Mrs. Barbara Vavricka. tcw Star Dolns at Cu!!c Rotk. Mrs. llarbara V.ivricka was born in' The Order of Hasten. Star at l)atnirolT, Hohemin. dune 7. l'-.V. and Uo.dt V. I some mM excellent work died at her limno in rth of Ked Cloud Monday evening. .1 i n s. J. 1! Hump" Friday nljjht. .hnc a. of heart failuro. (jf 11;l1iotiiii . Mrs Wlilto from the .Shewed have be mnfty years old if , ,iu.mbe.s Hlic had lived two days longer. ' ,,.,,, , She was married to Matej Vavricka , from the !!ed r loud lo-l,'e wore present. iii 177 and CTV.o in Aiumcst !.". Wi , TV lW' (1fc''' '"Hinted 'our new jwJ loW'V" Wcbcrvnuity,NeVruV I .lll0m.,,n,.v. lUi,1 Mk K f. Martin ha, where lilt y :i.iw resided since, and Mr. and Mrs. Noah I'eters. Then To this un'.o:. v.vro horn five boys the oflicer-. for the ensuing term were and onetfirl who died in infancy. Two isl!lnt.d bv two lied (loud members, of the bey. l'V.Vi'.t and LjuN. wore Mrs. Chas. Kobinson acting ns insiril born in I'.ohemid. ' Hn olliccr and Mrs. McKcoby as mas- Mif..Vavr'uh.v.-".s a boneliei.irv mem- ,,,1 .-u. illeers are: Matron. Mrs. bur of tlio lied CUud Koyal Neighbors .;, ft. iti,1T: patnm. Chas. Unltfe: a lodge. s)L-iate mativni, Miss Hdla F rj.Mion; The funeral was held Monday after- J ,.onductrcs-,. Miss Irene PerUMm; as noon at the h mie at two o'clock. Ilcv. SOouito conductress. Mrs. ,1. II. Crary: Hummel conducted the services. In- sot.,x.tury. Mrs. X. M. Uoudna: trcasii Lermeiit was made in the lied Cloud ,.t,l ,.,. n. .lones: warder. I. Y cemetery. Tne ttoyal Neighbor-, and r.uv; sentinel. .1. II. C'rarv: Ada. Mrs. the K. 0. II. lodges of thiseity marched .;. m. Parher: I'.uth. .Mis-. Ida IVttet: down with the procc-sion to the ecme- i.vii,..,. Mrs. .1. V. llodirc' Martha. , tcry. The bereaved husband an 1 family hive our sympathy i their hour of addiction. F R E Will Kd-on cine down from (iratid Island yesterday. At the Fraternal Aid meeting Thurs day niylit they Initiated thirteen inein bcrs. After lod,e inectintf they served ice cream and e ke to the new mem bers and had a jolly tfood time Mrs. K. S. Sheppanl: Kleeta. Mrs. (.'has. Mode's. A splendid address vva given by llev. Martin, speeches by I. 11. Hampton, Mrs. White and several Ked Cloud members. An elegant ban (piet in the dining hall closed a very enjoyable .session. j Always Entertaining ' lilind llooue never fails to plea-ohis hearers. At the opera houe Monday i ii- .1 I. l'.-vl of the F.antist College eveniiiL' dune 1Mb. Seats on a'.e at atdrand Island will speak at the Map- llattie .Morri-on's Saturday morning. list eh are '.i nct Thursday evening, , " June IS, at s o'clock. The purpose of his coming '.s to interest young men A Momr.-Made ParaSOl taSS. and your.g w- m n in securing a college j i'ol. n pretty and useful umbrella or odueatior. I.-. Ke;.l is a very able parasol ease, cut a piece of eard board man and is verv popular with the stu-' o ie yard long and seven inehes wide, dents. All .ve invited to hear him. Cover one third of it on one side with - ' a prettv patterned chintz, or cretonne, and the rest with plain sateen of a liar color, n- For the poe'eet. cut a piece of the E M - o ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nrmi HR M R E E LINK Until, rain, and more to follow Mr and Mrs. Hanson and Mi F 'dior of Ked Cloud were the guests of chintz about two inches long audeigh .lames Keagcl Sunday teen inehes wide; turn down a hem 15. VanllvKv mm'i two fat cows to two and onc-half inches wid, at one (Cool brjthe.'s this we. k Mrs. Albert Turner's father of Hlue Hill is visiting them this week. Kddie Aubu-h m is home on a vi.s'.t from Katisn. 1'etweeii shovei end. and put in a piece of elastie nine , inches long just below the hem. hith er the lower end if the chintz, ami sOw it ami the si les neatly to the card b iard. Trim the top of the back, whie'.i the farmer-, are stands above the poelcet with a niehe 41.VV v ..- initios !'" ... ..-, .