The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 22, 1908, Image 1

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    State Historical S vl ty
Aafcxarararyfi & 1
1 Subscription
Eight Pages
Home Print
3i a i ear
in Advance
1 lunuBBiuaiMi
Citv Council Proceedings.
lied Clou-'. M,i; 1-, 1P0.
t a regular mcctinc of tin oity
council in the olllco of N oity cleric,
Maytir Caldwell presiding. (Vuncllmcn
Anni'k, Pulsipher ami MeArlhiir pros
cnt tin- following 1usim was trans
acted Hond of Frank Pcturii, :is plumber
tiis road. Motion inaili by Pulsipher
and seconded by Me : ;'uur that the
bon.l of Frank IV lei-nou n-. plumber be
approved. Acs: Am c ;. Pulsipher
and McArthur.
Petition of .1. W. K:iid from the
business men asking tl.i cnune'il to ap
point Mr. Kinscl as jiijrut marshal.
Whereupon the miiyor lippointcil .1. W.
Kinscl as niyht marshu! Mot ion made
by Pulsipher and secondi-l by Amack
that the appointment '. confirmed.
Aycc: Amack. Pullj?cr ami MeAr
thur. Carried.
Motion made by McArthur and sec
onded by Pulsipher that the salary of
J. W. Kinsel as night a o V allowed
815 as hulary. Motion tnaii by Pulsi
pher and seconded by AoncK that the
motion be amended to read "salary of
12a per monlh." Avi: Amack and
Pulsipher; nnys: McArtbur. Carried.
Vote, on original mot:''j us amended.
Ayes: Amack and I'ul-'.pher; nays
The mayor appointed FmnJc Clawson
hh street commissioner. Motion made
by Pulsipher and seconded by Amack
that the appointment K- confirmed.
Ayes: Amack and PuMphi-r; nnyes:
"TeArthur. Carried. M.t:ou made by
Pulsipher and seconded b Amack that
Mie salary of street c(mmisMoner be
J2 per day for the actual timeemployed
on the street Ayes: inueU, Pulsipher
md McArthur. Carried
Motion to adjourn tonv.ot tomorrow
at 9 a. m. in the uillce of lW ninyot.
May H, 100-3.
At a regular adjourned meeting of
the city council in the ofljee of Mayor
illy t
OocntnA of Base Ball Season.
Ijsf Mondav lied (loud forma
opened the base ball season by putt
Hebron to the bad by a score of 1 1 to 1.
Interest held up until the feventh in
ning when our boys began swatting
the ball unite promiscuously, and un
til the end of the game lied Cloud had
a "walk away'". Following i- the score
by innings:
: 'i a i :. '. s 0
Hud riouJ .1 o ii ii o a " 'I ' -11
llchr.m r a o u 0 u 0 u- l
Uuek struck out ten men ami Clegg
eleven. Time of game, U.'io.
Mo.viiw'- i.!M:-ri
.rVW,0-''Oy-'',''"',V'v,v fl, VV 'VVV V 'V"-
W. Drav.
. . .
. s.
1. f.
. .e. f.
.r. t
Red Cloud.
. . . llradbrook
. . . .Saunders
I frown
. N'elson
Montgomery 1st It Walters
Cook :.'nd b....Newt Smith
Gregory :ird b lloyd Smith
lluck p t'legg
n. Dray e Schoouover
Tuesday's game was a hotly con
tested one during the eleven innings
necessary to reach a deciding score.
IJoth clubs changed pitchers for this
game and proved a pitchers' battle
royal. Interest in the game never
ceased until our boys made the last
score. Score by innings:
ItCil cloud
Ucbron ...
1 2
0 0
.0 0
;: i
n (i
l i
S (I 10 1 J
U U 'I 1 I
0 o ii o :i
Caldwell, the mavor presiding; Couu
eilsicn Amack. McCall aod McArthur
Harris struck out six menaudSehra
der eight. Time of game, 11:10.
nu:s.t y's i.iNi'.-rr.
lied (.loud. Hebron.
llradbrook s. s. Newman
Nelson r. f W. Dray
Hrowu e. f Cook
Saundern 1. f Dean
Walters 1st b. . . Montgomery
N. Smitn ','nd b Gregory
15. Smith :trd b lluck
Schrader p Harris
Schooruvcr e K. Dray
Attendance at Monday's game was.
somewhat the larger.
Passenger No. 13 was several hours
late Thursday on account of a wash
out between here and Wymorc.
JPST IN A new line of kodaks and
v,imnMe -frivsh niiwr. films and nlates
present, the following business wus at ewhouse llros.
Red Cloud, Neb.. May 10, 'OS.
To the Mayor and C;ity Council of Red
Cloud, Neb.: "
Gentlemen:--! hereby make applica
tion for the position of MiperiMenncnt
of lights and water for the considera
tion of 9100 per month. Voura truly,
hh'ai! Unmonms.
Application of Oscar burroughs as
.uperiutendent of electric lights and
water was read: whereupon the mayor
appointed O.scar llnrroughs superin
tendent of electric light- and water.
Motion made by Amack and seconded
Pulsipher that the appointment of the
mayor be continued. Aye: Amack,
Pulsipher and Me'all: nayi-, MeAr
tbur. Carried.
Motion to adjourn. Carried.
Kitate of Owen I.. W iliinm-
iflg and order on claims.
tate of Milton M. Li.e . I.'Qiring
on petition for probate. Will admit
ted to probate. Pri-eilla l.uec execu
trix. Ilond approved and letters issued.
