The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 08, 1908, Image 7

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l.)ing in Hint section of the. Unilul Stales i tiut luis do-no to bo kt.uVtt us
"J'he New -outhwe t," ooc-.nying about 2." thousand square miles of territory
4'j tho tinith western corner e Texas, is t ho "Panhandle."
U is n remarkable goeh'gieal formation sin oloviit"cl prairie. Its general
location is almost directly joi. Hi of western K msas and soirheastorii Colo
rid. Western Oklahoma lie- immediately east of if, and tlio hull of Okln
b.i.V3 western counties is identical in quality with the lands of tlio Pan
lini. die. I Oklahoma hinds however, woro government properly ami sub
.loot fo honiostcading and because of that fact, woro occupied by fnrmoi
nlii ,t as quickly as the;' become available. There is also a strip of Okluhnrui.
II .t : county, extending westward along tlio northern border of the Texas
l'-ii i . ntl e and tlio eastern oJge of New Mexico adjoins the Panhandle on the
w s' lioth of those regions are well settled for the sumo reason- they were
"id int to the homestead law--.
i. tro are no freo homC'etead government lands In Texas, and
lhi-.. t. ever ltuvo been. Te.v- camo into tho Union on a basis dill'ering fiotn
thi-l. v!' any other state. Tin- explains to quite a largo extent, why adjoining
slil-s have bciorno settled with farmers and others wliilo Texas has been
oMi ... 1,0(1 waiting for nn increa&od population and a consequent jinerensol'.in
tho duo of lauds olsewhore -.cmld cause the homeseeker toturn in thisdireo
ion !' r better landjand low ; rices. Settlements are begintiini: to dot all parts
of tfcv Panhandle. The of the old Panhandle into the new is
really ono of tho modern wi '.dors.
Wi-.go to the Punlr.mdlo country every
1 First and Third Tuesdays
Go with us and see for yourself
Red Cloud Investment Co.
Potter Block, Dp Stairs, Red Cloud.
I fl. HOLMES, Fresidont. J). J. MYERS, Vice-President.
A. B. SELLERS, Secretary and Treasurer
Oil Magnate Avers That He Bought
No Railroad Stock for Conspiracy
Purposes and Askj That He Be
Granted Damages.
SjIi Lake. May o. II. II. lingers
xjiriil l.imes Stillnin'n. named as defend
?jim with the Hurrlmau and other
vat loads hi the so-called merger suit
or Mi government, filed their answers
In li'H federal court hfie They, with
IS. il llariiiuun. Jacoj Schiff and olh
vrt, and the t'aton Pacific, Atchison,
To ..', a and Santa I-'e Southern Pa-
lie and otlioi luilroads are charged
v,i ': unlawful coii:piiae la attempt
ing 'o gala control of oilier railroads
imp 'Mra!ii and control commerce be
tw n the states. Mr Rogers maUes
u :- coping denial of every allegation
an I demand-, that the case against
hit i he dismissed because lie is not
n ifsldeui of the Call distiicl and
IhiMcfore not within the jurisdiction of
tli.. ililirl It., nlwtfi il. Ill'll ll 111
1.11 ' .111.1. ... .tVJ .1'J.t.J ... ... !. .
granted costs and damages for injury J
to his character by lea-cm of the al
legat inns made against him.
II.' denies thai he ia or ever was. a
iiu-iiiijer of any body oi' men who at-j
tempted to gain contiol and restrain
commerce and tratllr between the
:itni"s or that he evei bought Into
an. railroad to gain control, lie ad
mit that he bought heavily into the.
At' bison, Topeka and Santa l-'e, but
i,a.- that he did so purely as an In-vc-iiuenl.
even though the purchase
wn lieav enough In some cubes to ah-
i:oili half the stock, and there was not
llv -lightest intent to conspire or gain
oontiol to an unlawful end. Mr Roger.-,
gives as his belief, through Infor
mation ami observation, that no one
of the defendants in the big merger
mill had any idea of creating a com
bine for the unlawful control of the
Kouihern Pacific. Ho denies acquaint
two with all deals made prior to Oct.
