The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 15, 1908, Image 2

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k rggfrr fiftiW.
f '
Red Cloud - - Nebraska.
Entered In the i'uetotllcc nt ftcd Cloud, Neb,
ns. Second Class .Matter
V U. NuwnoesK
Life jnd Property Destroyed in Path
Across Sarpy County College Build,
ngs at Bellevue Wrecked Richfield
and Louisville Demolished.
Oiiuiliii, May '. Sf"ii pel Mdis
'" I. now ii to htnc be n 1 . 1 1 1 - I and a
' re nijuiud !y a tornado huh
tli" northern pa it ( t S;up
Gifts for beddings, Birthdays
L ,. Ml
. ,.. .... . ,11- .V. 1..1 . ...... . . .
inl. 'I he -.torm. which cninei
- il on its nay soiilli. still tc i In
' Malta .lllOV.t 1 !!i p. 111. Al HelleVlie till!
- Jege building1 weie damaged to
he t'Mfiit nt ptobably $.".nriii anil
M M't.ll P"-OII WOK' illjllicd. llOlie la
i ly. Thy ht'irm thou mined- on to
V ;il..i1le, lllditiHil nml Spilugliclil.
nciv the i)ili:,'iiuil damage and Iom
' 11 in fin ifil.
Phi' feiiticl-sh.ipe 1 tornado missed
... M t i .i i..... i....... . i ...... i .
. j. i ivmui i iiivi iiiiij jimii j-iiuiuj
'.'t ,i o'clock, apparently sp"iitling its
. .... It. .. ,.!.. ..II. .nut
j II ,1 l I' i i, t Ml I .11 K im i ..ii.....
mf a m
,1 ny the I.'iit'ingtuu Hacks.
'.'hit cii.ii. ii' "t, mi lar .'is Known,
i .is loiltnvs.
'lead: Mar' In Tcith anil .lames
' ''ltli, neat I'.'i pillion; Mis. Frank
"t'sier, living ii".ir Louisville; Chatles
.nder, Itu-Iillelil; thiee unknown
u' Loi'invllle 'l'age.
Kdwdiil M-irtii', latnlly injured, near
l' ildlW
Bellevue College Hard Hit.
The hIomii was the most severe that
-r struck eastern Nebraska. The
i d'nage to the college buildings at
3'ellevno was heavy. Tin tower wan
"li'own I rum Par.; Iiall and tin build'
iug wrecked Lowiy hall and Haukln
Stall won unroofed. The panic strick
en students ran to the has"ment. and
ji this way tunny fatalities weie prob
ably uverted The college ttahlos
-I I I ..II . I... tw. ........ I
vrit" wiiiLUBH auu uu tin- iinorn
The ator.' of A Wright wa- wrecked,
lie stock wait scattered over the coun
try and hu vus .-.erely injuied. Those
whose houses were conipl"iely
reeked wi'i" Hary Peters, !,. N. Pur
I "11 (5 It (.l"ti'i. .1 U. Dillon and Vs
! Huff, and semes weie puitially
wiccked S".t-ial persons wen- in
jiii ed. Mra I,. N. Purcell may die and
'lis. C.unyoii .miiI Mis. Sirin are ei!
t ilsly injuied.
Moving Houtli, the tornado utmek
l''oit Crook, damaging several of the
t-arrauku Imi'IiIIiirs, hut nobody
Just opened up for your inspection one of the most com
plete and freshest lines of the newest creations of the
silversmiths' art. An exceptionally nice line of Silver
ware of all kinds fancy pieces for the table
Berry Sets-Tea Sets-Compotes
and many other pieces for table use. Also a very com
plete line of
Fancy Spoons, Knives and Foi ks, Berry Spoons, Sugar
Spoons, Fruit Knives, Jelly Spoons and Knives
and numberless other pieces of utility and ornament. Also we have a very extensive assortment of other gifts for commencement
and birthday remembrances, such as RINGS, WATCHES and and a variety of inexpensive little souvenirs, making acceptable
gifts for many occasions. No trouble to show goods Just as welcome to look as to buy.
Quality is our first consideration in tl c buying and selling of our goods, and there is nothing but absolutely dependable
goods offered, and the prices make anything you may purchase now a genuine bargain.
lit the town of 1'oit Crook.
liowovur, a .iittmher of builtllitgD weic wiaok
entirely wrei'wd an.l other daman" when
The alorm lifted and dipped at In-
irvals, coutinuli'K to move southward.
ioIur much (Utnage to farm propeity.
M he first (own Htruck was Paplllion.
wight mil.ii-; (iou'.h of South Omaha.
