A Hair Dressing If you wish a high-class hair dressing, we are sure Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved for mula, will greatly please you. It keeps the hair soft and smooth, makes it look rich and luxuriant, prevents splitting at the ends. And it keeps the scalp free from dandruff. Doei not change the color of the hair. Formula with ch bottls Show It to your . doctor Ask him about it, then doathciftya yers At the same time the new Ayer's Hair Vitor is a strong hair tonic, promoting the growth of the hair, keeping all the tissues of the hsir and scalp in a healthy condition. The hair stops falling, dan druff disappears. A splendid dressing. m Mads by ths J. C. Aytr Co., Lowell, aUii. GUIDE ROCK. -.Inert Miner ran n null in liis foot fccvjral days ago. Reese, btickley has not been so well th last few days. r. K. V:iti1i:in anil wife drove to Ke. Cloud Wednesday. Mrs. lici ward Wirt was on the side Us, several days recently. The Uebeeab lodge holds its election of rJlcers Friday evening of this week. Fred Miller and family are moving tnti their new lesidence near tlie The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon. Deceased leaves a husband and three daughters. Nellie, licrtrude and (Iraee to mourn her loss. A lave number of friends sympathize with the bereaved husband and child ren. Lightning struck the chimney f the house occupied by Howard Wirt. The rugs and furniture were covered with soot and hours of hard work was nee cessary to restore tiling-, to order. Monday evening. June S. all members of the official board of the .Methodist church are requested to attend the re gular meeting of the board. They will meet with the secretary Miss Klht VauWoert. , Sunday evening while Lcland Strick- I land was throwing down hay from the loft he slipped and fell to the lloor. lie was quite badly injured and has been in bed since but was reported better on Wednesday. E. S. Howell, foreman of the black smithing department of the 15. M. shops at McCook, accompanied by bis wife and daughter came down Satur day for a visit with P. W. Roland and family and other old friends. They departed for home .Sunday evening. Miss Mamie Tompkins principal elect of the 1'iuide Iiock school is being congratulated by her many friends on the success she has attained. Hefore she was quite fourteen years of age she completed the course here with high honors. Then after a couple of years spent in teaching she has been away at school. She has now com pleted her course at the Kearney Nor mal with very high grades. Thus again we notice that diligent, faithful effort has its reward. at two o'clock est items in securing electric power. Then each farmer purchases what mo tors he needs and pays only for the current lie individually con-nines. Electric News Service. M. Notice to Creditors. Iii the mutter of tlie est.ite of SI Tun Lure. deceived ,, . Notice I hereby nlen to nil er-His hsuiti (IllllllS Hllll lll'lllMIUl- ll(!llll "t MlllUll M I.tllT. lute of Welctereouii'v. ilprenMMl. that the tlm tixed for till k claims nitilnt nld eHte i six moti In from the iM'li lny of Juti 1 xrt All M"h ncr'atii nre re'i'ilred t 're'tit their c1hIiii. with the Yoni'tier !) Ih" Con it .Indue of ...( il county, nt liln olllcu therein on oi betore the iiith iIht of December. 1H0. Mid hII rUlm o tllt'l wld behoird before the -id Jnd on the'Jth ilnr of December. I''s. it ten o'r oct . in : iiinl tint the nittiilnlxiriiior Is m owed one ttMrrmm th2!t Ony of Slay 19w(. In wli'eli t i imt 'i db allowed iKlnt rIi1 estate iinil s.'ttlelli Mime. I. V Kilos. County .1'idee. r.i 1 -" Spring 1908 Suits LINE Cutting alfalfa is the order of the day. H. L. VanDyke and son Homer of Itock Springs. Wyo.. were the guests of friends in Line and Walnut C'reik townships this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher were the guests of .1. K. Fox Sundav. John Oshorn of Red Cloud i.- busy breaking prairie land for L. A. Haskins on State creek this week. Sundav school at district ' t every Sundav at 11:30 a. m. Nothing manufactured shows so great an improvement as Clothing. Each season shows this more forcibly. The $100 Reward, $100. readers of tins paper will be This Spring's line is better than ever. Glad to show you. Mihool house. - Mrs. s. K. Ely of Reynolds is ex-1 strawberries Canned Without Gooklni. peited this week for a few days visit Have your jars perfectly clean and wi:h relatives. j dry, then taku equal parts of fresh her- 1. H. Hampton is up from Oklahoma mv and sugar, and mix and mash renewing old acquaintances and visit- inr his son Krnest. .Mrs. A. Lathrope is very sick and liar, been obliged to keep her bed for nnre than two weeks. Emmet Hagan accidentally cut him s.:'.: severely Wednesday with one of the butchering knives. Mrs. E. M. Parker and Mrs. Armour l'r s visited a few days recently with fr'.