The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 15, 1908, Image 1

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    St-ito IHslurHi a j, i t
JESSIE JfflPnnmiOifltaCftaKWPtfiSa'i
ZrgXt(XCf&GKXttftXX ft
1 Subscription
$l a Year
in Advance
Eight Pages
Home Print
,('-T H
,1 . i
City Ccuncll Procr.cdinis.
t a regular adjoin meeting of
he city council. Mayor CuMwcll pre
itlhi.;. Counciltnen ire.s.nt, Aiuack.
Mc rthur and Pulsipher.
Communication of I.. II. lilackleilgc
In regard to the case of ol instead Vs.
CHy was road.
Moved and .-econdcil that, case of
Ol instead vs. City be appealed to .su
premo court. Carried.
Moved and voomlod that I. II.
l'lackledgo W authoi iz.-d and in
structed to earrv case nf ll instead v-.
City to the Mipremc court ami that his
les beS.'iO. ("a mod.
Overcharge of l. II. ttiM mi water
rent refunded. S'J. Carried.
Application of Dr. Danicrcll and
others for extension of water mains to
rort part of town laid owr until next
llond of Clareneo Hood as pi ilioojudgo
Mayor appointed K. I'. Overman as
city attorney and Albert slnby as dav
Following committee appointed by
toa7or: Streets and alleys-, Pulsipher
and MoArthur: lights. Aniaelc and Mo
Arthur; water. I'nlsipher and MoAr
thur; supplies. McArthur.
Moved aud oarried that Miperiuteud
ent of collect all moneys due city itn
inediatclv; that if customer do not
pay said bills is authorized to shut oil'
lights and wator and begin suits for
Adjourned till Saturday night.
ase Sail ttfalnt.
The kcason will open Monday and
'lucsday, May IS and U. (Same called
at 3:30. Everybody come and help our
tcara fctart a successful season.
- -
Bectratka iay PrtJkraB.
On Sunday. Mny 21, nil fcoldiers and
nailorft of the ciyil and SpauUli-Ameri-can
wara and irembcrs of the Woniairts
Belief Corps Ave reque3ted to nteet at
the G. A. It. hall at 10 o'clock a. m.
From this place tney will march to the
opera house where union services will
bo held. The memorial oormon will
be delivered by ISev. ('. A. Wilson.
Music will be provided by the ISaptist
church choir. On ."Saturday. May :i(),
al comrades of the (!. A. 15.. the relief
corps, with all soldio f-f the Ameri
oan wars, will meet at the U. A. It.
hall at 1 o'eloclc p. m.
Lino of march oommanded by 1). I..
firoat will form on Webster .street, and
tuarch southwest to the cemetery. Do-tail-,
will be assigned the post com
mander and president the V. K. ('..
to decorate graves of comrades and
members of the relief corps. After
decorating graves the line ol march
will form a hollow square at the monu
ment to the unknown dead. There
will be held the exorcises of the relief
corp assisted by the children and comrade.-,
of the O. A. K. licnodiotion.
Columns will then march to speaker's
ntand where the following program
will bo given:
Invocation by llev. ( remnn.
Muhie by the lied Cloud band.
Song by the choir.
Recitation, Nita Argabright.
Flag drill by the children of the
public sohools.
Music by the choir.
Heading list of dead comrades by V.
N. Richardson.
Oration, Hon. .ludge Dungan of
Music by the choir.
Itv Order of Committee.
Base Ball.
Uig ball games Mondaj and Tues
day, May H and l'.. Hebron v.s. Red
Hex's This ?
Wo oiler one hundred dull ur reward
for any case of catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
V. J. Oiiknkv & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 1.1 .ear, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
hy his firm.
Wai.dino, Kinnan .v Mai;vj.n,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi
monials sent free. Price 7J cents per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pill for constipation.
Deaths and Funerals, I
y, W3WW.Y3lWWl5mi9WW.T&$M
Mrs. A. N. Walters.
Mr. .Valtersof itlue Hill, wife of A.
M. Walters, ex-county attorney, aud
mother of Mrs. W. C. l-'rahm and Carrol
Walters of this city, died Tuesday
evening at her homo in lilue Hill of
cancer. She was a member of the
Presbyterian church. She leau's a
husband, two s ms and one daughter
to mourn her loss.
Mrs. Nellie Rasser.
Nellie Robertson was born in
Webster county. July '!. lsTs- ami died
at her home in Amboy Tuesday night
at 11! o'elock. She was married to Kd
Rasser, jr., in Abril. I'.iO'J. She is an
old settlor of this county. The funeral
service will be ootid noted at the M. H.
church this Friday afternoon. She
loaves a husband. Kd. Rusher Jr.. a
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Sim
Robertson of this city; throe brothers.
Hugh, Reach and Will Robertson of
this city: and throe sisters. Mrs. ('has.
Reiglo of this city. Mrs. Will Kicrand
.Mrs. l'red Sleeper of Lincoln and other
relatives to mourn her loss.
Mrs. Sefthla Andersen.
Sophia Newhouso was born in Harpka,
Prussia, Uermany, Sept. U. I3l'. died
at her homo in this city. May l.", l'JOS.
Moved with her parents to Hartford,
Conn., in lr4. At the age of 10 she
was conllrmcd in the Lutheran church
of which organization she rcmrined a
member until her death In 1&7.1 she
came to Red Cloud with her husband
who died here Jan. 1. 1SS0. To this
union wore born three childreu, two
of whom survive her Christian Zeiss
of this city aud Mrs. Dora Langhoft'of
Hot Springs, Ark. In 1SS5 she was
united In marriage to Enmnuel Ander
son and moved on a farm near Cowlos
where she resided until Mr. Anderson's
death in 1900. To this union one child
was born Mrs. (irace Morgan of this
city. She also leaves two brothers, F.