- - busy cutting alfalfa and cultivating 0f ribbon or lace. Finish the bottom I c .1... ..... . . ..; (i. .. ,,; .if t'llitinti i of the eas with a twist of ribbon ami , a bow at one side, put a bow f ribbon 1 at each corner of the top. and add a , loon with a 1 o bv which t hang up , p'lttiema.i n-.uimg a sugar PSta,p I the c.i-e Put another twist of ribb. n In Hemeiara went out to It for .....,,,, ,,... !llMOs, th.. ,VKtvl the llrst iline.Tlie dav alter his arrival ! '""'v .. ... .. corn. John Osborn linished breaking prai rie for L. H. Ha-kins this week. he fctoud watching the punts bringing 1 ho cane home. joung ueg'.o boy ,avIio was drixlng tin- mules, wishing to Increase the need of Iheni. struck one of them with his whip. The mule pioinptly tespoiided by launching out with his heeds and dealt the boy a kirk on the head which siietched him on Iho ground, where he lay rubbing hl woolly pate on the spot where the kick had been recehed. "Ik he hurt? Is he hurt?" cried the planter In ahum. A full grown negio, hearing the expressions of concern, uprang forward hastily and, raising the mule's heels, shouted out: "No, boss! That mule htm walk lendnh fo' a day or two, but him no Lnrl '."-Chambers' .lourual. just below the frill where the elasth is run. Chiffon and lace trimmed parasols which should be carefully kept from the dust, are safely ami daintily "housed" in one of the-e useful cases,. From Woman's Home Companion for dune. $325 SMITH & BARNES PIANO And Equivalent to 000 in Prizes Absolutely Given Away on Wednesday, JUNE 17th, 1908. re. Camera Pleasures Last. K X P L A N A T I O N To the person writing the sentence: "(.ASTON MUSIC CO., SKLLS Kh LIABLK PIANOS," the sivntHst nuni- ,1 1' !..,.. ,i 11 C P,-vctil ( .-rlnVJlllV ,,,. ,,,,, ,juy,,a . . -. ,',;"-,: Ze; we will peut hfc than in you can get for t "u l" , . ' nnnw rr 1, n4l,pr the same price, and its a pleasure that JbeJlUtll 111 piilUO lM. lo the Otliei lasts as long as vou live. We handle ' contestants WG Will give pl'l.e cei'tlllCateS the Kodak-the'one that makes pic-; to the VJlllie of $'J,000, ill aillOUlltS 11 J) t) tare taking easy. Newhouse I'.ros. K3(), each ill proportion to the llliml)ftr Ot .lewiders. times the sentence is written. """" wuv wr MAk-F TWKr.RRATDFFF.R the cement lloor in the new cattle barn MllSIC Co." hlllHlrecl? ot timet 5 Oil Will on the State Tair grounds at Lincoln. ' reilieillber it. This barn is a mammoth building 171' YOU Will also reilieillber tllJlt 'baStOll bv .'..:. and will have stalls for i;:ui head Music Co." are Factory distributors ana 1 ....V ...!.... 1 II ....1-..1.1.. . . ot cattle, .superuufuoem-s .mw- .in.. h1 reilillJie I1UI1U. ......... i . ...:u ... .. . ? i i i . l ,.,. ..' ..ti Second:--we cio uns uecuusc oj um j desire to compile a mailing list of all homes without a piano. -" l'..v " -t I .. ... V.III l. JCIICIIlb IllliJ rinniii ...... ....w that upon discovery of the authors, i tries tiauy. am. u.e miu8u.u,i , mv1pi Hv its Use We call SGClire primers or publishers of any such tldeutlv expect that tne amp.e pnn.s- ; : , - AnaVMl ..llirklv The First Reporter. n'i. i ............... I,..t..u I..I..V- (nl I lie IIIOOUIII ll'lMHH-1 lliin imv. the reign of (Jueen Anue ami to the unknown scribe who attempted to tell Iho public the secrets of her parlia ment. He had a hard time or It, for parliament wished to keep lis secrets to Itself. In IT'JS an order was passed "that It Is mi Indignity to ami a breach or the privilege of this house for any ,enon to presume to give in written or printed newspapers any account or minute of the debates or piocecdlngs; tjilet rooms and the total cost will ex ceed SUIS.OOO. Cattle Superintendent O. VI. Mickey r iii..'ilii iciiorts the receipts of en- newspapers this house will proceed against the offenders with the utmost severity." During the famous Wilkes cnt-e In 177- the reporters won the vic tory which they have jdneo held with eat dispute.