8, P.I01, the date he became a director
and before which time the government
claims thut all the attempts to gain
control were made. 9lnce that time,
lingers avers, neither he, Harrimau,
fitillmnn, Kuhn. Prick or V. A. Clarke
have made. In anyway an effort to got
contiol of the joail'. Similar admls
Himis and denials aro made concern
Ine the pure liases of Union Pacific
fttmd. through Kuhn, Loeb & Co and
Ui Oregon Short Line.
.lames Stilluutn, who-e answer was
nl-n filed, follows the lines laid down
bj Mr. Rogers, admitting Investments
of money, but denying n monopolistic
rvoi oilier unlawful, purpose. Mr. Still-
man iji'iame a director of the liuon
Pacific Dec. U. PJ'jT.
Secures Release from Asylum Until
Case is Settled.
Poughkeepsle, X. V.. May 5. Tem
porarily, at least, Harry K. Thaw is
out of the Matleawan asylum for the
ci i initial insane. As a result of the
proceedings on the writ of habeas cor
pus: brought in an effort to have him
declared sane, lie will remain In
Dutchess (ouuty jail until the final de
cision on the writ is bunded down.
The formal liaiing in the cas will
come before the supreme court here
n'xt Monday. The adjournment was
taken upon the request of a represent
ative or the district attorney of Xew
Yoil, county to give District Attorney
.leioni' an opportunity to appear in
person to oppose Thaw's release from
thf asylum. In the meantime Thaw
will leiiialn In tin county jail here in
stead of being vi turned to Matteawan.
Thaw appealed to be in excellent
health, having gained fully twenty
pounds in weight since his tiansfcr to
the asylum lioin the Tombs.
One ol the interesting features of
the proceedings was an announcement
that Evelyn Xe-blt Thaw, although
fehr- has In ought suit for annulment of
hei niiUilage. will appear if necossaiy
as a witness in lur husband's behalf
Battleships Leave Santa Cruz for San
Santa Cruz, C'al., May 3.- The Atlan
tic battleship licet was united once
more when the bliips of the second
squadron ai rived from Monterey and
the flotilla of six destroyers joined It
from San Pedro, the latter after one
of the itormleat voyages of the cruise.
The second squadron, headed' by the
Alabama, flying the flag of Rear Adail
ray Sperry, came across Monterey
hay. ai rising at 5:30 p. ni yesterday.
The flotilla came In at 1:30 Admiral
Thomas moved from the Connecticut
to the Minnesota. The Connecticut
will proceed to Monterey and take on
board Admiral Evans, who returns to
resume command of the fleet. Xo
ceiemoniei whatever will attend the
retain of Rear Admiral Evans.
The fleet will sail for San Francisco
this afternoon, arriving off the light
ship at the entrance about 0 p. m.
The will anchor there until the morn-ing.
D'emarest Is Amateur unampion.
Xcw York, May !. Calvin Demurest
of Chicago won the international ama
teur billiard championship by defeat
Ing Luclen Iterolle, tho five-time ama
teur champion of France, by a scoro
of -ton to 210.
Railroads Seeking Aid of tlccincs:
Men Meet Dilemma.
York, Xeb., May J. Tho omphtv
of the Chicago and Xoitliwctern tall
fend o this city, who c!'".,.'','"., i p".
tttlon to be eigneii by ijtis.n..' m.' ' '
shippers and citizens of or!; and Yoik1
county, n3king for a lot-up In a".'!
tailroad legislation and that no more
petitions bo made for lower freight
jatcs on the ground that It meant a re
duction of salaries to employ , di I
not meet with the reception nej- se
cure the number or signatures the otll
cials of th" i.iilrond hoped it . mid
get. The ropiovMitntivo of th" com
pany was asked to change tit word
ing of the petition and lure li read,
"that If the present tatea b" main
tained tlt' railroad company iiicr.'i ..
tho wagoo of all employe- :u lea-: u't
per cent,'' and he win pronibed that
if tills was done the petition wouhl be
It is under.-iood the iniltoad com
panics hae employes in every ci'.
and town in Xebink.i circulating pe
titions of this kind, hopiuj; in haw
inlluem with tho state rallioad com
m'sslon and protinbly to he used when
the lieu Xcbia.-ka legislature con
Former Residents of Nebraska Give
Tourists a Picnic at Long Bench.
