The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 05, 1908, Image 5

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a woa
Thin is the most durable
Roof and Barn Paint that
is made and is also a wood
preserver; color, a beautiful
maroon. Guaranteed for 5
years. If you want the best
J in paint of any kind come
and see us.
C L Gottin
The Druggist.
:hRs (.'.ilscv went to Alma Satur
Iny. Mrs. M L.irt nf Uiverton was in town
Miss Carrie Holsworlh Sundayed in
(liiidu l!o :1c
I)r. Ahhet assumed charge of the Day
b.irn Monday.
Long wristed Lisle Gloves, ."Oc, at V.
Ernest Craves was down from Me
(Jook Saturday.
Miss Eriua Lindley was dowu from
-iilvurton Saturday.
Miss Oi v Watson of Cowles wui a
city visitor .Sunday.
.Mrs. Egbert and tnotIiLr have re
turned from Nelson. Neb.
Fred Perry of Harvard is visiting his
brother Harry this week.
Unas. Moede and Tommy N'esbitt left
for Denver Monday morning.
For Sale A phonograph at a bar
gain. A-i '-.-ess 1. O. Pox '2Ui.
Mrs J.-unie Graham and son atv the
quests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dates.
Everett Walters of I Slue Hill is visit
ing his brother Carrol this week.
Miss Mabel Potter returned to her
home in Wilcox the first of the week.
Mr. aud Mrs. Diek Uunehey spent
Sunday in Cowles visiting relative..
Mrs. C V. Morgan Sundayed at the i
home of Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Morgan.
Mrs. Kd Fearn and sons Orris and
(Jloun left Monday f r Ellsworth, K'as.
.Mr. and Mis. Stewart Albright are
the proud parent-, of a baby boy. hern
One wheel of Dr. Cook's auto backed
over one of Uusscl Jones' feet Tuesday
evening I- was fortunate for the
With every
50c worth of
at McFarland's. Good fresh
goods all the time.
The GPoeeF
All the Phonos
little fe.'ou he c ,., -en
oils v hurt Autoi-S shtivt'.' nhs(-rvc-the
i-tom of giving the honk, hunk"
w'l.-n starting backward or forward in
t .e 1 .t.
M.-s Ilcrilia Potter Is home from, Neb., where she has been
Mrs. w. A. Holmes departed the last
of the week for Lincoln for a visit
with relatives.
The 'OS graduating class will give
their class play. "Valley Kami." in
Dl tie Hill tonight.
John 1'oster and family enjoyed a
pleasant visit from Charley Martin and
wife of l'ortis, Ka.s.
Mrs. Taylor returned to Uiverton the
flr,t of the week after a week's visit
with her parents.
Miss Mabel Day returned f.-oia Itluc
Hill Saturday, where she has been
teaching school.
Miss Jessie Duiker returned home
from Minden, Friday, where she litis
bet'n teaching school.
After a successful term of -chool in
our city. Miss Kruse left Friday for
her home iu Creighton, Neb.
No. 11 west bound passenger train
changed timeS unday evening and will
arrive at S:j:( instead of Wi.
F. K. Coble of Fort Cobb. Okla.. is
visiting in the cltj. He made this,
otliee a pleasant call Monday.
Jos. Herberger and wife and son
Hoy left the first of the week for an
extended trip to Denver aud Salt Lake
James Ferguson returned from Chi
cago Saturday morning. He is study
ing medicine at the Northwestern col
lege. Jake Kiudschcrof KcdlamU, Califor
nia, is visiting near (Snide Dock. He
made this otliee a pleasant call Satur
day. Drs. Weiriek A Kiddile. Kve. Ear,
Nose and Throat Specialists. Glasses
titted. Over German National Dank.
Starke Dros. shipped eighteen car
loads of cattle Sunday to St. Joe. Con
Starke and James Mcintosh accom
panied the shipment.
Herbert Hurd of Harvard arrived in
the city Saturday. He is holding down
2nd base with our ball team and is a
number one good player.
