-Bhe CHIEF Wicd Cloud - - Nebraska. PUBLISHED BVBUY FIUDaY. tN- -v vSnA' v'vt yv"yv -.-vVVVA VV "? &t".Xtxl III tin I'oHt. illi-u at Kcd Cluil.Keli, hh Second Clans Matter. 'vii. )1. NEvVIlOUSE Man tger lOUISilA CQKTEST. .3)u1h (Delegations Seated by Natonal Committee. Handier of "Lily Whites" Threatens Sutter Fight Before Credentials Com -" rr.ittee Agrscment Approved at Washington Cannon Still in Race. P.tV-r being In session at Lh.cugn ': four dayi! and with live tla tt yet r xih lnfnr the meeting of the con vmilloii, the Republican national com jtli' has decided two-fifths of lt. .wtdesty Thin Is based on the actual jMiiiifh'M of contests llled, sixty-one -Swing o hi heard, while forty have dty-n se'tlod. The committee decided sixteen "!. i-oiilertt-j, affecting thirty-six dele- ?;?.'. (if these, twenty seven are Vi'. men and the remaining nine, all whom ate "black and tun.-,- from rxMiuiarn, liavo practically agree i -b:jJ they will cast their vole-, for "Hato There is, however, no b. tiding sott'emi 'ill to that effect. '.he lit-st contests decided com- :-vrMriJ the delegate.-, at huge in Loulsl- i.'tn.) .-.ml Mis .hsippi, seven distiicts In nHo.-i.uij, six districts In Ml-j.-ns.ppl AWi one in Misnouri. Agreement as to Louisiana. JjCf J..1M1 liana contest which was Ti piiiji inipoitiuit, i esulted in a split W' Dillon, the committee deciding, on zi liiision of 20 to :h. to seat both the Um ehite," or Tat't delegation, and v?k black and tana," with half a vote ,)UtT cich This agreement wa.i not Mwhcil until after repeated confer- -oni-.-i. .ind much anxious telegraphing -v .'lepliDning between Chicago and IVsOiington The deci-Mon finally rtimjied liy the committee was canied xltli the full consent and approval ' Jinth .Secretary Tail and IMesident WMveU. It provided that the Re- n-Hh-imti p.uty in louisiaua shall be mm g.-'jilz' I under the dirertlon of a. i.tTir.mltf'e of tlitee, compose I of the rtruirm ui. the . (letary ami one mem- V'c el' the incoming national commit- im The committee passed a ic-olu- iun. i'1-.tii'.-tlug the next n.v: mat ."xMiitnittee to name an this member, &'v.v,l Wight, the present national ttn.iiitt.'"iunu from I.otiMaua Wsrmoth in Revolt. 'JW .i-'reenient, u-. reached between -Sto. T,)t' and auti-T.itt elements on .Tit tiifiuuittce and a later canied -.ufijc; I'lfecl by that bo-iy. v. as highly .ixywrjslng to the "lily whites." head- kO y cv-doveriioi- Wat moth Tie1 -.171 n : nor dec lo ted with great emphasis thav he w mid not adept th" 1 om pro- ram liut would cany the light before t 'jedentiul.-i committee, and if de- flirtfei there, he would go lumic Other mrou.lMr of the "lily white" organiza- u u'tw not bo emphatic in their ritisjjents, and the Tall managers are t-tul that they can bring them to ssy? the wisilom of the action bet ore Lv lationul convention is called to 'ile bl. oh and tans" accepted the cm.Av..i! e with entlte sa;isrr.( tlon. Cannon Is in Race to "Stick." . ( nh l'i. Cannon, speaker of the WtVw of iej iesenta'i'-.. arrived In or GO$WMENCE$lENTl Just opened up for your ir.spcclion one of the most com plete and freshest lines of the newest creations of the silversmiths' art. An exceptionally nice line of Silver ware of all kinds fancy pieces for the table Berry Sets-Tea Sets-Compotes and many other pieces for table use. Also a very com plete line of Fancy Spoons, Knives and Forks, Berry Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Fruit Knives, Jelly Spoons and Knives and numberless other pieces of utility and ornament. Also we have a very extensive assortment of other gifts for commencement and birthday remembrances, such as RINGS, WATCHES and and a variety of inexpensive little souvenirs, making acceptable gifts for many occasions. No trouble to show goods Just as welcome to look as to buy. Quality is our first consideration in the buing and selling of our goods, and there 's nothing but absolutely dependable goods offered, and the prices make anything you may purchase now a genuine bargain. s s s s NEWHOU&E JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS. BROTHERS, WA TCH C, B. & Q. INSPECTORS XjsA-Ok XaAvAvwA Chicago from his Horn- In lauvuu'. 