Long liencii. ( ..!., May 1. -Altno-t L'.
I'O'i toiniei residents of Xcbi.isl.a t,aili.
led lu Long l.eac-h lor tlio annual pic
nic of the Nebraska s.'.ilety of Los An
geles. The I eat ui e of the occasion
was the isit if (iov um Sheldon. Ids
staif and a hi--, part from thai Hat".
A meeting was held in the Auditoiiuiu
immediately after th arrival ul the
distinguish'-d visitors, at which ininici
oils speaker temted Nebraska and the
-t!ite of their adoption, California, ami
diowcred greetings on Governor Shel
don and ills olliciali'.
The reception and e.xerc Lies w.-re
conducted by Judge W. H. Mollis of
Lo; Angeles, piesldeiif of the societ,
and M. M. Daidson. secretary. Ad
dresses v.vre delivered by Mcjsu.
Rlcliardson, Smyzer, Luddeii, Senator
McKesson and (iovcinor Sheldon. A
quartet of women lioin the Long
IJeach Xebiasha society sanz scouli
"Surprise" Tests on Harriman Lines
Prove That They Are Alert.
Omaha, May -i.- summary of tlio
results of surprise tests" cm the lines
of Ihe Pulon Pacific and Southern Pa
cific railioads for tiie mouth of March
shows an efficiency of 1)8.8 for the en
ginenien. During the month 1,'J3S tests
were made.
The "surprise tests" consist of flash
ing all kinds of signals upon unsus
pecting cnglnemen. At downs of
places, at all times or the day and'
night, th" tests are made. They must
ho obeyed absolutely, else severe dis
cipline is meted out. Running past a
danger signal means dismissal for the
culpiit. In the Mauli tests the small
number of violations, amounting to
about 1 per cent, were not of tlm
kind that might have caused sciioiis
Site Selected for Warehouse and Work
Will Begin at Once.
Omaha, May (.Arrangements were
completed by Cliailes 11. King, hanker
and promoter of the wool market of
Omaha, for a location for the (
storage house ;md work will begin to
morrow on a house 100n3iio feet, with
a capacity of Hii.OOO.ouO pounds, half
way between Omaha and South Oma
ha, and accessible to all the railroads.
The fiist "-casein's clip, which is ai
leady being sheared, will be stored in
Omaha, four lailroads and the Com
mercial dub of Omaha asking Hie in
terstate coinmeicc commission to
giant special permission to put the
wool rates in force May 5, instead of
Ma 127.
Protest on Rate Reduction.
Lincoln. May J. Representatives of
lailioad labor organizations have beeu
holding conferences In this city dur
ing tiie week and concluded their
woik. The meeting had to do with
wage scales, and a protest will be
made to the state railroad commission
against any further reduction in rall
ioad rates, because the loss wdll event
ually fall on the employes
Hotel Clerk Tries Suicide,
lleatrice, Xeb., May L'. John Kerr,
employed for the last thiee months as
night clerk at the Paddoek hotel here,
attempted suicide by shooting himself
behind the left ear and is ling in
the sanitarium with slim hopes held
out for his recovery. Domestic trou
ble Is supposed to have been the In-
rnnllvn for tlli ml nc K'oi f 11 II . t 111 -5
'" ' " "'" " , "I
wife had separated but a lew weeks
aso and since the separation Kerr has
appeaieci morose.
Burglars Busy at Weston.
Weston, Xeb.. May 'j Jlurglnrs
broke into the safes of the Weston
fVSRin and Stock company, and the Chi-
cT.go uitimor company. From trio lat
ter place they got nbout $2o. A cash
ier'i check for $100. iccejvoil too late
for banking, was lelt uiitoii'hed They
made tlu-r escape.
$5,400 Verdict for Mr 3. Bond.
Lincoln, Ma J -A jury in th. fed
eral conn has awarded Mm. Rebecca
Bos 1 ?" loo in her milt agiilti-i Hoi
i; ii.i feuiuteii of NYhi.isiiii lll.v, ii'
a In. ' saloon sh'. :.1t"j l 1 hat her l.r...
hand. Frank lloml, Jid Icon tnado mi
hnbilUitl dittukard.
