The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 12, 1908, Image 7

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    WI IUI
UY, Don't Rent
Ktlitor Northwestern Agriculturist:
1 have been much interested in the articles published in
the Northwestern Agriculturist giving advice to the Nebras
ka farmer who has $1500 in the bank, drawing four per cent
interest and himself renting land.
Why is it that so many follow the same old plan?If
one looks back fifteen or twenty years lie will see how the
country has developed, both in the value of the land and the
condition of the country.
What was Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, the Dakotas, in
fact, our entire north and the west twenty years ago? Com
pare it with the present time and see theadvancement that
has been made. Those old opportunities have passed away,
yet there are new opportunities coming forward all the time.
Why should the man rent when he has money in the
bank? Why should he not be a borrower instead of a lender
and own his own land? The improvements on the farm
would then be his own. The rise in the value of the land
would be his, too. He could farm for the future benefit of
his faun; always making his land more productive.
Geo. Herring.
Wo so to the Panhandle country every
First and Third Tuesdays
Go with us and see for yourself
Red C oil Investmen
Potter Block, Up Stairs, Red Cloud.
I. II HOLMES. President. D. ,1. MYERS, Viee-Piesidont.
A. B. SELLERS, Secretary and Treasurer
Okl.ihomn County Clerk Tells of Mur
dor, Outgrowth of County Seat Fight.
K. C. .I'llian. cderl. of Mcintosh conn-
held I ir the muider of General
Duulap at Eutala, made :i full confes
sion to th" ci line at Muskogee Jail,
lie rlaiiu.i self defense, statin;; that
(ineial Duulap entered his room and
lii i'd and then he hilled him.
There is considerable ill feeling,
hoth at KuiVui and Checotah, ovur tho
shooting, li th towns ate under aims
and Governor HaUell has. been ap
pi'.ih'd to to preseive order.
Mulai Hafid Enters City With Army
of Twelve Thousand Men.
Muliil IlJifnl. the Moroccan insur
gei.t sultan, with his entire suite and
an .umy of 1:2 mm men, enteied Fez
with meat potnp Ahottt 2'i ouo Iterber
title-biiic'ii at r p,uited to In- ni.ii't liing
in to join him. Il.ilid h'lt Monuine.
Juii" 2 and on the next day, it is said,
he completely annihilated the iem
nanis of th cheiaiihi rebels Several
of SiilUn Ahih'i Aziz's functionaries,
who tl"d trom Kahat. have leached
Attempt to Exclude It from Illinois
Schools Results in Defeat.
The CaUiolh of Si ott county, III., who
.ought to mandcniu the Winchester
kpIiooI boatd to stop the reading of
Hie bible and the lecitatioti of tho
Lord s prayer in the schools, met do
lent 111 the Mipteme court.
Thai, tribunal declined to grant a
petition for a vviit of mandamus which
was brought on an appeal ftotu tho
cir. uit court of Si ott county.
Two Tornadoes in Oklahoma.
Two tornadoes passed Shawiiee.Okla.,
foitv-flvo minutes apait. The Rrst
one was seen tor many miles. It was
the largest ih.'id of the mail) that
have visited Oklahoma this season
While considerable property damar.o
wa.-. done, no latalltles have been re
pot ted The storm was most severe
west of Dale, Okla
George Gould Will Attend Wedding.
Reforo sUIIiu lor Kuiopeon the Kron
Piituessin Cei Hie, Gcoige J. Gould
said "I expect to attend the wedding
of my sister, Anna Gould, to Prince
Hello do Sagan The marriage is to
take place with my consent, blessing
nml witli the full consent of all tho
Gould latnlly "
Gracey Heads Missionary Union.
.With the election of ofllcers and
n larewell service, the twenty-fifth an
nlversaiv conference of the Interna-
tional Missionary union, which has
U .n in nesMon r.t Clifford. N Y.,
was rniul'ided with the election or
oll'i' ers. Rev I 1. Gnuey of Roches
ter was elected piesld'iit.
I nSTnllitt't N.iti.c tn Ro PrfQfntr4.
( . w. ....... - -- . .......