111., and dedaied hi u-.ir a andidat-' foi pie.sldent o th I'n'.i'd St..: until they i.iop 0.1ng or elect torn one el.se." When nal.'M if he was in the nice to "otick." he t-at upright tu his chair and snapped, "Stick:-' Why. man, I can't do anything else Inn stlch. The state of Illinois 1 be hind me. and that is enough to mahe a man do almost anything. Stlch. well I bhoulil saj so." Mr. Cannon was cheerful as to tho outlooh, declariii!;. in conclusion: "The end is not yet by a long shot." Vice Presidential Situat.on. The opening of headquarters for John Hays Hammond of Massachu setts brought the vice presidential tit iial ion to the iront. He -..as the first to show hi (andidacy In a definite foim. but coincident with his activity came the movement in behalf of Gov ernor Curtis Ciiilld 01 Massachusetts, who will be strongly urged when tho full fotce of the delegation ft mi his Btate arrives late in the week The new candidates are numerous They aie George It. Coitelyou. secre tary of the tteasury. and Repiesenti tlves .lames S. Sherman and .1. Sloat 1'assett. The eaat also has broug .' forward another possibility in the per son ol Franklin Murphy, lormer gov ernor of New Jersev. From the west. Senator .1. I. Col li vor of Iowa was the mo.-t piomliieni ly mentioned Senator I. C Huirows (if Michigan, who is to 1j temporary c hail man ol the ((invention, and Lieu tenant Governor Sherman or Illinois. also loiiud suppoiters among the pol iticians. CRAWFORD IN LEAD FOR TOGA Returns Indicate His Nomination for Senator in South Dakota. Returns trom the Hcpublican pti iivjry election in South Dakota t- vNrw -.'vvv, TA' Why Buy A Monument of Us 9 9 ..) .J5 i ' c., I St? liECAUSlv liECAUSE-2JECAUSE- -Our designs are made by the very best artists in the country. -Our material is first-class. All worU is done with pneumatic tools, giving that distinguished look to every monument. BECAUSE Our prices are right. Many other reasons we could give but call and see for yourself or drop us a card. Overing Bros, k Co, Artistic Monuments. 440-446 N. Webster. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. s s s 1 'iJfJjrJljJyj Vs ' Jiidtcite the ti ituti. i'. in t' Governor (Joe 1 Crawfoid fjr Unite 1 State-, senator over A. It Kittrelg', tlie in cumbent, by at least 8,0uo majotlty. The nomination of Stat" Senator W. (1. Vassey of Wateitown, the Cr.nvfo.d candidate for governor, is equally pi'jliabl', while ind'. atun.- point to t'ie uccefl of Hurke and Mai tin, th' Kif.r'dge. or "stalwait" canuulate-' li.t congress. Uetiiiu-, l'rom tie Mack Hills, comti ties, which ute suppoi'l to be sofh lor Klttrodge, have not yet been re reived, but It Is not au'ielpated thai their majorities will be surHcl-nt t& overcome the Crawford lead in tha rest of the slate. BHCWERS TO AID WAR ON DIVES In Favor of Eradicating Disreputable 1 Saloons. Resolutions declai.ng the Na'ional Bt ewers' association to be in favor of the eradication of the dive will tome belore the Milwauke) convention it is said that they declare that municipal laws In all cities of the country should have the co-operatl u of the brewer 3 In their eiforts to wipe out disreputa ble saloons. President Llebmann, in the course of hi-, remarks before the convention, tool; the superintendents of the Anti Saloon League to tank by asking "How can they advocate a policy of confincatlou pronounce I by Ju.-tlc" Hrevver to be both dir-honejt an I im moral?" This 1 email; called forth 11 .sugges tion from II. H. Scharman of Hrook lyn that the executive (oniinlt'ee of the association pre.-ent to the legN lature of some prohibition state an object lenson in the loim of a bill tor damages ior "property stolen" by pro hibition legL-latlon The sugne-tion wa referred to the committee i.n rea ohitions. Arthur nrisbarto of New York, with E J. Glddings of Oklahoma, addresse I the convention Gldding- de'larei war on Prohibitionists, but Mr Bris bane declared that th-re were two side-, to the n.uMhm an 1 told the I r ewers they should dean up the (pestlonablo re-or's. He declared prohibition was not only not feasible. but not possible, but that the Piolii liitlonlsts should be argued with as I: others, and not as wild eyed anarch ists, was his attitude. GERMAN BAPTIST CONFERENCE Question of Dress Chief Issue at Des Moines Gathering. fillers men prominent ' llu ('.' 