The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 22, 1908, Image 5

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Thin is the most durable
Roof and Hani Paint that
is made and is also a wood
preserver; color, a beautiful
maroon. Guaranteed for 5
years. If you want the best
in paint of any kind come
and see us.
The Druggist.
N'tKt week is the List week of school.
Wanted -Copy of Chief dated Fob.
JS, (Mid
Uioh Milligan Sr. was down from
MiHlook Wednesday.
Will Tabor wont to Colotiulo Tues
day night to look at Intnl.
I i.C. Paulson is the proprietor of u
nrw lunih, room near the depot.
A. J. Kront of Inavnle made us (i
pleasant business call Tuesday.
Henry Ollham hi s beun work on
.! basement for his new house.
Wanted Cattle and horses to pas
ture. Innuirc at F. Ncwhouse's store.
Mrs .T A. Heed sold her place this
ucvlt tj L. E. Tait. Consideration
. Household goads nt private sale.
Inquire rit house. Mrs. W. A. Slier
wend. liOVv"'l Bobbins went to Kearney
Tuesday night to work hi a marble
works shop.
Lonr.t Lyle of Marryvillo, Mo., 'top
pod off t;i the city this week for a visit
with relatives. He is jroii g to Cctli
luruia The Trpoe has had several extraor
dinary good shows this week. Mr.
TaVr deserves a good house every
l)rs. Weirick & Kiddile, Kye. liar.
Noie and Throat Specialists, (Slaves
iitto 1. Over German National Bank,
Chas Luciler has moved back here
from Omaha an.l will soon begin the
roclion of a new house for Walter
( lias. Meitite and wife of Blue Hill
were in town Wednesday. While here
lie -ubscribed for the Chh f and will
h. p posted with the county new-'
As it is drawing near the
hot weather I am
Clousing ovif
Dried Frait
At very low
It will pay you to call. Ex
tra special prices on Flour
in 500 lb lots. Fresh vege
tables every day.
fresh every day.
The Grocer
Alt thm rttines
Will Uifi- (if Beatrice was in town
l.iiiig uristi'd I. UK (Moves, fiOc at V.
Ni a bullae's.
Orrin Taber was down from Blue
Hi'! Monday
U. I!. Thompson was down from
Cowlcs Saturday.
Mr. Householder was down from
Bladen Saturday.
tieo. Prase returned from Marry ville.
Mo., the first of the week.
Wesley Stteit returned from Guide
Bock the first of the week.
.lack Waller was down from Cowles
Monday taking in the b;'U game.
W. W. Wright uml wife were up from
Hebron the first of the week.
For Sale A phonograph at a bar
gain. Address I. O. Box 210.
Tommy Lane sprained his leg last
Friday night while runuing.
Jim Mcintosh und Teddy McArthur
were in Uiverton Saturday.
Hustings. vs Hed Cloud. - Base ball
park. Tuesday and Wednesday, May
150 and 27.
Will Newmeycr ami wife of Wymore
are the guests of W. S. Parkea and
wife this week.
K. It. Kunimcr went to the western
part of this state and eastern ('(dorado
Tuesday morning.
Last Friday night the Boynl Neigh
bors initiated two new meinlwrs, Miss
Myra Orificth and K. W. Bos.
Mr. and Mrs. Will and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sleeper and
family returned to Lincoln Sunday.
Attt nicy J. C. Saylor has moved hi.s
office from the D.imerell 1 1 ek to the
Morhart block, north end, up stairs.
Mrs. W. E. Bowd, nee Li.zio Mcin
tosh, of Grand Island is visiting with
her pasents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mcintosh.
Mr.s. Lizzie I'ov of Table Koclc, Neb.,
after visiting with her mother, Mrs.
W. S. 1'arkcs has returned to her
O. C. Bell rf Lincoln was in town
the first of the week visiting his
daughter, .Mrs. Boyd Smith and other
Freights No. C: and 01 changed last
Sunday, now running between Red
Cloud and Obcrlin instead of lied
Cloud and Oxford.
Joe Wtfrren, D. L. (Jroat, F. New
house and F. N. Richardson went to
Hastings Tuesday to attend the state
G. A. K. encampment.
Dr. Asher has bought Svlvesler Day's
feed barn and will take charge June
1st. He will remove to this place and
J run the feed barn in connection with
his veterinary business. Ilcros wish
ing you success "Doe."
Hen McFarland and John Yaple
were the star participants in a run
away last Friday afternoon while on a
drive to Miner's ranch. Fortunately
the buggy suffered more breakings
than the occupants.
The Grand Army of the Republic
and Woman's Relief Corps desire to
extend their thanks to W. H. Taber for
the free entertainment given at the
Tepee in their behalf during district
encampment May 8th. They also ex
tend a vote of thanks to the commer
cial club in showing the visitors around
the city. Committee.