I Senator'ol'.ette announced that
Henry !' Coiheius of Milwaukee
I would place him in nomination for the
presidential candidate at the Kepub
llcan national convention.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, Imi" 'J. Cattle Re
ceipts, 2'iflO; bent 10c hif-'hei. heavy
fckiw, native steers, $3.25'il 7 jo; covv.t
and hellers, $; 2".?t ''. '", western
Meets. $1! 73'it ii.2J; T'xa st'-era, $'100
(fi'io, c antlers, ?J.fiot :L7."i; stockuis
and r"'dern, $n.uoTi ". 2".; calves, $:5 2"
(ji;2j, bull--., stags, etc., $2 7.'f;1'
Hogs Receipts. It.riU'J, steady to shadi
lower; heavy, .TAi :"', iu:.xel,
$' 22'..ft."i.27'..; light. $.'. 20T:, :50, pigs.
$1. .'05 1.00; bulk ol sab'-, $.' 22'j'fi
o'M Sheep- Receipt :ji)'i; year
lings, ? LoOfr -.123; wethers. $l.2."fj
"2."); ewes. $.!7jJd"0; lambs, f" 75
Chicago Live Stock.
Chiiago, June '.). Cattle Receipts,
1.U0O; steady to strong; sHr.-,, $1.0 )
(Tr 7.73; cows, SlOOfitiOO; belters,
$1 nOfii;.,i."; bulls, 3 Tolt .1.3U ; calves,
$2 ".Orpo 75; sto'kers and feeders,
$: 27, ii : 10 Hogs Receipts, lij.000;
r,c lower; choice h-avy shipping $3 13
3 50; butchers, $5 3005 55. light
mixed, $5 lfr 3.15. choice light, $5 15
ft5.55; packing $1 j1(7i 5.15, pigs, $:i 75
(&5.00; hulk of sales, $l.."i0tjr 3.10
Sheep Receipts, RJ.000; 13fr25c higli
er; sheep, $1 oiKf; 5 00; lambs, $3.00cu
C.G0; yeatllttgs S4.5(i'?J 3.23.
Nine Killed and Eighty-Three Injured
in a Collision in Italy.
Nine persons were killed and 8;i In
jilted by a rear-end collision of a
Height train with a passenger tialu
at Koccupletia Mol of the vktlni-.
were Italian pilgrim returning from
an excursion to the sanctuary of the
"Crowned Viiln" and came Irom the
villages in the vicinity of Vaiallo.
The passenger train had stopped at
the station on account of tin accident
to the locomotive, when a heavily
loaded Irc-Ight train clashed Inio It.
The head passc'tiper coach was com
pletely telescoped and the freight en
gine mounted and crushed the two
next curs.
Alleged Bank Robbers Captured.
Falrhury, Neb., Juno 3. Sheriff
Lowell of Republican county, Kansas,
arrived here on his way to Lincoln to
secute a requisition for the return of
two men supposed to be concerned in
tho robbery of the Cuba (Kan.) bank.
The men wete captured' near tho town
of Davenport.
King Edward and Czar Nich-
olas Exchange Visits.
Shores of Reval Bay Crowded With
Thousands of Spectators Toasts
Emphasize Good Relations Now Ex
isting Between the Two Countries.
Howard VIII, Kln of Knslatul,
ami Ktnporor Nicholas of KussU ox
changed toyal vl-tts on the nteis. of while the ship w.i-, .teaming ut nine-
the Huv of Reval In the Gulf of Ktu- t'eii Knot-, on a speed ttial off Point
laud, it was a notable meeting and Huen uie, California a steam pipe in
one which may have a tnr-t caching the stathoatd engine lojiu hurUlng
elTed In the wot Id policies of the mid r 2;: J poun I-. p''M "i" UUHnsHuv
future. , ''" ''' :l'"l Injuring neveri others, all of
The day was bii'.liaut with sun- the mm la the tompatlnioiit at the
shine and the Imperial yachts, .stir- Hut Tic explosion, the cause of
tounded hv Ilrltish an I Russian war- which is unknown, .icnined only a
ships, lying in the roadstead, made a feu minute? aftet Admiral I'rlel Se-
beautiful and impiesshe plctuie The hree Captain I-' it Howard and Chief
hills and the wooded shoies of tho Hngmeei Uobeitson had leli Iho on-
ha wete ctowded with ihouaud.s an 1 .,! """' " : ' "' "f inspection,
the arrival of the Hrltlsh King hy sea l'"our ol the men wete Udle.l instantly
and the empeior of Russia hy Ian I ?) -hie mote died at San Pedro on
was made the una von of unbounded '' anival there of the Tennessee,
enthu-hnm. I " "' dead: George Wood, water
Dining the course of the day the tender. Sctantou I'a.. K C. Hoggs,
lung and empeior wete the guests of sec on. I class llretnati, SVoodlauu. Ala.;
the iimiiii! .:iinr..,s :.t liini-heon on A lt-iuhold. machinist' mate, second
hoaid th" Russian vaiht Polai Star,
wl.ii h was novued with guests No
speeches wete made at this affair, but
at the st..t .iiinnuet i,n hoatd the Rus
sian yacht Stain' ut toasts wete given
whii li were h .irtdy ie-pondeil to
Roth the u.i I the empctos spoke
in una ttf'y "mphasUeii the
good relations which lave succeed'-l
the coolness beiwe-'n the two coun
tries in the past vean and in the
prat etui natuie of iho new ateler
All the vvarMilp- w re biilluntlv R
lumlnate.l hut the ya hU Polar Star
and Alexandria tiisplaye.l spec hi
ufferts. Isoatloails of Get man.
