The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 15, 1908, Image 5

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    t Tr
Thin is the most durable
Roof and Barn Paint that
is made and is also a wood
preserver; color, a beautiful
maroon. Guaranteed for 5
years. If you want the best
: paint of any kind come
and see us.
(- L Gottin
The Druggist.
Dr. No .on went to Ltmra. ICas
Thursday morning.
Wanted Cattle and horse- to pas-'tup-.
In .ulre at l New house'.- store.
McFarland gives away the ' worth
of groceries at the Tepee. Bead abcut
H C. Cutter shipped fifteen cars of
cattle t the river market the first part
of this week.
This neighborhood was favored with
an half iueh of rain Wednesday night.
Ye farmer as well as we'un.s wear a
l)rs. ViVirick & Biddile, Eye, Mar,
Nose und Throat Specialist?. Classes
IHti-iI. Over Herman National Hank,
Hose companies No. 1 and .', were
out trying their wind last Friday even
ing. No. I taking the honors by
throwing water first.
Thos Emmerton returned from
Omaha last Friday cvenlnj where he
had bee; for several weeks at the Dr.
(JitYord Eye infirmary to have a catar
act removed from his right eye. The
op.rat.on was a success" one ami
moi M-. Emmerton is able to see as
wll as ever hu could, only that the
oy- is weak yet.
The wrestling match between (lion
and Blacha at the Tepee Tuesday ever
rng wtib witnessed by a goodl -sized
audience. The first fall was won by
5ion in eighteen minutes. Gion also
won the second fall in nine minutes.
It will be remembered that a few
weeks ago, the same men wrestled here
and that Blecha was the victor then.
This time Won seemed in better wind
that' wen herebefore. Their work is
clean and pleasing'.
As it is drawing near the
hot weather I am
Clousing ovit
Dried fruit
At very low
It will pay you to call. i
tra special prices on Flour
in 500 lb lots. Fresh vege
tables every day.
fresh every day.
The Grocer
All the Phonos
Del Hheard of Ksbon. town
this week.
Long wristed Lisle (Moves. r.Oc, at I".
Wanted -Copy of Chief dated lcb.
OS, lints.
Orrin Tuber came down from Blue
Hill Tuesday.
Mrs. August Boats, went to Beatrice
last Saturday.
Fred Burden returned home from
Campbell Saturday.
W. C. rralim made a business trip to
Blue Hill Monday.
J. S. (Milium is putting in :i hot air
furnace in his residence.
I. lend Hall of Cowles i, a business
visitor in Ileil dloud this weik.
1'ranlc Watson came home from Bell
ille, Kas., Wednesday night
For Sale -A phonograph at a bar
gain. Address 1'. (. l!o 2 Hi.
Boy Tait has purchased the old
Scatnmon property. Consideration
! S700.
Miss Aileen (Jreen of Idaho is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. Lyra (Jarber. this
Mrs. (leore Hollister and daughter
Marie visited friends in McCool: last
Boy Whitakcr came in from Lincoln
Monday and is visithig with home
folks. "
Household goods at private sale.
Inquire at house. Mrs. W. A. Micr
wood. .lames Dovvd. brother of Mrs. Van
Camp, came in from Bobinson. 111..
Conductor 1'nulsou and Brukeman
Perry Ivarg were retired from the ser
vice by request this week. McCook
'ol. M. A. Cole of Lebanon, Kas.,
was a business visitor in Bed Cloud
Fred Steffen's right hand is troub
ling him quite considerably, being
blood poisoned.
I. I Block and wife of Lincoln were
in the city last week, the guests of
Joseph Topham.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Inquire Mrs. I'hares, at V.
Newhonse store.
.1. 1 Hassinger of North Branch
made us a pleasant business call
Wednesday morning.
The old soldiers of this district have
again selected Bed Cloud as the place
.for holding their reunion this fall.
Marion Mercer and Lloyd Hincs went
to Superior Saturday and assisted the
band boys in the Frontier celebration.
Mr-, Bessie Laughliu, trained nurse
from Mercy hospital. Denver, is in
the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. IN yer and daughter Clara re
turned to their home in Hastings after
visiting with the family of Distr'ct
Clerk Hutchison.
Two carriage loads of Boyal Neigh
bors went to Cluide Hock Friday night
to attend the initiation of candidates
and partake at the banquet board.
Mr.-. M. M. Messmore and som re
turned to their home in Wyinore
Wc lnesday morning after a few days'
vis;t with Mr.-. .1. A. Toniliii'-oii.
While painting in Doyle .V Uushee's
sal )on Tuesday Bert Carr fell from a
la birr, cutting his hand quite severely
b, running it through a show eae.
Tlu following themes will be used at
th Baptist church next Sunday. In
tbe morning "Self Elimination,"' in
the evening. "Lesson on Kightous-
Dealers in
Fresh, Salt
and Cured
Phones, Country 10.' 1
Itoll .it
ucss." Ottering for missions will be
taken in the morning. C. A. Wilson.
Mr. and Mr-. P.ogart left lor Sheri
dan, Wyo., Tuesday.
