RED CLOUD BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Star Barn A. . RKNKBL, Prop. fceb, iVc onb Gxch,cmgc I'i ices reasonable. Hull phone 11). J. W. BOGEJiRlEF MACHINIST Blncksmi thing, Horseshoeing and Wagon making L. H.'FORf" Insurance Agent, Abstracter and Notary Public. D..merell Uloil.. Plicmo S. Dr Nellie E Maurer Dentist Darnel id I Ei"cs. Over Albiight IJros. l'vuie it!'. C A SCHULTZ Photographer! K.mily groups mid bnby picture' a specialty. Diti'eiill Mock CHAS ALLSOP Mason Ceint nt wirl a specialty. Ked Clo'id. Xub. Robinson & Son Ifyon want a Square Meal for V'. it-. Soda Fountain in connection with llcManrunt. S. .ft diinks in -cason. ii i t-v n 1 I Henry JJieCieriCll ixrcTEat.i eai.m i.ons- d:ii.i; in ' Pottr Hlo-k. TIiom- ?, Boots, Shoes and Angle Lamps' Repairing KeaUy Done. fM INSURANCE Wolie & Wright o w Engine Repairing' a Specialty , Horseshoeing. It lacksini thing- and agiiiiinaking JACOB ELL1NQER Auctioneer i:i:n ci.ori), neii. Fanners' phono A . Hell phone '.'7. Plumb's Flour & Feed Store. You ac money in buying your Hour in '.tic-pound lots of liini. II. K. ASHliR Veterinarian I3luk Hill -:- Nkijkaska Will be in lied Cloud Satutdays at Smith's barn. Newhouse Brothers Jewelers and Optometrists Dealers RED CLOUD, XE 13 It A SKA. Wo have in stool; at all Minos a complete lino of Huilding Material and Good Coal. Our prices aro reasonable. Wo solicit your patron, age. Uoll Tol. (50. Farmers Ind. 71. Saunders Bros. lumber ft Coal W. K. GEER Shoes Shoos made to order. Kepnir wot I; a i-p. iulty L A. HASKIN3 FLOUR, FHK!) and (J!! UN Kerosene, '.asolino Etc. Thone .')7 O. A. Nelson Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist, ow. Brio.. City Laundry J. P. HANSON, Propr Phone !-'. He.l Cloud, Neb. Fred E. Maurer ATTOKXEV-AT- LAW ary Public. Pensions a Specialty. Ollice over Po-toince. DR. E.A.THOMAS Dentist Over (Jotting's Drugstore. Dell Phone l.'r. Fanners 4'2. A. T. Walker HEAL ESTATE. LOANS, and i.vjsVUvxce. Fir-' Dooi Xoith of Posfoir.ce. R.ed Clovid In vf..;f mcnt f"!r.nrr.;r v. XT J against Fire. Lightning, Cy clones and V melstorms see ..Mr P9 -TMiuciKra ww- mw winjiwbii, agent for the Farmers Union Instir anee. Co., Lincoln, Xeb., the best in surance company inthe s'Mto J W STOCKMAN HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN an 1 SUKGEOX Graduate from Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago. Ollice over John son A- Boner's stoie. Calls answered day or night. Hell 'JO. Hnral 110. L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer UeM.U'nce: Fi t do.-r -mith of Red Cloud .Mill, VA South Web-ter street. Can be found at home eveiy fore, noon. Terms reasonable. Tricky Maoris. There hiis e,ulte a large iiillu. of European; at the opening of a p.ililk' hall In one of the TaranaKl iilago. The .Maori seemed to lane developed a i raze for "elutiige." Visitors were approached b a .Maori in this Ne: "o got (wo single shlllln' and to il.lponuy nr le half crown':" And the linage vould be given. Others want ed i wo sixpences for a shilling, ' Mill llhgs' for a lloiln, and so on. l'.y and by came dinner time. The istur trooped In and enjoyed their feed. olleci Ion was taken up. Not a