-nds at Maukato, Kansas. thoroughly. To accomplish this, take only a small quantity in a dish at a time, that you maybe sure every berry is mashed. Put into the jars and seal immediately, inverting the jar for a .short time before putting away. The work is easily and quickly done as there is no heating. My berries canned in this way last summer kept perfectly and have preserved their de licious flavor unimpaired. Strawberrv shortcake equal to that Mrs. T. J. Maloney entertained :i i tf the summer has been an enjoyment lar.'tf number of ladies at tea I-riday for the Christian Aid society. Mrs. Lulu I'.eall and children are ex pected up from Diller this week to vl-'.t friends here and at liostwick. The ISantist Sewing Society will mi, at the church next Thursday j in connection with farm work in afternoon. June II. Refreshments will Europe. This is especially true of tier- be served, i many where a great many farmers, rm.v.. will be initiation of members ' living near large towns or electric whenever we wished through the win ter. From Woman's Home Companion for June. m Electric Farming. Electricity is being extensively used drill team Tuesday All members urged by the H. of II evening. June 0 to be out. Several from here will attend the junior normal at Alma. Among them are Misses Helen Pool, Cooper and Leola Vaughan. Roy Stickley was thrown accidentally between the horses when driving. One limb was hurt but he can get about with the aid of a cane. M".ss Malisa Lambert arrived home last Friday evening from Diller having completed a most successful term of school in the primary department. She teaches there next year. transmission lines, have installed mo tors to do most of the hard work about the farm buildings. One group of farms in Saxony gets an abundant supply of current from an Winifr-d !l,lJ:,t'cnt town by overhead transmis sion on wooden poles. Sixteen fixed electric motors are installed about the various farm buildings for cutting feed, oat crushing, pumping and for operating other farm machinery. Six teen portable motors are provided which may be used to drive the pumps, circular saws, threshing machinery, etc.. at iinv point where tlieir services are required. About a thousand incan descent and nine arc lamp- light the Word was received here Monday of buildings and yards, the death at an early hour that morn- This co-operative plan of securing ingot" Mrs. Win. Sabin at Esbon. Kan- electric power makes it both cheap mi. Her husband is a son of Mrs. anil emveuient fir the fnr.ners, as all Jo:.n habln. The families of J. W. shared in the construction of the trans- Hn.'..es and Win Rvker drove over, m'ssion line which is one of the lerg- rr for pre food xjrTI rw anle-daiing all state Njl W ffl.6 national loofi laws J u mm " ir m mm wr fc n 1 CREAM95" L I flfV Be on your fluard. Alum Pow- MwM trapav den; may be ltnotvn by their VMil Wl--jMl price 10 or 2Sc. a lb iLc"Eril J A. Mv or one cent an JL M fl. ounce. tap rf pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science ha- been able to cure in all its stages, anil that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall'.s Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting dircctlv upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, therein de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution andas sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for anv case that it fails to cure. Send for li-t of testi monials Atiuress F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O. Sold bv all druggist-, 7."c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Live Stock Letter. J. A. Rickart. L. S. Correspondent.! Kansas City Stock Yards, June 1. Floods in the south and crippled rail road service held down cattle receipts all of last week and the small total of r.'.OUO head arrived. The market im proved rapidly after Tuesday, and closed a gain of lfi to 10 cents on the steers, the medium kinds showing greatest gains, while cows and heifers closed l." to .': cents higher. Receipts are moderate today at '..000 head, and light at other markets, and the market is again higher, steers strong to 10 higher and cows and heifers up 10 to 15 cents. While the market made a good gain last week it was solely be cause of the meagre receipts, and not because of any broadening of the out let for the meat, which packers claim is still unsatisfactory. The light run enabled killers to clean out their cool ers to a certain extent, and proved a good tonic, but the situation will not stand any heavy receipts at present. Several sales of prime steers were made today at ST to ST.".'.". the latter price highest this year, except for a sale of two loads on last Wednesday at the same price. Steers sold at S7 in the quarantine cattle here. Wintered cattle from Oklahoma will -tart freely this week and next. Hulk of fed steers sell at S5.7.1 to SC'0, cows range from S:i to S5.'.'5. Stockers and feeder trade is of small volume and will continue so for another month yet, prices lit to .'() higher than a week ago, strong to day, stockers 8.1.50 to S5.35. feeders S to S5. 