The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 15, 1908, Image 4

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Where is
Your Hair?
In your comb? Why so? Is
not the head a much better place
for it ? Better keep what is left
where it belongs! Ayer'sHair
Vigor, new improved formula,
quickly stops falling hair.
There is hot a particle of doubt
about it. We speak very posi
tively about this, for we know.
Doet r.ol change the color of the hair.
'? . . . . .... k
uionninn koiic
Wedding Bells.
Formula with osch bottl
Bhour it to your
Ask htm about It,
then do he ay
j Judge Rdson itsued marriage
' to and married tlie following-named
I couples:
Snvder Davis.
On the llth .Tames A. Davis, Sioux
county, Neb., to Hazel J. Snyder, I '.la
den, Neb.
Portcnlcr Crawfcrd.
On the lith Nicholas J. l'ortctiiei-,
Oranoqtic. Kus., to Nellie I. Crawford,
Dcllvale, Kits.
Indeed, the one great leading feature of
our new Hair Vigor may well be said to
be this it stops falling hair. Then it
ross one step further it aids nature in
retorin: the hair and scalp to a healthy
condition. Ask for "the new kind."
ItS'l i ? tH J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Man.
Ttirnuiv Ih-os. v.v l'err V. Karg et
al. I'or trial l.'itli.
Miundct-s liros. v. Perry V. Karg et
al For trial 1.1th.
Kstatc of Herman J. WcsH'ls. minor.
Iteport of guardian approved and filed.
Kstatc of Itachael K. I.ewK Inven
tory and appraisement Hied.
spoke ut Kcklcy church on Sunday in
the interest of thnt institution, it is
the home for the superannuated Meth
odist ministers, their wives or widows.
School closed in Pleasant llidge,
district as, taught by Lloyd Hunter,
on l-'riday, May H. .Miss I.eota
Vuughan's school in Kckley. district
00, will close May in. It being so near
the last of thu term they decided to
have a dinner and program together at
Kekley school. Home patrons of both
schools began to arrive about 11
o'clock, all with well tilled basket,
and dinner was spread at noon and
about 70 persons partook of a feast fit
for a king. The program was very
good eoi.sidering the short time they
had to prepare. Mr. Hunter gave two
readings which were especially line.
All went home feeling we'l repaid for
Makes the Biscuit w
and Cake lighter,
finer flavored, more
nutritious u4 wholesome
Made from pure
Grape Cream of Tartar
fs'o slum No lime phosphate
(ffc."v'iV.V.'A.jV'wm'.'f ,:?'. .-..J
The Junior Normal.
'I In- sooMiid annual session of the
Alma ju:iir normal will convene .lune
to Juh !. i
The junior normal session gives an
f.scvlleut opportunity to .students de
ir!ng a general review of the common
liivtclie- i well as those preparing to
icuch. 'I !i" school olVer.s both profes , -aw' academic training.
t!!iifcs- will be conducted in all
tranche- rrqu'red for any irradu of
sotiuty certificate. Classes will also
lie o-ganir.ed for the study of life cer- (
litie.itf branches where the number
ile-iring .such study is suflieicnt to unr
milt, forming a class.
Rnllctins or other information re
garding the school can be obtained by I
ll'1111-- bU ItIV LIHIUtj nilICi lllLi'llllVill.
r writiug to Superintendent 1. P.
.ientlcy, Alma, Neb.
mi a i.Tino.vrioN ok -ir.riii.!:.
A law went into efTeet September 1,
WOT. requiring all applicants for a see-.
ond grade certificate to have eight '
weeks' no'intil training and applicants
ior a first grade certificate to have
twelve weeks nornril training. Onlyltriet :!!"., on Friday,
those applicants who have taught sue-! Spracher teacher.
oessfully for a year are exempt from j Jo,m MarUn is WOPkinp foi,
uiv uru.u iruwiiiiK iviiuiruuiuuM. Norris north of Cowles. Mr. V
Owing to the scarcity of
.luring the lust two years it lias been
necessary to issue a few third grade
certificates in this county. Wo believe
that the supply of teachers this year
will be ruch that no third grade cer
tificates will need to be issued Such
surtiticntes will not be Issued so long ' father's, John Martin, sr.
s there arc suflieicnt second and first W. K. Thompkins of Guide Rock was
irrade teachers to .supply the schools. in this in this vicinity on Saturday
TIONS. The regular examination for teachers
ft-ill be held at Red Cloud, Friday and
Saturday May ir and 10. For the con
venience of teachers in the north part
of the county, an examination will be
held at Rlue Hill, also.
l'..aminations for eighth grade stud
outs will be held at the same time.
