The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 19, 1908, Image 2

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    i ' ' ' """' " ..-11
C Cloud - - Nebraska.
PiTBLlSniiJD EVHIiV PHIDAY. f-i. I it the 1'ontolilee nt tied cl in l.Nob ,
h second Clam Matter.
S. 3- Nkwhouse
Shajrman New Starts Wheels
flf Republican Convention.
'"ZJcntporary Cliairman Reviews Work
o) .Republican Party Praises Presi
dent Roosevelt for Refusing to Ac
cept Nomination for Third Term.
'Idiingo, June 1C Amid miles of
'jtaiilJDK ami thousands of llas used in
0"niratJng tho Interior of the wis Col-
..'rjra, nnil with practically all dele-u&tv.i-
In their .seats fiom the various
-,fcaU-i, territories and possessions of
-Jim iinti-in, together with thousands
v 4!utJiu.sinstlc spectators, Harry S.
.Vc ut Iniliana, chairman of tho tin
rirana 'oininittce, called the
nut convention to order nt
inznn tnnay. After prayer by Hishop
.. X Muldoou of Chicago, Chairman
Sr9 9,-aa presented with the gavel
tu-i3 will '.o service during all sua-;-ja&
of the present convention Fol-Jii-jrJus
thU the otllclal convention
tJ) wii i read liv Secretary Miner
SHixr of Ohio, alter which Chairman
NV-t intioduced Senator .1. C. Harrow.
ix Michigan as temporary chairman.
!.r iJuj-jows, on assuming the chair,
juoi)" a speech in the nature of a
.Jir.vtrtilu lor the Republicans jn the
avnjnign Me spoke, in part, a a t'el-
Senator Burrows Address.
"Jfiiur ye;'r.i ago the Republican
jjt&rlv hi national convention ubmitle i
Khj? j-eeurd of its achievements to the
Vcvcrlcnn people, announced its pol
ices for tliu future, and, InvoKiu ion
"ixwuice of public favor, p'aced in
r.i;rro million for the office of president
.ux& '.ice president of the Unit 1
Gifts for Weddings, Bid
Just opened up for your inspection one of the most com
plete and freshest lines of the newest creations of the
silversmiths' art. An exceptionally nice line of Silver
ware of all kinds fancy pieces for the table
Berry Sets-Tea Sets-Compotes
and many other pieces for table use. Also a very com
plete line of
Fancy Spoons, Knives and Forks, Berry Spoons, Sugar S
Spoons, Fruit Knives, Jelly Spoons and Knives
and numberless other pieces of utility and ornament. Also we have a very extensive assortment of other gifts for commencement
and birthday remembrances, such as RINGS, WATCHES and and a variety of inexpensive little souvenirs, making acceptable
gifts for many occasions. No trouble to show goods Just as welcome to look as to buy.
Quality is our first consideration in the buying and selling of our goods, and there is nothing but absolutely dependable
goods offered, and the prices make anything you may purchase now a genuine bargain.
Cm f Bm & Qm
.irurs c hcrroyvs.
-."SiUi .s Theodore Roosevelt .and
'liivj s W. KnirliaiiL-, who wire elect-
?l ;lii) the platfi tin uppiove-l by a
jysptthvr vote of 7.H2o,1S5. a reccud un-
wctr;.l"0 in the history of political
parm-? tlnce the foundation of the
-iv''tsi3iit. receiving the indulge-
vc-wt jf 32 states out of the IT., with
uf VI In opposition.
"JSini e the last uatii.nal Uepuhlicnu
convention, iour vears ago. our pojM'u
tliiii has Increased from Sl.iiOi) Don to
87,51)0.000 while 1,000,001) of Irnml
Slants from every quarter of the globe
have found welcome to our shores and
piotection under our Hag.
"During the last four years our
flocks and herds have increased in
value rrom ?2.'.'JS,0uo,O0O to II.UiJI.'jim),.
'The valu of our farm products
from $.""),!) 1 7.00O.000 to $7.-11 2.000.000
"Our product of gold from $7t.0O0.
000 to $1)0.00. l.OOO
"The accumulation in savings hanks
of $2.813.i)'H),000 In 1!) :i vva.i augnient
ed to $:U'..1.nOu.OI)0 in 1907.
"Two millions of spindles In our cot
ton mills were added, and the domes
tic cotton used in our factories in Ilu7
amounted to over r, uoo.000 bales, us
against :.!): l.oot) bales in V.WA.
"In spile of the dis(uieting condl
tious incident to the regulation of
rates on interstato railroads, UO.Oiin
mils of new tiackage have been ud
ded in the past four years.