10. Hog run last week- was so.ouo head, mirket stronger most of the time, but finally, closing with a net loss of 5 ets. Run is RJ.OOO today, market 10 higher, top S5.00, bulk 85.H5 to $5.55, weights below '.'Oil pounds at $5.V5 to $5.50, ex clusive of'pigs, which bring $1 to$l. 50. The .month of May showed a small shortage from May last year mainly because of bad marketing conditions the last week. The total run was :i55 -ooo head. Average weight for May was '.'OH pounds as compared with 1YI pounds in May last year. Sheep and lambs continue to come freely, '10.000 lust week, market steady for the week on lambs, but 15 to '.'0 higher on sheep Today there tue 10.000 head here, market 10 to "io lower, most loss on lambs. There seems to be plenty of mutton appearing at all the markets, and as the meat does not' move freely congested conditions are easily forced, resulting in an unhealthy state of trade. Wooled lambs bring $5.80 to $0.10, clipped $5.25 to $5.00, best spring lambs $0,50, wethers and ewes f:i,05 to SI. JO, feeding sheep $V.'5 to $;i.75, goats $11.10 to :i.50. PHUL STOREY The Clothier. I AW 25 Yexrs Ago Items horn "The Chief" of June 2, 1883. . at Cowles. It was only INFLAMMATORY HMSLMATISM CUUBD IM 3 DAYS Morton L. Hit! of t.chutinti Iml.. yn; "Mf wife hart lurUniniiuoiv i:heiiiiintlm lu cvarr muscle Htnl joint, tier MitTerlnx wan tcrrlhlu aud her bidr Rtid fare were rwoIIpii almost bo yornl rccoKtiltion: had t'CCti In bed hIx woelii aud had eight i-h j -Iclans. but received no benefit until t),a tr'ed Dr. Dctrhou's Ittllof for HUeuraatlsm. It khvo ImmcdliitP relict and she was able to wmk obout In three dorp i am gum ti saved he; life." Sold by II. E. Qrtso. Druzrt.ned Cloud. : Notice of Application For Saloon license To the HoiuirHl o Hoard of County Co mm Is (.lonere I W I r County. Niabrrtlta: The petition of the ttiirturidgiieil residents ot the Oak Creek ptei'l'int if Wel.sier comity, M.' braska. rpf.tiectfu.il 'iMiteM'itt- FIibt-Ttmt thi'i nre ic-blcnt frtMUolileta of the said Oak ru-eii precinct. WebHer county, i Nebrnskn. second Thei reprctfnily pray thiit a ncon:o It U cnrrc-ntlv retmrted and unon to sell malt. fpfrltuousHiitl vltnnis . juor with Uistutumi itpontu. .iui unou iltlu,kH,(, .,.,,.,,., frtliceiitiliijfiirmiiyh nrettv good authority, that there will .trained to. folui II. Kohim tocher slid luialneiH J , . , . , . ., .. to becondii'tud m ii onestoiy lrmo hulldiiw be at least two more brick buildings .itu.iteil on lot eh-ven tin. block twi-lve'.tui.or the lllliifol I!o-i'iiiiiit In mid premier Thlrd-'I'liHt .n d tut II. Kolimc-irtlicr it k resident nt tin- 'i e "f Nebraska ii'd It a tu" of r.opcit'able f'bitin. 'rr mid slntidnu A d i-s In dull bound thej wit' iff pr.iy. Noilce ! herd y jtiveii .iohii II KoniftHcner Mr. tiilford'-" new house blew down last Monday. partially enclosed. The finance committee has raised somewhere near S"n)0 for the Fourth of Fulv celebration at Red Cloud. Judge Uaslin purchased Severn', deuce lots in the north part of last Friday, and will erect a Hue deuce thereon the coming fall. resi- town resi- erected on Webster street tlu prc-ent summer. Wish the town council would send up some little fishes to sport in the pond in front of our otlice. No great amount of damage was done to growing crops by the hail storm last Monday, so far as heard from. A large acreage of beans in Tesas is said to be the scientific explanation of the cause of thoe high and hot w'.nds that occasionally vl-it us fr . tlie south. The festive circus passcth by on the north and south, but .stoppeth not at Red Cloud, greatly to the di-gut of the small boy as well as the gr.nvn people. J. i . Potter has leaded his interest in the Red Cloud mills, for one iev to Mr. Hewitt .tones, brother In R. P. .tones, the lumberman. Mr-. C. W. ."springer will o-ien a school on the kindergarten plan for children between the ages i.f three and seven years at her home west of town on Monday, .tune Ith. Tuition $1.50 per month. The attention and patronage of the public is solicited. hi filed In the oit.re of the connti clerk of Webster rniinty. Ni-bwi.Wii. llun ,21st lty of May A. I. l'ji'X. hi- ptilMii ltfiied by thu required number of reblent fn'ohuldcM K. W. i!..s. (M ity Clerk Don't Buy land nor loan Money on Real Estate without getting on- f U-el's perfect A'-traets of 1 i'e The oldest and most reliable set of Abstract books in WehsNr l.'u. $10.0(0 b mil tiled :inila;j.roved. llepnsent--ix of the '..-it In surance coupanies d busi ness in the stute. LOANS MADIi on Cll Y PS'.aPERTlES r r Red Cloud, Nebr Office In Ovcrlng Block. Phones: Bell 98, FnrmcrsSG It makes you long for dinnertime CALUMET BAKING POWDER Best for flaky pastry, l wholesome bread and biscuit . best for crisp cookies ISfesb - . mLy- m. best tor ueitciouscaKcs, luuiu some muffins, doughnuts that will melt in your mouth. Everything you mnUc well, it will help to make better, because it's "best by test." j Anybody can cook well If they use Calumet UoUInc Powder, Fniluro with It Is almost Impossible. U u chemically correct and .Hakes lurJ;WlioleomcI'ood. Prlco la Moderate IlujII! I y ri Jyl- l VhJ I Ke, lV. tryy . .j ifa