Newhouso of this city and Henry New
house of Oakley, Iowa.
Mrs. Ander-son was the pioneer,1 tt-nmmi nf Wi'tOiv oollflt V. SIS-
'sisting her husband in the establish
ment of the "Roys Home, now the
Holland House. Death result d after
a liugering sickness of more than a
year from a complication of diseases.
The funeral will bo hold from the Con
gregational church Sunday afternoon
at". o'clock, Rev. Cressman conducting
the services.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postotHoe at Red Cloud, Nob.,
for th'j week ending May II, 1iK)S:
Otis Hughes, Daisy and Zoo Tyler.
These will l' sent to the dead letter
otlice May ".'nth 11)08, if uncalled for
before. When calling for above please
say "advertised."-
T. C. llAi'Ktm, Postmaster.
jrrXfjysAsJf'frrfArrfjrfff 'vAyvV 'vVsy'vVvV vr" ""Vf'MV
Camera Pleasures Last.
There's more enjoyment in a camera
than in anything oiso you oan got for
the same price, and its a pleasure that
lasts a long as you live. We handle
the Kodakthe one that makes pic
ture taking easy. Newhouso Rros.
Special Sale Boy's Knee Pants Suits.
Wi per cent discount on Roys Knee
pants suits. Odds and ends from last
season. All good durable suit. They
are bargains.
C'ii: K i.i: Cioiii. Co.
shale lino jour hoe Alien" Koot-nnhe.
iiuwiler. It tnremlrfil, HchliiK, onlloui. kat
Inc. umiIIl'ii 'cut A I hII ilniKKlkts mill slmo
mor-k '.!'. Sample KICEE. Atltlret-, Aliens.
OlniMcl. UK.N .
-- -
.11 ST I N- -A now lino of kodaks and
supplies fresh paper. Illms and plates
at Newhouso Rros.
Mr. amUMi's. Will Kizor and sou Ira
and lr. and Mrs. l'red Sleeper and
son Claud arrived from Lincoln
Wednesday night to attend the funeral
of Mrs. Rasser.
Miss Irene Minor entertained Chap
ter Y, P. K. ()., at her homo Tuesday
evening in honor of Mrs. Maud C, Har
rison of York, state, president, and
Mrs. Myra S rimes- of Rluc Hill, state
organizer. Mrs. Harrison and Mrs
Crimes came to Red Cloud to complete
arrangements for holding the state
convention hero in June. About one
hundred delegates are expected hero
June 17 and 18 whom the local chanter
Tepee Theatre
$5.oo Worth of Groceries Given Away
To the party holding thr; lucky Coupon at the Tepee Theatre
Monday, May 25th, at 9 O'Ctock j
Contest Starts Monday, 18th.
All persons buying tickets will get a Coupon and all Coupons must be in the house )
the night of the drawing. Try your luck and you may win. Remember McFarlr.-ul
furnishes the groceries and they are at the Tepee. S
See the Groceries on display Monday 3
F. Newhouse's
"""- s
Sale of India Linons.
My stock of India Linons is too large
and in order to reduce it will sell them
good chance to get good India Linon
cheap. Also have a nice line of stripes
and plaids in whites.
A nice line of Lawns and Dimities
from ioc to iSc yard.
Notion Specials for
Saturday Only.
Good brass pins, full count, 360 in
paper, regularly 10c, for Sat. only 5c.
Wire hair pins, 4 papers for 5c.
Pearl buttons, all sizes, 4c dozen.
Misses or ladies gauze vests, 3 for 25c.
Safety pins, ioc kind, for 5c.
Handbags, 75c and $1 grade, 50c.
Muslin Underwear Laces and Embroideries
In Muslin I'nderwear have a nice line
of Corset Covers at 30c, 45c, 50 and 70c.
Muslin Drawers at 25c, 45c and 60c.
Clowns at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25.
Skirts at 90c and up to $2.50.
Gauze Underwear
Ladies' Gauze L'nderwear in all sizes
in union suits and separate garments.
If you are in need of any gauze un
derwear inspect our line before buying
as you will be more than satisfied.
Embroidery 2 1-2 inches wide at c
per yard.
Embroidery 4 inches wide at ioc yd.
Corset Cover Embroidery at 25c yd.
And a large line of Swisses and All
Overs. Laces in endless widths and prices.
Look our line over before buying.
Umbrellas and Parasols
A good serviceable umbrella for chil
dren at 50c. Hla. k Cravnette covered
umbrella, 26-in. flounce at .$1.00, will
not turn rusty. Better grades than the
above at $1.25, 1.50, up to 2.75. Col
ored silk parasols with fancy borders
at $2.50.
All shades, in leather, at 50c.
In black silk have all shapes and
styles from 25c to 50c in sizes from 22
inches to 45.
Silk and Lisle Gloves in black and
tans, 2-button clasps, nothing better for
wear and retain their shane and color
at 50c. 1 2-button length in black,
white and grey, silk and lisle at $1.50. 1
16-button length in black, white and
navy blue in silk at $1.75. Chamois i
skin gloves in 16-button length at $2.50
A new and well selected line of
Prints and Percales:
Prints at 7c per yard.
Percales at 10 and 12-ic per yard.
Ginghams at 8;',c, ioc and i2-Ac yd.
Madras at iSc per yard.
V V'U " A
This month's )
Butterick Patterns i
10 and 15C none higher.
I will endeavor to entertain.