1 r flreotam Thh is the most durable Roof and Barn Paint that is made and is also a wood preserver; color, a beautiful maroon. Guaranteed for 5 years. If you want the best in paint of any kind come and see us. fe L. Cotting The Druggist. 94--i43aE-ttttCf- LOCAIETTES Long wristed Lisle Cloves. Mo at r. Newhouse's. MeCook will have a big celebration the Fourth of .Inly. M. It. Hentley of Hot Springs. Ark., is in town this wee'. Mrs. Paul Pope returned from Super ior Hat'irday evening. Mis-. Adalino Haylor visited in (,'nwk", over Sunday. For Sale A phonograph at a bar yam. Address 1. 0. ltox '2bi. Will Serivner has the contract to build a new house on school site No. 1. Does holcliiitr a girl before marriage toacli n man tosupportherafterwards? Del Turuure and wife are the proud parent1- of another boy, born Sunday. Mrs Will Taber and children re turned from Lincoln Monday morning. Mrs. Chas. Milligan and daughter CurtmJo were down from MeCook this week. Mr. A. H. Carpenter and so.i Clar ence arrived home from Imperial Saturday. Attorney Hlucklcdge returne.l from Omaha Saturday where he went to have h'-i eve doctored. The tir-t love of a boy is a valualle aiMsl to his mother. It induce- him to keep bin neck ami ear.-, clean. Lew ITralik, wife and daughter are h-'re from Creston, Iowa, 'die guests of Tom Kralik and family this week. For thebeneiit of old soldiers County Clerk It 'S- will keep open his ollice on the Fourth of .Inly from 7 to 10 a. in. Word was received here last week of tK deat'i of Chas. T. Collins at Aurora. "gou Mr. Collins was a former re k ' -nt c" thiscoiintv and will be re With every 50c worth of Sonny flionday Soap you get a SOAP SHAVER at McFarland's. Good fresh goods all the time. The Grocer All tho Phones it. . . fl IIUMI1- W. ana -f death leave- a w.fe and four children. T nAuldof l.iuciln was in town over Sunday. chas. .schelick was in Kansas City the first of the week. i Ceorge CritVeth hst a cow by light- trng Tuesday afternoon. i .as. Haley arrived home from t'ali fornia the lirst of the week. .ii ivueim .s inrn was mown ov r during the windstorm Saturday night. M.s Hlnneh Zint came in from Mi Cook Moudav morning for a visit with relatives Harry Fngcls of Fairburv was in town Tuesday visiting his parents and friends. Hlind Iioone tlie great colored piano ist at the opera house Monday even ing, dune l."tli. Mrs. U. D. Austin is home for a few weeks" visit. Mr. Austin's mother is visiting in Missouri. Ed A mack went to Lincoln Tuesdiy morning to attend the State Fnder t ikers' association meeting. Don't forget. What '. Why the ball game lied Cloud vs Cambridge. Thurs day and Friday, dune Id and I'.ith. Oscar r.urroughs moved the electric light ollice to the city hall Tuesday, where you will find him hereafter. Iiase ball Friday and Saturday at the ball park. Hertrand vs Ited (.'loud, Friday and Saturday, .lune I-: and 13. The Kansas-Nebraska interstate old soldier'.s reunion will be held in I'ed Clou 1 tile second week in September. An inch and seven hundredths of an inch of rain fell Tuesday afternoon in .seventeen minutes. That's goingsome. .Mrs. Peter Hansen and little daugh ter accompanied her sister, Mrs. Vondy. to North 1 '.ranch Tuesday morning. Mr. tioble, mother of Fdias Cubic, returned to her home at Holdrege Sun day accompanied by her granddaugh ter Ruby. Dfs. Weirick . Hiddile, live. Far, Nose and Throat Specialists. Classes fitted. Over Cerinan National Hank, Hastings. The Old Fellows of Uladen will cele brate their anniversary .Saturday .lune 1.1. Hon. dos. Savior will be the orator of the day. Dr. .1. W. Stockman now occupies tlie otliee tonus recently vacated by IV. Holes, the latter being located directly over Paul Storey's clothing store. A 5 lOO.DOO.oiio mortgage was filed by tie C. H. - . railroad company to tl c Central Trust Co. of New York with the county clerk last Monday. It cost tie road a fee of S.'s.TO to have it tiled in Wehstir county. Whew! Tlie ladies of the