J RED BUSINESS The Star Barn A. A. UENKEL, Prop. fecb, iverg cmb 6xcl;aiige Vricos rocboiiuhlo. Doll phono 10, J. W. BOGEflfllEF MACHINIST Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing and Wagonmaking L H. FORT Insurance Agent, Abstracter and Notary Public. Damurull Diode. Phono 83. Dr Nellie E Maurer Dentist Danierell Dlock. Ovor Albright Uros. Phono '.Ml. C A SCHULTZ Photographer Family I't'ips mid baby picturoi u spuiinlty. Uaiiicrcll llluek. CHAS ALLSOP Mason ( -..- i 1 v.url; a -iH-i-iiilty. !:! t'l'iiid. Ni'l. CO TO Robinson & Son If you w in .. sqnaiv Mi-al for V. ft--. Soda Fo. iitatii in I'oiiiicc'tion with UtMa-.i.-.iii' ft drinks in oasou. Henry Diederich i)'"i.i:u in Boots, Shoes and Angle Lamps Repairing Neatly Done. Wohe & Wright Engine Repairing a Specially Horseshoeing, Itlaeksmithing and Wugomnaking JACOB ELLINOER Auctioneer nun ci.oi'D, neij. Fanm-i'V phone A s. J Jell phone -'7. Plumb's Flour & Feed Store. You suv mon.-y in buying your Hour iu M-pound lots of him. H. H. ASHER Veterinarian 13uuk Hii.i. -:- Nehraska Will be in Red Cloud Saturdays nt Smith's barn. Newhouse Brothers Jewelers and Optometrists Saunders Bros. lumber&Coal Dealers RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Wo have in stool; at all times a complete line of Building Material and Good Coal. Our prices tiro reasonable. Wo solicit your patron age. Bell Tel. t0. Farmers Jnd. 71. CLOUD DIRECTORY W. K. GEER Shoes Shoes made to order. Repair work n specially L. A. HASKINS FLOUU, FEED mid (IHAI.N Kerosene, Gasoline Etc. Thrum i O. A Nelson Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist. Oflk-e, Uriub IJarn. Ciy Laundry J. P. HANSON, Propr Phono 12. Heil Cloud, Nob. Fred E. Maurer ATTOKN'EV-AT-LAW Notary Public. Pensions' u Specialty. Ollico over Postolllee. DR. E. A. THOMAS ; Dentist Over C'ottinir's Di-iik K'oiv. Bell Phone III. Fanners 1'J. XT. Walker". KEA L ESTATE, LOA NS, and i INSLMiANCE. , First Door North of Postolliec. I Red Cloud Investment Company. KEAL ESTATE and FA KM LOANS-! Potter Blosk. 'Phone .TJ. Patton's Jtyort Ovbev ftouse. Lunch and Short Orders. Peterson Block. For INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, see NO. B. STANSER, agent for the Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best in 9iiranco company iutho sste J W STOCKMAN HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Graduate from Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago. Olllce over John son V Boner's store. Calls answered day or night. Bell 'J'!. Rural 110. L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer Residence: First door south of Red Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster street. Can bo found at home every fore noon. Terms reasonable. Only a Dodge. An Insurance expert was relating In Chicago some oddities of Insurance. "And then," said the expert, "there was that ease of the general store man Iu Ohio, Tills man's store burned down, and, because his stock was so heavy, the company disputed his claim. I remember one Item In his stock llst 17..100 mourning hatbands. When 1 came to this Item I thumped It with my pent!) and said to the storekeeper severely; "'Look here, this Is unreasonable. M hy should you have had 17,500 mourning hatbands in stock? What possibility was there that death would create In a single small shop like yours a demand for 17,fi00 mourning hat bands ':' "The storekeeper smiled at mo in a condescending way and replied: "'I didn't keep Hiofco hatbands for men who grieved for the death of rela tives or frleiulR, but for men who went into mourning for the grease on their hats.' "-Boston :ibe. 3ELF prays, lio;, Kro;.., rcu.., Her o. lasit lor K. M t .i .,, .. . j Oi .j, i.tit-.l j , uiit "w".i. yUme-nt-ru ... to work on" a 'contract .. .it, staubcu i.i.nnolt to death at inc.