Almost Half Million Dollars in Hands
of the Treasurer.
Lincoln, May L'.-The report of Stale
Treasurer Milan for tin month of
Aptll .shows a habitue on hand of
$'..!7 in all funds, o" which all
but ?1 I ,:!m .lp h cm deport in state
depositor banks. The balance on
hand Apiil I was $M0,lf.;'...1S. The re
ri Ipti during Hie mouth wcie ?ISU,
!." '5..". I, and the ilMiursenicnts amount
ed lo $.-i07,"i:i.'j.1. The largest balance
in any fund U $:SH;.7;!I OH. In the torn
poiaiy school tund. This fund will
be dlsbuised the latter pint of May
for the Mippoil of school districts
throughout the state. The receipts
from Hie 1 mill levy for the redenip
Hon of .state warrants wcw S2J,tillt..i.'.
and the payments, $1,7!.I7. At the be
ginning of the month the miiIiuis state
institutions hud oil deposit in Hie stale
tre.i-.ui as cash fund, $!.7!S.'J' Dur
ing the moiuli $r,,sj:i.iii wa- added to
tliii ami $l,::3iir. iliiiwn out h
aiii.n insiituti'iii ., leasing a balance
of $l:.7.i!)SS7.
The sl.ite now lia- $s,n!i!i.:iss.ii.i in
vested i.i interest healing secuiltles,
of which $7,l:i::.(iK7..VJ is in bonds and
$l,1i-).7no.ii is lu Nebraska win units
Nebraska Railroad Commission Pre-1
vents Issue of Street Railway Stock.
Lincoln, May ti. Hy ruling that the
Citizens' Street Railway company of J
Lincoln may not Issue additional stock
or pay any dividends on stock already j
issued until it puts more money into
the nlnnl in oncrntlon Ihe Xelimskn 1
railway eomr on takes jurisdiction
of the stock h ,u i of common caniers
of the state. The question is one of
great impoit to Nebraska citizens ami
1 oiporations.
Application has been made by the
company to add to the stock issue,
which is $::3G.7r,..-)0. City Attorney
John M. Stewart tiled his objections
before the railway commissioner and
after a long hearing, the oichr was
promulgated. The hoaid holds no ad
ditional stock may be issued at pres
ent and that until Hie sum of J1J.UU0
is invested in the plant no lurther
dividends may be paid on the stock al
ready out. The company is ordered to
devote its lesources to payment of all
obligations outstanding March 31,11)08.
Kearney County Board Offers Fifteen
Hundred Dollars for His Arrest.
MInden, Xeb., May 5. The county
board offered $1,51)0 rewaid for the ar
rest or licit Taylor, who brutally as
saulted his slsters-ln-Iaw. The board
met in regular session and the offer
has the county treasury behind it.
Peail Taylor, who was most serious
ly Injured, is slightly better, though
there is little hope of her lecovcry.
She was able lo take two tablespoonsful
of milk, cme of the mosl encouraging
.symptoms, since .she has been con
stantly in convulsions ami suffering
I rum extreme neivousness She has
at no time been rational enough to
make an ante mortem statement.
When approaching consciousness, she
constantly calls tor her patents. Xo
further tiace has been found of Tay
lor. The seauh made at Atlanta
proved fruitless.
Coon Case May 25.
Lincoln, May .1 The tiial of Will
lam Coon, charged with manslaughter
for having run down ami killed .Nellie
5 Smith with his automobile, has
been set for May 'J.1. Coon is now nu
clei bond, Inning waived preliminary
hear Ing The killing of Miss Smith
has had aw elfect on automobile own
ers, the result being greuter care Is
eerclsed in running machines.
Burglars Carry Away Sixty Watches.
Omaha. May (J. Burglars hurled a
bucket through the Douglas street
Bhow window of the Muwhlnney &
Ryan jewelry store, at Fifteenth and
Douglas stieots, seized about sixty
watches valued at $000, and escaped.
The glass door at the Miller, Stewart
6 Beaton furniture store, at Sixteenth
and Howard streets, was also broken
hi, and the store ransacked, hut the
burglars secured nothing there.
