f t. c i - jW-r'j,;,,'""wHrY " " Ih Rival Organizations. The ii;in who lnul been keeping 111 teat in a Lexington avenue car, the seats of will It were well fK'i'tipluil by women, spoke nt laKt to the woman hanging on t a strap and who had been eying lilin Intently for hoiiic time. "1 know I ought to get up and let ynii have my seat, madam," he Hiild. "but I'm pledged against that sort of thing. I have Just Joined the 'Sit Still dub an organization we have formed in rinrlem, and If 1 should violate the solemn obligation I took when I be came a member of that Iwdy I should be expelled and held up to the oxoera llon of all other members." "That Is all right, sir," replied the woman. "You mustn't mind my look ing at yon so hard. I am a member of the 'Stand and Stare eiub.' " After which Hie continued to stand nnd Ktnre at him In such a fierce man ner that he dually got up. waved her into his neat and -.1 1. "I gucs I'll re I I'lgn from my lub and Ji'ln yours right now, inadam."- New York Press. A Thrcnc and a North Wind. Long had Custauis Vasa sought in rouse bis fellow countrymen, th" LEBANON (From the Argus ) Joe Dompsey writes us from Nnpo noe, Nobruskn, whore he traded for an eighty aero tract, that bo likes that part of the state very well. D. II. Ilobbs mid wife drove to (he Center, Sunday, to fco u brother, Dr. Charlio Hobba, who has been very biek. Ho is gottlng better and at this writing is able to sit up a pint of the time. Rov. J. (J. Kreig returned bonio Fri day from Indiana, where ho attended the funeral of bis fat Iter, wiio lived to a ripo old ngo of 8(5 jears, 1 months and 1(5 days. Lona Kstol, tlio I've year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mr..L 10. WelUor died Fiiday evening, Apiil t!i. Funeral Horviees wrro conducted from tlio house tlio Sunday following. Mrs. Milton Shields died at her homo near Stuart, Monday evening, aged TO years. Funeral services woro conducted from tho Stone church, Wednesday by Rev. A. L. Drtinimond i l I..., il... !.. '......... Iv..i.:.!i rvi.iii;E, .iuiiiiim ii" icmiiiiMir. i'.iiii.-ii ,, , i- ... ,. V.i.riu w.. ,.... ii. ofNoilcm. The family camo to Kan always be linked Itli that of th. mis thirty ago. The subject of this "blood bath" of Stockholm. P.ut the , notice was th- mother of quite a large brave CJustnvus found hi compatriot.- cowardly and slow. An outlaw him self, no voice i!i" raised hi the aseni- lily In his favcr. lie called epmi the. people to IlL'lit. but th.-y sat sullen j around him. !!ic'.!euly a cn'd w hut i rose from the uoith. and an old muii- , trynian cried. :! npprnws if the design!? f Va"a. fur -i ninth ul.i.l is always a happy pca-:e." These slm ple wo; Is aetcil W e magic. Th" nii'.i Hew to arm : .1 pra.ved CiMavus l lead them i-galn-' ihe Mane. In a few days he had ci" til an army lar;;e and brave en.ii --'i in g'.c battle t the formidable Mr ps of the king of Men mark. Victory ias theirs limn the family. County Commissioner Shields being one of tho number. BLOOMINGTON (From the Advocate.) ' Mr. and Mrs. Mis. Lolo Dunn, of Ash Grove, are the proud patents of a bov baby. I J Mr. and Mr-. Wobt. .Jones are feeling proud over the ai rival of a live pound baby girl ' bless theii home. ' Tlieie is now supposed to be no ' boo.e Bold between Wed Cloud and Arapahoe. What a diy strip that is first, and the capture of Stoc-k1-.ttm in unci how the snakes ou,ht to get in l.VJ", placed the crown of Swede i upon H.t. uork. Villa's head.- Pear-on's Weekly. I , , , , ., . , , .... ,, ,,r ( Ims. ( . Wrowu had to Kill one ot West Pointers on tlieBatlleficld. "is I!kbih.v work horses the lit.st. of One thing of win. b all Wet Pointer. the week because one of tho other felt proud was th brotherly love and horses kicked it in the leg and broke kindness shown In both sides to t'el- jt. low graduate v.ia.i taken prisoner ' M , . nJ u Gcor(.e ;ioilve. or when olhen No In dtstrcs. 1 have , . ,. . , r,i .