Ketate of ibarles . l.imlgreij. Pe
tition for probate o wi.l. Order of
bearing .lune 1Mb.
Rotate of Susan I.. P.aster. Petition
for probate of will, order of bearing
iluce 10th.
In re-guardianship of Kverctt Wal
ters. Petition tiled. W. ". Frahm ap
pointed guardian.
May l'Mh. Westinghou-e Kleetrie
Company v City. Answer of defend
ant tiled, .liidgmeut for plaintiff
Sunderland Hoofing Co. vs City. De
fendants er tiled. .Judgment for
plaintiff S57y.01.
CaNof "Riaiks.
We wish to express our gratitude to
the friends and noighborh who so
kindly assisted us in the sickness and
death of our mother. Wo also wish to
express, our thank's to the F. (). R.
lodge of Red Cloud for their attend
ance and help in our bereavement.
Otitis 'a is-.
GltAi'K Moiiuw
Mits. llvi.r.n.
Card of Thanks.
1 desire to express my heartfelt
ami sincere thanks to all my friends
and neighbor-, for their kind help and
sympathy during the illness and death
of my beloved wife. Rd llasser. jr.
Telephone Meeting.
The stockholders of the Farmers
In lependent Telephone company will
meet Monday, .lune s. at the court
hou-e at 'i o'clock.
A ipi'ict wedding occurred at the
home of Mr. and Mr-. Sutton on Wal
nut creek when their daughter May
was married to John Knight of Ina
vale. Only near relatives of the con
tracting parties were present, lie v.
Hill of luav.iU olliciatcd Mr. and Mrs.
Knight will make their home in Ina
valc. All their friends join in wishing
them nieeh happiness.
Judge Rdson issued marriage license
to the following couples this week:
John P. Delancy of llelvidere. Neb.,
and Sarah R. Davis of Smith county
Kansas. May Pi.
John I.. Kingbt and Mary Mitton.
both of Inavale. May Is'.
Camera Pleasures last.
There's more enjoyment in a camera
than in anything else you can get for
the tame price, and its a pleasure that
lasts as long as you live. We handle
the Kodak the one that makes pic
ture taking easy. New-house llros.
bhftfcclnto jour ilioes Allen Foot Ease, n
powder. It cures ilred, nchtns. callous, sweat
Iok. woo feet. At nil iliusflsts Rial shoe
Mtofe'i 2W5. Sample FKBK. AJiSrv", Alien S.
Olmeted, tcHry.N. Y,
How's This ?
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any ease of catarrh that cannot be
cured "by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
1 J. Chunky v Co., Toledo, O.
We. the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney f?r the hist 15 years, ond be
lieve him perfectly honorable iu till
business transactions and Hnancially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, ().
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi
monials sent free. Price 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Tepee Theatre
$5.00 Worth of Groceries Given Away
To th: parly holding the lucky Coupon at the Tcpec Theatre
Monday, May 25th, at 9 O'Clock
Contest Starts Monday, 18th.
All persons buying tickets will Ct a Coupon and all Coupons must be in the house
the night of the drawing. Try your luck and you may win. Remember McFarlarri
furnishes the groceries and they are at the Tepee.
See the Groceries on display Monday
F. Newhouse's
Sale of India Linons.
My stock of India Linons is too large
and in order to reduce it will sell them
good chance to get good India l.inon
cheap. Also have a nice line of stripes
and plaids in whites.
A nice line of Lawns and Dimities
from ioc to iSc yard.
Notion Specials for
Saturday Only.
Good brass pins, full count, 360 in
paper, regularly ioc, for Sat. only 5c.
Wire hair pins, 4 papers for 5c.
Pearl buttons, all sizes, 4c dozen.
Misses or ladies gauze vests, 3 for 25c.
Safety pins, 10c kind, for 5c.
Handbags, 75c and $1 grade, 50c.
Muslin Underwear Laces and Embroideries
In Muslin Underwear have a nice line
of Corset Covers at 30c, .15c, 50 and 70c.
Muslin Drawers at 25c, 45c and Goc.
Gowns at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25.
Skirts at uoc and up to $2.50.
Gauze Underwear
Ladies' Gauze Underwear in all sizes j
in union suits and separate garments, j
If you are in need of any gauze tin- !
derwear inspect our line before buying j
as you will be more than satisfied.
Kmbroidery 2 1-2 inches wide at ?c
per yard.
Fmbroidcry a inches wide at ioc yd.
Corset. Cover Fmbroidcry at 2sc yd.
And a large line of Swisses and All
Overs. Laces in endless widths and prices.
Look our line over before buying.
Umbrellas and Parasols
A good serviceable umbrella for chil
dren at 50c. Bla k Cravnctte covered
umbrella, 26-in. flounce at $1.00, will
not turn rusty. Better grades than the
above at $1.25, 1.50 up to 2.75. Col
ored silk parasols with fancy borders
at $2.50.
All shades, in leather, at 50c.
In black silk have all shapes and
styles from 25c to 50c in sizes from 22
inches to 5.
i ' " 1
Silk and Lisle Gloves in black and
tans, 2-button clasps, nothing better for
wear and retain their shape and color
at 50c. 1 2-button lengtli in oiacK, 1
white and grey, silk and lisle at $1.50.
16-button length in black, white and j
navy blue in silk at $1.75- Chamois
skin gloves in 16-button length at $2.50
A new and well selected line of
Prints and Percales:
Prints at 7c per yard.
Percales at 10 and i2ic per yard.
Ginghams at SjC, 10c and 12k yd.
Madras at iSc per yard.
This month's
Butterick Patterns
10 and 15C none hllher.