Nellie West Caster, Supt.
Crops are growing tine since the rain.
The fruit prospect in this section is
not very flattering.
School closed in Prairie Center, dis-
May .s. Maey
Norris north of Cowles. Mr. W. is in
ivauui-.a . ,,., i,..l.l.
1 .UH III... I...
j Chas. Rlunchard, who worked at G.
G. Dennyr early in the season, is now
i working for Martin Meents.
i Mrs. Aekerman and children of Red
1 Cloud are spending a few weeks at her
Mr-. Louisa McNutt and Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver McNutt of Garfield town
ship spent Sunday with W. S. Lambert
and family.
Mrs. Tillie Parsons spent Saturday
with her aunt Mrs. K. A. 1 lagan.
Wm. Pettit who has been sick is
spending a few days with his sonin-f
law. Dr. I. A. Pace.
John Sheppavd was married to Miss
Anna King at Mel'ook Thursday. May
.7th. The groom is a pharmacist and
is located ut Indianola. Congratula
tions. ' Frank Newmeyer mid wife are the
proud parents of a tine son born Sun-
day May 10. The attending physician
was Dr. Heed.
I Mr. and Mrs. I Surge have a son hi rn
, last week at the home of .Mrs P.urge's
ipirents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivans Ainaek.
m. Hull anil his assistants are put
ting up a house for Henry Soiiuner
halder on his farm on Willow creek.
Psext they will build a house for liart
Miner who resides two miles north of
Guide Hock.
Twelve Royal Neighbors from lied
Cloud and one from Superior nttem'ed
the big doings of the U. N. A.. Friday
evening. A class was taken through
by the team and a lunch was served.
Mr-. Simmons, the national organ
izer of the W. C. T. t, spoke here
l'riday and Sunday evening at this
ISaptist church and at the M. K. church
Sunday morning.
J. 15. Cams, State Supt. of the Anti
Saloon league, spoke here and organ
ized a oraucn league i uesitay evening
of last week-.
Mrs. Gin hard Ohinstede is reported
Kothii g manufactured shows
so great an improvement as
Clothing. Each season shows
this more forcibly.
This Spring's line is better than ever.
ulau to snow you.
ft' Ty&jB
mm ?ti
The Clothier.
f V''WA AV-Arf"
Shadley. Mrs. . S. Schoubarg, Mrs.
Tillie Cooper, Miss Geneva Robinson,
M!ss VaYu- Howard.
'1'here are .several-substitute members
for the various positions.
Innlrintr fnr linrKi". tn lmv frr .OiSiintnrr
, Jumes ISranwell's have moved onto
their own place, the farm known as
the Dunham eighty.
Mrs. Pmmel of Mitchell, S. D., who
has been visiting at her father's, John
Martin, sr., left for her home on Wed-
i nesday of last week.
! Rev J. Crews, superintendent Crow-
, ell Memorial Home of P.lair. Neb.,
and slrictly prohibits
the sale of alum
baking powder
So does France
So does Germany
The sale of alum foods
has been made illegal in Washington and the District of Colum
bia, and alum baking powders are everywhere recognized as
injurious. jQ protect yourself against alum,
when ordering baking powder,
Say plainly"
and be very sure you get Royal.
Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and whole-
someness or tne rooa,
Jacob Kindscher and two or his sons
are here visiting relatives and looking
after business matters. Their home is
in Redlands, California.
Mrs. Floyd Simpson has been suffer
ing with neuralgia.
Mrs. Richard Lambert, formerly
Verna Watt, was up from Diller visit
ing her father. Fred Watt who recent
ly returned from Idaho.
The Methodist Sunday sehod will
observe Children's day, June It.
Rev. A. . Shatnel a former pastor
on this charge will preach here and at
Hostwiek the first Sunday in June.
He represents the interest of the. super
annate brothers of the M. K. church.
Lee Columbia moved Tuesday into
the property cat of John Chrisinan's
which he recently purchased.
Fine new sous arrived the last of the
week at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
Will Jackson and Mr. and M.-s. V. S.
Mrs. ISelle Wirt wus initiated by the
D. of II. Tuesday evening. There will
be initiation again May "S.
Kditor Harry Vaughan, wife and
daughter visited Saturday and Sunday
at Reynolds with S. K. Fly and family.
Mr Vaughan is a brother to .Mrs. Fly.