Kstlemiau and Russian re.-elfnt,
steamed out Into the roadstead an !
setin.vled the royal visitors v.ith s i
t.otutl loll. sings ami village muni
ia-. the singing of the Ksthoniuns be
ir. urn I Ii'iiImiK- nlenslnu.
' "
Train Runs Seven Miles Before Fire
man Discovers He's Alone.
Omaha, June D. Plunging aioiind
Fliarp curv .-., thiough cuts and across
brldg .- at fotty miles an hour without
un engineer in the cab, Riirlington
train No. 2:'., St .lo-eph to Oinalia, tan
a wild coin so of seven miles just the
other side of Ilenton's, which is
twelve miles liom Council Hlufl's Kn
glneei K Stalling had fallen I'lom his
cab and lay unconsi Ion-, by the side
of the tin' ks.
Fireman C A. J.-ickson did not know
that the engine was i mining wild.
Several sharp nnves wete taRen with
uniliniiiiished speed and when there
was no whistle as the Main .da-died
through Ilenton'-. the fiieman looked
over to the light side of the cab and
was bonified to lind it empty.
Fnenian Jackson backed the Haiti
slowly and a close watch was kept
for the body ol' the engine- r He was
found at the end of seven tnil'es, un
conscious and bleeding
Some Lines Opened to Service, but
Others Still Closed.
Lincoln, June 10. Chief Cleik Dul
ler of the i ail way mail service ie
reived word that the line ol the Great
Noitheru through Montana has been
lcpaiicd and that mails are now going
thiough east and ue.-t over that line.
The embargo on the Not thorn Pacific
still exists
Local reports were that the Rulo
Atchison line is still closed and may
leinaiii closed for several days The
Colon Pacific, south or Beatrice, I.-.
still dosed and the railway mail sot
vice has no information as to when it
will bo opened. Tho line north of
I Lincoln was opened to service, but it
is badly handicapped by soft Hack
The Rock Island's Kansas lines aiu
i still in tumble, but their main line
east and west is In service and ttains
are making neatly schedule time.
Gasoline Launch Goes Over Mill Dam
at Ashland, Neb.
Ashland, Neb., June !i Chatlea G,
Whistler, a dentist, was diowiied in
Salt creek. With three companions,
Mr. Whistler attempted to take a tide
in his gasoline launch. The rurrent
of the creek, which lecent rains have
swollen to the dimensions of a river,
was very swift, and the launch became
unmanageable, going over a mill darn
Mr. Whistler's companions managed
to grasp the gliders ol a biidge as the
boat was swept along nnd saved them
selves,. Mr. Whistler was a graduate
I of the University "f Iowa and one of
the leadlni: teshlents of Ashland.
King Kdward had a long private me louin, unci .. i umnisi .mm.-u......
conversatitm with Premier SU.lvpiu l Tli. surviving seamen all of whom ,
alter luncheon, retiring to the c abin ' '"ceiveil some injuiies. aci.-d with th-'
with him Nothing with regard to the' greatest heroism in aiding their un
pur poll of the conversations betwi e- forlttnate mates.
the king and the emperor and the' Only one mbe explo led. The break
tniiiisteis has been published, bat it v ''-ss than six indie., m length
is iindersdod that thev touched poltt Thete vv;is no wteckage. but the e.x
ical lelations only In a geneial way ' ploMnn was ileMiibel hy the survlv-
ors as frightful. So g; 'at w. .-. the
Boiler Tube on Cruiser Ten-
ncsscc Explodes.
Victims Blackened Almost Beyond
Recognition by BlJSt of Cinders,
Steam and Soot in Fire pit Rear
Admiral Sehrce Has Close Call.
