The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 29, 1908, Image 2

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zv vr 'rv 'VN'yVN ?
Red Cloud
WulOttM In tlio I'ostolllre Ht Itcd Cloud. Neb ,
h Socond CIich Mutter
'?) II
-. Mclntyre Elected on Sixteenth Bal
lot and Dr. Bristol, Friend and Ad
.MBer of McKlnley, on Eighteenth.
Appropriations for Mission Work.
'lit election of bishops of the Mftli
,t si Kplsc-opul conference of 1 90S
- Ilitliitnore is now u mat tot of
.Jus-lory and when nnnouuc'iiti'iit was
xn;ile of the selection of the eighth
n 1 Inst bishop very many of the dele
.;'!(: IxMvod sighs of relief.
"'lii' new hisliop.s, in tin1 order of
n'ir election and the mimhur of votes
i-wh received on Hit.' electing ballot
ire an follows: Uev. Dr. V. l- An
.lf hoii of New York, secretery of Hits
Jiiiid of ucliicntion, l-'roodiuairs Aid
u.i Hiiuday schools, 518 votes; 1U'.
In. .1. I j. Neulson, professor in Nnst
J'M'olortu'al seminary, Heron, ()., CIIO
vc !; Key. Ur. V. A. (juavle, jistor
1 Si.' .latue.V chinch, Chicago. ul'.
vites; Uev. Hr. Churie V. Smith,
n 'or "f Hie Pittsburg Christian Ad
vo-ato, .".II votes, Uev. Dr. Wilson S.
J.t vIh, ptcsldent of ornlngside col
ti'f.1', Sion City, la., ."21 votes; lte.
i); Kdwiti H. Hughes, president of L)o
j: m.w umver-itly, (ireeuoastle, lad.. 311
.."'u; Ilv. Ur. tlohert McIiiIkc, paste-
of the l-'irst chinch, I.o- Angeles,
Ii ', votes, au-l Uev. ir. Frank .M. litis
i.v. astnr of the .Metropolitan church,
Ws'Shfugion, ;i:; ot-s Tins last
lU'K'd was the pastor, Intimate friend
mm ol ti'ii. It in said, adviser of the late
J'n .nlilent McKinley.
The episcopal election out of the
!', the confluence will now take up
lh election of a m.ssiounry bishop for
M cn, a secretary of the general -'0ii'
Je-once, four piibl.shlng agents, till r
"i' u l-iIiioi'm, coi u'i.oii(lim; secretaries
i vinous hiiaids, tiMstee-;. a new com
mosion on aggressive evangelism and
.i. j.uiiiher of otlier olllolals.
"lie committee on foreign missions
'He decided upon several ivcoinmonda-
i-ts to Ij- in do to the conference.
;.' of these 1 -ed.-i to the Indorsement
oi .hc conference of the laymen's nil-
Kli-t.ary union: anothei recom mends
.!. naming of a commission to ar
TSitjie for a ptppur celebration thioiigh
riiii the entlro church of the twenty
!'. n anniversary of the establishment
- ! Methodist. m.iMiaus in Korea. The
':ue loinmiitfio lll ash the confer
?jn' lo appropriate for mission work
:. ) for IDii!); $ t.iKln 000 for 110;
$r.,i..0,Odo for I'.Ul, and 5ii,ooo.nuo lor
or comm
' i iAiJiW.wl -' If
lust onencd uo for vour insncclton one of the most com
plete and freshest lines of the newest creations of the
silversmiths' art. An exceptionally nice line of Silver
ware of all kinds fancy pieces for the table
Berry Sets-Tea Sets-Compotes
and many other pieces for table use. Also a very com
plete line of
Fancy Spoons, Knives and Forks, Berry Spoons, Sugar
Spoons, Fruit Knives, Jelly Spoons and Knives
Sand numberless other pieces of utility and ornament. Also we have a very extensive assortment of other gifts for commencement
and birthday remembrances, such as RINGS, WATCHES and and a variety of inexpensive little souvenirs, making acceptable
gifts for many occasions. No trouble to show goods Just as welcome to look as lo buy.
Quality is our first consideration in the buying and selling of our goods, and there is nothing but absolutely dependable
goods offered, and the prices make anything you may purchase now a genuine bargain.
C. B. & Q.
n lommittee on temperance will
wv Minuend an appropriation of $:2,ii,
OtlJi Uii svnenil temperance work in
Dn I'htiirln .-.
of the rumors Is that Uev. Dr.
CVm'Km 1.. (Jooilell, pastor of Calvary
-rbs -I'll, New York, will be asked to
Pfc eed llr Qn.iyle a, pastor of St.
..Jaixes riticann.
'T.C ion to Reorganize Administrative
Agencies Is Defeated.