soul of I hem had anything s..iallcr Mian a '2 Miming piece. That's how the "child of nature" got home on the civilized product. MapmcUing. The ciiillest m;ipK of which we have any Knowledge weie made in Egypt. The weie wooden tablets, on which ou traced laud and sea, roads, rivers, highways, etc. Marinas of Tyre, 1.10 A. I), was the liist to attempt a map ni "ilentiilc principles. The maps in me by the (i reeks and Uointins were faltly accurate, so far as they vent, but those in tise during the middle ages were alarmingly Inaccurate. It Is only within leecnt .ears, say since the middle of Hie hist ontiiry.'that it was possible, to make a complete and lellable niiip of tlit world, and oven yet (he best map Is subject to slight changes-New Ymk American. OF Oft Seventeen Victims of Torna does Last Week. Revised List or Dead Increases nc Wire Communicztlcn Is Restored to Stiicken Districts Psth of Twist ers Strewn With Wreckage. Omaha, .line Ji - A i.-d II-1 of tbi- victim of the te'iw.iloi-s ol the time !a-t dajfc of last week 'how sev enteen people lmt their lives In No hiaska, as follows j Nun Kt Paul, llov.aid comfy E. P. Einol'lsni Mis Envol'lsen I iN'tar Caileton, Thayei o:it Mrs Maud Ci.iter and Hahy C.iter. I Niar Franklin, Frnnl.Mn county Mi.-i Cliiis Fintell anil l, iUn ly Madison Near Ited C'.oud, Wobtt'T ronntx- -M:s VnitUf ;a, two children ot A. Sinn:!. Xcr.j (!ini'a, Fillmoie cfiuttt illl Jah" Atgenhilght and wile Near SdiUMc.v. Fillmore county Miss Lulu Schmidt. .lou'ph Shhcl). Irene Shlvely. Near I)- hler. Th.ajci enmity T. J. Austin aim son, Enn st The ;it li of the tcinatlo' . is strewn the wiechage ol line hemes STREAMS ARE OUT OF BANKS Farms Flooded and Railroad Traffic Blocked One Fatality Reported. Fail bury, Xeb., June ti - Heavy mills aie repoitej all oer seuith-ce n tial Xchiaska Eu ttirain is out U its banks, mi in piopeitv in the bjt torn lauds is badly damaged and tail icail traffic is blocked A washo it of a hiidge south ol this city lias com pelled the suspension of traffic on the main line el the Kock Island luil, and all trains on the St. Joseph ami fliand Island load between Fan bury and Maisill Kan., have been an t: died. The nights i..lnlall m this Mj:mt ailed horn live to sewn inches Nou i the town oi Jansi :i. ast ol tl.i- city, a lal.ility I- repented Joseph ri.milng. .i larmcr, was at mixed at 1 a ni ami found the lloodwateis of Cub cnek Mowing into hi. Flaming and Ins lainily lied on hotso i ,u U. the lather leading the animal, wliile his wit.- and two iluhlicii clung to it .- back. Their tin '( ear-old hild wa - swept away and di owned Sev other houst", near Cub eiccu an; subiiieig d.watci i caching to the caws. CONSTRUCTION STARTS SOON Actual Work on Omaha and Nebraska Central Begins in Little While. Omaha, June &. S. C Nelson has 'been appUntcd assistant to the ice 1 piesidcnt of the Omaha and Xchiaska (ntial milway and is piepaimg to begin ai live woik. Const Miction woik on the Omaha ml ol tin linn will begin 1.0011," said Mi Nelson "The ie limlnaiy sin ms hae been mane, the licht-olwaj -ccti'd piaitiially all the way ami i little lemains to be done bcion ti.t..i tion wink can be stalled The mad ccitaiuU will