A iH-asVr 01 1 uriel ui hoard the full
ed States armored cruiser Tennessee
tki-s, Germany; Georg- V Meek. Ilrnt
i lass llieinan SUidmere, Kan: P. .1
Utiriis. p .1 Carioil. !' S MaMlehl.
'Iheie ueie loutte.'U men In the lite
id'. in when the p.'je, whii h la four
iiulii. in diametei and ei. l.iscd with
vvat -r in-t'le th- boil-r. blew out. ilnv
iug a tui tent of si tiding -teain, itial
u'u-l, millers and leu alie-i thiough
the ashpit and slurv -re I tin; hall
ual.e 1 men.
' A b'ast of while steam I torn I lie
l vent:latotH told those on dei U of the
accident, ami Lieutenant ( oniuiander
P.ohi i-ion. the navlgutoi, instantly
' .-.outided a geneial alarm and dtop
ping twenty linea of l;is" teady for
Instant use In ca.-.e or t!r Within the
' doomed flic loom No 15 the suiviviug
seamen were lighting tor life. Rein
' h jM and Meek wore slricU"ii dead at
their post Rogs an I Wool ciawled
or vveie drai into the adjoining
l... .. . 1 .., I I!.. ...
.blast of soot and ste.un eveiv
j man in the room wa- blackened from
head to fool, while Hume closest to the
break vveie literally cooked alive
Tlieie are -,'xteeu dnilhir lite too;, is,
! but eat h separated by sleel doors, and
the tii-ii in adjoining oinpaitments
did not I "el the explosion When the
tltst outside ichcuers enteied tin- Hie
loom II was in utter darknes. the
si. Mm find soid coveiing tie eleitin-
i light.-, and ceiling mid walls with a
j thick coat. The men in this (liepit
woil; naked, e.xi epl foi idiot I trousers
mid s'ippct.s, and the i!".id and iu
jilleil vveie lilac kcneil altll'ist beyond
Rush of Families to Remove House
hold Goods to Higher Land.
The list of Hie Kaw liver caused a
panic in Ninth Topeka and the Ar
nioiirdale section o Kan, a-. City, Kan.,
and theie was a rush of lenulie, to re
move their household goo!-, liom tlieii
homes to higher laud. In Armounlale,
moie than four hundred families
moved their lui nitiiie, and the stam
pede was becoming general when the
police Intervened. The niiesteil ex
pi'ssnien who were fiighti'iiing house
holders and obtaining exorbitant
prices for moving their good.-. The
tit (linage boaid issued a Miiteurut
saying that a line of eight feet more
would he ncrcssaiy to lloo I Aimour
dale Pat king hollies an 1 oilier stab
lislitneiiis lu tin bottoms lemoved the
contents of Hie basements to upper
The Mlssoui! has i cached the dan
ger line of twenty-one feet, but Is al
moM. at a standstill and is cai tying
oiT the wateis fiotn tin Kaw liv.r
easily The weather bureau gives as
.sin unco that the ciest of the Hood Is
almost reached The tallniads two tho
heaviest sufl'etei.s, miles of track be
ing washed out in various places and
hildgcs damaged.
Score of Others Seriously Injured In
Collision Near Annapolis, Md,
In a headnu collision near Annapo
lis, Md , between two cats on tho
Wailiiugton, RultluiDiM and Annapolis
railroad eight poisons wete killed out
right and a score of others vveie seri
ously injured, some of them peihaps
fatally. The collision was duo to a
confusion of orders, as the Hue has
been i uniting several extra cars each
day in connection with the commence
ment festivities at the uaval academy.
The dead: Richard Norton, Balti
moie; A. II. Sclmltz, Baltimore; Po
lice Patrolman Shrlobor, Zach O'Neal,
New York, inotornian of one of the
..r .- . -i ,in, iimMi : . .';''ter, six
y.ii. old. iianghti, c.i Getienl i rr..:':
Manager William K Siaugliiet of tho
toad. .1 W Mi Daniel, llaltllnore; uti
iileuiiii-i woman.
Ol Hie Inltin'd, General Traflle Man
tiger Shiiightet was in tins worst con
dltlnii and his death at any moment
would not i th- physh Inns aur The disaster oeirrr-d jut beyond'
Camp Parole, whleh Is the Hist stu
Hon alter leaving Aiiu:iiolis. liith o
the wrecked cats wete specials.
Reunion of Spanish War Veterans.