Judge Dungan of Hastings delivered
the address on Decoration dav to the
old soldiers. Everybody that was pres
ent spoke well of his speech.
Sunday night's wind fractured the
base of the liberty pole at the court
house and lowered it to the ground.
Friday night the people were com
pelled to use their kerosene lamps in
stead of electric lights on account of a
disconnection el the power house.
Suiuliy an engine backed out of the
round house and the tender went over
into the turn table pit before it could
be stopped. It took a force of
and an engine all day to get it out of
the pit again. All the engines on
other trains were compelled to run to
Wyniore instead of changing here.
The eight-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Throckmorton who live
in Jewell county. Kansas, died Satur
day of rheumatism of the heart. The
funeral was held Monday afternoon at
two o'eloik at the home of his pa rents,
ltcv Hummel preached the sermon and
the Drethren male quartet furnished
the singing. The interment was made
in the stone Church cemetery. He was
well liked by all who knew him and
his parents have our sympathy in their
hour of bereavement.
Dealers in
Fresh, Salt
and Cured
Phones, Country lu.'l
Hell rl
I ( .'- F.-rwusiii t .iv n We.lnesda;
j Wanted -Load of good prairie hay.
I. W. Edson.
1'tvd Temple of Kansas City was in
town th's week.
.bwsc Null cam? up from I'.ellahc.
Kas. . Wednesday.
Watch for the date of the W. C. T. f.
gold medal contest,
Lightning killed a young calf ft r
Will Kent Mondaj.
J. E. Vost and family were ltludeti
visitor over Sunday.
Chas. Milligan jr. came down from
McCook this morning.
Fete Nelson of Hastings was in town
the tirst of the week.
Kay Itotinor of Franklin was in town
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. Will Taber went to Lincoln
hist Saturday morning.
Dachclor.s subject to hay fever never
should court a grass widow.
C. E. Vaughan and wife of (itiidc
Uoek were in town Wednesday.
Lloyd Wells returned to his home in
Edmund. Kas.. Thursday morning.
Isaac Hampton came in from Okla
homa the latter part of last week.
Our ball boys cross bats with the
MuCook boy.s here today and tomor
row. The inch and :.-loii of rain which fell
Sunday aud Monday nights will help'
some. j
Miss l'.ertha Calkin-, of Lincoln is
a guest at the homes of Will and Elmer '
One nice way to reduce your wife's
tlesli is to ituluce her t shine your
M.. "'t. i .. .....1 t ' (.....?,..
.iir.i, .ii;i;. iiroiu ami .mis raiiiiiu
Studebaker were Uiverton visitors
Darrel Pnrden of Uuskin arrived in
the city Wednesday for a visit with his
Mrs. Kennedy of Lincoln, a deputy
for the Hoyal Neighbor lodge, was in
town Thursday.
Mrs. Loren Lucas has returned from
III inoi.s where she went to be at the
bedside of her mother.
J ml Uailey was shocked by a bolt of
lightning Monday evening, but it did
not put him out of business.
Mrs. George I. Johnson and daugh
ter. Leone, left yesterday for an ex
tended visit to friends in Iowa.
The Gaston Music Co. opened up a
music house in one of the school rooms
iu the Damerall block this week.
No. i:t passenger train was several
hours late this morning on account of
a washout between here and Superior.
J. C. Uightsell of Wray. Colo., a
traveling .salesman for Overing Dros..
was iu the city visiting the firm this
Mrs. J. S. White, wife of the ex
county treasurer of this county, ditd
at her home in I'niversity Place last
As we go to press word comes that
severe rain anil windstorm passed over
Kearney last night, killing and drown
ing nine persons.
J. E. Jarboe and wife and a number
of other.s went to Des Moines, Iowa,
this morning to attend the annual con
ference of the Drethren chui eh.
The ministerial union was postponed
from last Monday evening on account
of the storm. It will meet next Mon
day evening. June sth, at Rev. Dates'
r 10111s.
The little one-inontli-old babe of Mr.
and Mrs. Al McCarter died Wednesday
morning of lung trouble and was
buried Wednesday afternoon. Hev.
