The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 05, 1908, Image 1

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$1 a Year
in. Advsxnce
Eight Pages
Home Print
Tit For Tat Hall. The School Question,
T,.i..luy uith' ball team ''' r'11 'r Tuesdays oprri,in
came to Kel Cloud determined to "Jo ','' il - "f site for the proposal
i ...... ii . ,i .. Mimtr.n! irriiili sclnifil is, lis follow!
up our noys. una iice.ueniany nicy -- - ...-.
ili 1 b u .eoro .'I to 1. made on errors
by o..i boys. Score by innings:
i 2 ) r. 15 T H J
rtmith fcMit-r .. '- ii ii " o 1 ' o- "
Ktil rlouil l ii o i) 0 u 0 0- l
TUi.'s MM -IT.
.Smith Center
A lil born
Ululir.ii ....
White ....
. .. f...
...1 b..
...' b..
....p ..
.. B b.,
. . . .s . .
Ued Clouit
. . .Saunders
, . . . . NYl-on
. . llradbrooh
Smith Center struck ut 7 inen.imub'
one '. base- hit. Ked hud stole .'
liiiM' , itrnd: out 7 men ant made one
i b:i'e hit.
Wednesday's game was featured with
errors. While the score "va .1 to 1. if
the game lisul been free of inopportune
rrors the eore shouht have stood at
1 to 0. However, there N no such
thing as jerfeetion ball and 'twere
needless to expect it. corc:
i .i i :. rt 7 s v
.1 II u 1
I i) n u
wi.DKn.'s I iM.-rr
Ked (.'loiul
Hie Mi Ccu tor
No. l, mm: So. 'J. :": No.:'.. 3: No. 4, -'.
Majority for No. 'J. i'.I.
The election was marked by unusual
aetivity in getting out the voters and
resulted in many articles of taxable
value being brought to light that had
been forgotten or overlooked.
Some iiuestions of legality of the
election have been biMUght up. Charges
mid countercharges were freely made,
hut it is to be hoped that nothing fur
ther wl.l be done to aggravate the sit
uation. The question of locution now
being removed let the warring factions
bury the hatchet ami worV for the
coimn-in interest. Those advocating
No. : put up a fair but losing light
and now willing to abide by the
Observed Decoration Day
Last Saturday was celebrated in fit
ting reniemberanee to our honored
dead by graybeard and grandson, by
grayhaired matrons and loving mam
mas and tottling misses. The town
I 1 ! I
ii u 0 f . was decorated with Hags, bunting and
'J 0 0- I ' . ,..!...,.. . 1 1...
iiuwi'i eiiriv in uie iiiiciiiHiu iiiiii i
INtate of lliehard N. Lewis. Hear
ing and allowance of final account.
Decree of distribution.
Kstate of Mil'on M. Luce. Order of
notice to creditors.
Kstate of Wendelin Heiv. I'.ond ap
proved and tiled. Letters testamentary
to S. II. rriend. Appraiser' commis
sion to Peter Yuuher and Stephen
ICrcbsbach. Notice to creditors.
Kstate of Owen T. Williams. Ac
count of executor Hied. Petition for
distribution and discharge. Order of
hearing .tunc '.'."ith.
. i 1 i one o'clock a large crowd had gathered
Ked Cloud i . , , . ?. . . . , v , ..
. Hurd i 1U uu" "itsincss uistrict. at wiucn nine
a line of march was taken upon Fourth
avenue, led by the Citizens Concert
band, wending' its way to the cemetery
where the graves of old soldiers were
decorated and appropriate speeches
made by Ilev. Wilson and others. At
the close of the services another line
of inarch was formed which proceeded
to the opera h use where the meeting
W!ls ilMi.tuwl Willi hll!l I'lil" ll' l?lV A. A
, " ' -I - ,....,.. .v ..w
lot by r. tclied ball. Ked -ou-i sirucif Cl.(l)(Mimili Judge Harry Dunganof
Smith Center
Frcmh ,
A 111 horn
. .1 f..
, .e f..
.:.' b..
..r f..
..:. b..
. p...
, .s s. .
. .e . . . .
. . . .."saunders
, iscunclt
. . I'.radbrook
, ..Sjehoonover
Fraternal Sunday.
The several fraternal and insurance
orders in the city will observe their
memorial Sundays with appropriate
services on Sunday. June 1 1th. at the
Congregational church.
The program so fur as outlined will
consist of a short talk by sonic mem
ber of each organization participating
in the exercises.
The general idea of the united ob
servance of the day being to promote
fraternalisin among the orders as well
as among the members.
The music will be led by a male
quartette and a choir of female voices.
The program will be given in full in
next week's papers and the members of
the various orders are urged to mahe
arrangements to attend the services.
So far the orders making arrange
ments have selected the following ,
I. o. (). F. 12. t. Overman.
Masons -L. 11. Hlackledge.
F. o. i:.-Father Fitzgerald.
M. W. of A. K. .1. Overing. jr.
A. o. C. W. .las. (iilham.
Weather Summary For May.