Lincoln, dune :. - A leunion ol Span
Ish-Aineiiia'.i Win Vetei.ins, attended
hy ne.ul tv o bundled members of this
lb Nbindn legiments, was held
bete Among those v;ho attended was
W. .1. Rryan, who was colonel of Ibis
Thitd Nebraska, and Governor Shel
don, who was a captain in Mr. Rryan's
legluient. A caiupllte and business
iiieeliug was followed by a hanqttut,
at v.hlili Mr. Governor Sheldon
and othi'is made addresses.
Ernest Kennlson Granted a Stay.
Lincoln, .lime tl-Kinest S. Kennl
son, sentetKi'd to twenty-three years
In ptison, has appealed to the supremo
court for u stay of exenitlon. lie
was convicted ol the murder of Sum
0 Cox Judge Hauler, who is conduct
ing Keunlsnn's seemed a stay
of execution and will try to make at
tangi incuts lot II.OiiO ball
75 Cents Per Diy for Convict Labor.
Lincoln. June ,-, - The slate board
of puhlt' lands and buildings adopted
a i - - o ! 1 1 1 o 1 1 iiiii!iing a paymeul of
T.'i tents a uav pel man for lb" use or
lonviit iabot Tlie Lee Itiootu ami
D'tstei iinipiin has paid 50 cents uutl
olTeted tin Increase a ". per cent Tho
title will beiome effe live June 17.
Low Rate Summer
To the Pacific CoAst
Daily low round trip rates In Port
land, Seattle, Taeoma, .sun Francisco,
Los Angolos and .-'an Diego, Slightly
higher to include both California and
Ptiget Sound Ono whole businoss day
saved ly our new sch-dtilo to the Pil
ed lit cr.-ist.
To Chicago nntl
EoLsTorn Rcsortu
, Republican convention tickets on silo
June 12 to U! Daily low e.xe irsiou
rates to Canada, Michigan, Wisconsin,
, Mitin-sotii, Massachusetts and New
lYoik tourist resort; also low excur
sion rates to tourist resorts in Maine,
i New llatni shire. Vermont.
i An American Tour
I For N i;brn hiv Teachers
And l! ' ir fii.'ii'N Kxi'iinlnii ufll ti'iivi ' li
I coin I. 'ii ii in I ,iii "7 Will sirnil t'irit or
j four i!n ut N li V I'liiiveiillnn In li-vel.iliil;
I till'! ' !l .tliilo. Mm' .in I'll 11.. Tor Mill.. M. I.1C.V
iti ii ic t ! '' n -r M.r. n,:li 'I lioi-sitiil 1.1
lllllls M ,il iai r . n J. 1 -. M.i'l' I'll llilltlill.
MImiiv. il'iwii Un Ilu "-"ii in N.-'n i ei 'j. iliiMiro
I'li.liiili-lplini Wii'liim-dei ii'i'l I'llt-Vim. ,sU
thiMilMil t'ir mi Illiii't'CX f li ilifunilflllOII
er v n.i' th r isni'il.
To Cojorado
xnd Rocky Mountains
Oh'Ix lew riiii-. In I ii nriul- I lull. U"; oil' ir
liliiik Hi Is mid YcllouMimi- Park liL'mccntlo
I Ulllt'llllllll ,11 Dt'llVl-l III .llll
Hoir.aaeckar!.' R.Atc
Kirn mid tlilel Tiii'siliijs in i'ii' vVi- i liicitujini;
tin1 ruinous lilt' Her i II ilu Mid Vi-lieu-tum-
alloi. whurc Ihik (r.ic-t of il It liri.-uii'd I.mdH
are belli;: cipcii' d 'or s 'it I'm.' it h tho .jowni.
1 llll'M mill ll) lirlvillt I'ellll lllui Vlyl ciuiti
D'iul'-, lliirliiiKiiiu I iiiiispi' r.' Iii'oriii.itlun
lliirL'iiu. ciiiialia . exci'Ui m Ii;;mi,i o iiiiif In
j Wiito n hi'ii f dociiptinu of
yc or proposed trip, and let us
advise you how to make it tho
best way at the least eo-t.
J. P. I'mvni)H, Ticket Agent.
L. V. Wnkoley, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
Ely's Cream Balm,
Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. '
It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects tho
disoased rneinhnuio resulting from Cuturrh'
and drives avvuv a Cold in the Head cmicklv. i
Restores the Houses of Tusto and Smeik
Easy to iiho. Contiiins no injurious drugs j
Applieit into tho nostrils mill ulisorbucL
Lnri,'o Size, HO conts at Dru(?Kists or by
innil. Liquid Cream Balm for iho ia
atomizers, 75 conts.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York.