- New York American. ..1 Til .......lllll. IIIIITlll.lll.ll, ,i,.r.A,-.i. .....iav ...w.--i oils for earing lor eatue win i.n , - - , ,, ,- in the largest exhibit Aug. him to and more economically than we could b Sept. 4th ever held in Nebraska. When the Lights Went Out. Almost every speaker has had the experience of the house hccomllli: to tally dark hem use or the failure of the oud week electric lights. Here Is such an expo ileuce by one lecturer. It was In l'ltts burg; the audience was a Hebrew so ciety. When the lights went out, the lecturer waited a moment and then nahl. "We will proceed anyway, for I Milt have the lsrael-lltes." It was the hit of the evening. Lyceumlte and Talent. Inter-Stat Fair at Denver. That the Colorado Interstate Fair and Imposition, the tirst exhibition of whicn will be held in Denver the see- in September of this year. will do much to encourage the im provement ami growth of western in dustries of every character, is fully shown in the premium list, a copy- of which has been received from (!. C Fuller, acting secretary, Tabor opera house. Denver, vdio writes that he will be pleased to send a copy to anyone upon request. The classifications in the list are extensive, covering the products of every industry, and the offered are exceptionally liberal spending twice the sum by using solici- i tors and canvassers. j Third: - We are able to shift a portion of this burden on the manufacturers we I represent because we buy pianos in large 1 quantities, thus enabling us to distribute these prizes and advertise our business ! in this extraordinary manner and moro thoroughly establish our line in lied 1 Cloud and vicinity. RULES GOVERNING CONTEST Write on one side of the card only. Factory Distributors No employees or persons connected with the piano business allowed to com pete. Expert penman or engravers barred. All cards must reach us on or before June 17th, 1D0S, at noon. Only one card received from eivSli person. Use pen or pencil. In the event of a TIE, the FIRST card received will WIN the piano, so mail your card early. The contest will be decided by thivtf impartial judges whose decision must b final. The winning card will be on -hibition and all others will be kept J r reference so that there will be absolutely no chance for dissatisfaction. All cards must be written and reada ble to the naked eye. Persons living over 25 miles from ild Cloud will not lie permitted to content for this prize. DON'T DELAY: This means sou thing to every person needing a plan . Write us and we will at once send y 'i extra cards and any information der-iri. FINAL: Write the sentence as above on a U. S. Postal Card or any other card the exact size t Cards furnished free by u are preferred) and on the reverse side .f the card or oil an extra slip of paper write your name, address and number of tiirv you have written the sentence, state if you have a piano or organ and give the name of a prospective piano purchaser and mail same to GASTON MUSIC CO., lied Cloud, Nebraska. Ten stores A Great Secret. At some of the Kngllsh country fairs n "great secret" Is sold In sealed en velopes at twopence apiece. Hero Is llin Kiw.fnt' "N'ovpi" biiv ii ti article be fore examining It. If you had known , km:hy woman wild, in: intkiikstud. ' this before, you would not have paid If on lmxo rains la thu hurt. I'rliinrj-. Jh'l , twopenco for this worthless envelopu , ,lJaMViu licrii Viue for wuimm'h Ills, try Mother CO i. ..1.1 ....,. twin... Minn ItKA ;.., .'.j hilt I nil f WIlCil Jim UUUIU &vi iuwiu uum t"w mi li j V " " "" "Vl i.......iVia ViViVv , I'm I tit j I uk ii'uminiM, rti uuhh";iD ",,' i,i.u dozen good onea for iho same price." riM, Siunpli! imrkHKo mr.h. Mother (ioij ro...l.eKoy, . i. ll U aMife tiiitl never or ly mnll ro Aildrc"', Tho , GASTON MUSIC Damcrcll Block, RED CLOUD, NEB. Headquarters, Hastings, Neb. House of Quality. V p- 1 m t U .fis N A. -vr :li &i ill (l - i M M I a , t'& :v T "1 -. - -"'',V3-lCVi4r--TT i jU-fe'!U. A.