Highest thcrinomettr lllth. IU.
Lowest thermometer ,.".ith. '."'.
Cireatest range Pith. '!.
Ilainfull. n.lil.
Days with .(it or more, l.'l.
i Clear days IS, partly cloudy s,
' cloudy :.
Prevailing wind cast.
Killing frosts, 7.
Thunderstorms. '.'.
Kespect fully.
Cu s. S. Lint ov.
i - -
Camera Pleasures Last.
There's more enjoyment in a camera
i than in anything else you can get for
the same price, and its a pleasure that
' lasts as long as you live. We handle
, the Kodak the one that makes pie
' turc taking easy. Newhouse Pros.
' .Jewelers.
,11'ST IN A new line of kodaks and
supplies fresh paper, films and plates
, at Newhouse Pros.
A Rrac(ilrl of llir. Russian Revolution
'In the mines of Akatui, in centra!
Siberia, there is a beautiful girl of "i
i serving a sentence of twenty years ufc
' 'hard labor,'" says Kellogg Purlin;',
author of The Ked Ueign," who ha
. spent much time during the last year
I or two in Itussia. and in ttie Jnr.u
Woman's Home Companion the uutho:
then proceeds to tell the marvelous,
pathetic story of Marie Spiradonova.
who was condemned to die for u "poli
tical crime." but whose sentence vn
dually altered to twenty years hard
, labor in exile, owing to the juipu'tif
clamor for the girl's life all over thy
Weather Report.
The instrumental readings are from
government standard instruments e.
posed in the manner recommended by
the chief of the weather bureau:
iTfinp-iufre gag? 2 3
Si--.- g.g-5' 3 5
I : i : : Q.3 a. -i
M ? i fil 7i NW Olcn:
:m in H .nc K I'li'nr
ill Tl M .S K I'lomlj
I Mi ' M .11 i: I'loililv
TS ! r.T .fi'i SK Cloud
:i S'j t:i (M st: ultmily
I Sfi 1 7U I T SK Cliiiuly ,
Very respectfully,
.hi ue I. P.MIS. Ciias S. Li'iH.o.v,
Co-Opera live Observer.
Smith t enter struct: v. ' men, made '
one s;ngle base hit. wa- given one base '
on balls, made one -.'-base Lit. one man '
out V) :ucn. made p: sp-..c ase hits
was given three buses on 1m!
I0in v.tts hit by p! Killed hall
llllstlllir W!l I II I li 111 lll' 'lllll fl.,1 1 Vi.l'i.fl
was given three bases on Imlls and oncLn tl,,i,.,,NS suitable o the occasion. !
- ; , !
firhnnl Rnsird Hr.P.tS.
I At a regular meeting of the school
City Council Meets.
.Tilile X 1008
Citv uonno'.l met inregular .session
the office of city clerk. Mayor Cald
well presiding. Couneilmen present,
A mack. Pulsipher and Mo Arthur.
Councilman McCall absent.
Minutes of previous meetings read
and approved.
Nov conies beforu the council Prof.
Mont:-, and asks the council to grant
1 he I nmunuqa the privilege of fencing
7th Rveuue and have Mie control of all
eoncisslots north of (ith avenue and
aslis the eouneil what they would
charge lor water and lights to be used
by the Chautauqua association.
Motn made by Pulsipher seconded
by Aiaacl; that the council permit the association : close" the
ntrcet so.uh of the sdio-..! building,
being '.th avenue.
Ayes, Aniaek, Pulsipher and Me
Arthur. Carried.
Motion made by Pulsipher, seconded
bv Aiuacls. thatall concessions north of
iltli nveni.e be granted to the Chautau
qua association. Ayes. A mack. Pulsi
pher and McArthur. Carried.
The president in behalf of the W. C.
T. P. represents to the council that the
W. C. T. V. will present to the council
a drinking fountain and asks the
council to grant them the privilege of
locating the same in the center of Uh
avenue and Webster street.
Motion made by Pulsipher, .seconded
by Acjaeit, that the council irrant the
privilege to the W. C. T. I', the privil
ege of locating the founta.n in tne
center of 4th avenue and Webster
Ayu., Amaek, McArthur and Pulsi
pher. Carried.
Motion made by Amuck, seconded by
Pulbipbcr, that tne city treasurer be
instructed to collect the taxes due
from the insurance companies and if
the agents do not pay su'.d tax that
the Mime be turned over to the citv
attorney for collection. Ayes, Amaek',
Pulsipher and McArthur. i arric.t.
Motion made by Pulsipher, seconded
by Arunelt that the treasurer be author
ized and instructed to transfer S'te.M
from the occupation fund t the spec
ial water fund.
Motion made to adjourn to meet
next Tuesday evening, June 0th. at
8 p. m., in Kd Ainuck'soutee. Carried.