Hsponl entered Into the proceedings
,of S'ie Reneral asMMnblj of the Presby
1 mi ('lunch at Kansas City, Mo.,
:fc i- lie Mr.-,t time during the pros
uf .:s 'inbh vlnle the repot t of the
CT.iiiii"uilu' ou a"ii'lninIstiT.".v- auetiu.
was minor consideration. U was ap
patent during the heated discus on
of the report that there T-, In the min
eral assembly a strong sentiment la
favor of reorganizing the administra
tive agencies of the. church by chang
ing the personnel of this important
committee, although a motion to that
off eel wa defeated.
After Dr. .1. D. Moffat had linMicd
leading the recommendation of the
committee. Dr. Itice V. Hunter of Jtuf
falo took exceptions lo the tenor of
one section, which lie said gave too
much powi r to the iiumi
((imposing the committee on udminin
tiative agencies, adding the assertion
that there "is a growing heli-'f in this
assembly that too nnuh power i. being
centered in the hands of a few men."
Si veral .-peakers followed with
r.pooehe of a conciliatory nature and
when Vice Moderator .lame.i put the
recommendations of the committee to
a Mite they were all adopted, and it
was believed a Lmim situation had
been succeeded by the harmony which
had heretofore maiki'd all the deliber
ations of the assembly, but it soon
developed that the storm hud nut ytt
spent lis force.
Dr. William D. Merrill of Chicago
offered an amendment that the pieaeut
committee on administrative agenc'.-'-.
lie discharged and that a n-w i om
mittee of twenty-one niembeis be ap
pointed, to include all the member
of the present committee who aie not
niembeis of any of the church Icards.
The amendment was voted on and
lust after the assembly had te.iiaino!
in fCFsion until long after the tegular
hour of adjournment.
Commend Organizations Which Arj
Fighting White Slave Traffic.
Commending organizations w lib h ai
working against the traillc in wh te
nave-, and (iilliu; upon t'resi leui
Ui.o.-.e'.eit and the government to uu.t
v. itli ntlir nations In .siipii'esslng this
Increasing evil by signing th t.'.uty
now In oti'ect between many oiayr
i nintrie.i, a resolution lutrodii' I by
tli- Uev. M. 1 Ho.'iiton of Cbbagj
was unaiilniously passed 'iy t'i North
mi Uaptist conven''iu at Oklahomi
other letolulions Indor , th work
Oi tho an'i -aloon leig ie and condemn
t!e g; ,! that demands child labor.
DiMiihutiou c.f $l.30'i.iM)i) to tarry
ou religious work dining the year vas
I'iovidl for by th adoption of tlie
t!jct!,. .i committcve'ts icport.
Insane man stabs priest
. AA'x"vv 'v-sA'v 1 1 '
.? r. sioss
Wall Paper, Paints eLtid
Contractor for Papering, Fainting and Interior l)ec-
brand paints. Bell phone 206. S
Will soon be here. You will want a
monument by that time. Come and
see us early as it takes time to prop
erly finish a monument. We have
many styles and sizes for your inspec
tion and selection and our prices are
right. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Overing Bros. & Co.,
Artistic Monuments.
440-446 N. Webster. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA.
Decision Given Under Which He Must
Stay in Asylum.
Harry Thaw, slayer of Stanford White,
"vlll not be releaaed fioni the lunatic
asylum. This is the decision reached
by Justice Moracliauser of the supreme
court in an opinion Hied In the matter
of Thaw's application for release ou a
writ of habeas corpus at PouUikeepsIe.
Uoth points brought up b Thaw's
attorneys are decided against him.
The justice declares that Thaw is now
insane and should not be allowed at
large, nud he furthor declares that tho
commitment to tho lunatic asylum by
Justice Dowling after the last tilal of
tho ease was entirely legal.
Harry K. Thaw gae out a state
ment, hi which he sought to make
clear his point that the disttlct attor
ney's "hot air" fooled the newspapers
iuto ulvlmr more attention to points
Father Lubcley of Salisbury, Mo., is
Perhaps Fatally Wounded.
Fat hoi Joseph K, l.ubeloy, pastor of
St. Joseph's Catholic church of Salis
bury, was stabbed twice with a pocket
l.'.'.lfe and, perhaps, latally injured in
church by Joseph Schueite, a prosper
ous farmer living near theie, who is
helioveii to have bee mho suddenly de
mented. The stabbing occured In iew
of 100 worshipers, many of them wom
en. The injured man was taken to a
tieaihy residence, where his wounds
were attended to by ph.x.slciuiis. His
condition is critical.
Immediately alter Father l.ubeley
had finished high mass, he started to
leave the church. At lilt- door lie was
rushed upnu suddenly iroin behind by
Schueite, who stabbed him twice, tell
ing him. The first blow lrom the knife
fatruck (lie priest in the temple and the
becoud cut a deep gash In the neck,
just missing the jugular veui. The
1 razed man was about to stab the
piiest a tlilid time when Mrs. Harbara
Liinter and John Gates, both members
of the church, ( aught his uplifted
hand. In the struggle which followed,
Sehuetfe .-Jabbed Mrs. (linter in the
hand and indicted a painful cut ou
Hates' arm. A dozen men came to the
aid of Mr-, (itnter and Mr. date.-, and
overpowered Schuette. Struggling
and fighting, ho was taken to jail.