1 Baptist Brethren (Dunhar !a) and in a' position to observe and understand , the trend of sentiment in tho cirTUi body nte mistaken, a schism ot no lit tle import threatens to Ireak In the conference now in pir..ss tit Des Moines. While there are milt teilugs against seveial of the iron clad dioss rules of the sect, the at tention of the c hutch and the heated discussion will center in the growing inclination of the girls to forsake the conventional bonnet whh h the Punk aid women are require 1 to wear for the more ornate hat of the lay women. The elders do not publicly admit that the discussion borders on general unrest or that It threatens the peace of the conference, hut they do admit that chinch heads In certain Ohio com munities, who are said to have re laxed their supervision of the girls In their charge, may ho reprimanded. It L said that formal charge i may bo "f- rred tuainst two churches In vy VvN W'vIJ'v --wvA W-V" ? j J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paints end Movildirvgs Contractor for orating. Fine brand paints. Papering, Painting and Interior Dec paper hanging a specialty. Acme Bell phone 20j. AAVNyvNsxv'NAy-'vvv have added to their already mammoth stock a line of First-class Harness to vou. The Red Cloud Hardware and Implement Company 1 S s s s 1 We will be pleased to show ther Also, tne DeLaval Cream Separator And don't forget we are leader, on the new stjle AuiO"Seai Rubber-tired Buggies priced from $29.78 up to the hight-t Extra A gn.de with ball bearings at $135. Xow is the time to get j our Culti ators e ha r the fthift Rullv Rov. fiooflpnoiitSh. fMriffison Qaf ley, Flying Swede, Dempster,0 Canton, Hingman i Red Cloud Hardware ? I .nd ImpleixLent Co. Impi WM. WOLFE. Secretary. ? s " yy NawT" "i uiuo unit may end In their witn .rav.u from the mother church 01 in their expulsion therefiom unless their pledge Is given to arry out the laws of the organization to the letter. CHICAGO cTrAINAND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Tramnrj and Closing Quotations. L'lih ago, June More ram in the southwest and u ub.ia'. ile'ie.ise j tlie w jrld's viiilile ..applies iaii.- I str ruth today in the local wheat mar ket. Tlie July deli', "i y dosed u' a net gain of !';. Coin wn.-i up , Oats v.eie oil l sc. Provisions were 2'..C-Ic higher Hosing pric-s: Wheat.- lul, hi. ifrSUe, S-j.t.. bt', Corn July, liUc; Sept, 0,iu. Oats-July, lli'.ic; Sept., :i.1'..a."iv Fork July, SBiSO; Sept., $11 Tj. Lard July, $8.37..; Sept., $77j. Hlbs July, $7.52'-; Sept., $7 V Chicago Cash Pi Ices -No. 2 hard wheat, DlfiH.i'jc; No. 2 corn, 72c; No. 3 white oats. oOfi'o-'c. Notice of Application For Saloon License; To tlit Ilui " n.i . jionrd ol ( ui. . c mnilrt Miliar'. t Wii ..- Coiinly, Ntl.u., i The utli'.M i i tii ni)icr!-l(?iicil u-,:n'. of theOiik Crcil. i.n'ci-i. t ol Webster ccii.-.y. Nu lira.kH, re.jef tJi.ily icirt'cnt: Kliht-'Hrnt U.( ru il'-I.Iciu ftiulu Hers of the Mild fiat Cices prcuinet, 'tltcr county, Nelirflhku. second TIic.n roip'-ftfully .ui ihiit nl'i-ur-o to sell niHlt. i-ilriitious mill vlnoii- l!ii s Wtti. in llio atl I'K'Clnct for tho ci.-nlnu 5 1 nr m ty ho (-r.ititt'il to John II. KoIiiik iclicr. miM i t.lnenn to lie mini lifted hi a 0110 storj fr ;mo (ulldhiK oltiinii'd on lot eleven (M, hiock fvelvi ji. of the vlllngeof Itd-emoiit In mid .it(lnci Thlrd-Thiit said -Ii till II. Kol.U'Ct-her U ti resident of the stie 1 f Neb-m-kit ml . ( a,nn of i. cc'iMhlo r Ijiuhi tcr mid shihi i A' d s in dim . o 1 ,j Hh'v will cmt i.ray. . Nutlci'.i'-. heril.j l-.vimi .loim H. k meuelier 11 jh tiled in tin. dih.'i' of the 10111 1 elerk of ('lister I'i'iiity Nchriiska, this jm , , 0f May A. I). llKit- u.s. 1 1. .inn k in ncd l.i the tequlrcd iiiimlierof risideni ineholdeiR K. V. Itoss, ( oie t; Ceir. A CEUTAIN 1 1 UK '( A( IlINf. FKHT. Shake lino mir shoes Allen 1 ot Kase, i .powder. It c 'Cstirtd. rOiliif-. in.luiis. hwcnl Jug. hwallvu i'ii At all ilmisif, rirrl shoo 1 stnrex. '.rio. Sninplu Klllii: Addres-, Alien S. ( Olmsied, Leltoy, N. V. .. V ' j": . w.