be built ami that I .1- iap ill .is ii consistent with eon st 1 ,.ui( liiauagemtiit. ' ' Statistics on Crops. Lincoln, Jmu) S. Returns fiom toiintj assc-'-ors aie being i'eiod bj Labor ('oininissloner Rydti, which, when compiled, will show what theie iically Is in Nebiaska The sclicdiih s 1 -cut out b the labor ilepaitim-nt in eluded space for Ihe nuinher or aeies o lainis, nuiiilici acies under cultiva tion, owner, tenant, milliner r milk tows, number ol chickens and other ' rowls, and other inloiination not ie polled to the state boaid, but essen tial in gitting out statistiih nl.i'liiR I to the wealth of the state ' Ben Marshall Found Guilty. I Omaha. June C It look a Juiy In I the eiimiiial eouit just til teen minutes I to deride that Ren Mm shall, eolotcd was guiltv ot attempting to ciimiiiallv assault Miss Mollie Griuui Reside-. Ihe (Jiaiin assault Mai shall is also hinged with a slmilai assault upon Mis Anna Crahowski, a lew days he foie. Eight years ago he was ehaiged with the Miinc offense against a IIUlo gnl, hut the jury found him guilty onl o assault and battery and he seivcd a ninety daf,' sentence in jail Not In His Line. "They tell me." said the new le porter, who was doing an Interview, "that you have succeeded In forging your way to the front." "Sir," replied the self niado man cold ly, "you have been misinformed. I'm no forger." London Globe. Foresight. "Talk about foresight!" "Well?" "Old Gotrox left n thousand tons ol conl In trust, not to bo touched until tho youngest child is of ago." Kansas City Journal. l'osslbly the Idea hns got abroad anions poets that tho sea waves nru end because the ocean Is so yery blue tit times. NEWS NEBRASKA NO NEW CLASSIFICATIONS ' I Railway Commission Likely to Stop h r.h.-nnlnri Rirrifir Hlrs. Lincoln, June a.-'lt .s ly o means1 ceitaln that th" state mi. way coinnio ! tiein wd. :m r nt it iww tns.sifi ' cation of lieight late- bit it is ptoh- able that th" commission will mako1 lediie lions in the utes loi the slilp-' merit ol e 11 tain conniicdilii s and fio.ii time to time make still li.ithci ml.:i lions on othei lommci.ties This piactke may bo kept up unt.l the nun mission I eels that the Xebiaska iatet aio jmt and not oxoibitant. Since the hearing gi anted the mil I load ollieials, followed by the hcailrr; granted the milroad enflocs, to gelhci wnh it.- Invesfigat.e .,s along othei I. hi s, the comniicsiiui I. as decid ud the iit.iklny id a new 1 lassificntle n of mica is a big task and one that will leinilie a long time. On the other hand, one member ot the commission ..lleves that b picking o heic and thcte ceilain . oinnioditiev plin winch the latee sc i high and m, king icduc- ' tlons in those Instance it pi nimbly , would accomplish ineue lor the pi oplc than it I't made a sweeping icdmtion1 of a ceitaln per cent in all mtes. I j . Missouri Pacific Lost $400 a Mile. Lincoln, Inn" r, -In a stat imnt ille.l with the state hoard ol (mia!ina iinn iii. Mii'.i.mi irwifi. t.iiKv'n nfii i ef:,l,- sisseit that Ihe loss last" ear ,..., , ,ii ii,. 'ci... e.L ,r . ,- r . smni IMc the has M, mile, .,f tmck in Mebift'-ka ,,, . .. .. Tra n Robber Gets One Year ,n Prison iiiiuiii .iinn- .