U jou hhve T-altiH In lliu Imcit I'riuiiry, Ulml
Our f-r Kiilny trouble, nml wind a certain.
plenMiut licrb cure for womiinM!: try Mother
Urny'H Aiihtrallnn Lciif . II l a afu nml never
fullJiu: icRiilator. Al IrjiKKl'ta or by tunll r-n
(Uh. HRmple iincknce 1'IM.n. AdJri;a, The
Motbvr U'y Co,, LcHoy. N. V,
' r " i
I board 12. .1. Overing, president pre-1
at siding. L. H. Fort secretary, 12. II. j
Newhouse and V. W. Stmleiialter were
Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved.
Motion made that the claim of .1. ".
Kutler for S'."..:i0 he reduced to Sl.:iO.
Report of Superintendent as to
amount received at commencement ex
ercises were read and motion made
and carried that the commencement
funds be placed in the hands of the
superintendent to be applied on the
benefit of the library fund.
Motion made that an amount of ten
cents per capita be set and for the
benefit of a library fund for each
grade. Carried.
Motion made we base the awarding
of the highest scholarship to the stud
ent who has the greatest percentage of
education according to the credits of
our high school. .Motion earned.
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday, .Tune
:i, furnished by the Fort Abstract Co.
L. 11. Fort, Manager.
.lohn P. Stanser to Angeline
Robbins, lots 7. 8, '., Illlc 7, Le
Puc's add to Ked Cloud, wd...
Fred Peterson to John H Stanser
lo'.s 11. P.', IHk 10, U U add to
Red Cloud, wd
12dwin 12 Purr to Matilda II Ash
pole, lot l.'i, Plk S, Vance's add
to Cnide Rock, wd H00
Sylvester Day to H 12 Ahher, lots
:, ii. 7. s, , H), Plk nil, Red
Cloud, wd l.00
Orin H Pitney v Charles T Dick
enson, pt lie sw :i.i-2-ia. wd....
Johnson 15 Wisecarver to Samuel
A Temple, sc IS-2-PJ, wd
Mary Elizabeth Damerell to John
Henry Hanson, lots 7, S. 0, Plk
1 , LePuc's add to Red Cloud.
'i inic.0
Mortgages released, 5:H!
Mortgages filed, SUOOO.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postolllt'o at Red Cloud, Neb.,
for the weok ending June 4, IMS:
M. Purkcnroad :i. Win. Murray
12nima L. Starrett Albert Tasig
These will bo sent to the dead letter
ofiice June isth 1H0S, if uncalled for
before. When calling for above plouso
say "advertised."
T. C. Hackcr, Postmaster,
F. Newhouse's
Sale of India Linons. (
My stock of India Linons is too large ,
and in order to reduce it will sell them !
AT ONE-THIRD UM I lus is a
good hancc to get good India Linon
cheap. Also have a nice line of stripes
and plaids in whites.
A nice line of Lawns and Dimities
from ioc to iSc yard.
Notion Specials for
Saturday Only.
Good brass pins, full count, 360 in
paper, regularly ioc, for Sat. only 5c
Wire hair pins, 4 papers for 5c
Pearl buttons, all sizes, 4c dozen.
Misses or ladies gauze vests, 3 for 25c
Safety pins, 10c kind, for 5c
Handbags, 75c and $1 grade, 50c
Muslin Underwear Laces andEmbroideries
In Muslin Underwear have a nice line
of Corset Covers at 30c, 45c, 50 and 70c
Muslin Drawers at 25c, 45c and 60c
downs at 50c, 75c, 1.00 ana n.25.
Skirts at 90c and up to $2.50.
So Gauze Underwear
Ladies' Gauze Underwear in all sizes
in union suits and separate garments.
If you are in need of any gauze un
derwear inspect our line before buying
as you will be more than satisfied.
limbroidery 2 1-2 inches wide at 5c
per yard.
Embroidery 4 inches wide at ioc yd.
Corset Cover Embroidery at 25c yd.
And a large line ot hwisses ana ah-
I -.ires in endless widths
Look our line over before buying.
jtib uuu rm- 1
and prices. wJ
Umbrellas and Parasols
A good serviceable umbrella for chil
dren at 50c. Black Cravnette covered
umbrella, 26-in. flounce at $1.00, will
not turn rusty. Better grades than the
above at $1.25, 1.50, up to 2.75. Col
ored silk parasols with fancy borders
at $2.50.
All shades, in leather, at 50c.
In black silk have all shapes and
styles from 25c to 50c in sizes from 22
inches to 45.
Gloves. '
Silk and Lisle Gloves in black and
tans, 2-button clasps, nothing better for
wear and retain their shape and color
at 50c. 1 2-button length in black,
white and grey, silk and lisle at $1.50.
16-button length in black, white and
navy blue in silk at $1.75. Chamois
skin gloves in 16-button length at $2.50
A new and well selected line of
Prints and Percales:
Prints at 7c per yard.
Percales at 10 and i2c per yard.
Ginghams at Sjc, ioc and 12AC yd.
Madras at 18c per yard.
I This month's I
I Butterick Patterns
10 and 15C none higher.