- .- ,...,i ,.r ..-..v.,,,.... I.... land kept Hies burning m bis orchaid .i.... .... '..'... .' .. .i i.....' .. .'.... in hum olf .laek Frost. Ho has line iiitiL )a inn i (,-'hiii it nni umiiiiii; with a siiuadtoti .f cnuilry in the cle- pro'-peots and will try and sav gren of this piuu. ..ed ; his home near ittuphcll Monday. I ho funeral vi- held tho following b y, a large number of the ft lends of tho family being piescut from tMs p ue. The relatives liavo tl o sympathy of th entire community in tlieir wtd los. Public Outcry. State of Missouri, county oi Pike; To Whom it May Concern: The undersigned will, l'noiln, September 25)tli, A. D. lb 10, soil t public outcry, for cash on preniio-, where Coon creek crosses the Missouri road, the following chattel-, to wit: Nino yoke of oxen, with yoke and chaiir, two wagons with bed, three- nigor wenches, four buck niggers, : nigt,er boys, two prairie plows, 'J" st el trip-. 1 band pickled cabbage, 1 hogsheid of tobac co. 1 lot nigger hoes, l spinning wheel lcioiii, .'J fox hounds, a lot of coon, mink nnd skunk skins, and a lot of other articles. 'Am gwino l California. Wichaid Doe. filer. JOHN 1)010. Free headcheese, apples and hard eider at noon. Ilunmnsvilio Leader. Tho above is a samplo of a sale bill printed sixty-one years ago Wo aro permitted to reproduce it through tiie kindness of N. II. Peters.- Guide Rock Signal. Glic,thoctera of tho Revolution. As soon as a pioneer boy waa I ig enough to level a title he was given powder an I lull to shoot scpihrels. After a little practice he was required to bring hi as many squirrels as he had received charges under penalty or a severe lecture or e en of hiving his Jacket "tanned." At the auo of twelve L the Joy beanie a fort soldier, with' loephc l. a-'Hgi'cd him from which to light, whe.i the settlers rallied again t; : 1 1 1 Indian inrny. Crowing older, he' beceu'o a hunter of deer, elk. b.Ut.ilo ' and bear, .-killed in trailing ami In ' utilizing cover, capable of enduring ' long marches through trackless uiotiii- lain forests. At night he was content! to curl op in a single blanket be-ide a sir.::!! lire and sleep under the roof of j hea en. If it rained, In a few minute ! lie built him a Udu'o of bark or boughs with no implement but his one pound tomahawk. Incessant war with the Indians taught him to be his own gen- s line ,.nti( I,, l(. ,.Ver on the alert, to keep e the his head and shoot straight under tire. WRESTLING Tepee Theatre Tuesday Night May 12 datable count -y between Fairfax Courthouse and Alexandria he cap tured a picket of a similar commander under Tom Height nnd learned that the latter was taking breakfast In a farmhouse. Fit-, went In alone, found Tom at table with his back to the door, so he wis aide to get up to him and Hnp him on the back before saying, A good smudgo will keep oil" t Pitted again"! an enemy who gave no quarter, out tortured t lie living ami scalped the dead, he became himself :i Manch tighter who never surrendered. The wilderness bred men of iron. ft nit quite a hard freeze BLUE HILL. (From the Loader) Thos. McCluro i- having an addition built to tho wet-t side of his liorso barn. An olllce will bo arranged in "I think, Tom, you might have put out iho frout of the addition which will one picket." They tool: breakfast to . i)U occupied bv Dr. Asher. i ... ..I " GEORGE gether, and then Fltz ent an ecort bi conduct hhu to the Federal lines and bring back Ids horse, having of 'course llrst paroled him. This was to huvc him from l.lliby prison.- CJeneral S. W. Ferguson in Metropolitan Magazine. Albert Henry is preiaiing to have a house built on his eighty aero farm uorlli of tho old Waterman place. It will bo a two-story houso of good sizo and will make a comfortable icsidonce. Tlir. rniiitiirTi.tiiiint )i old Imliv nf Champagne Ccrlts. mf , .. .... .., ..',.. Champagne corks are made of tie- "" " .