-. ., - .iu iiv v .ii uie- oai at nam laimi in me siate pein teiitiaiy was pionounced by Judg Stew ait upon John Donaldson, who pleaded guilty to the charge ed burg laiy. lie had been caught pas.-engci -, on a Rock Island tia.n Bryan Speaks to WccJmen. LiiHoln, June S William J. Riani deliveinl the nieuioiial add less to Modern Woodmen in this eit He sjoke highly of the jlue o 1 1 ate i in ties and pointed out Hull in -d in our modern - mi m ol li nig. Andrews Talks to Graduates. Lincoln June U To the me inbtjia of the senior class of the Mate unU, i slty, Chiincellut E Reiijamiu Andrews dellvcicd the b.c e-alaun ate addie.s The e.eici,ei weie held in the audi torium of tins Temple building. MacLean Orator at Lincoln Banquet. Limolu, June ! - At the annual ban- : epiet of the Phi lie-tit Kappa ol the , Fiiieisly ol Nebiaska, Chancellor .Ueoigo E. MacLoan of the Dnivcisity of Iowa delneued the oiation. Instinct. What is instinct V It is th' nacbral tendency Iv wan whin filled with dis may to turn to his wife. -Mr. Hooley. Great Success. i "Were the aniafenr theatricals good'.'" ' "Splendid! I never saw n liiue ( worse." Life. lie doubles his troubles who bor i iws tomorrow's. Spanish Proverb. Ihe relative strength of the feels of the powers Is stated to be in the fol low lug order: Oreat Rrltain. Pulled Stale", Prance. Germany and Japan. KUBfM.VriSM C'L'KKD IN A DAY. Dr.I!ttclioii Ilelle forltheiiinnllMii ntxl Neural kIh nullcfllly curie in 1 tn.tlnr lo-ticllon upon tnt- system In remnrknhlc nml m;Mcilcnir.. II romnvo- nt onee the cause uml tliuillseaHo 1m ineiliutclv dlhnppcnrK. Tho llrst dose ureatlj tioiiffllH, ".'. centHRiulfl. Sold by II. E. (ir.HE Orugglst, lied Cloud. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cltnn fciul l-cui:rt tt.c htr. I'r.'i.iotr Iniui.niit ;rolh. IJever I'i In to lutlorn Ory llulr to Its Youthful Color. Curt ilp tllirnart ti tulr filllnc- 0r.inl J-1.UM llmrrlm City Dray and F. W. STUDEBAK12R, PROr. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowew CITY AGENTS FOR ADAMS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 188. I SAY, HISTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Building Mu terial unci Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prices AVEnAQE lower, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but ueoause we tako especial care of and protect all can bo classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT & Coal. iifytfiiifyWVT'iit DO YOU GI?T UP WITH A I,AM BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miscmblc. Almost i-ver body who rends the newt nancrs is to know of the wondciful ciucs iiiniiu ny iff, I Kilmer s Mwiuip j Root, the gice.l kid L ni-v, liver a:.. I bind- Kilmer's Swamp dc r re-'iedv. 'ZfTi It i flic iiicel. U :....i ..: .1, v,r i... IVttl llOllllj'll . -..t uinctccr.tli ctutur ; discovered 11 fti't Clllrt v.Q of scientific n u. neb J,-," ,",""77'. by Dr., ine cuiiueiit kid:ic and I oiailil' I sj,ve JHI1SI, illlU IS Wl'i UlllllllV , rucce" '.iful in premiptly ci. ring back, uric acid, -tiirrh c t the bl.vld r niicl Rright''; I)i-v:.ic, which is the wurr.t , form of kidncv treublc. , , . , , :..,:. 1 1 : 1. . r. .1 1 . . Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root i-- not ice oniniciidcd foi every tiling but if j cm have kidncv, liver or madder t rouble it will lie f-SJ orl. n1, iu private practice, ,...,! 1m:, j)rovc.d to faiccess'ful in every caelhal a special arrangemctit has been made by whicli all reaelers of this jiapcr, wl o have not already tried it, may have a s.mjili; bottle sent free by mail, also a bcK.k tell tug more about Swntnp-Koot.nnd bow to fuidoutifyotibavekidneyorblnddet ttou- bio. When wilting-mention reading this generous offer in this paper and h ml jour address to Di. Kilmer iS: Co. niiichamtoii. X. Y. The regular fifty-cent and otic- dollar sie bottles are Heme cf Enumpnoot. mIA hy M dn,wiPt!!. Df n t llIol.c aI,y iiiistakc, but remember tl c name, Sw'amp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swan,Kocl, n,ul uc nildriSS uiIlghaniton, X. V , on tverv lottle Tyiiloal rnrin sUciie, Slioulnc Stock Ur'.hlnc l iiiiERN mm Some of t'u- clioIccst Ian Is f r err. n rtrw "r '. 1: Mis lni: ami mixed Cirmfn.: in : e Dt w " t?i N I' nntl Altcr'.i .' .. c f i ti n Oix'lieil lur Seltl, iiient un r t Revised Homestead Regulation:; L'n'-v m.iy n .v be ma 'e 1 y pr y i. n nr' i .if us), t the futlicr. mother. ct n.clr .' . I i tln.r or sls'er of tin intcn.lfn heme t ;. i Thr snnds if homesteads of liiUiures c.c'1 c. tlms i w . s,!y nvnllablc in thef i lei.t rr.i : crov,ni, itoti. ralsim; nml ir.Uttl fi.rtu.rc s.-. turns. There you will find healthful cl.treile, C'J neighbors, churches for family worth p sehe.'.'. . for our children, tJooel law 8, spk&tl.d cto,-.. anil railroads convenient to market. Knlryfee in each cne Is $10.00. For rotophiJl, "Last Best West," particulars as to tclc.c, i oute-.. best time to L'o and where to locate, spply to W. V. HENNETT 601 New York Lite Hlds;.. Omaha, Nil. Canadian Govcrnroe m Ap' n( r MAKE A GOOD INCOME MM 'Bt 'li-f'f Uf tOLTItlf. IIitllWU - Ibtlrrx tn ffw sou l .' it. utlr 1 iliiciiut ndi vcoioi.l to run ifttib ..!,., ,,tlll Mill DIULLlNll UMM-S i, , 'II. M... .m. itiullt.'..lllciojltlir ? Tll . I... .It l. at ll.i.i. i, rt.. l.ninj f, i,, drltllt c i "n' " lo'l (ill .ill. t J,., I..I brlti fit tk tmollir . Ill (mor V to. vuir.i ruiifanifuiiriftbiisni. H f t. . l.,.it.a TI II H lltit.rrM.ftt .......""l c II . l'tr.n c.L.L : StarOrillingMachineCo. , Akron, C 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs COKVmGHTE Ac. Anrono tending a fketch and def crlrl Inn mv liiTonllon Ib prntiablr piiteiitnlile. Coiijiniiuir.v tlfitia mtrirt Iv rntifldnnt Int. UlMnRnnlf nn I'nlfmi. nsroriiiin our urinioii ireo rvmuirr an tent frcn. OMrst nieencr (uraeciirnift pi.lrntri. raimits taken throush Jluim & Co' receive) iptelal notice, without chnrgo, Iu the Scientific flmeriMii. A hntidaniHoIr llhmtrotod wockly. 1 nrrri't elr. rulnthm (if nny nrlenllOn lnurnnl. 'Ictnm )3 ,i jnnrt four niontlie, f I. BolJ byull t chUiJ(t MUNN & Co.3C,DfMd New York I'.rnnch onlce. C2& F fit.. Wahltiftun, I). C Express Line. Offiei 19. c ft f- fr f-I-t-t- S- FREES CO. Lumber. f- 18 IT..WJ y rj r. v (-fv 1 C:. ill , rvi r j ' 1 Wr ns- RJL v. gIIHKH-3U ' " ftirirj-.J n . iiTjlliM & I ;' 4 el ' I l )) ,1 S r j V i 1 1 m X I Ki n .& '1 M i-.rfi r. . rr