Those from a distance in attend
ance at the Sophia Anderson funeral
were E. E. Abbott of Beatrice, Neb.;
Mr. and Mr.s. Wm. Anderson of Frank
lin, Neb.: Mr. and Mrs. S. L. White of
Blue Hill; Mrs. A. L. Byler of Kansas
City, Mo.; and Henry Nuwhouse of
Oakley, Iowa.
Doalers in
Fresh, Salt
and Cured
Phonos, Country ICtt
Boll 51
I. E. .larbn is the new clerk nt .I din
son A BoncrV.
E.J. Owring, jr., was a Imsum
visitor to McCook last Saturday.
See the big games, Tucsdu ainl
Wednesday. May "i! and ','7. Hustings
vs Red Cloud.
Clarence Lewis will soon erect a
residence on a building site in the
north part oi town.
Close Eiuigh went to Lincoln Mon
day in company with Roy VNhitakcr.
From there he goes to New York.
Mr.s. George Perkins of Republican
City arrived in the city Thursday for
a visit with James Moranvillo and
As we go to press word comes to
town that Aaron Fry dropped dead in
the field this morning. Particulars
next week.
Arrangements have been perfected
whereby the Red Cloud Creamery as
sociation will deliver ice to our citi
zens this summer.
LasV Sunday afternoon Mr.s. Susie
Kaley, while trjlng to get Into her
buggy,, in some way missed her foot
ing. About the same instant the horse
started, her dress caught in the step
and she was dragged some distance,
but luckily escaped injury.
While sitting down on the ground at
the depot last Sunday watching a ball I
game, Clair Wolfe had the misfortune
to get hit in the eye. by a foul ball and j
now he wears a black eye.
. i .. it i-., '
t letter iroiii limner v .eiiiiiions
.states that he has resigned his position
with the Swift Packing Co., at Chicago
and has gone to work in the advertis
ing department of the Western Pub- J
lishei . a printers' trade journal. This
position is in line with Homer's studies.
May he win out big is our wish.
Harry Watkins, the Id year old farm
hand employed by Dennis McCartney,
living twelve miles south of Red Cloud,
was'tlrrcsted Saturday morning at In-1
avale, ny hlieriii 1 ledge and brought
to this city, charged with outraging
the three year old daughter of Mr. Mc
Cartney. He was taken back to Kan
sas the same morning to face the seri
ous charge and also to faes the angry
people. Fortunately the child was not
seriously injured, bt.t that makes the
crime no less heinous.
Monday at the Catholic church oc
curred the wadding of Mr. John P.
Delaney of Relvidere, Neb., and Miss
Luciuda Davis of Smith county, Kan
sas. Before eight o'clock a number of
their friends and relatives gathered at
the church and at S a. m., sharp the
young people with Mr. Davis, jr., as
best man and Miss Delaney as bride s
muid, approached the altar, where
they were met by Father Fitzgerald
and the wedding ceremony immediate
ly took place. The young couple
are well and favorably known here.
The happy couple will be at home
after June 1, at Belvidere, Nebraska.
We wish the happy couple success.
Every ambitious young man or
woman should read the free catalogue
sent out by the Grand Island Business
& Normal College of Grand Island,
Neb. Its pages fairly sparkle with
encouraging words for young people.
It will fire the active student with new
Zealand kindle the enthusiasm of the
most listless. Students are attracted
to this school from every quarter of
the West and quite :i number have ar
ranged to go from this county. The
annual enrollment of this school
reaches one thousand aud those who
have not the ready money for all c.
pcrs 's nre permitted to pay after they
have time to graduate and earn the
C. II. Miner of Red Cloud, Neb.,
banker and stockman, says that in his
vicinity a few small lots of cattle are
left on feed. Mr. Miner thinks the run
of fed cattle from that part of the
suite will be over very soon. "Com
paring the number of fat cattle in my
neighborhood with the number there
a year ago," lie said, "we hnd a won
derful difference. They were being
shipped out this time last spring in
train loads, where carloads cover the
run now. We do uo summer feeding
out there. Feeding begins in the fall,
and is continued nil through the win
ter. Most of the farmers who prepared
to feed any at all fall got rid of
their cattle early, as corn prices ad
vanced and as the hog market went
down. The general conditions gov
erning feeding were unfavorable. The
few who held on and fed for the late
markets fared better. There are few
cattle in that country, but farmers arc
fairly well stocked on hogs. We think
we have the banner hog country of the
corn belt." Kansas City Daily Drovers
fwA -vysrfSfc.yvy.
We'll Tell Your
Fortune Briefly
First, you're going on a long journey.
Then you'll be very happy and you're going to have
money left to you. You're a lucky Man.
Here's the w ay of it.
You're going on a long journey to this store.
You'll select your new Spring Outfit, and it will please
you so well that you'll be very happy.
You'll buy for less than you thought and have money
left; therefore you're a lucky Man.
That's your fortune sec that it comes true.
Gomden-Raley Clothing Go.
Mrst Door North of Postofficc.