W. C. T. I'. will serve ice cream and cake Saturday afternoon and evening in the vacant Damerell building. Your patronage is solicited. Tlie proceeds will he applied on the new drinking fountain. The graduating class of 'os ohapei oned by Prof Moril gave their class play at Hlne Hill Friday evening. Their audience, however, was very small owinr t tlie cycloniceoiuiitioT 8 prevailin ; in that neighborhood. Tlie following people went to DiR Moines, iowa, last week to attend the annual conference of the Hrethren church: Carrie Coble, .hilia Fngels, Clarence Fshelman. C. H. Smith and wife, Noah Wagoner and wife, .lolin Wagoner und daughter. Yost c Butler The Butchers Dealers in Fresh, Salt and Cured Meats Phonos, Country 10.1 Hell r.l ir -uiiieren ny many lie w.is '." botli the 1oi-.il A O I M . of A. lod,v-.. Cause "is pneumonia. Mr. Collins .lune ' -m from j The board of equa iat oil is ' .,,. sion this week An inch and eight-hundredth', of rain fell last night. Children's dav a I the Congregational c'uireli nest sumlaj. Hrucst Welseh lias retired from tie restaurant business. There will he regular sen ices it Craec church next Sunday. j Attorney A. M Walters was down! from Hlue Hill this week. ! i Mr. and Mrs. Pert p.lalr are the happy parents of a baby boy. I Father Fitgci aid and Mr. Ticrncy , drove to Hivcrton Wednesday. I Ceo. Hibbey returned from Co'.utn- bus, Kas.. the first of the week. ' i Keel Cloud vs Cambridge at the ball ' park nc.t Thursday and Friday. I Mrs. Harry Waller and children visited with .hid Ha i ley tliis week-. j Miss Hessie Ducker of Omalia is in I the city this week visiting home folks. The hoard of equalization adjourned last night to reconvene next Wedncs-I dav. ! A great musical treat Hlind P.oone at the opera house, Monday evening, .lune 1.1th. Leslev Craves and Hill Clover ac companied the ball team to Hebron Tuesday. The Itojal Neighbor lodge handed the M. W. A. a surpri-e supper Thur day evening. r.ev. .1. M. Hates ti-dtcd a schoo' mate in Franklin. Tuesday and Wednesday. On the tlth Judge Fdson married Hubert V. Crawford and Mary K. Tay lor, both of Franklin. Neb. The P. K. O. lodge of Nebraska will assemble in convention in this city net Wednesday and Thursday. Hev. A. A. Cressm.m will preach at the Indian creek church next Sunday at ? p m.. if the weather permits. It is arranged to have preaching ser vice at the Christian church next s in day ami all members ami friends are cordially invited. James l'urden expect.s soon to open a gpverv store in the Moon block. having leased the small room adjoin ing the Fulton Croeer Company. Mr. and Mrs. Al Turner and family left yesterday forLabana. 111., where they were called by the death of Mrs Turner's sister, Mrs. McKee. a former resident of this city. Word is received here that Close Fmigh has been sick with the grip at Aurora. 111., where he is visiting. He and his mother are contemplating a trip to New Jersey soon. We received a letter from Alert 1'earn at Harper, okla.. stating that he had a narrow escape from a cyclone that passed near his farm, lie further states that the property loss was quite severe, but that no one was seriously hurt. A Lesson front the Flowers" will b. the theme used at the Haptist church next Sunday morning. In the evening children's sirvice will be held. All parents and friends of the church are co.'dially invited. C. A. Wilson, pastor. Chas. (J rout anil wife leave Saturday for Lincoln and from there they taken M. W. A. special train to Peoria. 