"The output ol pig iron, the barom
eter of trade, in 1907 was 2."j,7.Sl.ouo
Ions, as against a little over
tons in I !)ii.'!. and our exports of iion
r.nil steel increased from $f)i;.iJIL',0oi) in
i!in:! to $ i s i .; T).1; in r.to7.
o-ir cxpotts of maiiiMactuies ad
vaned from $i;s.000,uoo in l!in:; io
XT l iinii.iiOu in 1907.
win impoii.s or iaw material mm
u " in (..nie.stlc manufacture in
cnaed Horn $ in 19015 to
$1 17. 'OO.uoo in 1907. while our
exports in the calendar year of 1907
were neai ly $2,000 ooo.noo, an increase
of :: i per cent over those of loin yoai
ago. The mills and factories tem
porarily cloned by icason of financial
distill bailee-, are lapidly resuming
opeiatious, calling labor back to profit
able employment.
'Till-, record of mateiial activity in
Held and forest, lactory and farm,
mines arid mills during the Inst four
Wh y Buy
Jk Monument of Us
ears nnmit ii" inn "initety i.'xteniled.
but tins is quite sutlicieut to show the
development and robust condition of
our industrial life."
Lodge for Permanent Chairman.
Senator Lodge of Massachusetts was
confirmed by the committee on per
manent organization as permanent
chaiiman The credentials and rejoin
tiom commi'tei'.T are still at work
S cretary T.ut insists on an eati-in-jcuctiou
plank in the platform
The boom of (ioveriiur Cummins of
Iowa was tauni.huil and it is predicted
that lie will run a clcne race with
Vice I'lc.-slilcnt Fairbanks for stcond
Government Defends Commodity
Clause cf Hepburn Act.
Philadelphia. June 17 A legal con
test to determine the constitutionality
of the commodity clause of the Hup
hum act, passed by congress, was be
I gun in the L'ulted State;, circuit court
here when arguments were made In
the proceedings Instituted by the gov
ernment to lestrain seven coal-carry-lug
railroads from transporting anthra
cite coal from mines in Pennsylvania
in which they are interested, to points
outside the state. The government
was represented in the proceedings by
Attorney Cleneral liouaptute and two
spedal assistants, A. Allison Wllnior
and T. C. Spelling. The inteicsts of
the raihoads were looked after by a
ho.-t of lawyers, headed by John G.
Johnson of Philadelphia and Robert
Del'oient of New York. Judges Dallas,
Gray and llutllngtou were on tlii
bench. Wilmer and Spelling spoke
tor the government and were followed
by De Forest.
Johnson will finish for the railroads
and Attorney General Monaparte will
make the closing argument for the
government. Hoth of llouaparte's as
sistants made a strong defense of the
commodity clause of the Hepburn act.
Spoiling was emphatic in his Mate
ments that the government could reg
ulate railroads, and he asserted that
congress had the power to stop every
railroad car on its tracks. DeForest.
for the companies, took issue with tills
statement and said that the attorney
for the government attempted to wavo
the red Hag alongsldo that of tho
Stars and Stripes.
.VaAVvVavvnaA' 'WavsA A's?
.. C. 5HLOSS 1
Wall Paper, Paints escnd
Contractor for
orating. Fine
brand paints.
Papering, Painting and Interior Dec
paper hanging a specialty. Acme
Bell phone 296.
-Onr designs arc made by the very
best artists in the country.
BECAUSE Our material is first-class.
23KCAUSK All work is clone with pueumatic
tools, giving that distinguished look
to every monument.
EJHCAUSli Our prices are right. Many other
reasons we could give but call and
see for yourself or drop us a card.
- s
The Red Cloud Hardware
and Implement Company j
have added to their already mammoth stock
a line of
First-class ),
We will be pleased to show them to you.
Also, the
Cream Separator
And don't forget we are leaders on the new stle
Rubbertired Buggies J
priced from $29.78 up to the highest. Kxtra A grade S
with ball bearings at $135. ?
Now is the time to get your Cultivators We have the d
Ohio Rullv Rov. Cioodenoiih. rHorffsan. .at- ?
ley, Flying Swede, Dempster, Canton, Kingman
Overing Bros. & Co.,
Artistic Monuments.
40-446 N. Webster.
Young Man Kills Self When Suopecica
of Stealing Diamond Rings.