- rooming honoj oi James Pethoud with a bir.ull ppnnUe. Mr. Krogn and his wife aiose short ly heloic 0 o'clock, after Krogh had spent a restless night. He icquested his wilt to kneel wIlli him iu prayer and after they had done so, he maspeo the woman and attempted to murder her. She struggled away from him, receiving a wound on the hand, and then ran down stairs and gae the alarm Krogh followed her part way down stair, exclaiming. "We must both die together." Mrs. Krogh went to the home of Chler of Police Moore, and the officer In company of Mr Pethoud vlsdtod the room, where they found Krogh lying across a trunk with a knife wound in his breast. It was shown at the coroner's inquest that Krogh had been under the care oi a phxlciuu lor the last week because of a uerv ous breakdown. MI8S PEARL TAYLOR IS DEAD Young Minden Woman Assaulted by Brother-in-Law Passes Away. Minden, Neb., May . I'eail Taylor died as the result of the shock of the assault, April 'JS, by her brother-in-law, Wort Tavlor The young woman was seventeen years age. She had been choked and beaten about lli head until concussion of the brain re sulted. The fmieial was held line to day. .Miss Tayloi's death makeB the thfid in the family in a year. 1 1 i slater, the wife ol her a.-sailant, dh-d about a yeai ago. Hoi biother, .lames Tay lor, died as the result of an opeiatlon for appendicitis Theie Is no tiaee yet of Hen Tay lor, though the officials have not ie la.sed their effort ? to captuie him. It Is believed detectives have been for some time working upon the case, but the authorities bore will not disclose the methods employed lor Taylor's capture. TALBOT PROCLAIMS THE DAY Asks Modern Woodmen to Wear White Boutonnlere in Honor of Mothers. Lincoln, May !. A. It. Talbot, head consul of the Modern Woodmen of America, issued a proclamation desig nating tomorrow as "Mothers' day," and requesting all members of the or der on that day to wear a white flower and if the mother be alive to either visit or write to her. Acting 'Governor Saunders and W. .1. Bryan Issued statements commending the move ment. Mr. Bryan said, In part: "The wearing of a white flower on next Sunday as a tribute to the sweet and lasting Influence of the mother upon the life of the child is appropri ate Indeed. I have no doubt that the tinning back of our thoughts to her who. iu youth, was our comforter, pro tector and adviser will result in many good icsolvcs." ADMIRAL ON PEACE AND WAR Evans Tells North Platte People Bat tleships, not Statesmen, Are Needed. Omaha. May 13. Admiral IUndey IJ. Evans arrhed on the Union Pacific last evening and left on the North western for Chicago. At North Platte high school atlct-. iu uuifoini and with a baud, and about oDO citizens met the train. Admiial Evans came to the rear of the tar on crutches and made a short speech, thanking those assembled for the re eeptlon Among other things, lie said 'We will always have war as long as we have anything worth while to light over" and "the more battleships we have and the fewer statesmen the longer we will have peace." Electrical Association Elects Officers. Omaha, May 9 The Nebraska Elec trical association elected the follow ing officers' President, E. A. Bullock of Norfolk; vice president, S. J. nun can of Kearney; secretary, William Biadford of Lincoln; treasurer, L. J. Schwlngel of Hohlrege; executive com mittee, T. II. Fritts or Grand Island, B. P. Egan of Nehraska City and J. M. Roberts of York. The place or the next meeting is to be decided by the executive committee. Convict Commits Suicide. Lincoln, May 11. Brooding over tho fact that as soon as his prison term was finished he would be arrested again on other charges of law break ing, and that he was alreadj a dis graced man, Charles W. Smith, whose real name was Henry Taylor, hanged himself In his cell at the penitentiary. This was the fourth attempt of Un convict to kill hlmFolf. Real Estate