111., to attend the head camp of .M W. A. Charley was elected a national dele gate by the state camp awhile back to attend the head camp. We hope you have a goil time. Charley. Tuesday afternoon's hail storm did a great deal of damage to Sam Lindsey and at the Poor farm. At Dan Car ber's place north of town it stripped his corn clean to the ground and all that could be seen of it was tho stalks sticking out of tlie ground. Win. Weesnei's and Chas. Ludlow's gardens were also completely destroyed. This joke is told on the editor of the Sabitha Herald: He frequently takes rides into the country and on one of these trips he stopped at a farm house and asked to buy some milk. A little girl waited upon him and when offered pay for the milk she 'aid: Oh. no; we give it to the hogs." Del Tcel, whose home is on Coon creek, and well known to all the base ball fans in Nebraska and especially in tlie western part where he lives, is now one of the pitchers for the St. Paul club in the American Association. MeCook Tribune. When about half through the first reel of film Tuesday evening the Tepee moving picture machine struck a snag and the balance of the evening's pro gram was withheld. However Wednes day evening Mr. Taber proceeded as usual. H .iid I'.ioiie M.itid l'r .1 Cerlae'i was ...w n nt 1 iuiisda $.jv CLOTHING BOYS W1IHN a hoy and good weather get together Clothing must needs be y sturdy. 2 We' know alt about l!os for we P been clothing them for many years. I here s a whole Army ol .Mothers u this vicinity who never think of going anvwhereeise for HoV's' Clothes. Hoys suits in llcefer. Norfolk and Sin gle Piieastcd styles, in si.es s to 1.". year $1.50,2.50,3.50, 4 to 6.50 Lvery suit guaranteed to do its duts The thoroughbred, sHlish appearance i f our Hoys' Suits appeal on sight to the ideas of evcrv mother l'lieir careful, sturdy making, thesplen did, wear resisting cloths and the fairness of the price appeal to her practical side F.verv mother of a Hov should see our stock'. Special Discount of 25 per cent on Boys' Knee Pant Suits, odds and ends from last season and all good Suits. Couiden-Kaley Glotbing Go. ALWAYS RFLIABLE First Door North of Postofficc. FULTON FOR Bargains in ABC Goods City Bakery-Restaurant M. PAT TEN, Prop. Red Cloud, Nvbraska. Having purchased the Ilerburgcr Bakery and Restaurant I solicit your patronage. We serve square meals at all times at 25 cents a meal. Farmers' trade a specialty. Hoard and room by day or week. A Missouri traveling man asked a pretty hotel waitress if she had frog legs. ""No sir." she said, "but I have, three big bn thers." Then the drum mer ordered ham and cgg. Calveston News. A company of missionaries represent ing the church of. Icsus Christ of Latter Day Saiiits.coimnuiily called Mormons, are coining to this city to hold open air meetings. Hldcr ISrighman and , Lamb, who are in advance of a com pany of ten arrived in this city Thurs day and at once proceded'to make the necessary arrangements for the com ing party. Street meetings to be held in this city, next .Saturday and Sun day evenings. Those desiring to know i what the Mormons believe may ac quire this information by attending these meetings. A feature to be noted is tlie fact that they travel on foot, i visiting farm houses and randies dur ing the week and then come together Saturday in some town or city. Start was made from Omaha some five weeks ago Saturday. Stops have been as fol lows: Wahoo. Columbus, York and Hebron. The public is cordially in vited to attend these meetings and get from an authetie source the origin of Mormonisn and its position in the re ligious world. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall s ( atarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One II und red Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials Address F. .1. Cheney Co., Toledo, (). Sold by all druggists, 7ftc, Take HaH'.s Family Pills for constipation. hav. MARKET Groceries Nothing better on tho tnutkot. "Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser." Hetlur than lyo or .soap. C'.eatiH cvory thing. Fri.Tos M.miukt, Damerell Hlk Swift's Premium i! Pfamc A. and Bacon Fresh Meats Koon Bros. Red Cloud, Nebraska. The Autopiano Is known the WOHLD oVHH It has a reputation and is a stV strument to buy. The ciiterion b which the merits other p'avers aie judged. ArgaWght POTTKH HL'ILDINC, Sule Agent. 1zm?i ! sl?r M - ' IJWM hW wlm "Vw) (BrwK lafni tab fT'j .. MMrflv nPaB IkJm w mm1 of