It Is b llevcd Schuetto, who has
been a devout member of St. Joseph's
.hureh. became suddonh deranged.
and the attempt on Father I.ubeley's
life resulted.
Another version of the attempted as
haaaln.ition Is that Father Lubeley
had publicly reprimanded Schuetto for
attacking a member of the congroga
gatlon last Saturday.
Dining the services Schuetto sat In
the rear of the church. It Is said he
glared constantly at the pile-it a if
'i great rage.
The Red Cloud Haurdware
and Implement Company
have added to their already mammoth stock
a line of
We will be pleased to show them to you.
Also, tne
Cream Separator
And don't forget ue are leaders on the new stj le
Rubbertired Buggies
priced from 20 7$ up to the highest. K.Ntra A grade
with ball bearings at Si 35.
Now i the time to get your Cultivators We have the
Ohio Bully Boy, Goodenough, Morrison, Sat'
ley, Flying Swede, Dempster, Canton, Kingman
Red Cloud Hardware
snri Irnr&1ftnrvnf P.n
j-- --m VC j.
WM. WOLFE. Secretary.
tit 'f"i'Si vj - vieuVy tit
his case Th- iutroductor purag-apu
in Thaw's stateniont sus
"This is my Hist statement iafe
the day liefore Ciirisinius." Thaw tlien
goes on to say that the ki-l eeniug
of court he was called t" i , md
just whu the stenographer h hour
wa-i up and sotnetlnio before th" new
stonogiaplier entered the t join. M .'an
while two of Ihe llasblighl i v.ero ex
plod il within twelve fo of him,
which was ptobably what appeared to
m'l, h.ini i;"i'vo;!ci
Lincv.go, .May -'JV! -K'volpt.
j,00'". steady; stueto, $,".005p7.23;
cow, $(.005.70; heifers, J'I.ri)ipfi.2.;
bulls, f!."ifj:i.7r; calves, f2il)K.50;
EtocltiMs and feelers, l.'JSiiii.l'). Hogs
Hocejpts, 10,0.0. steady, choice
heavy shipping, $r.40cTf-." .Gi , butchers,
$.V40f;.'.rjO; light mixed. $.i.:l05.33;
choice light, $5.;iGfr.V45; packing, $4.90; pigs, $1.15015.30; bulk of sales,
$."..:iOt?J5.IO. Sheep UocelpU, 12,000;
steady; sheep, $1.0003.00; lambs, $5.25
0.50; yearlings, $4.5005.23.
Order to Show Caus.
Tl. W .Nl hllA-K.V. ( , ,. ,
Wnlii.tir I 'iiiniit i III WIC I (. lit ( i ,rt
At h county court held at tl.c i j't'i'v ( mrt
r l')' ill s" ""d t'0"l"J' '''"i""l.v f ': I'JOi
In tliumnttorof thuctiitcof'iiivi !, IiiTiar
Jn rcailhiK nml tllhii,' the petiuui o'cili M
HXter. prrtjlns the liistriitnei ( il.'.-i on tho
liilidHvof Mhv. 100 mid f.i.oriliisio)elU
limt lll and lotiimciit of llic nihl deciMhed
iiihv bo proven iipprovcd. prj'..'e.l. nllowcd
mid iiicorilud ns iho lust Will nml Tc-tament or
thu hn Id Mitfiin U llaxtvr. dcceaMMl. acd tlio
ext'CMjllon of the Instrument nms l,o cmmiitecl
nud tin ailinliilhtrntloii of tulil otn'o nmy lio
gruuteil lo surah M. llaxtor ns exeriurlx
Unlpred tluil S odncajay. tho l( th day of Juno
; Wt; t JO o'clock a, m.. I- n'lhji.eil for
hent us mid petlilon when nil i.?rv., tutor
ebtiMi la halil niHttcr tuny nppeiir to coituly
court to bo held hi niid foi Mild i jiiuty and
hiow cnitho why thu iimer 't petition
should not be ttratded; nud tliat n e of iho
peiidiiicy or Mild jn-.i Ion and ilu- . Mriiw
lieioof lo Riven to n:l persntu iit.reitcd
In fcnlil matter, by puljsliln n cupj uf Sih oi
dcr In the Heil no-id chief, a weekly t.ew--ii
poi jirlnted hi hHld cuiuilv, for Hire? . Micc-iel
II. vai. I'llin hi M uny DT Ul'IUlUi,'
KKA1..J 'ilil I W. ElKON, CoiMilyj i.Ub
.Shake Into )our hliocs Alleu'h loot Kane, ft
poivdcr. It ciinn tired, McliliiK. calluiM. hweal
Iiik, fcvvidlen 'cot At all dnuiOhS nn-l Mmo
titorcM.'Kj. Sample 1'HKK. Addre.-. Allen H.
Olmsted, Leltoy, N. V.
h V.