4it that point the damage was not
ftreat, Uui fuiiut-d-.ihaped cloud appar
ntly lifting sufficiently to pas-s the
own without simIouk damage. It
t.'i;aln d.'f..'.Mided, however, as tho
Horm nnv d toward Hichfield. four
jnilos hoiiUi ill' Paplllion. In its path the fiirm of (ins Leader, whose
.itm huilditi:;- were entirel.v destroyed
tind his ami ''hail"s Leadei, aped four
lee-n Itili id oillrlBht All ot Ills
IIe sto !; w.n killed
Town of Richfield Demolished.
IMward Martin's faim was the next
j to be swopt Mr Mm 'ins home and
all of his ham- and nall buililiiiRS
weie totally dest toyed, and Mr Mar
tin wai fatally hurt by being (rushed
.' tinder bis home The little town of
' Richfield was almost blown to pieces.
hut the caKiialty lit was small
At Ivjulsville. half tli- town was I
vtceked and at least three persons
lost their lives. Mrs. r'ranlc I tester i
was killed In her honi" Tho Burling-
ton passenger station wa-j blown down,
the mill and e!eatot wi"cl.ed tho
Methodist chtiuh turned upside down
and from fifteen to f.ventv houses were
conipletel;, wieike!-.
Two miles uoith of Papllll-m. Mar
tin Teith and his sou. .lames, were
I driving along the Little Pappio river,
when their horse became fr'ghtened
by the hail and plunged into the
swollen stream. Hotli father and son
i were drowned
An officer trom Fort Crook airivctl
in the city and stated that the damage
to the buildings would amount to
was ! SlOO.noo at the army post alone, and
that the lllage is almost a total
A icntaikabte-.icene unurred
when the officers leall.ed thai a tor
i nado had at! tick the 'po-t Sis hun-"
died ttoops of the Sixteenth regiment
1 weie brought to battalion formation
'and, in the midst of (lying slate ioors
and other debt Is, they were mart bed
across the parade ground to ill" sub-
1 stautial buildings, where they weie
put a' 'icst" and took to the iellais.
1 The roofn of several of the Urge
buildings were blown off and olhei
damage done
Puipeit) damage of at least $:00.000
wa- inflicted, on the rough I eiiitnated
ba.iis ol $200,000 at Louisville, ?17).00i)
"t Foil CmoK, $7.1.01111 at Itellevite and
S-i.nfc the farms
Will soon be here. You will want a
monument by that time. Come and
see us early as it takes time to prop
erly finish a monument. We have
many styles and sizes for your inspec
tion and selection and our prices are
right. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Overing Bros. & Co.,
Artistic Monuments.
Fatal Explosion in Mount Lookout Col
liery at Wyoming, Pa.
Wilko.sbarre. Pa., May i:; Seven
mlno workers were Instantly killed
and more than a dozen injured in an
explosion In the Mount Lookout col
liery at Wyoming, near here.
The i. plosion occurred "500 feet tin
dergiouud and 1,800 feet from the
shaft tip which the miners make their
exit John Kosmith, a miner left a
small gas "feeder" hum in he .
trenie end of a gaugwaj all night,
which set fire to the timbers and the
coal. "When the tire boss started in'o
the mines to make his rounds, he dis
covered the fire, lie-at onco reported
it, and with three men tried to subdue
the Hamea.'Untb they met with gas I
while trying to do so. Shortly after a
slight explosion otcuired, burning
the four men, but not seriously injut
lug them. They then came out of Mie
mine and the inside foreman sum
moned a gang of men together and
went into the mine to put out the tire.
They worked all day around the
flames In order to shut them off and
stop them from spreading. They then
let air'from another gangway In to
allow the gas to escape and while do
ing so a second explosion occurred,
killing seven of the men and injuring
the others.
National Conference of Charities and
Correction Names Officers.
Richmond. Va., May 1.'. Hy unani
mous vote the conference on char
ities and correction adopted the repot t
of the committee on organization,
electing its nominees for all the offices
and committee for the Huffalo confer
ence next yeai.
The following olllcers were elected:
Pre.-ldent, K. P Hit knell of Chicago;
first vice president. Thomas I). Os
borne of Louisville, Ky.; second vice
president. David F. Tllles of Iloston,
thlid vice president, Robeit W. Heb
hem of New York; general secietarv.
Alexander .lohnsun of Indianapolis.