Men's Convention. Chicago, May 13. A national con ventlon of real estate men oponed here and Is scheduled to continue for three days. The gathering was ar ranged by the Chicago Real Estate board and Its object Is the formation of a national organization, The exact form of the pioposeil association is not yet determined. chat,; Omr.Hu METHODIST TO ELECT 'BISHOPS Urs. Anderson, Cooke and Quayle Cer tain to Be Chosen. Baltimore, May 12. The geneial onlcrence of the Methodist Eplsropal hutch got through a buy session. iMiop M C. Harris of Japan and iCorea made his icport, In which he 'old of the growth and i oeds ol th" ..lcthcdbt Episcopal cbitch in those ountilcs. The committee on epinopacy was i 'Structed to report not later than May ' i the number of bishops to be eltrt d That Rev Dr William F Ander son, corrr'pondlng sen clary ol the board of education and Sunday schools; Hev. Dr Rlrl.fr d J. Cook", book editor or the rliu, n and Rev Dr. William A. Quayle o! Chlcagu w.:i bn anruig the first three i hion seen,1 certain. CAVALRYMAN KILLS COMRADES Private Mike Bcacham Runs Amuck at Manila With Fatal Consequences. Manila, May 12. A telegram ie ceived by the adjutant general an nounred that Pilvate Mike Beat ham of th' First United S'ates -avaliy ran amuck, killing three and wounding three1 of his comrades, out mortally. The dead: First Sergeant William Hoey, Private G. Wilson, Pilvate Thomas Woodward. Fa'ally wounded: Prlvat" Edward Woodward. All 'he killed and wounded were members of troop E. FiiM cavalry. Detail nf the tragedy are lacking, but it I presumed that Beacham waa in sane w'.-.on ).- (oinmltted th dor,u Drr n.tcjc Congress Op. 2. Wa-Iiingt hi. May 1 :s. In an nddro. b"fo:r til-.'' nv1. nal dialling'- uuigiess, W. J l'.nau -aid h-- was !in. sly in ?mp.Vi!v with the iiiovrment loj the rcdnmaH1 n of the swamp lands cl this cousttty throu?li d:ai :ag Lacked Somethins- "You Cerma us have no sense of hu iiini'," -aid an American. "Try me and cc," said the German. "Well." sild the American, "you know America is the home of very large things-the highest mountains, the greatest waterfalls" "till, yes, yes, yes," said the German. "And our trees," continued the Amer ican, "are so tall that in order to see to the tup of them one man looks us far up as he can, and another man begins where the first man leaves off and looks up lo the top." "But dat vass no Joke; elat vnss n He." A Boston Correction. Bilkins had recently moved from New York lo Boston. The other morning he went to the butcher's. "Give me a nice porterhouse," he or dered. "Exi remedy sorry, sir," said the pro prietor of the establishment urbanely, "hut we are not gMng anything away thi morning." Harper's Weekly. The Truth. Fear Is not In the habit of speaking Iruth. When pei-rect sincerity is ex pected, perfect wisdom must be allow ed. Nor has any one who is apt to be angry when he hears the Iruth any cause to wonder that he does not lunr ll.-Taeitus. ItllKUMATISJI CLHK1) IN A PAY. Dr.Detrhons ltellef forltheuinnlUm itiidNenral ' Kin rndlcHlly cures In 1 to :i ny- I function upon 11)0 ynem Is remnrkiihlo mid lnv.sierlotm. It romovcF at once Uim caut' and thcdlscnto Im mudlntelv dlnipcnrH. The tlrn dose ureHtlj benellts, 75 centH and II. Sold by II. K. Ohicb. drugKUt, lied Cloud. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clftnift mill Ni.t Tici Uie till, l-nimotrf Ii.i out P'owth. Never rU to Ilrctore Ory Ilalr to lt Youthful Color. Curn ifIp ilfi, tiatr tillioc. t0c.mlnn t Irug(rirt City Dray and BrHSI f. w. studkbakhu, prop. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowesl CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. Residence 188. i iJAY, nib I bK! Do you know that it will py VOU, as well as US, to buy your Huildiug Ma terial aud Coal at ouryHrdbV Not only that our prices average lower, or at least as low, as thoBO of onr oompetit ore, but because we take (-special care of and protect all can be olassed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT & Coal. JQ YOU GET UP WITH A I,AME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You MiHrablc. Almost everybody who reads ll. im w.s papers is sure 'to know of thcwoiideiipl cuics mane uy nr. I Kilmer's Kvsmip j Root, the great 1 id L new liver and l.iad- ( r. dcr remedy. G It is tlie jrrc. t -ocl- r ical triumph i tut; nineteenth ccnlt.rx ; U discovered aflci eriis g of scientific ; .:.rch hy Dr. Kilmoi, the eminent kidney i.ud bl.iildir specialist, and is woudeilully siuicsful in promptly curing hum. back, uric acid, catarrh of the blr. ldir mid Bright s Disease, which is the woist form t-f kidney tioublc. IV Kilmer's Swamp-Root is :'lec ommuidcd for everything hut if m nhave kidnev, liver or bladder trouble :t will be found just the remedy you need. 'I has been tested in so many'wiys, iu hospital work and in private practice, ami has proved k successful iu every ca-c that a speci;,l arrangement has been ma'le by which all readers of this paper, 1.- have not already tried it, may have a .mplc bottle sent free by mail, also a bt.il; tell ing more about Swamp-Root, ami how to find out if you liavc kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous oiler in this paper aiiuscinJ jour address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., linghamtou,i N. Y. The regular! hftv-ccnt and one- dollar size liottlcs are nomo of SwULi-hoct. sold by all good druggists. Don 1 rj.ake any mistake, but renumber the r..-iine, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swan.p-Koot, and the address, IJinglututon, N. Y on every bottle. llln-T.-iilon Sliouln;.- Mlicl running S i In WESTERN CANADA Sr-rc of the choicest lanrts for grain c w'tip. sto.K r. isinir and mixed far-nlncr In the rtw dis trlct i SasVntchewnn an! Alberta 'ii.i.t re cently .t-cn )t-iu-il fnrScttliuiLiit v.r6 r the Revised Homestead Regulations Rr:- may now be made by proxy (un ur'ain com.iticnshby the father, tn her.son.d. -mtcr. brotUr or sister of an lnv-a tins hnnictt..ik-r. Thor.i-fends of homesteads ot 100 acre1? cr.v.b are thus now easily obtainable Jn theso crci.t tain irrom'ru. stock-ralslni: and u..il-(1 fnnr.'r.i sec tinns. Tc: you will find hcrdth'jl climate, rood nclfib'iors, churches for faml'. worship. f.r.oolR for f-ar children, food laws, (.plcndM irops, and r..ilronils convenient to r:iar'ct. Entry fee In ea:h ca-c Uf 10 . For pr.mrtlet, "Last Best Wcst."partlcu.ir, n 5 to rate. r- -tet, best time to co and where t locate, apply to W.V. HENN1TT 801 New York Life Hid? . Omaha. Neb. Canadlun Oovcrnincnt irent MAKE A GOOD INCOME ruilbtui'ttfi (ct Vfcn)f. If.jbiw -! illttlint&t tLd HtftUlllft ll M k iii.I u.u.-.. i. - .... ...... ... -- --. tUllbHI. rtD ttHi TOU h -v i . r.M . .1. ItttbiMxt rp;ulltmttltBtfijcUMr - n'lUnm r a H linnet billntrala ft imI iln4 t..m .. uit.. . it.... . .. mU bi 1p t!iit kilo fo rvk nnir o Hri Ut 'tt ... u luupincn wsocjiti-i riilHt Ownr(riDtl UtlKtC.l.L, StirOrillingMachineC.,Akron,0 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoe Marks Designs CopymcHTS Ac. Ar.TonPuciidlng nMictr'i I docrlritliin nr.ny qi:( k'T r.BCcrtnlu our (i fren nlictlirr un mrrr"Mi ti prntinblf riiti -, iiM. Cnnuiim ji. tliii.rMricUTroundouUnl. HJN1300K on I'.i'tr.u ert ftci-. Olilcst niic-ncy I u -urinir paivi.tit. 1'Mrnia taken tlirmiuli si- A C rcctire pf Sal iiitkc, without chit? j, u the Scientific American. A Ir.rK-.MMTiclr Hliiftrntftd wjj'r. I nrccj; r"r cnif.i.' u uf ntiy M'lc-utltln ii .si. 'l'oiin t; y-i.ri fuiiriuoiitlii, fl. Holil oju.l tipnii1oil(--'8. MUNN & Co.3G,0'd"v. New York lJT.r.f h Office. B2& F Ht.. Wai-iltutoii. 1. C. Express Line. ; Es . ) 'Ay C(r' . i ir i V IM mm W jjnrra TELEPHONES, OffieiiQ. -. e ( . c- FREES CO. Lumber. I I 4 r 1 f f 151ilf!r U N-