-.j. very tlnest C.ilah.uia corkwood. When 'I'M Mine one nan suiieroci a .se.ero the tree of that v.ood is planted, thirty attack ol whooping congli, and liioii years niUbt clause before It becomes lit . contracted tonsilili-. which in its for the first stripping of the bark, and ' weakened condition it was unable to even the!) the cork H of no use, being1 withstand. Funeral services were much I. o.mrse. ,f(er eight years h(j(1 ftt tp(. i,0H. Wednesday iuuiv it . i ini ci ;" arrives, our imr. TiC:iin Is of but lloo,. nnalitv. and 4i!ub!; TCfiH nio'ie. maki'ig forty-six j years In all, uuist pass beiore alter- II Hill. it- iii(i grower can reap any material lneflt from the tree. Then, again, the great eat care is necessary for the manufac ture of the best champagne corks be cause should they lie defective in slz.e and shnpe the quality of the wine will suffer. For that reafon they are not made by machinery, like tho ordinary cork, but are cut by hand, as flucr work can lx done that way.-Phlladel phla Ledger. Mazarin and His Picture. Perhaps no more ardent lover of pie tares ever lived than Cardinal Mnzailu. minister of the regency dining tho mi nority or I.oul:? XIV. Helng told that he had but two months to live, he was GUIDE ROCK. (From the Signal.) l.S. Largent and sou, Ciulos ex pect to drive their stock overhaul to Texas in July fund build a barn ou their now fai in. Ho will then return and after tho crop hero is harvested the rest of tho family will go down, shipping the household goods by froight. Mr. Largent reports that tho Vance boys are there working like beawrs and that they sent their re gards to all inquiring friends. M. Neal, tho pool-hall man sold hia outllt to Green Hros., of liluo Hill, and then decamped leaving several credit ors holding the Mick. His family is The Churchyard Yew's Secret. "Why are yew tree.? founl in teaie terles oniyV" sale.) a forest';!-. "Why, all over the world saving here, Ai i-e they don't exist -do you find in ceme teries great jews of Immemorial age? AntlquareM have tried to attach ouie druldlc significance to the matter. Yews grow in churchyards ami nowhere else; hence they were Baaed tc the dead hi the time of the Druids, :?iid It was as erroneous to plant them In your gar den as to plant tombstones there. I have exploded that superstition. On a walking lour of Fngland one summer I asked eery farmer I met why he had io ,Ltv,s on his place. The auswei was alwaja the same: 'Do you thin'; I want to Ii my cattle?' or 'Had one. ''tit, '.'tit it down, The heiustles, t t'Ut.l and jew leaves Is poison to the beast- ic:3.: Yes, thai Is tho secret or Hie J churchyard yew. It grows only hi cemeteries because the farmers M( destroyed It e cry where else, Its leaves being injiiilous to live stock."- New Orleans Times-Democrat. GION AURORA, NEBR., Champion M,d21:vcight of tlu: N. W VERSUS CH7SS- BL6CHK TABLE ROCK, NEBR., Champion Bohemian Middle weight. This match will be wrestled catth-as-catch can style, t o falls out of three. The men arc very evenly matched and the people of Red Cloud will never have an opportunity of witnessing a better contest. This contest will be entirely free from unnecessary roughness, arri all who attend may bt assured of a fast, clean exhibition THE MOVING PIC TURES WILL BE RUN, COMMENCING AT 7:30. Ladies Especially Invited Tickets on sale at the Tepee Admission 50c and SKftS ennn fiftm cium Irt lt lnlw..n.v .....1 .imKntntr , 1Mu.rtl ...' '' I Ml ". The now proprietors aro in - " .........