Measure!, Kdwaid Hoyle of Chit ago
Public health was discussed at last
night's session of the conference, a
repoit being made on this topic by
the chairman, Dr Walter 1). Llndlev.
director or I he California hospital Los
The importance of pine food and
drugs in relation to public health was
discussed in a paper presented by Di
ll. W Wiley, chief of the buieau or
chemistry of the United States In the
depaitment of agriculture
VSAAvSy W'vr'V,
Wall Paper, Paints and
Contractor for Papering, Painting and Interior Dec
orating. Fine paper hanging a specialty. Acme
brand paints.
Bell phone 206. j
Be Comfortable
Avoid the heat, dirt and smoke of a cook stove. Get
and be comfortable. Priced to save you money on
all of them. A good serviceable two-burner stove at
$2 and from .this to. the GAS'-RNGE at $2$. The
Ouick Meal is built for service, durable, ornamental
and convenient.
Make Morvey
Buy a Cream Separator that gets the cream from the
milk, one that runs easy, that cleans easy, one that
repair bill don't eat up the profits. Buy a BLUEBELL
-a separator embodying all the most up-to-date
features at a minimum of cost.
A Special Bargain in a No. 4 Sharpies Separator
at $6S.
And don't forget that we have the four leading
makes of mowers, the
Peering, Standard, McCormlck and Keystone.
Red Cloud Hardware
t, ojnd Implement Co.
WM. WOLFE. Secretary.
National Convention Proceeds With
Routine Business After Llyely Row.
Chicago, May 12. A llveh sklimlsh
occurred at the Socialist national con
ventlon ovei a proposal to make a
special appeal to the trades unionists
In behalf of Socialist paity principles.
While the verbal contest was at its
height the Wisconsin delegation
threatened to bolt the convention un
less It stood by the policy of appeal
ing to the men In the trades unions.
Eventually a committee or teven to
consider the situation was ordeied ap
pointed. With these matters out of the way
the delegates proceeded with the rou
tine business or electing member by
menibei the committees provided for
iu the rules. Indications during the
?S.r...,.tUel to a new ppjsloiiu.y in tr.e
.. .... , - r," r
WI l iw. - - -
in the ner.ion of A M. Simons of Illi
nois, ilen ILinrord or New Yoik, vice
prpfddentlul candidate In 1901, was
also (lUriibstid informally by the dele
gates a-t eligible for the honor
Two hundred and seventeen legular
ly atirelited delegate are pie-ent.
Tornado Wrecks Bunk Train.
St. Joseph. Mo.. May 13 -The train
new of the Hnrllngton passenger
t lulu liont Omaha lepoited a race
llh a tornado uuar Island Park, la.,
barel escaping fiom the storm which
then repoil wieeked a bunk train on-
tabling a number or foreigners, who
had been working on the track. Six
men weie repotted killed and a score
injured. The bunk tialn ha I been
moved Horn Haitlett, la, eailler iu
the djv.
'The" Allen is Dead.
New York. May ..--"Tho" Allen,
well known to the sporting fiateiuUy,
died suddenly at hi- home here
Ntlcc te Creditors.
In the inNtUT of the tutnte of ItactiHfl K.
Low's deceived
Notice Ih IhtuIi civeti t nil verfcons h:ivln
claims tind diuno'iN nHliibt tlie eitntc of
ICnrlinel K. I.uwK lute of Webster coimtv, do
renK:il. tluit the time fixed for tlliuK oIhIdih
cikhIiiH nald et-tHte x mouths from ibe J5lh
diiy of May. llh
All htich reront- mv re.iulrcd to present their
clnlniH. with ilie voui'tiers to tlie County .Iiiilge
of inld county, nt hi ortlee therein, on or befrt?
tho lMliUftv of November. lWJtj; uml nil olnlms
no lllttl will lye liOtnl before the said jude on
the filth du of November. IMS, m one o'clock
p.m.: and that the HilmlnlotriMor Ih allowed ono
year from the i.'lrd ijy of April, lb03. Iu which
to pay the debts allowed buhIuM eald estate and
hcttlo Uiemiue. t V. Knios, C'oitniv.liufge
Iskai.,1 E. I'. Overman, iittoiney fo'retate.
Morton L. Hill, of Ubaiion Ind.. nj-,; "My
wife had Innitrnmaiorv Hlieumatlsm Ineverr
muscle and Joint, her niffcrhiB wa terrible
atid her body mid face were awollen almost b.
youd recoKiilllon: had been In bed ilx weska
and had eight phytlclaiiH, but recelred no
benefit tiutll bbe tried Dr. Dctthou't, Ilillcfror
Rheumatism, It Kve Immediate relict and
he wan able to walk about hi three dayj i am
auro It saved her life." Sold by II. s, Grlco
j urtmru. neauoud,