Are you trving for the groceries at '
the Tepee, (ict on th.) qui. I
Services at the Indian I ivek school
house net Sunday at :: p m '
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wuskom of llal
scy, Ncbr., are visiting in this city.
Miss Laura Harris returned from
Missouri this morning, where she. has
been going to school.
The W. C. T. l, will meet at the
home of Mrs. F. L. Hincs iu-t Wedncs- '
day afternoon at '.' o'clock-.
(iuy liradbrook returned from Long
Island, Kii., Wednesday where he has
been visiting bis brother. Lloyd.
Attorney .1. C. Sajlor ha- moved his j
otlice from the Damerell buck to the.
Morhart block-, north end. up stairs.
The ladie- of the l ongregational j
church will hold their monthly market '
Saturday May '.'lid, at Fulton -grocery.
Uev. Cressnian has accepted an invi
tation to preach the soldier- meiuor-
ial sermon at Itiverton Sunday morn-'
ing, May a I. '
Mr. and Mi-. W. C. Frahin and'
Carrol Walter- went to Blue Hill
Wednesday to attend the funeral of
Mrs-. Walters.
Mrs. Edith Finch of ray. Colo,
after a short visit of ten days with
friends and relatives at Inavale and
lied Cloud, leaus Saturday for her
Dr. Warrick the spceiali-t will meet
cu ear, nose and throat patients' and
those needing glasses properly fitted 1
at Dr. Damerell's otlice. in Kid Cloud.1
Tuesday May l'.ith. I
Mrs. A. D. Williams of .Seattle,1
Wash., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Van
Camp, is in the city and will leave for
Lincoln in a few days to be with her
mother, who is improving nicely after
having undergone an operation.
The Fraternal Aid had a grand time
last evening, initiating four candidates.
The band composed of the little school
boys furnished the music for the even
ing. A nice supper was served by the
lodge and a general grand time was
had by all present.
The G. A. R. encampment last Fri
day elected the following officers for
this district: Commander, Ed. Rob
bins, Red Cloud: S. V. Harry Lenley,
P.loomington: ,1. V., E. M. Benson.
Riverton; C. of A., Clapp of Riverton.
Warren and Gard of Red Cloud.
The Royal Male Quartet held forth
at the opera house Monday evening
and was greeted by a fair-sued aud
ience. Some of the members of the
quartet are exceptional artists in their
chosen line. As a whole the quartet
merited abetter patronage than they
received here.
The high school baseball team went
to Itlue Hill last Monday and were de
feated in a ten inning steal. Red
Cloud got the worst end of the deal
from start to finish, and had the game
lasted another inning the umpire would
probably have sent the Blue Hill bat
ters to the basDs without even making
them bat. V
A Mother's Day service will be held
at the Congregational church next
Sunday morning. Come and wear a
white llower in honor of your mother.
The pastor will preach a MU'inon on
'The Influence and Klesslngs of a
Fa.thful Mother." Some of the hymns
to be sung are ".My Mother's Bible"
and "My .Mother's Prayer." This will
be a day long to be remembered. All
cordially Invited.
Several reports have reached this
office that some one has been killing
squirrels and birds along the river.
This practice is strictly contrary to
law. The persons doing' the killing'
may find themselves in court unless
the killing is stopped. The state laws
are intended to protect the squirrels
and song birds from wanton destruct
ion and the penalties are heavy.
Mrs. Ida Vose Woodbury, a mission
ary among the mountain whites in the
south land, is on her way to Franklin
to spend the Sabbath. She will have
to stay over in this city a few hours.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will hold an informal reception
for her at n p. in., Saturday in the
Congregational church. Mrs. Wood
bury will give experiences of her work.
Ladies from all churches are cordially
invited to attend.
Notice of Election to Vote on Choice of
Location for School Building.
Notice is hereby given to the quali
fied voters of the school district of the
city of Red Cloud, Webster county,
Nebraska, being district No. '.', that on
Tuesday, the second day of June, WOS,
there will be held at The Farmers and
Merchants Rank I'uilding, an election
for the purpose of voting for a site 011
J which to build a school building in
Our Boys' Clothes
No use talking -a healthy Itoy will
romp, wrestle and climb trees.
You can't insure a Hoy's Clothes
against wear and tear, but you can put
oil' the day when you will nave to buy
a new Suit, by getting the best Hoys'
Clothes made.' in the first place.
You'll find them lien - the best that
can be found am w here the best that s
made. Clothes that we can guarantee.
Double Itreasted.. single Breasted and
Norfolk Suits. The new Spring cut
Handsome stles. made fioin choice
fabrics made epiessly for Roys' "-nits
that are expected to do" their dutv
!-i'cs run from s t I'5 vears.
If vim will test our sort of
J .suits you'll be highly pleased and
win a steady patioii.