(, nit h.i- lery, pointing to his pleturcp, exclaim lug: "Must 1 quit all these? Look at that Correggl; this 'Veipis' of Titian; that Incomparable 'Deluge' of Cnracci! Farewell, dear pictures, that I have loved ko dearly and that cost me so much!" Exaggerated. Among the, begging letters recently received at the olllre of a benevolent society was one running thus: "This unfortunate young man is the only son of a widow who died child loss, and- his earnings maintain his ag-'vl father nnd Infant brothers, whose solo hupport he is," The secretary of the hoelety wrote ou the margin of the epistle the following note: "The circumstances of the case are evidently exaggerated." London Taller. "I cantiot understand why a man's wife Is called his 'better half.' " "You would If you had to divide your salary with one!" chaige. SUPERIOR i From the Journal) Mrs. Win. Lloyd is sick with tonsiii tis. Mrs. .1. 1). liailar went to (Joueva this morning, called thoir by tin accb dont to her mother, who fell and broke her arm. Ed Lavalleo was down town this morning for the first time since Satur day, being confined to his homo on ac count of a sprained ankle. Miss Mae Smith and Mr. Rock Groves, both of this city, wojo united in marriage yesterday morning by Rev. C. W. Fye. m BLADEN (From tho Enterprise.) Horn to Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph Streit south of town Wednesday of last week, a line boy. Cluis. Lindgron, father of X). L. Lin- Tho Sneezing Prayer, The custom of following a sneeze with a pra.er goes so far back Into the past It Is next to impossible to suy when It actually began. According toStrada, the custom originated among the As syrians, who. through nn opinion of the danger that attended It, after the act of sneezing made a short prayer to the gods. The Itomans after mice. Ing cried out, "Jupiter, help me!" The custom is mentioned by Homer, the early Jewish writers and others and Is found among many savage tribes. The Original New Zealanders. The original Now Zealanders were known as the most ferocloim cannibals and the most warlike savages. They were big, gaunt fellows, of Immense muscular roree and great sagacity. These savage New ealanders, though they ate Ihelr enemies. Interred their o.wn dead, and they believed that the thhd day after burial the heart sepa rated Itself from the corpse and was carried to the clouds by an attendant spirit. The Ills Wo Are Heir To. There are three modes of bearing the ills of life namely, by Indifference, which Is the most common; by philos ophy, which Is the most ostentatious, and by religion, which Is the most ef fectual. New York PreBs. 150 Real Estate Transfers. , p For the week ending Tuesday. ,jy ; .", furnished by the. cort Abstract Cv, L. II. Fort, Manager, Edwiu E Rogers to A U Raker, ! lots 1,2,3, WltcSO, Hlue Hill, Adm ilc-eAl Ucnlty Taylor et al to A. D. link er, lois 1, 2, 3, Ulk 20, II. H. qcd L E Tait to L II Rust, lots 17. 18 lllk LI, S. & M. add to Red Cloud, wd Edward P Kellogg to Martha M. Fox, pt w2 swl, 35-2-1 1, wd. . . James Witt to Anna Rent, lot 2, Rile (i, Sweezy's add to Hlue Hill, wd 700 510 $ 16SU Tactful, ('harming Hostess (to dyspeptic guest who has been refusing dish after dish) I am so distressed. You've had no dinner at all. (Itiest Thank you, hut I have to be very particular about my food. Punch. Mortgages filed, S10010. Mortgages released, $tJ71 1. Mrs. Sabra Baker. Mrs. Sabra Raker aged 5 years, an old settler of Jewell county, Kansas, died nt her home in that county May 1st. Rev. Hummel preached the funer al hcrviceand interment was. made in he Stone church cemetery near North Ilranch Saturday. She leaves a hus band to mourn her loss. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Till Kind You Have Always Bought &tffflt Bears tho Signattro o' fron't Buy Land nor Loan Money on Real Estate ill out gettiug one- of' Tee.'b n r-ect Abstracts o Title, 'like jiic-t and most reliable st of-t-'.'-act books in Webster to, .0 0 bond tiled aiidapproied. h pi scuts .six of ti.e lie-t li----ran co companies doing bui i w- in tlic state. L04NS MADE Ml CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. OFftcc tn Ovcrlng Bock. Phones: Bell 98, Farmers 36 Moderate Price lalumel Raking Powder tl.000.no ntll l rirn fat r aubttAnc juui(ouna In Jurioutlo .alumt.l I i I y A f . ; i rftf L I "s - I : i.i V