Bargains in Groceries
ABC Goods
Nothinu better on tho mm hot.
"Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser."
Bettor tluui lye or soap. Cleans every
thing. Fi'I.ton Makki-.t, Damorell Blk
Lfliil fll.tliit Will, It k!llll l1llt llll tVlll
ri,i.ii.v.-. .... ......' .
be held pursuant to and In compliance
with the following resolution:
r.i.soi.i iiov.
Whereas, The Board of Education of
ti.e School District of the City of Bed
Cloud entered into a certain stipu
lation with C. F. (ather and others,
wherein It was provided that it
should be left to the qualified voters
of said district to choose by vote one of
four certain locations in said school
district on which to build the new
school building now about to be built;
therefore, be it
Bcsolved, By the Hoard of Educa
tion of tho school district of the
City of Bed Cloud, now in regu
lar adjourned session on this 7th day
of May, 110S. that the secretary of said
Hoard of Education. L. II. Fort, be,
and he hereby is, instructed to proceed
to call aud post notices aud make all
proper arrangements for an election to
be held on June Und, 1!(H, at which
election said voters shall vote for their
choice of the following four locations
for said school building:
1 A block of land south of the
Leonard property, the east side of
which abuts on Walnut street, being
located directly wesi oi iiiock , war
ber's addition to Bed Cloud. Nebraska,
and owned by Charles J. Piatt.
2 A block of land, the north side of '
which abuts on Fourth avenue and
being directly south of block -', Le
Due's addition to Bed Cloud, Nebraska,
the east half of said block beingowned
by Mrs. Ketta Miner and the west half
by Charles J. Piatt.
3 A block of land, the east side
abutting on Walnut street and south
of the residence of Mr.s. Hctta Miner
and directly west af block !M, City of
Bed Cloud, said land being owned by
Mr.s. Betta Miner.
1 The west half of block 'JO, Bed
Cloud, Nebraska, the north side abut
ting on Fourth avenue and the west
side on Walnut street.
There shall be placed immediately
following each location the regular
square provided by the Australian bal
lot and each voter shall vote for one
location and indicate his choice by a
cross placed in the square following
the location for which he desires to
vote. The location vi.euing the great
est number of votes to be the location
for said school building.
In calling said election said clerk
shall proceid in all things in the same
manner as any regular school election
except that there shall be one polling
place only, at which all voters .shall
cast their vote, which polling place
shall be at The Farmers and Merchants
Hank Building, and notice of said
election to be posted shall consist of a
copy of this resolution, together with
notice of the time aud place of said
election. Said election shall be called,
held, conducted and canvassed in all
things as any regular school election
except as indicated herein.
Which election will be opened at 0
o'clock in the morning and will con
tinue open until 7 o'clock in the after
noon of the same day.
Dated this Sth day of May A. D. KlOs.
L. H. Four.
Secretary of the School Board.
Swiff's ,
and Bacon
Nitlce ? Electton t Vote mi Choice o?
Location for School lulldlng,
Notice is hereby given to the quali
fied voters of the school district of the
city of Bed Cloud, Webster county,
Nebraska, being district No. '.I, that on
Tuesday, the second day of June, 1008,
there will be held at The Farmers and
Merchants Bank Building, an election
for tho purpose of voting for a site on
which to build u school building in
Chickering Bros.
A. B. Chase,
Price & Teeple,
P. C. Weaver,
Bush & Lane,
Mathushek & Son,
Decker & Sons,
and the
Standard Goods.
Red Cloud.
Order to Show Cause,
efifiaVniS' f '"tho County Court
At n futility court held nt lie rouuty court
10 in In uml for Fntd coui.ty, TucMlny, MnylOtli
In tne mutter of the estntt of Misati L. Maxtor,
On reading nuil flllui; the petition of Snrnh M.
Ilitster. prnjliiK that the luxtrument filed on the
lOthdayof May. I00S and purporting to ho tho
insi iwn linn icHiamciu or mo mm aeooutcd
may he protd. npnrored. probated, allowed
and recorded a- tho taut Will and Testament of
thu raid Siuau I. lU.xter. deceased, and that tho
execution of tho limtrumetit may he committed
and Hi idmlulKtratlon of salif cctaio may tie
granted to Sarnh M. Maxtor as executrix
Ordered. Hint Wedntblay, the lutli daj of June
A. D. J's. m 10 o'clock o. in .. N nnlinipii for
lienrliiL' nld petition when nil p-'ons Inter
ented In said matter may npprur at n county
court to ho held la and for bald cuuiitv and
show catmo why the irajir of petition
should not ha granted; and that noilie of tho
IKMideticy of said petition and tho hutrliiK
thereof to ulven to nil persons Imeiested
In said tnaitcr, by publishing n cop)' of this or
der in the Itcd Cloud Chief, n weekly nciv-pii
pci printed In said rountr, for threo ucceMvc
weeks prior to said day of hearliiK.
bai..J till I W.Euto.v, County Judge.