Crjssman conducted the services.
Harry Skewis fjrom Tacoina. Wash.,
a cousin of Chas. Gilliam came in from
Iuwool. Iowa, where he was in attend
ance at the death and funeral of his
mother. He left Sunday for Washing
tm. II L. Van Dyke of Dock Springs,
Wyo., one of the foreman on the govern
ment irrigation ditch there, stopped
over with L'nele Dilly Van Dyke of
Line township for a couple of days'
visit this week.
Themes to be u.sed at the Daptist
church next Sunday. In the morning
"Ears to Hear." in the evening "Vis
ions from Pisgah." The Lord's supper
will be observed at the close of the
morning service. C. A. Wilson, pastor.
If you know a fresh young man who
has been bothering you, girls, call him
up on the telephone and ask him if he
likes to go lishing. If he does, tell
hiin to hold the line, hang up the ie
ceiver find let him llsh !
Dan Sullivan a traveling tourist was
put in the "cooler" Tuesday for inibib-
ling to freely iu the "llowiug bowl" by
Al Sluby and Wednesday he was
brought befote Judge Uced, who im-
We'll Tell
First, you're going on a long journey.
Then you'll be very happy and you're going to have
money left to you. You're a lucky Man.
Here's the way of it.
You're going on a long journey to this store.
You'll select your new Spring Outfit, and it will please
you so well that you'll be very happy.
You'll buy for less than you thought and have money
left; therefore you're a lucky Man.
That's your fortune see that it comes true.
Gowden-lfaley Glothing Go.
First Door North of Postofficc.
Bargains in Groceries
A B G Goods
City Bakery-Restaurant
VM. PATTliN, Prop. Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Having purchased the llerburger Bakery and Restaurant
I solicit your patronage. We serve square meals at all
times at 25 cents a meal. Farmers' trade a specialty.
Board and room by day or week.
posed a tine of S'.t on him and now you
will see him working it out on the
Frankie Ward went to Omaha to at
tend the wedding of her brother.
A D. Kanney of Itltio Hill was trans
acting business in the city today.
Maggie Evans went to Omaha and
Ashland yesterday to visit her sister
and aunt.
Mrs. rulwidcr from Dlue Hill stopped
overWednesday on her way to Dir.l City
where her husband is engaged iu the
cement business.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Studebaker left
this morning for Des Moines, Iowa, to
attend the annual conference of the
Drethren church.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sleeper former res
idents of this city, but now of David
City will celebrate their golden wed-1
ding at that place next Thursday.
County Attorney Dlackledge while
playing tennis Tuesday evening was
accidentally struck in the eye by the
t nnis ball, breaking one of the blood
vessels of the eye. He was taken to
Omaha on 11 Wednesday morning to
have expert treatment.
The local organization of the W. C.
T. I"., have at last reached the goi:l to
wird which they have long laboied.
At the council meeting Wednesday
fiey tendered to the city a drinking
fountain for man and beast to be
placed at the intersection of Webster
street and Fourth avenue. The foun
tain has been ordered from the makers
in Pennsylvania and will be erected
with appropriate ceremonies as soon
as received.
The following extract from a letter
front State Superintendent McDrien is
causing much thought among the Nor
mal schools of the state: "No school
will be recognized to do normal train
ing work where there is any teacher
in the grades without one year's nor
mal training or three years' successful
teaching experience. All high school
teachers who give instruction iu the
normal tralnin r subjects must possess
superior scholarship iu addition to
thorough professional training or suc
cessful experience iu teaching." '
Fortune Briefly
Nothing better on the mmkut.
"Wyandotto Cleaner and Cloansor."
Better than lye, or soap. Cleans every
thing. Fi'lton MutKRT, Dumorell Bile
and Bacon
Red Cloud,
Chickettng Bros.
A. B. Chase,
Price & Teeple,
P. C. Weaver,
Bush & Lane,
Mathushek & Son,
Decker & Sons,
and the
Standard Cioods.
w. A'.V ml m.