Council muffs, in.. Juno 12. Traced
by means of a diamond ring given to
tho daughter of one of Count II mutts'
prominent families, to whom he was
engaged to bo married, and confronted
with what seemed to be positive proof
that he was the chief in tho diamond
robbery which stirred the city last De
cember, Robert A. Hrown, clerk in a
shoe store, committed suicide, ii
body was found on the bed In his
room when search was made for tho
man wanted In police cotut. A re
volver laid by his side, and It was
found that he had shot himself twice
in the right side.
Hrown formerly roomed with F. M.
Scar, clerk In the First National bank,
and while he was still rooming with
him, dlnmonds belonging to Scar and
valued at $300, wore stolen. This
was in Ilecemhor, but no suspicion at
tached to Hrown. Recently the police
suspected tho ahoo cleric of tho theft
on account of his giving a diamond
ring to his dunce, Miss Coyle, and also
because he sometimes wore a diamond.
Red Cloud Hardware
1, a.nd Implement Co.
WM. WOLFE. Secretary.
.. '.(?? Ml ' . ....... r. ...... 1..1 -
.1 ' . ; vi. itiiii
nuw; steady to stiong; beevvs, $."i.0(j
TS20; Texaus, $1 r.r.Tj (1.0(1; westerns,
5,1 TOtfj (I.:."; blockers and feeders, $2,110
T.'i.'ij; cows and heifers, S'.'.notft ti.50;
calves, SI 7."ifii.25. Hogs Heceipts,
21,000; st'v.dy; lights. $.1.:ii)tji r.77.;
mixed, $: lOft. .S.1; heavy. ::.Wp
5S2'...; lough. ?." .T-iTi ." ".); good '..
choice heavy, fi .'utf ." S2L..; pigs, $1.33
cT r, .-, bulk of sales, $.".i;i)fi'5.Su.
Sin 1 p Heceipts, IS.OliO; steady; native-,
$3.i01?.."i.."j0; westerns, ili.ltticf)
.":" 1, yeaillngs, $1 Wu :.7.'; lambj.
$1 2."ifii i0, wc.-tcins. $l.r.')(ftG.7j.
Scuth Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, .June HI. Cat tie Re
ceipts, n,.")0; best steady, others low
er; native steers, $.".00$iS.i 0; cows
and heifers, $3.jUft (i.50; btoikers and
feeders, 'i DO r.2.". Hogs Receipts,
lil.OOO; strong to 5c higher; heavy,
$5,556)5.05; mixed, $ii.50tTr5.fi5; light,
J5.40C5.571-; pigs, $4.r.O(S5.25; built
of sales, $u.."0$T5.u7'-.. Sheep R
celpts, C.OOO; slow and weak.
Notice of Application For Saloon License
t To tho llniioini!c iiminl ol I'ciiuily 1 .miuiH
stiMior. cf VV I Kt r ount, NiMirie-kii:
The in'iitit M 1 f t).j '.iiitcr-lmied ruiliionts of
tlii) Oiik c'rcU 1 ut Wvlmior county, No-line-kn,
respecttu ij ri'inc-c'iit:
IMfit-Tlmt tlicy try rt'-liit'iit frieliuMcrs of
the mid Onk Uu-e): itcclnct, Wohhtcr t-ounty,
coiid Tlit-j rt-n'Ortfiilly pray Unit a llrcafo
to i-ull limit, t.pintuuii mid vIikiun llitior wltli
hi tlio saltl pu-vliict for Uiu etiMiliiK )i-r may ho
granted to John II. Koluiuli'IiiT, halil Iiii-Iiicnh
to bocoiHliii-U'iJ hi u one Hory frMnu IhiIIiIIiik
i-lluated on lot cltvtn ilH, black twelve 12), of
tho vJHnge or Itoti'tnoiit In mid piiclnci.
Thlrd-Thnt hhiil .Tulni h. lvohmi-tc her U a
resident of ihv Mt.te of NehrnvLn nml l n innn
of rvM'ccinlilu c-lmni ter unit Manillnu.
Add iih In duly I uond ihcy will ever pray.
Notice lieicliV L-lven .lohn H. Knnn ivpIht
Iihk llleil In the (Hire of the i-oniiU ili-rkor
Wt-tister Liniiitv. Nt t.rBhVu. thin -Jst day of May
A. I. I'Jufi. hih 1 t-uiiuii signed by ihe reuiilroU
number of ccfcldtnt Itet-hohlerH
E. V. Itobs, fount Cleric.
A powder for MwOleii. llreil. hot, hiiirtrthu feet.
Saunilehent lUKi:. AN" Free sample of tho
KOiVr-KAM! SANlTAItV I'OlIN l'AI). 11 new
Invention. Addrm, Allen b. Olmsted, tc Uoy,
. J1
Mtfi' U Vlv
- - -r
.'nt tr