Issue Crow expects to move out of
the Thomas property, where he lias
lived so many years, while the same is
being rebuilt and improved.
Mrs. W. F. Crowell is quite sick.
Mrs. Shuman is not at all well. She
has been suffering with asthma.
Mrs. Issac Crow who was sick for a
plong time is now able to get out and
:all on her near neighbors.
j The members of the team of Guide
flock lodge No. 1SS are:
Captiau, Mrs. Elzora Hcndrickson
Organist, Mrs. Nellie Simpson.
P. C. of 1L, Mrs. Mary Doudna.
C of C. Mrs. Susie Hagan.
C. of II.. Miss Kiln, VanWoert.
L. of H Mrs. Rertha Rennet.
Guide. Mrs. Klla Sheppard.
I'shcr, Miss Maggie Woodward.
Maids of Honor, Mrs, Katie Simpson
and Miss Rertha ISean
Staff, Mrs. Anna Crary. Miss MUliel
Woodward, Mrs. Mina Crow, Miss Fnye
Corn planting is a thing of the past
after this week on our creek.
The Christian preacher from Guide
Rock held meeting at the school house
Saturiluy evening.
ISrubaker'.s are building a. cement
water tank this week.
Claud Martin of Cowles, is in the
neighborhood this week painting.
J. R. Watson's of Cowles Sundayed
at John Norris".
Rob Garrison of Guide Rock, the
lightning rod man was drumming up
trade here Monday. j
Aunt Maria Jackson is grandma
again, ciuse Will Jackson of Guide
Rock is dad to u new boy.
Storey's have some flue tomato
plants, lint your early ones.
Warren Denny lost a sack coat Tues
day between his place and Willow
Creek. Everybody help him Gnd it.
Storey, McKinney, Harrington and
Jackson took in the wrestling match
Tuesday evening at Red Cloud.
The Amboy Mill bought two calves
of Cloise Jackson Monday.
Tom Fvans has a new deere disk cul
tivator. John Thompson was on the creek
ter-. in London, the diamond cutte a
association received the following two
cables fr mi the selling agents of the
Premier and of the l)e Reer's Miuiag
"London, March 14, 'CH.
"Premier company has no intention
of lowering prices regardless continua
tion of present agreement with synd!
cate. Signed, Husch."
"London. March 16, '0?.
"Syndicate firmly intends to main
tain prices as heretofore. Signed,
L. & A. Abrahams,
in behalf of the syudicate."
Hoping that the above information
ns to the stability of the diamond mar
ket will prove to be ns assuring to you
as it was to us, we are,
Respectfully yours,
JrKisoKNs &: Anii:i'.skn Co.
If 7011 luve 1 nine In the lm-l . Urltmry, Bind
(Ur or K ilim.v ( iiml want a certain
p!eMint lit-rli cure for woman' llix try Mother
(Sriy'd AiiHtrallitii uenf . It l 11 nfe mid never
failfiiK remilator At druuclMB or r maK Go
Mi. Sample rtu!Ke KltKK Aitdrcm), The
Mother CJrav Co.. I.cKoy, N Y
Diamond Prices I'cchan&ed-
Chicago, May 11, 1003.
New house Rros., Red Cloud, Neb.
Gentlemen: -Owing to the number
of erroncou-. reports circulated in a
great many of the daily papers
throughout the country regarding the
diamond-situation you are no doubt,
like a great many others, asked a lot
of questions on this subject. After
sending detailed cables to headquar-
Don't Buy land nor Loan
Money on Real Estate
without getting one of Teei's
perfect Abstracts of Title. The
oldest and most reliable set of
Abstract books in Webster Co.
S10.0C0 bond tiled and approved.
Represents six of the best In
surance companies doing bu.
ncss in the state.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Office In Ovcrlng Block.
Phones: Bell 9B, Farmors3G
Usid In
millions of
It is put up under the supervision of a coranctent
chemist, from the finest materials possible to select.
insuring the user light, wholesome, easily digested food.
Therefore, CAIUITIET is recommended by lcadine
physicians and chemists.
Perfect in Quality
Economical in Use
Moderate in Price
Calumet is so carefully and scientifically prepared that tho
neutralization of the Ingredients Is nusolutcly perfect. There-
lore, vaiumei leaves no Rochelle Salts or Alum In the
food, It is chemically correct, " I'or your niomach'a
Make" uee Calumet. For economy's suit buy Calumet,
S I OO0.00 given f r ny lubktauco In
jurious to health found In Calumet.