Gomden-Kaley Glothing
Always Reliable
i I'irst Door Sorth of Postoflicc
S Remember the Chautauqua
August 5 to 15
Bargains in
ABC Goods
said district. Which said election will
be held pursuant to and in compliance
with tin following resolution:
Whereas, The Board of Education of
the School District of the City of Red
Cloud entered into a certain stipu
lation with C. F. father and others
wherein it was provided that it
1 1.1 t... i. 4. . .1 !.:... 1 .,
im ini 1 hi vi Inf
of said district to choose bj ,otc one of
four certain location- in
LI 111 lllIAl
district on which to build 'the new
school building now about to be built;
therefore, be it
Resolved. By the Board of Educa
tion of the school district of the
City of Red Cloud, now in regu
lar adjourned session on this 7th day
of May, lKOrt. that the secretary of said
Board of Education. L. H. Fort, be.
and he hereby is, instructed to proceed
to call and post notices and make all
proper arrangements for an election to
be held on June -'nd, HIOS, at which
election said voters shall vote for their j
choice of the following four locations I
for said school building: j
1 A block of land south of the
Leonard property, the east side of1
which abuts on Walnut street, being j
located directly west of block 1, (Jar
ber's addition to Red Cloud, Nebraska,
and owned by Charles .1. l'latt. '
2 A block of land, the north side of
which abuts on Fourth avenue and
being directly south of block .', I.e-1
Due's addition to Red Cloud, Nebraska,
the east half of said block being owned 1
by Mrs. Retta Miner mid the west half
by Charles. I. l'latt.
'l A block- of land, the east side
abutting on Walnut street and south
of the residence of Mrs. Retta Miner
and directly west af block .M. City of (
Red Cloudsaid land being owned b
Mrs. Retta Miner. 1
''u, West half of block" -'0. Red
Cloud, Nebraska, the north side abut
ting on Fourth avenue and the west ,
side on Walnut street.
There shall be placed immediately 1
following each location the regular l
square provided by the Australian bal-'
lot and each voter shall vote for one
location and indicate his choice by a
cross placed in the square following
the location for which he desires to
Chickering Bros.
A. B. Chase.
1 Price & Teeple,
I P. C. Weaver,
l Lauter,
, Bush & Lane,
j Mathushek tk Son,
Decker & Sons,
I and the
1 Standard Goods.
v- "f""'
Vs" ,1 5
iSIf wwf rJ&SSr s
p'l wmm )
l?! SI i fifl
mmWk 1
M 1 s
V VTiuflonnuH y
we 11
Ederhcimur, Stein & Co.
m a k r. ft 3
Nothing bettor on tho market.
"Wyandotte Clennor and Cloaiiflor."
Better tlum lyo or sonp. Cleans every
thing. Fulton M.MJiai, Damoroll Blk
vote. The location receiving the great
est number of votes to be the locution
for said school building.
In calling said election said clerk
shall proceed in all things in the same
manner as any regular school election
except thnt there shall be one polling
place only, at which nil voters shall
cast their vote, which polling place
shall be at The Farmers and Merchants
' ,tonl Building, and notice of said
, ,.. , . . ...... ,..,. of ..
I -'--'- I""" '- .... v.. ..,...- .. ... , .
copy of this resolution, together with
notice of the time and place of said
election. Said election shall be called,
held, conducted and canvassed in nil
things as any regular school election
except as indicated herein.
Which election will be opened at !
o'clock in the morning and will con-
I tinuc open until 7 o'clock in the after
noon of the same diiv.
Dated this 8th day of May A. I). H'lK
L. If. Four,
Secretary of the School Board.
Premium '
and Bacon
Red Cloud.
rder to Show Cause.
STAr.lrnBtr,l''''0CoI,,y Court
At a county court held at tho county court
ro m In uwl for enld county Weilt.ewlny, April
'.Mill A I) 1U8.
In ti c matier of the etate of Milton M. Luce,
On reading and filing the petition of Prit-rllln
I.uce. prayltig thnt the liii-iriiment filed on tho
tiHth dHy of April, IOCS, hiiiI purporiliiK to be tho
lost Will mid Testament of the mid deceased
1 may be proved, approved, probated, allowed
and recorded ni. tho liut III and T Miiinelit of
the nild Milton M I. hoc. deceased, and that the
execution of the Instrument mnv be coinmiiic.l
and tin adrnltilKtratlon of bald etate nun ic
granted to I'rlKCllln. I.uicas executrix
Ordered, that Thursday, the 2M day of May
A. I. 1308. at 1 u'rtocW i. 111.. I iiHrignod for
licari a i-ild petition when all person lu'er
I'kteil in i-ald matter may appfar at a cnuiitv
court to be held in and tor Mild count) ami
Mioiv. c.iiui' why the prajir of pptuiou
bhould not be crtnted: aisd that notice of ihu
peudonry of Mid petit, m and the henrliu:
thereof be gisen to all persons Itiit'teMed
In kald matter tiy piitdUhiiiKu eoty or this or
der in the Ited Cloud Chief. u weekly iiewxii'iper
printed In nnl I county, fur threo Hticucnkiru
weeki. prior to -nld day nf hearing.
ikl.j 18 -1) I. y. Kusos, County Judpe.
t T Mm