Lnkewood, X. I , May 5. Former
Piesldent fiiover Cleveland continues
steadily to recover from an attack of
digestive Double, which has prevented
him from leturning to his Princeton
home. All repot ts from Hie Lakewood
hotel weio to the effect Hint he con
tinues to impiove and thai hi-, condi
tion is not alarming.
Ten Inches of Snow In Wyoming.
Cheyenne, May 5 About ten Inches
of snow has I alien here. Tlio precipi
tation Is general throughout, tho state
and is of yreat benefit lo the fanners.
Evidence In Case Reveals Methods of
Uncle Sam Oil Company,
TopcliM, May 0. II. M. Tucker, Jr.,
secretary tf the t'nclo Sam Oil com
pnn lincstel ?,mo when he entered
Into Ihe Publishers' Oil company,
whMi was Ititei c hanged to tho Uncle
Sam cc-'.npany. 7 tils testimony was
bio.iglit out under examination at
Tip !."'.' tiinl h"r op a chorgc of US;
Injr tiie malls to defraud. Tucker
nni.l that later he bought some stock.
Out of tlio dividends nnd sale of (dock,
lie said, lie ..'uoiiallv made $K,000.
He r'ald other n'ockhohlers nl.-o re
ceived itl.'einl.-t and had the opportu
nity to m.ii money by selling stock
win 11 it went up.
'fucker ti stilled about a $.",000,000
bond l-sue. Ho said lire issue wa.c
made mr Hie purpose of buying crude
oil at -lii cents a haired, refining it,
iiclliug it tit $1 a hitvicl, and thus raisin-:
$2:'.' 1 Vim) upon which to float the
$.'..'11111,(11 e bond ls.ue. The bonds did
not s,.ll id par The sale price was
marc 'J.'i cents on th" dollar nnd the
bid, 1111 0 In stock.
'"i": c.u.czl Tv.'t Pcrto Rlcan Soldiers
San .lunii, P. R., May li. 1 wo pre
ates of the Porto Rico provisional
iei;iiuent were idiot during 11 clash
between soldiers and the Insular po
Hie. One of Hie soldiers died later
and the other Is quite seriously wound
ei The light resulted from an at
I. mpt on the pnit of the puilre to quell
ii disturl iiuce.
Lawler Elected Mayor of tt. Pain.
St. Paul. May 'i.- -Daniel Lawler, the
Demoiiatlc uoinliiee tor mayor or SI.
Paul, was elected over Joseph McKih
bin tltepl by an estimated plurality
of about :i,0U0.
Pli.r Now
To the Pacific Const
Very low round trip rates com
mencing tTuuo 1st for attractive
const tours, only 5C0.C0; slightly
highor vie. Shasta Rotito unci
Puget Sound.
To Chicago and Edst
Itopublicnn Convention excur
sion tickets at low rates in June;
also .summer excursion rates in
connection with Convention unci
Summer Tourist rates to (astern
To Colorado and Rocky
Daily excursion rntos commenc
ing June 1st to Colorado, Utah,
Wyoming, Black Hills, Yellow
stone I'nrk; great Democratic
Convention at Denver in July.
Homcseekcra Ra.te9
First and third Tuesdays to the
West, including' tlio famous Big
Horn llusin and Velio, vstono
Valley, whore largo tracts of rich
irrigated lands tiro being opouod
for .settlement by tho govern
ment nnd by piiuito companies.
Write D. Clem Denver, Burling
ton Liindseekers' Information
lliircnti, Omaha; exce lent busi
ness openings in new growing
Write n brief description of
your proposed trip, and let us
advise you how to make it the
best way at the least cost.
.1. F. Edwards Ticket Agent.
. Wnkoley, G. P. .., Omaha, Neb.
L. W
Ely's Cream Balm
Suro to Civo Satisfaction.
It clcMiiiscH, soothes, heals and protects tin
ilNeiHeil membranes resulting from Catarrh
and drives away a Cold iu the Head quicklv.
Restores tho Senses of Tasto and Sinoil.
Knsy to use. Contiiins no injurious drugs
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed.
Largo Size, fit) cents at Druggists or by
111:11!. Liquid, Crc.ira Biilm for uso io
ntomizors, 75 coats. ,
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. New York.